A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | What's New
Name/Abstract | File no. |
Ole Mattiason Aarseth: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000073 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Abbott-Northwestern Hospital: An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection | sv000247 |
Photographs of exterior and interior views of hospital buildings and annexes, administrative and medical staff and their work in the hospital, adult, child and infant patient care, and nurses' training programs. Northwestern Hospital (founded 1882), Abbott Hospital (founded 1902) and Sister Kenny Institute (founded 1942) merged in the 1970s to form the Abbott-Northwestern Hospital Corporation, Minneapolis, Minn. | |
Accountancy Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02480 |
The minutes record the names of applicants for the certified public accountant examination or re-examination and whether they passed or failed, financial statements, the board's recommendations on legislation, and its actions on cancellation and revocation of certificates, complaints made to the board, and revisions of rules and regulations. A copy of the law establishing the board is found at the beginning of the first volume. | |
Accountancy Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | acc01 |
Annual (1909-1956) and biennial (1958-1980) reports;
most containing a summary statement of receipts and disbursements, a list of certified public accountant certificates issued in the past year, and comments on the board’s activities and on pending legislation. |
Accountancy Board: An Inventory of Its Registers of Certified Public Accountants | gr03281 |
List application number, data, name, business address, certificate number, date issued, and sometimes other data. Also includes a list of certified public accountants, nos. 1-1496 (1980-1981). | |
Action for Corporate Accountability: An Inventory of Its Records | 00374 |
Records encompassing the organization's activities on the infant formula issue and the Nestle boycott. These records document infant formula promotion and "bottle baby disease" through photographs, examples of packaging, advertisements, point of sale promotions, hospital visits and staff interviews, and parent interviews. | |
Ellen Louise Adams: An Inventory of Her Family Portrait and Photograph Collection | sv000246 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Adams Family Mining Companies: An Inventory of Its Records | 00493 |
Correspondence, legal papers, exploration reports, minutes, stock records, and tax and other financial records related to Cuyler Adams, his son Robert M. Adams, and to the family's mining, land, and development companies in northern Minnesota and elsewhere. | |
Arthur T. Adams: An Inventory of His Stereo Views | sv000013 |
Includes stereo views of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Views of parks, buildings, residential areas, the Soldiers Home, Fort Snelling, and the Mississippi River are included. Most images are identified, though several represent unknown locations and people. Also included are portraits of the photographer, his wife, and his child. | |
Moses N. Adams: An Inventory of His Papers | P1459 |
Although the bulk of the collection documents Adams' duties and experiences as U.S. Indian agent to the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota on the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation, Dakota Territory (1871-1875), the papers also highlight his years as a Presbyterian missionary at Lac Qui Parle (1848-1853) and in home mission work in Nicollet County (1853-1860), both in Minnesota Territory; as American Bible Society agent for Minnesota (1860-1869), U.S. Army chaplain at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory (1876-1879), and missionary on the Lake Traverse Reservation (1886-1892); and in retirement in St. Paul (1892-1902). | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01321 |
The annual and biennial reports of the Adjutant General contain extensive information on military events involving Minnesotans from territorial days on. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Armory Records | gr00915 |
Specifications, blueprints and drawings, correspondence, and background information on construction of and/or alterations to the armories in Aitkin, Albert Lea, Benson, Brainerd, Dawson, Duluth, Eveleth, Jackson, Milaca, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Moorhead, Redwood Falls, Tracy, Virginia, White Bear Lake, Windom, Worthington, and Zumbrota. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Civil War Pension Files of Pension Agent Charles J. Stees | gr00893 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of the Compiled Rosters of Minnesota Civil War Regiments | gr02560 |
Two separate sets of compilations (approximately 1865 and approximately
1915) of service information on individuals who served in Minnesota regiments during the Civil War. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00871 |
Correspondence documenting the activities of the adjutant general's office, particularly relating to pensions and bonuses, relations with the U. S. War Department, graves registration, and service records. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Indian War Pension Files | adjg010 |
Application files for pensions submitted by military veterans of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, by others who rendered aid and suffered disabling injuries, and by their widows. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Indian War Miscellaneous Pension Records | adjg028 |
Pension ledgers (1906-1947), warrant register
(1924-1947), and letters sent (1905-1913) and received (1905-1911). All document pension payments made to Indian War (1862 Dakota Conflict) veterans, their widows, nurses or cooks, and veterans’ estates. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Mexican Border Service Payrolls | adjg025 |
Payrolls recording the fifty-cent per day bonus
granted Minnesota National Guard unit members who served on Mexican border patrol from June 30, 1916 through March 1917. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Military Service Record Cards | sam001 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Military Service Records, Civil and U.S.-Dakota Wars | gr00667 |
Service data on Minnesota soldiers who served during the Civil and U.S.-Dakota wars. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of the Military Service Records, Dakota Conflict | adjg022 |
Records documenting the role of citizen militia and
home guard units during the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Military Records | adjg027 |
Assorted documents created by or for military personnel or their spouses, including discharge certificates, pension certificates and supporting materials, and commissions issued to officers for service between 1862 and ca. 1907. The military service of these individuals was not limited to Minnesota units. It is not clear why some of these documents were held by the Adjutant General; it may have been that the office was merely the records custodian for the filing of such items. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Orders and Circulars | gr00668 |
An incomplete set of numbered general and special orders concerning maneuvers, awards, appointments, and miscellaneous affairs of the Adjutant General's office and the Minnesota National Guard. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Pension Registers and Indexes | gr00914 |
Registers of pension claims filed by veterans of military service, or their dependents, who resided in Minnesota at the time the claim was made. The entries are mainly for veterans of the Mexican War (1848), the Civil War, and the Spanish-American War; however, some claims from World Wars I and II are also included. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of the Quartermaster Records of Captain Norman K. Culver, Company B, Fifth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry | adjg029 |
Documents kept by Captain Culver, primarily while
Company B was stationed at Fort Ridgely (March-December 1862). |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of the Records of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry | adjg006 |
A descriptive book, morning reports, orders, a
letterbook, post guard reports, proceedings of the regimental council, medical records, and miscellaneous reports of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Records of the Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry | gr02315 |
Includes two lists of clothing issued (May and November 1863) by Quartermaster Lieutenant S. DeWitte Parsons of Company D, Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, to company commander Captain John Moulton; voucher no. 6 concerning condemned garrison equipage (March 1863) issued by Captain John Moulton; an invoice for snare drum and drumsticks (January 1864) issued by Lt. Minor C. Humston, Fourth Kentucky Regiment quartermaster, transferring the equipment to Captain John Moulton; a list of articles of clothing issued by Captain John Moulton (June 30, 1863); and a monthly return of clothing, camp and garrison equipage received and issued by Captain John Moulton (April 1864). | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Spanish-American War Muster Rolls and Related Records | gr00769 |
Incomplete sets of muster-in- and muster-out-rolls for the four Minnesota regiments that served in the Spanish-American War. Also, scattered field returns, which provide counts of the numbers of officers and men in various statuses in each company, and casualty returns for the 13th Regiment. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Spanish-American War Veterans Relief Payment Records | gr00474 |
Records of this relief program administered by the
Adjutant General as a member of the Spanish War Veteran's Relief Board. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Spanish-American War Veterans Unpaid Relief Applications | gr02373 |
Spanish-American War veterans unpaid relief applications. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its World War I Bonus Files and Index | gr00401 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its World War I Disallowed Bonus Files | gr00056 |
Applications, proof of military service, proof of residency, and related background data for Minnesota veterans of World War I whose applications for military service bonus payments were denied. | |
Adjutant General: Air Force Reserve: An Inventory of Its 934th Airlift Wing Records | gr01995 |
Historical reports dated 1960-1969, Carrier Courier newsletter dated 1966-1978, and Viking Flyer newsletter dated 1980-2008. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr00859 |
Records documenting the activities and duties of the National Guard, including clothing and supplies, personnel, instruction, equipment and ordnance, court martial, enlistment, unit establishment and name changes, expeditions, finances, pensions, history, injuries and deaths, officer examinations, officer rosters, World War I casualties, U. S. Military Code, and relationship with the U. S. War Department. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Subject Files | gr00860 |
Letters and related material covering all aspects of the administration and duties of the National Guard. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Encampment and Facilities Files | gr00861 |
Records of encampments held in various locations around the state for National Guard units to drill, train, and have shooting competitions and field inspections. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Home Guard Records | gr00862 |
Enlistment papers and oaths of office for each soldier and administrative files. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Inspection Rolls and Reports | gr00863 |
Various reports and rolls kept by the National Guard documenting personnel, supplies, equipment, movement, drills and parades, and field inspections. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Motor Corps Records | gr00864 |
Enlistment papers and oaths of office for each soldier serving in this auxiliary division of the National Guard, a uniformed, armed military body of business and professional men who used their own motor vehicles for any duty on which the state saw fit to call them. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Muster Rolls | gr00865 |
Compilations of service information on individuals who served in guard and militia regiments. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Ordnance and Supplies Reports | gr00866 |
Returns, reports, inventories, and correspondence documenting ordnance, clothing, equipment, quartermaster supplies, and other property supplied by the state to the various militia and guard units. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00867 |
Reports, circulars, bulletins, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the guard. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its State Guard Records | gr00868 |
Records relating to 1942 exercise operations in the Duluth area, riot duty formations, coastal artillery, strength of the Minnesota defense force, the 4th Infantry, and the service of Donald E. Bain. | |
Adjutant General: National Guard: An Inventory of Its Unit Records | gr00869 |
Correspondence, constitutions, bylaws, inspection reports, orders, rosters, morning reports, enlistment papers, inventories, muster rolls, and related papers documenting the activities of the individual guard units. | |
Adjutant General: Naval Militia: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00870 |
Correspondence (1899-1936), subject files (1895-1937), and voucher registers (1910-1924) of Minnesota's naval militia. | |
Adjutant General: Tuition Department: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr02402 |
Circular and form letters distributed by the department to the various schools (1919-1924), reports, brochures, and related papers (1919-1924), monthly balance sheets (June-July, October 1920 - September 1924), and a receipt and disbursement register (October 1919 - June 1922, May 1923 - September 1924). The latter covers all departmental administrative costs, including salaries, and tuition payments. | |
Adjutant General: Tuition Department: An Inventory of Its Tuition Records | adjg023 |
Numerical indexes, including such data as person's name, dollar amount of tuition, date issued, and institution attended. | |
Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Architectural Drawings on Aperture Cards | admin016 |
Aperture cards containing architectural drawings detailing construction and renovation on state-owned buildings at the Minnesota State Public School (Owatonna, Minnesota), Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children, and Rochester State Hospital and operated by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Included are elevations, plot plans, floor plans, mechanical and electrical drawings, as-builts, road plans, sewer and water systems plots, fooling plans, interior and electrical details, and site plans. Many of the drawings were produced by architects Clarence H. Johnston and Warren B. Dunnell. The cards may be viewed using a microfiche reader. | |
Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Drive to Excellence Program Records | gr00564 |
Record of this state government reform initiative (2005-2010) that focused on serving citizens better by increasing quality in government, increasing customer service in government and reducing costs in government. | |
Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Self-Survey Records | admin002 |
Reports and files of this comprehensive survey of the functions and operations of Minnesota state agencies and institutions. | |
Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01603 |
Reports, newsletters, manuals, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Administration Department. | |
Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Strike Planning Files | gr01408 |
Files created and used by staff at the Administration Department in preparation for labor strikes by state employees, and for a government shutdown in 2001. Strikes represented are the AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) strike of 1981 and the MAPE (Minnesota Association of Professional Employees) strike of 1999. Strike files include such items as meeting minutes of statewide strike committees, correspondence, planning files, background information, and other related records. | |
Administration Department. Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Allin (Kent) Files | admin022 |
Subject files of Assistant Commissioner Allin (1995-
). The files include correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, and other material regarding license plates, state colleges and universities, procurement, a senior drug program, and a statewide systems project. |
Administration Department. Assistant Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Files of James L. Pederson | admin012 |
Correspondence, budget and policy materials, reports,
memos, and other material documenting the activities of James L. Pederson, Deputy Commissioner (1973-1975), Assistant to the Commissioner (1976), and Assistant Commissioner, General Services Bureau/Property Management Bureau (1985-1991). |
Administration Department: Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Schroeder (Robert) Files | admin024 |
Files of Schroeder, Acting Commissioner (June-July
1993) and Assistant Commissioner (1993-1996). |
Administration Department: Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Files of Raymond B. Vecellio | admin007 |
Chronological and subject files dealing with a
variety of topics concerning the department's responsibility for the day to day
management of the executive branch of state government. |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Anderson (Debra Rae) Correspondence Files | admin025 |
Chronological files, of Commissioner Anderson (August 1993-1994). | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Badgerow (Dana B.) Correspondence Files | admin019 |
Chronological files, with indexes, of Commissioner Badgerow (1991 - May 1993; 2004- ). | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Files of Richard L. Brubacher | admin008 |
Chronological files of Commissioner Brubacher dealing with a variety of topics concerning the department's responsibility for the day to day management of the executive branch of state government. | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Fisher (David F.) Subject Files | admin023 |
Subject files of Commissioner Fisher (1999-2002)
mainly regarding relations with Governor Jesse Ventura’s office, including planning, an executive branch reorganization, a Ventura administration retreat, and bus trips. |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Hansen (Elaine) Correspondence Files | admin026 |
Chronological files, of Commissioner Hansen (1995 - June 1997). | |
Administration Department. Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Hiniker (James J.) and Hale (Sandra J.) Files. | gr00546 |
Files of Commissioners James J. Hiniker (1979-1983) and Sandra J. Hale (1983-1991). | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Naftalin (Arthur) Subject Files | admin021 |
Subject files of Commissioner Naftalin (1955-1960)
concerning federal/state relations, higher education, management improvement, reorganization of the state highway department, reorganization of state government (especially 1955, 1957, and 1959 legislation), and taxes and state budget. |
Administration Department: Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its State Capitol Grand Opening Files of Erin Campbell | gr01624 |
Records of Assistant Commissioner Erin Campbell who oversaw the planning and implementation of the State Capitol grand opening, and the celebration events that occurred August 11-13, 2017. Also includes a daily events program in Braille. | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Advisory Opinions | gr02506 |
Non-binding advisory opinions on issues related to data practices or the Open Meeting Law issued by the Commissioner of Administration. | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | admin004 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, manuals, and other materials relating to the operation of various state government departments, boards, and commissions; financial matters; legislation; state property; and other topics of interest to the Department of Administration. Topics for which the files are particularly extensive include budgets, building code and program, the State Capitol, civil service, state and community colleges, the Council of State Governments, the governors' office and committees, Highway Department, state owned institutions and land, legislation, Minnesota Supreme Court, and taxes. | |
Administration Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | admin020 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, manuals, and other
materials relating to the operation of various state government departments, boards, and commissions; financial matters; legislation; state property; and other topics of interest to the department. |
Administration Department: Deputy Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Jeff Zlonis | admin011 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, and related materials
kept by Zlonis during his service as deputy commissioner (1988-1993). |
Administration Department: Information Policy Advisory Task Force: An Inventory of Its Records | admin010 |
The Information Policy Advisory Task Force [IPATF]
first met on May 25, 1988. Its charge was to "help develop and coordinate a state information architecture that was consistent with the information management direction developed by the Information Policy Council, and make recommendations to the commissioner concerning the progress, direction, and needs of the state's information system." [Laws 1987 c404 sec80 subd4] |
Administration Department: Information Services Bureau: An Inventory of the Norbert A. Bohn Files | admin005 |
Files of Bohn, director, successively, of the
bureau's operations, administrative support, and applications services divisions, and member of the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) board of directors. |
Administration Department: Information Management Bureau: An Inventory of Its Directors' Chronological Correspondence | admin006 |
Chronological correspondence files of the following
divisional directors: James H. Alexander, Support Services Division (1979-1981), W. D. Donaldson, Consulting Services/Resource Management divisions (1985-1988), Richard (Dick) Kelly, Computer Operations Division (1985-1987), and Susan Rose, Information Systems Development Division (1985-1987). |
Administration Department: Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council: An Inventory of Its Committee Files | gr02726 |
Minutes of IISAC committees that dealt with specific program elements or projects. | |
Administration Department: Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council: An Inventory of Its Minutes of Council and Executive Committee | gr02727 |
Minutes and related agenda materials of the full IISAC and of its executive committee. | |
Administration Department: Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council: An Inventory of Its Printed Materials | gr02728 |
Council newsletters, numbered informational reports, and chronological plans, reports, and data processing manuals. | |
Administration Department: Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02729 |
Correspondence, membership lists, grant records, and
subject files documenting the council's administration, programs, and affiliations. |
Administration Department: InterTechnologies Group: An Inventory of the Files of Leo V. Konz | intech01 |
Files of Leo V. Konz, director of the Business and
Information Services section of the Interagency Services Division of InterTechnologies Group (InterTech), documenting the various activities of the section. |
Administration Department: InterTechnologies Group: An Inventory of Its InterTech Records | gr00825 |
Records of the InterTechnologies Group (InterTech), the core computer operations organization for State of Minnesota agencies. | |
Administration Department: Land Management Information Center: An Inventory of Its Records | admin015 |
Records documenting the history, organization, and
activities of the Land Management Information Center [LMIC], including development and implementation of the Environmental Planning and Programming Language [EPPL] and Minnesota Land Management Information System [MLMIS]. |
Administration Department: Management Analysis Division: An Inventory of the Files of Future of Post-Secondary Education Commission | doa-mad02 |
Files of this commission to review all post-secondary educational institutions in Minnesota and formulate recommendations for the future. | |
Administration Department: Management Analysis Division: An Inventory of Its Licensing Board Biennial Reports | doa-mad03 |
Biennial report forms covering the operations of
health related and non-health related licensing boards. |
Administration Department: Plant Management Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | admin017 |
Correspondence and clippings on the use of the Fort
Snelling chapel; five architects’ and engineers’ reports on proposed renovation work for the state capitol building; four studies for a proposed state capitol solar energy system; and miscellaneous architectural drawings of the Ford Building, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul (1947-1950) and state capitol power plant (1932- 1955). |
Administration Department: Plant Management Division: An Inventory of Its State Office Building Drawings | admin018 |
Architectural and engineering plans and drawings, in
various media (linen tracings, bluelines, blueprints, sepias, blacklines, and paper prints), for the construction and subsequent electrical, mechanical, and remodeling work done on the State Office Building, located on Park Street west of the state Capitol building in St. Paul. |
Administration Department: Records Management Division: An Inventory of Its Director's Subject Files | admin013 |
Files relating to several space and facilities studies, data privacy matters, the state forms reduction program, office automation, records management and micrographics services provided to state agencies, and general procedures and management of the records management division. | |
Advocacy Center for Long-Term Care: An Inventory of Its Records | 00582 |
Records of the nation's first advocacy group run by and for nursing home residents, established in 1972 in Minneapolis. The collection includes annual reports, correspondence, financial records, minutes, newsletters and other publications, subject files, and legislative files. | |
Aerial Views of Twin Cities Area and Suburbs: An Inventory of a Photograph Collection | sv000281 |
Contact sheets and negatives highlighting aerial views of the Twin Cities area and suburbs. Images were mostly taken for commercial real estate developers via helicopter in the 1980s and 1990s. Majority of contact sheet images overlap with negative images. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Accident Records | gr01768 |
Mainly accident reports covering incidents involving small private aircraft. There are a few reports concerning larger aircraft. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Airport Master Plans | gr01774 |
Master plans for the construction or expansion of municipal airports in Minnesota. Plans were developed through the Airport Master Planning Grant administered by the state Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under the Planning Grant Program provided for in the Airport and Airway Act of 1970. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Civil Aeronautics Board Case Files | gr00258 |
Briefs, exhibits, decisions, responses,
correspondence, and related materials pertaining to the establishment and continuance of airline routes within Minnesota and between Minnesota and other states and cities, to proposals to change or discontinue service to various Minnesota cities and towns, and to proceedings dealing with foreign routes, particularly to London. |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Closed Commercial Operations Files | gr01779 |
Files on commercial operations no longer in business; closed by operator request or failure to renew the license or meet licensing requirements. Activities falling under the aegis of commercial operations include: aerial spraying and dusting, charter flights, aerial photography, flight and ground schools, seaplane base, aircraft rental, air ambulance, aircraft repair, and aircraft sales. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Closed Private Landing Fields Files | gr01777 |
Files on private landing fields no longer in operation; closed by operator request or failure to renew the license or meet licensing requirements. The files are predominantly correspondence regarding license expiration, renewal, fees, and inspections. There are some inspection reports, airport blueprints, and schematic drawings. Other topics covered include conditions for granting a license and operation of restricted landing areas. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Flying Schools and Aviation Education Program Files | gr01773 |
Flight instruction standards, regulations, and curriculum (1941-1951, 1960) and files maintained on Minnesota flying and ground schools (1944-1974). The records contain inspection forms, curricula, fees, pilot, instructor, and school licenses, student flight logs, and correspondence. They include files documenting serious investigations due to infractions or fraud and files concerning fees and accreditation for flight instruction to veterans. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its General Files | gr01778 |
Files maintained by the Aeronautics Department concerning aviation publications and associations, particularly the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, Minnesota Airport Operators Association, Minnesota State Bar Association Committee on Aeronautical Law, National Aeronautics Association, and Transportation Association of America. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Metropolitan Airports Commission Files | gr01770 |
Aeronautics commissioner's correspondence with Metropolitan Airports Commission personnel (1943-1965); files (1944-1950) on the selection of the site for a new major Minneapolis-St. Paul air terminal (Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport at Wold-Chamberlain Field); notes on MAC meetings (1946-1948); and miscellany regarding airport zoning regulations (1964-1965). | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Municipal Airports Files | gr01776 |
These files contain inspection forms and reports and licensing and management information for Minnesota municipal airports. There is also information on municipal and state funding for construction or improvement of airport facilities, correspondence, blueprints, maps, and schematic drawings. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its National Association of State Aviation Officials Files | gr01775 |
Records relating to this national organization, retained by George A. Holey, the department's Aviation Safety Representative. They include convention materials, regional board meeting files, correspondence, state policy and legislation files, and special bulletins. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Clippings | gr01780 |
News clippings on airports, other air facilities, and air service in Minnesota communities, on aviation topics of interest to the Aeronautics Department, and on the department's personnel and activities. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01769 |
Photographs and negatives recording Minnesota municipal airport sites, airplanes, buildings, landing strip construction, and dedications, conferences, and other events. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | aero04 |
Reports, airport directories, and miscellaneous print
and near-print items of or about the Aeronautics Department. |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Rules and Regulations | aero03 |
Rules and regulations concerning nearly every aspect
of aeronautics: from airport classification and structure to commercial and private licensing; from seaplanes to parachuting; and general air traffic rules to flight limitations. |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01649 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its WPA Airport Projects Files | gr01772 |
Records of a Works Progress Administration funded airport development project (1933-1934). The files include blueprints and schematic drawings for both proposed and partially constructed airports. There are also photographs of the sites and construction activities. Some files contain corresponding WPA paperwork and correspondence. | |
Aeronautics Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr01771 |
Correspondence and related records of the Commisioner's Office of the Department of Aeronautics. | |
Aerostat Society of America. Minnesota Balloon Division: An Inventory of Its Papers | 01317 |
Records documenting the scientific and technical aspects of stratospheric balloon research, as conducted by General Mills, Inc., and Winzen Research Inc., a Minneapolis-based balloon manufacturer led by Otto Winzen, whom also developed the aeronautical laboratories and proposed upper atmospheric research at General Mills. The collection contains flight plans, reports, proposals, data sheets, and photographs (undated and 1947-1965). The project was begun by General Mills in 1940 to research the use of balloons for military systems, fire control, and industrial precision instruments and equipment. Research was conducted by the Mechanical Division and Electronics Group of General Mills. The collection also includes: unidentified photographic albums and folders of balloon research; papers of Otto Winzen; and bylaws for the Aerostat Society of America, Minnesota Balloon Division (June 10, 1969). | |
AFL-CIO. Region 12: An Inventory of Its Records | 00315 |
Records of a Minnesota-based AFL-CIO regional office (1986-1997) that oversaw state federations and central labor councils in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota. Includes subject files, correspondence and memoranda, newspaper clippings, newsletters, annual reports, financial information, speeches, constitutions, minutes, and assorted printed material. | |
African American Registry (Minneapolis, Minn): An Inventory of Its records | 01531 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Aging Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | agbd01 |
Annual and related reports, plans, handbooks,
newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Aging Board. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Annual and Related Reports | gr00093 |
Annual reports, State Fair reports, and related reports documenting the activities of the society. | |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Century Farm Applications | gr00094 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01221 |
Posters, postcards, handbills, displayable items from scrapbooks, building specifications, a map, and other items pertaining to the Minnesota State Fair and fairgrounds. | |
Agriculture and Rural Life Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews | oh180 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Agricultural Chemical Response and Reimbursement Account Records | agric021 |
Records documenting the Agricultural Chemical Response and Reimbursement Account [ACRRA], a fund created by the 1989 Minnesota Groundwater Protection Act. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Biennial Reports | gr01616 |
Biennial reports of the Agriculture Department (1919-1929, 1961- ) and the Agriculture, Dairy and Food Department (1929-1961). Also scattered reports (1889-1924) of the State Dairy and Food Commission, which existed in parallel with the Agricultural Department until 1929. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Contested Hearings Files | agric002 |
Legal documents, transcripts of hearings, and facilitative correspondence relating to claims made against produce and livestock dealers that were contested by the dealers. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Dairy Trade Hearing and Docket Files | agric014 |
Hearing and docket files documenting the department’s role in regulating unfair trade practices in the dairy products industry, particularly the under pricing of products. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Dairy Trade Subject Files | agric015 |
Materials found in these files document legal actions involving dairy equipment, complaints, and legal actions. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Agricultural Land Preservation Program Records | agric022 |
Records of the Minnesota Agricultural Land Preservation Program, which administers the promotion and increase in public awareness of the need for agricultural land preservation and provides financial and technical assistance to local units of government preparing plans and official controls under the program. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | agric003 |
Outgoing letters of G. A. Vacha and Ben M. Zakariasen, the department's chief bacteriologist and chief chemist. | |
Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs by Richard Tretsven | gr01159 |
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Agriculture Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | agricpub |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Agriculture Department. | |
Agriculture Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00550 |
Correspondence created during the terms of commissioners Robert Carlson (1969-1970), Jon Wefald (1971-1977), Elton Redalen (1991-1995), and Gene Hugoson (1995- ). | |
Agriculture Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Environmental Quality Board Files | agric020 |
Files documenting the role of the commissioner (or his designated representative) as a member of the Environmental Quality Board [EQB]. | |
Agriculture Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Press Releases | gr00552 |
Press releases documenting the activities and events of the terms of commissioners Jon Wefald (1971-1977), William Walker (1978), Mark W. Seetin (1979-1982), Jim Nichols (1983-1990), Elton Redalen (1991-1995), and Gene Hugoson (1995- ). Chronological summary listings are filed at the front of the 1978-1985 folders. | |
Agriculture Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Speeches | agric016 |
Speeches and talking points/notes of commissioners Elton Redalen, 1991-1995, and Gene Hugoson, 1995-2001, and deputy commissioner Sharon Clark, 1996-2001, covering various aspects of the office’s duties and activities. | |
Agriculture Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00551 |
Mainly created during the terms of office of Elton Redalen (1991-1995) and Gene Hugoson (1995- ), the files deal with such diverse topics as finances, aquaculture, litigation, disasters, legislation, federal milk marketing orders, feedlots, and the state's dairy industry. | |
Agriculture Department: Family Farm Security Program: An Inventory of Its Corporate Farm Reports, Dissolved, Sold, or Inactive | gr00553 |
Files documenting farm corporations that have either been dissolved, sold, or gone inactive. | |
Agriculture Department: Feedlot and Manure Management Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Meeting Minutes and Agenda Packets | agric023 |
The minutes and agenda packets document the organization and activities of the committee and may include legislation, reports, correspondence, member lists, news releases, and newspaper articles. | |
Agriculture Department: Field Accounting and Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Cooperatives | agric013 |
Reports of audits of agricultural and related cooperatives, largely creameries and dairies. | |
Agriculture Department: Field Accounting and Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports and Records of Agricultural Promotional Organizations | agric001 |
Audit reports and financial statements of Minnesota promotional organizations for livestock, dairy products, wild rice, and field crops. | |
Agriculture Department: Field Accounting and Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports and Records of County Agricultural Societies | agric008 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of county agricultural societies, which organized the county fairs (1970-1983); and financial and related records collected by the Agriculture Department (1984- ). | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: An Inventory of Its Pest Reports and Bulletins | gr00738 |
Bulletins and circulars on pests and diseases of crops, nursery stock, and forest trees, particularly focusing on their life cycles, current prevalence and dangers, and control measures. Items prior to 1957 were issued by the Office of the State Entomologist; following 1957, they were credited to the Plant Industry Division only. | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: An Inventory of Its Shade Tree Disease Control Program Records | gr01763 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: State Entomologist: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01615 |
Reports of the Division of Plant Industry and Office of State Entomologist. Supplemented by typescript reports (incomplete) for 1904-1920. Also includes a biennial report of the Division of Insect Control, Nursery and Apiary Inspection (1940-1942). | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: State Entomologist: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01617 |
Correspondence, reports, circulars, and miscellany regarding the activities of the State Entomologist in nursery inspection and regulation, plant pest and disease control, grasshopper control, crop reports, and fruit culture. | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Protection Division: Biotechnology Program: An Inventory of Its Genetic Engineering Statutes and Administrative Rules Records | gr02619 |
Records of the biotechnology program concerning the establishment of Minnesota Statutes 18F and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4420 which concern the establishment of permits for the release of certain genetically engineered agriculturally related organisms to protect humans and the environment from the potential for significant adverse effects of those releases. | |
Agriculture Department: State-Federal Crop and Livestock Reporting Service: An Inventory of Its Press Releases | gr01514 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Agriculture Department: State-Federal Crop and Livestock Reporting Service: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr02679 |
The records include the serial publications Minnesota State Farm Census, Minnesota Annual Crop and Livestock Statistics, and Minnesota Agricultural Statistics; a variety of statistical publications on specific aspects of agricultural economy; and miscellaneous newsletters and pamphlets. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Nursing Home: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00095 |
Records of the Ah-Gwah-Ching Nursing Home, a state institution for geriatric patients located in Cass County near Walker, Minnesota. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Annual Inventory Classification | gr00109 |
Record of supplies and equipment inventoried by the sanatorium. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Farm Records | gr00103 |
Records kept by the head farmer, steward and/or the superintendent documenting all aspects of the Sanatorium's farming operations. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Employee Records | gr00107 |
Staff appointments and resignations register, employee attitude survey, and personnel record cards. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Financial Records | gr00102 |
Financial records documenting various aspects of the Sanatorium's operation. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Patient Index Cards | gr02410 |
Patient information cards. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Patient Records | gr00104 |
Records containing information on patients, many on individual patients. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers | gr02409 |
Patient registers (1907-1961) and admission and death registers (November 1943-1960). | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Payroll Registers | gr00101 |
Payroll registers listing employee's name, position, hours worked, and related information. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Photographs and Architectural Drawings | gr00106 |
Photographs and architectural drawings documenting the buildings, staff, patients, and activities of the sanatorium. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00110 |
Consisting mainly of reprints from journals; the articles cover all facets of tuberculosis treatment and control. Many were written by sanatorium staff. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Steward's Files | gr02407 |
Correspondence and related materials kept by the steward, documenting all aspects of the operation of the sanatorium. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Files | gr02408 |
Correspondence and related materials concerning all aspects of the daily operation of the sanatorium. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Subject Files | gr00105 |
Files containing materials of specific subject interest to the superintendent. | |
Air Museum of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Aviation Collection | 00576 |
Materials collected by the Air Museum of Minnesota, an organization of aviation historians and enthusiasts dedicated to the collection and preservation of materials documenting the history of aviation in the state. | |
Air Transportation: An Inventory of the Album | sv000407 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Aitkin County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00035 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Aitkin County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Aitkin County: Aitkin: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01523 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of the city. | |
Aitkin County: Attorney: An Inventory of Its Register of Criminal Actions | ait02 |
Entries give title of case, nature of criminal accusation, date of indictment or appeal, when and where tried, disposition of case, nature and extent of punishment, costs assessed, and sometimes other information. | |
Aitkin County: Coroner: An Inventory of Its Records | ait03 |
Coroner's inquest register and reports. | |
Aitkin County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03189 |
Judgment records, Family Division minutes, and probate order book. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts | gr02978 |
Civil case file transcripts (1895-1938); criminal case file transcripts (1919-1934). | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr01072 |
Civil (1885-1949) and criminal (1886-1954) case files. The civil case files appear to be a continuous set even though the numbering system changed twice, once in the mid-1930s, and again, in the mid-1940s. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr03190 |
Registers of actions for civil and criminal cases. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | ait-ct02 |
Coroner's certificates and inquest registers that serve as an index to a portion of the certificates. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Court Orders and Findings | gr02769 |
Court orders and findings of the Aitkin County District Court. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | ait-ct03 |
Judgment record books and judgment docket. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Registration Records | ait-ct04 |
Land registration docket A containing name of applicant and attorney, legal description of land to be registered, documents filed, and dates filed for case naumbers 1-158. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | ait-ct05 |
A record of documents filed, proceedings held, and actions taken at each day's session of the court. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | ait-ct06 |
Miscellaneous records including documents relating to military service, patents, name change, court commissioners, judgments, and various professional registrations. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM176 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Oaths and Bonds Record | ait-ct07 |
Record of bonds and oaths of local government officials. | |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02849 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Aitkin County District Court. | |
Aitkin County: Glen Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01128 |
Aitkin County: Independent School District No. 2, Hill City: An Inventory of Its Records | isd2 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and history of the district. | |
Aitkin County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03188 |
Juvenile court register, a handbook on the Aitkin County juvenile court service, and juvenile court minutes. | |
Aitkin County: Lakeside Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02704 |
Clerk's books (1901-1967), treasurer's books (1909-1931, 1938-1978), road records (1904-1938), justice court civil and criminal dockets (1911-1935), Lakeside Cemetery Association treasurer's book (1920-1949), and miscellaneous records. | |
Aitkin County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | ait-ct10 |
Reports of investigations of insanity and related documents. | |
Aitkin County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | ait-ct11 |
Inventory and appraisement record of each decedent's estate; widow's pension order book; record of guardians of dependent, neglected or delinquent children; and marriage record. | |
Aitkin County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02770 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Aitkin County: Probate Court: Municipal Court Division: An Inventory of Its Civil, Criminal, and Traffic Registry and Judgment Books | ait-ct09 |
Civil action registry and judgment books, with traffic entries through 1967, and criminal action registry and judgment books. | |
Aitkin County: Spalding Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01129 |
Clerk's record books (1915-1976), treasurer's record books (1927-1975), road record books (1902-1924), birth and death registers (1901-1952), and burial and removal permits (1908-1923). | |
Aitkin County: Williams Township: An Inventory of its Records | gr03003 |
Clerk's record books (1904-1978), treasurer's miscellaneous records, and road record book (1915-1927). | |
Aitkin County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00511 |
Minutes documenting the activities of the board and its predecessors, the County Relief Committee and Emergency Relief Committee. The board was also referred to as the Social Services Board. The records for 1972-1984 were digitally scanned by the county and the paper copies destroyed. | |
Aitkin County: Workman Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02880 |
Clerk's (1902-1916, 1920-1969) and treasurer's (1902-1974) record books, treasurer's annual statements (1959-1984), audit board annual reports (1953, 1969), annual town meeting minutes (1936-1977) and poll lists (1963, 1976), wolf bounty certificates (1926), justice of the peace docket (1929-1930), and township clerk stationery (approximately 1920). | |
Alaska Highway: An Inventory of Construction Photographs | sv000050 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Albany Roller Mills: An Inventory of Its Records | 00787 |
Financial and payroll records, blueprints, and architectural drawings of a central Minnesota flour mill. | |
Elmer Albinson: An Inventory of His Film Collection | sv000040 |
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Elmer Albinson: An Inventory of His Grand Portage Footage | sv000171 |
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Albrechts (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00437 |
Advertising scrapbooks, product catalogs, and historical information about a family-owned firm that manufactured and sold furs and women's clothing and accessories. It was founded in St. Paul in 1855, and operated under various names in subsequent years. | |
Ralph O. Aljets: An Inventory of His Papers | 01278 |
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Alliance of Early Childhood Professionals: An Inventory of Its Records | 01325 |
Administrative and program records of an organization of Minnesota child care workers whose mission was to improve wages and working conditions for workers, lessen turnover, and improve the quality of child care in Minnesota, particularly for disadvantaged populations. Includes some files of executive director Margaret Boyer. | |
Almanac Collection of the Minnesota Historical Society: An Inventory of American Almanacs | lb00174 |
Scattered American almanacs, published mainly in the 1800s. | |
Carl Almquist: An Inventory of His Amador Township Film Collection | sv000289 |
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Alpha Center for Public/Private Initiatives, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 00003 |
Correspondence and memoranda, audit reports, board minutes, and other records kept by Minneapolis businessman Judson Bemis as chairman of a national nonprofit organization he and other business executives founded in 1985 to assist for-profit entrepreneurs to privatize the delivery of human services in the hope of relieving the burden on government and philanthropy of providing these services and of making their delivery more efficient and effective. Includes some files of predecessor and related organizations. | |
Alpha Delta Kappa: Minnesota Alpha Chapter: An Inventory of Its Chapter Records | 01445 |
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Donald D. Alsop: An Inventory of His Papers | 01572 |
Papers of lawyer and United States District Court of Minnesota Justice Donald D. Alsop. Includes subject files, background information on judgeship appointments, correspondence, and his criminal and civil case files during his 50 year tenure on the Minnesota District Court. | |
American Association of University Women. Minnesota State Division: An Inventory of Its Records | 00503 |
Correspondence, minutes, financial data, scrapbooks of clippings and ephemera, reports, notes, and membership records of the Minnesota State Division and local branches of a national organization for college-educated women founded in 1881 to promote equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change. | |
American Bakeries Company: An Inventory of Its Company Records | P2647 |
Annual reports, newspaper clippings, historical sketches, some collective labor agreements, and other miscellaneous records and papers collected by a former company executive that relate to the St. Paul-based bakery that for many years produced Taystee Bread. | |
American Chemical Society: An Inventory of Its Records | 00008 |
Records of the Minnesota section of a professional association of chemists. | |
American Crystal Sugar Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00341 |
Corporate records of the American Crystal Sugar Company, of its direct predecessor, the American Beet Sugar Company, and of other predecessors, subsidiaries, and affiliates. They are supplemented by historical data and printed materials collected by the company or compiled by sugar industry historian Dan Gutleben. | |
American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00497 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
American Ex-Prisoners of War, inc. Department of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 01079 |
Charters, membership rosters, bookkeeping records, minutes, newsletters, reports, members' reminiscences, scrapbooks, and other records of the Department of Minnesota and of the Red River Chapter of a non-profit veterans service organization that advocated for former prisoners of war and their families. Includes papers of Henry Sha, the Central Minnesota Chapter's longtime commander, and his wife Joyce, who served as the chapter's treasurer. | |
American Federation of Grain Millers. Local No. 1 (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01114 |
Minutes and administrative records of a union local of Minneapolis flour mill workers and of two related locals, American Federation of Grain Millers Local No. 182 and Flour Cereal and Elevator Workers Union Local No. 19152. | |
American Fur Company: An Inventory of Its Papers | M151 |
Microfilmed papers of the American Fur Company. Includes microfilm copies of unbound letters, invoices, blotters, orders, memorandums, letterbooks, bound volumes and other papers. | |
American Fur Company: An Inventory of Its Records | M623 |
Microfilmed copies of a letterbook, account books, and miscellaneous records kept by the American Fur Company at its Michilimackinac post that document its business activities, interests, and transactions in the Great Lakes region. | |
American Fur Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 01319 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
American Guild of Music Teachers: An Inventory of Guild and Chapter Records | P1034 |
Organizational records and printed material of an association of music teachers formed in 1926 and records of its Minneapolis and St. Paul chapters. | |
American Guild of Organists. Twin Cities Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records | 00017 |
Charter, minutes, membership directories, financial records, committee files, correspondence, convention programs and materials, and oral histories documenting the organization and activities of the Twin Cities chapter of a national professional association of organists and choir directors. | |
American Home Missionary Society: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Papers | 01109 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
American Immigration Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 01183 |
Correspondence, minutes, stock records, land contracts and deeds, land sale and tax records, maps and plats, financial records, and advertisements of this organization formed by lumber companies in Wisconsin and Minnesota to sell cutover lands. This company was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
American Institute of Graphic Arts. Minnesota Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records | 01362 |
Records from American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Minnesota, a professional organization for Minnesota graphic designers. Records include newsletters, publicity, and other print materials related to AIGA events and initiatives arranged by date; administrative records documenting the transition from the Minnesota Graphic Designers Association to a chapter of AIGA; press clippings in Communication Arts and other magazines; and select ephemera related to AIGA's annual Design Camp. | |
American Lung Association of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Papers | 00320 |
Administrative files (1910-1991), affiliation files (1924-1988), board and committee files (1957-1992), program files (1939, 1972-1994), press files (1976-1989), sound and visual recordings (1980-1992), photographs (1924-1960, 1975), Christmas Seal campaign materials (1907-1991), records of affiliated associations (1908-1992), and printed materials (1925-1992) documenting the activities of an association organized in 1906 as the Minnesota Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis. | |
American National Red Cross. Northern Division: An Inventory of Its Records | 01130 |
Papers relating to civilian relief and soldiers' service activities of Red Cross organizations in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Montana during World War I. They consist of records of the Minneapolis and St. Paul chapters, with information on auxiliary chapters, relief work in Europe, war fund and membership drives, first aid training courses, and home services; the Northern Division main office, including form letters and reports on its organization and relief activities; and of the Civilian Relief Department, including director's reports and information on services to wounded soldiers and to soldiers and their families after discharge. | |
American Refugee Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | 01042 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William H. Amerland: An Inventory of His Autograph Collection | 01139 |
Eighteen volumes of autographs, chiefly signatures, with sketches, lines of poetry, bars of music, and quotations; photographs, news clippings, and correspondence relating to the autographs; and two scrapbooks, one a poetry collection compiled by Amerland and the other containing information supplementing the autograph albums. Among the 1,500 signatures are autographs of most of the presidents of the United States, and notables of other countries. A few of the autographs are facsimiles. | |
Charles W. and Mary Lesley Ames: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00482 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Jean L. Ames: An Inventory of Her Ames Family Genealogical Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 01249 |
Charts, articles, letters, and photographs relating to the Ames (Eames) and related families, compiled by Jean L. Ames. The genealogy dates back to 1548. Indexes to related families (Adams, Alden, Baker, Bass, Bryant, Damon, Demorest, Ewer, Hatch, Hawke, Jacob, Lane, Little, Oakman, Paine, Penniman, Pierce, Pratt, Robinson, Sherman, Sprague, Squire, Strout, Tyler, and Wilder) are also included. | |
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation and Family: An Inventory of Their Records and Papers | 00103 |
Family papers and business records of St. Paul
pioneer businessman and philanthropist Amherst H. Wilder and his family, the
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, and its three predecessor charities that were
formed by the wills of his wife Fanny S. Wilder and his daughter Cornelia Day
Wilder Appleby, and the will of Amherst H. Wilder. Includes digital content. |
Ampersand Club: An Inventory of Its Records | 00526 |
Correspondence, membership lists, publications, and printed material collected by a Twin Cities bibliophile group, organized in 1930 for the purpose of bringing together people interested in all phases of the book and the book arts. | |
Ancient Order of Hibernians of Minnesota. Ladies Auxiliary: An Inventory of its Records | 00843 |
Board minutes, constitutions and bylaws, state convention proceedings, member information, photographs, news clippings, correspondence, brochures and other printed items, song books, scrapbooks, and other records of the ladies auxiliary of an Irish Catholic fraternal organization whose members must be Roman Catholic and either Irish born or of Irish descent. Includes records of various divisions of the Ladies' Auxiliary, including Hennepin County and Ramsey County, as well as numerous out-state Minnesota divisions. | |
Ancker Nurses Alumni Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00642 |
This collection comprises the records of an alumni association of a school that trained nurses in St. Paul, Minnesota from 1891 to 1976. Though a few items are from the nursing school, most are from the alumni association including minutes, financial records, committee records, correspondence and subject files, biographical files, yearbooks, newsletters, address books, scrapbooks, and photographs. | |
Andersen Corporation: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 00678 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
H. Carl Andersen: An Inventory of His Papers | P1512 |
Congressional and personal papers of Andersen, a Republican who represented the seventh district of Minnesota in the U.S. House of Representatives (1939-1962). The papers are composed of correspondence, subject files, campaign files, speeches, newsletters, news releases, voting records, trip files, personal business records, and photographs. In addition to constituent correspondence, which focuses in particular on agricultural issues, subject files document the Soil Bank Act, flood control, Rural Electrification Administration, and Billie Sol Estes. | |
Alexander P. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers and Research Notebooks | 00746 |
The papers and research notebooks of Alexander P. Anderson. The papers include correspondence, articles and essays, school and teaching materials, biographical information, family history, genealogical data, and photographs. Two sets of research notebooks focus on the process of puffing cereal grains and on Anderson's experiments with aerodynamics. A smaller set of notebooks focuses on other miscellaneous experiments, such as his experiments on the growth of fruit, watermelons, and puffing wood. The research notebooks on the process of puffing cereal grains and other starches are on microfilm. | |
C. Elmer Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00010 |
The collection contains the personal papers of C. Elmer Anderson, governor of Minnesota (1951-1955), mayor of Nisswa, Minnesota (1960-1962), and mayor of Brainerd, Minnesota (1976-1986). It includes speech transcriptions, personal and official correspondence, photographs, campaign materials, certifications of his elections to office, and citations and awards during his service in public office. | |
Dennis Anderson: An Inventory of His Bob Dylan Research Collection | P1885 |
Bibliographies, magazine articles and book excerpts (1963-1982), syllabi (1978-1979), chronologies, student papers (1978-1979, 1980-1981), interviews, correspondence (1978-1979), and fan magazines related to the work of a Bob Dylan scholar who taught seminars on Dylan and American culture at German universities during the 1970s and early 1980s. The collection contains English and German language material and provides both American and European commentary on the life and music of Bob Dylan. | |
Dick Anderson: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000122 |
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Elmer L. Andersen: An Inventory of His Papers | 00436 |
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Eugenie Moore Anderson: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00354 |
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Glen H. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00713 |
Constituent correspondence (1973-1990), legislative subject files (1982-1989), political campaign files (1982-1985), news releases and legislative bulletins (1973-1989), and miscellaneous papers documenting the career of a Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor state representative (District 20A, 1972-1990). | |
James R. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 01087 |
Biographical information, patents, product catalogs, reports, product information sheets, and other records compiled by Anderson while employed as a chief electronics engineer and founding partner of Research, Incorporated, a Minneapolis firm that designed, manufactured, and sold electronic instruments, communications devices, and heating devices to industrial customers. There is also some material pertaining to Anderson Business Computer Systems, Inc., the company Anderson incorporated in 1981 after leaving Research, Inc. and operated until its dissolution in 1988. | |
Karen Jean Anderson: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01315 |
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Leslie C. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00741 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Marcia G. Anderson: An Inventory of Her Handicraft Guild of Minneapolis Research Files | 00999 |
Correspondence, photographs, and general research about topics, organizations, and individuals involved in or associated with the Handicraft Guild of Minneapolis. These files were compiled by Anderson in conducting research for her article entitled The Handicraft Guild of Minneapolis : a model of the arts and crafts movement, that appeared in the book Substance of style : perspectives on the American arts and crafts movement / edited by Bert Denker. 1st ed. Winterthur, Del. : Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum ; Hanover : Distributed by University Press of New England, 1996. | |
Marvin R. Anderson: An Inventory of Rondo Neighborhood Photographs | sv000181 |
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Melvin Carl Anderson: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01290 |
Correspondence, journals, birth and baptism documents, death announcements, photographs, and other papers of a Twin Cities Swedish American family. Much of the material is in Swedish. | |
Robert W. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00689 |
Correspondence, flight log, certificates, photographs, and related materials of a naval aviation ordnanceman from Minneapolis who served in the Pacific Theater aboard the U.S.S. Franklin during World War II. | |
Wendell Richard Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00476 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William L. Anderson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00638 |
Correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, and other papers of and relating to a Minneapolis man killed in battle in Italy in 1944 while serving as a medic with the United States Army during World War II. | |
The Anderson Shop, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01067 |
Business and financial records, photographs, employee information, clippings, correspondence, and scrapbooks of The Anderson Shop (formerly Alex Anderson & Son, Inc.), a family-owned retail business firm established in Des Moines, Iowa in 1879 specializing in fine china and glassware, antiques, linens, and similar high-end goods. | |
Anderson Store (Franconia, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Account Books | 00214 |
A journal (1882-1885), ledger (1883-1888), store inventory (1885), and seven daybooks (1871-1888) from a general store in Franconia (Chisago County), Minnesota. | |
Andrews Opera Company: An Inventory of Its Papers | M470 |
Published and unpublished articles about the opera company, a family record book, and three scrapbooks are on microfilm. Included in the unmicrofilmed materials are an unpublished manuscript by Cornelia Andrews DuBois, Singing Wheels: the Story of Florence Andrews Clayton (253 p.); and copies of articles and clippings, book reviews, playbills, and miscellaneous family memorabilia. | |
C. C. Andrews: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000061 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. C. (Christopher Columbus) Andrews and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01568 |
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James A. Andrews: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01134 |
Correspondence, diaries, deeds, financial records, and other papers of the James A. Andrews and John Comstock families of Hudson, Wisconsin. | |
Animal Health Board: An Inventory of Its Annual, Biennial, and Quarterly Reports | ahb01 |
Reports submitted by the board secretary to the
governor, containing commentary on the general sanitary conditions of animals, particularly livestock, in the state and on the board's activities relating to livestock disease prevention and control. |
Animal Health Board: An Inventory of Its Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Eradication Program Summaries | ahb04 |
Summaries of total herds and total cattle tested for
brucellosis and tuberculosis, totals found negative, totals infected, and totals suspicious. |
Animal Health Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00637 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Animal Health Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00636 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and
near-print items of or about the Animal Health Board and its predecessors, the State Livestock Sanitary Board (1903-1964), Livestock Sanitary Board (1964-1980). |
DeWalt H. Ankeny: An Inventory of His Papers | 00742 |
Correspondence (1942-1944, 1977), photographs (1914-1971), family histories (1900, 1958), and assorted mementos documenting a Minneapolis man's military service, educational and business careers, and family life. | |
Anoka County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00098 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Anoka County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Anoka County: Anoka: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01130 |
Includes 1953 permit for removal of cremated human remains. | |
Anoka County: Anoka: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr03121 |
Assessment roll abstract (1878), city charters (1929, 1954, 1966, 1972), employee handbook (approximately 1985), poor fund reports (1931-1935), road papers (1871-1874), ordinances concerning building code (1947) and subdivision (1962), strike contingency plan (1980), water analysis report (1901), financial statement (1972), and order book (1878-1911). | |
Anoka County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02578 |
Includes materials relating to incorporation of villages, consolidation of school districts, the proposed Ham Lake airport, civil defense, the county extension committee, the county library, the Anoka County Historical Society, the hospital district, highway 35W in Blaine, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, The Minnesota Municipal Commission, the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control, and land subdivision. | |
Anoka County: Bethel Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01131 |
Anoka County: Blaine Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01132 |
Also includes permits for burial or removal. | |
Anoka County: Blaine: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01815 |
Clerk's books (1907-1977), city council resolutions (1970-1987) and ordinances (1954-1987); road records (1892-1947); minutes of the city charter commission (1967-1987), utility rate commission (1980), and cable television commission (1980-1982); committee files (1978-1985); and related miscellany. | |
Anoka County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Capital Improvement Plans | gr03122 |
Plans for capital improvements through year 2013. | |
Anoka County: Columbia Heights: An Inventory of Its LaBelle Park Construction Records | gr03064 |
Construction records for a public park financed through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and utilizing Minnesota Department of Natural Resources LAWCON (Land and Water Conservation) funds. Includes accounting and financial records, correspondence, grant applications, permits, resolutions, specifications and bids, status reports, and weekly progress reports. Correspondents include Brauer and Associates, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and HUD. | |
Anoka County: Columbia Heights: City Council: An Inventory of Its Agenda Packets | gr01793 |
Agendas for city council meetings, previous meeting minutes, minutes of meetings of the Traffic Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission, ordinances, resolutions, reports of the city manager and city attorney, background information on matters being dealt with at the council meetings, and information on budget matters and payment of bills. | |
Anoka County: Columbia Heights: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01794 |
Civil and criminal justice dockets with indexes (1920-1969), a judgment book (1927-1929), and a police arrest register (1926-1950). | |
Anoka County: Columbus Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01133 |
Birth and death records (1900-1953) and township map (circa 1930). | |
Anoka County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Adoption Case Files | gr00534 |
These files were numbered in the same series with the civil case files but kept as a physically separate series by the court. | |
Anoka County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr02247 |
Files numbered 1-15210. Civil and criminal case files are interfiled in a single numerical sequence. | |
Anoka County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr00535 |
Case file numbers 1-258, 350-351, 361, and 364-365. A separate series of criminal files was apparently maintained during the years 1932-1949; criminal case files prior to and succeeding those years are filed jointly with the civil case files. | |
Anoka County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM140 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Anoka County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr01059 |
Registers of actions for civil and criminal cases. The entry for each case gives the parties' names and a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, costs adjudged, and other actions by the court or the disputing parties. | |
Anoka County: Equalization Board: An Inventory of Its Records | anoka02 |
Proceedings of the county equalization board noting changes made in assessments of property. | |
Anoka County: Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports | anoka03 |
Annual reports of the county highway engineer/highway department, including narrative and statistical compilations of the annual activities of the department. | |
Anoka County: Linwood Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01134 |
Birth (1872-1908, 1914-1947) and death (1872-1949) records. Entries for the 1914-1947 births and 1913-1949 deaths are indexed. | |
Anoka County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files | gr01730 |
Probate case files of the Anoka County Probate Court. | |
Anoka County: Rice Creek Watershed District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02289 |
Records include meeting minutes and agenda packets, bylaws,
organizational records, plans, rules and published reports. Includes digital content. |
Anoka County: Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00649 |
Treasurer's ledgers and payment records (1857-1907), trial balances (1907-1919), notice to taxpayers (1873), and records of (delinquent?) taxes paid (1857-1878). | |
Anoka County. Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01503 |
Minutes of board meetings; audit reports by the Public Examiner, Social Welfare Department, and Public Welfare Department; child welfare placement and referral files; subject files on welfare services; and records of a 1939-1940 tornado relief committee. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission Registers | gr01177 |
Registers date back to the opening of the hospital. All volumes organized chronologically by admission date. Patients who were readmitted were given their original case file number, which appeared in red. No name index is included. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01075 |
Minutes of administrative and management committee meetings and of staff conferences. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Obituary/Cemetery Records | gr01178 |
Obituary records include chronological record of deaths at the hospital. Information recorded may include: chronological number, date of death, name of patient, sex, age, civil condition, occupation, nativity, from what county sent, form of disease on admission, number of attacks, number of admissions, case number, date of admission, period of residence, total duration of illness, cause of death, disposal of remains. Also includes cemetery index for burials (1901-1965), and cemetery plat (undated). | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Population Records | gr01076 |
Daily (1900-1954) and monthly (1940-1972) population reports, giving summary statistics on population changes, and names of patients who were admitted, discharged, transferred, died, or who were away from the facility for other reasons. Also includes admission/discharge, census, and other population information for the general population and specific units of the hospital; list of institutional deaths (1928-1959), permits for burial or removal (1937-1965), autopsies and bodies sent to university, a cemetery index for burials (approximately 1901-1965), and a cemetery plat. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00316 |
Reports, newsletter, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the hospital. The records cover various aspects of the hospital's programs, activities, and history, including its newsletter, Ripples and Reflections (1971-1981), hospital histories (1932, 1948), and various publications covering such topics as patients, programs, and chemical dependency service. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Record of Operations | gr01078 |
Information given includes patient name, sex, race, operation date, diagnosis, type of operation, and names of operating physician and assistants. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01077 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies. Information included: date, invoice number, number and/or measure of commodity involved, explanation, price, and cost. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01079 |
Admission lists, population statistics, files of miscellaneous financial matters, appraisal reports of hospital property (1970s), historical documents, newsclippings, research policies and files of committees, a report of a staffing standards committee (1969), and aerial photographs (undated). | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Volunteer Services Program Records | gr00317 |
Records documenting the activities of the volunteer services program. | |
Anonymous Minnesota Family: An Inventory of Photograph Albums | sv000018 |
Two photograph albums of family snapshots taken throughout various parts of Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The first album covers 1914-1917. The second album covers 1918-1931. Images include vacation scenes, construction views (notably, the St. Paul Public Library), and numerous other named buildings, including schools. Each image is identified and dated, in ink in the margins. | |
Antlers Park: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000100 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Apollo Club of Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Records | 00452 |
Photocopied and original records of a men's chorus organized in 1895 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. | |
Arc Greater Twin Cities: An Inventory of Its Records | 00597 |
Records documenting the first sixty years of one of the nation's first advocacy groups for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled. The collection includes board of directors' documents, financial records, biographical files, publications, subject files, speeches, news clippings, motion pictures and videorecordings, and scrapbooks and photograph albums. | |
ARC Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00598 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors. Registration Board: An Inventory of Its Complaint Files | aelsbd01 |
Materials documenting complaints submitted to the
board, including lists of complaints (1925-1933), Complaint Committee minutes (1977-1983), correspondence with Lewis L. Anderson, Special Assistant Attorney General assigned to the board for legal assistance (1940- 1955), and files covering five cases officially investigated and ruled on by the board (1954- 1971). |
Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors. Registration Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | aelsbd02 |
Annual reports (1921-1931), rosters (1932-1938,
1958-1973, 1991), and year books (1940- 1957), all of which contain the same types of information; brief narratives describing the work of the board; rules and regulations; copies of forms used by the board; and rosters of registered architects, engineers, and land surveyors. |
Architects' Small House Service Bureau: An Inventory of Its Records | 01085 |
Correspondence, minutes, financial statements, newspaper clippings, printed and promotional materials, and related records of a regional and national organization, founded and headquartered in Minneapolis, that published and sold stock architectural plans for a variety of small homes, offered advice and counseling, and performed other professional services for people with limited incomes wishing to build small, well designed, and attractive homes. | |
Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design Board: An Inventory of Its Meeting Minutes | gr02500 |
Meeting minutes (July 1921-2000) of the board. Besides periodic meeting minutes, includes annual meeting minutes. Arranged in chronological order by date. | |
Archives Commission: An Inventory of Its Records Disposition Files | gr01180 |
Approved records retention schedules, approved
records disposal applications, and related correspondence, appraisal reports, memoranda, microfilm test reports, and local government agencies' notification of adoption of general schedules. |
Mark L. Arend: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01222 |
![]() |
John Armstrong Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P1450 |
Correspondence (1819-1944), genealogical materials (1750s-1930s), photographs (undated and 1886, 1906), clippings (1866-1943), certificates (1837-1917), and scrapbooks (1842-1941) documenting five generations of an Ohio family, many of whose descendants lived in Minnesota. | |
Frazer Arnold : An Inventory of His Papers Relating to Wilbur Foshay | 01450 |
![]() |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr02158 |
Studies, reports, project proposals, planning documents and similar materials pertaining to economic development in general in northeastern Minnesota, and in particular to such subjects as water quality management, housing, health and human services programs, economic diversification on the Iron Range, employment, transportation, and land use. | |
Art School Associations: An Inventory of the Album | sv000461 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Art Shanties Projects (Plymouth, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00865 |
Includes print materials, a log book, photographs, posters, grant and project proposals, and newspaper clippings from the Art Shanty Projects, an art exhibition program on Medicine Lake in Plymouth, Minnesota. | |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr00569 |
Reports, correspondence and other records documenting the administration of the board and its predecessors, the state art commission and society. | |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr00570 |
Incomplete set of reports of the State Art Society,
the State Arts Council, and the State Arts Board. |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Grant Files | gr00571 |
Grant files, containing grant applications, requests
for information, proposals, resumes, correspondence, final grant reports, financial statements, agreements, budgets, and related materials. |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Grant Review Files | gr00572 |
Summary records of grant applications and minutes
(panel books) of the Board's review panel for dance, film and video, literary arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Program Grant Administrative Files | gr00573 |
Records of the Board's program directors, including
correspondence and memoranda, grant materials, and review committee records. |
Arts Development Associates: An Inventory of Its Records | 01527 |
Records of Arts Development Associates, a Minnesota-based arts consulting firm established in 1967. The records include hard copies of client consultant reports, administrative records, project records, promotional materials, photographs, audio recordings, historical information, client print materials, and research files. Records also include biographical information, book publication information, speeches, seminar and training materials, and writings from its founder Bradley G. Morison, as well longtime partner consultant and co-author Julie G. Dalgleish. | |
Robert Ashbach: An Inventory of His Papers | 00241 |
Legislative files of a Minnesota state senator (Republican-Arden Hills) who served as Minority Leader and was an expert in state finances. | |
Asians in Greater Minnesota Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh144 |
Project highlights Asian Americans who live in outstate Minnesota. Asian Americans live in every county in Minnesota and those outstate have unique experiences about coming to and living in the state. The narrators discuss their personal stories of coming to Minnesota from a variety of Asian countries. Interviewed by Saymoukda Vongsay and Pa Yang. | |
Association for Women In Communications. Twin Cities Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records | 00326 |
Organizational records of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area local chapter of the Association for Women in Communications, a professional association for women engaged in journalism and communications. | |
Association of St. Paul Communities: An Inventory of Its Records | 01324 |
History and related papers (1974-1981); organizational records, including articles of incorporation and bylaws (1968-1974, 1978), financial statements (1971-1978), minutes (1968-1979), newsletters (1974-1977), treasurer's book (1968-2016) and miscellany; a grant proposal (1976); and subject files (1971-1978) of an organization designed to promote community development and to coordinate activities among St. Paul community organizations and neighborhood councils. | |
Athen Family Wedding: An Inventory of Their Photographs | sv000117 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Administrative Rules Proceedings | gr01311 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files Concerning International Boundary Flowage | gr01727 |
Correspondence, printed reports, legal documents, land tables and descriptions, maps, photographs, and other materials relating to several suits brought by the state of Minnesota and private parties against the Minnesota & Ontario Power Company, its successor the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, and the Rainy River Improvement Company for land damage due to flooding along the Rainy River. Includes docket nos. 1796, 2053, 2054, 3105, and 3577. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files Concerning Natural Gas Rates | gr01783 |
Correspondence, reports, circular notices and orders, petitions, testimony, exhibits, pleadings, statements, and other materials documenting a number of related hearings before the Federal Power Commission on prices charged by natural gas supply companies throughout the country, including the Northern Natural Gas Company. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files Concerning Voyageurs National Park | gr00944 |
Case files relating to the acquisition of state lands for the park's creation, jurisdiction over policy enforcement inside the park, and other matters relating to the park. Included are legal documents (memoranda, orders, summons, notices, affidavits, motions, petitions, findings, exhibits, briefs, objections, and transcripts), reports, a timeline of events, land deeds, maps, land valuations, correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, and press releases. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files, Wisconsin vs. Illinois | ag0007 |
Transcripts of testimony with indexes, briefs and related court documents, proposed findings of fact, reports, correspondence, and miscellany from a set of cases in which the states bordering on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River sought an injunction to prohibit the diversion of water from Lake Michigan by the state of Illinois and the Chicago sanitary district. The cases were heard by a special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Full title: States of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio & Pennsylvania, New York & Michigan vs. State of Illinois and the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. Some background materials and briefs from predecessor cases predate the period of this case. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files (Series 2) | ag0062 |
Selected civil case files of the attorney general's office, containing materials that supplement the Minnesota supreme court's files for the same cases. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files (Series 3) | ag0063 |
Selected civil case files containing depositions, transcripts, correspondence, briefs, written agreements, summonses, complaints, petitions, decisions, and related records. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Compliance Reviews | gr00949 |
The Minnesota Attorney General regulates charitable organizations in the State of Minnesota. As most hospitals and health care organizations in the state operate as charitable institutions, the office when necessary conducts reviews of those organizations to ensure they operate in a manner compliant with their charitable, tax-exempt status, mission, and duties. Documenting compliance reviews of Health Partners, Inc., Fairview Health Services, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, these records include reports written by the Attorney General's office, accompanied by supporting records. Although the reviews were done between 2003 and 2002, the supporting material may date as far back as 1987. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of the Correspondence of John R. Tunheim | ag0051 |
Correspondence of John R. Tunheim, Assistant Attorney General, Solicitor General, and Chief Deputy Attorney General in the Minnesota Attorney General's Office. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Correspondence of Walter Mondale’s Office | gr00601 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Correspondence with Cities, Villages, and Townships | ag0085 |
Requests from officials of various cities, villages,
and townships for interpretations of rules, laws, and opinions. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Correspondence with Counties | ag0086 |
Letters from various county officials, usually the
county attorney, requesting interpretations of laws and opinions of a variety of issues relevant to county government. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Hennepin County Special Investigation Files | gr01782 |
During the period 1975-1976, the Attorney General's office and the State Auditor's office conducted an extensive investigation and audit of alleged improprieties and misuse of government funds in the construction of the Hennepin County Government Center and the Hennepin County Medical Center, and into the legality of travel and expense reimbursements obtained by various Hennepin County officials. This file (AG file 75-194-160) includes correspondence, chronologies of events, Hennepin County grand jury reports, newspaper clippings, subject files, testimony transcripts, and depositions gathered during the investigation and audit; the case was not taken to court. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of the Hubert H. Humphrey III Speech Files | ag0070 |
Speech files of Hubert H. "Skip" Humphrey
III, who served as Minnesota Attorney General from 1982 through 1994. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of the Hubert H. Humphrey III Subject Files | ag0071 |
Subject files of Hubert H. "Skip" Humphrey III, who served as Minnesota Attorney General from 1982 through 1994. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Investigations Concerning St. Cloud State Reformatory | gr02792 |
Statements, testimony, correspondence, and examiner's report in investigations of contraband coming into Minnesota. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Litigation Status Reports | ag0059 |
Monthly logs of civil and criminal cases being handled by the attorney general's office. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Opinions | gr01726 |
Carbon copies of opinions issued by the Attorney General. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | ag0087 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and
near-print items of or about the Attorney General. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of the Records of John R. Tunheim | ag0072 |
Working files of John R. Tunheim, Assistant Attorney
General (1984-August 1985), Solicitor General (August 1985 - June 1986), and Chief Deputy Attorney General (June 1986- 1995) in the Minnesota Attorney General's Office. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Scheduling Correspondence of Walter Mondale's Office | gr00602 |
Scheduling correspondence, consisting of letters of invitation to Mondale with his replies. Only materials relating to events he attended were retained. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of the Warren Spannaus Files | ag0043 |
Files of Warren Spannaus as Minnesota Attorney General, documenting the administration of and certain issues facing the office. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Series 1) | ag0015 |
Files on a variety of legal, fiscal, and administrative subjects, compiled and used by the various attorneys general and other staff members. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Series 2) | ag0016 |
Subject files compiled and used by the attorney general's office under Walter Mondale, relating to a wide variety of subjects and issues of interest to the office staff. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Subject Files: M Files | ag0017 |
Files containing correspondence, memoranda and notes, rules, legal opinions, laws, printed matter, and related materials on assorted topics, cases, and issues of interest to the attorney general's office. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Trade Schools Files (File 30M) | ag0018 |
Correspondence and promotional literature relating to the operations of private trade schools. | |
Attorney General. Agriculture Division: An Inventory of Its Client Agency Files | ag0019 |
Files regarding agriculture-related agencies in Minnesota. | |
Attorney General: Antitrust Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | gr00348 |
Pleadings, correspondence, depositions, clippings, memoranda, and settlement records in antitrust lawsuits pursued by the attorney general. | |
Attorney General: Charities Division: An Inventory of Its Charitable Corporations Files | gr03252 |
Registration materials, including financial reports or statements, articles of incorporation, registration statements on Attorney General forms, lists of officers, tax returns (IRS form 990), and related documents, submitted to the Attorney General by Minnesota charitable corporations or state branches of national organizations, in compliance with Minn. Stat. 309.52. | |
Attorney General: Charities Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0022 |
Litigation files regarding charitable or philanthropic organizations and activities. | |
Attorney General. Charities Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files Concerning the Blandin Trust | ag0004 |
This case concerns objections to attorneys’
fees charged to the charitable trust of Charles K. Blandin in the sale of the Blandin Paper Company. |
Attorney General: Charities Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files Concerning the May V. Wilson Case | ag0003 |
This insurance fraud case concerned the murder of May V. Wilson by Leonard J. Richards as part of a fraudulent scheme to obtain insurance benefits via the charities, controlled by Richards, that were the beneficiaries of her estate. | |
Attorney General: Civil Litigation Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0081 |
Litigation files dealing with numerous cases, including ones involving the Montgomery Amendnent , alleged mismanagment of PERA, efforts to save the Minneapolis Armory from demolition, and the legality of off-track and telephone betting. | |
Attorney General: Civil Litigation Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation File: Federal Land Bank et al. v Hubert H. Humphrey III et al. | ag0067 |
The case concerns the constitutional challenge to the
state's Farmer-Lender Mediation Act [Laws 1986 c398] brought by the Federal Land Bank et al. against [Attorney General] Hubert H. Humphrey III et al. |
Attorney General: Civil Litigation Division: An Inventory of Its Public Employment Relations Files | ag0083 |
Files dealing with the division's activities relating
to public employment relations, particularly local and state government employees and teachers and related school employees. |
Attorney General: Civil Litigation Division: An Inventory of Its Scott County Sexual Abuse Investigation Records | gr02627 |
Complaints, correspondence, transcripts, investigation reports, physicians' statements, and similar materials pertaining to a number of related Scott County cases involving allegations of sexual abuse against children. The state Attorney General's Office in turn investigated the handling of these cases by the Scott County attorney's office. | |
Attorney General: Commerce Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0005 |
Litigation files concerning cases heard before state courts and referred to the special assistant attorney general for the state Commerce Department. | |
Attorney General: Consumer Division: An Inventory of Its Consumer Complaints | ag0023 |
Complaints of unfair trade practices made by people throughout the United States against Minnesota business firms, mail order houses, franchise firms, and others, and by Minnesota consumers against out-of-state businesses doing business or selling products in Minnesota. | |
Attorney General: Consumer Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | ag0060 |
Files of correspondence, memoranda, bills, press releases, clippings, reports, and printed materials on a variety of trade and consumer protection subjects. | |
Attorney General: Contracts Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation File, Knight v. Minnesota Community College Faculty Association | ag0024 |
Pleadings, depositions, hearings transcripts, and miscellaneous records in the case of Leon W. Knight, et al. v. Minnesota Community College Faculty Association, et al. | |
Attorney General: Corrections Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0025 |
Cases concerning Stillwater State Prison, St. Cloud State Reformatory, and departmental personnel policies. | |
Attorney General: Corrections Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | ag0046 |
Files on pollution control of the Stillwater State Prison power plant, on guidelines for The Prison Mirror, and on Native American religious rights at the St. Cloud correctional facility. | |
Attorney General: Corrections Division: An Inventory of Its Oak Park Heights Correctional Facility Case Files | ag0058 |
Subject files, incident files, reports and court
documents regarding allegations of mistreatment by four inmates at the Minnesota Correctional Facility at Oak Park Heights, a 400 bed facility designed as a maximum security prison and opened in April 1982. |
Attorney General: Criminal Division: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | ag0026 |
Selected criminal case files, containing petitions, memoranda, transcripts, and other legal and facilitative documents that in many cases supplement files of the Minnesota supreme, appeals, and district courts. | |
Attorney General: Criminal Division: An Inventory of Its DWI Implied Consent Case Files | ag0061 |
Mainly records documenting the case of Milo Edward Heddan, et. al. v. Kenneth Dirkswager/John P. Sopsic (both Commissioners of Public Safety), et. al. before the Ramsey County District Court and Minnesota Supreme Court (1982-1983). | |
Attorney General: Criminal Division: An Inventory of Its Records of Investigation of Scott County Attorney's Office | gr02626 |
Records of the attorney general's investigation into the activities of the Scott County attorney's office, specifically as related to that office's handling of several child sex abuse cases or allegations. | |
Attorney General: Economic Security Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0028 |
Hearing transcripts, pleadings, correspondence, and other papers in cases concerning employee claims for unemployment compensation and other employment benefits, or concerning employer liability. | |
Attorney General: Education Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0010 |
Litigation files reflecting the attorney general's involvement in legal actions pertaining to Minnesota educational institutions and employees. | |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Consent Decree Files | ag0054 |
Correspondence, pleadings, and related records
documenting consent decrees formed with the state of Minnesota after a municipality or company was alleged by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to be in violation of environmental regulation. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Lampe (John) Correspondence Files | ag0084 |
Correspondence of Assistant Attorney General Lampe,
mainly documenting Minnesota’s legal issues in relation to the federal North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA], the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT], and the General Agreement on Trades and Services [GATS], and an investigation in the possible illegal export of sugar beets into Canada. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | gr00442 |
Pleadings, briefs, hearing transcripts, reports, depositions, background materials, correspondence, and other material documenting cases involving enforcement of federal and state environmental protection standards and related matters. | |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files Relating to Earth Protector | ag0055 |
Correspondence, pleadings, legal instruments, and
meeting materials documenting legal cases brought by Earth Protector, Inc., an environmental watchdog organization begun in 1983 and based in Minnesota. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files: State of Minnesota v. Marvin Windows | ag0075 |
Correspondence, attorneys’ notes, memos, press
coverage, pleadings, and other materials documenting the case involving Marvin Windows. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Nuclear Waste Disposal and Regulation Files | ag0056 |
Subject files (1971-l987) and publications
(1969-1986) dealing with nuclear waste disposal and regulation in Minnesota, particularly the Prairie Island and Monticello nuclear reactors. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Stipulation Agreement Files | ag0053 |
Correspondence, legal instruments, and related
materials, documenting stipulation agreements that concerned resolving alleged hazardous waste violations and assuring compliance with the laws and rules concerning the management of hazardous waste. |
Attorney General: Environmental Protection Division: An Inventory of Its Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant Files | ag0073 |
In 1978, the U. S. Army Toxic Hazardous Materials
Agency prepared a report that described waste handling, treatment, storage, and disposal activities at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant [TCAAP] site in Ramsey County. |
Attorney General: Environmental Quality Board Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0008 |
Litigation files concerning high voltage power line routes and power plant siting. | |
Attorney General: Government Services Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files: D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. v. State of Minnesota | ag0076 |
Correspondence, claims, confidentiality agreements,
consultant’s reports, depositions, exhibits, expert reports, pleadings, photographs, register, and arbitration and settlement documents detailing this case involving the Interstate 35 tunnel in Duluth, Minnesota. |
Attorney General: Health Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Law and Rules Proceedings Files | gr02333 |
Files on the promulgation and enforcement of rules and regulations governing public health matters, and on licensure of and disciplinary actions against health care professionals. | |
Attorney General. Health Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0001 |
Files documenting substantive or precedent setting
cases regarding public health matters, particularly the fight over fluoridation of Brainerd’s municipal water supply, the state’s contract with Environmental Aviation Services, Inc. to spray insecticide in various locations, and hazardous chemical clean-up at the Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation’s St. Louis Park site. |
Attorney General. Human Rights Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0009 |
Selected files regarding cases heard in the state district courts and the Supreme Court, and cases heard before administrative boards. | |
Attorney General. Human Services Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Proceedings Files | ag0049 |
Regarding amendments to the Minnesota state human services plan as it pertains to eligibility for Medicaid benefits. | |
Attorney General, Human Services Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | gr00113 |
Selected files on substantive or precedent-setting cases regarding the enforcement of human services (public welfare) laws and rules. | |
Attorney General, Human Services Division: An Inventory of Its Rules Proceedings Files | ag0036 |
Correspondence, transcripts, and pleadings concerning public welfare rules. | |
Attorney General: Natural Resources Division: An Inventory of Its Legal Files Relating to Minnesota Ojibwe Bands | gr00856 |
Litigation and subject files relating to various Ojibwe bands and reservations in Minnesota, including the Red Lake, Leech Lake, White Earth, Grand Portage, Bois Forte, and Fond du Lac bands. | |
Attorney General: Natural Resources Division: An Inventory of Its Reserve Mining Company Case Files | gr01628 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Attorney General. Pollution Control Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Proceedings Files | gr00443 |
Files dealing with permitting, regulation, and other administrative and legal aspects of pollution control, particularly waste disposal, water pollution, and air pollution. | |
Attorney General. Pollution Control Division. An Inventory of Its Administrative Rules Proceedings Files | gr00441 |
Files regarding the adoption or amendment of
regulations for control of air, water, and noise pollution, disposal of nuclear and other hazardous wastes, and use of asbestos and other inorganic fibers. |
Attorney General. Pollution Control Division: An Inventory of Its Hearing Litigation Files | ag0030 |
Files regarding pollution control hearings conducted by state hearing examiners that involved participation on behalf of the state by the special assistant attorney general for the Pollution Control Agency. | |
Attorney General. Public Finance Division: An Inventory of Its Boxing Board Files | ag0074 |
Files documenting the Attorney General’s office’s role as counsel for the Boxing Board. | |
Attorney General. Public Service Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0033 |
Selected litigation files documenting enforcement and defense of public service rules, regulations, and laws. | |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation File: Welsch v Noot: | gr00797 |
Concerns the Welsch Consent Decree, a landmark court case (1972-1989) which led to major changes in the treatment of Minnesota's institutionalized mentally retarded citizens. | |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0034 |
Hearings, transcripts, depositions, pleadings, orders, correspondence, notes, and related documents for cases concerning the enforcement of public welfare laws and rules. | |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files Concerning Willmar Nursing Home Rates. | ag0035 |
Transcripts and other documents from two related cases involving rates of the Willmar Nursing Home. | |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files: State vs. Sponsorship and Refugee Programs, Inc. | ag0052 |
Files documenting the state's investigation into
allegations of financial irregularities and misrepresentations involving the Hiawatha Valley Farm Cooperative Project (HVFC), a farm project near Homer, Minnesota organized by Sponsorship and Refugee Programs, Inc. (SARP), a subset of Church World Service (CWS). |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Work Equity Project Records | ag0048 |
Records regarding the proposed adoption of permanent rules of the Department of Public Welfare (DPW) governing its Work Equity Project (WEP), Rule 63. | |
Attorney General. Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | ag0037 |
Miscellaneous files relating to assorted matters of interest to the assistant attorney general for public welfare. | |
Attorney General. Revenue Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0013 |
Pleadings, hearing transcripts, correspondence, and related papers for cases heard before the Minnesota Tax Court, the Minnesota Supreme Court, and the state's dictrict courts. | |
Attorney General: Solicitor General: An Inventory of Its Hodgson v Minnesota Files | gr02291 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Attorney General, Solicitor General: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files Regarding the Bush Foundation | ag0038 |
Files documenting the Attorney General's involvement in extensive litigation over control both of Archibald G. Bush's estate and of the Bush Foundation, to which he had left the bulk of his estate. | |
Attorney General, Solicitor General: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Files | ag0079 |
Office procedures and rules, newsletters, transcripts and exhibits, correspondence, and related documents. | |
Attorney General. State Planning Division: An Inventory of Its Consolidated Power Line Litigation Files | ag0039 |
Files relating to litigation in several district courts and in the Minnesota Supreme Court regarding construction by the United Power Association and the Cooperative Power Association of a high-voltage power line through central Minnesota. | |
Attorney General. Task Force on Child Abuse Within the Family: An Inventory of Its Task Force on Child Abuse Records | ag0042 |
Presentation (meeting) files, final report (Oct. 2, 1986), and subject files. | |
Attorney General. Tort Claims Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation Files | ag0040 |
Selected files regarding cases heard before the Minnesota district, United States district, and Minnesota supreme courts, and referred to the special assistant attorney general for the Tort Claims Division. | |
Attorney General. Transportation Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation File, I-35 Construction | ag0041 |
Pleadings, correspondence, briefs, and miscellany in cases opposing the extension of Interstate Highway 35 through the city of Duluth. | |
Harry E. Atwood and family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01361 |
Papers from insurance executive Harry Atwood and family. Collection includes records related to Atwood's employment with the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, records of his philanthropic work in healthcare industry, and materials documenting his high school and college education. The collection also includes some materials related to Atwood's wife, Margaret White, and White's father, Chester S. White. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Allotment Board Files | gr00770 |
General correspondence files, minutes, and various reports documenting the duties and activities of the Allotment Board, particularly relating to roads and bridges. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Anderson (Patricia) Files | audit050 |
Correspondence, articles and speeches, news publication and press releases, and position statements documenting the duties and activities of State Auditor Patricia Anderson. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Arne Carlson’s Files | audit016 |
Correspondence, meeting packets, background materials, financial reports, legislation and other items documenting the programs and activities of the auditor’s office under Carlson. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Attorneys General’s Opinions | audit049 |
Opinions of the attorney general’s office (in
the form of letters received by the auditor) relating to various fiscal and land management responsibilities of the auditor. |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Counties | gr00154 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of counties by the State Auditor. The reports contain comments and recommendations regarding fiscal procedures; summaries of financial conditions, in general and with respect to fund transactions, investments, bonded indebtedness, and federal revenue sharing; balance sheets and supporting statements; classifications of receipts and disbursements; notes to financial statements; summaries of fixed assets, taxable valuations, and tax levies and returns; and names of officials and verifications of official bonds. In some cases, the State Auditor prepared a management and compliance letter in lieu of a full audit report. Some reports for 1970-1972 were done by the State Auditor's predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of County Hospitals and Nursing Homes | gr00155 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of county hospitals and nursing homes by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports and Financial Statements of Townships | gr00152 |
Periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of Minnesota townships by the state auditor. The reports contain comments and recommendations regarding fiscal procedures; summaries of financial conditions; balance sheets and supporting statements; classifications of receipts and disbursements; notes to financial statements; and related data. The reports were done only selectively, often at the township's request. For some years, financial statements or independent audit reports are present instead. Some reports for 1971-1972 were done by the State Auditor's predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports, Miscellaneous | gr00153 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of miscellaneous units of goverment mostly from counties in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, or general reports on local finance and spending. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Municipalities | gr00156 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of municipalities and municipal departments by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Regional Organizations | gr00157 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of regional development commissions and regional service organizations by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Relief Associations | gr00158 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of police and fire fighters' relief associations. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of School Districts | gr00159 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of school districts by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Soil and Water Conservation Districts | gr00160 |
Primarily audit reports; occasional financial statements are interfiled. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01269 |
Reports for years 1859-1972. Also includes supplemental report for fiscal years ending June 30, 1939 and June 30, 1940 (1 volume). | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00771 |
Letters sent and received by the Auditor's Office documenting all activities of the office, particularly through its duties to superintend and manage the fiscal concerns of the state as required by law; general supervision of all lands owned by the state, or in which the state is interested as trustee or otherwise, and of the leasing, sale, or other disposition thereof; execution on behalf of the state assignments and satisfactions of judgments rendered in its favor; examination and adjustment of every demand directed by law to be paid out of the state treasury; and annual cancellation and issuance of warrants. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its County Files | gr00772 |
Correspondence documenting the State Auditor's relationships with various county officials, including county auditors and treasurers, municipal officers, school districts, and county boards and associations. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its County Highway Department Annual Reports | gr01812 |
The state auditor's copies of annual reports of county highway engineers to the boards of county commissioners. They summarize financial transactions, inventories, fixed assets, maintenance costs, and construction costs, and give general comments and recommendations on recent and prospective highway work. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of the Mark Dayton Correspondence | audit044 |
Correspondence documenting the programs and
activities of the auditor’s office under Dayton. |
Auditor: An Inventory of Judith Dutcher’s Files | audit045 |
Correspondence, Website printout, and special investigative reports documenting the activities and programs of the auditor’s office under Dutcher, who served from 1994 to 2003. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Executive Council Files | gr00773 |
Files of the state auditor as one of the members of the state's Executive Council and of the Minnesota Claims Commission. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Counties | gr00161 |
Financial statements and reports (often in the form of newspaper sections) of counties and occasionally county highway departments (through 1982). These were created either by or for the county and submitted to the state auditor's office. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Hospital Districts | gr00162 |
Annual financial reports, independent audit reports, and/or balance sheets submitted to the State Auditor by hospitals, hospital districts, and nursing homes. Some reports cover more than one year. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities | gr00163 |
Financial statements, audit reports, balance sheets (often on U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department forms), or other annual financial reports of housing and redevelopment authorities in various Minnesota communities. A few county-level HRAs are included. Most reports cover the calendar year or quarter-year, but some are for other time periods. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Miscellaneous Governmental Units | gr00481 |
Financial statements, audit reports, balance sheets, and related documentation summarizing annual receipts and expenditures of area mental health programs, park and recreation boards, public libraries, cable communications boards, retirement associations, the Duluth-Auditorium Administration Board, the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission, the State Armory Building Commission, and other miscellaneous agencies. A few were created by the State Auditor or its predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Relief Associations | gr00483 |
Annual financial statements and reports, largely for police and firemen's relief associations. Very incomplete; many others are filed with the municipal financial statements. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Sanitary and Sewer Districts | gr00482 |
Financial reports of area or regional sanitary/sewerage districts, most notably the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Soil and Water Conservation Districts | gr00991 |
Mainly on State Auditor report forms. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Transportation and Port Authorities | gr00164 |
Financial and audit reports of airport commissions, port authorities, regional railroad authorities, and transit authorities. Some are reports by the State Auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Watershed Districts and Water Management Organizations | gr00484 |
Financial reports and independent audit reports for watershed districts, conservation commissions (for lakes and waterways), flood control commissions, lake improvement districts, and other water management organizations. Annual operating reports are often included, also or instead. In a few instances, the audit reports are by the State Auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its General Files | gr00775 |
General files, consisting of correspondence and related documents, mainly detailing the auditor's relations with other state agencies and departments and various local and federal government entities. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Investment Board Files | gr00774 |
Files of the state auditor as one of the member of the state's Investment Board. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Journals and Ledgers | gr01126 |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02169 |
Variety of records dealing with school and railroad
bonds; timber sales; university, school, internal improvement, and railroad lands; and numerous other topics handled by the auditor's office. |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Municipal Financial Statements | audit014 |
Financial statements (some in the form of newspaper clippings) and independent audit reports of Minnesota cities. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01085 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the State Auditor's Office. The records cover all aspects of the department's duties and activities, particularly timber laws and sales; peat; state parks and monuments; public lands, including school, lake front, and mineral lands; iron ore and mineral reservations; energy assistance programs; taxes and tax levies; state accounting standards; public pension funds; and county finances. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Reports on the Revenues, Expenditures, and Debt of Local Governments in Minnesota | gr01868 |
Reports containing summary and detailed statistics on revenues, expenditures, and debt of local government units of all types, with separate reports specifically on counties, cities, villages, towns, and special districts. Titles vary. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Township and Village Organization Records | gr02282 |
Record books and files giving data on the organization of Minnesota townships and villages, including names, name changes, locations (legal descriptions), and dates and nature of any changes in name, boundaries, or organizational status. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of the Tree Bounty Payment Records | audit003 |
Registers of tree bounty payments (1883-1915) to persons who fulfilled the statutory requirements for planting and nurturing trees on prairie lands, supplemented by sample bounty application forms (1882). | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 Refugee Claims and Related Records | gr00548 |
Correspondence, receipts, claims vouchers, and related records documenting claims to the state from both refugees and the private persons and organizations who provided relief to the refugees immediately following the war. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers and Related Records | gr02025 |
Registers record warrants issued by the auditor, authorizing payment for approved expenses, to be presented to the state treasurer for payment. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Stubs | audit046 |
First through fourth series of warrant stubs. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Stubs | audit047 |
For school textbook fund, auditor's drafts, and grass sale receipts; and legislative, general, and printing warrants. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrants | gr00500 |
Warrants constituting a detailed record of most state expenditures during the period when the state's physical and operational infrastructure was being developed, including itemizations of goods or services received with each transaction. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrants: U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 Military Claims and Related Records | gr00549 |
Records documenting claims of payment for either service in or supplies provided to the military during the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Clippings Relating to State Mines and Mineral Lands | audit009 |
Photocopied newspaper and magazine clippings
concerning Minnesota’s three iron ranges (Vermilion, Mesabi, and Cuyuna), primarily between 1912 and 1920. |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Correspondence With the Hibbing Office | audit007 |
Correspondence regarding the operation and output of iron mines on state trust fund lands, oversight of these mines, general management of the state’s mineral lands, and administration of the Hibbing office. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Correspondence, Miscellaneous | gr00657 |
Letters received by the Land Department from W. E. Culkin, attorney for the state, regarding swamp land contests; from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers relating to proposed construction of flowage reservoirs on the Mississippi River; and from private individuals concerning the survey, sale, and/or lease of pine, mineral and swamp lands. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Land Examiners Records | gr00663 |
Records documenting activities of land examiners employed to survey, scale, and appraise state lands and the timber thereon in various parts of northern Minnesota. Includes examiners' letters to the state auditor reporting on the progress of their work, as well as, the status of timber permits, harvesting, and trespass in the area (1905-1914); memorandum of timber to be cut during the 1912-1913 season; reports of scale, Duluth District (1912-1913), and correspondence and other materials relating to timber cutting, timber sales, log marks, cutting permits, and timber suits. Also a lists of names, some or all being Republican committee and party members from various counties and precincts (circa 1919). | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Land Letters | audit006 |
Correspondence concerning the administration of state-owned lands and their disposition to the public. | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Letters Received From the General Land Office | audit005 |
Letters and land lists relating to the selection, status, and transfer from the federal government to the state of various grant and trust fund lands. | |
Auditor, Land Department: An Inventory of Its Mine Inspection Reports | audit048 |
Correspondence, reports and contracts and agreements regarding mining operators in the state. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Public Lands Files, Miscellaneous | gr00660 |
Records documenting the wide variety of issues dealt with by the land department concerning state owned lands. | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Reports and Correspondence | audit008 |
Materials pertaining to the management and use of the
state’s timber and mineral lands, and occasional other land holdings. |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Reports of Inspectors of State Mines and Mineral Lands | audit012 |
Annual and periodic, often weekly, reports of Frank A. Wildes, chief inspector of iron mines situated on state lands, to the state auditor. | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Reports of Public and Railroad Land Sold | audit010 |
Lists of lands sold to private parties and paid for in full, with title passing to the purchaser and the lands becoming subject to taxation. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Squatter Records | gr00655 |
Records detailing leases on state-owned lands for such purposes as garden plots, temporary structures such as hunting sheds and lake cabins, removal of sand and gravel, and other uses of the land surface. | |
Auditor. Land Department: An Inventory of Its Superintendent of Mines Subject Files | audit002 |
Office files of Frank A. Wildes, superintendent of state mines. Wildes was responsible for administering the state's program of mineral leases, oversight of mining operations, minerals research, and general management of mineral lands and of state lands in general. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Timber Files, Miscellaneous | gr00651 |
Various records documenting the Land Department's duties and activities involving timber. | |
John T. Austinson: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000097 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Automatic Alarm Corporation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00816 |
Customer lists, product information, financial records, advertising, minutes, legal files, and related material of a Minneapolis firm incorporated in 1941 that provided central station fire protection services, central station burglar alarm services, and local alarm services to its subscribers. | |
Carlos Avery: An Inventory of His Men Harvesting Fish Eggs and Fish, Northern Minnesota Album | sv000454 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Edward Everett Ayer: An Inventory of His Civil War Reminiscences | P2211 |
Reminiscences (typed, 45 p.) of Ayer's overland journey to California (1860) and his service in Company E, First California Cavalry (1861-1864), describing the actions of the unit in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico, especially military life, guard duty, and campaigns against Indian tribes in the region. | |
Elizabeth T. Ayer: An Inventory of Her Papers | P2147 |
Letters, biographical sketches, and other papers documenting the work of Presbyterian missionaries and teachers Frederick and Elizabeth Ayer, especially their work among Ojibwe Indians in northern Minnesota. |