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Name/Abstract | File no. |
Wabasha County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00061 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Wabasha County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Wabasha County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00751 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Wabasha County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1859-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, and 1970-1971. | |
Wabasha County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00175 |
Registers of actions for civil (1859-1953) and criminal (1861-1937) cases. | |
Wabasha County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files and Indexes | gr00176 |
Indexes and case file nos. 1-16578. The files may include criminal case files to 1880. | |
Wabasha County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr00177 |
Files numbered 116-1619; files prior to 1880 may be interfiled with the civil case files. | |
Wabasha County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00178 |
Includes registers of assignments, register of disability cases, bar memorials, records of ordinations, notarial commissions, and marriages performed; bonds, correspondence, and miscellany. | |
Wabasha County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Indexes | SAM105 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Wabasha County: Greenfield Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01468 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1908) and birth and death certificate registers (1908-1953). | |
Wabasha County: Highland Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01469 |
Birth and death register (1871-1877) and birth and death certificate registers (1908-1950). | |
Wabasha County: Lake City: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02304 |
Chattel mortgage register (1872-1913); election records (1880s-1976), including poll lists and election returns; appraisals of city property (1959, 1964, 1968): a 1968 audit report; and correspondence and related materials (1930s-1960s). The latter include information on city council members, city employees, and water front property; city (1948), business (1954) and slip space (1946) maps; and a 1965 financial statement. | |
Wabasha County: Lake City: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00179 |
Criminal dockets and registers of actions, civil docket, and marriage records. | |
Wabasha County: Plainview Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01470 |
Birth register (1901-1908) and birth (1907-1953) and death (1915-1953) certificate registers. | |
Wabasha County: School District No. 6/2377, Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01959 |
Records documenting the administration of this Wabasha County school district. | |
Wabasha County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01960 |
Includes record of county school examinations, with teacher certification information and graduate lists (1905-1911), superintendent's record (1883-1926), county superintendent's annual reports (1954-1965), survey committee and reorganization materials (1947-1949), plats and building plans (1948), financial records (1966-1974), and public examiner reports (1966-1968). | |
Wadena County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00115 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Wadena County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Wadena County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00464 |
Registers of actions for civil (1881-1954) and criminal (1889-1947) cases. | |
Wadena County: District Court: An Inventory of Its District Court Miscellaneous Record Books | gr00465 |
Variety of records documenting activities administered by the court. Includes records of deeds, oaths and bonds, professional license registrations, coroner certificates and records, resolutions, election records, and appointments. | |
Wadena County: District Court: An Inventory of its Judgment Books | gr03004 |
Judgment books of the Wadena County District Court. | |
Wadena County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM160 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Wadena County: Independent School District No. 820, Sebeka: An Inventory of Its Records | isd820 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and agriculture and veterans programs of this district. | |
Wadena County: Leaf River Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01681 |
Birth and death registers (1879-1908) and birth and death certificates (1915-1941). | |
Wadena County: North Germany Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02566 |
Clerk's books (1894-1979); treasurer's books (1906-1979) and annual statements (1906-1984); annual town meeting proceedings (1908-1976); audit board reports (1908, 1913-1941, 1950-1985); poll lists (1908-1983) and vote abstracts (1940-1984); wolf bounties (1908-1928, 1944); road records (1906-1959), including petitions, orders, notices, contracts, and land tax passbooks; burial/removal permits (1907-1918, 1927-1939); preliminary engineering report for bridge replacements over the Red Eye River (1981); and contracts and resolutions with the Minnesota Pipeline Company (1954). | |
Wadena County: Orton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01682 |
Birth and death registers (1898-1915) and birth and death certificate records (1908-1953). | |
Wadena County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00466 |
Records documenting the duties and activities of the probate court. Included are final decrees (1953-1977), insanity record (1943-1965), and will record books (1887-1979). | |
Wadena County: Wadena Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01683 |
Birth (1915-1948) and death (1916-1952) certificates. | |
Wadena County: Wing River Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01684 |
Birth and death registers (1885-1915) and birth and death certificates (1915-1952). The certificates are indexed. | |
Denis Wadley: An Inventory of His Minnesota ADA Files | 00543 |
Records compiled by Wadley, documenting the activities of the Minnesota chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, as well as personal papers documenting Wadley's involvement in other political organizations and issues. Included in the collection are bylaws, minutes, correspondence, financial records, membership records, newsletters, news releases, newspaper clippings, subject files, and a few committee files. | |
W.A. Fisher Company Postcard Collection: An Inventory of Its Postcards | sv000208 |
Postcards published by the W.A. Fisher Company of Virginia, Minnesota. Views of resorts and scenic areas in northern Minnesota. | |
Rosalie Wahl: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00430 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Charles Rumford Walker: An Inventory of His Papers | 00560 |
Research and interview notes, chapter drafts, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and other printed materials compiled or created by Walker for his book American City: a Rank-and-File History (1937), which deals with the economic, political, and social conditions in Minneapolis culminating in the truck drivers' strike of July 1934. | |
Edward A. Walker: An Inventory of His Civil War Letters | 00690 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Patricia Frye Walker: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01344 |
Personal papers of medical doctor, medical director, and educator Patricia Walker.
Her papers include her records regarding the American Refugee Committee (ARC); research on tropical diseases,
women's health, refugee health, and ethics; records from her tenure as director of the Center for International
Health in Saint Paul, Minnesota; and documentation of her participation on numerous task forces, committees,
panels, and other collaborative endeavors geared towards improving the health and health care for immigrants
and refugees. Includes digital content. |
T. B. Walker and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00093 |
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Elizabeth Wallace: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00818 |
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Ann T. Walton: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00781 |
Project files, research notes, chapter drafts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, photographs, and other materials compiled or created by Walton for her art catalog After the Buffalo Were Gone in her role as curator of collections for Burlington Northern Railroad and as a freelance art consultant. | |
Edmund G. Walton Family Photograph Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000331 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Donald Wandrei and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00194 |
Personal and business papers primarily documenting the lives and careers of two brothers from St. Paul (Minn.), one an author and publisher of science fiction and fantasy, the other an author and illustrator in the same genre. The papers also concern the lives of the brothers' parents and their respective family histories. | |
War History Committee: An Inventory of Its Collected Research Materials | whc02 |
Collected research materials relating to almost all aspects of the war, both on the battlefield and the home front. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Bulletins, Circulars, and Newsletters | gr00972 |
Bulletins, circulars, and newsletters issued by the War Records Commission concerning the collection and preservation of Minnesota's war records. Also newsletters and circulars collected by the Commission from various state and local agencies and organizations. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Card Files | gr00976 |
Card files covering the following topics: World War I statewide enlistments and draft registrants, both by county and in a general alphabetical roster; Red Cross lists of severely wounded or killed in Minnesota, the Northern Division, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana; Ramsey County World War I historical data; U. S. Employment Service application cards, employer's orders, and referral cards; and Public Safety Commission speakers. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Collected Materials | gr00973 |
Papers of individuals, records of organizations, and printed materials relating to wartime activities, collected or compiled by the War Records Commission. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00974 |
Correspondence relating to the commission's establishment and the organization and operation of county war records committees. Also clippings from local newspapers relating to the commission's work; correspondence with other states' war history organizations; general correspondence relating primarily to the collection of records and the compilation of the commission's publications; and related reports. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Draft Registration Lists | gr00975 |
Photographic copies of the original draft lists at Washington, furnished by the War Department. The lists show names, addresses, and draft numbers of 540,000 Minnesota men registered under the draft during World War I. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Reports | gr00989 |
Annual and quarterly progress reports. The 1923/1924 biennial report includes descriptive summaries of the manuscripts material collected by the commission. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Spanish-American War History Files | gr00977 |
In 1923, the Minnesota War Records Commission published Minnesota in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection, by Franklin F. Holbrook. These files comprise the first and final drafts of the narrative portion of that history, supplemented by transcripts of reports and orders, regimental chronologies, other background notes, and correspondence and clippings regarding preparation and issuance of the history. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Induction Lists | gr00978 |
Copies of the original induction lists covering about 60 per cent of the 80,000 Minnesota men called into service under the draft during World War I. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Military Service Lists | gr00979 |
An assortment of compiled lists of Minnesota draft registrants, inductees, enlistments, and persons who saw active duty in the armed services during World War I. Some were compiled by the Adjutant General's Office; the source of many of the others is unknown. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Military Service Records | gr00980 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Soldiers' Photographs | gr00131 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of the YMCA and YWCA Records Collected by the War Records Commission | wrc006 |
This series documents the activities of the Young Mens' Christian Association [YMCA] and the Young Women's Christian Association [YWCA] duing World War I, particularly the YMCA's recruitment of men to staff canteens on the French front and its raising of the money to provision those canteens, the organization of YWCA/YMCA units at Minnesota colleges, and participation in the United War Work Campaign. | |
War Records Commission: Boy Scouts of America: Ramsey Council No. 1: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00988 |
Minutes (1911-1914) and correspondence (1910-1918) relating to the establishment and continuing activity of the Ramsey Council No. 1 (St. Paul). | |
War Records Commission: Military Training Camps Association: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00981 |
Records documenting the activities of this organization, including correspondence, applications, and aviation files. | |
War Records Commission: Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Association: An Inventory of Its Records | wrc005 |
Correspondence and miscellany relating to the activities of the association in promoting World War I mobilization and homefront enterprises. | |
War Records Commission: Minnesota Federal Food Administration and State Food Conservation Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00982 |
Files of Mildred Weigley, as home economics director of the Minnesota Federal Food Administration; and as chairman of the State Food Conservation Committee, a project of the Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense (and Public Safety Commission). | |
War Records Commission: Patriotic League of St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00983 |
Records documenting this St. Paul organization, including its organization, membership, finances, meetings, services, and correspondence. | |
War Records Commission: Ramsey County War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00984 |
Minutes, agendas, prospectus for publication, correspondence, notes, and research files relating to the commission's work documenting war-related activities in Ramsey County or involving county residents. | |
War Records Commission: St. Paul Association of Public and Business Affairs: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00985 |
Material collected by Franklin F. Holbrook for the Ramsey County War Records Commission. Includes correspondence, subscription lists, financial records, and a war activities scrapbook, all relating to liberty and victory loans. | |
War Records Commission: U. S. Employment Service: Minnesota Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00986 |
Headquarters and Minnesota branch office files including applications for employment, occupational cards of men enrolled in the U. S. Public Service Reserve, employers' requisitions for labor, correspondence, daily reports from branch offices, reports of the state office to Washington, publicity material, clippings, and circulars. | |
War Records Commission: War Camp Community Service: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00987 |
Correspondence, reports, account books, bulletins, lists of patrons, clippings, and other records relating to the work of providing recreation and wholesome surroundings for soldiers stationed in or near the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). | |
Carl Warmington: An Inventory of His Papers | P2281 |
Papers related to a Minneapolis (Minn.) man's recollections of the Twin Cities jazz scene during the 1920s, his work with various social service agencies during the Great Depression, and his career as an executive with the United Way. | |
George H. Warren: An Inventory of His Family Papers | P2236 |
Correspondence, deeds, and related legal and business papers largely relating to controversies over ownership of the Warren family's real properties in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota and in Willamette, Oregon. | |
Waseca County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00090 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Waseca County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Waseca County: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02833 |
Birth records (1870-1941), delayed birth records (1941-1983), and death records (1870-1940), with indexes (1870-1982). They cover the entire county. | |
Waseca County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Records | gr02834 |
Marriage records covering the entire county (1857-1920), with an index (1857-1982). Also present is a county census (1875). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts and Exhibits | gr02836 |
Transcripts of testimony and exhibits that were too large or thick to be filed in docket packets with the case file papers to which they pertain. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02837 |
File nos. 1-12982, and stray file 1227 (1910). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr01050 |
Coroner's inquest files (1873, 1886-1997), transcripts (1937-1955), and register (1887-1955). Also an index to coroner's certificates (1955-circa 1990). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02838 |
File nos. 1-1000. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr02839 |
Default judgment books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Index to Sellers and Purchasers of Liquor | gr02288 |
Record of sellers and purchasers of liquor index. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment and Information Records | gr02840 |
Indictment and information records of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02841 |
Judgment books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr02842 |
Judgment dockets of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02287 |
Minutes of the District Court of Waseca County. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02835 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, applications to take oath of allegiance, and correspondence. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02843 |
Order books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr01049 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. The numbers in the indexes are not case file numbers; they correspond to those used in the Waseca County District Court Minutes, also housed in the Minnesota Historical Society. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02844 |
Real estate tax judgment books for the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr01048 |
Registers of actions covering civil case files 1-12149. The entry for each case may include the case number; names of the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys; nature of the case; a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, and other actions by the court or disputing parties; and, when applicable, costs adjudged and remarks. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02845 |
Records or registers for physicians, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, veterinarians, massage licenses, and basic science certificates. | |
Waseca County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Juvenile Court Records | gr02846 |
Petitions with information on the cases, findings and orders, and related documents in cases of juvenile delinquency, neglect, termination of parental rights, and dependency on county relief. | |
Waseca County: Otisco Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01685 |
Birth and death registers (1885-1913), birth (1908-1941) and death (1913-1953) certificate records, and burial/removal permits (1910, 1912-1915). | |
Waseca County: Otisco Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02570 |
Clerk's books (1858-1978), treasurer's books (1883-1950, 1953-1978) and annual statements (1936-1973), road records (1859-1962), audit board annual reports and minutes (1936-1956), election records (1942-1966), supervisors' annual account (1935-1963), and chattel mortgage book (1877-1913). | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr02830 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02831 |
Final decrees, 1858-1978 (reels 1-18), and miscellaneous orders, 1886, 1914-1977 (reels 19-20), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr01051 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Includes Volumes A, B, B, C, D, E, F, and G (Volumes A, B, B, and C are also available on microfilm). | |
Waseca County: Recorder: An Inventory of Its Deed Records | gr02832 |
Grantee and grantor reception books and indexes; and deed record books containing transcripts of warranty and quit-claim deeds, patents, and related documents. | |
Waseca County: School District No. 9, Iosco Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01555 |
Includes clerk's books (1926-1956), treasurer's books (1925-1956), classification and term registers (1917-1950), attendance registers (1938-1950), and school census (1938-1954). | |
Waseca County: School District No. 10, Iosco Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01556 |
Includes clerk's books (1946-1956), treasurer's books (1941-1947, 1955-1956), and teacher's reports to county superintendent of schools (1944-1956). | |
Waseca County: School District No. 11, Iosco Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01557 |
Includes clerk's books (1938-1956), treasurer's records (1955-1956), teacher's reports to county superintendent (1940-1956), attendance registers (1942-1955), and school census (1955). | |
Waseca County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Pupil Record Cards | gr02507 |
Pupil record cards: active (1950s-1960s, incomplete); graduates (1940-1954); inactive, nongraduate (1950s-1960s); and inactive (1930s-1960s). | |
Waseca County: Vivian Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01686 |
Birth and death registers (1885-1907) and birth and death certificate record (1925-1952). | |
Waseca County: Waseca: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01687 |
Birth and death registers (1881-1953). | |
Waseca County: Waseca: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01052 |
Dockets (1897-1899, 1953-1974) and transcripts (1936-1953). | |
Algernon Sidney Washburn: An Inventory of His Family Correspondence | P2235 |
Letters to Washburn, a Hallowell (Me.) banker, from several family members, especially his brothers Elihu Washburne, U.S. politician and statesman, and William Drew Washburn, a Minneapolis lumber and flour miller and a U.S. congressman and senator. | |
Stanley Washburn: An Inventory of Stanley Washburn Papers | 01250 |
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Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum: An Inventory of Its Records | 00647 |
Primarily superintendent's and executive secretary's reports (1923-1949) and personal history records (1886-1928) documenting a Minneapolis (Minn.) organization that initially provided care and housing for orphans, half-orphans, and other dependent and neglected children under the age of 15 (1886-1929) and subsequently operated as a foster home placement and support agency (1929-1949) under the name Washburn Home. | |
Washington County: An Inventory of Its Birth Records | gr01888 |
Microfilmed registers of births (1870-1934), with indexes (1870-1981); microfilmed and original birth reports from local jurisdictions (1870-1910); and microfilmed and original delayed birth register, records, and index (1867-1991). They cover the entire county. Also includes 6 reels of negative microfilm master and duplicate negatives, one original birth record volume, and a folder of original illegitimate birth records from various jurisdictions. | |
Washington County: An Inventory of Its Death Records | gr01889 |
Microfilmed death records (1870-1994), reports of deaths received from individual townships and villages (1870-1910), and death certificates (1946-1994). They cover the entire county. Also includes death returns (1870-1883); permits for burial or removal (1919-1923); original township reports of death; and 2 original death record volumes. | |
Washington County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Records | gr02270 |
Marriage license registers, with indexes (1849-1950), and an extensive file of marriage licenses and certificates (1849-1952). The degree of overlap between information in the two series is not known. They cover the entire county. | |
Washington County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Records of Washington County (Minn.) and Environs | gr00333 |
Photocopied marriage licenses and certificates, kept by the justice of the peace of territorial St. Croix County, Wisconsin, covering that part of the county west of the St. Croix River and east of the Mississippi River (present-day Washington and surrounding Minnesota counties). | |
Washington County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00113 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Washington County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Washington County: Afton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02182 |
Birth (1870-1951) and death (1870-1953) records, and burial or removal permits (1904-1932). Birth and death entries for 1915-1940 are indexed. | |
Washington County: Afton Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02183 |
Clerk's (1860-1971) and treasurer's (1860-1971) books, chattel mortgage index (1874-1913), road overseer's poll/land tax passbooks (1887-1918, incomplete), and petition regarding the removal of a fence (1927). | |
Washington County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | wash006 |
The microfilmed and original assessment rolls for Washington County (Minn.) record the value of real and personal property located in each of its civil subdivisions (legally incorporated townships, villages, and cities) for the years 1856-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, and 1960-1961. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Election Records | gr02152 |
Registers of electors (1922) and an incomplete set of poll lists (1922-1932, 1950-1962) for the county and its various political jurisidictions; abstracts of votes and sample ballots for primary, general, and special elections (1930-1968). | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00334 |
Oaths and bonds of county officials; chattel mortgages; estray records; ferry, peddlers' and auctioneers' licenses; 1921 inventory of county property; a tax account record with the state of Minnesota; a 1906 or 1908 Republican primary ballot; South Stillwater plat index; and subject files. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Tax Records | gr00335 |
Delinquent tax lists, mainly for the city of Stillwater; tax lists for school taxes collected in Oakdale Township and Greenfield (renamed Grant in 1864) Township and for School District 5: Townships 27-28, Range 21; and tax record book. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr03265 |
Some volumes appear to be missing. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Road Records | gr00336 |
A road plat book (1868-1910); road record book (1887-1891); road warrant registers (1916-1939); loose road papers including orders, petitions, maps, and road committee reports (1854-1967); and road commissioner's minutes and tax sales (1858-1872). | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists, 1861-1960 | gr02272 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Washington County, each of which records, in separate sections, the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property owned by the residents. Microfilmed tax lists cover the years 1861-1899, 1900-1901, 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950, and 1960. They are reproduced on microfilm as follows: SAM 7, 1870-1900 (47 rolls); SAM 8, 1940-1960 (21 rolls); and SAM 78, 1861-1931 (42 rolls). The volumes for 1861-1931 (SAM 78) interfile with those for 1870-1900 (SAM 7). | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists, 1970-1991 | gr02271 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Washington County, each of which records, in separate sections, the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property owned by the residents. They cover the years 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Trial Balance Books | gr00344 |
Periodic balances of county ledgers into debit and credit columns. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers | gr00337 |
A record of payments from county funds authorized by the county auditor for the years 1850-1947 and 1956-1966. | |
Washington County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr01187 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Washington County: County Court: Family Division: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02184 |
Primarily divorce decrees. Also include child support decrees, and a few name changes, paternity judgments, and miscellaneous money judgments. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Bond, Oath, and Certificate Records | gr01886 |
Bond assignment record, record of oaths and bonds of town and county officers, basic science certificate record; and records of certificates of dentists, physicians, osteopaths, optometrists, veterinarians, and ministers. Also includes a miscellaneous volume that records appointments primarily of minister, ordination, and notary public; also includes chiropractic, medical license, register of deeds, register of titles, rabbi, and basic science. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Calendars and Court Commissioner's Record Books | gr00330 |
Calendars recording actions of the United States District Court under both the territorial (Wisconsin and Minnesota) and state governments. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr00331 |
Civil and criminal case files in three consecutive sequences and a separate set of criminal case files only (1942-1951). | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files for Torrens Actions | gr03266 |
Civil case files for torrens actions of the Washington County District Court. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr01887 |
Index to coroner's certificates; coroner's inquest certificates (reports), sometimes accompanied by related inquest transcripts and other items; and coroner's record books. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Dockets | gr03267 |
Criminal dockets of the Washington County District Court. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr01803 |
Judgment record books (1858-1980), judgment dockets (1883-1893, 1934-1971), and default judgment records (1877-1981). | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr03268 |
Minutes of the Washington County District Court. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Natualization Records and Index | gr03269 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, and loose naturalization papers. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr00332 |
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Special Assessment Case Records | gr03270 |
Four case files (1891-1892) pertaining to assessments for street and sidewalk improvements in the city of Stillwater, and two docket books of contested special assessments (1899-1913). The case files do not appear to have been numbered as part of the regular district court civil case files. The docket books note, for each case, the nature of the assessment, the property involved, a list of papers filed, and the date a judgment was entered; the result of the judgment is not recorded. | |
Washington County: Forest Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02185 |
Birth and death registers and certificates records, and burial permits (1917-1918). | |
Washington County: Forest Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00342 |
Town meeting minutes; accounting records; election records, including poll lists; assessment roll abstracts; a tax list; road and road tax records; wolf bounties; a chattel mortgage record; and a variety of ordinances, contracts, petitions, and other miscellany. Included are a list of old age assistance recipients, and articles of agreement and bylaws of the Forest Lake Co-operative Creamery Association. | |
Washington County: Grey Cloud Island Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01170 |
Minutes, financial records, birth and death records, marriage records, justice of the peace records, planning and rezoning records, petitions, newsletters, and related records. Includes records of Newport Township and St. Paul Park. | |
Washington County: Hugo: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01395 |
Chattel mortgage index; minutes of the city council, parks and recreation commission, planning commission, and zone adjustment board; ordinances; and resolutions. | |
Washington County: Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02165 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, teachers, and students of the district. | |
Washington County: Independent School District No. 834, Stillwater: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00370 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, teachers, and students of the district. | |
Washington County: Lincoln Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02190 |
Clerk's (1923-1928) and treasurer's (1926-1950) books, clerk's register of receipts and disbursements (1950-1967), town board minutes (1961-1972), annual financial statements (1921, 1929-1971), audit reports (1920-1948), ordinances (1955-1970), election records (1920-1972), and miscellaneous records, including register of warrants issued (1922-1931), gopher bounty records (1962-1970), annexation records (1961-1972), and planning commission records (1969-1971). | |
Washington County: Marine: An Inventory of Its Cemetery Records | gr02140 |
Minutes (April 1950) and proposed bylaws (1919) of the Marine Cemetery Association; deeds for lots in Oakland Cemetery, which was owned by the village (1876-1952); and Oakland Cemetery lot owner record books (1951-1953). | |
Washington County: Marine: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02142 |
Clerk's record book (1875-1912); financial records of the village and its fire department and firemen's relief association; a chattel mortgage record (1896-1913); road tax records; election records; and assorted miscellany. | |
Washington County: Marine: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets | gr02141 |
Civil and criminal dockets for justices of the peace of Marine, with some for Marine Township, especially justices P. E. Walker (1862-1881), Charles Westergren (1881-1891), John W. Gray (1893-1896, 1912-1917), Charles H. Burris (1897-1900), Bert Lord (1901-1903), Paul VanderEike (1905-1906), Percy Empson (1907-1915), C. L. Strand (1964-1966), and Howard A. Paul (1967). | |
Washington County: Marine Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01055 |
Clerk's record book, including some minutes of Marine Mills; treasurer's registers and reports; road records; justice docket; election records, including poll lists; Board of Auditors reports; and resolutions. | |
Washington County: Memorial Hospital District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01625 |
Governing Board minutes and meeting files, and subject files of the Washington County Memorial Hospital District. | |
Washington County: Oakdale: An Inventory of Its Records | oakdale |
Incorporation papers, newsletters, recreation brochures, labor union agreements, miscellaneous petitions, and minutes and reports of the city's human rights commission, safety committee, police commission, and Interstate Highway 94 corridor committee. | |
Washington County: Oakdale Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr00010 |
Birth and death register and certificate records and burial permits. | |
Washington County: Pine Point Nursing Home: An Inventory of Its Pine Point Nursing Home Records | gr00338 |
Minutes of the nursing home's governing board, audit reports and a financial statement, reports on income from patients, historical data, a financial feasibility study, and sample patient documents and miscellany. | |
Washington County: Poor Farm: An Inventory of Its Poor Farm Records | gr00339 |
Records of this county farm, including registers of inmates, financial records, property inventories, a sketch map, payroll records, a visitors register, and the commissioner's book. | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr03271 |
Final decrees of distribution for the Washington County District Court. | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Letter Records | gr03274 |
Early records (1849-1875) of appointments of executors and administrators of estates, and a record of marriages performed by the probate judge (1883-1907). | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Order Books | gr03275 |
Volumes include final decrees and summary final decrees. | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files and Registers | gr03276 |
Probate case files nos. 1-11166, spanning the years 1849-1949, and probate registers of actions for cases 1-348, years 1849-1886. | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr03277 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate cases. They transcribe the texts of or note the filing of initiating documents, and note or summarize major subsequent actions. | |
Washington County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr03278 |
Copies of transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Washington County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr01186 |
Information that may be recorded: name, date, age, height, hair color, complexion, race, occupation, county of origin, literacy, marital status, by whom sent, what for, term, and why discharged. | |
Washington County: Stillwater: An Inventory of Its City Council Minutes and Resolutions | gr03279 |
City Council minutes and proceedings (24 volumes), and a separate set of City Council resolutions with indexes (13 volumes and 2 folders). The resolutions include lists of bills authorized for payment, instructions to city officials, and other detailed records of formal council decisions. | |
Washington County: Stillwater: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00431 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Washington County: Stillwater: An Inventory of Its Ordinances | gr03280 |
Nos. 1-636. | |
Washington County: Stillwater Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02186 |
Birth (1886-1901, 1907-1915, 1930-1940, 1942) and death (1888-1899, 1928-1952) registers and record books, and a few burial or removal permits (1916, 1942). | |
Washington County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02071 |
Lists of school board officers, teachers, principals, other school personnel, and graduates; eighth grade commencement programs (1936-1937); teachers' institute programs (1910/1911-1915); and Washington County school contest premium lists for school exhibits and spelling contests (1914-1916); and a research paper on the history of various Washington County school districts (1992). | |
Washington County: Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Treasurer's Records | gr00340 |
Records documenting the activities and duties of the county treasurer. Included are records of receipts and expenditures and tax, school land, and soldiers' bounty records. | |
Washington County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00341 |
Minutes and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the Washington County Welfare Board. | |
Richard Washington: An Inventory of His Letters | P2299 |
Seven letters (1856-1859) written by Richard Washington (b. ca, 1828 or 1832) of Hastings, Minnesota to his father Lawrence Washington of Oak Grove, Westmoreland County, Virginia, and one letter (1860) from his father. The letters document Richard's real estate ventures in Minnesota and other family matters; agricultural production; politics; and his own investments for other members of the family. | |
Waste Management Board: An Inventory of Its Hazardous Waste Facilities Files | wmb02 |
Hearing, negotiation, and subject files for proposed facilities and sites for the processing and disposal of hazardous wastes in Minnesota. | |
Waste Management Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records | wmb |
Reports, planning documents, and informational issuances on hazardous waste facility siting and liability, hazardous waste management in general, storage and disposal options for hazardous waste, industrial waste, pollution prevention, and general solid waste management issues. | |
Waste Management Board An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Miscellaneous) | gr00432 |
Miscellaneous subject files dealing with such topics as above ground retrievable storage; conferences on composting, hazardous waste reduction, sustainable development, and solid waste; electric resistivity; facility siting, including reports on out of state tours and maps of proposed sites; history of the board; environmental impairment liability; and a work plan summary for the governor. | |
Waste Management Board: An Inventory of Its Task Force and Committee Files | wmb05 |
Task force and committee files dealing with household hazardous wastes, resource recovery, solid waste policy, and waste stabilization containment. | |
Watchmaker's Board: An Inventory of Its Board Records | gr00745 |
Minutes (1943-1983), annual and biennial reports (1960-1969, 1974-1978), licensure and scratch (repair) mark index cards (1961-1983), and miscellaneous files. | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00038 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes of District Boards of Supervisors | bwsr01 |
Minutes of meetings of the elected boards of supervisors of Minnesota's 92 individual soil and water conservation districts, submitted to the Board of Water and Soil Resources and its predecessor, the Soil and Water Conservation Board. | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Soil and Water Conservation District Background Files | gr00790 |
The files include annual reports, correspondence, audit reports, petitions for and certificates of organization, work plans and programs, district maps, minutes of district supervisors, and occasionally other materials. | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Watershed District Files | bwsr04 |
Records relating to the establishment and administration of Minnesota's watershed districts. | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Watershed Management Organizations Files | bwsr07 |
Minutes documenting the activities of eight watershed management organizations (WMOs). | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of its Watershed District Hearing Transcripts | bwsr04 |
Transcripts of public hearings held before the Board
of Water and Soil Resources and its predecessor, the Water Management Board, regarding the establishment and operations of Minnesota's watershed districts. |
Water Planning Board: An Inventory of the Files of Thomas J. Kalitowski | wpb01 |
Minutes, correspondence, newsletter, reports, and
subject files maintained by board chair, Thomas J. Kalitowski, documenting the organization and activities of the board. |
Water Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports of Watershed Districts | wrb003 |
An incomplete set of annnual reports of Minnesota watershed districts that were overseen by the Water Resources Board per Minn. Stat. chapter 112. | |
Water Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Materials | wrb004 |
Documenting the activities and duties of the board. | |
Water Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02269 |
Various records documenting the administration and organization of the Board. | |
Water Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Watershed District Managers Organization Files | wrb001 |
Files kept mainly by Water Resources Board Executive Secretary Erling M. Weiberg, documenting organization of the Minnesota watershed district managers. | |
C. E. Waterman: An Inventory of His Madison School, St. Paul, Minn. Album | sv000399 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Bonnie Watkins and Nina Rothchild: An Inventory of Their Research Files | 01150 |
![]() Includes index to sound recordings. |
Watkins Residence of Winona: An Inventory of Its Photographs | sv000118 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Watonwan County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00062 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Watonwan County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Watonwan County: Adrian Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02232 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1908) and certificate record books (1908-1953), and a report of a death (1898). | |
Watonwan County: Antrim Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02233 |
Birth (1918-1945) and death (1918-1953) certificate records, and index to birth and death certificates (1941-1953). | |
Watonwan County: Butterfield: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02234 |
Birth and death register (1895-1953) and certificate records (1908-1953), and stillbirth certificate record (1952). | |
Watonwan County: Butterfield Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02235 |
Birth and death registers (1876-1951) and certificate records (1895, 1921), and burial, removal, or cremation permit (1933). | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr02573 |
Files numbered 1-306 (old series) and 1-7603 (new series). Also includes miscellaneous case file papers, too large for the docket packets (boxes 58-60) and miscellaneous unnumbered cases, arranged chronologically (boxes 60-61). Civil and criminal cases are interfiled. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02574 |
Coroner's records of the Watonwan County District Court. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Court Orders and Findings | gr02348 |
Court orders and findings of the Watonwan District Court. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Records | gr02575 |
Default judgment records of the Watonwan District Court. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment and Information Records | gr02576 |
Indictment and information records of Watonwan County District Court. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02347 |
Judgment books of Watonwan County District Court. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02582 |
Minutes of the District Court of Watonwan County. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM139 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted, applications to take oath of allegiance, and correspondence. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Records | gr02316 |
Real estate tax judgment records of the District Court of Watonwan County. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Record of Convictions in Justice Court | gr02583 |
Records of convictions in justice court of the District Court of Watonwan County. | |
Watonwan County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02584 |
Records or registers for optometrists, chiropractors, dentists, osteopaths, physicians, veterinarians, and basic science certificates. | |
Watonwan County: Fieldon Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02236 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1909), birth and death certificate records (1907-1952) and index (1941-1952), reports of births (1890-1907) and deaths (1890-1898), and burial/removal permits (1924-1942). | |
Watonwan County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Record Books | gr02585 |
Primarily docket entries for individual delinquency and dependency cases, with a record of petitions, orders, and related documents filed, and other actions taken in the case. Volume A includes monthly summaries of mothers' pension payments ordered by the court, 1930-1931. | |
Watonwan County: Madelia: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02237 |
Birth and death registers (1887-1907), birth (1908-1941, 1952) and death (1916-1941, 1951-1952) certificate records, report of a death (1903), burial/removal permits (1912-1922, 1925-1932, 1949, 1952), and Madelia Hospital death record book (1922-1950). | |
Watonwan County: Madelia: An Inventory of Its Justice Court Dockets | gr02379 |
Civil (1873-1941) and criminal (1873-1970) dockets. The dockets are separated into civil and criminal series but both types may be included in each register. Arranged in chronological order. Indexed. | |
Watonwan County: Madelia: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02380 |
Records including village/city council meeting minutes, ordinances, lockup registers, and financial records. | |
Watonwan County: Madelia Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02238 |
Birth and death registers (1870-1910) and certificate record books (1906-1952), burial/removal permits ((1907-1947), and transportation of corpse permits (1913, 1939). | |
Watonwan County: Nelson Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02239 |
Birth and death register (1871-1907) and certificate records (1908-1952), and burial/removal permit (1939). | |
Watonwan County: Odin: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02240 |
Birth and death register (1902-1908), birth (1908-1940) and death (1914-1950) certificate records, and burial/removal permit (1930). | |
Watonwan County: Odin Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02241 |
Birth and death registers (1888-1907) and certificate record books (1908-1952). | |
Watonwan County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02586 |
Final decrees, 1886-1976 (reels 1-8) and miscellaneous orders, 1870-1977 (reels 9-11) containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Watonwan County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02587 |
Petitions in insanity, reports of jury or board of examiners, and related documents. | |
Watonwan County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02588 |
A narrative chronological record of proceedings of the probate court, largely regarding documents submitted, appearances before the court, and orders issued. Volume A also includes marriage certificates, 1893-1925. | |
Watonwan County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02589 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Watonwan County: Riverdale Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02242 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1907), birth (1908-1947) and death (1908-1953) certificate records, and burial/removal permit (1941). | |
Watonwan County: Saint James: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02635 |
Includes board of trustees and city council minutes, city charters, city code, village treasurer's book, ordinances, zoning ordinance updates, resolutions, minutes, agenda packets, and related records. | |
Watonwan County: Saint James Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01567 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1907), and birth (1907, 1914-1951) and death (1915-1953) certificate records. | |
Watonwan County: South Branch Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01568 |
Birth and death registers (1872-1907), birth (1908-1946) and death (1908-1953), and burial/removal permits (1908-1921). | |
Watonwan County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Records | gr02741 |
Teacher record cards (approximately 1910 - approximately 1960) and teachers' retirement record book (1916-1934). | |
Catherine Watson: An Inventory of Her Journals | 01538 |
Journals of journalist, author, travel writer, and educator Catherine Watson. Includes personal and professional journals kept by Watson before, during, and after her time as founding editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune's travel section. | |
Robert Watson: An Inventory of His Papers | P1485 |
Papers of an early settler in Cottage Grove (1850-1878) and Northfield (1878-1913), Minnesota. Contains Watson's 1850 diary detailing a Mississippi River journey from Ohio to St. Paul and Stillwater, Minnesota, and a trip from St. Paul to Fort Snelling and St. Anthony; autobiographical data; his 1909 reminiscence of his 1850 journey to Minnesota and settlement in Cottage Grove, Washington County; and a typescript of the 1850 diary with explanatory footnotes by G. W. Ackermann (ca. 1942). | |
Marshman S. Wattson: An Inventory of His Records Relating to Pierce Butler's Supreme Court Appointment | P2282 |
Wattson's transcripts of documents assembled for the Senate confirmation hearings regarding Butler's supreme court appointment. | |
Wayzata Elementary String Program Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Interviews | OH109 |
Interviews documenting the history of the Wayzata Elementary String Program, offered in the elementary schools of Independent School District 284, Wayzata Public Schools, Wayzata, Minnesota, from 1963 through May 2001. Begun using traditional methods and involving mainly only fifth and sixth grade students, by 1967, the Suzuki approach was being used and students in grades one through six were included. At its height, more than 500 children were involved, roughly fifteen percent of the elementary population in grades kindergarten through five. Support was given by the Wayzata String Boosters. The program was eliminated in May 2001 due to budget constraints. | |
WCA Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00112 |
![]() |
Webb Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00525 |
Organizational records documenting the history of a St. Paul (Minn.) printing and publishing company, which specialized in agricultural publications. | |
G.F. Weber Studio: An Inventory of Its Photographs | sv000077 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Vin Weber: An Inventory of His Congressional Files and Related Papers | 00212 |
Papers of a Republican congressman (1981-1992) from southwestern Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District. Weber was associated with a rising group of young neo-conservatives in the House that included Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). The collection is perhaps strongest in its documentation of agricultural policy and farming issues during the "farm crisis" years of the 1980s. | |
Martin O. Weddington: An Inventory of His Papers | 00634 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Magnus Wefald: An Inventory of His Papers | 00102 |
Personal correspondence, farm records, legal case files, personal and farm accounting records, personal and client tax returns, and legislative files of a country lawyer (1929-1983), farm owner (1938-1969), and state senator (1947-1958) from Hawley (Clay County), Minnesota. | |
Alan W. Weinblatt: An Inventory of his Legislative Reapportionment Case Files | 00842 |
Legal case files of a St. Paul attorney pertaining to three lawsuits in which he represented the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party in cases involving the reapportionment of Minnesota state legislative districts and Minnesota Congressional districts: Beens v. Erdahl, 1971; LaComb v. Growe, 1981; and Cotlow v. Growe, 1991. | |
Martin Weld: An Inventory of His Family Papers | P2219 |
Family correspondence addressed to Martin Weld of Groton, Vermont from three of his brothers in New England, Illinois, Minnesota, and Oregon discussing a variety of family matters, as well as their occupations and personal affairs. | |
George C. Wellner: An Inventory of His Medical Addresses | P2246 |
Fifteen numbered and four unnumbered medical addresses presented by Wellner mainly to the Goodhue County Medical Society. The addresses cover a variety of topics including contemporary medical theory and practice and local medical hagiography. | |
Charles S. Wells: An Inventory of His Papers | P2433 |
Biographical data, business cards, correspondence, photographs, lecture notes, news clippings, and miscellany pertaining to the work of Scottish-born American sculptor and Minneapolis School of Art instructor Charles S. Wells. | |
Wells Memorial House (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Settlement House Records | 00989 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, minutes including treasurer's reports (1920-1932), and photographs of this chapel, settlement house, and community social action agency located in downtown Minneapolis. | |
Paul David Wellstone: An Inventory of His Campaign Records | 01138 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William B. Welsh: An Inventory of Hubert H. Humphrey Vice Presidential Files | 00403 |
Files kept by Welsh while he was Administrative Assistant to Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. | |
Henry B. Wenzell: An Inventory of His Papers | 00786 |
Letters from judges of Minnesota courts, Harvard professors, and Minnesota public figures; recommendations of Wenzell as Minnesota supreme court reporter (1895); correspondence regarding the renting of billboard privileges on St. Paul property owned by actor William H. Crane, together with Crane's itinerary of theatrical tours (1902-1924); material on Harvard University and the Harvard Club of Minnesota; Wenzell's letters home during his study and travels in Europe (1876-1878); and Wenzell family genealogical data and memorabilia. | |
Rein O. Werner: An Inventory of His South St. Paul Photograph Collection | sv000216 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James Wescott: An Inventory of His Papers | P2329 |
Miscellaneous papers of a Dakota County (Minn.) pioneer, including a preemption certificate (1857) to Wescott for land in Dakota County, a trespass permission (1858) to the Minneapolis and Cedar Valley Railroad, a letter from Ignatius Donnelly regarding the upcoming 1862 election and the likelihood of a Republican preference among Minnesota's soldiers, other letters to Wescott (1862-1865) commenting on Civil War topics, two financial receipts, and some biographical information copied from published sources. | |
West Bank Community Development Corporation: An Inventory of its Records | 00855 |
Bylaws, minutes, correspondence, project reports, newsletters and other records of the West Bank Community Development Corporation, an organization formed in 1975 to promote neighborhood control through resident-based redevelopment of the Cedar Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, and that worked with the Cedar Riverside Project Area Committee (PAC), the New Riverside Cafe, and other organizations in the area. | |
West Side Community Health Center: An Inventory of Its Records | 00664 |
Records relating to an organization that provided health care services for those experiencing cultural, economic, and other barriers to health care in the West Side Community and in St. Paul neighborhoods. | |
Western Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00517 |
Grant files and other records of a philanthropic foundation (1939-1966) founded by the Bean family of Minneapolis, Minnesota. | |
Western Union Telegraph Company: An Inventory of Its Salary Ledger. | 00423 |
Ledger giving wage information for managers, operators, and other employees at telegraph offices in cities and towns in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakota Territory, Montana Territory, Washington Territory, and Manitoba. | |
Westminster Presbyterian Church (Minneapolis, Minn.). Chinese Sunday School: An Inventory of Its Records | 01103 |
Records of the Westminster Presbyterian Church Chinese Sunday School, and personal papers of Lucia Jane Wilson relating to the school and to the Chinese American community in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, documenting her involvement with the school as a teacher and as superintendent. | |
F. Weyerhaeuser and Company (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | 01186 |
Correspondence (1902-1934); agreements, contracts, and other land and legal papers (1895-1903); annual statements (1895-1934); log accounts (1892-1905); tax records (1923-1938); articles of incorporation (1901); and other papers of [Frederick] Weyerhaeuser and Company and associated lumbering and lumber products companies. | |
Weyerhaeuser and Rutledge Company (Chippewa Falls, Wis.): An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | 01193 |
Minute book (1906-1938), articles of association (1906), stock certificate book (1906-1931), tax records, journals and ledger (1882-1918), and other financial records of this general lumbering firm with lands in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Frederick Weyerhaeuser (senior) and Edward Rutledge were among its incorporators. This company was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Weyerhaueser Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P930 |
Business and personal correspondence, financial records, diaries, and personal papers of Minnesota lumber magnate Frederick Weyerhaeuser (1834-1914) and his descendants. Includes information about family members' activities and business affairs, and annual reports and business records of more than sixty-five Weyerhaeuser companies. | |
Noemi Weygant: An Inventory of Her Fort St. Charles Album | sv000418 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Herbert Wheaton and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P2321 |
Papers of the publisher (1912-1952) of a small-town weekly newspaper (Hokah, Houston County, Minn.) documenting his political and social opinions, Republican politics in Minnesota, the operation of the Hokah Chief newspaper, and incidentally, his teaching career (1898-1910) and his local insurance agency. | |
Bishop Henry B. Whipple: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000032 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Henry Benjamin Whipple: An Inventory of His Papers | P0823 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Whipple and Scandrett Families: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01298 |
Personal and family papers of Henry B. Whipple, Protestant Episcopal bishop of Minnesota, his grandsons Henry A. Scandrett and Benjamin W. Scandrett, who both became well-known railroad executives, and other members of the Whipple and Scandrett families. | |
Arthur B. White: An Inventory of His Papers | 00889 |
Scrapbooks of Arthur B. White's life and career and of press notices of the Elks Minstrel Show at Metropolitan Theatre, guest books, photographs, publications, artwork, and ephemera. | |
Edwin Gardner White And Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00789 |
Papers of White family members: Edwin Gardner White and his wife Anne (Turney) White, and children Barabara White Bemis and William Gardner White. Includes biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs. Edwin Gardner White served in the U. S. Army in World War I and his son William Gardner White served in the U. S. Navy in World War II between 1943-1944 and was declared killed in action in 1945. | |
Henry Gilbert White: An Inventory of His Papers | 00966 |
Print and semi-print materials, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers related to the education and work of Henry Gilbert White; including his school days in China; his forestry education and work in various parts of the United States; his experiences in civil administration for the U.S. military in Japan and Korea; and his economic development work in the Far East, the Philippines, U.S. Trust Territories (such as Guam, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands), and in Europe. | |
Jack White: An Inventory of His Jack White Orchestra Sound and Visual Collection | sv000282 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Van F. White: An Inventory of His Papers | 00299 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Edwin and Wilfred J. Whitefield: An Inventory of Their Papers | m0032 |
Microfilmed letters, diaries, articles, and miscellany of Edwin Whitefield, a Minnesota artist and townsite promoter, and of his son Wilfred, also an artist. | |
Russell F. Whitehead: An Inventory of His Business Correspondence | 01070 |
Business correspondence and miscellaneous records of Whitehead as editor of The White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs (1915-1931) and its successor, Pencil Points (1932-1940). | |
Joel E. Whitney: An Inventory of a Photograph Album | sv000148 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wheelock Whitney: An Inventory of His Papers | 01354 |
Personal papers of businessman, sports executive, educator, politician, and philanthropist Wheelock Whitney. Includes Whitney's personal files on helping to obtain and working for the Minnesota Twins and his partial ownership of the Minnesota Vikings, as well as records from his failed run for U.S. Senate campaign in 1964 and Minnesota gubernatorial campaign in 1982. Collection includes papers with correspondence, clippings, photographs, audiovisual materials, and several scrapbooks. | |
John M. Wickre: An Inventory of His Research Files on Minnesota Tractors | 00548 |
Research notes and photocopies of materials related to farm tractors, garden tractors, and gas engines manufactured in Minnesota, especially in the 1910-1920 period. The files were compiled from study of incorporation records, city directories, implement and gas engine trade journals, collectors' magazines and books, and similar sources. Also included are a few files on other agricultural implements. | |
Fred S. and Violet Bahneman Wiedl: An Inventory of Their Ah-Gwah-Ching photograph collection | sv000042 |
Photographs of Ah-Gwah-Ching, the tuberculosis sanatorium, were taken by Frederick S. and Violent Bahneman Wiedl who were patients at the sanatorium. Views include the Wiedls and other patients; doctors and staff; the grounds and buildings; holidays and other special events. | |
Jon Wilbrecht: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000590 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
John Finley Wilcox and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P2295 |
Miscellaneous papers, including some correspondence, legal documents, deeds, programs, invitations, membership certificates, and similar items relating to the family of John Finley Wilcox of Minneapolis and his wife, Emma Clement Wilcox, and her St. Anthony (Minn.) family. | |
Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix and Namekagon: An Inventory of Its Records | 00542 |
Constitution and bylaws, minutes, correspondence and miscellaneous papers, newspaper clippings, project materials, subject files, marketing materials, publications, audiovisual, photographs, historical information, and other printed materials documenting an organization devoted to the preservation of the St. Croix River and its tributary the Namekagon River. | |
Wildlife Society. Minnesota Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records | 01116 |
Records of the Minnesota chapter of a national organization concerned with wildlife and habitat conservation and management and that advocated for legislation, worked to educate the public, and provided services and resources to scientists, managers, educators, and others. | |
"Whoopee" John Wilfahrt: An Inventory of His Phonodiscs | sv000198 |
Recordings of the Whoopee John Wilfahrt band headed by New Ulm polka musician Whoopee John Wilfahrt. Form of name on labels varies: Whoopee John Wilfahrt and His Concertina Orchestra, "Whoopee" John Wilfahrt and His Band or "Whoopee" John and His Orchestra. | |
Wilkin County: Atherton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02223 |
Birth and death registers (1889-1948), and birth (1911-1914) and death (1949-1951) certificate records. | |
Wilkin County: Breckenridge: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02224 |
Birth and death certificate record (1887-1953; typed transcriptions); birth and death certificate registers (1921-1953); and permits for burial or removal (1932-1946). | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr00764 |
Civil case files (1883-1973), civil case file exhibits (1906-1988), and criminal case files (1917-1955). The civil case files prior to 1917 may include criminal cases. Also includes unnumbered civil case files (1909-1943), and one 1922 civil case file transcript. | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00030 |
Registers of action for criminal (1884-1896) and civil (1884-1949) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr01038 |
Register of coroner's inquests (1887-1972) and coroner's inquest reports (1889-1976). | |
Wilkin County. District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM041 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, citizenship petitions granted, and loose naturalization papers. | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr01039 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files. Entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Wilkin County: Independent School District No. 848, Doran: An Inventory of Its Audit Report | isd848 |
1968 audit report of this school district. | |
Wilkin County: Independent School District No. 849, Foxhome: An Inventory of Its Records | isd849 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, and students of the district. | |
Wilkin County: Independent School District No. 851, Wolverton: An Inventory of Its Records | isd851 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, and students of the district. | |
Wilkin County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr01040 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). Each volume is indexed. | |
Wilkin County: Rothsay: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02225 |
Birth (1892-1907, 1913-1940, 1943-1949) and death (1892-1953) records, and burial/removal permits (1924-1953). | |
Henry Will: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000044 |
The photographs provide views of people, many of which are family members, structures, logging, and events in early Bemidji, Pierz, and north central Minnesota. Some of the logging photographs feature views of the Crookston Lumber Mill before it burned down in 1924, as well as other mills in the area. | |
Daniel Everett Willard: An Inventory of His Reminiscences | P2297 |
Reminiscences containing information on the career and adventures of Willard, a geologist who taught in a number of North Dakota colleges and did extensive geological surveys in North Dakota and other states. He also relates stories of pioneer life on the North Dakota and Western plains. | |
Gerald L. Willet: An Inventory of His Papers | 00226 |
Bill drafts, correspondence, reports, and related materials reflecting Gerald L. Willet's years (1973-1987) as a DFL state senator from Minnesota's 4th district in the north central part of the state. | |
Thomas S. Williamson: An Inventory of His Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00952 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Frank D. Willis: An Inventory of His Letters | P2270 |
Brief letters (21 items, 1889-1919) to Willis, St. Paul (Minn.), from a number of Minnesota senators and members of congress commenting on various issues, including the pending appointment (1916) of Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme Court, and complying with Willis' requests for government publications. | |
Ferdinand Willius and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01467 |
![]() |
Gertrude Louise Janssen Cooke Willius: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01363 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00302 |
Documenting the activities of hospital administration, the records contain minutes, financial materials, reports, and related materials. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Administrative Subject Files | gr00301 |
Documenting the activities and interests of the hospital administrative staff. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Architectural Drawings | gr00306 |
Elevation drawings, floor plans, plot plans, and architectural details of hospital buildings. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Audiovisual Materials | gr02656 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Records | gr00304 |
Records documenting patients in the hospital, including statistical records and patient indexes, population movement reports, inmate property record, admission log books, autopsy and death records, tuberculosis reports, commitment papers, burial records, and surgical records. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Personnel Records | gr00307 |
Records documenting hospital personnel. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00308 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Willmar State Hospital. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00305 |
Records documenting various activities and programs at the hospital. | |
Willmar State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Volunteer Council Records | gr00303 |
Records documenting the role of the hospital's Volunteer Council, particularly in special activities with the patients. | |
Chester S. Wilson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00837 |
Correspondence, minutes, reports, speeches, background files, photographs, and newspaper clippings related to the career of Minnesota lawyer and environmental activist primarily focused on soil conservation, water pollution, and outdoor recreation resources. | |
George E. Wilson: An Inventory of the George E. Wilson and Family Papers | P2627 |
Correspondence from George E. Wilson and other relatives living in Stillwater, Minnesota to George's brother Nathan H. Wilson. | |
Gilbert L. Wilson: An Inventory of His Photography Collection | sv000156 |
Views photographed by Gilbert L. Wilson of the Hidatsa and Mandan Indians at Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota when Wilson gathered data on Indian cultures for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Nearly all of these photographs appear in the photograph album, volume 44, of the Gilbert L. and Frederick N. Wilson papers. Images are printed from the original negatives. | |
Gilbert L. and Frederick N. Wilson: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00535 |
Reports, notebooks, articles, drawings, and other materials relating largely to the Wilsons' work during 1908-1918 gathering data on the Hidatsa and Mandan Indian tribes of North Dakota for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. | |
Newton Horace Winchell: An Inventory of His Papers | 00893 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William Windom: An Inventory of His Papers | P1400 |
Papers documenting the political, personal, business, and social life of Minnesota congressman (1859-1869), senator (1871-1881), and treasury secretary (1881, 1889-1891) Windom and his family. | |
Winona County: An Inventory of Delayed Birth and Death Records | gr01929 |
Delayed birth certificates (1870-1908), delayed birth registrations (approximately 1864-1946), delayed birth affidavits (1886-1902), and delayed death certificates (1904-1953). | |
Winona County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00128 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Winona County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Winona County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00395 |
Microfilmed and original assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Winona County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the years 1858-1860, 1864-1886 (even years only), 1887-1901, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, and 1960-1961. | |
Winona County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Delinquent Tax Lists | gr00399 |
Delinquent tax lists for Winona County containing name of land or property holder, legal description of the land, valuation of the property and the amount of tax. | |
Winona County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00396 |
Records kept by the county auditor, including wolf bounty papers, lists of town and village officers, road records, school district plats, and mother's pension records. | |
Winona County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00397 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Winona County, recording taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1856-1859 and 1861-1901. | |
Winona County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers | gr00400 |
A record of payments from county funds authorized by the county auditor. | |
Winona County: Common School District No. 99/2618, Wilson Township: An Inventory of Its Records | csd2618 |
Clerk's books, treasurer's books, and annual reports, class record books, complete combination records, census and attendance register. | |
Winona County: County Court: Family Division: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02404 |
Family Division adoption record (1973-1982) and juvenile records (March 1974-April 1983). All of the volumes are indexed. | |
Winona County: Dakota (Village): An Inventory of Its Records | gr02803 |
Includes village minute book, clerk's record of receipts and disbursements, building permits, ordinances, election records, and other financial records. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02776 |
Files numbered 1-19750; miscellaneous case files; and assignment case files. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02777 |
Files numbered 1-2760. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02778 |
Coroner's certificates or inquest reports (1882-1980), and registers of coroner's inquests (1887-1983). | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr02790 |
Volumes E and F contain judgments from district and probate courts. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to and Registers of Civil Actions | gr02791 |
Register of actions covering case file numbers 239-22203 (May 1858-September 1960). For each case, the register notes each action taken or document issued or filed, and the date. The plaintiff and defendant indexes cover cases from 1854-June 1960. Each index entry usually includes the case number, plaintiff and defendant names, and date the action was commenced. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr02796 |
Also includes a register of estrays (1858-1862) and a register of dentists (1858-1920). | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr01575 |
Judgment records of the Winona County District Court. Volumes are indexed. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02059 |
Minutes of the Winona County District Court. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records | gr02797 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02406 |
Order books of the Winona County District Court. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions | gr02405 |
Each entry usually includes the case file number; names of plaintiffs, defendants, and their attorneys; and a chronological list of each document filed or other action taken in the case, with the date and associated fees. The 1857-1886 volume includes scattered justice court certificates of convictions. All of the volumes are indexed. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02798 |
Records or registers for chiropodists, optometrists, physicians, dentists, osteopaths, chiropractors, veterinarians, massage licenses, and basic science certificates. | |
Winona County: Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01576 |
Birth (1900-1951) and death (1887-1953) records. | |
Winona County: Fremont Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01577 |
Birth (1870-1949) and death (1870-1952) records of Fremont Township. | |
Winona County: Hillsdale Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01578 |
Birth (1871-1943) and death (1871-1943) records of Hillsdale Township in Winona County. | |
Winona County: Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01579 |
Birth (1872-1953) and death (1871-1953) records of Homer Township in Winona County. | |
Winona County: Independent School District No.858, St. Charles: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00293 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of this school district. | |
Winona County: Independent School District No. 861, Winona: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01423 |
School board minutes (1862-1968, 1970-1973); superintendent's monthly reports (1890-1901), with enrollment statistics (1896-1909); superintendent of public schools records (1867-1879) and annual reports (1950-1958); monthly reports (1873-1923); manuals (1888-1910); study courses (circa 1925); teacher's certificate books (1926-1961) and certificate and pension record cards (1920s); journal (1861-1885); and financial statements (1887-1940). | |
Winona County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02799 |
Juvenile record books (1909-1974), index to juvenile cases (circa 1913-1983), and adoption record (1959-1973). | |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr02276 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02800 |
Final decrees, 1883-1971 (reels 1-24), decrees of distribution of exempt estates, 1921, 1930-1960 (reel 25), and miscellaneous orders, 1872-1889, 1952-1954 (reels 26-27), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02801 |
Petitions in insanity (1912); reports of jury or board of examiners in mental illness, inebriety, and epilepsy cases (1948-1959), and related documents (1912). | |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions and Indexes | gr02403 |
Registers (1866-1983) of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). Each volume is indexed. There is also a separate index which covers the entire series (circa 1856 - 1983). The latter records name, residence, case file number and nature, and probate register volume and page number. The last two registers, volumes R and S, were created under the Winona County, County Court's Family Division. | |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02802 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Winona County: School District No. 4/2545, Wilson Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03180 |
Records documenting the administration of this Winona County school district. Included are school censuses (1967-1969), attendance register (1969-1970), and complete combination record books (1967-1970). | |
Winona County: School District No. 10/2551, Saratoga Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00284 |
Attendance registers, class record books, clerk's and treasurer's books, library records, pupil record, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 13/2554, Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00838 |
Clerk's and treasurer's books, attendance registers, school census, teacher's annual report to county superintendent, textbook and library records, teacher's reports, state examination board lists, class record books, and pupil cards. | |
Winona County: School District No. 17/2558, Rollingstone Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03181 |
Records documenting the administration of this Winona County school district. Included are clerk's books, treasurer's books, a school census, attendance registers, and complete combination record books. | |
Winona County: School District No. 21/2561, Utica Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00285 |
Attendance registers, clerk's and treasurer's books, class records, set-off record, textbook record, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 39/2573, Warren Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03182 |
Attendance registers (1869-1899, 1926-1949), class record (1923-1935), clerk's books (1958-1966), complete combination record books (1937-1949), pupil record cards (1920s-1930s), school censuses (1939-1948), textbook record (1919-1930), and treasurer's books (1942-1966). | |
Winona County: School District No. 41/2574, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00286 |
Attendance registers, class records, clerk's and treasurer's books, library accession book, daily program, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 42/2575, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00287 |
Attendance registers, class records, clerk's and treasurer's books, library accession book, daily program, examination class list, warranty deeds, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 53/2583, Saratoga Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00288 |
Attendance registers, class records, clerk's and treasurer's books, examination class list, pupil records, school census, and teacher's daily register. | |
Winona County: School District No. 54/2584, Saratoga Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00289 |
Attendance registers, class record books, clerk's and treasurer's books, progress report, library and textbook records, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 55/2585, Saratoga Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00300 |
Attendance registers, student records, clerk's and treasurer's books, progress report, library and textbook records, progress report, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 57/2587, St. Charles Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00290 |
Attendance registers, clerk's and treasurer's books, class records, examination class list, school census, textbook and equipment record, teacher's reports, and district map. | |
Winona County: School District No. 58/2588, St. Charles Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00291 |
Attendance registers, clerk's and treasurer's books, class records, school district dissolution, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 59/2589, St. Charles Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00292 |
Attendance register, clerk's and treasurer's books, class records, pupil record, school district dissolution, library accession and textbook records, teacher's reports, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 61/2590, St. Charles Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00294 |
Attendance registers, clerk's and treasurer's books, class records, examination class list, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 65/2591, Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03183 |
Attendance registers (1917-1936), clerk's books (1927-1932, 1962-1963), complete combination record books (1936-1949), treasurer's book (1960-1963), school censuses (1920-1945, 1960-1962), and school district map (1932). | |
Winona County: School District No. 72/2596, New Hartford Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03184 |
Clerk's books (1894-1899, 1905-1910, 1958-1970), library accession book (undated), treasurer's books (1949-1970), school board minutes (1965-1967), teacher's annual reports (1957-1962), school censuses (1959-1967), complete combination record books (1958-1970), and attendance registers (1962-1970). | |
Winona County: School District No. 79/2603, Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03185 |
Attendance registers (1902-1970), class record (1916-1929), clerk's (1932-1970) and treasurer's (1931-1970) books, textbook record (1920-1935), complete combination records (1937-1939, 1958-1970), school censuses (1929-1969, incomplete), and set-off order (1929). | |
Winona County: School District No. 80/2604, Saratoga Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00295 |
Attendance registers, class records, clerk's and treasurer's books, dissolution of school district, textbook record, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 86/2609, Dresbach Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00555 |
Clerk's (1901-1972) and treasurer's (1954-1973) books, school board minutes (1967-1972), teacher's contracts (1972-1974), policies and procedures (1968-1969), school census (1912-1971), and complete combination record books (1940-1941). | |
Winona County: School District No. 91, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01424 |
Attendance registers (1924-1947), clerk's books (1913-1936), and school censuses (1931-1937, 1947). | |
Winona County: School District No. 95, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00282 |
School district record, clerk's books, complete combination records, and attendance registers. | |
Winona County: School District No. 107, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00296 |
Attendance registers, class records, library accession book, pupil personnel data, and school census. | |
Winona County: School District No. 119/2630, Elba Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00281 |
Class record books, school census, pupil personal data, and record of former teachers, pupils, and board members (1905-1948). | |
Winona County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00398 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of the superintendent of school's office. | |
Winona County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Census | gr01930 |
Cover the City of Winona and rural districts. | |
Winona County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01519 |
The minutes document administrative, policy, and financial decisions; personnel changes, policies, and classification and compensation matters; miscellaneous administrative matters or information of general interest to the board; and decisions on licensure of foster and day care homes. Accompanying the minutes for each meeting is an itemized list of decisions made on new or existing payments of various categories of welfare aid. | |
Winona County: Winona: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01580 |
Birth (1870-1940) and death (1870-1940) records of the city of Winona in Winona County. | |
Winona County: Winona: An Inventory of Its City Water Works Records | gr02812 |
Water connection (1893-1894) and rental (1905-1907) records, giving names and addresses of customers; receipt and disbursement journals (1906-1937). | |
Winona County: Winona (City): An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr02804 |
City charter (1887) and ordinances (1887, 1908, 1946); municipal plan (1968); zoning code (1960); a parking and traffic study (1985), and brochures issued by the city Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Port Authority. | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal (City) Dockets | gr02805 |
Criminal dockets from the Municipal Court of the City of Winona. | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Records | gr02806 |
Default judgment records of the Municipal Court of the City of Winona. | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Civil Registers of Action | gr02807 |
Defendants' and plaintiffs' indexes. They index the Register of actions (Civil dockets) (cataloged separately). | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02808 |
Judgment records of the Municipal Court of the City of Winona. | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Register of Actions (Civil Dockets) | gr02809 |
Register of actions (civil dockets) of the Municipal Court of the City of Winona. | |
Winona County: Winona: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its State Dockets | gr02810 |
These dockets cover arraignments for crimes committed in violation of state laws. For most of the cases that were not dismissed by the municipal judge, bail was set and the case was remanded upward to the district court. Information in the docket entries is similar to that found in judgment books. Volumes are labeled "Municipal Court Examination." | |
Winona County: Winona: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02811 |
Arrest records (1873-1970), registers of tickets issued (1952-1963), and a survey of the department (1974). | |
Winona County: Wiscoy Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01581 |
Birth (1871-1942) and death (1871-1953) records of Wiscoy Township in Winona County. | |
Elizabeth M. Winston: An Inventory of Her Papers | P1374 |
The collection contains personal papers of Elizabeth Melone Winston, including correspondence with various elected officials and government agencies; transcripts of public hearings; newspaper clippings; hydrographic tables, charts, and analyses; and legal documents relating to her work as a founding member of the Lake Superior Shores and Lowlands Defense Fund and their federal court litigation against the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect the water levels of Lake Superior (1973-1979). Also contains personal correspondence and related papers, mostly associated with Winston's husband, Frederick S. Winston, noted attorney and conservationist (1928-1963). | |
Edwin W. Winter: An Inventory of His Papers | P1451 |
Correspondence and related papers of this railroad official in Wisconsin, St. Paul, and New York, largely documenting his years as assistant president and general manager of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railway Company (1880-1896), as president of the Northern Pacific Railway Company (1896-1897), and as president of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company (1903-1911). | |
Lois B. Wintersteen: An Inventory of Her Beaver Family Letters | 01291 |
Letters of a Lutheran pastor who served congregations in northern Minnesota and his family, especially his daughter Lois. The letters concern ministry, family life and activities, work, education, and a family lake cabin in Hubbard County, and include some biographical details about the authors of the letters. | |
Winton Lumber Company: An Inventory of Its Company Records | 01521 |
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, financial and stock records, statistics, reports, contracts, legal papers, income tax returns, and related records of a logging and lumbering conglomerate operated by three generations of the Charles J. Winton family. | |
David Judson Winton: An Inventory of His Papers | 00356 |
Correspondence, financial records, minutes, reports, clippings, photographs, printed materials, and related papers (mainly 1950-1973) concerning the personal interests and activities of Winton, a Minneapolis (Minnesota) businessman and head of the Winton Lumber Company and its affiliates and subsidiaries. | |
Otto C. Winzen: An Inventory of His Papers | 01318 |
Articles by aeronautics engineer Otto Winzen and others on the development and construction of plastic stratosphere balloons, their use in upper atmosphere research projects, the manned balloon capsule as a prototype for the manned space cabin, and the role of Winzen Research Inc., Minneapolis, in balloon research. | |
Wisconsin: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00037 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Wisconsin. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Wisconsin Miscellaneous Newspapers Collection: An Inventory of Titles on the Wisconsin Miscellaneous Newspaper Microfilm | lb00137 |
Miscellaneous titles and issues of newspapers published in Wisconsin between 1845 and 1958. Titles are arranged on the reels by city of publication and then by title, save for the issue of Annals of the Fortieth, which is at the end of Reel 4. | |
Peter Wolford: An Inventory of His Letters | P2237 |
Letters from a Minneapolis private banker to his brother John of York Springs (Adams County), Pennsylvania containing much information on the Wolford family's business and financial affairs in Pennsylvania, on Peter's banking and general lending business in Minneapolis, weather and crops, growth of Minneapolis, family concerns, and descriptions of life in Minneapolis. | |
Woman's Christian Temperance Union Of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00106 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Woman's Relief Corps. Moses Dane Corps No. 55 (Burtrum, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00468 |
Records of the Burtrum, Minnesota, branch of the women's auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic. | |
Women In Education (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00303 |
Membership lists (1947-1991), officer lists (1948-1991), minutes (1950-1994), a newsletter (1987), a historical skit (1987), and miscellaneous materials (1987-1994) of an organization established in 1937 to provide a professional and social mechanism for women employed within the Minneapolis Public School system and to promote the advancement of women in the field of education. The records detail the association's membership, activities, programs, financial status, and organizational history. | |
Women Historians of the Midwest: An Inventory of Their Records | 00419 |
Records relating to an organization formed to promote the study of women's roles and accomplishments in history and the advancement of women in the historical field. | |
Women in World Area Studies: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 00735 |
Records, curriculum material, and publications of a project dedicated to the creation, promotion, and integration of women's history curriculum into regular high school classes in the St. Louis Park and Robbinsdale, Minnesota school districts that were eventually distributed across the United States as well as internationally. | |
Women's Art Registry of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00101 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Minnesota Branch: An Inventory of Its Records | 00371 |
International, United States branch, Minnesota state chapter, and Minnesota local branch records of an international women's organization which works for world peace, disarmament and social and civil rights. | |
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in Minnesota Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews | oh169 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
WomenVenture (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00104 |
Minutes, financial information, correspondence, printed material, newspaper clippings, video recording, and miscellaneous materials relating to the Center for Humanism, Awareness and Resource Training (CHART) and the Women's Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO) which merged in 1990 to form WomenVenture. CHART (1978-1990) was a non-profit organization which offered services to help women begin or change work, explore new options, and become self-sufficient. WEDCO (1983-1990) provided assistance to women in creating successful business enterprises. | |
Irene K. Wood: An Inventory of Her Papers and Weaving Sample Books | P2424 |
Patterns, sample swatches, biographical information, a scrapbook, and other papers of a Minneapolis weaver, instructor, and Guild member. | |
Woodbury Family: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | P2028 |
Photocopies and typed transcriptions of photographs, correspondence (1855-1931), diary entries (1854-1904), census records (1860, 1870), school board notes (1865, 1869-1871), a poem, obituaries (Feb. 1901, July 1908, Apr. 1925), estate settlement papers (Jan. 16, 1926), biographical sketches, and a telegram (Feb. 12, 1901) documenting the experiences of a family of early settlers in western Minnesota. The collection, while largely concerned with family matters, also provides a general description of life in the Midwest and West during the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century. | |
William W. Woodbury: An Inventory of His Music Book for Snare Drum | 01543 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Dorwatha Helen Woods: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00337 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Alan R. Woolworth: An Inventory of His Research Notebooks on Minnesota Photography and Photographers | 00339a |
Research notebooks containing photocopied biographical and historical data about 19th and 20th century Minnesota photography and photographers compiled by Alan R. Woolworth. | |
Alan R. Woolworth: An Inventory of His Papers | 00339 |
Personal papers and research files of Alan R. Woolworth, a Minnesota historian and archaeologist, primarily concerning events and individuals from nineteenth century Minnesota. Research files and other records of his and his wife's consulting business, Woolworth Research Associates, are are included. | |
World Federalist Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00393 |
Minutes, financial and membership records, meeting files, newspaper clippings, proclamations and posters, subject files, printed materials, and some correspondence detailing the activities of a state chapter of the World Federalist Association. | |
Nell Worthington Postcard Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000377 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | 00229 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
George B. Wright and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00227 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wright County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00103 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Wright County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Wright County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr01871 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Wright County, recording the taxes paid on real and personal property for the sample years 1991 and 2000-2001. | |
Wright County: Clearwater: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01939 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wright County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01569 |
Includes minutes; agenda packets; resolutions; annual reports of county departments; Great River Regional Library annual reports and financial statements; and correspondence with federal and state officials, county residents and other persons concerning county policies, planning, projects, and major activities of the county. | |
Wright County: Delano: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01573 |
Includes births, 1908-1949, and deaths, 1908-1953. Also includes corpse transportation permit, 1911. | |
Wright County: Delano: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01574 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wright County: Delano: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Docket Books | gr01572 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wright County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02143 |
Transcripts of judgments issued by the court. | |
Wright County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM129 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final paper, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, and applications to take oath of allegiance. | |
Wright County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certification Records | gr02765 |
Registers of ordinations, optometrists, chiropractors, dentists, osteopaths, physicians, veterinarians, basic science certificates, and massage licenses. | |
Wright County: French Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01405 |
Town record books/clerk's books, clerk's receipt and disbursement registers, road records, treasurer's records, and other records of the township. | |
Wright County: Human Services Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01630 |
Administrative memos, by-laws and other records of task forces and committees of the Wright County Human Services Board. | |
Wright County: Independent School District No. 882, Monticello: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02848 |
Clerk's books (1869-1904), minute books (1878-1902, 1911-1943), election records (1947-1957), financial records (1911-1945), annual teacher's and school reports (1939-1946), consolidation records and plats/maps (1952-1975), programs and commencement announcements (1889-1987), library club minutes (1953-1965), library reports, including Free Reading Room information (1901-1946), and an elementary faculty handbook (1991-1992). | |
Wright County: Maple Lake: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr03262 |
Birth and death registers, (1893-1900, 1904-1940); birth (1941-1948) and death (1941-1953) certificates; and burial permits (1939). | |
Wright County: Maple Lake: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets | gr03261 |
Justice dockets (1888-1915); civil and criminal dockets (1905-1939); and criminal dockets (1930-1942, 1959). | |
Wright County: Marysville Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01471 |
Birth and death registers and certificate records, and permits for burial or removal (1907-1930). | |
Wright County: Monticello Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01472 |
Birth and death registers (1872-1907) and birth and death certificate records (1908-1953). | |
Wright County: Rockford: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01473 |
Birth and death register, 1904-1931 (1 volume) and birth and death certificate records, 1931-1953 (2 folders). | |
Wright County: School District No. 63, Victor Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00603 |
Records of this Wright County school, including annual reports, attendance registers, school census, clerk's and treasurer's books, combination reports, teacher's reports, and library book record. | |
Wright County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr01570 |
Jail registers of the Wright County Sheriff. | |
Wright County: Silver Creek Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01474 |
Birth and death registers, 1871-1910 (2 volumes), birth and death certificate records, 1909-1953 (3 volumes and 2 folders), and burial permits, 1907-1916. | |
Wright County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr01521 |
Sample case files of the county Welfare Department that were retained after being selected by the department's staff because of their uniqueness, interesting case information, or significant program or situation. This sampling was not done according to any statistical method. The files include cases dealing with aid for dependent children, food stamps, old age assistance, medical assistance, day care licensing, and nursing care placement. Many files deal with the delinquency, guardianship, and adoption of children and the care of mentally ill individuals. | |
Wright County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01520 |
Original documentation of all Welfare Board transactions; includes listing of public assistance grant openings, closings, changes, and payments; welfare personnel transactions; administrative and policy transactions; breakdown of all money spent; and names of recipients and amounts of aid received by each. | |
James A. Wright: An Inventory of His Papers | P2277 |
Biographical and background information, correspondence, and a reminiscent history of Company F, First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War. | |
Kenneth M. Wright: An Inventory of His Theo Hamm Brewing Company Photographs | sv000132 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sela Goodrich Wright: An Inventory of His Reminiscences | P2269 |
A reminiscent account (typed, 63 pp.) of Wright's career as a Congregational missionary to the Red Lake Ojibwe Indians (1843-1862), with information on other missionaries in the region, hardships of life in the Minnesota wilderness, and his successes in converting Indians. | |
Al Wroblewski: An Inventory of His Papers | P2599 |
Correspondence and memoranda, newsletters, reports, publications, and miscellaneous papers of a Twin Cities political activist who worked as a city planner, newspaper editor, community organizer, college teacher, and later in life as a financial planner. The collection includes information about politics and politicians, the Farmer-Labor Association, Mexican Americans, migrant farm workers, cooperative business ventures, and proposals for professional sports stadiums in downtown Minneapolis. | |
Wyman Partridge & Co., Minneapolis, Minn.: An Inventory of the Album | sv000356 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Nagashi Edward Yamamoto: An Inventory of His Military Intelligence Service Language School and World War II photograph collection | sv000251 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00056 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr01185 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Yellow Medicine County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the sample years 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr01184 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Yellow Medicine County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the sample years 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
Yellow Medicine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr01216 |
Civil and criminal case files arranged in three series. Includes case file additions, exhibits, transcripts, depositions, and unnumbered case files. | |
Yellow Medicine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01054 |
Registers of civil (1872-1947) and criminal (1884-1961) actions. It is presumed that the pre-1884 registers cover both civil and criminal actions. | |
Yellow Medicine: District Court: An Inventory of Its Court Orders and Findings | gr01977 |
Court orders and findings of the Yellow Medicine County District Court. | |
Yellow Medicine County. District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM042 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, applications to take oath of allegiance, and loose naturalization papers. | |
Yellow Medicine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr01053 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Echo Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02259 |
Birth (1874-1908) and death (1883-1907) register and birth (1908-1953) and death (1908-1950) certificate. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Granite Falls: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02260 |
Birth and death register (1887-1919), including a record of contagious diseases for 1917, and birth and death certificate record (1919-1953). | |
Yellow Medicine County: Hammer Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02261 |
Birth (1877-1907) and death (1880-1907) register; birth and death certificate records (1908-1953); and burial or removal permits (1907-1908). The register also includes annual meeting minutes (1877-1879, p. 100-101). | |
Yellow Medicine County: Sandnes Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02262 |
Birth and death registers (1873-1908) and certificate record (1898-1952), and burial/removal permits (1907-1944). | |
Yellow Medicine County: Stony Run Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02263 |
Birth and death register (1871-1907) and certificate record (1907-1953), and a burial permit (1925). | |
Yellow Medicine County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Censuses | gr01230 |
Arranged in chronological order, there under by school district number. School censuses for the years 1919-1924 are not included. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Swede Prairie Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02264 |
Birth and death registers (1879-1914) and certificate records (1907-1940), and burial/removal permits (1907-1923). | |
Lawrence R. Yetka: An Inventory of His Papers | 00180 |
Correspondence, minutes, speeches and radio addresses, legislative files, political campaign materials, newspaper clippings, and photographs of a lawyer and Democratic-Farmer-Labor politician from Cloquet, Minnesota, who represented the 54th district in the state legislature (1951-1961) and who served as a Minnesota Supreme Court justice (1973-1993). | |
Yoerg Brewing Company (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00796 |
Accounting records (1858-1953), sales records (1886-1913, 1949-1952), federal liquor tax records (1879-1953), annual financial statements (1934-1953), and sample forms and miscellaneous correspondence (1890-1901) documenting a family owned and managed brewery in St. Paul (Minn.). | |
Young America: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000070 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Luther W. Youngdahl: An Inventory of His Papers | 00990 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to Youngdahl's appointment to the U.S. District Court for Washington, D.C. (1951-1967); correspondence and files relating to the Judicial Conference Committee on the Administration of the Probation System (1962-1967); photograph albums and scrapbook materials documenting his experiences as governor of Minnesota (1947-1951), his judicial service, and family activities; and some personal papers (1950-1968). | |
James M. Youngdale: An Inventory of His Papers | 01443 |
Political campaign materials; newspaper clippings; drafts of articles, monographs, and theses; teaching materials; and some correspondence documenting Youngdale's participation in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party (1946-1981), Independent Voters of Minnesota (1946-1948), the Progressive Party (1948), the Americans for Democratic Action (1969-1975), the New Democratic Coalition (1968-1970), National Farmers Organization and other agricultural groups, and a number of pro-peace groups (1960s) protesting the Vietnam War. Youngdale, a farmer from Benson (Minn.), was a veteran of World War II, and later taught at the University of Minnesota and other institutions. | |
Zimmerman Family: An Inventory of a Photograph Album | sv000153 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports | gr00047 |
Reports of the Minnesota Zoological Board (1969, 1971-1973, 1975, 1977) and Minnesota Zoological Garden (1979-2000). | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Board Files | gr00040 |
Correspondence and subject files documenting the board's various duties and interests, particularly development of objectives, guidelines, and policies; appointments; rules and regulations; the zoo's 1978 opening/dedication; legislation; finances; strategic planning; and its relationship with the zoo staff, particularly in the 1970s. | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Capital Construction Files | gr00041 |
Reports, specifications, graphs, and architectural drawings and plans detailing construction of the main building complex (1975), Northern Trek and entry area solar heating (1976), Northern Trek II (1977-1980), and the dolphinarium and tropical coral reef exhibit (1988), development of the south entry (1986), Discovery Bay closing (1996-2000), and Zoo Farm (1994-2001). | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Historical Materials | gr00048 |
Files on funding, legislative authorization, site selection, architectural planning, exhibit development, and related aspects of the planning and construction of the zoo. These files were compiled by zoo personnel and titled "Historical Materials." | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr00042 |
The agenda packets contain minutes, reports, exhibits, and correspondence. | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00050 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Zoological Board and the Minnesota Zoological Garden. The records cover all aspects of the board's duties and activities. | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Surveys and Studies | gr00043 |
Surveys and studies covering a wide variety of topics related to the zoo, particularly admission prices, attendance, consumer attitudes, economic projections, education, financial analysis, food service, free zoo days, image, physical facilities, privatization, and visitor awareness. | |
Zoological Board: An Inventory of Its Zoo-Related Organizations Files | gr00044 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Zoological Board: Development Division: An Inventory of Its Public Relations/Marketing Files | gr00049 |
Correspondence, reports, statistics, charts, photographs/slides, schedules, legal documents, and studies documenting all aspects of the zoo's promotion and marketing activities, particularly advertising, attendance figures, corporate promotions, education, market research, and special events. | |
Zoological Board: Director's Office: An Inventory of Its Division Correspondence | gr00045 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, committee minutes, photographs, and other materials documenting the relationship between the director's office and the zoo's various divisions. Includes correspondence with staff involved in marine mammals, biological programs, birds, the Northern Trail, and administration. | |
Zoological Board: Director's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00046 |
Correspondence, reports, and background materials documenting the zoo's relationship with the federal and state governments, other Minnesota organizations, and Minnesota, national, and international zoos. | |
Zoological Society of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | P933 |
Articles of incorporation and bylaws, board and executive committee minutes, financial reports, printed material, and additional records of an association formed in 1961 and dissolved in 1995. The Society was incorporated initially to support the modernization of the Como Zoo in St. Paul but amended its purpose to support a state zoo after the legislature established the Minnesota Zoological Board in 1969. | |
John M. Zwach: An Inventory of His Legislative Papers | 00262 |
Legislative files of John Zwach (R-Minn.), a Minnesota farmer and teacher who served in the Minnesota Legislature (1935-1966) and U.S. House of Representatives (1967-1975). The papers reflect the wide range of Zwach's official duties, with emphasis on agricultural legislation. There are also a number of records relating to the abortion issue, rural development, and the Vietnam War. |