A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | What's New
Name/Abstract | File no. |
Melvin Joseph Maas: An Inventory of His Papers | 00985 |
Correspondence, reports, photographs, diaries, and professional papers of a Republican Minnesota Congressman, long time Marine Corps Reserve Officer, and Chairman of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. | |
Mac Martin Advertising Agency: An Inventory of Its Advertising Scrapbooks and Films | 00508 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Paul Maccabee: An Inventory of His St. Paul Gangster History Research Collection | 00239 |
Research and interview notes; correspondence; photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles and book excerpts; photocopies of FBI, St. Paul Police Department, and Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigation records; photocopies of federal and state prison inmate and court records; and photocopies of birth and death certificates, all created or compiled by Maccabee for his book | |
Robert S. Macfarlane and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01163 |
Papers of Macfarlane, Northern Pacific Railway Company president (1951-1966) and chairman (1966-1969), who began service with the company as its western counsel in 1934. | |
Clark MacGregor: An Inventory of His Papers | 00289 |
Congressional office files of a U.S. representative (Republican) from the Minnesota third district who served from 1961-1971, as well as a few files documenting his tenure (1971-1972) as Counsel to the President for Congressional Relations. | |
George E. Mackinnon: An Inventory of His Papers | 00108 |
Subject files (1927-1995), judicial files (1969-1995), and personal papers (1938-1995) of a legislator, naval officer, congressman, Republican Party campaigner, U.S. district attorney for Minnesota, gubernatorial candidate, special assistant to the U. S. attorney general, corporate attorney for Investors Diversified Services, and U.S. Court of Appeals judge for the District of Columbia circuit. The papers include correspondence and memoranda, bills, committee files, investigative materials, legal case files and opinions, press releases, reports, speeches, printed items, clippings, and other material related to MacKinnon's political, prosecutorial, and judicial careers. | |
Roger S. Mackintosh: An Inventory of His University of Minnesota and Horticultural Interest Photograph Collection | sv000268 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Macy's (Firm): An Inventory of Its Dayton's Downtown Minneapolis Department Store Event Files | 01269 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mahnomen County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00066 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Mahnomen County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Mahnomen County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers | gr00731 |
A record of payments from county funds authorized by the county auditor. | |
Mahnomen County: County Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | sam312 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions and unorganized territory of Mahnomen County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the sample years 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, and 1970-1971. Tax lists prior to 1940 are believed to no longer exist. Mahnomen County is located within the boundaries of the White Earth Indian Reservation. | |
Mahnomen County. District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM184 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Mahnomen County: Extension Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01565 |
Minutes of the Mahnomen County Extension Committee and other groups; and subject files including 4-H articles and handbooks, drill team photographs, extension information, group photo, homemakers achievement night programs and annual booklets, program offerings, and shooting sports activities. | |
Malaysian Community Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews | oh147 |
Malaysian Minnesotans speak about their experiences coming to Minnesota. The narrators discuss their personal stories of living in Malaysia and Minnesota. The interviews also touch on a wide range of topics from community, to education, and race. Interviewed by Lina Jau. | |
Shaun Maloney: An Inventory of His Papers | P2623 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Patrick and Marilyn Maloney: An Inventory of Their Household Budget Records | 01440 |
Ledgers, expense journals, worksheets, and graphs documenting the annual budgets of a Minnetonka (Minn.) couple (1958-1993). The expense journals contain a chronological listing of expenses which have been totaled monthly and entered into the ledgers according to broad categories including shelter, food, automobile, clothing, medical, income taxes and social security, charity, entertainment and recreation, savings and investments, and miscellaneous. Photocopied articles from "Changing Times" (1970, 1990), describing the Maloneys' budget method and the lifestyle they managed to maintain, are also included. | |
James Manahan: An Inventory of His Papers | 00461 |
Personal and professional papers of Manahan, a progressive St. Paul lawyer and one-term congressman-at-large who was active in Minnesota politics, farmers' issues, and railroad litigation, 1890s-1930s. | |
Polly Mann: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01359 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Manuscript Biographies Collections: An Inventory of the Collection | P939 |
An assortment of manuscript items or groups of
related items whose value is largely biographical. They include biographical and
autobiographical sketches and notes, wedding and baptismal certificates,
appointments, letters, brief reminiscences, school records, clippings, memorial
statements, and other personal memorabilia. Includes digital content. |
Caroline Marshall: An Inventory of Her Papers Relating to Minnesota Poetry Organizations | 01080 |
Correspondence, grant applications, news clippings, flyers, poet biographies, and broadsides documenting Marshall's involvement in the Women Poets of the Twin Cities, and Minnesota Poetry Outloud and its Smith Park Poetry Series. | |
William Rainey Marshall: An Inventory of His Papers | 01197 |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, a diary, muster rolls and certificates of appointment, and other papers of a Civil War general from Minnesota who also saw service in the U.S.-Dakota War and who later served as governor of Minnesota. | |
Marshall County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00068 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Marshall County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Marshall County: County Attorney: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr00805 |
Records include articles of incorporation, by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, and related materials documenting various municipalities and private organizations active in the county. | |
Marshall County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00190 |
Civil Division (1973-1982) and Family Division (1972-1982) registers of actions. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Miscellany | gr01876 |
Preliminary criminal hearing transcripts (1924-1948) of testimony given before Justices of the Peace Oscar Pearson and William Forsberg to determine validity of trial proceedings and bail. Cases dealt with included illegal liquor sales, fights, rape, and bribery of a game warden. Also civil case file depositions involving the medical bills and financial condition of Hjalmer Larson (1942), a Redwood County citizen treated in Marshall County. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr00185 |
Civil case file nos. 1-13048 (1881-1955) and criminal case file nos. 25-225 (1886-1908). | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Inquest Files | gr00192 |
Coroner's inquest registers, indexed (1888-1925, 1953-1988) and inquest reports (1929-1951). The latter document several accidental death and murder cases. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00189 |
Record of documents filed, proceedings held, and actions taken at each day's session of court. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00188 |
Records include ordination credentials and officials' bonds (1898-1921), justice's criminal convictions index and register (1903-1952), and land registration docket (1918-1981). | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM227 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr00806 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr00187 |
Registers of actions covering civil case files nos. 1-17,490. For each case, the register notes each action taken or document issued or filed, and the date. | |
Marshall County: Independent School District No. 35, Grygla: An Inventory of Its Records | isd35 |
Records documenting the administration, teachers, students, and PTA of the district. | |
Marshall County: Independent School District No. 438, Gatzke: An Inventory of Its Records | isd438 |
Records documenting the administration, students, teachers, and finances of the district. | |
Marshall County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr00191 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. | |
Eugene Marshall: An Inventory of His Civil War Reminiscences. | P2257 |
Civil War reminiscences describing the service in Tennessee of three companies of Minnesota volunteer cavalry that later became known as Brackett's Battalion of Minnesota Cavalry. | |
Martin County: An Inventory of Its Birth Records | SAM193 |
Registers and records of births, with indexes. They cover the entire county. | |
Martin County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00119 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Martin County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Martin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Adoption Case Files | gr02339 |
Adoption case files dated 1878-1985. Adoption case file nos. 328-13748 (dated 1878-1959) were removed by court staff from the court's set of civil case files prior to transfer of the civil case files to the State Archives in 1981. Beginning in 1959 the court started a separate set of adoption case files beginning with the prefix A and a numerical sequence. Lists of the files are included in the accession file. | |
Martin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03209 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Martin County: Fairmont: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Certificate Records | gr01594 |
Birth and death records of the city of Fairmont in Martin County. | |
Martin County: Fairmont Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01595 |
Birth and death registers (1872-1907) and birth and death certificate records (1908-1953) of Fairmont Township in Martin County. | |
Martin County: Lake Fremont Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01596 |
Birth (1875-1908) and death (1875-1907) records, and birth and death certificate records (1906-1953). | |
Martin County: Nashville Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01597 |
Birth and death register (1870-1899) and birth and death certificate records (1899, 1915-1953). | |
Martin County: Pleasant Prairie Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01598 |
Birth and death registers (1874-1905) and birth and death certificate records (1906-1953). | |
Martin County: Rolling Green Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01599 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1907) and birth and death certificate records (1908-1931). | |
Martin County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02072 |
Includes notice to form a school district in Lake Fremont Township (July 1883) and teacher's term reports (1908-1931). | |
Martin County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01511 |
The minutes document administrative, policy, case work, and financial decisions; personnel matters; and miscellaneous administrative matters or information of general interest to the board. | |
Adam Marty: An Inventory of His Papers | P1799 |
Originals and typescript copies of correspondence (1861-1863) of a member of Company B, 1st Regiment of Minnesota Infantry, during the Civil War; two letters (1918-1919) written to him during World War I; and a certificate (1877) from the Stillwater (Minn.) Fire Dept. | |
Mathew Marvin: An Inventory of His Papers | 00908 |
Diaries and letters by Marvin, a member of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 1861-1865; and correspondence (1872-1895) dealing mainly with Marvin's efforts to obtain government pensions for men who served in the regiment. Includes a diary (1862) kept by Randolph Wright, also with Company K, who was killed at Gettysburg. | |
Frank D. Marzitelli: An Inventory of His Papers | 00333 |
Personal papers and organizational records documenting the career of Frank D. Marzitelli, a lifelong St. Paul (Minn.) resident who served as a city council member, as Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner of highways, and as Deputy Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. | |
Sarah R. Mason: An Inventory of her Research Papers on Chinese in Minnesota | 00840 |
Research papers on Chinese, Hmong, and other Asians
in Minnesota of Sarah R. Mason, an independent scholar who taught American
history in Minnesota and at Zhung Shan University in south China, where she
spent her childhood. Includes digital content. |
Jerry Mathiason: An Inventory of His Minneapolis and Saint Paul Street Scenes | sv000296 |
Photographs were taken for the book Twin Cities then and now, by Larry Millett, published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. The images match archival photographs of the same street views. | |
Robert E. Matteson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00379 |
Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, reports, speeches, articles, clippings, a videotape, and other materials written or assembled by St. Paul (Minn.) native Robert E. Matteson, relating primarily to his career first in U.S. government service (1953-1971), on the White House staff and in other executive departments; then as director of the Sigurd Olson Institute of Environmental Studies at Northland College (Ashland, Wis., 1972-1974); and finally as lecturer, writer, and board member. | |
Brewer Mattocks and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00912 |
Correspondence, diaries, transcripts, certificates, legal documents, military orders and reports, and photographs related to a Minnesota physician's Civil War service and family history. | |
Hans Mattson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00700 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Andrew Mayer and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00140 |
Farm record books, federal and state income tax returns, wartime correspondence, and miscellaneous biographical information about a Sibley County, Minnesota farmer and World War II veteran who farmed for many years with his brother, Henry Mayer, Jr., in Moltke Township north of Gibbon. The collection documents the finances of a family farm located in southern Minnesota and operated in partnership by two brothers. | |
Edward D. Mayo: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000177 |
Includes digital content. |
John A. Mcauley: An Inventory of His Account Books | 00504 |
A daybook (1855-1859), cash books (1883-1890), general ledgers (1883-1890), and a purchase ledger (1937-1955), all apparently kept by St. Paul (Minn.) butcher John A. McAuley and by other family members. McAuley was a butcher, a butcher shop owner, or otherwise involved in the meat business in St. Paul from around 1882 until at least the early 1900s. | |
Abigail Q. McCarthy: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00481 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Papers | 00909 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Executive Files | 00916 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His General Files | 00917 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Legislative Files | 00918 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Personal Papers | 00919 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Political and Campaign Files | 00920 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Public Relations | 00921 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Sound and Visual Materials | 00922 |
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Eugene J. McCarthy: An Inventory of His Speech Files | 00923 |
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James McConvill Portrait Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000385 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Kwame and Mary Mcdonald: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00064 |
Biographical information, newspaper clippings, correspondence and subject files, school materials, and other papers created by St. Paul (Minn.) African-American community activist Kwame McDonald and his wife Mary. | |
John Joseph Mcdonough: An Inventory of His Scrapbooks | P0306 |
Clippings relating to St. Paul events and activities during McDonough's term as mayor, including his elections, the city's defense and war-support activities during World War II, housing for returning veterans, highway and airport construction, municipal finances, schools, national elections, city officials and commissions, and urban development and expansion. | |
McGarvey Coffee Company (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Advertising Records | 00804 |
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Dorothy Horton Mcgee: An Inventory of the Mcgee Family Papers | 00400 |
Family correspondence, genealogical and family history files, and papers documenting the military careers of Hugh Henry McGee (1905-1919) and John Hugh McGee (1970s). | |
Earl W. McGee: An Inventory of His Contact Sheet Photograph Albums | sv000593 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
McGill Lithography and Printing Companies: An Inventory of Their Photographs | sv000063 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
A. R. McGILL AND FAMILY: An Inventory of Their Papers | P0988 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Beneta Mchie and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00057 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Benjamin Mchie: An Inventory of His RAP Weekly Radio Talk Show Audio Collection | sv000255 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
McKnight Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records | 01100 |
Historical and program files of the McKnight
Foundation, a Minneapolis-based family foundation established in 1953 by William
L. McKnight and his wife Maude that made grants to programs focusing on children
and youth, the region and communities, the environment, the arts, and
neuroscience research. Materials include memoranda, directors' meetings
materials, brochures and reports, planning documents, program descriptions,
program guidelines, news clippings, photographs, video recordings, and audio
recordings and transcripts of oral history interviews with early leaders of the
Foundation. Includes digital content. |
James McLaughlin: An Inventory of His Papers | 01552 |
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Martin McLeod: An Inventory of His Papers | 01224 |
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McLeod County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00124 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in McLeod County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
McLeod County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Road Petitions | gr02257 |
County road petitions and related papers (1885-1889, 1907-1927, 1981), bridge petitions (1887, 1907, 1915, 1924, 1982), and reports of the Minnesota Road Improvement Association's Good Roads conventions (1893-1896). | |
McLeod County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00741 |
Tax lists for the years 1861-1901, 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
McLeod County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM056 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
McLeod County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Trial Transcripts | gr01875 |
Trial transcripts of the McLeod County District Court. | |
McLeod County: Glencoe: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Certificate Records | gr01634 |
Birth and death certificate record, 1916-1940 (4 volumes) and birth and death certificate records, 1950-1957 (15 folders and 1 volume). | |
McLeod County: Glencoe Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01635 |
Birth and death register, 1895-1931 (1 volume); birth and death certificate record, 1914-1949 (2 volumes); and birth and death certificates, 1937-1952 (2 folders). | |
McLeod County: Hutchinson: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01636 |
Birth and death register, 1900-1907, and birth and death certificate records, 1907-1955. Also Birth and death register, 1900-1907, and birth and death certificate records, 1907-1955. Also includes delayed births, 1887-1891, 1893-1894, 1896. | |
Mcleod County. Independent School District No. 423, Hutchinson: An Inventory of Its Records | isd423 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, and students of the district. | |
McLeod County: Stewart: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01637 |
Birth and death register, 1894-1900 (1 volume) and birth and death certificate records, 1910-1953 (3 volumes and 3 folders). | |
McLeod County: Sumter Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01638 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1908), and certificate records (1902-1952). | |
John D. McMillan: An Inventory of His Papers | 00228 |
Personal papers and business records related to one of the principal grain trading companies in Minneapolis and the family of one of its founders. Papers include correspondence, legal documents, minute books (1888-1938), stock certificates (1892-1969), a ledger (1909-1923), a cashbook (1909-1941), tax returns, architectural blueprints, and photographs. | |
Deborah Simmons Meader: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00401 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Media Ventures, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Company Records | sv000589 |
Materials documenting the Minnesota-based film production company of the 1980s and 1990s from formation to dissolution including business files, partnerships, contracts, distribution, marketing, miscelleanous, project files, and video recordings. Project files contain screenplays, promotional materials, and correspondence, including materials for the feature film That was then... this is now. Video recordings included are mostly promotional clips of projects. | |
Mediation Services Bureau: An Inventory of Its Fact-Finding Commissions Reports | msb001 |
Reports of fact-finding commissions appointed by the governor to look into strike notices submitted to the bureau. | |
Mediation Services Bureau: An Inventory of Its Transcripts of Representation and Fair Share Hearing | gr00142 |
Transcripts of hearings held by the bureau to investigate and certify collective bargaining units and representatives, determine fair share fee assessments, and mediate disputes between labor unions and employers connected with these matters. | |
Medical Education And Research Cost Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | merc |
Records of this body, charged with examining the
financing of medical education and researching Minnesota's changing health care market. |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its License Application Records | gr02054 |
Records of applications by graduates of American medical colleges for licenses to practice medicine in Minnesota. Photograph portraits are affixed to most applications after June, 1906. | |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Registers of Medical Practitioners | gr02055 |
Registers of physicians, midwives, and physical therapists. They give license number, name, age, residence, diploma school and date, and Minnesota registration date. Also included are medical doctor rosters. | |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02056 |
Transcripts of hearings, sometimes with related correspondence, on matters brought before the board; statistics on registration and licenses, medical schools, and foreign physicians; miscellaneous lists of physicians; correspondence with or regarding women physicians; historical data on the board and on medical licensure; and background information on various matters of interest to the board. | |
Meeker County: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00043 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Meeker County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Meeker County: Board of Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Agenda Packets | gr02986 |
Agenda packets for the years 1987-2023. | |
Meeker County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02937 |
Civil judgment books (1971-1982) and a default judgment book (1971-1981). | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02938 |
Files numbered 1-12040. Files prior to 1897 include criminal case files. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02939 |
Files numbered 1-421 (some prefixed by A) and B1-B250. Criminal files prior to 1897 are interfiled with the civil case files. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Records | gr01358 |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr01357 |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02940 |
Minutes of the Meeker County District Court. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02941 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02942 |
Spine title: "Court orders and findings." | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02943 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Meeker County District Court. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Register and Record of Justices' Certificates of Conviction | gr02944 |
Register and record of justices' certificates of conviction of the Meeker County District Court. | |
Meeker County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02945 |
Records or registers for dentists, optometrists, physicians, township and county officers, basic science certificates, and clergy ordination certificates. | |
Meeker County: Grove City: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01652 |
Birth and death registers (1891-1907) and birth and death certificate records (1908-1952). | |
Meeker County: Independent School District No. 461, Cosmos: An Inventory of Its Records | isd461 |
Records documenting the administration, students, teachers, and finances of the district. | |
Meeker County: Independent School District No. 464, Grove City: An Inventory of Its Records | isd464 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, buildings, students, and PTA of the district. | |
Meeker County: Manannah Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03298 |
Clerk's books (1902-1977), treasurer's books (1902-1976) and annual statements (1911, 1960-1984), road records (1905-1920, 1930-1947), poll lists (1956-1978), election summary statements (1978-1990) and sample ballots (1961-1991), and township map (1987). | |
Meeker County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02946 |
Final decrees, 1880-1982 (reels 1-15) and miscellaneous orders, 1857-1893 (reel 15), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Meeker County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02947 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Meeker County: School District No. 49/1115, Collinwood Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01158 |
Clerk's books (1883-1963), textbook record (1914-1935), library and textbook survey (1934), class register (1909-1918), class record (1922-1933), complete combination records (1939-1943), teachers' reports to county superintendent (1933-1954), attendance registers (1887-1928), census (1934-1961), and teacher's souvenir booklet (1907). | |
Peg Meier: An Index to Bring Warm Clothes : Letters and Photos from Minnesota's Past | lb00007 |
Every day life from the beginning of the 19th century to the dawn of World War II. | |
Thomas J. Meighen: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01339 |
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F. R. Meisch: An Inventory of His Papers | 00835 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Members of Lincoln Lodge No. 2: An Inventory of a Photographs | sv000218 |
Portraits of the members of Lincoln Lodge No. 2 photographed by Westman & Nordmark. | |
Mendota Bridge Construction Photograph Collection: An Inventory of the Collection | sv000465 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Louis W. Menk: An Inventory of His Papers | 00583 |
Correspondence, speeches, scrapbooks, memorabilia, printed matter, and related papers documenting the career of this railroad executive who was president of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company (1962-1965), the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company (1965-1966), the Northern Pacific Railway Company (1966-1970), and Burlington Northern Inc. (1970-1978, and chairman 1978-1981). He was also one of the principal architects of the 1970 merger that created the Burlington Northern. | |
Bruno Menzel and Family: An Inventory of Thier Papers | 00473 |
Autobiographical and genealogical information, family correspondence (1890-1922), photographs (1905-1970s), newspaper clippings (1911-1990), an autograph book, financial journal (1881-1990), and miscellany (1884-1887) of a German immigrant to Minneapolis and his family, as well as bills, receipts, and correspondence relating to the B.R. Menzel Fur Company (1892-1940). | |
Glen J. Merritt: An Inventory of His World War I Ambulance Unit Photographs | sv000236 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Metal Products Companies Photograph Collection: An Inventory of The Photographs | sv000464 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Methven-Taylor Funeral Homes: An Inventory of Its Records | 01200 |
Records of two Northeast Minneapolis funeral homes, Rainville Bros. Funeral Chapel and O.E. Larson Mortuary, both later part of Methven-Taylor, and a few files pertaining to the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association. Funeral record books, record sheets, and funeral arrangement sheets in the collection contain extensive biographical data on the deceased. | |
Metro Hospital Trustee Council: An Inventory of Its Records | 00592 |
Minutes, informational packets, reports, newsletters, position papers, clippings, correspondence, and other material related to an informal, Minnesota-based association composed of trustees of member hospitals and hospital corporations in the Twin Cities area. The Council was formed initially to address community concerns about excess hospital costs and bed capacity, later expanding its scope to address and advocate for other issues in the medical care industry. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Airport Directors Files | gr00263 |
Files documenting the airport director's activities and duties. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials | gr00259 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | mac02 |
Correspondence covering all aspects of the administration and operation of the Commission. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of the Files of Holman Field Director F. J. Geng | mac05 |
Correspondence and subject files kept by Geng, Holman Field director from 1927 through 1961. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Historical Materials | gr02396 |
A variety of materials documenting both the history
of the Metropolitan Airports Commission and Minnesota aviation in general. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr00262 |
Surveys, studies, planning documents, brochures, proposals, and reports documenting all aspects of the commission's activities. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Air Terminal Site | mac01 |
Records relating to the selection of a site for the major air terminal for the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, and the acquisition of land therefore and the development thereof. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00260 |
Subject files documenting all aspects of the
operation and administration of the Metropolitan Airports Commission. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Hugh K. Schilling | mac03 |
Subject files of Hugh K. Schilling, Metropolitan
Airports Commission chair from January 1991 to September 1993. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials | gr00259 |
Visual and audio materials documeting individuals, events and airport scenes, aircraft, and aerial views. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of the Wold-Chamberlain Field Files | gr00822 |
Subject files documenting all aspects of the
operation and administration of Wold- Chamberlain Field. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of the Wold-Chamberlain Field Operational Records | gr00261 |
Records documenting daily flight activities on the field. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Communications/Telecommunications Program Records | metc001 |
Files documenting the council's communications/telecommunications program, mainly in the areas of cable television and telecommunications. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Council Administration Files | gr02389 |
Documenting the interests and activities of the council, the administration files include administrative meeting minutes and agenda packets; council resolutions; memoranda (1971-1972); management team minutes (1971-1974); Manpower Technical Advisory Committee records (1973); work programs and budgets (1970-1974); newsletters (1967-1975); policy plans and programs (1973-1974); depositions in the Metropolitan Council Housing and Redevelopment Authority case (1980); correspondence of the chairman, council members, and general staff, and with metropolitan area counties and the Housing and Urban Development Department (1964-1974); and subject files (1967-1975). | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Council Chair's Files | gr02388 |
Correspondence, subject and speech files, primarily of council chairs James L. Hetland (1967-1971), Albert J. Hofstede (1971-1973), John E. Boland (1973-1978), and Charles R. Weaver (1979). There are scattered files from the offices of chairs Gerald J. Isaacs (Jan. 1983-1984), Sandra S. Gardebring (1984-1986), and Steve Keefe (1986-1989). | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Metropolitan 911 Program Records | gr00195 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr00477 |
Minutes, agendas, correspondence, reports, work plans, resolutions, and related papers. Some of the minutes in the agenda packets are ribbon copies, but the majority are photocopies, signed and certified by the council president. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Organizational Charts | gr02274 |
Departmental organization charts from 2005-2018. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01923 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Metropolitan Council. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Richard Johnson | metc024 |
Subject files of Richard Johnson, Associate Regional Administrator. | |
Metropolitan Council: An Inventory of Its Twin Cities Transportation Planning Program Records | metc016 |
Records of the Metropolitan Council's Twin Cities Transportation Planning Program, a cooperative planning and development endeavor by the council, the state Highway Department, the Metropolitan Trade Commission, the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the seven counties of the metropolitan area, with a planning staff unit established within the council. | |
Metropolitan Council: Environment Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01922 |
Minutes, agendas, business items and resolutions, and other meeting files. | |
Metropolitan Council. Metropolitan Health Board: An Inventory of Its Records | metc017 |
The records consist largely of minutes and agenda packets, committee and task force files, and subject files, supplemented by miscellaneous related records. | |
Metropolitan Council: Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission: An Inventory of Its Meeting Files | gr00309 |
Agenda packets for each meeting of the commission. | |
Metropolitan Council: Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00310 |
General subject files, LAWCON/LCMR files, and Minneapolis-St. Paul level B study files. | |
Metropolitan Council: Minority Issues Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | metc022 |
Records of this advisory committee created to advise the Metropolitan Council on issues of concern to minority communities. | |
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02551 |
Records of the regional arts council that serves the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minnesota), documenting both its daily functions and activities and its relationship with various state and regional arts organizations. | |
Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00735 |
Published proposals, recommendations, evaluations, marketing studies, and reports, both prepared by and submitted to the commission, covering such topics as stadium location, legislation, environmental impact, economic impact, finances, and marketing. | |
Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01606 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Metropolitan Transit Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01393 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Metropolitan Transit Commission. | |
Metropolitan Transit Commission: An Inventory of Its Regulatory Files | mtc02 |
Records documenting regulation of bus fares, routes, and service. | |
Metropolitan Transit Commission: Transit Development Division: An Inventory of Its Records | mtc03 |
The division's records consist largely of agenda files for meetings of the Transit Development Committee, project files for major planning studies and demonstration projects, and related correspondence. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | metwas02 |
Reports of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission
and its predecessor, the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area. |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | metwas03 |
Financial records of the Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission and its predecessor, the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area. |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00273 |
Agendas and minutes of meetings of the commission and
its predecessor, the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area. |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Motions and Resolutions | gr01921 |
Motions and resolutions of the commission and its predecessor, the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Project Photographs | gr01309 |
Photographs documenting the construction of the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant near Pig's Eye Lake in St. Paul. Included are general views of the plant, and photographs depicting the construction of its additions and improvements, as well as aerial photographs of it and other plants in the vicinity. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Materials | metwas05 |
Reports, rules and regulations, engineering studies, environmental assessments, action and facility plans, program documents, surveys, public hearing materials, and studies of the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area (1969-1975) and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (1975-1993). | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District: An Inventory of the Metropolitan Drainage Commission Records | metwas08 |
Records of this commission created in 1927 to study pollution conditions of the Mississippi River through and adjacent to the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00275 |
Records of this sanitary district designed to promote the public health and welfare of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area through an adequate and efficient system of treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00274 |
Records of this sanitary district designed to promote the public health and welfare of the Twin Cities metropolitan area's northern suburban communities through an adequate and efficient system of treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. | |
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Southwest Sanitary Sewer District: An Inventory of the Southwest Sanitary Sewer Board Files | metwas07 |
Records of this sanitary district designed to promote the public health and welfare of the Twin Cities metropolitan area's southwestern suburban communities through an adequate and efficient system of treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. | |
Metzger, B. J. (Barbara Jean): An Inventory of Her Papers | 00883 |
Correspondence, academic papers and course materials, photographs, minutes of meetings, journals, poetry, materials relating to gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) and feminist organizations, and other papers of a community organizer, democratic political activist, theological student, and GLBT activist who also held positions on commissions and task forces in St. Paul city government. | |
Mexican-American Cultural Center, St. Paul, Minn.: An Inventory of the Album | sv000402 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mexican Independence Celebration, St. Paul, Minn.: An Inventory of the Album | sv000401 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Adolph F. Meyer: An Inventory of His Papers | 00065 |
Project files and related papers of a hydraulic engineer and inventor who for many years maintained a consulting practice in Minneapolis (Minn.). The files include correspondence and memoranda, notes and calculations, project reports, maps, mechanical drawings, photographs, and hydrological, meteorological, and other data. | |
Adolph Meyer Photograph Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000349 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Maud Meyers Family Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000403 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Michigan Superintendency of Indian Affairs: A Guide to the Microfilm of Their Records | m0660 |
Orville R. Mickelson: An Inventory of His Papers | P2621 |
Correspondence between Orville Mickelson, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and his family and friends prior to and during his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II. | |
Mid-20th Century Minnesota Supreme Court Justices Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews | oh145 |
Members of the state supreme court were interviewed in the 1970s to document the Minnesota judiciary. In addition to personal backgrounds, the Justices discuss the Minnesota state court system, operational problems of the court, changes and proposed changes in the court system, major issues before the supreme court from the 1940s to the 1970s, political and public pressures on supreme court justices, and the influence of the United States Supreme Court on state supreme courts. Interviewed by Mark Haidet. | |
Midland Cooperatives, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 00219 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Midwest Dairy Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00342 |
The Midwest Dairy Association was formed in 2000, becoming the recordkeeper for the Minnesota Dairy Promotion Council and similar dairy concerns. Collection includes minutes (1894, 1904-1989), corporation documents, audit reports (1945-1980), some correspondence (1932-1974), photographs (1940s-1985), radio spots and television commercials (1980-1982), newspaper clippings (1938-1972), and other printed matter largely documenting a number of predecessors of the Minnesota Dairy Promotion Council, a trade association serving the Minnesota dairy industry and closely affiliated with the American Dairy Association. | |
Migrant Affairs Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01980 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Gordon Mikkelson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00066 |
Correspondence, memoranda, photographs, diaries, newspaper clippings, minutes, reports, financial records, maps, interviews, manuscripts, reminiscences, legal documents, speeches, themes, and printed matter related to the life and career of a Minneapolis civic leader, WCCO Radio executive, and conservationist. | |
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Minnesota Commandery: An Inventory of Its Records | 01304 |
Correspondence and printed materials regarding meetings, membership, and administrative activities of the Minnesota Commandery; membership applications, registers, and indexes; memorials and other biographical data on members; Civil War reminiscences; minute books (1885-1906); and financial records. | |
Mille Lacs County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00097 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Mille Lacs County: Bogus Brook Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01653 |
Birth and death register (1900-1908) and birth and death certificate registers (1908-1952). | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records | gr02458 |
Index to business names (1911-1978, 1 volume) and loose business name certificates (1911-1978). | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02455 |
Files numbered A1-A690, B194-B1171, and 1172-6699. Files for the 1860s may include a few criminal cases. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02456 |
Registers of inquests (1887-1984) and inquest files (1878-1984). | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02457 |
File nos. 1A-42A and 1-903. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02468 |
Judgment records of the Mille Lacs County District Court. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01561 |
Minutes of the Mille Lacs County District Court. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02857 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02467 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Mille Lacs County District Court. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02469 |
Records or registers for chiropractors, dentists, masseurs, ministers, physicians, veterinarians, optometrists, and basic science certificates. | |
Mille Lacs County: Independent School District No. 477, Princeton: An Inventory of Its Records | isd477 |
Records documenting the administration, students, teachers, and finances of the district. | |
Mille Lacs County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02459 |
Court register (1919-1948) and record (1919-1949) and minute books (1959-1985). | |
Mille Lacs County: Milaca: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01654 |
Birth (1908-1911, 1912-1916, 1941-1953) and death (1907-1916, 1941-1953) certificate registers. | |
Mille Lacs County: Milaca Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01655 |
Birth and death registers (1889-1907), birth (1908-1913, 1931-1941) and death (1931-1953) certificate registers, and reports of birth (1893-1907) and deaths (1907-1910). | |
Mille Lacs County: Page Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01656 |
Birth and death register (1902-1907), birth and death certificate records (1903-1953), and permits for burial/removal of corpse (1910-1919). | |
Mille Lacs County: Page Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02453 |
Clerk's books (1901-1978); treasurer's books (1901-1980) and annual statements (1919-1983, incomplete); road records (1903-1935), including survey plat and reports; tax records (1901, 1912); audit board reports (1902-1903); annual town meeting minutes (1901-1903); election records (1902-1903, 1956-1986); real property assessment roll (1910); and miscellaneous records, including the purchase of a district school house to be used as the town hall (1966). | |
Mille Lacs County: Princeton: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01657 |
Birth (1908-1911) and death (1901, 1906, 1908-1910) certificates and birth (1900-1907 and 1914-1953) and death (1923-1953) registers. | |
Mille Lacs County: Princeton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02454 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02847 |
Final decrees, 1884, 1895-1982 (reels 1-8), miscellaneous orders, 1875-1979 (reels 9-10), and petitions, 1879-1906 (reel 10), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. Some volumes include documents for Ojibwe Indians living on or near the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation. | |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02460 |
Petitions in insanity, reports of jury or board of examiners, and related orders and commitment documents. | |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02461 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Mille Lacs County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02391 |
Lists of school district teachers and officers; teachers' certificate information; miscellaneous records relating to teachers and officers; building (1916-1922) and visitation (1944-1956) information on school facilities; county superintendent's annual reports (1873-1901), annual report statistical summaries (1905-1912), and circular letters to school districts (1949-1970); school district clerks' annual reports (1873-1907); record of applications for special school aid (1906-1917), which give additional information on the schools; and reports, minutes, correspondence, and related papers of the Mille Lacs County School Survey Committee (1946-1960). | |
Min-Dak Areawide Comprehensive Health Planning Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02390 |
Annual reports, minutes and meeting materials, certificate of need correspondence, Chicago regional office minutes, minutes of the West Central Minnesota Regional Action Council (affiliated with the Minnesota Public Health Association), and files on area health care facilities, primarily nursing homes. | |
Minn-Dak Council On Occupational Therapy Education: An Inventory of Its Records | 00547 |
Membership rosters, minutes, and standard operating procedures (Council policy and procedures) pertaining to an association of academic and clinical occupational therapists from Minn., N.D., and S.D. formed in 1959 to promote the quality of educational standards for registered occupational therapists and certified occupational therapy assistants. | |
Minneapolis Historical Photographs: An Inventory of the Album | sv000437 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis / St. Paul: An Inventory of the Album | sv000315 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis and St. Paul Newspapers: An Inventory of Newspaper Negatives | sv000039 |
Contains newspaper negatives from the primary St. Paul and Minneapolis newspapers in their various incarnations. Includes images that appeared in the newspapers as well as the outtakes. The images provide views of people, places, and events from various locations around Minnesota. Some negatives have been printed and moved into the Minnesota Historical Society photograph collection. | |
Minneapolis Christmas Lighting Committee: An Inventory of Its Photographs | sv000121 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis Citizens Committee on Public Education (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Committee Records | 00301 |
Minutes (1943-1984), committee files (1950-1984), financial records (1951-1985), membership files (1957-1984), historical files (1934-1984), newsletters (1941-1984), photographs (1960-1969), and other materials of an independent citizens' group that worked with the Minneapolis school board, the teachers and their union, and school administrators as an advocate for quality education and equal educational opportunities for all students (K-12) in the Minneapolis public school system. | |
Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Association: An Inventory of Its Records | wrc005 |
Correspondence and miscellany relating to the activities of the association in promoting World War I mobilization and homefront enterprises. They form part of the collected records of the Minnesota War Records Commission. | |
Minneapolis Community Union Project: An Inventory of Its Records | 00986 |
Subject files, including organizational documents, minutes, and newsletters; and background files of a community organizing agency active on the near south side of Minneapolis. | |
Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00148 |
Board minutes, indexed (1948-2010), financial records (1935-2009), and informational handbooks (1956-1976). The financial records comprise actuarial (valuation) reports and comprehensive financial reports. | |
Minneapolis Jewish Cemetery Association: An Inventory of Its Records | M513 |
Records, in English and Yiddish, of a Jewish cemetery association organized in Minneapolis in 1890, including minute books (1924-1963), a plot book, burial records (1940-1955), and financial records (1905-1933). | |
Minneapolis League of Catholic Women: An Inventory of Its Records | 01105 |
Historical files, bylaws, minutes of directors and executive committee meetings, publications, subject files, program files, and publicity and photograph scrapbooks of an organization established to meet the needs of single women working in downtown Minneapolis. Includes information about the League's Margaret Barry Settlement House and its Pathway Group Home. | |
Minneapolis, Minnesota, Miscellaneous Newspapers Collection: An Inventory of Titles on the Minneapolis, Minnesota, Miscellaneous Newspaper Microfilm | lb00006 |
Miscellaneous titles and issues of newspapers published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, between 1860 and 1989. | |
Minneapolis Milling District Construction: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000076 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis-Moline Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00063 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis Municipal Hiking Club (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01258 |
Minutes, corporate and membership materials, historian's files, trip files, records of awards and memorials, photographs, and miscellany of this hiking and social club founded in 1920 under the auspices of the Minneapolis Park Board. With its membership dwindling, it dissolved in 2010 and transferred its remaining funds to the Park Board. | |
Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00308 |
![]() |
Minneapolis Public Schools Neighborhood Survey: An Inventory of The Collection | sv000286 |
Views of residential, industrial, commercial, and public buildings in Minneapolis, Minnesota; arranged by neighborhood. Many of the images have more detailed location information on the back of the photoprint. | |
Minneapolis Primary Sunday School Teachers' Union: An Inventory of Their Minutes and Related Materials | 00382 |
Minutes and a membership list of a Minneapolis organization of Sunday School teachers and biographical information on its founder, Martha Howard Wells. | |
Minneapolis Retailers Association: An Inventory of Its Records | P2369 |
Minutes (1910-1941, 1956-1964), annual meeting miscellany (1937-1957), financial reports and tax information (1936-1966), and related miscellany documenting an association of Minneapolis retail merchants which later (1958) merged into the Minneapolis Downtown Council. The association sought to protect retail interests, promote business and good practice, and promote cooperation among retailers. | |
Minneapolis Retired Teachers Incorporated (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01151 |
Articles of incorporation and bylaws (1949-1990), minutes (1925-2009), directories (1941-1991), newsletters (1951-2005), committee and officer reports (1934-2010), scrapbooks (1951-1987), some photographs, and other programmatic and miscellaneous records. | |
Minneapolis Riverfront Redevelopment Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews | oh117 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Edina Newspapers: An Inventory of Newspaper Photographs | sv000150 |
![]() |
Minneapolis Star Tribune: An Inventory of Its Photographs Arranged by Subject | sv000150e |
![]() |
Minneapolis Star Tribune: An Inventory of Its Portrait Collection | sv000150d |
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Minneapolis Saloons: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000062 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Poll and Metro Poll Data Collection | 00324 |
Data collection and statistics used to produce the Metro Poll and the Minnesota Poll for the Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company. | |
Minneapolis Times: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Photographs and Clippings | sv000126 |
Contains a sampling of files of people, places, and organizations that are statewide in representation, and includes photographs and the occasional newspaper article originally held at the Minneapolis Times newspaper morgue and the Minneapolis Public Library. | |
Minneapolis Typothetae: An Inventory of Its Records | 00070 |
Minutes (1885-1906, 1914-1939), some correspondence (1909-1937), advertising and publicity materials (1939-1956), and other miscellaneous records of a local trade association for members of the Minneapolis printing industry. | |
Minneapolis Urban League: An Inventory of Its Records | 00373 |
Correspondence and subject files, directors minutes (1967-1987), clippings, press releases, studies and reports, position papers, financial information, speeches, some oversize posters, and other records of a nonprofit human service and advocacy organization for low-and moderate-income African Americans and other minorities. | |
Minnehaha Falls: An Inventory of Postcard Views | sv000297 |
Views of Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, Minn. Includes views published by Minnesota companies and in various formats. Collection does include one view of Longfellow Gardens, adjacent to Minnehaha Falls, and a portrait drawing of Minnehaha. | |
Minnehaha Grange No. 398 (Edina, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00152 |
Minute books, subject and correspondence files, and scrapbooks documenting the social and political activities of a subordinate (local) grange lodge (1873-1991) located in a suburb of Minneapolis. | |
Minnesota $$ Million: An Inventory of Its Records | P2427 |
Organizational records including minutes, printed materials, and press clippings pertaining to an association formed in late 1990 for the purpose of raising funds to elect a women from the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party to the U.S. Senate in 1994. | |
Minnesota 2000 Documentary Photography Project: An Inventory of Its Collection | 00694 |
Photographs, copies, work prints, exhibit prints, slides, and project files from the Minnesota 2000 Documentary Photography Project and Minnesota 2000 exhibit. | |
Minnesota 2000 Journal Project: An Inventory of Its Collection | 00693 |
51 journals from 46 artists, poets, writers, printmakers, and other creative people living in Minnesota chronicling their personal journeys and daily life in the year 2000. | |
Minnesota Academy of Medicine: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 01556 |
Records of a medical organization formed in 1887. Includes Board minutes, meeting announcements and minutes, membership lists, lists of speakers, member correspondence, reports, administrative files, and record book volumes of compiled minutes of meetings, constitution, bylaws, membership lists, and letters. | |
Minnesota Academy of Science: An Inventory of Its Records | 01448 |
Records documenting the history, administration, and activities of the Minnesota Academy of Science (1873-1986) and a number of related organizations including the National Science Foundation (1953-1971), the Minnesota Junior Academy of Science (1936-1986), the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (1963-1972), and the Minnesota Environmental Resources Council (1969-1974). The records include correspondence, bylaws, minutes, financial records, registers and lists, annual reports, contracts, programs, reports, field journals, manuals, newsletters, and newspaper clippings. | |
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | masc03 |
Letters between the commission's executive director and various legislators concerning sports legislation or sports events/facilities in their districts, "blue slip" letters written by commission staff on behalf of the governor. | |
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission: An Inventory of Its Meeting Files | masc01 |
Minutes, correspondence, surveys, feasibility
studies, newspaper articles, sporting event brochures, budgets, meeting agendas, and related documents detailing the commission's activities, programs, and projects. |
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records | masc04 |
Materials both created by and submitted to the commission, including feasiblity studies, reports, proposals, applications, and long range planning documents. | |
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission: An Inventory of Its Star of the North Games Files | masc02 |
Files documenting the Star of the North Games, held annually and patterned after the winter and summer Olympic games. | |
Minnesota Archaeological Society: An Inventory of Its Society Records | 00422 |
Records of an association of archaeologists organized to inform the public on archaeological matters through regular meetings and the publication of reports and studies, and to promote the study of archaeology, anthropology, and ethnology. | |
Minnesota Artists Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Records | oh1 |
The Minnesota Artists Oral History Project documents the work of selected artists, some of whose work is represented in the Art Collection of the Minnesota Historical Society. Interviews focus on the factors that have influenced the artists' careers, their work and its evolution, and include comments on contemporaries, their training, and directions they expect to explore in the future. Individual interviews may also explore the events that have influenced the creation of specific pieces of art in each artist's portfolio. Interviewed by Thomas O'Sullivan, Nina Archabal, Susan Meehan, Elizabeth Knight, George Reid, Mary Harvey, Pat and Bob Crump, and Brian Szott. | |
Minnesota Artist Projects Through the Depression Years Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh150 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Association for Adult Continuing Education: An Inventory of Its Records | 00814 |
Minutes (1958-2007), correspondence, treasurer's reports (1954-2006), subject files (1951-2004), committee reports (1966-2006), newsletters (1960-2007), photographs, and printed material of an organization concerned with all phases of adult education, which began in 1919 to help educate immigrants. Membership included county and local school systems, libraries, the Minnesota Department of Education, the University of Minnesota, parent-teacher associations, and other agencies. | |
Minnesota Association of Cooperatives: An Inventory of Its Records | 00200 |
Correspondence and subject files, organizational records, executive director's files, miscellaneous files, and printed material reflecting the organization, membership, and activities of a trade association established in 1946 to promote the interests of cooperative associations. | |
Minnesota Association of Museums: An Inventory of Its Records | 00231 |
Historical information, bylaws, minutes of executive and steering committees; membership files; workshop, seminar, and conference materials; and related records documenting the activities of a statewide association of museum professionals founded in 1975 to set professional standards and to serve as a means of communication among a number of historical and other museums in Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Association of Occupational Health Nurses: An Inventory of Its Records | 00691 |
Historical information; articles of incorporation (1945-1999) and bylaws (1965-2002); minutes and related papers (1967-2002) for membership, board of directors, and annual business meetings; administrative and resource manuals (1990-2002); president’s (1998-2003) and committee (1957-2003) files; financial records (1968-2002); officer, board, and membership rosters (1967-2002); newsletters (1971-1999); awards and proclamations (1977-1997); and photographs (1976-1995) documenting the concerns, programs, and activities of a professional association for occupational health nurses incorporated in 1945. | |
Minnesota Association of Volunteer Directors: An Inventory of Its Records | 00148 |
Annual reports, bylaws, minutes, membership lists, conference materials, and program records of a statewide organization dedicated to professional volunteer administration. | |
Minnesota Audubon Council: An Inventory of Its Council Records | 00119 |
Organizational records and records of constituent chapters from one of the five "national" state offices of the National Audubon Society. | |
Minnesota Birth Control League: An Inventory of the President's Files | P2478 |
Constitution, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, membership lists, meeting programs, clinic and financial reports, a memo book, printed pamphlets, news clippings, and related materials kept by Elizabeth H. Shafer. Shafer was the founding president of an organization formed on March 15, 1928 in Minneapolis for the purpose of promoting education about family planning, reforming laws that regulated access to birth control, and providing medical contraceptive services. | |
Minnesota Black Music Awards: An Inventory of Its Records | 00501 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Bluegrass Music Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh156 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Board of Managers For The World's Fair, St. Louis: An Inventory of Its Records | mbmwf |
Minutes, financial records, visitors registers, and miscellany documenting the board's activities in preparing for, overseeing, and dismantling the Minnesota building at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri. | |
Minnesota Boat Club Scenes: An Inventory of the Album | sv000408 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Casket Company Exhibit at Minnesota State Fair: An Inventory of the Album | sv000343 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Children's Museum (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00256 |
Organizational records created by the Minnesota Children's Museum. Includes newsletters, annual reports, clippings, exhibit and educational records, financial and administrative records, organizational histories, development and marketing materials, records regarding the move from Minneapolis to Saint Paul and new museum space design in the early 1990s, audiovisual materials, and oral history interviews of museum founders. | |
Minnesota Citizens Committee On Public Education: An Inventory of Its Records | 00545 |
Minutes (1963-1976), correspondence (1967-1974), financial materials (1959-1975), historical information (1951-1967), press releases (1967-1975), and miscellaneous printed matter (1953-1975) documenting a committee representing various civic and education groups to support and improve the public education system statewide, and to serve as a clearinghouse for information relating to education and the public schools. | |
Minnesota Clergy and Laity Concerned: An Inventory of Its Vietnam War Opposition Papers | 00062 |
Papers relating to the Minnesota Clergy and Laity Concerned's activities in opposition to the Vietnam War and U.S. draft policies. | |
Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01343 |
Records from the Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC), the local affiliate of the National Coalition Against Censorship, which focuses on protecting freedom of speech rights, and opposing censorship in libraries, schools, and art. The collection includes: minutes, annual reports, bylaws and financial records; conferences, membership, and policy files; censorship surveys regarding public schools and libraries; and the files of Matthew Stark, the director and secretary for MCAC. | |
Minnesota Coalition On Health: An Inventory of Its Records | 00537 |
Minutes, correspondence, reports, and other files of an organization dedicated to improving the affordability, accessibility, and quality of health care in Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Coalition To Lower the Voting Age: An Inventory of Its Records | P0014 |
Correspondence, minutes, financial records, newsletters, promotional literature, and miscellany of a group, headed by Wayne Gilbert and Jeanne Bear, which lobbied successfully for passage (1970) of legislation lowering the Minnesota voting age to 19. | |
Minnesota Coalition of Organizations for Sex Equity in Education: An Inventory of Its Records | 01091 |
Minutes, correspondence, bylaws, scattered annual reports, and subject files of an organization established in September 1978 to study and promote gender equity in Minnesota's public schools. | |
Minnesota College Personnel Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00391 |
Records of a professional association for guidance counselors and others involved in college and university student personnel work and related areas. | |
Minnesota Commission of Public Safety: An Inventory of Its Main Files | gr00954 |
Subject files relating to all commission activities. | |
Minnesota Committee for Gay and Lesbian Rights: An Inventory of Its Records | 00483 |
Records of an organization formed in 1974 to campaign for equal rights for gays and lesbians. | |
Minnesota Composers Forum: An Inventory of Its Records | 00189 |
Board, executive committee, and staff meeting minutes; financial records; correspondence and miscellaneous records; newsletters, news releases, and newspaper clippings; reports; grant applications; printed programs; and similar materials documenting the activities of a Twin Cities nonprofit organization formed in 1973 to provide financial and other assistance to Minnesota music composers. The Forum received financial support from a number of Minnesota foundations, from the Minnesota State Arts Board, and from the National Endowment for the Humanities. | |
Minnesota Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks and Administrative Records | 01274 |
Historical scrapbooks and some administrative records of a volunteer advocacy organization established in Saint Paul in 1922 working on behalf of children and youth. The collection includes a state branch charter; minutes, financial statements and reports; historians' records; a variety of scrapbooks documenting the history and activities of the organization; a small book of memorial tributes to the late James M. McConnell, state commissioner of education; and scrapbooks of the North St. Paul Area Council of PTAs. | |
Minnesota Conservation Federation: An Inventory of Its Organizational records | 01533 |
Administrative and other records of a Saint Paul-based nonprofit organization created to coordinate conservation efforts in Minnesota and to promote outdoor recreation in the state. | |
Minnesota Council for Coordinating Education In Agriculture: An Inventory of Its Records | P2595 |
Records of the Minnesota Council for Coordinating Education in Agriculture (MCCEA), an organization formed to coordinate and provide resources for agricultural education, to facilitate communication between various agricultural programs, to advise the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Commission, and to study, analyze, and evaluate agriculture, agricultural industries, and agricultural education in Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Council of Churches: An Inventory of Its Records | 00806 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, trustees' and directors' minutes and reports, financial records, and some photographs of a statewide ecumenical agency formed in 1948 bringing together mainline-Protestant denominations in Minnesota to manifest unity in the church, to build common good in the world, and to build relationships between denominations and also within the larger religious community and with other organizations, agencies, and institutions within the nonprofit and public sectors across the state. | |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits: An Inventory of Its Records | 00507 |
Board minutes, committee files, publications and reports, subject files, and other material relating to the activities of, and issues of concern to, a St. Paul-based association of Minnesota nonprofit organizations that was formed in 1987 to increase the resources and strengthen the effectiveness of Minnesota nonprofits, especially those that serve or advocate for disadvantaged people. | |
Minnesota Council On Foundations: An Inventory of Its Records | 00321 |
Reports, minutes, agendas, correspondence, planning notes, fliers, newsletters, and pamphlets documenting the administration of the council and the various seminars, sessions and discussion groups sponsored by the council. | |
Minnesota Council On Religion and Race: An Inventory of Its Records | 00235 |
Records of the council, active from 1963 to ca. 1971, which was concerned with civil rights, human rights, and race relations in the United States. | |
Minnesota County Judges Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00544 |
Minutes, correspondence of probate judges (1941-1945) and of A. M. Bullis, and miscellaneous papers documenting a professional association of county judges, as well as two of its predecessors: the Minnesota Association of Probate Judges and the Minnesota Association of Juvenile Court Judges. | |
Minnesota Crafts Council: An Inventory of Its Records | 00774 |
Administrative records, gallery records, festival and show files, and photographs documenting the operation, membership, and activities of the Minnesota Crafts Council, an organization that supported artists and the crafts industry in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest by sponsoring crafts shows, workshops, conferences, a gallery, and a regional communications network. The collection is particularly strong in its documentation of two annual events, the Minnesota Crafts Festival and the Fiber/Metal Arts Show, and contains a large number of photographs, artist slides, and biographical information. | |
Minnesota Dental Hygienists Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00929 |
Historical materials, organizational documents, minutes, meeting files, administrative files, newsletters, scrapbooks, financial records, and component (regional unit) records of this professional advocacy organization. | |
Minnesota District Civilian Conservation Corps Camps: An Inventory of the Album | sv000353 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Education Association. Northern Division: An Inventory of Its Association Records | 00312 |
Records documenting many aspects of a regional association representing primary and secondary school teachers in northern Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02137 |
Preliminary planning records, board of directors correspondence and meeting files, committee files, disbanded task force files, member systems files, region correspondence, legislation files, budgets, and publications. | |
Minnesota Educational Relations Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | 00086 |
Minutes, correspondence, testing and admission forms, newsletters, membership lists, and printed material documenting a Minnesota organization responsible for statewide college aptitude testing of high school seniors. | |
Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00820 |
Administrative files (including bylaws, meeting minutes, financial information, member directories, and newsletters), subject files, visual materials, and task force files of an environmental citizens' action group, also known as MECCA, organized in 1968. The collection also includes meeting minutes, financial reports, tax forms, and a few select topical files of the Midwest Environmental Education & Research Association that were kept by Robert F. Nelson, a founding member of MECCA. | |
Minnesota Environmental Education Board: An Inventory of Its Grand Rapids Office Records | meeb03 |
Files of the MEEB regional coordinator stationed in Grand Rapids, who was responsible for assisting regional environmental education councils 1 (Aggasiz), 2 (Headwaters), and 3 (Arrowhead). | |
Minnesota Environmental Education Board: An Inventory of Its Brainerd Office Records. | meeb02 |
Files of the MEEB regional coordinator stationed in Brainerd, who was responsible for assisting regional environmental education councils 5 (Crow Wing) and 7W (Heartland). | |
Minnesota Environmental Educational Board: An Inventory of Its Morris Office Records | meeb04 |
Records of the MEEB regional coordinator stationed in Morris, who was responsible for assisting regional environmental education councils 4 (Prairie Flyway), 6W (Prairieland), and 8 (Southwestern). | |
Minnesota Evironmental Education Board: An Inventory of Its Central Office Records | meeb01 |
Records of the MEEB's central office, documenting the policies, decision, and educational activities of the board and its relationship with the 11 regional environmental education councils. | |
Minnesota Environmental Issues Oral History Project Inventory | OH58 |
This project documents Minnesotans’ ongoing concern with their environment. Efforts to conserve Minnesota’s natural resources have not occurred without controversy and the debate continues over issues such as timber wolf preservation, acid rain control, and forest management policies. The project includes interviews with individuals representing a variety of viewpoints on the conservation and utilization of natural resources. | |
Minnesota Experimental City Authority: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01633 |
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Minnesota Farm Economy Oral History Project Inventory | OH76 |
This project documents Minnesota’s number one industry: agriculture. The focus is on the changing role of farming in the late twentieth century through interviews with people from a variety of backgrounds. Through these interviews, the narrators discuss their roles and those of various agricultural organizations, their work in banking and business development and its impact on Minnesota’s agricultural economy. | |
Minnesota Fair Housing Center: An Inventory of Its Records | 00997 |
Minutes, administrative records, and publications of a Twin Cities-based nonprofit organization, incorporated in 1992, that promoted compliance with fair housing laws through research, education and advocacy. Lawrence A. Winans served as the last executive director of the organization, which was dissolved about 2005. | |
Minnesota Federal Writer's Project: An Inventory of Its Annals of Minnesota | 00695b |
Typed transcriptions of or excerpts from newspaper articles relating to the history of Minnesota, compiled (1938-1942) from selected Minnesota newspapers under the auspices of the Minnesota Federal Writers Project, a program of the Minnesota Work Projects Administration. | |
Minnesota Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs: An Inventory of Its Federation Records | 00322 |
Records relating to the organization, administration, and activities of a state organization formed in 1920 to advance the interests and opportunities of women employed in business and the professions. | |
Minnesota Federation of Citizens for Educational Freedom: An Inventory of Its Records | 00606 |
Records of the Minnesota chapter of a national organization of parents dedicated to increasing parental options for non-public K-12 education choices for their children. | |
Minnesota Folk Art Survey and Exhibition: An Inventory of Its Research Files | 00250 |
Records documenting the results of a survey (1984-1985) of Minnesota folk arts and artists, and an exhibition based on the survey (1989). The records include photographs, slides, negatives, contact sheets, standardized research forms, correspondence (1947-1951, 1984-1989), grant proposals (1983, 1985), a bibliography (1950), press releases and clippings (1984-1989), and posters. | |
Minnesota Food Cooperatives: An Inventory of Their Records | 00561 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Friends of Public Education: An Inventory of Its Records | 00489 |
Records of an organization formed in 1984 to fight the diversion of public dollars to parochial and other private schools. | |
Minnesota Geographic Society: An Inventory of Its City of Minneapolis Documentary Photography Project Collection | sv000284 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Health Care Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | mhcc |
Records of this body charged with advising the Legislature, Governor, and the Commissioner of Health on health policy issues. | |
Minnesota Health Data Institute: An Inventory of Its Records | mhdi01 |
Records documenting the establishment and operation of this public-private partnership to support the information needs of multiple constituencies in measuring and improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of health care services in Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Historic Property Record: An Inventory of Its Program Files | 00926 |
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Minnesota Historical Society: An Inventory of Its Institutional Records | 00513 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Historical Society: History is Now! Celebrating Marriage Equality Project: An Inventory of Its Project Photographs | sv000160 |
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Minnesota Historical Society. History is Now! Remembering Prince Project: An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection | sv000232 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Historical Society. History is Now! Women's March 2017 Project: An Inventory of Its Photograph and Moving Image Collection | sv000248 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Historical Society. Mexican American History Project: An Inventory of St. Paul Mexican American Community Collections | 00967 |
Church records, invitations, news clippings, printed materials and related papers compiled by a number of Mexican-American religious, educational, and community organizations in St. Paul. | |
Minnesota Historical Society. Minnesota Ethnic History Project: An Inventory of Its Records | 00260 |
Correspondence, reports, research and interview notes, statistical data, chapter drafts, and other related material created by the Minnesota Ethnic History Project (MEHP). The project operated under the auspices of the Minnesota Historical Society from 1973 to 1981 and culminated in the publication of the book "They Chose Minnesota: A Survey of the States Ethnic Groups." Records include administrative records documenting the organization, coordination, and funding of the project, as well as research records consisting of the actual data gathered in the process of writing the book. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Multiple Property Documentation Forms | 01526 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Records | 01564 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff. Includes project and grant information, correspondence, publications, awards, reports and related records. Also includes the National Historic Landmark: Thomas Veblen farmstead files; survey slides; and statewide archaeological survey records. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Review and Compliance Files | 00557 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff in the course of reviewing construction, rehabilitation, and demolition projects to ensure that sites and properties of historic significance were not adversely affected. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Tax Credit Files | 01494 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff. | |
Minnesota Infantry. 7Th Regiment. Company K: An Inventory of Its Records | P1430 |
Correspondence, orders, volunteer descriptive rolls, accounts of pay and clothing, quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores, morning reports, mess book, company fund book, and duty records of Company K, composed mainly of men from the LeSueur County, Minnesota area. | |
Minnesota Inventors Congress: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 01555 |
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Minnesota Kicks (Soccer Team): An Inventory of Its Team Records | 00810 |
Manager's subject files (1976-1980), staff and player files, payrolls, marketing and promotional materials, financial files, and miscellaneous records documenting a professional soccer franchise based in Bloomington, Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Korean War Veterans Association. Chapter 1 (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01198 |
Records of a Minnesota chapter of an organization of Korean War veterans and their families. | |
Minnesota Lesbian/Gay Committee of the International Gay Athletic Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00450 |
Minutes, correspondence, notes, newsletters, and other materials documenting the efforts of the Minnesota gay and lesbian community to host the 1986 winter games of the International Lesbian/Gay Olympics (later known as the Gay Games) and the participation by Minnesotans in the 1982 games in San Francisco. | |
Minnesota Library Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00409 |
Board, division, section, round table, committee, conference, and other records of the Minnesota Library Association, a statewide association of library professionals. | |
Minnesota Miscellaneous Periodicals: An Item List | LMIC1721 |
Miscellaneous bulletins, newsletters, reports, journals, literary magazines, and other issuances (486 titles), filmed as representative examples of Minnesota periodicals. | |
Minnesota Miscellaneous Publications: An Item List | LMIC1026 |
An assortment of newsletters, journals, reports, and other items published in Minnesota (69 titles). | |
Minnesota Music Teachers Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00619 |
Records of the Minnesota Music Teachers Association, a professional society of music instructors formed to promote music education in Minnesota. Contains the constitution, bylaws, minutes, convention proceedings, correspondence, examinations, directories, calendars, festival programs, newsletters, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and other materials. | |
Minnesota National Guard Under Major Libbey at Leech Lake: An Inventory of the Album | sv000422 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota News Council: An Inventory of Its Records | 00134 |
Administrative records and case files documenting the activities of a council established in 1970 by the Minnesota Newspaper Association to mediate disputes between the news media and the public. | |
Minnesota Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign: An Inventory of Its Records | 00126 |
Minutes (1982-1990), committee records (1984-1990), financial and fund raising materials (1983-1991), peace walk documentation (1983-1989), political action records (1984-1989), newspaper clippings (1983-1991), news releases (1983-1987), and subject files (1982-1992) documenting the activities of a coalition of peace, religious, and anti-nuclear groups organized to galvanize opposition to the nuclear arms race. | |
Minnesota Nurses Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00428 |
Minutes, photographs, news clippings, subject files, and other records of a state association of founded to establish uniform standards of nursing and to promote the professional and educational advancement of nurses in the state of Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Nurses Association. Third District: An Inventory of Its Records | 00631 |
Minutes and committee/subject files documenting various branches of nursing such as maternal and child health, psychiatric/mental health, public health, operating room, and pediatrics. Professional practices, nominations, bylaws, awards, finance, and membership committees are also documented. | |
Minnesota Nurses Association. Fourth District: An Inventory of Its Records | 01231 |
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Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00071 |
Minutes, reports, conference planning and program materials, committee files, membership handbooks and directories, photographs, publications, newsletters, and other records of an association of professional occupational therapists founded in Minnesota in 1932. | |
Minnesota Office of Citizenship and Volunteer Services: An Inventory of Its Records | mocvs |
Records of this office, whose duty was to promote
citizen participation efforts, increase the impact of volunteer programs, and stimulate public-private partnerships in Minnesota. |
Minnesota Office of Tourism: An Inventory of Its Film Collection | sv000038 |
Includes programs and segments promoting Minnesota tourism. Various sites, seasons, and activities are showcased. Some of the ad campaigns show all the versions of the ad. | |
Minnesota Psychiatric Society: An Inventory of Its Records | 00329 |
Minutes, executive council materials, administrative files, historical files, committees, councils, task forces, publications, surveys, subject files, and newsletters of a professional society established in 1956 representing more than 400 Minnesota psychiatrists in training and in practice, in all subspecialties. | |
Minnesota Psychiatry in the Mid-to-Late Twentieth Century Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh124 |
The project is a collection of interviews of
psychiatrists throughout Minnesota done in the 1970s by Dr. Marvin Sukov, and by
David Cline and Deane Manolis in 2011. The interviews begin with recollections
of the 1940s and 1950s and trace the progress of medicines, the perception of
mental illness, and practice of psychiatrists in rural and urban Minnesota.
Interviewed by Marvin Sukov, David Cline, Deane Manolis and Donald Daggett.
Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Police Recruitment System: An Inventory of Its Records | mprs |
Records of the MPRS and its predecessor, the Suburban Police Recruitment System, organizations to recruit and evaluate candidates for entry-level enforcement positions in its member agencies. | |
Minnesota Postcard Books: An Inventory of the Postcard Book Collection | sv000023 |
Includes postcard booklets from locations around Minnesota and a few out-of-state booklets. | |
Minnesota Poultry Testing Association (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Association Records | P2292 |
Records of a nonprofit organization formed to organize, develop, foster, and promote performance testing programs for poultry; to evaluate the economic and other traits of stocks of poultry; and to engage in scientific research, testing, and sampling for the benefit of the Minnesota poultry industry, primarily through the annual Minnesota Random Sample Egg Production Test (1957-1974). | |
Minnesota Powerline Oral History Project: An Inventory of the Project Files | 00336 |
Printed matter and other background information collected in researching the controversy surrounding the construction of the United Power Association/Cooperative Power Association high voltage transmission line through west central Minnesota. The files served as background information for a series of oral history interviews, which are cataloged separately. | |
Minnesota Public Interest Research Group: An Inventory of Its Records | 00166 |
A draft proposal (1970), reports, newsletters (1981), photocopied newspaper clippings (undated and 1981-1982), articles, correspondence, and legal records documenting the actions of a public interest group funded by college students in Minnesota. The organization's activities include research, professional lobbying, agency representation, litigation, and public education. | |
Minnesota Quarter Horse Racing Association: An Inventory of Its Records | P0829 |
Organizational records documenting a statewide quarter horse racing association formed around 1971, its annual race meets, and its efforts to pass pari-mutuel racing legislation. | |
Minnesota Queer Student Conference: An Inventory of Its Records | P2393 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Radicalism Project: An Inventory of Its Records | 00518 |
Research and administrative files created by the Minnesota Radicalism Project (MRP), a project operated under the auspices of the Minnesota Historical Society from 1986 to 1989, which culminated in the publication of the bibliography, Radicalism in Minnesota, 1900-1960, a survey of Minnesota Historical Society holdings: The Radical Press in Minnesota, 1900-1960, and a symposium. | |
Minnesota Radiological Society: An Inventory of Its Records | 00427 |
Minutes, correspondence, and other records relating to an organization of radiologists founded in 1928 to advance the practice and study of radiology and its subordinate specialties. | |
Minnesota Reading Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00832 |
Records of the Minnesota branch of a national and international organization which advances literacy through the promotion of teaching standards and teacher training, encouraging research, and serving as a clearinghouse for information on literacy. | |
Minnesota Reformatory For Women: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000108 |
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Minnesota School of Missions: An Inventory of Its Records | 00800 |
Constitution, bylaws, minutes, financial reports, correspondence, membership lists, programs, and news items relating to the interdenominational Minnetonka Summer School of Missions held at Lake Minnetonka (1907-1911) and to successor organization Minnesota Summer School of Missions, which after 1934 was known as the Minnesota School of Missions. | |
Minnesota Schuhplattlers: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks | 00935 |
Scrapbooks and photographs of a Minnesota dance organization for performing and studying Austrian and Bavarian traditional folk dances. | |
Minnesota Senior Federation. Metropolitan Region: An Inventory of Its Records | 00964 |
The collection documents the formation of the state and metropolitan federations, their administration, legislative advocacy, and member services, as well as their health care and housing programs. Included are minutes, annual and financial reports, leadership manuals, assembly proceedings, committee files, program files and convention programs. Also included are grant proposals, service provider agreements, long range plans, legislative reports, public testimony, drug price surveys, internal newsletters, membership files, flyers and pamphlets, and video recordings. A large portion of the collection relates to the various health programs created or promoted by the federations including the prescription drug importation programs Rx Express and CanadaRx. Materials from the Federation Pharmacy Services Inc., Senior Federation Services, Senior Housing Inc., Senior Partners Care and the Medicare Justice Coalition are also contained. | |
Minnesota Sheriffs' Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01194 |
Constitution, bylaws, and list of members (1908); historical reports (1885-circa 2010); board meeting minutes (1960-2011); directories (1918, 1928); sheriffs' histories and biographical information (undated); as well as conference materials (1940-2009) created by the Minnesota Sheriffs' Association, an organization created in 1885 to provide training and education for sheriffs and deputies in Minnesota. | |
Minnesota Smoke-Free Coalition: An Inventory of Its Records | 00904 |
Historical data (1980s-2004), minutes of board (1984-2007) and executive committee (1985-2007) meetings, legislation files (1985-2005), and subject files (1984-2006) of a public advocacy organization formed to reduce the harms of tobacco use. | |
Minnesota Society of Internal Medicine: An Inventory of Its Records | 00060 |
Minutes, annual meeting files, membership records, and miscellaneous correspondence files of a professional association for Minnesota physicians specializing in internal medicine. In 1985 the society merged into the Minnesota chapter of the American College of Physicians. | |
Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers: An Inventory of Its Records | 00169 |
Organizational records consisting of minutes, membership rosters, conference programs, and related materials of a statewide professional association for engineers founded in 1939 and similar organizational records of the association's local southwest chapter. | |
Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors: An Inventory of Its Records | 00168 |
Articles of incorporation; minutes (1954-1980 on microfilm); administrative files including minutes, financial information, committee reports, correspondence, workshop and convention materials (1959-1999); membership rosters (1959-1990); annual meeting materials including some presentation papers (1958-1997); and printed matter relating to an organization of professional surveyors formed in 1953. | |
Minnesota State Band: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00166 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities: Fire/EMS Information, Research, and Education Center: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00614 |
Records documenting the organization and administration of the state's Fire/EMS Information, Research, and Education Center, a publicly accessible library dedicated to fire and safety related research and information. | |
Minnesota State Dental Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01147 |
Records documenting the history and development of this statewide dental organization. They include historical and biographical data, organizational documents, correspondence, annual meeting minutes and programs, subject files, lecture and speech transcripts, articles about or by Minnesota dentists, membership lists, district dental societies files, and Monson Research and Clinic Club (St. Paul) materials. | |
Minnesota State Fair: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000211 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota State Fair Award Winners and Fair Scenes: An Inventory of the Photograph Collection | sv000481 |
Views show state fair exhibitors at their homes, working in their areas of interest, including bee keeping, fine arts, sewing, cooking, gardening, and raising horses, cattle, sheep, poultry and pigs. Also includes views of state fairgrounds buildings and concessions. The photoprints were used for state fair publicity. On verso of each photograph is the person's name and address and a short history of their state fair awards. | |
Minnesota State Grange: An Inventory of Its Records | 00155 |
Correspondence, subject files, and some financial records of a fraternal society of farmers and others interested in agriculture. Includes some records of pomona (county or district) and subordinate (local) grange lodges. | |
Minnesota State Planning Agency: An Inventory of Its High-Level Radioactive Waste Program Records | planng06 |
Files documenting Minnesota's participation in a U.S. Dept. of Energy study to identify potential sites for an underground nuclear waste depository. | |
Minnesota State Population Census Schedules: Inventory to a Microfilm Edition | gr00693 |
Microfilm copy of manuscript census schedules for 1865-1905. | |
Minnesota Super Bowl XXVI Task Force: An Inventory of Its Records | 00129 |
Committee reports, agendas and related materials, press kits, news releases, printed materials, newspaper clipping files, and some correspondence detailing the activities of a task force organized to promote Super Bowl XXVI, which was held in the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, Minneapolis, on January 26, 1992, and to plan related social and public relations activities and events. | |
Minnesota Supreme Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records | SAM103 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, and miscellaneous supporting papers. The records are mostly for residents of Ramsey County, but also pertain to residents of other counties.. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: An Inventory of Its Constitution | gr02121 |
Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00412 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Board of Commissioners of Public Buildings: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00998 |
Minute book (1851-1854), deed for Territorial Capitol site (1851), order and receipt books (1851-1853), and accounting records (1851-1853), recording the board's actions, primarily concerning construction of the territorial capitol and prison. The accounting records include title abstracts and deeds, construction specifications, proposals (bids), and account statements. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00999 |
Attorney general's certificates (1854-1857), accounting records, including legislative accounts (1853-1858), warrants (1850-1858), journal, including post-1857 accounts of the state auditor (1850-1864), correspondence and claims against the territory, including William G. LeDuc's as New York World's Fair Commissioner (1850-1855), and 1857 territorial legislature salary and expense receipts, including Joseph Rolette's travel expenses. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives Territorial Governor: An Inventory of the Records of Territorial Governor Alexander Ramsey | gr01550 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives Territorial Governor: An Inventory of the Records of Territorial Governor Samuel Medary | terr07 |
Subject files, correspondence, appointments, petitions, and requests for return of fugitives. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives. Territorial Governor: An Inventory of the Records of Territorial Governor Willis A. Gorman | terr06 |
Subject files, correspondence, appointments, pardon records, reports from territorial officers, requests for return of fugitives, and miscellany. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: An Inventory of Its Enrolled Laws Memorials and Joint Resolutions | gr01004 |
Manuscript texts of enrolled laws, memorials and joint resolutions, signed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, the president of the Council, and the governor. Incomplete. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: An Inventory of Its Joint Committee Reports and Miscellaneous Records | gr01005 |
Reports of the joint committees on enrolled bills, judiciary, and selected individual bills (1849-1856) and a territorial road from Reeds Landing to the Minnesota River (1852), messages from the governor (1849-1857), territorial officers' reports (1850-1857), printed rules (1849-1856) and memorials (1856), memorial from the Nebraska Legislative Assembly (1857), blank forms (1855-1856), handwritten lists of House and Council bills (1857), and petitions (1849, 1851-1857). The latter deal mainly with internal improvements, such as roads, ferries, dams, and village sites, and with divorces, county division and/or organization, charters for private academies and schools, and territorial prohibition of liquor (1851, 1853). | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: Council: An Inventory of Its Bills and Miscellaneous Records | gr01000 |
Bills, memorials, and joint resolutions acted upon by Council (1849-1857), certificates of election (1851-1852, 1855-1856), resolutions (1849-1853, 1857), committee reports (1849-1857), messages from the House and governor (1849-1857), roll call tally slips (1851-1852), and register of bills (1849-1851). The bills, memorials, joint resolutions, and resolutions may contain either, or both, manuscript and printed versions. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: Council: An Inventory of Its Council Journals | gr01001 |
Manuscript journals and published record of Council proceedings. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its Bills and Miscellaneous Records | gr01002 |
Bills, memorials, and joint resolutions acted upon by the House (1849-1857), abstracts of votes (1854-1855), certificates of election (1852-1853, 1856-1857), messages from the Council (1856) and governor (1849-1856), committee reports (1852-1857), and resolutions and rules (1853-1857). The bills, memorials, joint resolutions, and resolutions and rules may contain either, or both, manuscript and printed versions. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its House Journals | gr01003 |
Manuscript and printed journals of House proceedings. Also drafts of proceedings for 1854-1856. The 1855 journal is missing from the manuscript set but is present in the draft set. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its Maps | gr00488 |
Two maps of the state of Minnesota compiled for the House of Representatives pursuant to a resolution adopted by the House in the 1857-1858 session. Labeled Draft of the State Legislature, 1857-1858, and Official, 1858, the maps were done by Holmes, Payte & Buechner, St. Paul, from U. S. surveys and other reliable sources. Although the maps essentially duplicate each other, each has unique annotations. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Secretary: An Inventory of Its Election Records | gr01006 |
Abstracts of votes (1849-1856), mainly for governor; Board of Canvassers' journal (1857); abstracts of votes for the constitutional convention and first state election (1857); and an unused poll book (1857). | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Secretary: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01007 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Supreme Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01008 |
Docket (1851-1858), judgment book (1851-1863) and docket (1851-1858), and minute book (1850-1858). Includes list of chief and associate justices and clerks of court. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01009 |
County tax bills (1851-1857), governor's orders (1855-1857), territorial bond (1857), historical society appropriation (1857) and general personnel (1853-1857) receipts, reimbursement certificates for constitutional convention expenses (1857), and report to the legislature (1853). | |
Minnesota Territorial Census Schedules: An Inventory of Census Schedules on Microfilm at the Minnesota Historical Society | TerritorialCensus |
Manuscript and published versions of population and nonpopulation census schedules for Minnesota Territory for the years 1849, 1850, 1853, and 1855, and related materials, compiled from the Minnesota Historical Society's collections of government records, historical manuscripts, books, serials, and newspapers. Supplementary materials include gubernatorial orders, laws passed by the territory’s legislative assembly, annotated transcriptions of census returns, corrections to misspelled names, and a newspaper account of a local census. | |
Minnesota Territorial Centennial Committee: An Inventory of Its Files | P0336 |
Correspondence and related papers documenting the preparations for and the events comprising the centennial celebration of Minnesota's admission to the Union as a territory (1849). | |
Minnesota Tibetan Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Interviews | OH104 |
Interviews documenting the lives of twenty-two immigrants of Tibetan descent living in Minnesota. The narrators, chosen from a variety of backgrounds, community involvement, careers, ages, and histories, shared their stories of deciding to emigrate, expectations of life in the United States, difficulties of adjusting to life in Minnesota, and community triumphs. A major focus of the project was to document the establishment, progression, and to discuss the future of this young community seeking to assimilate with a new culture while preserving its own. | |
Minnesota Transfer Railway: An Inventory of Its Records | 00487 |
Records of a St. Paul-based railroad company organized under the impetus of James J. Hill by a consortium of nine major railroads entering the Twin Cities to facilitate the transfer and handling of freight entering the cities by rail. | |
Minnesota Vocational Agriculture Instructors Association: An Inventory of Its Records | P2596 |
Records of the Minnesota Vocational Agriculture Instructors Association (MVAIA), an association formed to assist vocational agriculture teachers and promote a program for vocational education in agriculture in Minnesota. Membership included vocational agriculture instructors, persons interested in vocational agriculture education, and students preparing to become instructors of vocational agriculture. | |
11th Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry: An Inventory of a Photograph Album | sv000147 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Volunteers: An Inventory of Cartes-de-Visite | sv000241 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Waterfowl Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01334 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association: An Inventory of Their Records | 00756 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Women's Meeting: An Inventory of Its Records | 00724 |
Correspondence, minutes, transcripts of proceedings, delegate application forms, schedules, lists, committee files, news releases, radio scripts, newspaper clippings, and related records documenting the Minnesota Women's Meeting. | |
Minnesota Women's Network: An Inventory of Its Records | 00069 |
Minutes (1978-1987), correspondence (1978-1984), committee reports (1978-1987), conference and program material, subject files, membership surveys, video recordings, and printed material relating to an organization that began in 1977 as All the Good Old Girls, changed its name in 1983 to the Minnesota Women's Network, and disbanded in 1987. | |
Minnesota Women's Political Caucus: An Inventory of Its Records | 00388 |
Files of a statewide organization to encourage women's participation in government, several of its local chapters, and its educational adjunct, the Minnesota Women's Education Council. | |
Minnesota Women's Press: An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection | sv000001 |
Photoprints of images published in the newspaper Minnesota Women's Press. Images depict Minnesota women in a wide variety of work and domestic settings. The majority are portraits of individual women or groups of women. Photographs for some issues are not in the collection. | |
Minnesota Women's Study Clubs Program Collection: An inventory of Clubs in the Minnesota Women's Study Clubs Program Collection | lb00171 |
Scattered programs of clubs in various communities in Minnesota. A few club constitutions are also included. Individual clubs may also be cataloged separately. | |
Minnesota Wool Growers Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00708 |
Includes board of directors meeting minutes, annual meetings, articles of incorporation and bylaws, contracts, and financial records. | |
Minnesota Work Projects Administration: An Inventory of Its Records of Minneapolis Public Works Projects | 01473 |
Three-ring binders containing history, legislation, diagrams and plats of streets, highways, alleys, building blocks, and suburban developments relating to several Work Projects Administration projects in Minneapolis and in some nearby suburban communities. | |
Minnesota Works Progress Administration: An Inventory of Its Records | 00695 |
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Minnesota Worldwide Women: An Inventory of Its Records | 00197 |
Articles of incorporation (1987), bylaws, correspondence (1985-1993), minutes, budget and fund raising information, project and program files, newsletters, and curriculum material of an organization formed in Minnesota during the UN Decade for Women (1976-1985) in order to continue the dialogue begun in Nairobi, Kenya. | |
Minnesota Youth Gang Research Oral History Project Inventory | OH105 |
The Minnesota Youth Gang Research Project utilized several methods including collecting oral histories to ask the question: Why do youth join and stay in gangs in Minnesota? For the project, interviews were conducted with 103 male and female street gang members from a variety of Minnesota communities. The adolescents and young adults describe their backgrounds, motivations and personal experiences with gang life. | |
Minnesotans for A Single-House Legislature: An Inventory of Its Records | P2573 |
Records of a nonpartisan nonprofit educational organization established in 1999 to interest and educate voters on the supposed benefits of replacing Minnesota's bicameral legislature with a unicameral legislature, and which was part of an effort to get a proposed constitutional amendment establishing a one-house legislature on the ballot in the November 2000 general election. | |
Minnesotans United For All Families (Organization): An Inventory of Its Records | 00410 |
Administrative files, advertising, publicity and outreach materials, awards, correspondence, polls, reports, research files, photographs, files of campaign manager Richard Carlbom, and information about related organizations in Minnesota created by an organization leading a campaign that successfully defeated a proposed constitutional amendment that would have denied the right to marry to same-sex Minnesota couples. | |
Oral History Interviews of the Minnesota's Greatest Generation Oral History Project Part I: An Inventory | OH112 |
The emphasis in these thirty interviews, Part I of a continuing project, is on the experiences of veterans, people not in the military, and ethnic minorities. | |
Oral History Interviews of the Minnesota's Greatest Generation Oral History Project Part II: An Inventory | OH115 |
Part II of this project chronicles the lives of Minnesota men and women through the World War II years. The interviews include the perspectives of war veterans, Japanese-Americans, German citizens, business leaders, and minorities. | |
Minnesota's Greatest Generation Oral History Project: Native American Interviews Inventory | OH118 |
This project chronicles the lives of Minnesota Native Americans who lived during World War II and are part of "Minnesota’s Greatest Generation." Some of the subjects discussed include attending government run boarding schools; powwows; public works projects; past and present life at the Red Lake Indian Reservation; the Great Depression; experiences in the armed forces during World War II; life after the war; American Indian cultural identity and traditions; and the American Indian Movement. | |
Minnesota's Greatest Generation Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories at the Minnesota Historical Society | oh115 |
This project chronicles the lives of Minnesota men and women through the World War II years. The interviews include the perspectives of war veterans, Japanese-Americans, German citizens, business leaders, and minorities. Some of the subjects discussed include life in wartime Japan; Pearl Harbor; the dropping of the atomic bombs; joining the armed forces; experiences at basic training; postwar life; the real estate market after World War II; childhood activities; growing up during the Great Depression; life in wartime Germany; differences in the war effort between men and women; the GI Bill; the Army Occupation of Europe; reorientation into civilian life; economy of postwar Germany; the Army Occupation of Japan; postwar business ventures; relationships between Japanese and Americans; relationships between Germans and Americans; and the Korean War. Interviewed by Douglas Bekke, James E. Fogerty and Kevin Rofidal. | |
Minnesota's Greatest Generation Oral History Project: Richfield in the Postwar Era Inventory | OH114 |
This collection chronicles the lives of men and women who lived in the suburb of Richfield, Minnesota, following World War II. The interviews primarily deal with city and community leaders including former mayors, members of the Rotary Club, members of the Chamber of Commerce, city managers, members of the Richfield League of Women Voters, members of the state House of Representatives, and local business owners. | |
Minnesota’s Greatest Generation Oral History Project: The Home Front in Western Minnesota Inventory | OH111 |
This project chronicles the lives of those who lived through the era of World War II, primarily on the home front in western Minnesota. | |
Minnesota’s Women Vietnam Veterans Oral History Project: An Inventory | OH113 |
This collection chronicles the lives of Minnesota nurses who participated in the Vietnam War. A major focus of the interviews discusses suffering from and helping those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Another aspect of these interviews chronicles postwar involvement including work with veteran’s organizations and the development of two monuments dedicated to the military service of women. | |
Miscellaneous Minnesota Church Records: An Inventory of Their Records | 00378 |
Small collections of records from various Minnesota churches, including news clippings, bulletins, and other publications. | |
Miscellaneous Newspapers Collection: An Inventory of Titles on the Miscellaneous Newspaper Microfilm | lb00001 |
Miscellaneous titles and issues of newspapers published chiefly in Minnesota and neighboring states between 1887 and 1904. | |
Minnesota Newspapers Collection: A Volume Contents List of the Minnesota Newspaper Exhibit of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition | lb00003 |
Microfilm volume contents lists for newspapers
compiled for the Minnesota Newspaper Exhibit. Volume contents lists give newspaper titles with cities and dates for the issues. |
Miscellaneous Newspapers Collection: Volume Contents Lists | lb00002 |
Microfilm volume contents lists giving newspapers in
the order they appear on the microfilm volumes. Information includes city, title and dates. |
Miss C.H. Lippincott seed company scrapbook: An Inventory of the Album | sv000592 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Miss Minnesota 1960 Pageant Participants: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000163 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mississippi Land Company (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00739 |
Minute books, annual statements, stock records, ledgers, journals, cashbooks, correspondence (1956-1965), tax records, and iron mine reports of this company organized in 1896 by the Weyerhaeuser interests to hold title to and receive royalties from mineral rights on Mesabi Iron Range lands. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Mississippi River Lumber Company (Clinton, Iowa): An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | 01188 |
Minute book, logbooks, stock certificate book, journals, ledgers, cashbooks, land records, annual statements, and correspondence of this general logging and lumbering firm that held cutover lands in north central Minnesota. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Mississippi River Parkway Commission of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00847 |
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William B. Mitchell and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01223 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Charles Henry Mix: An Inventory of His Papers | 01045 |
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Donald Moe: An Inventory of His Papers | 01437 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Richard Moe: An Inventory of His Papers | 00509 |
Photocopies and typed transcripts of letters, diaries, reminiscences, newspaper reports, biographical data, obituaries, and other material collected by Moe for his Civil War history of the men of the First Minnesota Infantry Regiment. | |
Roger Deane Moe: An Inventory of His Papers | 01167 |
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Gene Ritchie Monahan: An Inventory of Her Family Papers | 00984 |
Correspondence and related papers of Gene Ritchie Monahan, her husband George Monahan, and their family. The Monahans were descendants of the James Christie family through George's grandmother Sarah Christie Stevens and were friends of conservationist Ernest C. Oberholtzer. The bulk of the collections is family correspondence. Smaller portions include letters from Vietnam written by George's brother Robert Hugh Monahan that were sent to the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Opthalmology and papers regarding Ernest Oberholtzer's estate, Mallard Island, and the Oberholtzer Foundation. | |
Joan Mondale: An Inventory of Her Personal Papers | 00054 |
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Joan Mondale: An Inventory of Her Second Lady Files | 00589 |
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Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Papers | 00697 |
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Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Ambassadorial Papers | 00697_Ambassadorial |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Personal Papers | 00697_Personal |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Political Papers and Campaign Files | 00697_Political |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Senatorial Papers | 00697_Senatorial |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Vice Presidential Papers | 00697_Vice |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ann Montgomery: An Inventory of Her Warren Hospital and World War I Photograph Collection | sv000365 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Thomas Montgomery and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01062 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Betty Moore: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01196 |
Scrapbooks, travel diaries, photographs, ephemera, and genealogical materials created by Betty Moore of Minneapolis and members of her family. | |
Dave Moore: An Inventory of His Papers | 00594 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Joseph W. Moore: An Inventory of His White Earth Indian Reservation Photograph Collection | sv000229 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Moose Lake Fire: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000135 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission and Discharge Books | gr00319 |
Records of patient admission (1938-1995) and discharge (1965-1968, 1970-1971) at the hospital. | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Committees and Administrative Units Records | gr00320 |
Minutes, correspondence, and related materials of staff committees and administrative units. | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00321 |
Files documenting a wide variety of activities and functions at the hospital. | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Newsletters | gr01102 |
Copies of patient and staff newsletters including the Lakeside News, a weekly written by and for the patients (1939-1971), Friend-O-Gram, a monthly compiled by the staff for all interested citizenry (1975-1979), Hospital Hotline, a bi-weekly for hospital employees (1978-1995, scattered), the bi-monthly Moose Lake State Hospital Newsletter (1981-1990, scattered), and the Weekly Pulse, for employees (1993-1995). Also several issues of the Moose Lake Alumni Association Newsletter (1987, 1989). | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Records | gr00532 |
Daily (1938-1939, 1944-1951, and 1961-1975) population reports/records containing data on admission, discharge, and population statistics. Also statistical monthly (1950-1970) and daily (1973-1976) population reports; a physician's daily report (1950-1952), that details patients restrained, medical therapies, accidents, and ward tours; patient cards (1930s-2000); admission record (1995-2009); and patient register (1995-2007). | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Subject Files | gr00557 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, and other material regarding the hospital staff and patients, government programs, legislation, budgets and finance, and other matters relating to the operation of the hospital. | |
Samuel H. Morgan: An Inventory of His Minnesota Parks Foundation Records | 00687 |
Correspondence, financial records, legislative and legal material, meeting files, minutes, maps, land purchase records, and park project files document the history of the Minnesota Parks Foundation and other related organizations dedicated to expanding, supporting, and improving state parks in Minnesota. | |
William Morin and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01058 |
William Morin and family financial records, family diaries, memos, bank books, and other files consisting mostly of correspondence and related documents regarding the City of Albert Lea and surrounding communities, agriculture, railroads, banking, real estate, mining, miscellaneous business concerns, politics, and automobiles. | |
William Moritz: An Inventory of His Papers | 00564 |
Personal papers and church records of a pastor of the Evangelical Free Church of America, documenting his tenure at churches in Balaton, Slayton, and North Branch, Minnesota and Wesley and Upper Flat, Iowa, as well as his other evangelistic work, including a weekly Christian radio program broadcast over KMHL radio in Marshall, Minnesota. | |
Clinton Morrison and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01055 |
Genealogies, photocopied obituaries and memorials, correspondence, family histories, financial records, biographies, speeches, and photographs related to four generations of a prominent Minneapolis family. | |
Morrison County: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00046 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Morrison County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Morrison County: Bellevue Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01609 |
Birth and death registers (1872-1915) and certificate record books (1915-1953). | |
Morrison County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts and Exhibits | gr01524 |
Morrison County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM126 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Morrison County: Independent School District No. 482, Little Falls: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00627 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of this Morrison County school district. | |
Morrison County: Little Falls: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01611 |
Birth (1908-1953) and death (1908-1942) certificates and death register (1950-1953). | |
Morrison County: Morrison-Todd-Wadena Community Health Services: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02300 |
Annual reports, bylaws, minutes, resolutions, and related records of this joint community health board serving the residents of the three-county area and it's predecessor and sister organizations the Cass-Todd-Wadena and Morrison Community Health Services and the Four County Advisory Committee and Executive Committee that included Cass, Todd, Wadena, and Morrison Counties. | |
Morrison County: Motley Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01612 |
Birth and death register (1905-1942), birth (1941-1949) and death (1945-1951) certificates, and burial/removal permits (1908-1939). | |
Morrison County: Parker Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01613 |
Birth (1880-1945) and death (1881-1953) registers, certificates and records. | |
Morrison County: Public Health Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01971 |
Records of this local public health advisory committee serving the residents of Morrison County. Includes meeting minutes, advisory committee handbook, correspondence, and related records. | |
Morrison County: School District No. 53/1202, Parker Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00525 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of this school district, including clerk's and treasurer's books, pupil and class records, library records, and Mother's Club/Parent-Teacher Association/Parent-Teacher Club records. | |
Dorilus Morrison: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01036 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
George Morrison: An Inventory of His Papers | 01435 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
George H. Moses: An Inventory of His Papers | 00763 |
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Gary Moss: An Inventory of His Vietnam War Photograph Collection | sv000173 |
Includes digital content. |
Motorcycle Photographs: An Inventory of Motorcycle Photographs | sv000128 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Motorcycle Photographs: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000193 |
Panoramic views of gypsy tours, motorcylists gathered in various Minnesota towns, and one view of Minnesota Highway Department officers on motorcycles. | |
Mount Carmel Family Camp: An Inventory of Postcards | sv000120 |
Views of camp facility on Lake Carlos, eight miles north of Alexandria, Minnesota. Includes one view of waitresses serenading Dr. Bernt C. Opsal on his birthday. | |
Mount Olivet Baptist Church: An Inventory of Its Records | 00466 |
Minutes, membership information, subject files, and other records of an African-American church located in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul. | |
Mount Zion Hebrew Congregation (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 01561 |
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Mower County: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00049 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Mower County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Mower County: An Inventory of Its Township Records | gr02166 |
Various township records from Adams, Austin, Clayton, Dexter, Frankford, Grand Meadow, Lansing, LeRoy, Lyle, Marshall, Nevada, Pleasant Valley, Racine, Sargeant, Waltham, and Windom. Bennington, Lodi, Red Rock, and Udolpho townships did not participate in the project and are not represented. Records may include annual meeting records, assessments, bylaws, bounties, chattel mortgages, financial records, justice dockets, liquor license records, minutes, poll lists and election records, oaths and bonds, railroad records, and road records. | |
Mower County: Austin: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00753 |
Records documenting the activities of the city's administration. | |
Mower County: Austin: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets | gr02509 |
Civil and criminal dockets of several justices of the peace. Two volumes also include the justices' marriage registers (1870-1901). | |
Mower County: Austin: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets | gr02510 |
Records of the Austin Municipal Court in Mower County. | |
Mower County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02318 |
Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of Mower County. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts and Exhibits | gr02511 |
Transcripts, depositions, and exhibits for several civil trials and one criminal trial. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02512 |
File nos. 1-16392. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02514 |
Includes inquest files, nos. 337-1979 (1930-1976) and 31 inquest transcripts (1951-1970). | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02513 |
File nos. 1-2418. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Information Record | gr02515 |
Criminal information record from the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr02516 |
Default judgment books of the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Index to Purchasers and Sellers of Liquor | gr02517 |
Index to Purchasers and Sellers of Liquor of the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02520 |
Judgment books of the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr02521 |
Information recorded: Docket (case) number, names of judgment debtor(s) and creditor(s), court (usually district, but some municipal, justice, Supreme), date of judgment, date and time of docketing, amount of damages, amount of court costs, total amount of judgment, attorney name, and information on whether and when satisfied. Information varies somewhat in early volumes. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02522 |
Minutes of the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM031 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02523 |
Order books of the Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02273 |
Real estate tax judgment books from Mower County District Court. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02524 |
Includes records or registers for osteopaths, optometrists, physicians, dentists, chiropractors, masseurs, veterinarians, ordination credentials, and basic science certificates. | |
Mower County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Torrens Records | gr02525 |
Torrens system docket book and decree record book. | |
Mower County: Independent School District No. 492, Austin: An Inventory of Its Records | isd492 |
Records documenting the administration, students, and finances of the district. | |
Mower County: Independent School District No. 494, Elkton: An Inventory of Its Records | isd494 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, and students of the district. | |
Mower County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Record Books | gr02526 |
Records for 1923-1932 and 1945-1962 are missing. | |
Mower County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02527 |
Final decrees, 1884-1971 (reels 1-20) and miscellaneous orders, 1856-1964 (reels 21-27), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. Records (1920-1939) pertaining to county aid allowances for women with dependent children (mothers' pensions) and the guardianship of juveniles under the age of sixteen comprise the bulk of five volumes of the miscellaneous orders. | |
Mower County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02528 |
Petitions in insanity, reports of jury or board of examiners, and related orders and commitment documents. Some volumes also include reports of examinations for inebriety and epilepsy. | |
Mower County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02529 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Mower County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr01181 |
Registers of persons incarcerated in the county jail, giving a variety of identifying and personal information, and data on offense and sentence. | |
Mower County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02508 |
Pupil, teacher, and school district officer record cards, and selected subject files. | |
Rasselas S. Mowry: An Inventory of His Papers | 01563 |
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Chester Raymond Mueller: An Inventory of His Arlington, Minnesota Portrait Collection | sv000228 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Emil Munch: An Inventory of His Civil War Papers | P0057 |
Correspondence, orders, and other papers pertaining to Munch's Civil War service, including captain of the First Minnesota Battery of Artillery in Tennessee and Mississippi (1862); his retirement from field service because of wounds and his later appointment as brigadier general of the Fifth Brigade, Minnesota State Militia (1863); his responsibility for the fortification of Minnesota frontier settlements (1863) after the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862; his service as captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps (Invalid Corps) stationed at Camp Douglas, Illinois (1863-1865); and his appointment (1865) as major of the First Minnesota Volunteer Heavy Artillery. | |
Willard Munger: An Inventory of His Papers | 00614 |
Papers of a longtime Minnesota state representative from Duluth (1955-1999) who championed many environmental causes. Included are bill drafts, correspondence, news clippings, magazine articles and reports dealing with wetlands protection, packaging and recycling issues, nuclear power, water and air pollution, and the leasing of school fund trust lands. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Annexation Files | gr00124 |
Files on requests for annexations of additional land to cities and villages. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Consolidation Files | gr00150 |
Files documenting requests for the merger of two or more cities or a city and township into a new city. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Detachment Files | gr00122 |
Files covering two distinct kinds of detachments: simple detachments of municipal property being rural in character for which no development plans exist; or simultaneous detachment and annexation of incorporated land in which property of one municipality abuts another and is detached and annexed in a single concurrent action. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Dockets | gr02548 |
Dockets of the Municipal Board and it's predecessor the Municipal Commission concerning municipal annexations, consolidations, detachments, dissolutions, incorporations and Section 5 (incorporation or annexation of townships according to population) documents filed by cities and townships with the Board. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Incorporation Files | gr00123 |
Files regarding petitions for incorporation, sometimes including annexations, of various Minnesota cities and towns, primarily in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00875 |
Reports, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks documenting the board's role in municipal and township annexation, detachment, consolidation, incorporation, development and suburbanization topics. | |
Municipal Board: An Inventory of Its Section 5 Files | gr00874 |
Files concerning prospective incorporation or annexation of townships according to population. | |
Heather T. Munro: An Inventory of Her Interstate 35W Bridge Collapse Photograph Collection | sv000263 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Munsingwear: An Inventory of Its Records | 00206 |
Articles of incorporation and minutes (1887-1971), correspondence, financial records (1936-1964), legal agreements, patent and trademark information, product catalogs, and scrapbooks ([193-]-1990) documenting a Minneapolis-based clothing manufacturer, its predecessor, Northwestern Knitting Company, and several clothing subsidiaries. | |
Albert Munson: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000113 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Thomas H. Murphy, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 00628 |
Business records of a fine arts, antiques, books and household furnishings appraiser and estate sales agent located in north Minneapolis. | |
William Pitt Murray and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01342 |
Correspondence, articles and addresses, assorted historical data, and other materials of William Pitt Murray, a St. Paul (Minn.) lawyer, territorial and state legislator (various years), member of the St. Paul city council (1861-1879), and city attorney (1876-1889). | |
Murray County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00064 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Murray County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Murray County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00360 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Murray County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the years 1873-1874, 1877-1892, 1894-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, 1990-1991, 2000, and 2010-2011. | |
Murray County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00359 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Murray County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1873-1874, 1876-1879, 1891-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, and 1980-1981. | |
Murray County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr01665 |
File nos. 1-6624. | |
Murray County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01663 |
Registers of civil (1905-1951) and criminal (1879-1961) actions. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Murray County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr01664 |
File nos. 1-568. | |
Murray County. District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM131 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Murray County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr01662 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Murray County: Fenton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01673 |
Birth and death registers (1886-1911) and certificate records (1907-1953), and burial/removal permits (1923, 1933-1946). | |
Murray County: Fulda: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01674 |
Birth and death registers (1886-1907, 1950-1953), and index to births (1886-1899). | |
Murray County: Holly Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01675 |
Birth and death registers (1880-1907) and birth and death records (1903-1949). | |
Murray County: Lake Sarah Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01676 |
Birth and death registers (1882-1914) and birth and death records (1915-1951). | |
Murray County: Lake Wilson Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01677 |
Birth and death register (1900-1907) and birth and death records (1900-1953). | |
Murray County: Lime Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01678 |
Birth and death certificate records (1908-1913) and birth and death records (1915-1962). | |
Murray County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02562 |
Annual and quarterly reports of the county superintendent to the county auditor, noting students enrolled and districts visited (1884-1907); clerk's reports from a few districts (1875, 1892); textbook and equipment reports from various districts (1935-1938); lists of school officers (1949-1955); and a Fulda High School faculty handbook (1966/67). | |
Murray County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Censuses | gr02563 |
Scattered. | |
Murray County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School District Organization and Dissolution Records | gr02564 |
Largely orders and petitions pertaining to formation and boundaries of school districts (1878-1909); scattered material from 1954-1968. | |
Murray County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Records | gr02565 |
Teacher examination and certification records including teacher record cards; a teacher's reading circle course record (1912-1922); and a teacher's retirement fund record (1916-1922). | |
Murray County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teachers' Annual and Term Reports | gr02561 |
Incomplete. Includes summaries of teachers' reports for some years. Reports for 1935-1942 include pupil classification and scholarship record forms. | |
Murray County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01564 |
Minutes of the Murray County Welfare Board. | |
Walter James Murray: An Inventory of His Papers | 00506 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Elizabeth Musser: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00009 |
Correspondence, minutes, financial records, newsletters, annual reports, and similar files documenting Musser's voluntary leadership activities in the following St. Paul (Minn.) organizations: Ordway Music Theatre; Dale Warland Singers; Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research; Saint Paul-Ramsey Arts and Science Council and its successor, Saint Paul-Ramsey United Arts Council; Landmark Center; the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra; and the Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association. | |
John Musser: An Inventory of His Papers | 00351 |
Correspondence, estate files, business files, community affairs files, travel files, diaries, biographical and genealogical materials documenting the career and family life of a Weyerhaeuser corporate executive and St. Paul (Minn.) community leader. | |
Laura Jane Musser An Inventory of Her Family Papers | 00355 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mutual Service Insurance Companies: An Inventory of Its Records | 01129 |
Historical and background materials, financial statements and data, newsletters, brochures, manuals, some rate books, sample insurance policies, information on the company's office buildings, some photographs, a broadside, and miscellaneous programmatic materials of this Arden Hills, Minnesota-based cooperative insurance company. | |
Thomas Corwin Myers and Samuel Isaac Myers: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | 00898 |
Biographical and background data, photographs, architectural plans, and maps drawn by Samuel Isaac Myers and Thomas Corwin Myers relating to Itasca State Park, Park Rapids, and surrounding areas. |