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Name/Abstract File no.
Peter J. Rachleff: An Inventory of His Papers Relating to the Hormel Strike 00056
Papers documenting the activities of local and national groups supporting a strike (1985-1987) of United Food and Commercial Workers Local P-9 against the Austin (Minn.) plant of George A. Hormel & Company.
Racing Commission: An Inventory of Its Applications to Construct Racetracks gr01084
Applications, with presentation materials, from organizations that proposed to construct, own, and operate a horse racing track in the Twin Cities area (1983-1984) and one in outstate Minnesota (1987).
Racing Commission: An Inventory of Its Records gr01449
Records documenting the activities and administration of the commission.
Fred W. Raetz: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection sv000021
Views were photographed in Minneapolis and various other locations in Minnesota and New York. Includes scenic views, residences, gardens, estates, outdoor recreation and portraits. Some of the residences were documented as part of the Rice Lake Acquisition by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Attorney General's Opinions ("K" Files) rrwc18
Opinions of the Minnesota Attorney General's office on all matters coming under the perview of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, often with associated correspondence.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Chief Engineer’s Case Files rrwc04
Files on matters relating to railroad safety and operations, such as train wrecks, dangerous crossings, deteriorating and inadequate bridges, and valuations.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Commission Correspondence ("F" Files) rrwc20
Correspondence documenting the activities of the commission.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence, General ("B" Files) gr01867
Set of numbered files.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Subject Files gr02980
Includes general correspondence, personnel correspondence, and miscellaneous subject files.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence of the Supervising Inspector of Country Elevators gr02981
Correspondence regarding grain elevator licenses, ownership, operation, and related matters.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Elevator and Warehouse Records gr02979
Files regarding the licensing, regulation, and operations of grain elevators and public storage warehouses.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Express Rates Registers gr00115
Registers of applications by express companies for changes in rates on various commodities transported by them.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Finance Docket Files gr00118
Finance docket case files of the Interstate Commerce Commission involving railroads doing business in Minnesota; they were seeking authority from the ICC to issue bonds to finance permanent improvements or additions to road mileage or equipment.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Informal Transportation Proceedings ("G" Files) rrwc21
These files appear to comprise requests that the Commission acted upon without conducting a formal hearing or other proceedings.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its [Investigations] (J Files) rrwc19
This unidentified set of files appears to contain administrative files and investigations by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of accidents, complaints, and problems that fell within its purview.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Livestock Dealers Proceedings gr02982
Hearing transcripts, legal documents, commission orders, and correspondence documenting complaints against livestock dealers and the commission's resolution of the complaints.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Rail Cost Files rrwc09
Railroad cost studies, track and station data.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Rail History Files rrwc07
These files pertain to contracts, depots, track abondonments, rail services and rates, and related matters.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Railroad Accident and Grade Warning Signal System Reports rrwc23
Interstate Commerce Commission accident investigation reports, railroad grade crossing accident register forms containing brief data on accidents at railroad crossings, and list of operational manually and automatically controlled highway railroad grade warning signal systems.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Railroad Records, Miscellaneous gr00354
Railroad Commissioner's record book, indexes to railroad stations, Railroad Commissioner's Map of Minnesota; analyses of construction history and gratuities received by original railroad construction entities; map showing coal and grain rates; list of incorporated railroads not built, 1853-1925, and return of gross earnings of railroads.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Railroad Tariff Records gr00116
Indexes (1905-1990) of railroad rates and tariffs submitted to the commission from railroad companies and published railroad rates and tariffs and miscellaneous tariffs (1904-1974) submitted by railroads, barge lines, and motor freight carriers.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr00117
Subject files documenting a wide variety of topics dealt with by the commission, including strikes, railroad accidents, telephone and freight rates, warehouses, rural electrification, street railways, track and bridge maintenance, orders, and legislation relating to grain, railroad, telephone, truck, and farm storage.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Transit Proceedings ("RRCC" Files) and Dockets gr00351
Rate case proceedings and dockets for common carriers operating in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, and St. Cloud.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company Files gr00353
Records concerning the consolidation of telephones and division of territory between the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Transit Proceedings ("VAL" Files) rrwc08
Original valuation and first rte cases for motor carrier and transit companies in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Valuation Records gr02878
Reports on land, engineering facilities, and general fiscal standing of Minnesota railroads and, to a lesser extent, telegraph companies, terminals, and other regulated enterprises.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: Grain Inspection Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr00091
Records documenting the activities of the grain inspection department, particularly its role in regulation of grain handling through weighing policies and practices, enforcement, and quality control.
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: Public Storage Warehouse Division: An Inventory of Its Records gr00092
Records documenting the activities of the public storage warehouse division, particularly relating to the division's functions, adoption of rules and regulations, inspections, and warehouse tariffs.
Railroad Bonds Commission: An Inventory of Its Records and Related Materials gr00072
Commission's minutes and final report, and bondholders' letters and depositions. Also claims files originating in the State Auditor's Office and a sample of the original $1000 bonds issued by the railroads.
Rainbow Club: An Inventory of Its Records 01554
Record books, 1945-1969Records describing the activities of a Twin Cities social club established in 1947 to foster friendship and understanding among individuals of different racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

Includes digital content.
Ramblin' 'Round: Autumn Days : An Inventory of the Album sv000448
Ramblin' 'round  : autumn days, 1912Views of men and women taking part in outdoor activities in the Lake Minnetonka area, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Includes views of hiking, picnics, and canoeing. Views are possibly of Dr. Robert Mowry Bell and his wife, Elizabeth Kennedy Bell, and friends.

Includes digital content.
Alexander Ramsey and Family: An Inventory of His Personal Papers and Governor’s Records m0203
Correspondence, diaries, real estate records, scrapbooks, school records and other materials documenting the career and family of Ramsey, a member of the U.S. House (1844-1847) and Senate (1863-1875); Minnesota territorial (1849-1853) and state (1860-1863) governor; mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota (1855-1857); secretary of war (1879-1881); and chairman of the Utah Registration and Election Board (1882-1886).
Alexander Ramsey and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 01528
Alexander RamseyCorrespondence, diaries, real estate records, scrapbooks, school records and other materials documenting the career and family of Minnesota Republican politician Alexander Ramsey, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1844-1847) and Senate (1863-1875); Minnesota territorial (1849-1853) and state (1860-1863) governor; mayor of Saint Paul (1855-1857); secretary of war (1879-1881); and chairman of the Utah Registration and Election Board (1882-1886). Includes papers of Ramsey's wife Anna, his daughter Marion Furness, and his granddaughters Laura and Anna Furness.
Ramsey County Bar Association: An Inventory of Its Records 00777
Scattered correspondence, minutes, miscellaneous organizational records, and memorials to deceased members created by a local chapter of the Minnesota State Bar Association.
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Records gr00108
Marriage record books, documenting marriages recorded in Ramsey County including the city of St. Paul.
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Photographs gr00121
Mostly proof sheets and associated negatives, though some photograph prints are included. Views highlight activities of Ramsey County including construction of the courthouse, jail, and nursing home; the County Fair, local sporting events; daily work; St. Paul Birthday celebration; Twins World Series Parade, flooding of the Mississippi River in 1997 and 2001; and other activities throughout the county.
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr00621
Budget documents, executive director reports and related publications, and print and near-print materials documenting the facilities and services provided by or proposed to be provided by the county, covering such diverse topics as corrections, economic development, land use, election canvassing, personnel, social services, county nursing home, mental health care, emergency planning, road repair and reconstruction, financial planning, courts, parks and recreational facilities, taxation, landfills and waste management, light rail transit, schools, housing and real estate, and information services.
Ramsey County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00108
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Ramsey County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Abstracts of Votes gr00394
Abstracts of votes for primary (September, 1902-2009/August, 2009-) and general (November) elections for national, state, and county officers for St. Paul and Ramsey County, and for primary (March) and general (April) elections for St. Paul city officers and city charter amendments. Also special primary elections and the April 2008 U.S. Senate recount results (Franken and Coleman).
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Committee Files gr02420
Largely minutes and agenda packets, but also includes correspondence, reports, and miscellany. Issues covered include community human services, adult detention and juvenile service centers, the Battle Creek project, community corrections, government study, office automation, policy and planning, public health and environment, public safety and justice, county wide 911 planning, and county health plan membership.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Correspondence gr02421
Office correspondence of commissioners Duane W. McCarty (1986), Don Salverda (1976-1989), Diane Ahrens (1984-1990), Ruby Hunt (1984-1989), Warren Schaber (1978-1989), and Hal Norgard (1981-1986). It mainly documents each office's relation with other county officers and the commissioner's constituency, including municipal officers, associations/organizations, and individuals; legislation; and speaking engagements. Several also include press releases and newspaper columns.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Files of Commissioner John T. Finley gr02422
Copies of board minutes and resolutions, miscellaneous correspondence and subject files, and committee files kept by commissioner John T. Finley.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Files of Commissioner Robert J. Orth gr02424
Agenda materials and subject files relating to the joint Ramsey and Washington County waste to energy power plant proposed for construction near Lake Elmo; and a few miscellaneous correspondence and subject files regarding assorted public policy matters of interest to the commissioner.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Hunt [Commissioner Ruby] Files gr02423
Correspondence (1968-1980), press releases and speeches (1972-1977), and subject files (1953-1992) kept by Commissioner Hunt. Topics covered include activities of a reorganization committee and the St. Paul City Charter Commission, abortion, and indigent guardianships and conservatorships.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes, Agenda Packets, and Resolutions gr00995
Formal record of board proceedings, including actions taken, communications received, resolutions passed, and expenditures authorized. The agenda packets may also include correspondence, warrants, reports, and other background materials.
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr00385
Agendas, minutes, requests for board action, reports, memos, correspondence, proposals, photographs, and related materials documenting such topics as human services, emergency medical services, Midway Stadium appraisals, the Old Federal Courts Building, pollution control, Rice Creek Watershed District, Woodview Detention Home, taxes, Long Lake-Rush Lake Regional Park, Aldrich Arena, Ancker Hospital, county government reorganization, microfilming, civil defense, Lake Owasso Children's Home, and Mississippi River Parkway Commission. The photographs include aerial views of the city (undated), various city buildings, particularly the St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Court House (undated), county commissioners (1889, 1951-1954), and the county public works maintenance department (2000).
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Wedell [Commissioner Dick] Files gr02377
Correspondence and subject files kept by Commissioner Dick Wedell. Topics covered include abortion, education, the Association of Minnesota Counties, health and welfare issues, community and economic development, crime and criminal facilities, health insurance, ice arenas, job training, Lake Owasso residence, libraries, mosquito control, parks, communication, transportation, Snail Lake Regional Park, the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, and waste management.
Ramsey County: Boys Totem Town: An Inventory of Its Records gr01933
Includes inmate records, photographs and photograph albums, scrapbooks, selected subject files, and published records and reports.
Ramsey County: Charter Commission: An Inventory of Its Records gr02425
Minutes (1987-1994); correspondence (1987-1994); charter drafts, (1988-1994), including drafts of the individual chapters and subject files (1970, 1986-1994).
Ramsey County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02949
Civil case files of the Ramsey County Court of Common Pleas, formed in 1867 because the Ramsey County District Court was overloaded with cases and the Minnesota Constitution did not allow for the appointment of a second judge. The jurisdiction of the two courts was identical.
Ramsey County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Records gr02950
Index of Case File Nos. 1-123Criminal case files of the Ramsey County Court of Common Pleas, formed in 1867 because the Ramsey County District Court was overloaded with cases and the Minnesota Constitution did not allow for the appointment of a second judge. The jurisdiction of the two courts was identical.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr02951
Two series of judgment books of the court of common pleas. The relationship between them has not been determined, but one series (1867-1876, 5 volumes) appears to focus on monetary judgments, while the other (1870-1876, 1 volume) pertains largely to real and personal property and divorce cases.
Ramsey County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records gr02952
Final papers, volume 1, covering naturalizations for September 1868 to January 1876, with three stray entries for April 1890. The final (second) papers for each individual include the applicant's name and oath of allegiance; affidavits of witnesses regarding residence; the place and (sometimes) date of the declaration of intention; and the court order approving the application for citizenship.
Ramsey County: Common Pleas Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions gr02953
Civil actions registers of the Common Pleas Court of Ramsey County.
Ramsey County: Community Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Martin (Monty) Subject Files gr00852
Martin served as Ramsey County Community Human Services Department [CHS] chair from 2002 to 2014. He also worked for the state's Department of Human Services [DHS] in 1998 focusing on welfare reform and implementation of the Minnesota Family Investment Program [MFIP]. The records document his duties and activities at both CHS and DHS, including work on children's services, employment, emergency homeless shelter, housing, budget, and welfare reform.
Ramsey County: Coroner: An Inventory of Its Records gr02412
Inquest record (1878-1884), coroner's record of autopsies (1901-1908), autopsy reports (1905-1911, October 1912-1916) and miscellaneous documents (1901-1920), index book (1910-1962) and cards (1916) to coroner's record books, coroner's record books (1920-1955), and photograph album of unclaimed and/or unidentified bodies and train and automobile accident scenes (approximately 1914-1930s). The additional autopsy documents may include coroner's bills and lists of supplies, mileage fees, receipts, photographs, legal documents and testimony, and correspondence.
Ramsey County: Criminal Justice Planning Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr02416
Minutes and agenda packets, subject files, and reports and publications of the Ramsey County Criminal Justice Planning Department.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Certificates and Indexes gr02954
Certificates of business name filed with the Ramsey County district court, and the indexes to the certificates. Certificates were required of firms doing business under names other than the owners' names.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case File Exhibits gr00381
These materials were originally filed with the court as exhibits to case files. The case files were microfilmed by the county and the exhibits removed following filming. Mainly black and white photographs of the St. Paul area, they depict street scenes, buildings, business vehicles, docks, the steamboat S. S. Samson, railway stops and crossings, railroad tracks and cars, interiors and exteriors of various downtown businesses, 1965 Mississippi River flooding, and results of a 1904 cyclone. There is also a 1901 map of St. Paul, a 1900 scale drawing of the Como-Harriet Electric Railway line along the south side of Como Park, and the abstract for the former Miller Hospital site (currently the Minnesota History Center site).
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02956
File Nos. 1-78050.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files (Territorial) gr02955
File Nos. 15-2969.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records Books gr02957
Records and registers of coroner's inquests, giving identifying data and information on the circumstance and nature of the death of each body examined by the county coroner.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr00184
Criminal case files numbers 1-13475.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr02428
File nos. 13476-18047. An itemized file list for rolls 1-21 is in the accession file.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Registers of Actions and Indexes gr02958
Information provided may include docket number, title of case (i.e., name of the accused), nature of the criminal accusation, date prosecuted and/or tried, what court, disposition of the case, nature and extent of punishment, costs and fines, and remarks (usually whether the fine was paid or jail sentence served).
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books gr02959
Default judgment books of the Ramsey County District Court.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Fitzpatrick (Judge Kenneth) Files gr01629
Files of Judge Kenneth Fitzpatrick regarding the landmark tobacco court case he presided over, Minnesota and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota v Phillip Morris, Inc., et al, which lead to a $6.6 billion settlement in 1998. Includes instructions to the jury, reference copies to court documents, tobacco comics and other documents, press articles, tobacco case news clippings, trial articles in Mayo publications, and personal correspondence. The records are personal files of the judge and not official court records.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records gr02680
Indictment records of the Ramsey County District Court.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Civil Actions gr02948
Two sets of personal and corporate name indexes to Ramsey County District Court civil case files: Set A (1849-1908) and Set B (1849-1898).
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judge Hanft's Charges to Juries gr02960
Copies of charges to juries by Judge Hugo O. Hanft in civil and criminal cases noting specifically instructions to jurors on what factors to consider in deciding their verdicts. These charges may or may not be in the pertinent case files, which, if extant, are in the custody of the Ramsey County District Court (for civil files) and either in the Ramsey County District Court (for criminal files after 1936) or in the Minnesota State Archives (for criminal files dating through 1936).
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr02961
Judgment books of the Ramsey County District Court.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr02962
Judgment dockets of the Ramsey County District Court.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Record : Decrees of Court gr02963
These contain entries similar to district court judgment books, but relating mainly to judgments affecting real property, including divorce settlements.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Klas (Judge Mary Louise) Files gr00016
Files of Klas, first woman appointed to the Ramsey County District Court Bench, particularly documenting her strong advocacy for women and children.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index gr02964
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Ordination Credentials gr02965
Letters and certificates of ordination for clergymen of various denominations. Each certificate notes when, where, and by whom (an individual, body, or denomination) a candidate for the ministry was ordained. Occasionally, the record will cite the ordinand's training.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions gr02966
Registers of actions covering civil case files 1-76,437.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr02967
Registers of physicians, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage licenses, and basic sciences certificates.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Special Term Minute Books gr02969
Special term minute books arranged by judge. Includes judges Gustavus Loevinger, Ronald E. Hachey, Clayton Parks, Albin S. Pearson, Carlton McNally, John W. Graff, Arthur A. Stewart, and Leonard J. Keyes.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Territorial Civil Registers gr02970
These contain more complete entries than normally found in registers, and are more akin to entries in docket books.
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Territorial Minutes gr02971
A record of documents filed and actions taken with regard to each case brought before each day's session of the court, as well as such administrative actions as appointment of juries.
Ramsey County: Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01522
Subject files and meeting minutes documenting the administration of this agency and it's committees.
Ramsey County: Independent School District No. 621, Mounds View: An Inventory of Its District Records gr00730
Records of Mounds View Public Schools (Independent School District No. 621) and its predecessors, Ramsey County School District No. 4 and Ramsey County Independent School District No. 38.
Ramsey County: Independent School District No. 623, Roseville: An Inventory of Its Records gr02074
Meeting minutes (1949-2009) and appraisal reports (1959-1964) concerning property, photographs, maps and diagrams, and information about the use and value of the properties. Also includes reports from the Brimhall School property (1964), school district property at the intersection of County Road C and Rice Street (1961), and University of Minnesota property (1959), including the Gibbs School, at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Cleveland Avenue.
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission Records gr02417
Minutes, correspondence, and financial and legal documents kept by this commission appointed to oversee construction of a new joint Ramsey County court house and St. Paul city hall building.
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Court House Construction Records gr02418
Ledgers and journal (1884-1889) recording construction costs for the court house/city hall building and other expenses of the court house and city hall special commissioners; correspondence of David Day, superintendent of furniture and grounds (1888-1889), regarding various aspects of the finishing work on the building, such as furniture purchases, wiring, installation of the tower clock, and grading of the grounds; floor plan, elevation, and sectional drawings (circa 1884); correspondence and contracts regarding lighting, heating, and repairs (1897, 1930-1938); a file of the Ramsey County Court House and City Hall Special Commission (1864-1937), relating largely to courthouse land acquisition and construction; and reports and records documenting a 1985-1993 renovation project done by the Wold Association.
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr02419
Minutes for 1882 - [approximately February 1889] document the construction of the county court house/city hall building, including advertising for and receiving bids, issuance of construction bonds, receipt and approval of estimates for construction costs, the progress of building construction, finishing and furnishing the building, and related matters. They include newspaper articles and advertisements, and copies of some relevant resolutions and contracts.
Ramsey County: Lake Owasso Children's Home: An Inventory of Its Records gr00009
Records of this facility whose main objective from 1919-1953 (during which it was known as the Children's Preventorium of Ramsey County) was to provide a healthy environment for children removed from homes with tuberculosis in hopes of preventing them contracting the disease; after 1953 it has served as a facility for mentally handicapped children and young adults.
Ramsey County: Mounds View (Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records gr00090
Council meeting minutes May-July 1958Minutes of regular and special City Council meetings, City Council resolutions, Planning Commission resolutions, and ordinances.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Mounds View: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Docket Sheets gr02192
Two chronological series (1952-1973 and 1962-1974). Apparently the city appointed two justices to preside from 1962 to 1974.
Ramsey County: Mounds View Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02193
Abstract of real estate assessment roll (1868, 1870, 1 volume); chattel mortgage record (1878-1899, 1 volume); estray record book (1866-1909, 1 volume); register of dog licenses (1882, 1 volume); return of taxable personal property (1873, 1 volume); supervisor's records (1858-1937, 9 volumes); and treasurer's books (1863-1893, 1927-1933, 4 volumes).
Ramsey County: North Saint Paul: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets gr02568
Civil and criminal docket books kept by various justices of the peace in the village (city as of 1951) of North St. Paul, including a coterminous portion of New Canada Township for the years 1946-1957. The majority of the dockets were kept by justices A. T. Shockey, Myron M. Wildasin, A. E. Michael, Albert Karnuth, Norbert E. Schmit, Robert Greising, and Lawrence R. Olson.
Ramsey County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Case Files gr01585
Two sets of indexes, one to probate estate files and one to ward and insanity case files.
Ramsey County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Minute Books gr00437
Detailed notes on documents filed and actions taken with regard to each case brought before each day's session of the court.
Ramsey County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Record Books gr02972
One volume containing a detailed record of documents filed with and actions taken by the probate court in each case (1849-1855); and two volumes of letters of administration, letters testamentary, and letters of guardianship (1856-1871).
Ramsey County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr00436
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Ramsey County: Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority: An Inventory of Its Records gr00996
Minutes and agenda packets, June-July 1987 Minutes, agendas, resolutions, and background materials documenting the activities of this oversight authority for rail transit services. Also includes materials related to the Union Depot grand re-opening and funding.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Register of Deeds: An Inventory of Its Deed Record Books gr01464
Handwritten transcripts of deeds to real estate in Ramsey County.
Ramsey County: Register of Deeds: An Inventory of Its Records gr00533
Park plat book, 1887-1895Various records kept by the register of deeds, including records of bonds for deeds, abstracts, deeds to St. Paul additions, grantees and grantors, mortgages, powers of attorney, county officials' appointments and elections, and Protestant and Catholic churches.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Rose Township: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01355
Justice of the peace docket, 1869-1895Justice of the peace docket (1869-1893); poll tax list, prepared by town clerk Heman R. Gibbs (1880); reports of citizens' committees studying whether the township should incorporate as a village or join the city of St. Paul (1946, 1949); and audit reports following the detachments of Roseville and Lauderdale (1948, 1949).

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Roseville: An Inventory of Its Records gr00747
Records documenting the activities of the city administration and the municipal court.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Charters and Ordinances (Printed) gr02731
Published copies of the city charter, charter amendments, several reports on or proposals for charter amendments, and compilations of city ordinances or the municipal code. Incomplete.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Contracts, Leases, and Agreements gr02733
Correspondence, construction drawings, and contracts and other legal documents regarding city improvement projects, primarily street, sidewalk and sewer construction and improvements, but also including bridges, fire fighting equipment and facilities, printing, retaining walls, fencing, and improvements to city buildings.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01725
Includes a record of aid given to soldiers' families (1860s); letters, receipts, accounting records, and other materials received by the U.S. Post Office Department from (or relating to) the St. Paul post office (1848-1872); materials concerning the extension of the St. Paul city limits to include Merriam Park in 1885; insurance policies covering the "St. Paul Bridge" (1867), the "Mississippi Street Bridge" (1872), a house on Wacouta owned by the city (1872), and the home of Mary O'Connor on Thirteenth Street (1872); and certificates of membership in the St. Paul Fire Department.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Published Records gr02732
Published records of the city of St. Paul in general, comprising a variety of miscellaneous reports, plans, and handbooks.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: An Inventory of The Published Records and Reports of City Offices and Agencies. gr00748
Annual, financial, planning, and miscellaneous reports and other issuances of various city offices, agencies, committees, and task forces.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Agenda Packets gr00020
Packets include minutes, resolutions, financial data, and background reports and communications documenting the board's administration and activities.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Board of Education: An Inventory of It's Records gr02685
Includes record of real estate abstracts (1850s-1880s), St. Paul school survey: Summary of conclusions and recommendations pamphlet (undated), and school building data (1950s-1960s).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Attorney: An Inventory of Its Civil Action Registers gr00383
Registers of civil cases filed with the city attorney. Each entry may include the names of parties and attorneys, court file number, and case summary. There is also an office docket for December 1935-September 1942.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Clerk: An Inventory of Its City Clerk's Files gr02734
Documents submitted to the city clerk for review at city council meetings. They consist of a main set of numbered documents (SAM 371, 151 reels), supplemented by maps and perhaps other oversize documents, filmed separately and numbered to correlate with the files to which they pertain (SAM 373, 3 reels).
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Files of Council Member Kiki Sonnen gr01724
Correspondence (June 1985, Nov. 1986-Dec. 1989), correspondence and subject files documenting a controversial proposal for a heliport site in St. Paul's Midway area (1988-1989), and subject files (1980-1989). The latter cover such topics as the regulation of adult entertainment, particularly semi-nude and nude dancing and prostitution; cable television franchises; city council reorganization; the District Heating Development Company; and energy.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Files of Council Member William Wilson gr02782
Press releases (1982-1992) and affirmative action files (1971-1991) of city council member and president William Wilson. The affirmative action materials include general correspondence files (1981-1988), ordinances/resolutions, particularly involving civil service (1980-1985), news clippings (1981-1988), and materials from Wilson's service on the council's Finance, Management and Personnel Committee (1980-1990). There is also a substantial set of material documenting his service on the city's Firefighter Affirmative Action Advisory Committee (1971-1991), including correspondence, reports, minutes, and sample firefighter examinations.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Common Council Proceedings and Journals gr02781
Indexes to Common Council proceedings (journals) and to various documents recorded or cited therein. They consist of indexes to the printed Council proceedings (1854-1858; 1897-1903); to Assembly and Board of Alderman journals (1891-1897); to communications, Assembly files, and Board of Alderman files (1897-1914); to streets and avenues (1903-1916); and to Council hearings (1915-1916).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Journals (Minutes) gr02783
Journals (some labeled "minutes" or "proceedings") of the City Council and of its predecessors, the Common Council (1854-1891) and the two branches of the Common Council that existed during 1891-1914, the Assembly and the Board of Aldermen. The journals include a record of council proceedings, ordinances, resolutions, and orders.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Ordinances gr02784
Handwritten and typescript copies of Common Council ordinances numbers 209-3222 (1880-1914), proposed ordinances (1854-1888), and revised ordinances (1858-1880).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Proceedings gr02780
Formal proceedings (printed and bound) of the St. Paul City Council and its predecessor, the St. Paul Common Council, including ordinances, resolutions, and orders. Missing 1984. A few volumes are in poor condition.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Council: An Inventory of Its Resolutions gr02785
Handwritten and typescript copies of resolutions passed by the common Council. Resolutions for April 1875-April 1879 are missing.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Maps and Drawings gr00034
City zoning maps (1922, with amendments through 1975); drawings by architect C. H. Johnston of the Minnesota State Centre and War Memorial and the Veterans Memorial Building (undated); Cass Gilbert plan adapted to Capital grounds only (undated); a drawing of the St. Paul city business district, showing location of buildings (with notes on age and height), parking lots, and open spaces (1947); land value maps of the downtown business district for every ten years from 1874 to 1934 (1952); a school property book (1958); school property plats (1965); and maps and drawings of city street layout and proposed freeway construction (1958-1972).
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Common Council: An Inventory of Its Subject Files SPaul017
Reports, correspondence, and other documents generated by or submitted to the St. Paul Common Council (city council).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Comptroller: An Inventory of It's Miscellaneous Records gr02684
Registers of miscellaneous documents and records of the Ramsey County St. Paul Comptroller's Office.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Housing and Redevelopment Authority An Inventory of Its Project Photographs gr00387
City Service/Hertz/Commerce Building/Minneapolis Federal/Ballard Garage, 1964Photographs of residential and commercial buildings in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Housing and Redevelopment Authority An Inventory of Its Redevelopment Project Files gr00386
Correspondence regarding housing and relocation, July 1968-September 1969Correspondence, reports, maps and site plans, photographs, legal documents, public hearing materials, and appraisal records documenting the redevelopment activities of the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) during the 1950s and 1960s.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets and Indexes gr02243
Justices Delaney (1936-1945); Mallory (1945-1946); Ferguson (1946-1964); McGrath (1937-1950); Meis (1944-1945); Kelly (1923-1928); Doyle (1927-1934); and Dudley (1934-1936). Also includes Bollan; McMartin; McArthur; E. Johnson; J. Smith; Latta; Stoven; Niles; Weaver; H. Smith; and Nash.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: An Inventory of Its Records gr02113
Subject files (undated and 1971-2007); policies (undated, 1977-1995); and files regarding sister cities (1976-2004).
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Police gr01525
Includes applications for police force, complaints against police, applications for promotion and special appointment, correspondence and reports.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: Coleman: An Inventory of Its Files of Mayor Christopher B. Coleman gr01802
Files documenting Chris Coleman's tenure as mayor of St. Paul. Arranged first by year, then alphabetically by topic. The collection is largely made up of outgoing correspondence but also may include constituent correspondence, press releases, proclamations, and other related records.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: Coleman: An Inventory of Its Files of Mayor Norm Coleman gr02112
Files documenting Norm Coleman's tenure as mayor of St. Paul. They include subject files (1994-2001); speeches, including his State of the City addresses (1993-1996); awards presented to the mayor (1994-2001); correspondence (1993); news releases (1994-1998); and related records.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: Kelly: An Inventory of Its Files of Mayor Randy Kelly gr02111
Files documenting Randy Kelly's tenure as mayor of St. Paul. They include correspondence (2002-2005) and subject (2001-2005) files.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Dockets gr00382
Record of court proceedings for criminal cases in the city. The volumes for the city cases predate the topical sets and may contain cases covering those crimes.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Housing and Redevelopment Authority: An Inventory of Its Robert L. Shoffner Files hra001
Subject files, publications,and reports on equivalent elimination (destruction of dwellings, 1950s) kept by Robert L. Shoffner, Assistant to the Civil Engineer.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Park Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr00518
Minutes (1887-1896, 1901-1914) and index (1887-1914), index to City Council proceedings regarding the Park Board (circa 1890-circa 1943), journal (1892-1902), ledger (1897-1901), and Como Park band programs (1922-1926, 1931).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Planning Commission: An Inventory of Its Meeting Files gr00749
Meeting files of the St. Paul Planning Commission (September 1973-1989), and its predecessor, the St. Paul Planning Board (1951-1954, 1962-August 1973), advisory bodies to the mayor and city council on matters pertaining to municipal planning. Also includes Saint Paul Board of Zoning meeting files (1951-1954).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Identification Photograph Cards gr01563
St. Paul Police identification cardsMug shots and Bertillon cards kept by the St. Paul Police Department documenting the identification and incarceration of criminals thought to be in the City of St. Paul and surrounding areas from 1891-1913. Each card is identified by a file number.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Port Authority: An Inventory of Its Records gr01125
Planning for Progress quarterly, June 1976Annual reports (1964-1994, incomplete); minutes (1964-1983, incomplete); financial statements (1969-1986) and budget materials (1976-1981); board minutes, meeting files, and agendas (1932-2017); committee minutes and agendas (1989-2012); resolutions (1963-2017); photographs (undated, 1970-1976); project files concerning Riverview Industrial Park (1893, 1961-1962); legal opinions (1947-1991); and published materials (1938-2005) documenting the work of this city agency that acts as a public economic development corporation for the city of St. Paul and the East Metro area.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul Public Library: An Inventory of Its Records gr01444
Saint Paul Public LibraryRecords (undated, 1865-2012) including annual report files, compiled printed materials, library headlines scripts, directors' correspondence, council and board meeting minutes, property files, subject files, published records and reports, scrapbooks, photographs, and files concerning the branch libraries and the bookmobile. Also includes records concerning the children's room (Skinner Room) and youth services; files of the Youth Services Division Head, Della McGregor; and files of Library Directors Jennie Jennings, Perrie Jones, Webster Wheelock, and others.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Public Works Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Drawings, Blueprints, and Plans gr01188
Paper, linen, and blueprint drawings of all aspects of bridge construction and reconstruction, including proposals, cross sections, piers, masonry, elevations, abutments, spans, trusses, electrical, girders, railings, retaining walls, and bents. The materials document many of St. Paul's bridges, with particularly large runs for the Fort Snelling, Lafayette, Minnehaha Street, Sixth Street, and Wabasha Street bridges.
Ramsey County. St. Paul. Public Works Department: An Inventory of Its Public Records and Reports spaul042pub
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the St. Paul Public Works Department.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Central High School: An Inventory of Its Central High School Records gr00134
Onward Central: The First 150 Years of St. Paul Central High SchoolRecords including historical data; programs, invitations, and handbooks; pupil lists; class of 1928 records; subject files; scrapbooks; and photographs, documenting a wide variety of school activities and events. Also includes correspondence and newspaper clippings about former pupil Amelia Earhart.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Galtier School: An Inventory of Its School Records gr00712
Records documenting the administration and students of this St. Paul elementary school.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Grant Elementary School: An Inventory of Its Records gr00530
History (1962), class and staff photographs (1961-1962, 1964-1968), photographs of the building exterior (undated) and of pupil hearing testing (1963), East Consolidated Elementary School background booklet (1973), photographs (1955-1963, 1990), and scrapbooks (1961-1963). The latter include Parent-Teacher Association materials.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Harding High School: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Files gr00714
Handwritten notes of the Gopher Historians history club, detailing clubs, sports teams, and other student activities (1932-1947); various programs (1929-1976, 1991-1992), including those from the 1963 dedication and various student activities; clippings, mainly sports related (circa 1940-1994); class reunion booklets (1959-1972, scattered); photographs (1952-1990); television script for state hockey tournament participant promotion (1973); and photos and memorabilia relating to longtime teacher Mary Hanley (1954-1974).
Ramsey County. St. Paul. School Records. Homecroft Elementary School: An Inventory of Its Records gr00024
Records documenting the history, administration, and activities of Homecroft Elementary School, established sometime prior to 1914.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Bulletins and Newsletters gr00713
Bulletins and newsletters relating to various aspects of the district's administration. Includes the School Bulletin (Official Bulletin) of the Department of Education (1917-1932), School Bulletin (1947-1961), and Trends in Saint Paul Public Schools (1961-1967).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Censuses gr00565
Annual district-wide censuses, by pupil name, of school-age children in the portions of St. Paul and environs served by the St. Paul Public Schools, presumably compiled from the original censuses taken for each individual school.
Ramsey County. St. Paul. School Records. Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr00019
Records documenting the history, administration, and activities of this school district.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous School Materials gr00531
Photographs, histories, dedication programs, design development proposals, correspondence, reports, newsletters, handbooks, scrapbooks, and other assorted materials documenting over 100 St. Paul elementary, junior high, high, and special schools.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr00018
Reports and project proposals, facilities reports, curriculum, staff publications, and miscellaneous publications relating to the administration of the district.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Longfellow School: An Inventory of Its School Records gr00786
Records documenting the history and administration of this St. Paul elementary school.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Mattocks School: An Inventory of Its Records gr00536
Class photographRecords documenting mainly the activities of the new Mattocks School, but with historical information and photographs relating to the old Mattocks School. Included are newsletters (1963-1973), subject files (1949-1978), and Parent-Teacher Association [PTA] records (1936-1978).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Monroe High School: An Inventory of Its Records gr01932
Graduate lists (1942-1977); various student activity programs (1940-1983), including commencements, proms, and reunions; student handbooks (1967-1970s); event tickets (1949-1975); newspaper clippings (photocopies, 1936-1940); Monroe Community School graduation invitations (1984, 1987) and Monroe Band Parents minutes (1957-1965); photographs of the school building (undated); and photographs (1940s-1972) of various extra-curricular student activities, home economics classes, a nursery school staffed by Monroe students, and a dedication of the school's peace playground.
Ramsey County. St. Paul. School Records. North End Elementary School: An Inventory of Its PTA Records gr00023
Records documenting the parent and teacher association of this elementary school known first as the Geranium Street School and/or Robert A. Smith Elementary School, and after a 1971 merger with the Rice Elementary School, as the North End Elementary School.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Saturn School: An Inventory of Its Records gr01082
Newspaper and magazine articles (1987-1993), photographs and slides (circa 1990-1993), and subject files (1988-1995). The bulk of the media coverage in this collection documents a visit by President George H. W. Bush in May 1991.
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Webster Magnet School: An Inventory of Its School Records gr00715
Handbook (1975/1976), homeroom directories (1977-1985), newsletters (1965, 1979), three reports on the school's alternative aspect (1975, 1980s), desegregation plan (1974), policies and procedures (1978), and photographs and slides of student activities and the building's exteriors and classrooms (circa 1900-1994).
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Sinking Fund Committee: An Inventory of Its Records gr00788
Records of bonds and certificates of indebtedness issued and redeemed by the city Commissioners of Interest and Sinking Fund, for city improvements (1865-1883); and minutes of the Sinking Fund Committee (1900-1970) focusing on the issuance of bonds and the purchase and sale of securities for the general and water department sinking funds; and minutes of the Sinking Fund Investment Committee (1916-1943), which appears to have been the Sinking Fund Committee in its capacity as manager of the Participating Certificate Fund/Bureau/Division, commonly known as the "City Bank."
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Water Department An Inventory of Its Drawings and Plans gr00430
Architectural drawings, layouts, and maps for water treatment and pumping facilities, water tanks, other waterworks buildings, and segments of the water supply and distribution systems.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Workhouse: An Inventory of Its Record of Claims and Accounts gr02505
Monthly recapitulations of expenditures, giving payees, amount of each payment (total and classified by type of expense), warrant number, and itemization or other details on the nature of the expenditure. Includes monthly payroll for workhouse employees.
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Workhouse: An Inventory of Its Records gr02504
Includes prisoner registers, physician's record, punishment records, workhouse farm annual reports and record book, ledgers, cashbooks, and broom factory accounting records.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey County Mental Health Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets gr00384
Minutes and agenda packets of the full board (1962-1975) and committees on mental retardation (1970-1975) and board and care homes (1970-1973).
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr02019
Polio quarantine notice, 1953Records documenting the administration and activities of the St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department. Includes scrapbooks, subject files of Medical Director Dr. Neal R. Holtan, and photographs. Also included are published records and reports of the department's predecessors the St. Paul Community Services Department, Public Health Division, and the St. Paul Public Safety Department, Health Bureau.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center: An Inventory of Its Hospital and Medical Center Records gr00017
Journal and ledger, January 1, 1897 - December 31, 1901 Records documenting the administration and activities of the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, and its predecessors, the City and County Hospital, Anker Hospital, and St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Register, Outcall Department gr02087
Patient register, Outcall Department, 1917Register maintained by the Outcall Department of house calls made by staff doctors.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers for Surgical Operations gr02413
Patient registers of Ancker Hospital, also named the City and County Hospital, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital, and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers [General?] gr02415
Patient registers of Ancker Hospital, also named the City and County Hospital, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital, and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center. There are no records for 1892-1895.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Statistical Record of Contagious Diseases gr02088
Statistical record of contagious diseases, 1922-1926Records of data maintained by the Contagious Disease Department (North Department) on the numbers of cases and patients treated, the various contagious diseases of the patients admitted, and the results of care and treatment at the hospital.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers of the Contagious Department gr02414
Patient registers of the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center and it's predecessors the Ancker Hospital, City and County Hospital, and St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital.
Ramsey County: Sheriff: An Inventory of the Jail Construction Records gr02426
Correspondence, contracts, specifications, blueprints, and extracts from minutes of the board of county commissioners regarding site acquisition, construction, upkeep, and remodeling of the former Ramsey County jail in St. Paul.
Ramsey County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers gr02427
Jail registers of the Ramsey County Sheriff.
Ramsey County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Reorganization Records gr01461
Ramsey County School Survey Committee reports (1948) and amendments (1950-1952), a compilation of school district reorganization election notices and minutes (1948-1952), and a photograph of the School Survey Committee (1952).
Ramsey County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr01512
Information on board activities and decisions, statistics on casework, actions on individual welfare recipients, and financial data.
Ramsey County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr00857
Video iconScrapbooks (1929-1968); burial certificate stubs (1940-1966); Ramsey County Alms House inmate registers (1913-1944; with some admission information back to 1883) and burial records (1895-1923); and Ramsey County Home/Nursing Home records (1920s-2008).

Includes digital content.
Ramsey County Historical Society: Inventory Forms for Historic Sites Survey of St. Paul and Ramsey County m0464
Survey forms completed for the Historic Sites Survey of St. Paul and Ramsey County (Minnesota) conducted in 1980-1983 by the Ramsey County Historical Society and the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Information on the forms may include street address, historic and current name, original and present use, period of construction, style, architectural and construction details, architect, builder, legal description, other historic designations, a statement of significance, and sources of information. Each form has a small photograph of the property.
David Ramsey: An Inventory of His Dakota War Letter 00710
Letter to cousin Samuel, April 4, 1863Private David Ramsey (Company B, Sixth Minnesota Infantry Regiment) writes to his cousin Samuel while stationed at Forest City, Meeker County, Minnesota. Company B was building a stockade as part of the ongoing U.S.-Dakota War, which began in August 1862. Ramsey speaks of his brother and fellow soldier Andrew, the lonesome prairie life, and the Union's cause.

Includes digital content.
Ramsey Hill Association: An Inventory of Its Records 00385
Articles of incorporation (1972), bylaws (1986, 1996), and minutes of the executive committee, board, and annual meetings (1979-2000, incomplete) of a neighborhood association founded in 1972 to promote area arts, education, recreational and economic development, and beautification of a residential-commercial area in the city of St. Paul roughly bounded west and east by Dale Street and Kellogg Boulevard, and north and south by Selby and Grand avenues. Also interfiled with the records are articles of incorporation (1980), bylaws (1981), and minutes (1981 and 1986) of a similar organization, the Historic District Preservation Fund, which merged with the association in 1986.
Jim Ramstad: An Inventory of His Papers 00190
Biographical information (1981-1995), legislative subject files (1980-1990), and legislative bill files (1980-1990) documenting the Minnesota State Senate career of an Independent-Republican who represented Hennepin County's District 43 (later 45) from 1980 through 1990. In 1990 he was elected Minnesota's third district congressman.
Jeri Rasmussen: An Inventory of Her Papers 01169
Papers of an abortion rights and Minnesota Democratic party activist who in the 1990s was executive director of the Midwest Health Center for Women, a Minneapolis clinic where abortions were performed.
Ray Family: An Inventory of Its Papers 00899
Genealogical materials relating to the Ray, Brewster, Eldredge, and Potter families; papers of Philip Lacey Ray, including biographical materials, correspondence, portraits, and family photographs.
Evelyn Raymond: An Inventory of Her Papers P2631
Video iconBiographical information, correspondence, exhibition catalogs, photographs, sketches, writings, studio and class information, newspaper and magazine articles, videotapes, and other memorabilia of Minnesota sculptor Evelyn Raymond.

Includes digital content.
John F. Raynolds, III: An Inventory of His Family Papers 01207
John F. Raynolds IIIFamily papers of John F. Raynolds III, his father John F. Raynolds (1887-1941), and grandfather John F. Raynolds (1817-1911). Materials include photographs, correspondence, awards and certificates, a Massachusetts land grant (1797), materials relating to Raynolds' grandfather's service in the United States Army on the northern plains (1881), in memoriam booklets, and genealogical materials containing information about the related Blunt, Mullett, Bennett, Voss, and Adams families.
James Boyd Reay: An Inventory of His Papers 01336
Journal, June 7, 1969-January 1970Includes letters, postcards, and journal entries (1969-1970) written by Jim Reay while serving in Vietnam, which detail his active duty experiences in Củ Chi and Cam Ranh Bay. Also includes reminiscences and biographical data (approximately 1995-2002), ephemera (1969-1970), a certificate of release from active duty (August 15, 1970), and Reay's biography (2019).

Includes digital content.
Red Lake County: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00041
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Red Lake County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files gr00322
Civil and criminal case files; the civil records include an index, by plaintiff and defendant (1897-1975), case file numbers 1-4729 (1897-1951), and select transcripts and related documents (1906-1949). The criminal records include case file numbers 3-553 (1897-1978) and select transcripts and related documents (1932-1957).
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions gr00680
Registers of actions for civil (1897-1983) and criminal (1897-1983) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records gr00324
Coroner's inquest records, 1897-1978, 1985, and autopsy reports, 1978-1895.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr00327
Each entry notes judgment debtor(s), judgment creditor(s), court (justice or district), date of judgment, date of docketing, amounts of damages and costs, register number, attorney for the creditor, and sometimes information on the satisfaction (settlement) of the judgment. Also includes justice court records for 1890-1896.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records gr02222
Judgment records for Red Lake County District Court.
Red Lake County. District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records SAM187
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Oaths and Bonds Registers gr00329
Register for local officials.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr00328
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent; may include names of owners, description of the property; year or years for which taxes are delinquent; total tax and penalty; costs; and total amount of judgment.
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Torrens Register and Transcripts gr00681
Register and transcripts for case numbers 1-5; all dealing with land title cases.
Red Lake County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Juvenile Court Record Books gr00325
Records relating to juveniles; includes petitions for county aid for mothers of dependent children, findings and orders for county allowance, and warrants of commitment to the state school for juveniles at Owatonna.
Red Lake County: Lambert Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01607
Clerk's books, treasurer's books, birth and death records, poll lists and election registers, a road record book, federal census worksheets (1909-1910), and miscellany.
Red Lake County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Records gr00323
Records of the activities of the probate court, including final decrees of distribution, order books, wills, and insanity records.
Red Lake County: Probate Court: Municipal Court Division: An Inventory of Its Traffic and Criminal Action Registry and Judgment Books gr00326
Kept by the probate court prior to the formal establishment of a County Court. Gives case title and number, charge, date the complaint was filed, and memorandum of action (defendant's plea and the court's fine or sentence, occasionally with additional case information).
Red Lake County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Censuses gr02330
Largely annual census reports arranged numerically by district, but each district's files may also contain teachers' reports of non-attendance, pupils excused from attendance, correspondence regarding change in pupil status, annual report of superintendent or principal, statement of cost of school building, report of clerk to principal teacher, census of handicapped children, teachers program report, and classification of pupils report.
Red River Floods of 1997 Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Interviews OH57
Interviews document the 1997 flood and its effects on the people living in the Minnesota communities along the Red River of the North. The narrators includes government officials, private citizens, homeowners, business owners, weather forecasters, insurance personnel and psychologists. They discuss their individual experiences during the events of April 1997, including the flooding, the recovery efforts since the waters receded, and the issues that have been raised in planning for confronting future flooding in the Valley.
Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California: An Inventory of the Album sv000406
Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California, approximately 1910Views of logging operations of the Red River Lumber Company, owned by T.B. Walker.

Includes digital content.
Red School House (St. Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of its Records 00878
School board minutes, personal correspondence, notes on lawsuits, newspaper articles, school handbooks, financial reports, tax reports, and other files accumulated by Peter Dodge during his years as director of a Native American Survival School in St. Paul, an alternative preK-12 school established in 1972 that integrated Indian culture and history with modern day concepts for survival.
Red Wing Potteries: An Inventory of Its Records P0629
Minutes and stock records, correspondence, product records, facility plans, clippings, and printed matter, trace the company's evolution from the formation (1894) of the Red Wing Union Stoneware Company into the 1940s, with a few items relating to its subsequent history and its liquidation in 1967 following a crippling strike. Substantial files (1920s-1940s) of correspondence and land and tax records document the purchase, management, rental, and sale of its farm landholdings in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Montana.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Admission and Discharge Records gr03094
Daily records of admissions and discharges from the school.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports gr03095
Annual and biennial reports submitted to the governor, the legislature, and the director of the Public Institutions Division of the Social Security Department regarding school conditions and needs of the institution.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Chaplain’s Files gr03096
Files of full-time Catholic and Protestant chaplains for the school.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Correspondence gr03097
Correspondence covering all aspects of the Training School's administration.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Farm Records gr03098
Records documenting the institution's farm, which began operation in 1891 and closed in the mid-1960s.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Financial Records gr03099
General ledger and corresponding journal, cash book, employee daily time record, and payroll register.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Inmate Case Files gr03100
Case files covering the years 1915-1963.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Inmate Case Files and Commitment Papers gr03101
Adelard Cunin (aka George 'Bugs' Moran) correspondenceInstitutional case files and commitment papers for boys and girls considered to be delinquents by the state of Minnesota. Initially, inmates were homeless, neglected, and dependent children (mostly boys ages nine to fourteen). In 1895 a court conviction for crime (except murder) became a prerequisite, and beginning in 1911 the facility housed delinquent boys only.

Includes digital content.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Inmate History Records gr03102
Variously titled as History Book, Record of Commitment and History of Inmates, and Statistical Record. Includes girls' histories for 1867-1908.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Medical Records gr03103
Hospital registers and journals, consent for operation record, and mental evaluation record book.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Inmate Records gr03104
Records containing information on individual inmates.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Parole Records gr03105
Record of parolees and returns and parole calendars, both with detailed information on inmates paroled each month.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Population Reports gr03106
Monthly reports of school population and inmate movements of various types; on Board of
Control reporting forms.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Published Records gr03107
Manuals and handbooks, newsletters, building fund and capital improvement requests, studies, reports, guides, theses, and various print and near-print materials documenting the institution's programs, activities, and history.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its State Agent Records gr03108
Records kept by the state agent who supervised parolees, and through careful home examination, provided homes for those who did not have them or for those who had no suitable home.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its State Board of Control Minutes at State Training School gr03109
The minutes cover a variety of oversight and parole activities, focusing on the supervision of
individual inmates and parolees.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Steward/Store Records gr03110
Records documenting the daily receipt and use of food and supplies at the school.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr03111
Correspondence, reports, and related materials covering a variety of topics and issues related to the school's operation.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Monthly/Quarterly Reports gr03112
Submitted to the Youth Conservation Commission; includes memos, correspondence, committee and department reports, and statistics.
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Youth Vocational Center Files gr03113
Case files of and informational cards on youths transferred to the Youth Vocational Center.
Redeemer Lutheran Church (Blakely Township, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records m0628
Parish registers (3 vols.) containing information on members, communicants, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials, and history of a German Evangelical Lutheran congregation founded in Scott County ca. 1855-1857. Much of the information is recorded in German.
Redwood County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00101
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Redwood County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Redwood County: Audit Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr02265
Volumes A, 2 and 3.
Redwood County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records gr02266
Road papers (1866-1970), including petitions, orders, notices, plats, reports, correspondence and related papers, and road calendar A (1866-1906), containing for each new road, a record of the petition to establish and of the road commissioner's decision, a surveyor's report or other narrative description of the route, and a township map showing its location; fox and wolf bounty papers (1950-1965); school district organization papers (1896-1957) and school consolidation and organization files (1952-1971), and a boundary record (1870, 1880-1892) providing for each school district, a township plat showing boundaries, a legal description of the boundaries, and a list of boundary changes beginning in 1880.
Redwood County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr02267
Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of Redwood County.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case File Exhibits gr02345
Civil case file exhibits range nos. 4565-16598 (1910-1980) and criminal case file exhibits (and transcripts) range nos. 1003-5625 (1888-1960).
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions gr02341
Registers of actions for civil (1867-1982) and criminal (1878-1982) cases. Each entry gives the names of the parties in the case, frequently the attorneys representing each party, when the case was opened, the case file number, and a record of each document that was filed by the contesting parties or by the court in the case.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case File Transcripts and Depositions gr02244
Supplements to the main set of civil case files. Many concern the liquidation of state banks.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02245
Case File Nos. 2-12523.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr02246
Case file nos. 1-29 (1867-1881) and 1-1695 (1878-1960).
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Records gr03042
Volumes A-E.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr03043
Volumes A-E.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records gr03044
Volumes A-I.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr03045
Volumes A-D, 8-9.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index gr03046
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes gr02340
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries may include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Records gr03047
Real estate tax judgment records of the Redwood County District Court.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Record of Convictions in Justice Court gr03048
Register (1903-1923) and records A and B (1907-1945, 1952).
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Record of Oaths and Bonds of Local Officials gr03049
Volumes A-C.
Redwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr03050
Records or registers for veterinarians, optometrists, dentists, medical certificates, and basic science certificates.
Redwood County: Granite Rock Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01983
Birth and death registers (1890-1907), and birth (1908-1951) and death (1908-1953) certificates. Includes permits for burial or removal (1923-1932).
Redwood County: Health and Human Services Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr02073
Minutes of the Health and Human Services Board of Redwood County.
Redwood County: Johnsonville Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01984
Birth (1879-1941) and death (1879-1938) registers, and birth (1908-1944) and death (1908-1952) certificates.
Redwood County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Record Books gr03051
Record of court actions taken on each case.
Redwood County: Lamberton: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01985
Birth and death registers (1885-1907), and birth (1908-1949) and death (1913-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Lamberton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01986
Birth and death registers (1880-1907) and birth (1908-1948) and death (1908-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Milroy: An Inventory of Its Records gr02268
Village/city council minutes (1916-1950, 1954-1979), ordinances (1906, 1908-1961, 1969-1974), registers of receipts and disbursements (1902-1974), justice of the peace docket books (1895-1959), municipal liquor store audit reports (1960-1967), land tax road warrants (1912-1913), and election records (1930-1971, incomplete).
Redwood County: Morgan: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01987
Birth (1892-1915) and death (1892-1899) registers, and birth (1908-1951) and death (1915-1952) certificates. Includes permits for burial or removal (1932-1940).
Redwood County: Morgan Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01988
Birth (1881-1908) and death (1881-1907) registers, and birth (1908-1951) and death (1908-1952) certificates. Includes permits for burial or removal (1907-1935).
Redwood County: New Avon Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01989
Birth (1872-1916) and death (1874-1913) registers, and birth and death certificates (1914-1952).
Redwood County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution gr03052
Final decrees of distribution for the Redwood County Probate Court.
Redwood County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Order Books gr03053
Include final decrees of distribution.
Redwood County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions and Minutes gr02342
Records contain probate court minutes, recording the documents filed and actions taken at each day's session of the court, and registers of actions listing (or sometimes describing narratively) the documents filed and actions taken with regard to each estate, guardianship, or commitment case. Includes index.
Redwood County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr03054
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Redwood County: Redwood Falls: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01990
Birth (1881-1902) and death (1881-1886) register; and birth and death certificates (1917-1940).
Redwood County: Redwood Falls: An Inventory of Its Municipal and Justice Court Dockets gr03055
Municipal and justice court dockets for the city of Redwood Falls.
Redwood County: Redwood Falls Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01991
Birth (1871-1914) and death (1870-1913) registers; birth (1914-1952) and death (1914-1953) certificates; and permits for burial or removal (1913-1938).
Redwood County: School District No. 13/1742, Sundown Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02346
Treasurer's book (1876-1885), attendance registers (1943-1955, incomplete), census (1947-1961, incomplete), classification and term registers (1941-1965), and library accession book (approximately 1943-1949).
Redwood County: Sundown Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02013
Birth (1873-1908) and death (1873-1907) registers, and birth (1907-1950) and death (1908-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Vail Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02014
Birth (1879-1907) and death (1880-1907) registers and birth (1908-1949) and death (1914-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Vesta: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02015
Birth (1911-1953) and death (1908-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Vesta Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02016
Birth (1880-1911) and death (1880-1910) register and birth (1908-1952) and death (1911-1953) certificates.
Redwood County: Walnut Grove: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02017
Birth (1885-1909) and death (1887-1907) registers and birth (1915-1954) and death (1915-1953) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal.
Redwood County: Westline Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02018
Birth (1879-1919) and death (1881-1916) registers, and birth (1908-1945) and death (1908-1952) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal (1905-1932) including from Olmsted, Lyon, Stearns, and Anoka Counties.
Reed and Hyde Families: An Inventory of Their Papers 00726
World War I Rehabilitation Aides Unit, 1918Diaries, letters, photographs, and other materials of Louis H. Hyde, his wife Mary B. Reed Hyde, their son Arthur D. Hyde, Mary's father Samuel B. Reed, and other family members focusing on both family and business life, and genealogical material collected on the Hyde and related families.

Includes digital content.
Reed and Hyde Families: An Inventory of Their Photographs and Negatives 00726_photos
Individual photographs, digitized negatives, and photograph albums from the Reed and Hyde families papers created primarily by Louis H. Hyde.
Reforestation Commission: An Inventory of Its Record of Investigation and Hearings reforest
Journal of the commission's tour of northern Minnesota (August 1927) to gather information on forest industry issues; and the commission's printed report and recommendations.
Reform and Efficiency Commission: An Inventory of Its Records gr00891
Records of this commission established in 1991 [Laws 1991 c345 art1 sec17 subd9] to identify immediate potential cost savings in state government and to recommend long-term actions for improving state government efficiency and effectiveness.
Region Nine Regional Development Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr01249
Annual reports (1975, 1978, 1981, 1982, 2005), five year assessment (2011-2016), newsletters (1978-1987, 1990-1995), and various print and near-print reports documenting the activities of the commission.
Regional Transit Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr00247
Agenda packets and minutes, July 25, 1984Records of the Regional Transit Board (RTB), the body legislated to administer the transit needs of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The materials document the organization, administration, operation, and dissolution of the board, including its relationship to the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC), its role in trying to bring light rail transit to the area, and its various programs involving short-range transit planning, particularly those involving the handicapped and elderly.

Includes digital content.
Cheri Register: An Inventory of Her When Women Went Public Interview Transcripts 00965
Transcripts of background interviews conducted by Cheri Register for her article When women went public: feminist reforms in the 1970s, which was published in Minnesota history magazine 61/2 (summer 2008).
Reid H. Ray Film Industries: An Inventory of Its Photographs sv000154
Man with movie camera on top of sound truck on location at Providence, Rhode Island, circa 1930Views of the work of the Reid H. Ray Film Industries Co., St. Paul, Minn. (successor to Ray-Bell Films Inc. ca. 1947-1948). Includes views of employees, film crews on location, studio filming and equipment. The accompanying print materials include proposals, scripts and storyboards for various film projects.

Includes digital content.
Reid H. Ray Film Industries: An Inventory of Its Photograph Albums sv000203
Collection includes two albums with views relating to iron mining films produced by Reid H. Ray Film Industries for the Erie Mining Company, includes construction of the company's taconite facilities in northeastern Minnesota. A third album illustrates the use of animation in film and the remaining albums contain miscellaneous views of Reid H. Ray Film Industries (St. Paul, Minn.) film projects, Minnesota scenes, fashion photography, and views of Gordon Ray's family. Bulk of the collection photographed by Gordon R. Ray.
Reid H. Ray Film Industries: An Inventory of Its Reid H. Ray Film Industries, Inc. Album sv000424
Reid H. Ray Film Industries, Inc., approximately 1954Exterior and interior views of the production facilities of Reid H. Ray Film Industries, 2269 Ford Parkway, St. Paul. Includes views of staff, equipment, and film production in studio and on location. Includes newspaper and magazine artciles and text describing the company.

Includes digital content.
Re-imagining Community: An Inventory of its Records 00874
Headphones iconChronological files, conference programs and materials, audio recordings, minutes, articles and clippings, newsletters, and other records of a Minneapolis-based non-profit Ecumenical Christian movement working to challenge patriarchy in the church and society.

Includes digital content.
Relief Board: An Inventory of Its Records relief
Minutes, resolutions, and related documents pertaining to authorization of emergency appropriations for calamity or disaster relief.
Renville County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00095
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Renville County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Renville County: Bird Island Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02038
Birth (1876-1946) and death (1877-1953) records. Entries for the 1919-1953 births and 1920-1953 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Boon Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02039
Birth (1876-1948) and death (1876-1908, 1915-1952) records. Entries for the 1914-1935 births and 1915-1935 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Brookfield Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02040
Birth (1881-1952) and death (1881-1908, 1913-1940, 1942-1952) records. Entries for the 1931-1941 births and 1932-1940 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Buffalo Lake: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02041
Birth (1908-1948, 1952) and death (1908-1955) records. Two delayed birth certificates for 1902 and 1904 are housed in the last folder. Entries for the 1915-1941 births and 1915-1940 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Cairo Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02042
Birth (1873-1944) and death (1873-1952) records, and burial permits (1937-1944). Entries for the 1873-1899, 1915-1941 births and 1873-1900, 1915-1941 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Crooks Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02043
Birth (1884-1951) and death (1886-1907, 1909-1952) records. Entries for the 1915-1951 births and 1915-1952 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr01558
Minutes of the Renville County District Court.
Renville County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index SAM142
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Renville County: Hector Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02044
Birth (1880-1907, 1914-1950) and death (1880-1907, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1914-1950 births and 1914-1953 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Kingman Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02045
Birth (1878-1952) and death (1881-1952) records. Entries for the 1913-1936 births and 1914-1962 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Olivia: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02046
Birth (1900-1908, 1913-1953) and death (1900-1908, 1915-1953) records. Entries for 1915-1940 are indexed.
Renville County: Osceola Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02047
Birth (1891-1899, 1901-1948) and death (1882-1899, 1901-1912, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1913-1939 births and 1914-1939 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Palmyra Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02048
Birth (1880-1905, 1914-1947) and death (1880-1905, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1914-1947 births and 1914-1950 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Sacred Heart Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02049
Birth (1871-1947, 1950) and death (1871-1953) records. Entries for the 1871-1900, 1913-1947 births and 1871-1900, 1913-1949 deaths are indexed.
Renville County: Wang Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02050
Birth (1876-1946) and death (1876-1908, 1914-1951) records. Entries for the 1876-1899, 1914-1946 births and 1876-1899, 1914-1951 deaths are indexed.
Georgiana Slade Reny: An Inventory of Her Research Files 01180
Family history research files of Georgiana Slade Reny, daughter of George and Charlotte (Hill) Slade and granddaughter of Saint Paul railroad magnate James J. Hill.
Republic Airlines: An Inventory of Its Records 00358
Republic making airwaves, July 1, 1979Corporate records and subject files related to Republic Airlines (1979-1986) and its predecessor and acquired lines, including North Central Airlines (1952-1979) and its predecessor, Wisconsin Central Airlines (ca.1940s-1952); Southern Airways (ca.1940-1979); and Air West/Hughes Airwest (1968-1980) and its predecessors, Bonanza Air Lines (ca.1940s-1968), Southwest Airways (ca.1940s-1958), Pacific Air Lines (ca.1958-1968), and West Coast Airlines (ca.1940s-1968).

Includes digital content.
Republican Muslims of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records P2202
Records of an Islamic, political, for-profit organization founded in 1992 to bring Islamic concerns to the general population through the Republican Party structure and to support Republican political candidates, particularly those from the Muslim community.
Republican Party (Minnesota). State Central Committee: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Party Papers 00753
An assemblage of miscellany pertaining to party conventions, campaigns, and political activities. They consist of: letters from several prominent politicians regarding campaign speeches and funds (1857-1859); a broadside for a Republican rally (1882); minutes and credentials reports for the 7th district convention (1912); proceedings and miscellany from state conventions (1936, 1940, 1946, 1950, 1956); delegate lists for Republican national conventions (1936-1952); and miscellaneous correspondence (1914-1923).
Republican Party (Minnesota). State Central Committee: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Clippings 00752
Newspaper clippings from the Research Department files.
Republican Party (Minn.). State Central Committee: An Inventory of Its Records 00751
Rural vote.Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, print and near-print issuances, financial records, convention files, campaign files, Gubernatorial recount files, legislative office files, clippings, sound, visual, and graphic materials documenting the state Republican party's internal operations, organization, activities, programs, policies, and its role in Minnesota politics. Records of two of the party's state-wide auxiliary organizations are also present: College Republicans of Minnesota, and Young Republican League of Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
Republican Workshop of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records 00115
Records documenting the evolution and activities of a women's political education association, which started in Hennepin County in 1945, spread to Ramsey, Washington, and Dakota counties, and reached statewide status in 1950-1951. The records also include extensive coverage of the National Council of Republican Workshops, founded in 1955.
Reserve Mining Company: An Inventory of Its Taconite Tailings Records 00001
Correspondence, health studies (1975-1977), legal briefs, testimony, evidential statements, environmental impact assessment (1975), booklets (1969, 1972) and newspaper clippings related to various legal actions challenging the discharge of taconite tailings into Lake Superior by a mining company located at Silver Bay (Minn.).
Resorts and Recreational Facilities in St. Louis County: An Inventory of the Album sv000444
Resorts and recreational facilities in St. Louis County, approximately 1825 Exterior and interior views of resorts in St. Louis County, Minnesota, including Idelwilde and Grandview. Includes views of people boating and swimming, but majority are scenic or interior views of resort buildings.

Includes digital content.
Revenue Department: An Inventory of Its Driscoll (Bev) Subject Files gr00363
Subject files documenting the duties of Driscoll, Tax System Support Head.
Revenue Department: An Inventory of Its Equalization of Mines and Mineral Properties Ledgers and Reports gr01217
Ledgers and reports documenting mines and mineral properties in Saint Louis County, Itasca County, and Crow Wing County, and their assessment value for tax purposes. In reverse chronological order within each volume.
Revenue Department: An Inventory of Its Organizational Materials rev025
Organization manuals and associated materials for the department and its predecessor, the
Taxation Department.
Revenue Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr00783
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Revenue Department.
Revenue Department: An Inventory of Its Stedman (Steve) Subject Files gr00780
Subject files documenting the duties of Stedman, Chief Information Officer.
Revenue Department, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Special Taxes Division: An Inventory of Its Railroad and Freight Line Records rev022
Alphabetical series of railroad and gross earnings returns (1976-1980) and returns for
payments to freight line companies.
Revenue Department, Assistant Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence rev018
Correspondence and related papers kept by assistant or deputy commissioners/directors relating to the various interests and operations of the Revenue Department.
Revenue Department: Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence gr00784
Correspondence and related papers kept by assistant or deputy commissioners/directors Dennis Erno, Paul M. Krenik, Jr., Dennis M. Louis, Louis Plutzer, Donald R. Rose, Don Trimble, Robert Turnquist, Dwight Lahti, and Jennifer Engh, relating to the various interests and operations of the Revenue Department.
Revenue Department: Assistant Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr00782
Subject files kept by assistant or deputy commissioners/directors Dwight Lahti, Raymond Krause, Jack Mansun, and Jennifer Engh, relating to the various interests and operations of the Revenue Department.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Clyde Allen Jr. Files rev014
Correspondence and speeches documenting various operations and interests of the Revenue Department.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Alphabetical Correspondence Files rev008
Commissioner's correspondence with legislators, corporations, organizations, associations,
and attorneys relating to all aspects of the administration and operation of the Revenue
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Morris Anderson Correspondence rev015
Correspondence and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the
Revenue Department.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence rev006
Correspondence files documenting the daily administration of the commissioner's office.
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Girard (Jim) Files gr00362
Correspondence and subject files documenting the daily administration of the Revenue Department during Girard's years commissioner
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Governor's Office Correspondence Files gr00361
Memos to and from the governor and lieutenant governor concerning department activities and operations and constituent correspondence.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the John James Correspondence rev013
Correspondence and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the
Revenue Department.
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Legislative Files gr00364
Files documenting the Revenue Department's legislative activities.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Dorothy McClung Correspondence rev012
Correspondence and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the
Revenue Department.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Monthly Reports to the Governor rev021
Reports prepared by the department to provide the governor monthly information on financial management activities for the State of Minnesota.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Arthur C. Roemer Files rev010
Correspondence, speeches, and subject files documenting the daily administration of the
Revenue Department.
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Smith (Matthew G.) Correspondence gr00388
Correspondence and related papers documenting various operations and interests of the Revenue Department. Smith served as commissioner (1994-1996) and deputy commissioner (1996-1999).
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Salomone (Daniel) Files gr00781
Correspondence and subject files documenting the daily administration of the Revenue Department during Salomone's years as commissioner. Topics covered include relations with other state agencies, legislation, budget, and taxation.
Revenue Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr00785
Subject files documenting the administration and operation of the commissioner's office.
Revenue Department, Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the George Winter Files rev011
Correspondence and subject files documenting the daily administration of the Revenue
Revenue Department, Deputy Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the R. E. Franz Files rev020
Correspondence and alphabetical subject files documenting Franz's activities as deputy commissioner.
Revenue Department, Legal and Legislative Affairs Division: An Inventory of Its Records rev019
Files documenting the operation and administration of this division, which provided the
legal research skills for tax policy formation and assistance to the operating divisions in the
application of tax laws.
Revenue Department, Local Government Aids and Analysis Division: An Inventory of Its Cooperative and Utility Assessments rev023
Record of market value and assessed value of cooperatives and investor owned utilities.
Revenue Department, Local Government Aids and Analysis Division: An Inventory of Its Transmission Line Assessments rev024
Record of market value and assessed value of personal property of electric light and power
companies having transmission lines of less than 69 kv that are located outside of the corporate limits of cities.
Revenue Department: Minerals Tax Office: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01218
Reports, hearing transcripts and files, correspondence, minutes, petitions, subject files, photographs, and maps documenting the collection of mineral and mining taxes in the state of Minnesota.
Revenue Department, Property Equalization Division: An Inventory of Its Property Valuation Records rev004
Real and personal property valuation papers, used by the Revenue Department for tax
assessment purposes.
Revenue Department: Property Equalization Division: An Inventory of Its Records gr00343
Records documenting the activities of this division, including abstracts of assessments for real and personal property; county conference files, and reassessment and investigations files.
Revenue Department, Property Tax Division: An Inventory of Its Correction of Assessment and Abatement of Taxes: Application Records rev005
Registers of applications received from property owners.
Revisor of Statutes: An Inventory of Its Records gr00516
Correspondence, memos, manuals, surveys, reports, enrolled bill logs, and other materials regarding drafting and revising of state laws, computerization of the work of the revisor’s office, legislative procedures, professional associations, and related topics.
Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment: An Inventory of Their Muslim Sheroes of Minnesota Digital Shorts sv000591
Annie QaiserTwelve digital shorts of Sheroes chosen and filmed by the Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment (RISE). The shorts, which serve as a storytelling series, document women trailblazers in the Minnesota Muslim community in areas including but not limited to business, faith, science, health, and community. Some shorts were created in conjunction with TPT and others were created exclusively by RISE.

Includes digital content.
Charles Alexander Reynolds: An Inventory of His Diary 01007
Diary of Charles Reynolds A diary kept by Charles Reynolds (May 17-June 22, 1876) and Alexander Brown (July 1-September 13, 1876) as members of the Seventh U.S. Cavalry during the Big Horn Expedition. Accompanied by typed transcriptions and microfiche.

Includes digital content.
Myron Herbert Reynolds: An Inventory of His Photographs sv000112
Janet Reynolds holding a doll, circa 1900Views of Mrs. Myron H. Reynolds and her children: Janet, Gardner, Robert T. and Tommy. Printed from original negatives in the Minnesota Historical Society collections.

Includes digital content.
Rice County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00126
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Rice County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Rice County: An Inventory of Its Publications of Rice County Agencies gr02851
Various publication of several Rice County agencies including the Auditor, County Administrator, Engineer, Family Violence Program, Health Education Department, Office of Civil Defense, Faribault, and Northfield.
Rice County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls gr00823
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Rice County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the years 1858-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, and 1990-1991. The assessment rolls for 1858-1859 also include information on taxes levied and paid, and some volumes include delinquent tax data. The records for the 1860s are incomplete; and there are no records for the cities of Faribault and Northfield for 1920-1921.
Rice County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists gr00824
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Rice County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property.
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files and Miscellaneous Court Papers gr00204
File No. 1482: State v. Younger brothersThis early set of case files and miscellaneous papers was all renumbered and indexed at some later time, apparently following a courthouse fire in 1931. When the renumbering was done, various non-case file materials were assigned case file numbers. The files included on the box contents list constitute the archival portion of this set.

Includes digital content.
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02854
Boxes numbered 22-126. (Boxes 1-21 are criminal case files, separately cataloged).
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr00240
File numbers 1-1809.
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes gr01306
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to the "Case Files and Miscellaneous Court Papers" (cataloged separately) for the years 1856 to circa 1886, to registers of actions (cataloged separately) for the years 1877 to 1935, to criminal registers of actions (cataloged separately) for cases 1-1400s, and plaintiffs (1885-1945) and defendants (1885-1941) indexes to District Court case files.
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index gr02853
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions gr01305
The entry for each case gives the parties' names and a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, costs adjudged, and other actions by the court or the disputing parties. The 1856-1875 register of criminal actions includes references to the Minnesota Territory.
Rice County: Faribault: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01621
Birth records (1891-1934) and death records (1897-1935) and birth and death record books (1899-1919).
Rice County: Faribault: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records gr01307
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes (circa 1965-1982); minutes and registers of civil and criminal actions (1925-1973); Police Department's record of criminal cases in justice court (1904-1923); and judgment docket (1925-1973).
Rice County: Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports of the Highway Engineer gr02852
Printed annual reports of the county highway engineer/highway department, including narrative and, increasingly, extensive statistical compilations of the annual activities of the department. The majority include reports for specific highway improvement projects done during the year.
Rice County: Joint School District No. 64 of Rice County and No. 87 of Dakota County: An Inventory of Its Records gr00830
Clerk's books (1941-1953), attendance registers (1926-1936, 1948-1949), school library accession book (1926-1928), textbook record (1927-1930), treasurer's register (1938-1953), classification register (1927-1931), lease (1920), and bill of sale (1946).
Rice County: Joint School District No. 86 of Rice County and No. 86 of Dakota County: An Inventory of Its Records gr00827
Clerk's books (1898-1945, 1950-1953), treasurer's books (1945-1947), classification register (1910-1940), attendance register (1926-1943), pupil records (1929-1942), and textbook record (1920-1929, 1931-1935).
Rice County: School District No. 15, Bridgewater Township): An Inventory of Its Records gr00828
Minutes and notices (1859-1887), school district officers' oaths (1860-1886), teachers' and administrators' contracts (1862-1871), treasurer's reports (1863-1906), school building construction and maintenance records (1866-1885), insurance policies (1891, 1894), all in one record (1946), attendance register (1928-1930), and clerk's (1913-1920, 1939-1953) and treasurer's (1936-1953) books.
Rice County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Reports on Rural School Houses gr02199
School District Nos. 5, 7-12, 14-16 These cards contain extensive data about the physical school building and grounds and the contents of the school house, including school site acreage, condition, and number of trees; school building construction material, date erected, size of school rooms, description of heating system; inventory of basic school equipment (blackboards, dictionaries and encyclopedias, maps, globes, desks, size of library); and types of drinking water supply, washing facilities, and toilet facilities.

Includes digital content.
Rice County: Walcott Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01622
Birth (1871-1953) and death (1877-1953) records of Walcott Township in Rice County.
Henry M. Rice: An Inventory of His Papers 01262
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, legal papers, genealogical materials, diaries, recipe books, and other papers pertaining to a fur trader, Minnesota territorial delegate to Congress, United States senator, and state public official and entrepreneur, his wife Matilda, and members of their extended family. Includes information about federal land surveying, Fort Snelling, Indian affairs, Rice's business affairs, the American Fur Company and individual fur traders, railroad construction, and a court-martial of a member of the 59th New York Volunteers. Papers for 1901-1966 are chiefly those of the Robert (Auerbach) Rice family and include information about their business affairs and the change of the family name from Auerbach to Rice.
Richards Treat (Restaurant: Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Business Records and Family Papers 00671
Includes the corporate records of Richards Treat, Inc., a cafeteria, bakeshop, and coffee shop owned and operated by two women, Nola Treat and Lenore Richards, in Minneapolis, Minnesota between 1924 and 1957. Included are financial records, menus and recipes, drafts of their book Quantity Cookery, comments from customers, and employee reminisciences. About half the collection contains family papers of the Treat and Richards families, including numerous letters between Lenore Richards and Nola Treat and from Mary W. Treat to her daughter. The careers of Charles Russ Richards and R.A. Wallace Treat are documented as well.
Carmen Nelson Richards: An Inventory of Her Papers Relating to Minnesota Authors P0432
Biographical and autobiographical data, correspondence, clippings, and advertisements on about 400 authors residing in Minnesota or having Minnesota backgrounds, compiled by Richards and Breen for their book entitled
Mary E. Richards: An Inventory of the Mary E. Richards and Family Papers 01054
Originals and photocopies of correspondence (1851-1914), picture postcards (undated and 1906-1965), drawings, photographs, and tax and insurance documents of Mary E. and Amasa K. Richards and their son, George W. Richards. The bulk of the correspondence (1851-1890) was sent to Mary while she resided in Shakopee and Wayzata, Minnesota, from family members in Massachusetts and Iowa, and from Amasa during the time he served in the Civil War (1864-1865). Also included are business correspondence and receipts (1862-1899) and picture postcards sent to George while working for the railroad and residing in Maple Plain (Minn.).
A.A. Richardson: An Inventory of His Photographs sv000137
Wanigan and logging crew, Frazee & N.C. Lumber Company, circa 1900Views of lumbering in northern Minnesota, including lumber camps, lumberjacks, log drives, and lumberjacks eating lunch in the woods; many identified as the Frazee & N.C. Lumber Company. Also includes views of northern Minnesota towns including Northome, Bemidji and Ranier and a few unidentified towns. Printed from original negatives in the Minnesota Historical Society collections.
Ridder Family: An Inventory of Their Negative Collection sv000037
Collection of negatives of several generations of the Ridder family who have ties with the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch and Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Inc. Views include portraits, passport images, and various candid shots.
Johannes Riedel: An Inventory of His Papers 01307
Headphones iconCorrespondence, newspaper clippings, interviews, lectures, grant proposals, concert programs, television program scripts and recordings, sheet music, and audio materials documenting the work of Johannes Riedel, a University of Minnesota music professor.

Includes digital content.
George Rieff: An Inventory of His Family Papers 00616
This collection contains the records of Gopher State Caviary, which bred and sold guinea pigs, rabbits, and white mice for laboratory use and was managed by George Rieff of St. Paul. The collection includes publications, price lists, treasurer's records, and correspondence of his firm as well as personal photographs and mementos collected by his wife, children, and other family members.
David J. Riehle: An Inventory of His Research Papers 00610
Headphones iconResearch papers, notes, interviews and correspondence created or collected by labor historian David Riehle on the lives of Jack (Shaun) Maloney, 1911-1999, and Carl Skoglund, 1884-1960, two principal figures in the 1934 Minneapolis Teamsters strike.

Includes digital content.
Riehle Studios: An Inventory of Its Photographs sv000092
Cathedral of St. Paul, winter view, circa 1850Interior and exterior views of the Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn.

Includes digital content.
Stephen R. Riggs and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00797
Reverend Stephen RiggsLetters, reminiscences, genealogical data, and miscellany of this Presbyterian missionary, his wife Mary Ann Longley Riggs, and other family members, focusing on the Riggs' missionary service at Lake Harriet (now Minneapolis) and Lac Qui Parle, Minnesota (1837-1862), his work as an interpreter during the U.S.-Dakota War (1862), and his subsequent activities as an author of Dakota-language teaching materials.

Includes digital content.
Richard E. Riis: An Inventory of His Papers 00536
Richard E. Riis audio letter to son and wife, December 13, 1945 Biographical information, school records, certificates, membership cards, correspondence, teaching materials, subject files, notes, typescripts, printed materials, photographs, sound recordings including radio programs, newspaper clippings, and tear sheets primarily reflecting the activities of a St. Paul machine shop instructor who was interested in environmental education and who led an active post-retirement career as an outdoor news columnist for several Minnesota and Wisconsin newspapers.

Includes digital content.
Riley-Purguratory-Bluff Creek Watershed District: An Inventory of Its Watershed District Records gr00249
Watershed district records, including the official record set of the district's Board of Managers' meetings.
RIP - 35E ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND (SAINT PAUL, MINN.): An Inventory of Its Records 00653
Depositions, statements, exhibits, court records and other legal files, newspaper clippings, reports and similar records prepared by government agencies, and a few corporate records documenting legal strategies of RIP - 35E, an organization established to prevent completion of the Interstate 35E connection to Interstate 94 near downtown St. Paul.
Ripley Memorial Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records 00467
Records relating to the administration and activities of a maternity hospital and the charitable foundation that was created when the hospital closed in 1957.
Riverside Sanatorium (Granite Falls, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records rivsan01
Minutes and proceedings of the Riverside Sanatorium Commission, admission book of the sanatorium, and correspondence (1955) of the sanatorium’s superintendent.
Roberson Family: An Inventory of Their Photograph Collection sv000011
This collection was copied from an album loaned by the William A. Roberson family. The album includes several family portraits, both individual and in groups.
Robert C. Bruce Productions: An Inventory of Its Films sv000197
Industrial films and television commercials produced by Robert C. Bruce Productions, St. Paul. Bruce was a producer, writer and director. The collection includes two films not produced by his production company, but he probably was involved with the filmmaking.
Alexander R. Robertson Photograph Album: An Inventory of the Album sv000456
Alexander R. Robertson photograph album, approxiamtely 1890Views include scenic winter views of Minnehaha Falls; interior views of the A.R. Robertson Engine Co., St. Paul; interior views of a house that was possibly the home of A.R. Robertson; and a view of Euclid-View Flats, Bates and Euclid, St. Paul.

Includes digital content.
Daniel A. Robertson: An Inventory of His Family Papers 01496
Daniel A. RobertsonPersonal papers of a Saint Paul newspaper publisher and politician and his family. Includes writings, lectures, genealogical and family history data, and correspondence with many prominent Minnesota men of the day. Some of the correspondence is in French.
Robertson Family: An Inventory of the Album sv000374
Robertson family album, approximately 1865-1900Views of Robinson family, including cabinet cards, cartes-de-visite, and tintypes.

Includes digital content.
Robina Foundation (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 01369
Policies and procedures manual, 2008-2015.Records of the Robina Foundation, a philanthropic organization supporting educational, law, medical, theatre arts, and international relations research, scholarship, and programming. Collection includes Board minutes, policy and procedures manual, organizational Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation.

Includes digital content.
S. Morton Robinson: An Inventory of His Papers 01544
Shannon Morton Robinson Microfilmed correspondence of a young Minneapolis man who served in the Civil War as a drummer boy with Company D of the First Minnesota Infantry Regiment. Includes letters and papers of other members of the Robinson family, particularly Seth L. Hammon, Robinson's brother-in-law, who also served in Company D. The collection includes two photocopied letters.
Rochester Silo: An Inventory of Its Records 00087
Product line and sales information from a Rochester, Minnesota manufacturing company engaged in the production and sale of farm storage equipment.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission and Discharge Records gr01010
Records in several different formats, generally giving the following information: name, case number, residence (or county), dates of admission and discharge, and condition or remarks. Also includes lists of persons recommended for discharge (1923-1942), and summary statistical reports on monthly admissions by county (1944-1959).
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports gr01011
Annual reports (1876-1877, 1929-1940), biennial reports (1878-1954), and fiscal year statistics (1921-1959). Includes reports of its predecessor, the Minnesota Inebriate Asylum (1876-1893), and a number of joint reports with the St. Peter and Fergus Falls state hospitals.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Class Action Suit Records gr01012
Copies of court documents, correspondence, departmental memos, clippings, and other records relating to court cases with which medical director Dr. Francis A. Tyce was concerned. They include cases in which he served as an expert witness or consultant; cases in which he and Rochester State Hospital were named as defendants; and cases whose outcome was likely to affect policy and practice at Minnesota's state hospitals for the mentally ill or institutions for care of the mentally retarded. Not all were actually class action suits.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Committee Files gr01013
Minutes, accompanied by correspondence, memos, reports, and background materials, of administrative, employee, professional specialty, and special-purpose committees, particularly those relating to behavior modification and rehabilitation therapy.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Community Relation/Volunteer Services Records gr01014
Contains a volunteer program scrapbook (1972-1975), departmental forms, news releases, newspaper clippings, and materials relating to Camp Sunshine, the centennial committee, and the hospital's policy on donated goods.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Employment Applications and Correspondence gr01015
Primarily correspondence from applicants, but also includes letters of recommendation and introduction from past employers, and letters from other institutions requesting recommendations on past Rochester State Hospital employees, students, and interns.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Farm Records gr01016
Livestock management records (primarily livestock inventories), farm activity reports, and various records of income (or credits) and expenses.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Financial Records gr01017
Includes journals, ledgers, and miscellaneous accounting records.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Hospital Closing Files gr01018
Correspondence, studies and reports, background materials, budget records, clippings, and miscellany relating to the closing of Rochester State Hospital and transfer of its staff and patients, and to efforts by hospital personnel and the public to resist the closure. Includes files of the Governor's Task Force on the Use and Disposition of the Rochester State Hospital Site. Some items predate the period in which the files were generated or compiled.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Industrial Departments Records gr01019
Reports and financial records of the quarry and rock crushing plant, printing shop, mattress shop, farm, dairy, butcher shop, garden, cannery, sewing room and tailor shop, shoe repair and harness shop, upholstery shop, laundry and dry cleaning department, culinary department, and soap making production.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Inventories gr01020
Detailed annual itemized inventories of hospital property, including real estate, provisions, household supplies, clothing, fuel, medical supplies, office supplies, recreational equipment, library books, scientific apparatus, material for manufactures, farm supplies, livestock, machinery and tools, building materials, and miscellany.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Medical Records and Reports gr01021
Includes prescription records, casualty reports, dental reports, tuberculosis reports, monthly death reports, electroconvulsive therapy statistics, physicians' daily reports, and miscellaneous clinical reports.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Movement of Population Records gr01022
Statistics and lists for various components of patient admissions, discharges or other releases, deaths, and population totals. Incomplete.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Case Books gr01024
Volume No. 1, Men and Women, 1879-April 30, 1885Personal and medical histories of each patient admitted to the hospital. A one-page form gives personal and family data, physical description (sometimes with photograph), data on history of insanity, results of physical and mental health examination upon admission, and date and cause of admission and discharge from hospital. Additional pages contain daily comments on the patients' health, activities, behavior, attitudes, and occasionally medical treatment.

Includes digital content.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Records, Miscellaneous gr00669
Miscellaneous records containing information on individual patients.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers and Indexes gr00099
Alphabetical indexes (1879-1951) and chronological registers (1879-1965) of patients admitted to the Rochester State Hospital.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Payroll Records gr01025
Employee record book (1878-1901), payrolls (1901-1909, 1919-1921), a daily time record retained in the absence of payrolls (1907-1913), and quarterly (1913-1919) and semi-annual (1929-1951) lists of employees and salaries.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Policy and Procedures Manuals gr01026
Includes pharmacy formulary and handbook, nursing procedures manual, central supply manual, medical records manual, orientation manual, dietary department manual, and dental service policies, as well as general policies and procedures.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Publications gr01027
Includes Pouch A Gazette (1939-1940), a monthly publication of the Rochester State Hospital Nursing School; the Bulletin (1963-1982), a bi-monthly publication for employees; a volunteer handbook (1965); and two publications by and for patients, The Elm Leaf (1950-1961) and R.U.S.H.: The Magazine for U at Rochester State Hospital (1971-1974).
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records gr01028
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, and other supplies.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Supply Records gr01030
Records relating to supplies purchased and issued (primarily in ledger format).
Rochester State Hospital: Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr01031
Reports, correspondence, statistics, studies, and other materials regarding hospital budget, licensure, personnel, patient programs, hospital departments and services, professional affiliations, hospital library, hospital participation in community and state organizations, and various other activities.
Rochester State Hospital: Chaplaincy Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01032
Clergy correspondence and contact records; materials relating to department meetings, religious education, and chaplaincy to the mentally ill; religious writings of a long-term patient; and records of the religious activity center.
Rochester State Hospital: Chemical Dependency Unit: An Inventory of Its Records gr01033
Staff meeting minutes, program and lecture schedules, admission treatment guidelines, minutes of case review meetings, goals and objectives statement, reports of or to the Joint Committee on Accreditation of Hospitals, and related materials.
Rochester State Hospital: Dietary Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01034
Food service and food production meeting minutes, manuals, menus, State Dietary Committee correspondence, and materials relating to internships and traineeships.
Rochester State Hospital: Medical Director: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr00064
Reports, correspondence, memos, circulars, newsletters, and miscellaneous materials of medical director Francis A. Tyce and assistant medical director Glen M. Duncan.
Rochester State Hospital: Nursing Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01035
Historical data on the nurses' training program (undated), achievement test scores (1958-1960), quarter summaries (1955-1970) correspondence and agreements with other nurse training institutions (1945-1970), nurses' training record book (1898-1912), and student records (1896-1968).
Rochester State Hospital: Social Service Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01036
Staff meeting minutes, policy manual, and closing and placement records.
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Subject Files and Miscellaneous Records gr01168
Files documenting a wide variety of activities and functions at the hospital including administrative files, financial records, reports, correspondence, committee files, staff files, patient files, treatment and illness files, superintendent's correspondence, subject files, publications, project and program files, news clippings, and photographs.
Rochester State Hospital: Superintendent's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence gr01029
Correspondence concerning hospital administration and facilities, patients, medical matters, relations with other hospitals and with various supervisory agencies, nurses training, deaths and discharges, supplies and equipment, personnel, and the superintendent's professional affiliations.
Rochester State Hospital: Surgical Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr00816
Records of the hospital's surgical department. Included are outpatient clinic records, School of Anesthesia administration and student records, surgery logs, surgical procedures reports, surgical program statistics, operating room records, and subject files. The latter contain policy and program manuals, minutes of various committee meetings, complimentary letters, and treatment registers.
Rock County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00075
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Rock County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Rock County: Battle Plain Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02061
Birth and death registers (1889-1907), birth (1907-1946) and death (1907-1952) certificate records, and burial/removal permits (1907-1938).
Rock County: Beaver Creek Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02062
Birth and death register (1873-1907), and birth (1908-1949) and death (1908-1953) certificate records.
Rock County: Denver Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02063
Birth and death register (1900-1909), and birth (1908-1912, 1915-1946) and death (1908-1912, 1916-1940, 1943-1952) certificate records.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts gr02814
Primarily transcripts and depositions for civil case files and a few criminal case files.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02815
Civil case files numbers 1-6599.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr02816
Criminal case files nos. 1-665.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr02821
Judgment books of the Rock County District Court.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr02822
Volumes A-I. Volumes A-F are labeled "record" on the spine.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Indexes gr02823
Personal name indexes, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, and applications to take oath of allegiance.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr02824
Real estate tax judgment books of the Rock County District Court.
Rock County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr02825
For dentists, ministers, physicians, osteopaths, optometrists, chiropractors, veterinarians, nurses, and certification in the basic sciences. One volume also contains a record of bonds and oaths for local government officials.
Rock County: Luverne: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02064
Birth and death certificate records (1918-1953) and health officer's dangerous disease record (1918-1946).
Rock County: Magnolia Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02065
Birth (1876-1917) and death (1887-1917) registers, and birth (1908-1946, 1950) and death (1907-1913, 1918-1952) certificate records.
Rock County: Martin Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02066
Birth and death registers (1874-1913), and birth (1912-1947) and death (1912-1953) certificate records.
Rock County: Mound Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02067
Birth and death registers (1877-1907), and birth (1908-1943) and death (1908-1953) certificate records.
Rock County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution gr02826
Final decrees, 1887-1979 (reels 1-7), summary proceedings, 1953-1959 (reel 8), and miscellaneous orders, 1877-1984 (reel 8), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees.
Rock County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr02827
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Rock County: Rose Dell Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02860
Chattel mortgage records (1878-1913), annual town meeting minutes (1904-1935), treasurer's annual statements (1904-1935), audit board records (1904-1936), election records (1908-1934), board of supervisors (1904-1935) and overseers' (1904-1909) annual accounts, road records (1904-1944), wolf bounties (1922, 1930), and a personal property assessment roll (1899).
Rock County: Springwater Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02068
Birth and death register (1873-1899), and birth (1914-1945) and death (1914-1953) certificate records.
Rock County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr02751
Attendance certificate (undated), teacher's annual reports (1952-1959), school censuses (1955-1960), pupil award certificates (approximately 1940, approximately 1960), school district maps (1940?), eighth grade diploma record (1910-1936), state high school examination record (1897-1941), and a record book (1895-1937). The latter includes records of the Rock County Patriotic League, a teacher's organization, and the Rock County School Board Association, a spelling contest winners list, and a receipt and disbursement register (1928-1937).
Rock County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Pupil Records gr02752
In three sets: permanent pupil cards (approximately 1922-1943), high school board standing cards (approximately 1916-1935), and pupil cumulative record (1944-1961); arranged alphabetically by pupil name within each set.
Rock County: Vienna Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02069
Birth (1874-1907) and death (1875-1906) registers, and birth (1908-1918) and death (1908-1917) certificate record.
Rock Island Sash and Door Works (Rock Island, Ill.).: An Inventory of Its Records 01000
Financial and operating statements, annual reports, annual meeting and other administrative records, and subject files of this Weyerhaeuser-related lumber products company founded in Rock Island, Illinois, in 1859. Included are data on prices of logs and lumber products, labor costs, personnel, marketing, insurance, freight rates, and operation of the plant. The officers included Frederick Carl August Denkmann, Adele Guye Riesenberg, and John P. Weyerhaeuser.
Peter G. Rodosovich: An Inventory of His Legislative Subject Files 00396
Legislative correspondence of a Democratic-Farmer-Labor state representative for LeSueur and Rice counties (1982-1994) and assistant house majority leader.
Kevin Rofidal: An Inventory of His Digital Photograph Collection sv000045
Wreckage in the Mississippi River at night, August 1, 2007PS1 Kevin Rofidal, member of the U.S. Coast Guard, took these images while assisting in response and recovery efforts after the Interstate 35W bridge collapsed in Minneapolis. Images were taken August 1st through 4th and depict scenes of wreckage, abandoned vehicles, bridge sections, recovery work, the Coast Guard, and other workers assisting in recovery efforts.

Includes digital content.
Robert Rogers: An Inventory of His Papers 01008
Photocopies and transcripts of letters, petitions, and traders' accounts related to Rogers' fur trade activities while he was a British military officer at posts in the Great Lakes area, to the fur trade at Michilimackinac and vicinity, and to Rogers' attempts to finance his search for a Northwest Passage and to engage the services of Jonathan Carver. A deed, petition, affidavits by veteran fur traders, and related items relate to attempts by one of Rogers' descendants to clear title to land along Lake Superior that Rogers had purchased from the Ojibwa Indians.
William F. Roleff: An Inventory of His Logging Operations in Northern Minnesota Album sv000400
Logging operations in northern Minnesota, approximately 1912-1916Views of lumberjacks, lumber camps, cutting trees, loading and transporting logs, mainly the Alger Smith & Co. Includes a portrait and brief biography of William Roleff.

Includes digital content.
Irvin W. Rollins: An Inventory of His Papers 01218
Diaries (1848, 1855-1895), two account books (1861-1893), and miscellaneous correspondence, probate papers, writings, and memorabilia of Rollins, a farmer near Elgin, Wabasha County (Minn.). His diaries comment on farm and social life, agricultural products, prices, meetings of local organizations, local and national elections, land claims, attitudes toward the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 and the Civil War, local government, and other aspects of Wabasha County life.
Jo Lutz Rollins: An Inventory of Her Artwork Slide Collection sv000290
Photographs of watercolors painted by Jo Lutz Rollins. All are Minnesota scenes, mainly houses, but also street scenes and miscellaneous buildings.
Jo Lutz Rollins: An Inventory of Her Family Papers P1740
Autobiographies, sketchbooks and diaries (1921-1985), subject files (1931-1987), photographs, art catalogs (1943-1986), newspaper clippings (1936-1986), and subject files of a painter from Minneapolis and Stillwater, Minnesota, as well as correspondence (1894-1907) of her father, a Methodist minister.
Karl F. Rolvaag: An Inventory of His Papers 00996
Headphones iconCorrespondence, political files, subject files, personal files, news clippings, print materials, and sound and visual materials of Karl F. Rolvaag, son of Minnesota author Ole Edvart Rolvaag, chairman of the state Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (1950-1954), Minnesota lieutenant governor (1955-1962), Minnesota governor (1963-1967), U.S. ambassador to Iceland (1967-1969), and member of the Minnesota Public Service Commission (1973-1978).

Includes digital content.
O. E. Rolvaag: An Inventory of His Selected Papers P0400
Microfilmed correspondence (undated and 1903-1934), diary (1896-ca. 1899), and beginnings of an autobiography (undated), as well as six original letters of the acclaimed Norwegian American author and educator.
Rondo Avenue, Inc. (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 01118
Annual reports, articles of incorporation, bylaws, minutes of board and committee meetings, reminiscences, a few photographs, and some project files of an organization involved in commemorating and resurrecting the memory of the historic Rondo community, a largely-African American neighborhood in St. Paul that was displaced in the 1960s by the construction of Interstate Highway 94. Materials include files on annual Rondo Days festivals held in the early 1980s and in 2003 and 2008.
Rondo Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews oh110
Icon for headphonesCollection of interviews, created by Hand in Hand Productions, capturing the lives and experiences of long time residents of St. Paul, Minnesota's Rondo community, an urban neighborhood situated near the city's downtown commercial district. A mixed neighborhood with respect to ethnicity and income, it has been home to a significant African American population since the early 1900s and was a particularly vibrant community in the 1930s. The neighborhood was essentially devastated by the construction of Interstate Highway 94 through its center in the 1960s. Many of its African American inhabitants, businesses, churches, fraternal orders, and social clubs were displaced into more segregated locales where they faced discrimination in housing and other areas.

Includes digital content.
Carl Roos: An Inventory of His Papers m0273
Letters, diaries, genealogical data, daybooks, accounts, and religious writings of Roos, a Swedish settler (1853) in Vasa, Goodhue County (Minn.), of his family, and of the family farm. Includes Roos' diary of his Civil War service with the Third Minnesota Infantry (1861-1863); letters (1905-1919) regarding the North Star Telephone Company of Finlayson (Pine County); and letters and business papers of Nino C. and Charles Hjalmar Roos (1891-1938) and John R. C. Wilbur (1916-1972). Many of the items are in Swedish. The collection also includes a 1 volume translation of the Civil War diary from Swedish into English by Charles John LaVine.
Charles Roos: An Inventory of His Family Papers 01172
Correspondence, financial papers, military and political records, news clippings, legal documents and miscellaneous records of a prominent New Ulm pioneer family.
Rose Ensemble: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records 01545
RE_4C logo aboveOrganizational records of The Rose Ensemble, an early-music ensemble based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Includes administrative records, performances records, audio and video recordings, research and reference materials, and related materials in physical and digital formats.

Includes digital content.
Roseau County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00089
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Roseau County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Roseau County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr02252
Civil judgment book (1975-1980), family division judgments (1975-1979), and civil, family, and child support orders and judgments (1972-1977).
Roseau County: Barto Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02089
Birth and death registers, 1899-1907; birth, 1903-1904, 1907-1943, 1950, and death, 1914-1940, 1942-1952, certificate records. Also one corrected birth certificate, February 20, 1909.
Roseau County: Dewey Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02090
Birth, 1900-1907, 1915-1939, 1941-1948, and death, 1900-1907, 1916-1944, 1952, records; burial/removal permits, 1908-1941.
Roseau County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr02249
No. 353, State v George Ryan, June 28, 1929Files 2-743 (1896-1957) and unnumbered cases (1893-1906). Gaps exist among the early case numbers; the files remain tri-folded.

Includes digital content.
Roseau County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Record gr01642
Roseau County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr01643
Roseau County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records gr01644
District court civil judgment records (1895-1919, 1930-1968) and family division judgment books (1968-1980).
Roseau County. District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Indexes SAM192
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, applications to take oath of allegiance, and two sets of loose naturalization papers.
Roseau County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Record gr01645
Roseau County. Independent School District No. 690, Warroad: An Inventory of Its Records isd690
Records documenting the administration, students, teachers, finances, PTA, and buildings of the district.
Roseau County: Malung Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02091
Birth, 1899-1950, and death, 1894-1907, 1919-1953, records; burial/renewal permits, 1907-1948; and a delayed birth certificate, April 9, 1900.
Roseau County: Neresen Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02092
Birth, 1900-1948, and death, 1900-1950, registers; birth, 1906-1911, and death, 1910-1911, certificate records.
Roseau County: Oaks Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02093
Birth, 1906-1938 (OPEN FOR USE), and death, 1906-1936, records; burial/removal permits, 1912-1937.
Roseau County: Pohlitz Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02094
Birth, 1900-1950, and death, 1899-1950, records; burial/removal permits, 1908-1941.
Roseau County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Record Books gr02251
Petitions in insanity, reports of jury or board of examiners, and related orders and committal documents. Some record books include entries from later years in-between pages.
Roseau County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr02250
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Roseau County: Skagen Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02095
Birth, 1890-1900, 1907-1948 (OPEN FOR USE), and death, 1895-1900, 1915-1952, records; burial/removal permits, 1924-1936.
Roseau County: Spruce Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02096
Birth, 1893-1948, and death, 1900-1953, records; burial/removal permits, 1908-1941.
Roseau County: Stafford Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02097
Birth, 1890-1912, 1914-1951, and death, 1890-1899, 1914-1953, records; burial/removal permits, 1912-1943.
Roseau County: Stokes Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr02098
Birth, 1896-1952, and death, 1896-1952, records; delayed birth certificate, 1906.
Roseau County: Warroad: Municipal Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Records gr02099
Maternity patient registers (1924-1973), and death record books (1928-1955).
Gene H. Rosenblum: An Inventory of His Papers 00471
Papers of Gene Harold Rosenblum, a St. Paul attorney, documenting his involvement in numerous local and national political, civic, and religious organizations, in most of which he held a leadership role.
Paul D. Rosendahl: An Inventory of His Diaries P2326
Three fragmentary diaries kept by a farmer, Civil War soldier, and local politician from Spring Grove Township (Houston County) in southeastern Minnesota.
Christian and Gordon Rosenmeier: An Inventory of Their Papers 00345
Personal, legal, and legislative papers of Christian Rosenmeier and his son, Gordon Rosenmeier, both of whom were lawyers and Minnesota state senators from Little Falls, Minnesota.
Robert A. Rosenthal: An Inventory of His Materials on the History of Medicine In Minnesota 00627
Correspondence, notes, articles, and clippings, arranged largely by county, with much biographical data on nineteenth and twentieth century physicians and some materials on medicine in North and South Dakota, Minnesota hospitals, and the Minnesota Valley Medical Association.
Carl Ross and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00392
Correspondence, family papers, writings, printed materials, and other papers of Carl Ross (Rasi), a Finnish American who served as secretary of the Minnesota Communist Party (1946-1958), and was later a Minneapolis businessman.
Percy Ross: An Inventory of His Papers 00980
Headphones iconSubject files relating to Percy Ross, a Minneapolis businessman, and his private philanthropic endeavors, consisting mainly of original or photocopies of newspaper clippings, including Ross' column, "Thanks a Million," and other public relations materials.

Includes digital content.
Laurence A. Rossman: An Inventory of His Papers 00291
Papers of the publisher of the Grand Rapids (Minn.) Herald-Review newspaper, documenting his interests and involvement in business and civic affairs.
Brynhild Rowberg: An Inventory of Her Papers 00793
Photograph albums, correspondence, a scrapbook, and reminiscences of a woman from Northfield, Minnesota, documenting her time in the employ of the U.S. State Department as a foreign service officer in Europe at the close of World War II and during the post-war occupation.
John Runk: An Inventory of His Film Collection sv000064
Video iconBulk of the collection includes film footage shot in and around Stillwater, Minn. and the St. Croix River. Views include the 1952 flood, boating, fishing, Washington County fair, Lowell Park and Engine #328 in Stillwater, the construction of Hooley's Supermarket, the razing of the Union Depot in Stillwater and construction work at the Stillwater sewage treatment plant. Also includes views of Taylors Falls, Minn., the Minnesota State Fair, Minnesota Centennial celebration activities, a senior citizens' picnic, St. Paul Winter Carnival, North Shore Drive along Lake Superior and a solar eclipse.

Includes digital content.
John Runk: An Inventory of His Postal Souvenirs sv000362
Postal souvenirs, 1920-approximately 1931Views of the Dalles of the St. Croix and Stillwater, including buildings, street scenes, parks, boats at the levee, and the dedication of the Interstate Bridge on June 8, 1931.

Includes digital content.
Rural Credit Department: An Inventory of Its Contract for Deed Files gr00051
Each folder is labeled with the buyer's name and address; on some folders there is more than one name, because another person assumed the contract.
Rural Credit Department: An Inventory of Its County Plats gr00053
One or more plats for each county, showing township divisions, cities, roads, railroads, schools, churches, cemeteries, and creameries.
Rural Credit Department: An Inventory of Its Financial and Loan Records gr00052
Records of mortgage loans and loan payments, property leases, crop sales, office expenses, and numerical index of loans and real estate.
Andrew J. Russell: An Inventory of His Photograph Album sv000145
Robert E. Russell, circa 1930Includes views of canyon cuts and passes, geologic formations, river valleys, supply trains, tunnels and bridges primarily in Granite Canyon, Echo Canyon, Weber Canyon, along the Laramie, Green, and Bear rivers, and near Salt Lake.

Includes digital content.
Robert E. Russell: An Inventory of His Photographs sv000103
Robert E. Russell, circa 1930Views of Father Russell, from his days as a seminary student to his work in various Catholic churches in Minnesota. Includes views of the town of Sleepy Eye and St. Mary's Church in Sleepy Eye, churches in Leavenworth and St. Michael, Assumption Church in St. Paul, Sauerkraut Days in Henderson, Diamond Jubilee in New Ulm, and the Ninth National Eucharistic Congress held at the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis and the Minnesota state fairgrounds.

Includes digital content.
Calvin Frithiof Rutstrum and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 01310
Calvin Rutstrum, undatedPapers of Calvin Rutstrum (1895-1982), author of books on wilderness living and wilderness philosophy, with a few relating to his wife Florence (Merth) Rutstrum (1904-1986). They consist largely of texts, drafts, and illustrations for his books and articles on wilderness life and techniques and on contemporary society.

Includes digital content.
Ruttger's Bay Lake Lodge: An Inventory of Its Records of Ruttger Resorts 00198
Bay Lake Cabin (Ed's sheep farm) Photographs, brochures, rate sheets, newsletters, guest registers, scrapbooks, videocassettes, and other records of Ruttger's Bay Lake Lodge, Ruttger's Shady Point Lodge, Sherwood Forest Lodge, and other resort properties in northern Minnesota and in Florida owned by members of the Ruttger family. There is also some personal and genealogical material.
Includes digital content.
Carol Crawford Ryan: An Inventory of Her Star Island Research Files 00892
Research files (1976-1999), oral history project files (1976-1995), ONPAWE Lodge diary (1915), and Star Island Protective League records (1918-1991) relating to a vacation community located on an island in Cass Lake in northern Minnesota.
Elmer J. Ryan: An Inventory of His Congressional Files 00488
Correspondence and subject files of a three-term Democratic congressman (1935-1941) from Southern Minnesota's second congressional district. Ryan, a South St. Paul, Minnesota attorney, was a law partner and personal friend of Republican Minnesota governor Harold Stassen.

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