A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | What's New
Name/Abstract | File no. |
H.L. Day Company: An Inventory of Its Architectural Drawings | 00612 |
Drawings of dust collection systems designed by the H. L. Day Company for use in various grain elevators and sawmills in Minnesota and elsewhere. Most illustrate the mechanics of the system, but some include sketches of building exteriors. | |
H. M. Schawang Photo Company: An Inventory of Its Photographs | sv000087 |
Views include fairgoers, the midway, grandstand, car races, and Machinery Hill. | |
Lloyd C. Hackl: An Inventory of His Papers | 01471 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hadassah the Women's Zionist Organization of America: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 00370 |
Records of the regional and Minneapolis branches of a national Jewish women's Zionist organization. | |
Theophilus L. Haecker: An Inventory of His Papers | 01203 |
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Robert Bowne Haines: An Inventory of His Letters | P2251 |
Photostatic copies and transcripts of 12 letters from and to Haines, largely while he served as a secretary on David Owen's U.S. Geological Survey exploration of areas of Minnesota along the Minnesota, St. Croix, and Mississippi rivers (1848). A few personal letters give family information and a few details of other explorations in the Upper Midwest region. | |
William D. Hale and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00871 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Henry B. Hall: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000143 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Henry B. Hall: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000201 |
Scenic views, mainly in St. Paul and Minneapolis, include street scenes, the High Bridge, industrial scenes, general views of both cities. Many of the photographs were taken for the book Where we live: the residential districts of Minneapolis and Saint Paul by Judith A. Martin and David A. Lanegran. Also includes views of the lift bridge in Hastings, Minnesota and the Byllesby Dam near Cannon Falls, Minnesota and exhibition photos. | |
Hallie Q. Brown Community House: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00368 |
Records of an African American community center located in the Summit-University neighborhood in St. Paul. | |
Hamline Branch Library Study Clubs: An Inventory of Materials Relating to Hamline Branch Library Study Clubs | P2548 |
Programs (1897-1980) of various study clubs that met at the Hamline Branch of the Saint Paul Public Library; and biographical sketches and articles (undated and 1924-1941) concerning the Hamline community and the Merriam Park area of St. Paul, Minnesota, presented before the Hamline Fortnightly Club, one of the Hamline Branch Library study clubs. | |
Willard Nelson Handsaker: An Inventory of His Albums and Slides | sv000239 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Robert Handschin: An Inventory of His Papers | 00738 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Charles Robert Hansen: An Inventory of His Mississippi River Bridge Photos Album | sv000425 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Robert E. Hansen: An Inventory of His Papers | 00045 |
Correspondence, administrative records, subject files, photographs, ephemera, and scrapbooks largely documenting Robert E. Hansen's career as member and officer in the Minnesota and national Veterans of Foreign Wars and, secondarily, as executive director (1974-1988) of the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR). There is also some information on his father, Chris B. Hansen, a St. Paul building contractor. | |
Sam Hanson: An Inventory of His Papers | 01241 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Alexander Harkin Family: An Inventory of Their Photographs | sv000058 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Reuel D. Harmon: An Inventory of His Papers | P2308 |
Personal papers of a philanthropist and former president of Webb Publishing Company, largely relating to his financial gifts to, and his involvement with, nature centers and other organizations involved in environmental education. | |
Harmony Unlimited: And Inventory of Its Scrapbooks and Administrative Records | 00925 |
Minutes, programs, photographs, and scrapbooks of a singing organization affiliated with the Nathan Hale Elementary School of the Minneapolis School District. | |
Margaret and Stanley Harper: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00199 |
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Stanley James Harper: An Inventory of His Photograph Album Collection | sv000191 |
Photograph albums of the family of Stanley James and Margaret L. Harper, Minneapolis. Mainly views of their children: Josephine, Helen, Elizabeth, Ruth, Kathryn and James, from 1920-1945. Includes portraits of the children and other family members, views of the children playing, family gatherings, Christmas scenes, school activities, trips to various locations in the Midwest, Florida, California and Idaho. Also views of the Harper homes at 2424 Colfax Avenue South, 1821 Dupont Avenue South, 2212 Oliver Avenue South, their summer home on Lake Minnetonka, and a farm in Wright County, Minnesota. | |
Stephen Harris Harrington: An Inventory of His Papers | 01329 |
Includes papers of printing and publishing executive and Democratic National Convention organizer Stephen Harris Harrington. Papers consist of address books (undated); biographical information and reminiscences (1955-2016); correspondence (approximately 1943-1992); articles, clippings, photographs, and ephemera (undated and 1933-1968); subject files (1921-1986); and materials (1941-1961) reflecting Harrington's involvement with the Printing and Publishing Division of the War Production Board during WWII, first as an employee of the Gilman Fanfold Corporation and later while working as assistant to Charles "Charlie" Ward, president of the St. Paul printing company Brown & Bigelow, Incorporated (B&B). Also included are materials (1946-1958) related to Harrington's political involvement with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that particularly reflect his activities surrounding the 1948 election of President Harry S. Truman and Vice-President Alben W. Barkley. The papers also consist | |
Harrington and Merrill Families: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00406 |
Family papers collected by Martha A. Merrill that document the Harrington, Merrill, and Pendergast families since their arrival in Hutchinson (Minn.) during the mid-1800s through 1946. | |
Harrington and Merrill Families: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000094 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
John S. Harris and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00930 |
Microfilmed diaries, financial records, and other papers (1849-1901) of this farmer at La Crescent (Minn.), who was a member of the Minnesota Horticultural Society and the Minnesota State Fair Board. The originals of two of the diaries (1857, 1863) are also present. | |
Samuel Harrison: An Inventory of His Papers Relating to the Carver Land Grant | 01038 |
Letters and miscellaneous papers concerning claims relating to the Carver land grant of 1767, which included some 4 million acres in present-day west central Wisconsin. | |
Skip Hassman: An Inventory of His Views of the Metrodome, U.S. Bank Stadium and East Town | sv000231 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr01108 |
Subject files concerning all aspects of hospital administration; correspondence with the Department of Public Welfare; accreditation surveys; Psychology Department and Research Section reports; and minutes of about 50 different committees (departmental, professional, institutional, and special project). | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Casebooks | gr01109 |
Case histories containing four pages per case consisting of personal and medical history, mental characteristics, and physical characteristics. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Cemetery Records | gr00945 |
Documents detailing administration of the hospital's cemetery, including an alphabetical index to burials for 1901-1964, a 1967 survey and plat, correspondence, drawings, interagency agreements, and newspaper clippings. A few post-1978 records document the cemetery's administration under the Minnesota Veterans Home (Hastings), following transfer from the Public Welfare Department to the Veterans Affairs Department. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Maps | gr00946 |
Primarily drawings, legal land description, maps, and related materials documenting boundary and property lines of the hospital campus, including streets and roads, building locations, and major geographic features. A few post-1978 records document the cemetery's administration under the Minnesota Veterans Home (Hastings), following its transfer from the Public Welfare Department to the Veterans Affairs Department. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Card Indexes | gr01110 |
Information for each patient includes name, file number, address, date committed, birthplace, date of birth, marital status, religion, occupation, diagnosis, and remarks. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01111 |
Includes procedures manuals, policy manuals, and reports (1950s-1979); Tuesday Topics (monthly HSH newsletter, 1968-1978); monthly reports (1956-1978); farm reports (1921-1963); and miscellaneous publications dealing with the hospital's history, legislative building requests, dairy cattle, industrial department, finances, psychiatric care for discharged patients, and closure. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01112 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies. | |
Marshall R. Hatfield: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000007 |
Includes views of cities, small towns and rural areas around Minnesota. Several homes, hotels, restaurants, stores, and other businesses are featured with both exterior and interior views. Three accompanying journals provides a frame-by-frame explanation of the images on each contact sheet. | |
Oscar F. Hawkins: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01260 |
Correspondence, printed items, clippings, minutes, and notes documenting the interests and activities of Hawkins, a Minnesota teacher and political activist, and his wife, Madge. | |
Calvin F. Hawkinson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00349 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Augustine B. Hawley and Family Papers: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01220 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Theodore L. Hays: An Inventory of His Papers | 01553 |
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Headwaters Regional Development Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr02301 |
Plans, programs, studies, and reports covering programs and projects in the Headwaters RDC area. They include Headwaters RDC programs plans, work programs, and audits, and various reports, studies, and plans covering such topics as economic development plans and projections, area agencies on aging, roadway improvement, Bemidji-International Falls rail right-of-way re-use, peat development, outdoor recreation, regional transportation, land use, and water resources. | |
Health Care Access Commission: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Transcripts of Meetings | hcac001 |
Minutes and verbatim transcripts of the commission's meetings, documenting its work to develop a plan to provide access to health care for all state residents. | |
Health Care Access Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | hcac002 |
Enabling legislation, by-laws, and committee files of
this commission delegated to develop a plan to provide access to health care for all state residents. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Action and Collaboration Plans | gr00527 |
Annual action and collaboration plans at health plan companies and local public health units doing business in the state. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01392 |
Annual and biennial reports of the State Board of Health and the Department of Health (1873-1943, 1965-1979; incomplete); and scattered reports of the vital statistics, sanitation, laboratory, veterinary, epidemiology, preventable diseases, and engineering sections/departments. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Birth Records of Persons Born Outside Minnesota | gr00193 |
Records documenting births of children of Minnesota military personnel serving outside of Minnesota, of families living in Minnesota but the births took place in nearby Canadian cities, of American citizens living abroad, and when no birth record was filed at the time of birth. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Community Cooperative Council on HIV/AIDS Prevention Records | gr02248 |
The records include bylaws and revisions, 2006-2013; 2008 Annual Progress Report to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) for HIV Prevention Activities, May 2009; and meeting minutes and agenda packets, 2006-2015. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr01127 |
Primarily correspondence of the department's chief executive officers, Henry Martyn Bracken (1893-1919), Charles E. Smith, Jr. (1919-1920), and Albert Justus Chesley (1920-1955). | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Death Certificates, 1908-1955 | deaths03 |
Death certificates and, occasionally, other documents containing information on deaths that occurred in Minnesota during the years 1908-1955. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Death Certificates, 1956-2001 | deaths04 |
Death certificates and, occasionally, other documents containing information on deaths that occurred in Minnesota during the years 1956-2001. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Death Record Cards, 1900-1907 | deaths02 |
Cards and, occasionally, other documents containing information on deaths that occurred in Minnesota during the years 1900-1907, transcribed from certified copies of death reports sent to the state Board of Health and Vital Statistics (Health Department) by local officials and health officers. These are not the official death certificates; as of 1999 the official records were held by county registrars of vital statistics. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Death Registers | gr01539 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Delayed Death Certificates | gr00708 |
Death certificates and, occasionally, other documents containing information on deaths and stillbirths that occurred in Minnesota during the years 1887-1954 (bulk 1908-1915). They were filed with the Health Department after the official death certificates for the year of death had been arranged, assigned consecutive certificate numbers, and closed to additions. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Department Authorities | hlth003 |
Records documenting the department's rule-making
procedures, and its authority to adopt and enforce rules and regulations. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Directories of Licensed Practitioners | hlth018 |
Annual printed listings of licensed physicians,
surgeons, osteopaths, chiropractors, midwives and masseurs, at times including certified public health nurses, physical therapists, and optometrists, psychologists, and podiatrists. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Drinking Water Protection Program Records | hlth008 |
Records of this program which is responsible for regulating Minnesota's public water supply under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, through prevention, treatment, and monitoring. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Files of Jerome W. Brower | gr02434 |
Correspondence and assorted subject files of Jerome W. Brower, chief of the section of departmental administration of the Minnesota Department of Health from 1949 through 1960. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Hearing Instrument Dispenser Advisory Council Meeting Files | gr02973 |
Minutes and agenda packets of a council established to advise the commissioner regarding hearing instrument dispenser certification standards; provide for distribution of information regarding hearing instrument dispenser certification standards; and review investigation summaries of competency violations and make recommendations to the commissioner as to whether the allegations of incompetency are substantiated. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Hiller (Assistant Commissioner Robert) Files | gr00622 |
Records kept by Assistant Commissioner Robert Hiller, documenting his interests and activities in the department. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of It's Indian Health Programs Photograph Album | sv000358 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Management Information Technology Advisory Committee Minutes | hlth042 |
Minutes of this committee charged with developing information technology policies and procedures, long range planning, and providing guidance for computerized training implementation within the Minnesota Department of Health. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force Records | gr01290 |
Annual reports, manuals, correspondence, meeting agenda packets, photographs, files concerning the Betty Hubbard Award, and other records of the task force. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Native American Death Certificates | SAM401 |
Death certificates and, occasionally, other documents containing information on deaths and stillbirths for Native Americans who either 1) died in Minnesota and were enrolled in or otherwise connected with American Indian tribes or bands located in Minnesota and other states (South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, and Nevada); or 2) died in other states and Canada but were enrolled in or otherwise connected with tribes or bands located in Minnesota. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Official Hearings on Rules and Regulations | gr01070 |
Record of official hearings (1961-1983) concerning state health issues such as professional licensure, state and local health programs, and health legislation. Included are hearing transcripts, testimony, and exhibits. A set of miscellaneous hearings (1976-1982) are also official hearing records. They are similar to but separate from the larger set. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01465 |
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Health Department: An Inventory of Its Polio Vaccine Records | gr01448 |
Files regarding medical studies conducted by the Health Department on oral polio vaccines which were tested on people in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the University of Minnesota, Duluth, St. Louis Park, Meeker, Kandiyohi and Swift counties, and the St. Cloud Reformatory. Some of the files appear to be from Dr. Henry Bauer, who was the Deputy Executive Officer of the Health Department at the time and gave several presentations on the topic at conferences worldwide. The Health Department worked with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Cyanamid Company and Lederle Laboratories, and the World Health Organization, and correspondence from these organizations appear in the collection. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01397 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the department. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Quarterly Reports and Minutes of Hearings | hlth017 |
Quarterly reports made by divisions to the State
Board of Health, minutes of board hearings on complaints, and several other types of reports. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Reports and Miscellaneous Records | gr01251 |
Records and reports documenting the activities and duties of the department. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its State Trauma Advisory Council Meeting Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr02550 |
Meeting minutes and agenda packets of this Health Department advisory council. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Swine Influenza Immunization Program Records | hlth033 |
Records of a statewide program to immunize vulnerable segments of Minnesota's population against swine influenza, which in the middle 1970's was epidemic in many parts of the world. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Water Analysis Reports | gr03174 |
Report forms that record data on the collection and laboratory testing of sources of drinking water throughout Minnesota (1879-1897), noting their physical setting, known disease associations, and test results. Supplemented by miscellaneous information on St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth water supplies (1895-1896). | |
Health Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | hlth040 |
Correspondence and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the Health Department. | |
Health Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Files of Dr. Edward Ehlinger | gr01626 |
Includes copies of the speeches, talking points, and/or the agenda for the engagement at which the commissioner was speaking. Also includes subject files. | |
Health Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01231 |
Subject files documenting the administration and operation of the commissioner’s office, particularly detail the department’s relationship with other state government departments, boards, and commissions; with numerous state and federal legislators; with numerous private health-related organizations; and with its own divisions and departments. | |
Health Department: Community Services Bureau, Office of Community Health Services Development: An Inventory of Its Community Health Services Records | gr00623 |
Records documenting implementation of the Community Health Services Act of 1976. | |
Health Department: Community Services Division: An Inventory of Its Maternal and Child Health Correspondence | hlth032 |
Chronological correspondence (reading files) of departmental staff dealing with all aspects of maternal and child health and family services. | |
Health Department: Disease Prevention and Control Division: An Inventory of Its AIDS Health Education and Risk Reduction Program Files | hlth035 |
Records documenting the Health Department's early
efforts to implement a statewide program in AIDS [acquired immune deficiency syndrome] health education and risk reduction. |
Health Department: Disease Prevention and Control Division: An Inventory of Its Communicable Disease Histories | hlth001 |
Communicable disease histories documenting the occurrence of over eighty diseases. | |
Health Department: Division of Disease Prevention and Control: An Inventory of Its Tuberculosis Services Program Records | gr01292 |
Register cards, countbooks, project files, and subject files of the Health Department's Disease Prevention and Control Division section responsible for tuberculosis services programs. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Asbestos and Lead Compliance Unit Records | gr01479 |
Policies, publications, and reports of the unit. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Director's Miscellaneous Files | gr02435 |
The director's divisional files contain correspondence, memoranda, and reports from the section chiefs of the analytical services, environmental field services, health risk assessment, occupational health, radiation control, and water supply and general engineering sections. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Director’s Subject Files | hlth029 |
Subject files kept by the director’s office pertaining to the general administration, activities, and policies of the division. | |
Health Department, Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Environmental Quality Review Files | hlth010 |
Files on proposed construction projects, land usage, and other activities that were reviewed by the Health Department staff and the Environmental Quality Board for adverse environmental impact. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Health Risk Assessment Files | hlth011 |
Files on the department's studies of public health risks derived from major actual or potential sources of pollutants or other environmental hazards. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Wells Management Program Records | gr02985 |
Records concerning the Health Department's regulation of well drillers and pump installers. Include meeting minutes, reports, correspondence and memoranda. | |
Health Department: Environmental Sanitation Division: Water Pollution Control Section: An Inventory of Its Records | wpcc01 |
Reports on water pollution control work (1959), on industrial wastes (1961), and on sewage disposal facilities in Minnesota (periodic, 1955-1967). | |
Health Department: Family Health Division: An Inventory of Its Supplemental Nutrition Programs Section Records | gr02372 |
Includes state plans (FY 1999-FY2006); WIC work simplification project (2002), and WIC program operations manual (2004). | |
Health Department: Health Manpower Division: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth002 |
Correspondence, reports, memos, subject files, and
publications documenting the daily work of the division and its affiliate committees and councils. |
Health Department: Health Policy Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Uniformity Committee Records | gr01427 |
Minutes, meeting files, manuals, and published
reports documenting various operations and interests of this committee. Includes digital content. |
Health Department: Health Policy and Systems Compliance Division: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth013 |
Files documenting the work of this division, whose activities center mainly around the expansion of affordable health care coverage for more Minnesotans. | |
Health Department: Health Services Division: An Inventory of Its Maternity Hospital Records | gr00174 |
Records for maternity hospitals scattered throughout the state; a list (post-1917?) of maternity hospitals licensed by the state Board of Control; and additional records for the Iverson Maternity Home in Echo. | |
Health Department: Health Systems Division: An Inventory of Its Health Maintenance Organizations Files | hlth-hsd01 |
Files documenting the health department’s
activities in relation to health maintenance organizations (HMOs) operating in Minnesota, particularly its regulatory authority. |
Health Department: Health Systems Development Division: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth041 |
Records of the division’s Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome/Sexually Transmitted Diseases [AIDS/STD] Prevention Services Section. | |
Health Department: Health Technology Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth037 |
Records of this committee, originally called the Health Planning Advisory Committee, established by the Legislature in 1992 as an independent non-partisan advisory body to evaluate new and emerging health care technologies. | |
Health Department: Hospital Services Division: An Inventory of Its Health Care Facilities Files | hlth012 |
Inactive files of license records, correspondence, inspection reports, and other materials regarding licensure and inspection of all types of health care facilities. | |
Health Department: Hospital Services Division: An Inventory of Its Maternity Hospital Licensing Files | hlth015 |
Correspondence, inspection reports, and other records. | |
Health Department: Medical Laboratories Division: An Inventory of Its Medical Laboratory Files | hlth028 |
Records documenting the work of this division's medical laboratories in providing disease testing services necessary for the prevention and control of infectious, chronic and genetically determined diseases in the state. | |
Health Department: Public Health Education Section: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02436 |
The records contain quarterly and annual reports of the director of public health education (1937-1944); department personnel biographies, including biographical sketches and newspaper clippings (approximately 1950-1970); and mimeographed news releases, circular memos and letters, reports, public service announcements, "Public Health Pulse" informational bulletins, and other items regarding public health education topics (1946-1976). | |
Health Department: Public Health Nursing Division: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth039 |
Files documenting the activities and administration of the state’s public health nursing program. | |
Health Department, Rural Health Office: An Inventory of Its Regional Coordinating Boards Files | hlth038 |
Files documenting the organization and administration
of six regional coordinating boards created in 1992 to provide a means for
providers, health plan companies, employers, consumers, and elected officials to
react to policy changes which occurred as a result of health care reform. |
Health Department, State Board of Health: An Inventory of Its Records | hlth022 |
Records of the State Board of Health, established in 1872 and dissolved in 1977. | |
Health Department, Vital Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Classification Ledgers | gr02370 |
Birth and death records classified by location and cause. | |
Health Department: Vital Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01462 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Health Department, Vital Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | hlth019 |
Correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles,
reports, statistics, surveys, studies, legislation, procedures, and related materials documenting the activities of the Vital Statistics Division. |
Health Facility Complaints Office: An Inventory of Its Facility Complaint Files | gr03057 |
Investigation files (1977) from complaints by patients of maltreatment at health care facilities, including complaint forms, correspondence, and investigators' reports. | |
Health Facility Complaints Office: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr03058 |
Annual reports, minutes and miscellany of the office's Advisory Task Force, and reports, minutes, and miscellany of the Health Department's Health Facilities Division. | |
Gerald W. Heaney: An Inventory of His Papers | 00047 |
Legal case files and political and personal papers of United States Court of Appeals (8th Circuit) judge Gerald W. Heaney, a Duluth lawyer and Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party activist appointed to the appeals court bench in 1966. | |
Hearing Society of Minnesota: An Inventory of its Records | 00856 |
Bylaws, minutes, financial statements, correspondence, manuals, news clippings, newsletters, photographs, scrapbooks, and related records of the Hearing Society of Minnesota, a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing direct services to hearing impaired individuals, their families, and concerned persons. | |
Peter A. Heegaard: An Inventory of His Political Papers | 00826 |
Papers of a Minnesota Republican Party activist in the third district of Hennepin County, including information on the Douglas Head campaign for Minnesota attorney general and on politics in the Minnetonka area. | |
Christopher B. Heffelfinger: An Inventory of His Papers | P0995 |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and military papers of this Minneapolis (Minn.) resident, documenting his Civil War service with the First Minnesota Infantry, Co. D (1861-1864) and the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery (1865). They include information on his experiences at the First Battle of Bull Run and at the Battle of Gettysburg, and a sutler's memorandum book kept by him in 1863. | |
Elizabeth Bradley Heffelfinger: An Inventory of Her Scrapbook Material and Related Papers | P2250 |
Scrapbook material of Elizabeth Bradley Heffelfinger, Republican National Committeewoman, 1948-1960, documenting her political work and public life as well as the home front war work of the Women's Activities Division of the Minneapolis Civilian Defense Council, 1942-1946. | |
Anna Oleson Heighstedt: An Inventory of Her Family Photographs | sv000089 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County Bar Association: Bar Memorials: List of Member for Whom Memorial Were Presented at the Minnesota Historical Society | 01161 |
Memorials (speeches or biographical sketches) for deceased members of the association. All are typescript originals or carbon copies. | |
Hennepin County: An Inventory of Its Marriage, Birth, and Death Records | gr00089 |
Marriage certificates (1853-1996) and index (1853-1989), birth certificates (1866-1902) and index (circa 1870-1931), and death certificates (1870-1886, 1888-1909) and index (1890-1931). | |
Hennepin County: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Reports of County Agencies | gr00593 |
Minutes of the General Hospital Advisory Board, several mental health and corrections organizations, Center Hospital Board, Indian Child Welfare Council, Metropolitan Inter-County Association, Regional Railroad Authority, Personnel Board, and Tuberculosis Control Advisory Board; and reports, other issuances, and scattered minutes from a variety of other county departments, agencies, and programs. | |
Hennepin County: An Inventory of Its Selective Service Record Cards | gr01813 |
Record of service cards, approximately 1941-approximately 1947, for men in Hennepin County who were commissioned, enlisted, or inducted into the armed services during World War II. Information includes name and address, address at time of entering service, local board number, date and place of birth, race ("White" or "Negro"), branch of the armed services entered, dates of entry into and separation from the armed services. | |
Hennepin County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00086 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Hennepin County: Attorney: An Inventory of the Michael O. Freeman Files | gr03307 |
Subject files, videocassettes, and speeches of Micheal O. Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney from 1991 through 1998. | |
Hennepin County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01583 |
Records of the Hennepin County Auditor. | |
Hennepin County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00265 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Hennepin County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1860-1901 and sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1971, and 1980-1981. There are no tax lists for 1876-1878. | |
Hennepin County: Bicentennial Planning Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03308 |
Reports, correspondence, media materials, minutes, financial summaries and project files of this commission formed to plan and coordinate activities throughout the county in celebration of the American Revolution bicentennial. | |
Hennepin County: Bloomington: An Inventory of Its Records | SAM064 |
Birth and death records (1871-1879, 1891-1940), ordinances (1853-1964), clerk's books (1858-1899, 1924-1952), road records (1860-1948), treasurer's books (1859-1949), other financial records (1870-1951), census of persons residing on platted lands (1947-1954), official oaths and bonds (1921-1935), materials concerning 1953 incorporation election (1952-1953), a cemetery deed (1864), and election records (1924-1934). | |
Hennepin County: Bloomington: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01203 |
Annual, financial, planning, and miscellaneous reports and other issuances of various city offices, agencies, commissions, and associations. | |
Hennepin County: Bloomington Township: An Inventory of Its Birth, Death, and Burial Records | gr01204 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1906), birth and death certificate records (1891-1953), reports of births (1888-1908) and returns of death (1888-1909), burial/removal permits (1918-1936, 1972-1973), transportation of corpse permits (1928, 1931), and interment record books (circa 1910-1973). | |
Hennepin County: Board of Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Committee Minutes and Agenda Materials | gr00592 |
Minutes of committees covering such topics as criminal justice, health, social services, intergovernmental relations, public services, and the county budget, as well as minutes of the county Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Regional Railroad Authority. | |
Hennepin County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Files of Commissioner Thomas L. Olson | gr02286 |
Records concerning the planning and construction of the Hennepin County Government Center and the Hennepin County Medical Center (formerly the Hennepin County General Hospital). At the time, the cost of constructing and furnishing the buildings was a contentious issue. Expenses were investigated by WCCO-TV and the Minnesota State Auditor's Office, but no malfeasance was found. Includes transcripts, statements, printed items, and photographs. | |
Hennepin County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Journals | gr01661 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County: Board of Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00591 |
County budgets; capital improvement budget and program; county financial reports; capital budgeting task force reports; the county comprehensive plan; issues of the board's newsletter, Hennepin Reporter; and related planning reports. | |
Hennepin County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00032 |
Documenting the activities of this court, established in March 1872 to relieve stress on the district court and abolished in 1877. | |
Hennepin County: Community Services Department: An Inventory of Its Congregate Housing Program Records | gr03309 |
Materials documenting the organization and operation of this program designed to provide a housing option that fell between independent living with supportive services and nursing home care for low-income senior citizens with complex service needs and eligible handicapped people of all ages. | |
Hennepin County: Crystal: An Inventory of Its City Council Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr01169 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County: Crystal: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01202 |
Applications for federal land and water conservation (circa 1971); budgets and financial statements (1986-1988); minutes, and some correspondence of the Environmental (1971-1973), Human Behavior (1965-1972), Human Behavior and Human Rights (1972-1976), Human Relations (1977-1981), Human Rights (1968-1973), and Youth (1973-1976) commissions; law enforcement labor contracts (1973-1981); a petition to prevent the sale of non-returnable beverage containers (1972); a zoning petition (1980); and urban development plans. | |
Hennepin County: Crystal: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01399 |
Records of the city of Crystal in Hennepin County. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files and Index ) | gr00087 |
Civil case files numbers 7-350,000 and indexes to plaintiffs and defendants. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr00031 |
Case file nos. 39975-39991, 39993-39995, and 39998-39999. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case File No. 48680 (State of Minnesota v T. Eugene Thompson) Documents | gr00318 |
Records regarding the trial of Tilmer Eugene Thompson and Norman J. Mastrian for the murder of Thompson's spouse, Carol Thompson. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr00885 |
Personal name index, 1853-1942; loose declarations of intention (first papers), 1853-1873; bound declarations of intention, 1867-1942; final papers (second papers), 1867-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1906-1938; depositions and related records, 1906-1930; and additional unfilmed records, relating particularly to World War I service members, 1918-1938. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr02932 |
Mainly brochures and booklets documenting the various practices and functions of the court and its associated courts, including its Civil Filing Department and the municipal, juvenile, county, family, and conciliation courts. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00035 |
Records documenting various activities of the court. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Territorial Records | gr00033 |
Records documenting activities in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th judicial districts prior to statehood. | |
Hennepin County: Eden Prairie Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01205 |
Birth (1870-1907) and death (1871-1907) registers, birth (1907-1946, 1949) and death (1908-1953) certificate records, and supplemental or delayed birth data (1892-1936). | |
Hennepin County: Edina: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01885 |
Birth and death registers, 1890, 1903-1940 (2 volumes, indexed) and birth and death certificates, 1941-1953 (3 folders). | |
Hennepin County: Edina: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01884 |
Bylaws, petitions, council meeting minutes, election summary statements, building code and ordinances, petition and improvement records, redistricting and boundary files, and a sidewalk and sewer record. | |
Hennepin County: Edina: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00692 |
Records documenting the activities of the Edina police department. | |
Hennepin County: Excelsior Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01206 |
Birth records (1902-1952), death records (1902-1953), and burial/removal permits (1917-1920). | |
Hennepin County: Excelsior Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02119 |
Minute books (1892-1949), road order books and petitions (1880-1941), and financial records (1858-1946). The latter include clerk's books (1890-1948), clerk's register of poor relief (1935-1945), treasurer's account books (1886-1897, 1906-1921, 1933-1961) and statements of receipts and disbursements (1912-1956), and certificates of sums voted (1924-1925). The treasurer's account books include records of the Village of Shorewood for June 1956-December 1961. | |
Hennepin County: Extension Service: An Inventory of Its Files of Extension Agent Kemper A. Kirkpatrick | gr02362 |
Files of Kemper A. Kirkpatrick, who was Hennepin County extension agent from 1914 to 1952. | |
Hennepin County: Greenwood Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01207 |
Birth (1871-1947) and death ( 1871-1953) records. | |
Hennepin County: Greenwood Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02176 |
Clerk's books (1874-1958), treasurer's books (1895-1967), chattel mortgage record books (1875-1913), road book (1882-1914), and miscellaneous papers (1943-1983), including poll lists, election results, minutes, legal materials, and a City of Greenfield zoning map (1983). | |
Hennepin County: Hennepin County Home School: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01992 |
Includes admission and discharge records (1922-1995), financial records (1943-2001), meeting minutes and annual reports (1992-2005), subject files (1911-2015), and published records and reports (1958-2005). Also includes recipe cards, photographs, scrapbooks and other related records. | |
Hennepin County: Hopkins: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01208 |
Also includes permits for burial or removal. | |
Hennepin County: Hopkins: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr03230 |
Registers of receipts and disbursements (1894-1945), audit reports (1933-1964, incomplete), financial reports (1965-1968), budgets (1952-1972, incomplete), and a record of bonds and contracts for improvements to city facilities and public utilities (1893-1920s). | |
Hennepin County: Hopkins: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01201 |
Ordinances (1923-1937, 3 volumes), charters (1947, 1962), city master plans (1954, circa 1964, 5 volumes), a printed course of study for the West Minneapolis public schools (1894), dedication ceremony (1965), and a business relocation guide (1971). | |
Hennepin County: Hopkins: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03231 |
Judgment index and register (1959-1964), criminal docket (1961-1964), and civil dockets (1960-1964). | |
Hennepin County: Human Services and Public Health Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00538 |
Records documenting the administration of this agency, whose mission is to strengthen individuals, families and communities by increasing safety and stability, promoting self-reliance and livable income, and improving the health of our communities by attaining the goals of protecting children and vulnerable adults, supporting communities and families in raising children who develop to their fullest potential, assuring that all people's basic needs are met, and building healthy communities and self-reliant individuals. | |
Hennepin County: Independent School District No. 273, Edina: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02713 |
School district 17 school record (1869-1879); classification registers (1907-1910); clerk's financial records (1915-1932); school board minutes and superintendent's reports (1917-2000); superintendent's reports to faculty (1930-1931, 1935-1947); enrollment statistics (1950s-1970s); school district newsletters and newspapers (1982-1995); directories; memorybooks; yearbooks; and related records. Also includes records from Creek Valley Elementary School, Highlands Elementary School, Valley View Junior High (Edina West Lower Division), and Edina High School. | |
Hennepin County: Independent School District No. 275, Golden Valley: An Inventory of Its Records | isd275 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and PTA of the district. | |
Hennepin County: Independent School District No. 283, Saint Louis Park: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02577 |
Records documenting the administration of this Hennepin County school district. Included are annual reports, board minutes, clerk's books, clerk's receipts and disbursements registers, high school graduate follow-up surveys, payroll registers, student activities general account ledger, student records, treasurer's books, treasurer's receipts and disbursement registers, and a 125th anniversary poster (2015). | |
Hennepin County: Independent School District No. 286, Brooklyn Center: An Inventory of Its Records | isd286 |
Administrative, financial, and curriculum records of the Brooklyn Center school district, and materials on the history of the Earle Brown Elementary School. | |
Hennepin County: Joint Powers School District No. 6069: An Inventory of Its West Metro Education Program Records | gr01627 |
Joint powers board minutes and meeting files (1995-2018), subject files (1989-2018), and Downtown School records (1995-2003). | |
Hennepin County: Maple Grove Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02355 |
Clerk's books (1874-1954), treasurer's books (1859-1880, 1905-1954), justice of the peace dockets (1859-1922), chattel mortgage record (1874-1916), and road (1876-1956) and ditch (1879-1893) records. | |
Hennepin County: Maple Plain: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr03176 |
Birth (1907, 1912-1939) and death (1912-1952) certificate records. | |
Hennepin County: Maple Plain: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03175 |
City/village council minute books; civil and criminal docket books; clerk's finance record; list of elected officials; ordinance record, no. 1; planning commission minute books; and village treasurer account books. | |
Hennepin County: Medical Examiner: An Inventory of Its Coroner Record Books/Medical Examiner Reports | gr02297 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County: Medical Examiner: An Inventory of Its Coroner/Medical Examiner Autopsy and Chemical Analysis Reports | gr02298 |
Include detailed autopsy and chemical analysis reports for deceased persons examined by the Hennepin County Coroner/Medical Examiner, as well as by other hospitals that performed autopsies. Arranged in chronological order by date of death and/or date of autopsy. The reports for the period 1909-1963 are of the Coroner, and the reports for the period 1964-1989 are of the Medical Examiner. Not indexed. | |
Hennepin County: Medical Examiner: An Inventory of Its Medical Examiner Case Files With Index | gr02299 |
Index cards (1964-1980) and medical examiner case files (1964-1980). Index cards arranged in chronological order, and thereunder, in alphabetical order by name. Case files arranged in numerical order by case file number. The rolls for the 1980 case files are labelled "Deceased Records." | |
Hennepin County: Medina: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01200 |
Clerk's books (1913-1953), road record book (1867-1951), chattel mortgage index (1912-1913), and audit reports (1958-1976), comprehensive plan (1980), financial health profiles (1988, 1990), poll lists (1928), and treasurer's annual statements (1946-1957) and account book (1938-1955). | |
Hennepin County: Medina: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets and Reports | gr01874 |
Civil (1947-1957, 1961-1962) and criminal (1948-1955, 1961-1964) dockets, with indexes, and reports of fines collected (1955-1960). Justices include Arthur S. Gertz, Victor F. Hanson, Emil J. Jubert, and Melvin A. Gertz. | |
Hennepin County: Medina Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01209 |
Contains entries for births, 1905-1949, and deaths, 1905-1907, 1911-1953; and burial and corpse transportation permits, 1914-1930. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Minneapolis Employment and Training Program Records | mpls003 |
Files of the program that was responsible for administering the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) programs in the city of Minneapolis. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Comprehensive Employment and Training Consortium Files | mpls004 |
Files of this consortium which provided job training and employment opportunities for economically disadvantaged, unemployed and underemployed persons. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Model City Program Records | gr01398 |
Records documenting the policies and activities of this program and its relationship with government units and private social service organizations in the program area. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Pilot City Program Records | mpls002 |
Files on this federally funded pilot program to provide multi-purpose service agencies in poor neighborhoods. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports of Minneapolis City Agencies | gr01592 |
Includes city charter, annual reports, treasurer's annual reports, controller's bond report, and publications of the public welfare board, health department, general hospital and school of nursing, park and recreation board, police department, buildings department, housing and redevelopment authority, public schools, public works department, fair employment practice commission, and civil rights department. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Youth Opportunity Program Records | mpls005 |
Correspondence, memoranda, and subject files of this council organized in 1968 to plan and coordinate youth programs in the city and to serve as an information center for employment, education, recreation, and cultural activities for the city's youth. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: City Clerk: An Inventory of Its Registers of Electors | gr00547 |
Record of registered voters in the city of Minneapolis, prepared in even-numbered years for the entire time period and also for 1921 and 1923. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Civil Rights Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01809 |
Minutes (1970-1978), committee minutes and correspondence (primarily 1965-1969), publicity materials, complaint summaries, logs, and statistics (1968-1969, 1976-1980), subject matter files (1946-1979), and other miscellaneous records of the department and of the Minneapolis Commission/Mayor's Commission on Human Relations. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Fair Employment Practice Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01810 |
Annual reports (1956-1967), executive director's correspondence (1948-1966), miscellaneous reports and brochures, subject matter files, and files on companies and unions (circa 1949-1957). Includes materials relating to the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations, with which the commission merged in 1957. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Mayor: Fraser: An Inventory of Its Fraser (Donald M.) Subject Files | gr00541 |
Correspondence, proclamations, reports, and related materials detailing the mayor's management of city government. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Mayor: Sayles Belton: An Inventory of Its Sayles Belton (Sharon) Subject Files | gr00542 |
Correspondence, press statements, budget addresses, state of the city speeches, and related materials detailing Sayles Belton's tenure as City Council member (1983-1994) and mayor (1994-2004). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03080 |
Includes civil judgment indexes, unlawful detainer indexes, civil trial judgment books, forcible entry trial judgment books, and default judgment books. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr03081 |
Acts and rules of practice of the municipal and conciliation courts (1939, 1957), a history of the court (1925), a copy of the first case filed (1874), and the records of the court's probation office/department (1907-1967). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Park Board: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports | gr01590 |
Annual reports of the Board of Park Commissioners (1898-1998, incomplete), of parks superintendent Theodore Wirth (1922-1926) and others (1999-2013), and of the board secretary and other officers (1923-1929). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Park Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr01591 |
Proceedings (1905-1980); mimeographed office manual (1925) and brief outline (1928), describing the board's operations and the organization and duties of its several staff positions; histories of the Minneapolis park system and park board, two written by parks superintendent Theodore Wirth; summer pageant programs (1937-1941); and boating and bicycling ordinances (undated). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Public Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records and Publications | gr01872 |
Includes a historical review of the Division of Public Relief (1931-1934); minutes, administrative memos, and resolutions; organization charts; bulletins; subject files; publications, primarily of the Division of Public Relief; and reports and news clippings on investigations into board facilities and activities (1936-1938). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Bulletin | gr02544 |
Master set of newsletters issued by the school district, usually weekly, during the school year (1942-1981, 1983); titled "School Bulletin" from 1942 to 1970. Also included are "The Bulletin" (newsletter) of the Minneapolis Grade Teachers' Association (1913-1916), and the public schools "Newsletter" (interspersed, 1970-1981). | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Business Department Records | gr02217 |
Includes issuances - memoranda, reports, questionnaires, and related papers - distributed in multiple copies throughout the school district (1916-1943), equipment catalogs, with indexes (1938), business department reports (1925-1928), land acquisition cost estimates (1930), physical plant data (1931-1933) and floor plans (1924-1951) for each of the district's schools, and various reports and plans covering such topics as the repair and improvement fund, land requirements, equipment at Central High School in 1938, fire insurance, and building programs. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Citizens' School Facilities Committee Records | gr02538 |
Minutes, subject files, and reports of this citizens' committee covering such topics as school building planning; occupational, vocational, and technical education; integration; student involvement; and equality of educational opportunity. Includes the committee's February 1971 final report. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Michael Dowling School Urban Environmental Magnet Records | gr00779 |
The records include historical materials about the school and its namesake Michael J. Dowling, bulletins and newsletters, clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, subject files, and PTA records. They document students and staff, building additions and dedications, alumni, special events and holiday celebrations, the school's therapeutic pool, a 1936 visit by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and PTA activities. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Minnehaha Parent Teacher Association Records | gr02218 |
Records of this parent teacher organization which formed in 1912. In 1977, it disaffiliated with the National PTA and affiliated with the National Parent Teacher Organization. Included are minute books (1912-1924, 1936-1948, 1971-1978); receipts and disbursements record (1912-1925); committee reports (1963-1965); and school year (1947-1977), PTA newsletter (1962-1963), and committee (1941-1967) scrapbooks. The latter cover such subjects as community-school relations, adult education, health, safety, human relations, and membership. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00264 |
Includes miscellaneous materials such as minutes, reports, ledgers and other items relating to the Minneapolis Public School district. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records of Schools | gr00513 |
Records of various elementary, junior high, and high schools in the Minneapolis system. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Nathan Hale/EugeneField Quality Integrated Education Project Records | gr02532 |
Nathan Hale/Eugene Field Quality Integrated Education Project records documenting a demonstration project in quality integrated education. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Nokomis Junior High School Parent Teacher Association Scrapbooks | gr02539 |
1948-1952 are missing. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Parent Teacher Association Records | gr01270 |
Minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, and other records of the parent teacher associations of a number of the city's schools. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01689 |
Photographs documenting the schools, students, teachers, and special activities and events in the Minneapolis Public Schools. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00723 |
Reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Minneapolis public school system. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Southeast Alternatives Experimental Schools Project Records | gr02533 |
Records documenting a five-year project to test alternative school styles for grades K-6th and options for 7th-12th grade programs, carried out by the Mineapolis Public Schools under a grant from the United States Office of Education. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Statistical Records | gr02219 |
Statistics covering enrollment, attendance, withdrawal, schools, students, promotion, and school census. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Record Cards | gr02537 |
Each card may, but does not necessarily, include the following data: name, Minneapolis address, home address, number of years teaching, diplomas, name of school, salary, age, date appointed or hired, birth date, citizenship, nationality of parents, and education. There are also cards for summer school, evening school, playground and garden service, and substitutes. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers | gr02541 |
Many of the volumes are labeled "Secretary's Register" or "Warrant Record." | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Budgets and Financial Statements | gr02542 |
Printed budgets (1939-1942, 1962-1974, incomplete), financial reports (1944, 1950-1953, 1959-1961, 1968-1974), and financial statements with auditor's reports (1967-1972) of the board of education or the Minneapolis public schools. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Desegregation/Integration Files | gr00722 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Meeting Files | gr01723 |
School board meeting files for regular, special, and annual meetings of the school board. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Office Archives [Subject Files] | gr02531 |
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of committee meetings, published and near-print materials, legal documents, programs, and miscellany relating to all aspects of the administration, programs, and curricula of the Minneapolis public schools. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its School Correspondence | gr02536 |
Includes correspondence with individual schools, reports, extracts from the "School Bulletin" and from board minutes, printed material and cross reference sheets. Files on closed schools usually contain notes concerning closings, lists of principals, and information about the construction of the school. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02530 |
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, meeting minutes of various committees, extracts from the "School Bulletin" and board minutes, published and near-print materials, circulars, and cross reference sheets relating to all aspects of the administration, programs, and finances of the Minneapolis public schools. Files are particularly numerous for athletics, awards (scholarships), budgets, building program, curriculum matters, adult and vocational education and counseling, school system organizational matters, teachers and teachers' organizations, tests, and textbooks. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Cedar Riverside Community School: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02195 |
Board minutes, annual reports, financial reports, and subject files of this Minneapolis charter school. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Finance Department: An Inventory of Its Financial Statements | gr02543 |
Financial statements for the following funds: Permanent Improvement Fund, Lunch Room Fund, General Fund, Trust Fund, Revolving Fund, Book Fund, Building Bond Fund, Repair and Improvement Fund, Liabilities and Surplus Fund, School Funds, and various cash funds. Typescripts, with some accompanying workpapers and background materials. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Finance Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02540 |
Includes annual and financial reports (1948-1954), report of expenditures for repairs and minor improvements (1927-1935), budget estimates and expenditure plans (1926-1945, incomplete), real estate records (1927-1930, 1946-1949), register of all WPA projects conducted by the school district (1935-1938), school lunchroom fund financial reports (1930-1940), salary survey (1939), and subject files (1935-1944) covering the Citizens' Committee on Public Education, property, pupils, and pupil-teacher statistics. | |
Hennepin County: Minnetonka: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01210 |
Birth (1871-1941) and death (1871-1942) records and burial permits (1926-1929). | |
Hennepin County: Minnetonka: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01199 |
Records of the city of Minnetonka and of its predecessors, the township and village of Minnetonka. | |
Hennepin County: Morningside: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01883 |
Council meeting minutes, 1920-1966 (January 1937-December 1940 not present), special election ballots, 1966 (sample), and poll lists/election registers, 1934-1960. | |
Hennepin County: Plymouth: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01198 |
City administrative files, including financial records, petitions, and staff meeting minutes and related materials; files on labor negotiations with police and engineers; and annual or other reports of the city Municipal Court, Park and Recreation Department, Police Department, and Building Inspection Division. | |
Hennepin County: Richfield: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01197 |
Records of the city of Richfield (Hennepin County, Minnesota) including council minutes, financial records, building permits, ordinances, and related papers. | |
Hennepin County: Robbinsdale: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01196 |
Records of the city of Robbinsdale (Hennepin County, Minnesota) including council minute books, annual reports, and death records. | |
Hennepin County: Saint Anthony: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01083 |
Treasurer's cash record book (1855-1867) and ledgers (1867-1872); register of municipal bonds (1859-1870); samples of illustrated promissory note forms issued by the city treasurer (circa 1850s); license register (1865-1872); and an illustrated certificate for a lot in the City of the Falls of St. Anthony (1844), which actually predates the organization of the city. | |
Hennepin County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Files of Sheriff Donald J. Omodt | gr02828 |
Selected subject files relating to Omodt's participation in the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Council, the Minnesota State Sheriff's Association, the Urban Coalition of Minneapolis, and other Hennepin County law enforcement agencies and activities. Omodt served as Hennepin County sheriff from January 1967 through January 1995. | |
Hennepin County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr00514 |
Registers (1926-1968) and monthly computer printouts (1971-1983) listing all persons confined in the county jail during the month. | |
Hennepin County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Censuses | gr01584 |
Also includes student census reports, 1953-1967. | |
Hennepin County: Three Rivers Park District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00165 |
Records of the Three Rivers Park District, documenting the administration and operation of this agency dedicated to promoting environmental stewardship through recreation and education in a natural resources-based park system. | |
Hennepin County: Wayzata: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02180 |
Birth and death register (1887-1907), birth and death records (1908-1941), birth and death certificates (1941-1946, 1950-1953), and burial permits (1908-1923). | |
Hennepin County: Wayzata: An Inventory of Its Cemetery Records | gr02181 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hennepin County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr01509 |
Sample case files of the welfare board that the board retained presumably as a 5% (1:20) linear sample. However, there is no actual evidence to substantiate that presumption. The files were closed by the welfare board between 1971 and 1982 due primarily to death or movement out of the county. They deal mainly with old age assistance, aid to the blind, aid to the disabled, and medical assistance. Some of the files contain material dating back to the 1930s. | |
Hennepin County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01510 |
Original documentation of all Welfare Board transactions: includes listing of public assistance grant openings, closings, changes, and payments; welfare personnel transactions; administrative and policy transactions; breakdown of all money spent; and names of recipients and amounts of aid received by each. | |
Hennepin County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00892 |
Annual reports, budget requests, and general publications covering such topics as juvenile delinquency and children's and senior's welfare. | |
Helen Spink Henton: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00019 |
Personal papers, including biographical and genealogical information, related to Helen Spink Henton and her husband, Robert Beach Henton, both lawyers and long-term residents of Olivia, Minnesota. | |
Robert L. Herbst: An Inventory of His Papers | 01257 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William Heritage: An Inventory of His Papers | 00049 |
Papers of a Minnesota logging engineer and forester who spent forty years with the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. Includes correspondence and subject files, land examination field books, work diaries, photograph albums, and maps and papers containing information about logging operations, lumber milling, and other aspects of BIA management of forests on Indian reservations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and several other states. | |
Hersey, Staples and Co. (Stillwater, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01075 |
Correspondence, maps, deeds, land patents, financial records, and miscellany of a lumber company organized in 1854 by Samuel F. Hersey and Isaac Staples of Maine, and several Massachusetts partners. The records provide data on land acquisition, logging, lumber manufacture and marketing, sawmill machinery, labor recruitment, and other aspects of the firm's business, as well as on a general merchandise store and flour mill operated by the firm in Stillwater. | |
Edgar Hetteen: An Inventory of His Videorecordings | sv000123 |
Includes footage of snowmobiles and crawler machinery, also known as rubber tracked undercarriage technology. Edgar Hetteen, a co-founder of Polaris and of Arctic Cat, is interviewed and featured in many of the videos. | |
Charles N. Hewitt and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01051 |
Correspondence, diaries, call lists, accounts, and other papers of Charles N. Hewitt, a noted physician, and first secretary of the Minnesota State Board of Health. Charles N. Hewitt also served as a surgeon with the 50th New York Infantry in the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. Papers of his son Edwin provide biographical, genealogical, and family data. | |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Buildings in Minneapolis Album | sv000395 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Bridges and Dams Album | sv000396 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Buzza Company Photograph Collection | sv000071 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Federal Reserve Bank Construction Photograph Collection | sv000067 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Flowers Albums | sv000398 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Fourth Liberty Loan Drive and Opening of Victory Memorial Drive, Minneapolis Album | sv000386 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Gas Traction Foundry Photograph Collection | sv000006 |
Includes views of exterior, interior, employees in the company offices, and the delivery truck. Many of the interior views show employees manufacturing items using molds and furnaces. | |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His General Hospital Album | sv000393 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Hardware Mutual Insurance Co. Building Photograph Collection | sv000066 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Minneapolis Business-men's Excursion, May 22-30, 1910 Album | sv000387 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Minnesota the State of Opportunities Album | sv000390 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Munsingwear Corp. Photograph Collection | sv000068 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Nicollet Hotel Album | sv000389 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Park Scenes Album | sv000391 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000075 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000104 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000074 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000078 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000079 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000080 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000081 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000082 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000083 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000084 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Plymouth Congregational Church Album | sv000394 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Russell M. Bennett Residence, Deephaven, Photograph Collection | sv000305 |
Exterior views of the Bennett residence on Lake Minnetonka, including landscaped grounds, gardens and greenhouse. | |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Scenic Views of Minnesota Album | sv000397 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His St. Mary's Hospital Photograph Collection | sv000069 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Street Scenes Album | sv000392 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His Thorp Fire Proof Door Co. Photograph Collection | sv000304 |
Interior views of the Thorp Fire Proof Door Co. factory in Minneapolis, including views of employees, equipment, and products. | |
C. J. Hibbard: An Inventory of His University of Minnesota Album | sv000388 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Thomas J. Hibbs: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 00386 |
Personal papers related to the life and volunteer work of Thomas J. Hibbs, Jr., a prominent figure in the Minneapolis African American community, and his mother, Florence Davis Hibbs Daniels, a singer and minister in Chicago and Minneapolis. | |
Thom L. Higgins: An Inventory of His Papers | 00715 |
Correspondence, articles, flyers, brochures, newsletters, newspaper clippings, legal documents, and printed matter reflecting the personal life, education, careers, and political activity of a Minnesota gay activist. | |
Thom L. Higgins: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000295 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | hecb002 |
Reports on the activities of the Higher Education
Coordinating Board, and its predecessors, the Liaison Committee on Higher Education in Minnesota (1959-1965), the Liaison and Facilities Commission for Higher Education (1965-1967), and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (1967-1975). |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Committee/Task Force Files | hecb003 |
Minutes, correspondence, and related materials
documenting the activities of various board committees and task forces. |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Junior College Site Selection Hearings Transcripts and Brochures | hecb007 |
Testimony (April-May 1968) given by individual cities in support of applications to be the site of a new junior college, with accompanying brochures. | |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | hecb004 |
Minutes and agenda packets of the Higher Education Coordinating Board and its predecessors, the Commission on Higher Education (1957-1958), Liaison Committee on Higher Education in Minnesota (1959-1965), Liaison and Facilities Commission for Higher Education (1966-1967), and Higher Education Coordinating Commission (1967- 1974). | |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00434 |
Reports, planning documents, newsletters, policy and staff technical papers, statistical documents, and various print and near-print materials documenting the activities of the board and its predecessors, the Minnesota Liaison and Facilities Commission for Higher Education (1965-1967) and the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Commission (1967-1975). | |
Higher Education Coordinating Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | hecb001 |
Subject files covering such topics as management, MINITEX, MOIS [Minnesota Occupational Information System], student/credit transfer, affirmative action, area vocational technical schools, budget, higher education facilities, and the Southwest and West Central Consortium. | |
Higher Education Coordinating Board, Curriculum Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | hecb006 |
Agenda packets and correspondence documenting the activities of this advisory committee. | |
Higher Education Facilities Authority: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03056 |
Minutes and agenda packets of this agency created to assist the state's institutions of higher education in financing construction projects, renovating existing buildings, or purchasing capital equipment. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Bridge Survey Reports | gr00821 |
Information includes bridge number and location; map showing name and course of the waterway crossed, location of existing and proposed roads, and recommended change of channel; and cross section drawings of the waterway on the center line of the proposed bridge, the present and proposed grades of roadways, and related details. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Circulars | gr02429 |
Circular letters issued by the Highway Department office for distribution to departmental staff, out-state maintenance areas, engineering project personnel, and local government officials. They consist of memoranda and instructions on the operation and policies of the Highway Department, and forms and specifications to be used in carrying out construction and maintenance projects. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its County Maps, 1935 | gr02430 |
Maps of Minnesota counties, prepared by the State Emergency Relief Administration and printed by the state Department of Highways. Blueline copies, several sheets per county. For counties Isanti-Yellow Medicine only; within this sequence, a few counties or individual maps are missing, also. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Maps | gr00138 |
Tourist maps, maps showing the status of state trunk highways and improvement projects (1922, [1927?], 1934-1957), general highway maps (1950-1951), a map and description of the state's initial trunk highway system ("Babcock plan," 1920), two maps showing strategic highway routes in 1940 and 1941, and 1936 atlas of general highway county maps. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Papers | gr00167 |
Minnesota highway laws; highway engineering construction manual; drawing guides for the interstate highway system; correspondence regarding drivers license and traffic and oil regulations and policies; and files relating to the Highway Research Board, Minnesota Commission on Interstate Cooperation, Interstate 94 through Prospect Park in St. Paul, public hearings on highway construction and upgrading, traffic observations on trunk highways, and Minneapolis and Southdale area conference reports. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Clippings | gr00910 |
Clippings documenting departmental activities throughout the state. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Photographs by Victor H. Benson | hghwy020 |
Photographs documenting Highway Department construction projects, flooding of the Kettle River, and land surveying activities taken by the Highway Department employee Victor H. Benson. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Project Development Reports | hghwy016 |
Project development reports documenting new and replacement construction, signage, rest area and scenic overlook, landscaping, safety improvement, noise abatement, and pedestrian bridge projects. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01313 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Highway Department. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its State Park Maps | hghwy005 |
Blueprint maps showing boundaries and facilities in state parks. | |
Highway Department An Inventory of Its State Road Files | gr00168 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Statewide Road Inventory Files | hghwy008 |
Manuals, instructions, memoranda, field notes, news bulletins, statistical tables, and work sheets relating to an inventory of Minnesota roads conducted during the 1930s and early 1940s as part of a statewide Minnesota Highway Planning Survey, a joint research project of the Minnesota Dept. of Highways and the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | hghwy007 |
Department's central subject file, containing
information of interest to personnel throughout the department, primarily on programmatic and policy matters and on special or longstanding projects. |
Highway Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Arrowhead Bridge Plans | gr02549 |
Bridge plans for the Arrowhead Bridge, including the lift bridge or draw bridge located in the central span of the bridge. | |
Highway Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Bridge Photographs and Negatives | gr00599 |
Photographs and negatives of 4,624 structures (e.g.,
vehicle bridges, railroad bridges, pedestrian bridges, culverts). |
Highway Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Bridge Plans | gr00851 |
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Highway Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its WPA Bridge Correspondence and Plans | gr00737 |
Records documenting the Works Progress Administration/Works Projects Administration [WPA] cooperation with county highway engineers to produce bridge plans which then were submitted for approval to the Minnesota Highway Department. | |
Highway Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Hoffman (M. J.) Correspondence | hghwy019 |
Files kept by Commissioner Hoffman, mainly
documenting the department’s relationship with the Highway Study Commission. |
Highway Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Files of Frank D. Marzitelli | hghwy010 |
Files kept by Frank D. Marzitelli documenting his service as Deputy Commissioner (1956-1961) and Commissioner (1975 - November 1976) of the Highway Department. | |
Highway Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02138 |
The records comprise an alphabetical set of subject files, materials relating to a wheelage tax lawsuit, and reports and correspondence sent to the Legislature's Highway Interim Commission/Joint Highway Executive Committee. | |
Highway Department: Data Processing Office: An Inventory of the Files of Ingram Morehouse | hghwy012 |
Mainly the files of Ingram Morehouse documenting the development of the department's data processing system. | |
Highway Department: Finance Division: An Inventory of Its Trunk Highway Construction Expenditure Records | gr02431 |
A variety of summaries and reports of expenditures for the construction of trunk highways and state aid roads. Expenditure categories include engineering, grading, surfacing, structures (e.g., bridges, culverts, guard rails), land acquisition, roadside development, and construction bonds. | |
Highway Department: Highway Study Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | hghwy018 |
Records of this commission established to make a comprehensive study of the state's highway system, its needs, and funding policy. | |
Highway Department: Maintenance Division: An Inventory of Its Highway Maintenance Files | gr02432 |
Memoranda, minutes, correspondence, reports, and miscellany, particularly concerning road and bridge maintenance, road construction, ice and snow removal, and maintenance policies, budgets, and administration. | |
Highway Department: Planning and Programming Division: An Inventory of Its Highway and Railway Planning Maps | gr02433 |
Maps showing proposed or conceptual development plans for interstate highways and major arterial roads in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area (1935-1961); topographic and contour maps drawn in 1945 and used in the location studies for interstate highways 94 and 35E in the city of St. Paul; and maps of proposed changes to the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway route in Hennepin County due to proposed highways, adjacent parks, and industrial locations (1958). Some of these developments were implemented as shown; some were not. The project files to which these maps once related are believed to no longer be extant. | |
Highway Department: Planning and Programming Division: An Inventory of Its Status of Interstate Routes | gr00169 |
Route maps with charts describing the construction status of interstate highways in Minnesota; prepared in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. | |
Highway Department: Planning and Programming Division: An Inventory of Its Studies and Surveys | gr00170 |
Working papers, reports, manuals, correspondence, and forms relating to origin and destination studies, highway capacity studies, traffic studies, motor vehicle use studies, and highway planning surveys. | |
Highway Department, Planning and Programming Division: An Inventory of Its Transportation Planning Studies | hghwy017 |
Traffic and transportation needs studies for several of Minnesota’s major urban areas. | |
Highway Department: Road Design Section: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01314 |
Correspondence, maps, reports, newspaper articles, drawings, and articles of or about the Highway Department. | |
Anita C. Hill: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00838 |
Correspondence, subject files, oral history interview transcripts and audiocassettes, and other papers of an irregularly-ordained pastor at St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church, a St. Paul, Minnesota congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, focusing upon her ministry to and work with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons, her struggle for addition to the clergy roster of the ELCA, and to the struggle within the ELCA with sexuality and social questions and issues. | |
Hibbert Mosse Hill and Rachel Hanna Hill: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | 00635 |
Family and professional papers of Hibbert Mosse Hill, a noted civil engineer who spent most of his career with the Northern States Power Company, his wife, Rachel Hanna Hill; and his father, Hibbert Winslow Hill, a clinical researcher from Canada who practiced in Minnesota. Hibbert Mosse Hill's papers contain professional articles and speeches on civil engineering and aquatic biology; Rachel's papers contain her diaries (1980s) and poetry; Hibbert Winslow Hill's contain correspondence; photographs; and several publications, regarding medical and clinical research. The collection contains photographs of the Hill's three daughters; and extended Hill and Hannah family members, including James Johnston Hill. | |
Hill Family Collection Card Index | 00729/hill_cards |
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Hill Family: An Inventory of The Hill Family Collection | 00729 |
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James J. Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00698 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James J. Hill: An Inventory of His Photographs and Graphic Material | 00698_photos |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James J. Hill: An Inventory of Selected Items From His Papers | 00698_pdf |
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Jerome Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00565 |
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Jerome Hill: An Inventory of Selected Digitized Items from His Papers | 00565_pdf |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Louis Warren Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00702 |
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Louis Warren Hill: An Inventory of His Photographs and Graphic Materials | 00702_photos |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Louis W. (Louis Warren) Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00050 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mary T. Hill: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00718 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Maud Van Cortlandt Taylor Hill: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00719 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hill-Boeckmann Family: An Inventory of Their Photograph Collection | sv000012 |
Collection was copied from an album loaned by the Ffolliots, descendents of Rachel Hill Boeckmann. Includes views of James J. and Mary T. Hill, their children and grandchildren, family friends, and church clerics. Views consist of informal plays, weddings, family members in costume, hunting expeditions, family outings, family members relaxing at home and at North Oaks, and vacations. Locations include the interior and exterior of the Hill House at 240 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota; the Louis W. Hill farm in North Oaks; and vacation spots in Aiken, South Carolina; Jekyll Island, Georgia; and Paris. | |
George N. Hillman: An Inventory of His Reminiscenes | p2278 |
Reminiscences documenting the life and career of George Nelson Hillman (1852-1934), the first shorthand court reporter in Minneapolis and St. Paul. | |
Hindu Society of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | p2648 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Miron L. Hinselman: An Inventory of His Papers Relating to the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness | 01043 |
Files and papers of Miron (Bud) Heinselman of St. Paul, a U.S. Forest Service ecologist who was active in the environmental movement and was an expert on the ecology of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of northern Minnesota. The collection consists primarily of Heinselman’s records of the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness and includes newspaper clippings, research files, teaching materials, correspondence, news releases, studies and reports, legal files, articles, speeches, newsletters, fact sheets, maps, legislative files, drafts of bills, photographs, and scrapbooks. The collection also includes biographical and genealogical data, professional files, and information about Heinselman’s post-1978 activities. | |
Historic American Buildings Survey: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Minnesota Structures | 00251 |
Project files, including photographs, architectural drawings, project reports, microfiche, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers documenting historically significant districts, buildings, bridges, and other structures in Minnesota through the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) programs of the U.S. National Park Service. | |
The Historical Pageants Presented at Itasca State Park, 1932-1933: An Inventory of the Album | sv000347 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
John T. Hoblit: An Inventory of His Papers | P2563 |
A diary kept in 1861 by a young Minneapolis newspaperman while serving in Maryland and Virginia with Company D of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. The collection also includes a letter written in 1862 by Orison N. Washburn, a member of Company C of the Fourth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment, while stopped at St. Louis, Missouri en route to points further south. | |
Jane E. Hodgson: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00677 |
Correspondence, speech texts, news clippings, topical files, legal files, overseas trip files, and administrative materials related to reproductive rights reform advocate Jane E. Hodgson that document her career as an obstetrician and gynecologist, teacher, and clinic administrator as well as her role as a litigant and expert witness in abortion-related court cases. | |
Hoerner Waldorf Corporation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00490 |
Financial records, treasurer's records, business contracts and records, stock information, insurance information, management training materials, marketing information, sales and promotion materials, and subject files of a St. Paul-based paperboard and folding carton manufacturer that for most of its existence was known as Waldorf Paper Products Company and that later became an operating division of Champion International Corporation (1977-1985) and Rock-Tenn Company (1997-). | |
Sylvia D. Hoffert: An Inventory of Her Jane Grey Swisshelm Research Files | 01090 |
Photocopies of newspaper clippings, legal documents, and correspondence (1840-1894) from various archival repositories relating to journalist, newspaper publisher, abolitionist, and women's rights advocate Jane Grey Swisshelm, as well as a card file calendar containing information about newspapers published by Swisshelm or with which she was associated in St. Cloud, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C. The material was compiled by historian Sylvia D. Hoffert in the course of researching her biography Jane Grey Swisshelm: an unconventional life (2004). | |
Sherman Holbert: An Inventory of His Papers | 00626 |
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Return I. Holcombe: An Inventory of His Papers | 00711 |
Correspondence, manuscript histories, background materials, and related miscellany of this St. Paul (Minn.) author, editor, librarian, and historian. | |
Henry Whitcomb Holley: An Inventory of His Papers | p1510 |
Correspondence, payrolls, invoices, brochures advertising railroad equipment, specifications, drawings, and maps relating to Holley's work (1865-1885) as a construction engineer for the Southern Minnesota Railroad Company. | |
Hollywood Victory Caravan: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000093 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Holm & Olson Incorporated Landscape Department: An Inventory of the Album | sv000410 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
CHARLES WILLIS HOLMAN: An Inventory of His Papers | 01002 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Henry Holmstrom: An Inventory of His Papers | P2510 |
Notebooks and other papers of Swedish American painter Henry Holmstrom. | |
Johan Andreas Holvik: An Inventory of His Records | 01210 |
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Home Sweet Home: An Inventory of the Album | sv000379 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Homeseekers Land Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 01184 |
Correspondence, minutes, legal papers, annual reports (1907-1918), federal income and capital stock reports, stockholder records, accounts, and land and tax records of this company organized in 1910 to manage and sell Wisconsin lands relinquished by lumber companies. They contain information on land sales, titles, and taxation; colonization proposals; financial organization of the company; and the American Immigration Company, Superior Timber Company, and other Weyerhaeuser family interests. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Honeywell Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Society | 00051 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Tom Hoover: An Inventory of His Drag Racing Papers | 01444 |
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Virginia Mae Hope: An Inventory of Her Papers | p1549 |
Clippings, orders, letters and memorabilia documenting the World War II service of this WASP (Women's Air Service Pilot), who few airplanes for the Army Air Forces Weather Wing out of Patterson Field (Fairfield, Ohio) in 1943-1944, and who died in a plane crash in December 1944. Also included are two student pilot rating books (1941), flight training photos and memorabilia (1943), and her flight log (1941-1944). | |
Frank Hopkins: An Inventory of His Papers | P2644 |
Biographical information; newspaper clippings; research notes; essays, lectures, and scripts; programs; brochures, leaflets, and fliers; posters; photographs and picture postcards; and correspondence reflecting the interests and related activities of a Fairfax (Minn.) attorney, especially those relating to Fort Ridgely and the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, the history and culture of American Indians, politics, music, and religion. | |
Richard A. Hoppin: An Inventory of His World War II Papers | P2475 |
Letters (originals and typed transcripts) to his parents in Minneapolis from a World War II meteorological cadet (1942-1943), weather observer (1943-1944) in Mississippi and Florida, and aircraft spotter (1944-1945) with the U.S. Army Air Forces in Kunming, China. His letters home are supplemented with a number of photographs, a few newspapers, and some service documents. | |
Koryne Horbal: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01243 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Margaret Horn Postcard Collection: An Inventory of Her Postcards | sv000207 |
Postcards of Minnesota collected by Margaret Horn. Views of towns, resorts, state parks, schools and colleges, bridges, mining, the North Shore. | |
Horticultural Society: An Inventory of Its Letters Received and Sent | gr01610 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Horticultural Society: An Inventory of Records | gr01593 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James K. Hosmer: An Inventory of His Papers | 00744 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Douglass Houghton: An Inventory of His Papers | m0537 |
Typed transcription of diaries and photocopies of Ojibwe Indian smallpox vaccination records kept by Houghton while serving as botanist, geologist, and physician on Henry Rowe Schoolcraft’s 1832 expedition to the Upper Mississippi River Indian tribes and the source of the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca (Minn.), as well as photocopies of several letters (1832, 1839) from Houghton to John Towey, chemistry and natural history professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York City), relating to Houghton’s work as naturalist, botanist, and geologist on the 1831 and 1832 Schoolcraft expeditions and in Michigan. | |
House Independent-Republican Caucus (Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00141 |
Minutes, agendas, memoranda, roll calls, seniority lists, legislation materials, and resolutions (1972-1984) documenting the work and interests of the caucus, composed of Independent-Republican members of the Minnesota House of Representatives. | |
Housing Finance Agency: An Inventory of Its Agency Records | gr00743 |
Records documenting the activities of this agency, created to provide decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for low and moderate income state residents. | |
Housing Finance Agency: Home Improvement Division: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02378 |
Records of the Housing Finance Agency's Home Improvement Division, including correspondence of the housing development officer (1984-1985), the Solar Bank Deferred Loan Program (1984-1985), and the Rehabilitation Loan Program (1984); and grant files of the Emergency Energy Conservation Program (1979-1982) and the Home Improvement Grant Program (1976-1981). The grant files include administrative memos, subject files, allocation plans, evaluations, procedural guides, training workshop materials, and individual grant files. | |
Houston County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00093 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Houston County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Houston County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its School District Organization and Consolidation Records | gr03293 |
Mainly school district dissolution files (1950-1970). Arranged by pre-1957 district numbers, they also contain records of Fillmore and Winona County school districts which were apparently annexed to Houston County school districts. | |
Houston County: Caledonia Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01293 |
Birth and death registers (1872-1913) and certificate records (1913-1952). | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr00578 |
Files numbered I-CCCLXXVI and 1-8445. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr00579 |
Files numbered I-LX and 1-862. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00583 |
Records of documents files, proceedings held, and actions taken at each day's session of the court. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | SAM180 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes | gr00580 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil case files. Entries may include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Record of Oaths and Bonds | gr00582 |
Town, village, and county officials. | |
Houston County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr00581 |
Registers of actions covering civil case file numbers 1-8518. For each case, the register notes each action taken or document issued or filed, and the date. | |
Houston County: Independent School District No. 296, Money Creek Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01425 |
Attendance registers, class record, clerk's books, and school censuses. | |
Houston County: La Crescent: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01294 |
Includes election records, treasurer's financial reports, water and sewer department records, criminal dockets, treasurer's account books, birth and death records (restricted), and clerk's record of receipts and disbursements. | |
Houston County: Mayville Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01295 |
Birth and death register (1900-1907), birth and death certificate records (1908-1953), and burial permit (1951). | |
Houston County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Record Books | gr00585 |
Records of documents filed relating to the administration of estates, insanities, and guardianships, including texts and transcripts of materials found in individual probate case files. | |
Houston County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Register of Actions and Index | gr00584 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in each probate case; includes an index to the 1857-1959 files. | |
Houston County: School District No. 74, Black Hammer Township: An Inventory of Its School Records | gr00716 |
Clerks (1907-1923, 1925-1950) and treasurers (1910-1918) books, school census (1917), class record (1891-1898, 1924-1933), attendance registers (1891-1931), textbook inventory (1879-1905), and award ribbons (1929). | |
Houston County: School District No. 88, Spring Grove Township: An Inventory of Its School Records | gr00717 |
Clerks books (1939-1949), school census (1934, 1940-1949), attendance register (1941), teachers report (1940-1941) and consolidation correspondence (1948-1949), library accession book (1940-1941), and pupil record cards (1928-1941). | |
Houston County: Spring Grove Village/City: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00147 |
Chattel mortgage record book and justice court dockets. | |
Houston County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Administration Records | gr00718 |
Files relating largely to teacher qualifications and insurance and retirement funds, school consolidations and boundaries, state aid, an annual declamatory contest (1921-1941), and school officers. Included are term reports from each district's teacher(s) to the county superintendent (1911-1967), containing statistical information on enrollment and attendance; teachers' salaries, training, and experience; state aids; tax rates; per pupil costs; and receipts and expenditures. | |
Houston County: Winnebago Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01296 |
Birth and death registers (1870-1908) and certificate records (1907-1946), and removal/burial permits (1908-1926, 1944-1952). | |
David L. How: An Inventory of His Papers | P1543 |
Financial records and miscellaneous related papers kept by David Lennox How (1835-1893), a Shakopee, Minnesota businessman. The material relates to a Shakopee drugstore operated by How in the 1860s, and to two farms he owned in Renville and Scott counties, Minnesota. | |
John Reed Howard: An Inventory of His White Earth Indian Reservation Photograph Collection | sv000005 |
Collection includes views of scenes and individuals on the White Earth Indian Reservation. Dakota and Ojibwa are both represented. Prints of individuals are both formal studio portraits and informal portraits. Images of buildings include traditional Native American dwellings as well as agency buildings, churches, the Superintendent's residence, hospital and school. Several images illustrate celebrations and processions including the June 14th Reservation Day celebration, dances and a sham battle. | |
Charlee Van Cleve Hoyt: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01571 |
Minneapolis City Council materials (1981-1986) of 13th Ward Council Member Charlee Van Cleve Hoyt and files relating to her work on women in government, including the GOP Feminist Caucus, Minnesota Women Elected Officials, Minnesota Women in City Government, the National League of Cities' Women in Municipal Government, the National Women's Education Fund, and U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger's Women's Task Force. Hoyt served on the Minneapolis City Council from 1975 to 1986. | |
Hubbard County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00077 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Hubbard County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Hubbard County: Akeley Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01996 |
Birth (1896-1907) and death (1898-1907) registers and birth (1915-1950) and death (1915-1952) certificate records. | |
Hubbard County: Arago Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01997 |
Birth (1892-1900, 1907-1915) and death (1897-1898) registers; birth (1914-1946) and death (1915-1951) certificate records and burial permits (1924-1945). | |
Hubbard County: Badoura Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01998 |
Birth (1897-1940) and death (1898-1940) registers; birth (1940-1943) and death (1941-1950) certificate records; and burial permits (1918, 1933). | |
Hubbard County: Clay Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01999 |
Chattel mortgage record (1903-1913), clerk's town record books (1908-1951), treasurer's record books (1920-1951), reports of annual town meetings (1919-1943, incomplete), audit reports and records (1939-1948), poll lists (1939-1941), summary statements of votes (1946-1950), election registers (1946-1950), and wolf bounties (1943-1945). | |
Hubbard County. County Court: An Inventory of Its Records | hub-ct02 |
Family Court Division juvenile court registers and Civil Division judgment index. | |
Hubbard County: Crow Wing Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02000 |
Birth (1898-1914) and death (1902-1912) register; birth (1898-1940) and death (1902-1939) certificate records; birth (1941-1945) and death (1941-1951) certificates; and burial permits (1906-1930). | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Certificates | hub-ct04 |
Certificates of ownership/trade name to county businesses and an index to business names. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | hub-ct01 |
Civil and criminal case files, numbers 1-7422; include torrens case files and coroner's inquest files. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | hub-ct03 |
Coroner's inquest register and record and examination register. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records | hub-ct05 |
Indictments filed with the district court containing a summary of the alleged crime. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | hub-ct06 |
Judgment record, judgment and decree record, and torrens system. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | hub-ct07 |
Minutes of court proceedings. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | hub-ct08 |
Miscellaneous record book including registration and certification records, jury records, judgment books, officer registers, and criminal records. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM181 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted, and applications to take oath of allegiance. | |
Hubbard County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | hub-ct10 |
Records or registers for physicians, surgeons, optometrists, osteopaths, veterinarians, and basic science certificates. | |
Hubbard County: Farden Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02001 |
Chattel mortgage record (1894-1913), clerk's books (1943-1973), treasurer's account books and other financial records, burial permits, justice of the peace civil and criminal docket book (1925-1955) including the former village of Farris, poll lists and election registers (1952-1953, 1967-1970), and miscellaneous materials. | |
Hubbard County: Fern Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02002 |
Birth (1900-1920) and death (1900-1907) registers; and birth (1908-1949) and death (1908-1953) certificate records. | |
Hubbard County: Hart Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02003 |
Birth (1900-1913) and death (1900-1908) registers; birth (1909-1943) and death (1909-1949) certificate records; death certificates (1950-1953); and burial permits (1940-1953). | |
Hubbard County: Henrietta Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02004 |
Birth (1896-1906) and death (1893-1905) reports; birth (1908-1945) and death certificate records (1917-1949); death certificates (1908-1953); and burial permits (1899-1988). | |
Hubbard County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Records | hub-ct11 |
Minutes, record books, and registers. | |
Hubbard County: Lake Emma Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02005 |
Birth (1900-1949) and death (1896-1958) registers; birth certificate, 1915; and burial or removal permits, 1918, 1935-1958. | |
Hubbard County: Lake Emma Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02006 |
Chattel mortgage record (1897-1913); clerk's (1896-1965, 1970-1975) and treasurer's (1897-1977) books; treasurer's annual statements (1956-1969); annual meeting proceedings (1954); Audit Board annual reports (1948-1969, 1983; incomplete); gopher bounty papers (1950-1959); poll lists (1944-1971; incomplete) and election summary statements (1954, 1986, 1988); township map (1975); and a justice docket (1899-1952) kept by justices of the peace F. C. Teus, A. W. Lof, and Ed R. Hayes. | |
Hubbard County: Mantrap Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02007 |
Birth certificate record (1909-1915); birth certificate (1931); death certificate record (1909-1913); and burial permits (1913-1945). | |
Hubbard County: Nevis: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02009 |
Birth (1911-1948) and death (1915-1953) certificate records; and burial permits (1935-1945). | |
Hubbard County: Park Rapids: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02010 |
Birth (1900-1953, 1959) and death (1900-1953) records, and burial permits (1919-1979). | |
Hubbard County: Park Rapids: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets | gr00132 |
Civil and criminal justice dockets covering 1893-1965, although not all years are represented. Some of the volumes are indexed. | |
Hubbard County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees | hub-ct12 |
Final decrees and order books containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and legatees. | |
Hubbard County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | hub-ct14 |
Minutes book, commitment orders, and insanity record. | |
Hubbard County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | hub-ct13 |
Copies or transciptions of the complete text of wills probated by the court. | |
Hubbard County: Straight River Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02011 |
Birth and death register (1900-1908); birth (1908-1949) and death (1908-1951) certificates and certificate records; and burial permit (1931). | |
Hubbard County: White Oak Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02012 |
Birth (1895-1907) and death (1898-1907) register; birth and death certificate records (1907-1941); birth (1941-1945) and death (1942-1951) certificates; and burial permits (1914-1918). | |
James Boyd Hubbell: An Inventory of His Papers | 01560 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ronald M. Hubbs: An Inventory of His Papers | 00052 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sanford H. Hudson: An Inventory of His Papers | 01047 |
Biographical information, correspondence, and financial papers of a prominent Benson, Swift County (Minn.) attorney, businessman, and banker who was active in city and county political and civic affairs and was a leader in the development of west central Minnesota. Sanford Hudson's papers relate primarily to his business, urban and rural real estate, banking interests, and investments in Minnesota and other states. There is also some correspondence pertaining to legal cases and family financial matters. Includes papers of Irving M. Hudson, the son of Sanford and Lorena McLaren Hudson. | |
Hudson's Bay Company: An Inventory of Selected Records. | 00823 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
ALEXANDER G. HUGGINS: An Inventory of His Papers | 00679 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Oliver W. Hughes: An Inventory of His Thule Air Base Construction Photograph Collection | sv000225 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Thomas Lowe Hughes: An Inventory of the James Lowe and Family Papers | 01182 |
Genealogical and biographical data, research notes, correspondence, family documents, photographs, and other materials relating to the family of James Lowe (1820-1896), a Murray County, Minnesota farmer and poet who had lived in Scotland, Quebec, and Iowa before coming to Minnesota. The material was collected by his great-grandson, Thomas Lowe Hughes, and includes both original and photocopied documents. | |
Thomas Lowe Hughes: An Inventory of the Thomas Hughes and Family Papers | 00853 |
Correspondence, diaries, notes, photographs, manuscripts, maps, documents, scrapbooks, genealogical records and related ephemera of Thomas Hughes, a Mankato, Minnesota lawyer, civic leader and early southern Minnesota historian. Some of the material is in the Welsh language. | |
Wing Young Huie: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection and Archive | sv000594 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Human Rights Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00697 |
Annual/biennial reports, minutes, commissioner's correspondence, topical background and subject files, news clippings, and published records and reports documenting the main administrative activities and duties of the department. Included are records of the commission's predecessors, the Governor's Interracial Commission, Governor's Human Rights Commission, Fair Employment Practices Commission, and State Commission Against Discrimination. | |
Human Rights Department: Governor's Human Rights Commission: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Clippings | hrts003 |
Clippings organized into the following subject areas: civil rights, fair housing, Indian Student Project, Blacks, and commission activities.. | |
Human Rights Department, Governor's Human Rights Commission: An Inventory of Its Indian Subject Files | hrts006 |
Correspondence, reports, statistical surveys, minutes, and printed materials of the executive directors of the commission dealing with tribal affairs and general welfare of Minnesota Indians. | |
Human Rights Department: Governor's Human Rights Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | hrts007 |
Primarily background information material, including reports, budgets, conference materials, and newsletters. | |
Human Rights Department: State Commission Against Discrimination: An Inventory of Its Records | hrts004 |
Files of the commission, of its predecessor, the Fair Employment Practices Commission, and of the Minnesota Council for Fair Employment on Merit, and the Minnesota Council for Fair Employment Practices, all of which promoted the passage of a fair employment practices bill. | |
Human Rights Department: Women’s Affairs Division: An Inventory of Its Records | hrts005 |
Reports, newspaper clippings, newsletters, articles, bills, and correspondence concerning various aspects of women's rights, particularly sex discrimination. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Bulletins | gr00768 |
Circular letters and bulletins (often called
Commissioner's Bulletins) issued by the Human Services Department and its
predecessors. Includes digital content. |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Children’s Trust Fund Files | dhs016 |
Files documenting the Minnesota Children’s Trust Fund, created by the Legislature in 1986 to financially support community programs aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Family Services Collaboratives Files | dhs017 |
Family services collaboratives files mainly documenting the work of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement [CAREI] in compiling the data received from the collaboratives into reports. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Interstate Compact Patient Records | gr00545 |
Records documenting the Human Service Department's participation in the Interstate Compact on Mental Health, a uniform policy for member states to transfer mentally ill patients between states' facilities. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Local Social Services Boards Member Files | gr01223 |
Records documenting local (mainly county) social services boards established in 1937 [Laws 1937 c343] and charged with the administration of all forms of public assistance and public welfare. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Child Care Resource and Referral Network Files | dhs018 |
Minnesota Child Care Resource and Referral Network files documenting this organization that provides the structure to facilitate funding allocation, policymaking, and program implementation for child care services and related initiatives statewide. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Children’s Initiative Files | dhs019 |
Files kept by the Human Services Department in its role as a member of the Minnesota Children’s Initiative. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Oak Terrace Nursing Home Closure Files | dhs020 |
Human Services Department files documenting the nursing home's 1991 closure. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Operation Caregiver Files | gr00778 |
Records documenting Operation Caregiver, the reassignment of non-union Human Services Department employees and the Minnesota National Guard to critical state jobs, particularly in MinnesotaCare facilities, during the October 2001 strike by the state's two largest unions, Council 6 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE). | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Organization/Reorganization Files | gr02170 |
Studies and background materials mainly relating to the 1984 organization and subsequent reorganizations of the Human Services Department, and its predecessor, the Public Welfare Department | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01604 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Human Services Department. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Year 2000 Project Files | dhs021 |
Files documenting the development and management of
the Human Services Department's plan for Year 2000 compliance to insure that the department's delivery of products and services would be uninterrupted as its information and computer resources converted to the twenty-first century. |
Human Services Departments. Adoption Unit: An Inventory of Its Maternity, Children, and Women's Homes Records | dhs022 |
Records documenting four Twin Cities institutions created and operated to provide care and temporary housing for children and women, the Bethany Home/Harriet Walker Maternity Hospital (1880-1942), the Children's Home Society/Home for Children and Aged Women (1881-1935), and the Maternity Hospital/Ripley Hospital for Women (1884-1968, bulk 1884-1923), all in Minneapolis, and the Women's Christian Home/Union Gospel Mission Home in St. Paul (1880-1936). | |
Human Services Department, Aging Initiative: An Inventory of Its Project 2030 Publications | dhs010 |
Publications produced mainly in the initial two-year
planning process (1997-1998) of Project 2030, a special project to identify the impacts of the aging of Minnesota's population. |
Human Services Department: Assistant Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Timmer (Elaine J.) Files | dhs023 |
Correspondence and subject files of Assistant Commissioner Elaine J. Timmer, documenting her involvement in the department’s community mental health, state operated services, and continuing care activities. | |
Human Services Department: Chemical Dependency Program Division: An Inventory of Its Native American Programs Records | dhs002 |
Records pertaining to chemical dependency treatment programs for Native Americans in Minnesota, administered or funded through the Human Services Department Chemical Dependency Program Division. | |
Human Services Department: Chemical Dependency Program Division: An Inventory of Its Records | dhs001 |
Records documenting the Minnesota Department of Human Services’ efforts to coordinate drug dependency programs throughout the state. | |
Human Services Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Logged Letters and Correspondence | gr00519 |
Commissioner’s office correspondence regarding all aspects of administration and client services of the Department of Human Services and its predecessor, the Department of Public Welfare. | |
Human Services Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01310 |
Subject files maintained primarily during the appointments of Leonard W. Levine, Sandra S. Gardebring, and Ann Wynia. The files document both the daily administration and operation of the office, and such related topics as child welfare, aging, chemical dependency, food stamps, legislation, licensing, longterm health care, Medicare/Medicaid, mental health, and nursing homes. They also detail the office's relationship with the American Public Welfare Association; Board on Aging; Council on Children, Youth, and Family; and the Governor's office. | |
Human Services Department: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division: An Inventory of Its Regional Advisory Committees Meeting Minutes | gr02058 |
Meeting minutes, dated 1996-2019, of the regional
advisory committees. Includes digital content. |
Human Services Department: Health Care Management Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Mary Kennedy | gr02083 |
Subject files of Mary Kennedy, Health Care Management Division director, focusing primarily on Minnesota's health care reform during the late 1980s and early 1990s, particularly the activities of the Health Care Access Commission and development of the Children's Health Plan. They include proposals, reports, meeting minutes, and correspondence. | |
Human Services Department: Mental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Welsch Consent Decree Compliance Files | dhs011 |
Records relating to the Welsch Consent Decree, a
landmark court case (1972-1989) which led to major changes in the treatment of Minnesota's institutionalized mentally retarded citizens. |
Human Services Department: Minnesota Family Investment Program: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01605 |
Records documenting both the trial phase and statewide implementation of this welfare reform program designed to help families work their way out of poverty. | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Files of Dwight P. Maxa | gr02082 |
Correspondence (March 1988 - July 1992) and subject files (1983-1994) of division director Dwight P. Maxa. The correspondence files document all aspects of the division's interests and activities, including planning and development, policy changes, legislation, operations management of the regional treatment centers, and communication with other division heads. The subject files include sections on the Department of Human Services, chemical dependency, information systems management, legal advocacy for the developmentally disabled, and hospital review boards. | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Files of James Walker | gr02081 |
Files of James Walker, who served as division director (1987-1989), facilities operations head (1989-1992), and financial/capital resources manager (1993-1994), and as the Public Welfare Department's residential facilities director prior to 1987. The correspondence files (February 1989 - April 1994) deal mainly with financial, budget, policy, and operational issues. | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Logged Letters | gr02085 |
Memoranda and directives sent to the regional treatment centers' chief executive officers regarding all aspects of division and center administration. The Series A--Action Required letters were sent by Health Care and Residential Programs Assistant Commissioner Maria Gomez (October 1988 - June 1989), Deputy Assistant Commissioner Bob Baird (July 1989 - June 1990), division director Dwight Maxa (December 1990 - July 1993), and other divisional staff (July 1992 - August 1996). The Series I--Information Only letters were sent by Gomez (October 1988 - March 1989) and Maxa (April 1989 - November 1990). There is also one folder of miscellaneous letters (1992-1994). | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Regional Treatment Centers Correspondence | gr02086 |
Letters to the regional treatment centers documenting the division's administration of the day-to-day operation of the state-owned centers, including governing board meetings, funding, personnel, staff training, statewide committees, patient transfer, buildings and equipment, medical records, regulations and policies, admission/discharge system, accreditation, contracts, and incident reports. | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Regional Treatment Centers Management Plans | gr02171 |
Mainly annual management plans/reports, with supporting correspondence, submitted to the division by the regional treatment centers. There are also mission statements and organizational charts of the centers collected by the division, the division's work plans for the centers, and its residential facilities manual. | |
Human Services Department: Residential Program Management Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02084 |
Subject files covering such topics as budget, cost accounting, Labor Management Committee, legislation, negotiations, Rochester State Hospital closure, rules and regulations, safety plans, community services, workers compensation, grants, and information systems. They include correspondence, reports, schedules, workplans, and related materials. | |
Human Services Department: Social Services Division: An Inventory of Its Community Social Service Act County Plans | dhs013 |
Individual county social service plans submitted
under the Community Social Service Act [CSSA], enacted in 1979 to establish a system of planning and providing of community social services. |
Human Services Department: State Operated Services: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00556 |
Records documenting the activities and organization of State Operated Services [SOS], the area of the Human Services Department that provides direct services to people with disabilities. | |
Human Services Office: An Inventory of Its Records | hso |
Records of this office, charged with recommending a reorganization plan for the state's human services agencies to the 1977 legislature. | |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | humsoc01 |
Incomplete set of reports of the Minnesota Society
for Prevention of Cruelty/Minnesota Humane Society, documenting the organization, administration, and activities of the society. |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Complaint Records | humsoc02 |
Records documenting the society's activities in investigating and registering abuse complaints. | |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | humsoc03 |
Records documenting the various financial transactions of the humane society. | |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Local Humane Societies Files | humsoc04 |
Newsletters, correspondence, organizational
documents, and related materials documenting the administration and activities of the state's many local humane societies, the majority of which are county based organizations. |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Minutes | humsoc05 |
Incomplete set of minutes of executive committee,
board of directors, and annual meetings, documenting the administration and organization of the society. |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks | humsoc06 |
Scrapbooks and loose clippings, the majority of which
document the activities of the humane society during the tenure of Executive Director Ruth Deschene (1972-1979). |
Humane Society: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | humsoc07 |
Two sets of alphabetical subject files documenting the organization, administration, and various activities and relationships of the society. | |
Humane Society of Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Records | 00550 |
Organizational records documenting the latter 20th century administration, financing, and activities of a local humane society formed in 1878. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr02443 |
Includes a five-year report for 1972-1976. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Audiotapes | gr01973 |
Reel to reel and cassette audiotapes containing lectures, speeches, and papers given during various symposia, conferences, meetings, and radio programs sponsored by the Humanities Commission. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr02442 |
Letters sent and received by the executive director and various program officers, largely concerning proposals for grant funded projects. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Files | gr02439 |
Applications for grant funding, accompanied by related correspondence, financial reports, project reports, and miscellaneous materials concerning grant projects. These files are for approved grants only. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Information | gr02440 |
Grant application guidelines, project directors' manuals, grant logs and summaries, some preliminary applications and grants correspondence (1973-1979), grant evaluations and analyses, and National Endowment for the Humanities proposals and reports (1978-1979, 1985-1987). | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Reports | gr02441 |
Final reports, summaries, and miscellaneous productions that resulted from completed grant projects; apparently never filed with the main set of grant files. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02438 |
Miscellaneous files relating to the administration, activities, and interests of the Humanities Commission, including articles of incorporation and bylaws, memoranda to commission and executive committee members, financial records (1978-1979), newsletters, publicity materials, committee and commission member files, and subject files. | |
Humbird Lumber Company (Sandpoint, Idaho): An Inventory of Its Records | 01187 |
Profit and loss statements, annual statements and reports, and some correspondence of this company, which manufactured and distributed pine lumber. John A. and Thomas J. Humbird were its presidents. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Papers | 00720 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Sound Recordings | 01098 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Speech Text Files | 00442 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Vice Presidential Speech Research and Miscellaneous Files | 00995 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Muriel Humphrey: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00721 |
The Muriel Humphrey papers detail various aspects of her life and career, including her personal and public activities as the wife of Hubert Humphrey during his years as U. S. Vice President (1965-1968) and Senator from Minnesota (1971-1978), particularly her work in relation to the rights of those with mental retardation, and the completion of her husband's unexpired Senate term following his 1978 death (1977-1978). | |
Helen Angela Hurley: An Inventory of Her John Ireland Research Files | 01512 |
![]() |
Asa B. Hutchinson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01208 |
![]() |
Hutchinson Family Portrait Album: An Inventory of the Album | sv000371 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Viola Hoffman Hymes: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00157 |
Correspondence (1920-1961), minutes, reports, speeches, photographs, research files, and printed material relating to a Minneapolis woman's activities in educational, religious (Jewish), cultural, and community organizations. |