A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | What's New
Name/Abstract | File no. |
Ruth Gage-Colby: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00572 |
Biographical information and ephemera, photographs, correspondence, speeches, political conference materials, and high school and college scrapbooks that document the youth, mid-life organizational affiliations, and death of a press correspondent, speaker, and volunteer activist who worked at the United Nations, was active in women's peace organizations, and was committed to nuclear disarmament, the Vietnam War protest, and human rights. | |
Alfred P. Gale and Leona R. Gale: An Inventory of Their Oral History Interview | oh116 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Richard P. (Richard Pillsbury) Gale: An Inventory of His Legislative Papers | 01077 |
Correspondence and subject files of a Republican state representative and United States congressman from Minneapolis. | |
Gale Family: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | 00319 |
Family history materials, reminiscences, diaries, scrapbooks, correspondence, poems, and photographs detailing the activities of five generations of the Gale family, a prominent Minneapolis family involved in business and politics, and several families related to them by marriage, including the Pillsbury, Lindley, Jones, Burton, and Duff families. | |
Gallery of Prominent Men of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Album | sv000416 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Bertin C. Gamble: An Inventory of His Papers | 00479 |
Personal office files documenting the business affairs of the co-founder of Gamble-Skogmo, Incorporated, a retailing and financing conglomerate based in Minneapolis and doing business in the United States and Canada. | |
Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.: An Inventory of Their Film and Video Collection | sv000162 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Gambling Control Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03076 |
Records documenting the organization and administration of this board established to regulate lawful gambling in the state. | |
Game and Fish Commission: An Inventory of Its Game and Fish Distribution Records | gr00445 |
Records of fish delivered to Minnesota lakes and streams by the state fish hatcheries (1903-1919); and a list of lakes and rivers in the state, noting water appearance and the species of food fish found in each [1901?]. One volume also includes information on shipments of pheasants (1907-1910) and deer and moose (1907-1911). | |
Game and Fish Commission: An Inventory of Its Game Laws Violation Records | gr02139 |
Records of prosecutions for violations of state game and fish laws; registers of items (game, fish, firearms, and/or equipment) confiscated in the field from people caught violating the laws); and a few sample violation affidavits. | |
Game and Fish Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00881 |
Production, distribution, and financial data for the state fisheries (1917-1921), sample contracts to catch fish for the Minnesota Public Safety Commission (1918-1919), petitions to establish game refuges (1915-1916), sample correspondence concerning fishing and hunting licenses (1923), sample license applications (1926), a sample fishing license, possibly the first one issued in the state (1927), miscellaneous correspondence, and a hatchery log book (1919-1931). | |
Gamma: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 00383 |
Records of a social and athletic organization for gay men in the Twin Cities. | |
Don Gangloff: An Inventory of His St. Paul Winter Carnival Hot Air Balloon Flights With Don Piccard Photograph Collection | sv000271 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Augie Garcia: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000060 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sandra S. Gardebring: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01050 |
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The Garden Club of Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Records | 00637 |
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Garelick Mfg. Co.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01348 |
Product catalogs, price sheets, advertising scrapbooks, and miscellaneous information about a St. Paul Park-based manufacturer of marine accoutrements, assistive medical devices, and household products under the EEz-In brand. | |
Mark S. Garrigan: An Inventory of His Art Gallery Papers | 01283 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
George A. Gauthier: An Inventory of His Papers | 00641 |
Personal correspondence between a St. Paul man and his wife while he was serving stateside and in Germany with the United States Army during World War II. Included with the correspondence are birthday cards, newspaper clippings, organizational newsletters, and other miscellaneous items that were enclosed with the letters. | |
George W. Gauthier: An Inventory of His Papers | 01165 |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and other papers of a Saint Paul mail carrier, wood carver, and member of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers Association. Includes a brief history of the building of the first Catholic church in St. Paul with information about Father Lucien Galtier (May 1938). | |
Gaytee Stained Glass Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interview and Demonstration with John Salisbury | oh148 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
M.A. Gedney Company (Chaska, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01338 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Genealogical Collection: An Inventory of a Genealogical Collection | 01073 |
A compilation of typewritten copies of family histories, transcripts of records, and miscellaneous genealogical materials compiled by Minnesota chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and other groups. | |
General Federation of Women's Clubs of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00454 |
Records of a state association organized in 1895 as an affiliation of local women's clubs throughout Minnesota. | |
General Service Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00266 |
Project files and administrative records of a private foundation that made grants in the fields of population control, education, the environment, and the conservation of natural resources. | |
Martin D. Gensler: An Inventory of His Papers | 01111 |
Biographical information, some photographs, and files of an aide to United States Senator Paul D. Wellstone, relating especially to the issue of compensation for atomic veterans, military veterans who had been subjected by the United States government to human radiation experiments for purposes of gathering information on the retention and absorption of radioactive material by the human body, as well as military service personnel who were stationed in Japan or who were prisoners of war there. Included also are some newspaper clippings about Wellstone, his political activities, and his work as a senator. | |
Geographic Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02465 |
Administrative records of the board and files on the board-sponsored Minnesota gazetteer project of the Work Projects Administration. | |
Geological Society of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00089 |
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German American Fellowship Association of Minnesota, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01347 |
Articles of incorporation, chronological files, minutes, newsletters and miscellany of a Minnesota-based cultural heritage organization. Includes some files related to the Germanic Society of Minnesota and to the German American National Congress. Some of the material is in German. | |
GFWC-West Suburban Women's Club: An Inventory of Its Club Records | 00866 |
Constitution, bylaws, directories, minutes, handbooks, reports, newsletters and scrapbooks of a women's club organized in 1957 to pursue home and family study and to aid in philanthropic work in western Hennepin County, Minnesota. | |
Gibas Family: An Inventory of Their Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00431 |
Articles and speeches, news clippings, correspondence, and photographs of Andrew and Grace Gibas and their children, one of the original families of the cooperative community of Circle Pines, Minnesota. | |
C. P. Gibson: An Inventory of His Gibson Souvenir of Saint Paul Album | sv000440 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Charles P. Gibson: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000136 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
William Wirt Gilbert: An Inventory of His Papers | P2216 |
Biographical information (1919-1928), reminiscences, correspondence and newspaper clippings (1920-1923), and a trip journal (1853) relating to William Wirt Gilbert, a Minneapolis businessman, especially his trip to the California gold fields in 1853. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission Registers | gr01086 |
Admission information for children treated at the Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children and its predecessor, the State Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children, located first in the City and County Hospital of St. Paul (1897-1913) and later in the new hospital building near Phalen (1913-1977). Information recorded includes patient name, register or case file number, age, birth date, address of family or closest relative, diagnosis, treatment, results, length of hospital stay, admission and discharge dates, and progress notes written by the hospital staff regarding each patient. The early volumes may also record nationality and physician. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr01087 |
Admission and discharge forms, parents' affidavit forms (giving family and financial information), correspondence concerning admission, and occasionally summary patient medical data. Many files are missing. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr01088 |
Store ledgers and general journal from the hospital. The store ledgers (1911-1925) contain accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies, and includes date, voucher number, number and/or measure of commodity involved, explanation, price, and cost. | |
Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00067 |
Correspondence from former patients describing their experiences at the hospital (1962-1978), a variety of historical and informational booklets, newspaper clippings (1906-1976), an alumni reunion invitation (1976), a patient newsletter (1944), and an article by Dr. Arthur J. Gillette on the care of indigent crippled children (1900). | |
Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr00068 |
Photographs of patients and patient activities, hospital staff, Dr. Arthur J. Gillette, a hospital ward, and the hospital library; and aerial photographs of the hospital complex and surrounding neighborhood, taken by Chicago Aerial Survey (1964). | |
Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks | gr00066 |
Scrapbooks documenting the hospital's facilities, activities of the staff and patients, and treatment methods. They include newspaper clippings, brochures and special event programs, informational and historical materials, greeting cards, correspondence, and photographs. The latter document the facilities, including the library and hospital lab, the staff and patients, treatment equipment, and patient and staff activities. Items of particular interest include a library floor plan, Gillette Theatre program, obituary of Dr. Arthur J. Gillette, Diamond Anniversary token and related items (1972), and Gillette Site Selection Committee Report (1973). | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Correspondence | gr01089 |
Correspondence, primarily 1920-1924, of the superintendent, Elizabeth McGregor, relating to administration of the hospital, particularly to requirements, procedures, and forms for admission; employment and employees; nurses' training; gifts and donations, especially Christmas presents; health testing (Wasserman tests, throat cultures, tuberculosis tests); building management; and supplies and equipment. | |
Rebecca Wright Gillette: An Inventory of Her Black Lives Matter Protests Photographs | sv000243 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Charles L. Gilman and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00681 |
Correspondence of and articles by nationally recognized outdoors writer and journalist Charles L. Gilman; correspondence and memoirs (1972) of his wife, Wilma (Anderson) Gilman, and articles on her concert pianist and musical instructor careers; correspondence of their daughter Frances, a concert harpist and instructor, and her husband George Miller and his scrapbook (1920-1945); correspondence of Charles's parents, Samuel C. and Harriet Frances Gilman; family history materials (1827-1936); and photograph collections (ca. 1880s-1984). | |
Robbins Gilman and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00802 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys: An Inventory of Its Records | 01350 |
Historical materials, annual reports, and minutes of annual, board of directors, and committee meetings of the five Girl Scout councils that merged in 2007 to form the Girl Scout Council of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys. The records cover the Girl Scout councils of the southern half of Minnesota and part of Wisconsin and Iowa. Records of several predecessors to these five councils are also included. | |
Glacier National Park: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000086 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Glen Lake Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Autopsy Reports and Tissue Examinations | gr01548 |
The autopsy reports (protocols) give autopsy number; hospital patient number; patient name, age, and sex; dates of hospital admission, death, and autopsy; clinical diagnosis; detailed description of autopsy findings, including sketches locating pathological lung conditions; and diagnoses. The tissue reports give laboratory and reg[istration?] numbers, patient's name, doctor's name, type of tissue or test, gross description of tissue specimen, microscopic description, and pathological diagnosis. | |
Glen Lake Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Payroll Records | gr1543 |
Monthly payroll registers (1920-1926) and payroll ledgers (1927-1938). | |
Glen Lake Sanatorium: An Inventory of Photographs | sv000095 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Administrator's Correspondence | gr01547 |
Mainly correspondence of state sanatorium and nursing home administrators: Melvin Dray (1962-1978), Maurice Treberg (1979-1985), Harvey G. Caldwell (1986-April 1987), Faye B. Christensen (acting, April 1987-Jan. 1988), and Rosemary H. Wilder (Feb. 1988-1991). There are also a few letters from Glen Lake Sanatorium administrator Owen Stubben (1961) and sanatorium/nursing home medical director Sumner Cohen (1963-1974). The files contain letters, reports, memos, financial statements, staff lists, and population reports. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Clippings Scrapbooks | gr01546 |
Four scrapbooks documenting activities at the sanatorium and the lives of the staff, patients, and former patients. Although consisting mainly of news clippings, the scrapbooks also contain some memoranda and photographs. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Maintenance Department Subject Files | gr02306 |
Correspondence, minutes, reports, memoranda, background files, proposals, policies, and specifications documenting the work of this department. Topics covered include alarm and security systems, asbestos and PCB testing in the 1980s, remodeling and rehabilitation of the various buildings, well and water reports, roads, fire and health inspections, pollution, and severe weather procedures. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Medical Staff/Administrative Meeting Minutes | gr02307 |
Minutes of the weekly medical staff meetings (1925-1962) and weekly (1963-1979) and monthly (1979-1988) medical/administration meetings. The early minutes deal exclusively with the medical treatments and policies of the sanatorium, and the professional activities of the medical staff. The later minutes, while continuing to deal with the above, also cover the various administrative and financial aspects of the sanatorium/nursing home's operation. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Medical Summary Cards | gr01542 |
Summary medical cards for patients at the Glen Lake Sanatorium and Glen Lake State Sanatorium. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Minutes and Reports | gr02308 |
Minutes and reports of various sanatorium and nursing home bodies, including meetings of the computer task force, department heads and supervisors, head nurses, housekeeping, management team, medical director, nurses/resident program, resident council, social services department, and volunteer advisory board; and the following committees: biweekly, chaplaincy advisory, ethics, executive, infection control, medical records, patient/resident care policies, patient services, physical plant, safety, and union and management. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02309 |
Guest register (1918-1990) of visitors to the sanatorium and rest home, including various organizations' attendees that held meetings at the facility and people who attended the annual homecoming celebrations and the special 75th anniversary celebration held in August, 1990. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Nursing Procedures Records | gr02310 |
Individual files documenting various nursing procedures used at the sanatorium/nursing home, including medical treatments, general care, emergency plans, record keeping, and personal hygiene. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Patient Information Cards | gr01540 |
Summary medical records for patients at the Glen Lake Sanatorium, Glen Lake State Sanatorium, and Oak Terrace Nursing Home. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Patient Records and Registers | gr01541 |
Admission and discharge registers from Glen Lake Sanatorium and State Sanatorium (1916-1991) and Oak Terrace Nursing Home (1962-1975). | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01544 |
Primarily black and white prints of all sizes. There are negatives for a small portion of the prints. Mostly group and portrait shots of residents and staff of the sanatorium and a few for the nursing home. They include photographs of patients in tuberculosis treatment, treatment equipment, and interior and exterior views of buildings. Several of the prints were used for an exhibit at the facility when it celebrated its 75th anniversary homecoming in August 1990. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01545 |
Manuals/handbooks, medical and administrative studies, and miscellaneous publications and issuances, primarily of Glen Lake Sanatorium (GLS). A few from Glen Lake State Sanatorium (GLSS) and Oak Terrace Nursing Home (OTNH) are also included. The series is divided into several groupings: staff/patient newsletters (1921-1989) and telephone and staff directories (1955, 1959, 1965, 1973), historical materials (1926-1991), non-medical reports and studies, and medical reports and studies. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02311 |
Documenting the administration and daily operation of the Glen Lake Sanatorium, the Glen Lake State Sanatorium, and the Oak Terrace Nursing Home, the subject files contain correspondence, reports, memos, instructional sheets, manuals, and related materials. | |
Glen Lake State Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Utilization Review Committee Records | gr02312 |
Minutes of this committee, which was organized to assure high quality patient care and effective and efficient utilization of hospital facilities and services. The committee, which met monthly, concurrently reviewed all tuberculosis hospital unit admissions and the necessity for continued hospitalization of all tuberculosis hospital and skilled nursing (nursing home) patients, and performed medical care and evaluation studies to assure quality of care and effective administration of health care would be conducted for tuberculosis hospital and skilled nursing units. | |
Tony Glover: An Inventory of His Papers | 01567 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ard Godfrey and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00895 |
Correspondence, diaries, reminiscences, clippings, deeds, mortgages, and other papers, mainly 1850-1865, of Godfrey, a St. Anthony (Minneapolis) businessman, his wife Harriet, their children, and other family members. | |
Ruthann Godollei: An Inventory of Her Rifle Sport Alternative Art Gallery Collection | 00778 |
The collection includes photographs, promotional material (posters, flyers, mailers, business cards), and media coverage for the Rifle Sport Alternative Art Gallery (1985-1988) and Intermedia Arts' exhibition "Rifle Sport Revisited" (1999), both in Minneapolis, Minnesota. | |
Irene Gomez-Bethke: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00039 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Goodhue County Sunday School Association (Minn.): An Inventory of Its Association Records | P2242 |
Minutes (1860-1872, 1906-1914) and programs (1891-1909, 1921) from annual meetings, statistical records (1860-1921), and miscellaneous correspondence and printed matter (scattered: 1896-1921) documenting the work , of a county-wide association of Sunday school superintendents. | |
Goodhue County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00125 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Goodhue County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Goodhue County. Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | good01 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Goodhue County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property. | |
Goodhue County: Audit Board: An Inventory of Its Records | good02 |
Minutes and records of audit board proceedings, including treasurer's reports. | |
Goodhue County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records | good04 |
Financial statements, hawkers/peddlers licenses, and school district records. | |
Goodhue County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | good03 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Goodhue County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property owned by the residents. | |
Goodhue County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Records | good05 |
Temporary poor aid and poor list. | |
Goodhue County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | goodct01 |
Civil and criminal divisions judgment records. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records | goodct04 |
Business name record, indexed and certificates. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01401 |
Registers of action for civil (1858-1992) and criminal (1858-1985) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02989 |
File numbers A1-A3670 and 1-19785. Although the cases were opened between 1854 and 1950, a few of the later files may contain materials post-dating 1950. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02990 |
File Nos. 5-1950. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Delinquent Real Estate Tax List | goodct05 |
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Forfeited Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | goodct06 |
Judgment records for taxes delinquent in the years 1881, 1893, 1900, and 1914. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes | gr01400 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes (1855-1992); plaintiff defendant index (circa 1858-1863); criminal case file index (1975-1992), change of name index (1873-1985), and trust matters index (circa 1903-1989). | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records | goodct07 |
Indictment record and indictment on information. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment and Decree Books | goodct08 |
Orders for judgments and decrees issued by the judge of district court. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Title Records | gr01402 |
Torrens title index (circa 1921-1991), land title registration dockets (1921-1991), and decree records (1926-1963). | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | goodct09 |
A record of documents filed, proceedings held, and actions taken at each day's session of the court. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03130 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted, applications to take oath of allegiance, loose naturalization papers, monthly reports, and notices of application for admission to citizenship. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Oaths and Bonds of Local Officials | goodct10 |
Record of official bonds and oaths of local government officials. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr01403 |
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent. | |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | goodct12 |
Records or registers for physicians, veterinarians, midwives, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors, masseurs, and ministers; basic science certificates; oaths and bonds for registers of deeds; and a charter for Red Wing Masonic Lodge No. 8. | |
Goodhue County: Equalization Board: An Inventory of Its Record Book | good06 |
Minutes of meetings at which the board acted to equalize the assessments made by the county assessor. | |
Goodhue County: Independent School District No. 254, Kenyon: An Inventory of Its Records | isd254 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, teachers, PTA, and students of the district. | |
Goodhue County: Independent School District No. 256, Red Wing: An Inventory of Its Records | isd256 |
Administrative, financial, school census, student attendance, teacher training, Parent-Teacher Association, and miscellaneous records of one of the earliest school districts in Minnesota. | |
Goodhue County: Joint School District No. 59 of Goodhue County and No. 36 of Rice County: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00829 |
Clerk's books (1939-1953), treasurer's books (1940-1953), attendance registers (1946-1951), library accession book (1928) and teacher's reports to superintendent (1942-1951). | |
Goodhue County: Pine Island: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Justice Dockets | pineis01 |
Dockets of justices D. W. Davenport, J. B. Closner, Albert C. Closner, R. W. Holmes, J. C. Harper, C. A. Mellinger, J. D. Hurd, Fletcher Hagler, and E. L. Swarthout. | |
Goodhue County: Pine Island: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Dockets | pineis02 |
Criminal dockets (Nos. 1-357, 1940-1946, with index; Nos. 1-6418, 1946-1972) and civil docket (Nos. 1-493, 1965-1969). | |
Goodhue County: Poor Farm: An Inventory of Its Records | good07 |
Daily register and inmate register. | |
Goodhue County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Minute Book | goodct02 |
Book 2; includes an index and notes on cases brought before the court. | |
Goodhue County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr01404 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). | |
Goodhue County: Recorder: An Inventory of Its Index to Deeds | good08 |
Grantor-grantee index to quit claim, warranty, chattel mortgage, land warrants, and other deeds in Goodhue County. | |
Goodhue County: Red Wing: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00756 |
Records documenting the activities of the city's administration. | |
Goodhue County: Red Wing: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Docket Books | gr03062 |
There are two series of civil and criminal docket books. Red Wing apparently had two justices of the peace. | |
Goodhue County: Red Wing: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03063 |
Criminal docket (1935-1943), criminal judgment records (1938-1975), civil judgment records (1935-1975), registers of criminal action (1935-1972), registers of civil action (1935-1975), and plaintiffs' and defendants' indexes (civil and criminal, 1935-1975). | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Annual Financial Reports Of Schools | goodsup1 |
Annual reports from each school district's clerk to the county superintendent of schools. | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Census List | goodsup2 |
List of children by school district, of or between the ages of 8 and 16, name of parent or guardian, and post office. | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Classification Record | goodsup4 |
Report of the classification, standing, and work of each school district. | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Disbursements For the School Year | goodsup3 |
Treasurer's book of records furnished by the Department of Public Instruction to the county superintendent of shcools for distribution to school district treasurers. | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Pupil Records | gr02754 |
Pupil certificates of credit for common school examinations (1902, 1904-1911, 1913, 1915, 1917-1923), record of examination for the seventh and eighth grades (1904-1910), and permanent pupil record cards (approximately 1915-1970). | |
Goodhue County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Examination Records | goodsup5 |
Record of examination of candidates for teachers. | |
Goodhue County: Welch Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02136 |
Chattel mortgage documents, clerk's books, meeting minutes, a receipts and disbursement register, reports of the board of auditors, and treasurer's books. | |
Gordon & Ferguson: An Inventory of Its Records | 00723 |
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Hanford Lennox Gordon: An Inventory of His Papers | 01078 |
Contains correspondence regarding poetry written by Gordon, the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, Minnesota politics in 1868 and 1914, and the presidential campaign of 1912; essays and letters by Gordon on suffrage in Minnesota (1868), on the Hawaiian question (1897), on the Panama Canal tolls controversy (1914), on World War I (1915), and on the controversy about the gilded horses on the Minnesota Capitol; autobiographical notes giving information on legal practice and frontier social conditions in Minnesota in the 1860s; and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings referring to Gordon's political and literary activities. | |
Willis A. Gorman: An Inventory of His Family Papers | P1766 |
Correspondence (1852-1857, 1861-1899), business and legal papers, a volume (1847-1848) relating to the 4th Regiment of the Indiana Infantry, and miscellaneous papers relating to the family of Willis A. Gorman, a Minnesota territorial governor (1853-1857) and a colonel (1861-1863) in the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment. | |
Gospel Choirs United (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01152 |
History, programs and flyers (1981-2012), scrapbooks of photographs and news clippings (1977-1990), an LP record (1980), an audiocassette (1999), and other records of a Minneapolis-based, primarily African-American gospel choir. | |
Government Innovation and Cooperation Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gicbd01 |
Records documenting the duties and activities of this facilitative board, particularly its oversight of administration waivers and exemptions, cooperative local government mergers, and a grants program. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Appointment Files | gr02349 |
Requests for appointment, recommendation letters, petitions, and scattered appointment documents for a wide variety of boards, commissions, inspectors, and judges. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Appointment Records : Agency Officials and Judges | gr02351 |
Records of appointments to state boards, commissions, and departments; appointments of judges (to approximately 1971); and possibly other appointments except of notaries public. Those for 1898-1971 consist of filled-in copies of the appointment certificates, in chronological order by date of appointment, recording name of appointee, office, date of appointment, and expiration date. Those for approximately 1967-1982 are organized by governor; for each governor, there is one sheet per agency, containing a running list of appointees, appointment dates, and sometimes expiration dates. Spine titles on volumes: "Miscellaneous Appointment Record." | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Appointment Records : Civil Appointments | gr02352 |
Record of appointments of notaries public, and, for early volumes, commissioners of deeds. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Charges Against Public Officials | gr02277 |
Affidavits, petitions, transcripts of testimony, attorney general opinions, orders, and some related correspondence and newspaper clippings concerning charges of misconduct or malfeasance brought by various citizens to the governor against state and local officials. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Chisholm Fire Relief Records | gr01041 |
Reports, correspondence, and financial records of a committee that coordinated relief to sufferers from a forest fire that destroyed the town of Chisholm on September 5, 1908. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Citizenship Restoration Certificates | gr02350 |
Certificates sent to the governor by the warden of Stillwater State Prison, the superintendents of St. Cloud State Reformatory and Shakopee Women's Reformatory, officials of the Board of Parole and Probation, Youth Conservation Commission, and Adult Corrections Commission, and judges of district court--all affirming the rights of persons to restoration of citizenship following completion or expiration of prison or reformatory sentences, suspended sentences, or probation periods. With some related correspondence, 1953-1970. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Claims By and Against the State | gr02313 |
Judgments, and occasionally other supporting documents, in claims for recovery of money or payment of damages, primarily brought by the state of Minnesota against private citizens and corporations, but occasionally brought by private parties against the state. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Commissions, Certificates, and Miscellany | gr03272 |
Commissions, appointment certifications, statements, reports, bills, commemorative diplomas, letters, posters, and a National Air Races (Chicago) oversize envelope and poster. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Election Records | gr00696 |
Materials created or accumulated by the Governor's Office in confirmation of the validation of elections and the electoral process. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Execution Records | gr01844 |
Certified copies of minutes of conviction and sentence, and sometimes copies of other trial documents, relating to convicts sentenced to death. Usually also includes notations of date set for execution and date the execution warrant was issued. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Executive Journals | gr02367 |
Record of official acts of the governor, such as appointments and pardons; proclamations issued; messages to the legislature; records received for filing; and various types of letters, telegrams, reports, and petitions received, and letters and telegrams sent. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Extradition Records | gr00504 |
Records documenting extradition applications and requisitions both by Minnesota to other states and to Minnesota from other states. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Forfeited Tax Records | gr00658 |
The forfeited tax deed records, one page forms containing the name of person to whom certificate of sale was issued; county of residence, legal description of land sold, and date, serve as an index and register to the forfeited tax title certificates. The certificates contain notices of expiration of redemption sent to the delinquent landowner, affidavits of publication of notices, certificates of absolute property sale by county auditor, noting the date of sale, new purchaser, and price, sheriff's returns, and other certifications. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Disaster Relief Files | gr01042 |
Accounts and reports of funds raised and disbursed to provide assistance to victims of a January 1873 snowstorm; for distribution of seed grain (1870s and 1890s); for a murder trial in Becker County (circa 1873-1875); to contribute to victims of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake; to assist the city of Fergus Falls following a 1919 tornado; and for miscellaneous relief activities. One volume also includes brief accounts for the 1893-1894 pine land investigation, and for governor's miscellaneous funds (1899). | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Forest Fire Relief Files | gr01043 |
Correspondence, financial records, a report by C. C. Andrews, and miscellany document forest fires in Lake of the Woods County, relief provided to fire victims, and subsequent construction of a firebreak at Baudette (1910-1911). Work of the Minnesota Forest Fires Relief Commission following October, 1918, fires north and west of Duluth is reflected in a report, maps, financial records, plans and specifications for standard replacement houses and barns, and related miscellany. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gov043 |
Files from miscellaneous sources and pertaining to
various gubernatorial administrations, or overlapping administrations, which have not yet been correlated with larger file series. |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Proclamations | gr00486 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Proposed Biennial Budgets | gov040 |
Biennial and proposed biennial budgets and assorted summaries and detailed estimates. | |
Governor: An Inventory of the Record of House and Senate Bills | gov039 |
Record of bills passed by the legislature and sent to the governor for signing. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Records of Floyd B. Olson, Hjalmar Petersen, and Elmer A. Benson. | gr00063 |
General correspondence, subject matter files, state department files, federal department files, and organization files documenting the gubernatorial service of Olson (1931-1936), Petersen (1936-1937), and Benson (1937-1939). | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Seed Grain Distribution Records | gr01046 |
Record books that itemize seed grain distributions under state programs to aid destitute farmers in frontier areas of the state (1874) and to aid counties in which crops had been destroyed by hail (1887); and a list of seed grain loans (1920). | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Speeches and Messages | gov001 |
Incomplete series of speeches and messages of governors Hubbard through Perpich. | |
Governor. Anderson, C. Elmer: An Inventory of His Records | gr00060 |
Subject files on public policy matters, state department files, state boards and commissions files, files on Minnesota organizations, and correspondence with Minnesota counties and other states. | |
Governor: Andersen, Elmer L.: An Inventory of His General Files | gr01179 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Andersen, Elmer L.: An Inventory of His Records | gr01253 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Agency and Board Files | gr00597 |
Files documenting the interaction of the Governor's Office and the state's executive departments, major boards and commissions, and other permanent agencies. They focus on departmental operations, policies, major administrative initiatives, and special programs. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Appointments and Retirements | gr00575 |
Retirements, resignations, and appointment files of Governor Wendell Anderson's administration. The records contain notice of appointment, applications for service, resumes, as well as letters of resignation and judicial retirement notices. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Briefing Materials | gr00596 |
Briefing (informational) materials relating to national issues, Minnesota issues, education, human services, local issues, and governor's fishing opener (1976). | |
Governor Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Campaign and Transition Records | gr00604 |
Campaign materials (1970), schedule files (1969-1970), and two series of correspondence (1969-1971). | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Case Letters | gr00577 |
Staff chronological files; alphabetical case files, including letters from state hospital patients; and topical case files, including education and tax relation issues, covering a breadth of topics, issues, and concerns. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Correspondence | gr00595 |
Constituent issue mail and requests, congratulations and thank you letters, correspondence with officials and legislators, as well as letters to the editor, and other miscellaneous correspondence documenting the administration activities of the Governor's office. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Governor's Residence Events Files | gr00576 |
Files containing correspondence, guest lists, invitations, menu cards, bills and invoices, and events sheets; the latter documenting details of set-up, catering, flowers, entertainment, menu, contractor (usually the state or the Democratic Party), and other pertinent information. The majority of the events were breakfasts, lunches, dinners and receptions of a political or charitable nature and cover both locally and nationally important occasions. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Numerical Files and Indices | gr00065 |
The numerical files (1971-1976) are the main file series documenting the administration of Governor Anderson's office. They contain correspondence, memoranda and reports, print, and near-print materials. | |
Governor Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Photographs | gr00605 |
Photographs of Governor Anderson and/or Lieutenant
Governor Rudy Perpich at bill signings, proclamation ceremonies, dinners, and other events. |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Press and Media Files | gr00590 |
Daily clippings files, campaign materials, and press releases documenting Governor Anderson's terms in office. Mainly campaign related materials, which include copies of articles by and about Governor Anderson, campaign literature, election schedules, correspondence, and miscellaneous materials produced by the Citizens for Anderson for Governor. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Schedules | gr00574 |
The governor's daily schedule, which lists meetings, appearances, conferences, and other events; as well as informational materials and correspondence pertaining to his activities. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Speeches | gr00594 |
Texts of the governor's speeches, statements, messages, and talks. Some are as written for him, some are as delivered (annotated or transcript), and some are in draft form. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Staff Files | gr00568 |
Members of the governor's staff maintained files apart from the main numerical series. Like the main files, these contain correspondence, memoranda and reports, and print and near-print materials. Often they contain the staff person's collection of background information, supporting subject expertise. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Subject Files | gr00587 |
Correspondence, reports, legislation, print and near-print items, and other materials covering a wide variety of topics relating to public policy issues, Governor's Office administration, state agencies, legislation, and budget. Specific topics covered include taxes, crime and prison reform, education, and agriculture. | |
Governor Austin, Horace: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov020 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including substantial material concerning governor's appointments, public lands, railroads, charges against local officials, pardons, and relief for people affected by the grasshopper plague and by the snowstorm of January, 1873. Some petitions, and materials concerning seed grain and railroad lands, apparently date from the administrations of Cushman K. Davis and John S. Pillsbury. | |
Governor Burquist, J. A. A.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov033 |
General correspondence, telegrams, subject files on public policy matters, files on state departments and agencies, organizations files, and materials relating to pardons and tax-forfeited property. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Audiotapes | gr03259 |
Audiotapes documenting a wide variety of issues dealt with during the Carlson administration. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Communications Department Videotapes | carl01 |
These videotapes document the policies, activities, and decisions of the Carlson admininstration. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Correspondence | carl03 |
Outgoing correspondence and memoranda from the Governor's Office documenting the administration and organization of the office. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Executive Orders | carl04 |
Written statements or orders issued by the governor including Emergency Executive Orders. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of the Ann Glumac Subject Files | carl05 |
Subject files kept by Ann Glumac, Manager of State/Tribal Affairs, an office created within the Executive Branch of the Carlson administration on August 7, 1996. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of the Governor’s Commission on Public Sector Employment Contracts Files | carl06 |
Records of the Governor's Commission on Public Sector Employment Contracts was created by Governor Carlson on June 28, 1995 to identify and review compensation plans and employment contracts for highly-compensated officials in state government, cities, counties, school districts, higher education, and quasi-government organizations. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Legislative Files | carl07 |
Correspondence, press releases, talking points, copies of bills, and related materials detailing legislation of particular interest to the Governor. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Litigation Materials | carl16 |
Files documenting three separate legal matters concerning the governor's office, involving desegregation, a hazardous waste matter, and United States and Canada border issues. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Pardon Board Records | carl09 |
Files documenting cases being considered for pardons/commutations and pardons extraordinary on August 26, 1992. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Press/Media Files | carl10 |
Mainly press releases announcing proclamations, statements, and appointments by the governor; and texts of speeches and reports related to press releases. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Reorganization Orders | carl11 |
Orders documenting changes in administrative structure and/or responsibility as issued by the Department of Administration and approved by the Governor. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Resolution and Chapter Files | carl02 |
Documents directly relating to bills that were either signed or vetoed by the governor. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Schedules | carl12 |
The governor's daily schedule, which lists meetings, appearances, conferences, and other events; as well as informational materials and correspondence pertaining to his activities. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Speeches | carl13 |
Carlson's annual State of the State addresses, with related correspondence and informational materials. | |
Governor Carlson, Arne: An Inventory of His Subject Files | gr03260 |
Materials covering a wide variety of topics relating to public policy issues, governor's office administration, state agencies, legislation, business and economic development, environment, and similar matters. | |
Governor Christianson, Theodore: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov035 |
General correspondence, subject files on public policy matters, files on state departments and agencies, federal departments files, and organizations files. | |
Governor Clough, David M.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov027 |
Includes general political, current affairs, and constituent correspondence; a file on the establishment of Interstate Park; transcripts of testimony in murder cases, a school prayer case, and an abortion case; and offers to serve in the Spanish-American War. | |
Governor Davis, Cushman K.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov021 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including materials relating to "frontier relief" and grasshopper relief (especially seed grain assistance), pardons, applications for and appointments to office, railroads, and public lands. The files may also includes reports of state officers and agencies. Some materials in these files date from the John S. Pillsbury administration. | |
Governor: Dayton, Mark: An Inventory of His Administrative Rules Files | gr01289 |
Governor's Office copy of administrative rules promulgated by state government agencies. Includes the rule, preliminary proposals, and related correspondence. | |
Governor Eberhart, Adolph O.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov031 |
General correspondence, correspondence concerning pardon matters, subject files, correspondence with organizations, materials relating to tax-forfeited property and to back taxes owed by railroads and telephone companies, and campaign statements and miscellany from Eberhart's reelection campaign (1913). | |
Governor: Freeman, Orville L.: An Inventory of His Assistance and Friendly Correspondence | gr01811 |
Sampled correspondence that was labelled and filed as either "assistance" or "friendly" by the governor's office. | |
Governor: Freeman, Orville L.: An Inventory of His Constituent Mail | gr01073 |
Constituent mail requesting assistance of various sorts. State agency and departmental memos are found throughout with many of the responses written by agency commissioner or the governor's executive secretary. | |
Governor: Freeman, Orville L.: An Inventory of His Departmental and General Files | gr00062 |
General correspondence, state department and agency files, federal department files, parole correspondence, Minneosta organizations files, and subject files, including considerable political, public policy, and campaign materials. | |
Governor: Freeman, Orville L.: An Inventory of His Audiovisual Materials | gr02968 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor Hammond, Win: An Inventory of His Records | gov032 |
General correspondence, materials concerning pardon matters and tax deed matters, correspondence with state and federal departments and agencies, and correspondence with organizations. | |
Governor Hubbard, Lucius F.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov023 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including materials relating to State Capitol construction, public lands, pardons, applications for and appointments to office, Ojibwe Indian affairs, World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition in New Orleans, and tornadoes ("cyclones") in the St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids vicinity (1886). Some materials date from the administrations of Andrew R. McGill and William R. Merriam. | |
Governor Johnson, John A.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov030 |
General correspondence, correspondence concerning pardon matters, and certificates of absolute property tax sale. | |
Governor LeVander, Harold: An Inventory of the Files of Executive Assistant David Durenberger | levand06 |
Correspondence, minutes, reports, printed material, executive orders, and newspaper clippings documenting Durenberger's service as executive secretary to Governor LeVander. | |
Governor Lind, John: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov028 |
Includes general correspondence and materials relating to pardons. Some materials date from the Samuel R. Van Sant administration. | |
Governor Marshall, William R.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov019 |
Includes appointment records; letters received; attorney general's opinions; records relating to pardons and commutations; and requisitions. There is substantial material concerning immigration and land settlement, Indian affairs, railroads, and the Gettysburg and Antietam national cemeteries. | |
Governor Mcgill, Andrew R.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov024 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including materials relating to hailstorms in Marshall County (1886) and relief for those affected, applications for and appointments to office, the Minnesota state seal, pardons, public lands, and seed grain. | |
Governor Merriam, William R.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov025 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including materials relating to grasshopper relief, applications for and appointments to office, and grain inspection. Some materials date from the administrations of Knute Nelson, David M. Clough, and John Lind. | |
Governor Miller, Stephen: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov018 |
Includes records relating to civil and military appointments; letters received; attorney general's opinions; and records relating to pardons. Matters relating to the Civil War predominate. | |
Governor Nelson, Knute: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov026 |
Includes materials relating to an assassination plot, applications for and appointments to office, the Board of State Capitol Commissioners, and the Coal Combine Investigating Committee. | |
Governor Olson, Floyd B.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov036 |
General correspondence, subject files on public policy matters, files on state departments and agencies, federal department files, and organizations files. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Administrative Rules Files. | gr00214 |
Governor's Office copy of administrative rules promulgated by state government agencies. Includes the rule, preliminary proposals, and related correspondence. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Agency and Board Files. | gr00216 |
Files documenting the interaction of the Governor's Office and the state's executive departments, major boards and commissions, and other permanent agencies. They focus on departmental operations, policies, major administrative initiatives, and special programs. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Appointment Files. | gr00215 |
Appointment files of Governor Pawlenty's administration; some of the appointments began in the administrations of Governors Arne Carlson and Jesse Ventura. The records include notices of appointment, applications for service, and resumes. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Correspondence Files. | gr00217 |
Governor Pawlenty's correspondence with state officials and legislators, other governors, federal officials and congressional members, and foreign governments and consuls. There are also separate files on the 2007 I-35W bridge collapse and the Great Lakes Legacy Reauthorization Act of 2008. Includes 2003 correspondence of Lieutenant Governor Carol Molnau. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Daily Schedules. | gr00224 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Governor's Office Photographs | gr00213 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Legal Counsel Files. | gr00218 |
Records of the Governor's Office legal counsel; dealing with Native American tribal issues and litigations. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Legislative Actions Logs and Letters | gr00246 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Operations Files. | gr00222 |
Files kept by the Governor's Office documenting responses to data practices requests and gift dispositions. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Press Releases. | gr00225 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Resolution and Chapter Files. | gr00221 |
Documents directly relating to bills that were either signed or vetoed by the governor; each file generally begins with a letter from Governor Pawlenty to the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate stating that he received the bill, signed or vetoed it, and passed it on to the Secretary of State, with a copy of the bill and related memoranda confirming its disposition. | |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Sound and Video Recordings | gr00226 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His State of the State Addresses. | gr00223 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Pawlenty, Tim: An Inventory of His Subject Files. | gr00219 |
Correspondence, reports, legislation, print and near-print items, and other materials covering a wide variety of topics relating to public policy issues, Governor's Office administration, state agencies, legislation, and budget. | |
Governor: Perpich, Rudy: An Inventory of His Press Office Records | perp06 |
Records maintained by the governor’s press
office, particularly by his press secretary, Bob Aronson. |
Governor: Perpich, Rudy: An Inventory of His Publications of the Governor's Office | gr02767 |
A few miscellaneous publications created by and/or distributed by the governor's office. They include the program for Perpich's 1983 inaugural party; pamphlets reviewing Perpich administration accomplishments and promoting education, child welfare, drug programs, environmental protection, and economic development; annual Economic Report to the Governor; and a leaflet on Perpich and the governor's office. | |
Governor: Perpich, Rudy: An Inventory of His Speeches, 1981-1990 | gr02768 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Perpich, Rudy: An Inventory of the Task Force on Waste and Mismanagement Records | gov037 |
Correspondence, reports, surveys and studies, and investigative files of the Governor’s Task Force on Waste and Mismanagement, created to study and recommend to the Governor specific instances where governmental waste and mismanagement could be eliminated. | |
Governor: Pillsbury, John S.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gr00626 |
Assorted files on public policy matters, including materials relating to public lands, railroads, grasshopper relief, seed grain, pardons, and applications for and appointments to office. Includes materials dating from the administrations of Lucius F. Hubbard, Andrew R. McGill, and William R. Merriam. | |
Governor: Preus, J. A. O.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov034 |
General correspondence, subject files on public policy matters, files on state departments and agencies, organizations files, and material relating to extraditions and to the "coal situation" (problems with transportation of coal to the area). | |
Governor: Quie, Albert H.: An Inventory of His Appointment Files | gr02599 |
Files relating to appointments to boards, commissions, councils, and departments, associated with staff members Mary Jo Richardson, Pat Jensen, Carol Magee, and Robert Andringa. Richardson was Quie's special assistant for appointments for boards and committees through 1979, when Jensen took over; Magee was their assistant. | |
Governor: Quie, Albert H.: An Inventory of His Audio-Visual Materials | gr03186 |
Videotapes, audio tapes, photo albums, cassette recordings, and loose photographs, negatives, and slides documenting Quie’s inauguration and various activities as governor. | |
Governor: Quie, Albert H.: An Inventory of His Staff Files: Bill Bond | gr03187 |
Files of Bill Bond, staff person assigned to transportation, local government and regional development commissions, agriculture, and Vietnam veterans. | |
Governor: Ramsey, Alexander: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov016 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Sibley, Henry H.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov015 |
Includes accounting records; appointment records; records concerning charges against public officials; letters received; attorney general's opinions; records relating to pardons and reprieves; poll books from Goodhue, LeSueur, McLeod, and Rice counties documenting the election for the first two amendments to the state constitution (April 15, 1858); and accounts of the state's salt lands commission. There is substantial correspondence concerning railroads. | |
Governor: Stassen, Harold: An Inventory of His Correspondence and Miscellany | stas02 |
Correspondence and miscellany documenting Stassen's routine work as governor and the political process of hiring and firing of state employees that accompanies a change of administration. | |
Governor: Stassen, Harold: An Inventory of His Department of Administration and Finance Files | stas01 |
Internal memoranda and working files illustrating the political (and often informal) process of hiring and firing state employees that accompanies a change of administration, especially when there is also a change in political party. | |
Governor: Swift, Henry A.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov017 |
Records relating to civil and military appointments; letters received; attorney general's opinions; records relating to pardons; and reports of the state prison. Most of the records appear to concern either the Dakota Wars of 1862-1863 or Minnesota regiments in the Civil War. | |
Governor: Thye, Edward J.: An Inventory of His Records | thye01 |
Records documenting the tenure of Edward J. Thye, who was elected lieutenant governor in 1942, and assumed the governorship in April 1943 upon the resignation of Governor Harold E. Stassen. | |
Governor: Van Sant, Samuel R.: An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records | gov029 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Appointment Files | vent02 |
Appointment files of Governor Ventura’s administration; some of the appointments began in the administrations of Governors Arne Carlson and Rudy Perpich. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of the Steven Bosacker Files | vent14 |
Files kept by Steven Bosacker, Governor Ventura’s chief of staff. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Citizen Outreach Department Records | vent12 |
Records of this department whose goal was to bring
government back to the people by engaging citizens who had concerns about substantive issues in a dialogue with the Governor and state agencies. |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Communications Office Records | gr00765 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Correspondence Files | vent08 |
Governor Ventura's correspondence with state
officials and legislators, other governors, federal officials and congressional members, foreign governments and consuls, and the general public; and memoranda of the Governor's staff. |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Daily Schedules | vent05 |
Listing of the Governor’s meetings,
appearances, conferences, and other events on an hour by hour basis. |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Executive Orders | vent03 |
Written statements or orders issued by the Governor. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Legal Counsel Files | vent10 |
Records of Governor Ventura’s legal counsel, Diane Drewry, mainly dealing with Native American tribal issues. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Policy Management Department Records | vent13 |
Background and working files used by department staff to draft and implement the various initiatives of The Big Plan. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Press/Media Files | vent06 |
Daily clippings files and press releases documenting Governor Ventura’s term in office. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Resolution and Chapter Files | vent01 |
Documents directly relating to bills that were either signed or vetoed by the governor. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Speeches | vent007 |
Texts of the Governor’s speeches, talking points, testimony transcripts, and statements. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Transition Files | gr00729 |
Primarily files prepared either for or by Governor-Elect Ventura’s transition team. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Trip Files | vent04 |
Files detailing Governor Ventura’s trips both within and outside the state. | |
Governor Ventura, Jesse: An Inventory of His Washington Office Files | vent09 |
Correspondence and subject files documenting the
activities of the Governor’s Washington Office, which served as a liaison with Minnesota’s congressional delegation and with the federal government. |
Governor: Youngdahl, Luther: An Inventory of His Packing Houses Strike Files | gr02290 |
Letters, telegrams, postcards, clippings, and photographs documenting Youngdahl's actions during the CIO/United Packinghouse Workers of America strike at the packing houses of Swift and Company (South St. Paul), Wilson and Company (South St. Paul and Albert Lea), and Cudahy and Company (Newport). They particularly detail his decision to call out the National Guard to control illegal picketing and his efforts to assist in negotiations between the union and the packing companies. | |
Governor Youngdahl, Luther: An Inventory of His Records | youn01 |
Records documenting the tenure of Luther W. Youngdahl, who served as governor from 1947-1951. | |
Governor’s Advisory Council on Children and Youth: An Inventory of Its Records | gaccy |
Records of this council, established in 1948, as a result of a Governor’s Conference on Youth. | |
Governor's Citizen Advisory Commission on Redistricting: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00558 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor’s Citizens Council on Aging: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01394 |
Minutes, annual conference programs, correspondence, monthly activity reports, and background material on state agency services to older workers. | |
Governor's Commission on the Arts: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01975 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor’s Commission On Crime Prevention And Control: An Inventory of Its Plans | govccpc1 |
Printed or mimeographed plans for commission activities. | |
Governor’s Commission On Crime Prevention And Control: An Inventory of Its Published Records | govccpcpub |
Printed or mimeographed reports, newsletters, and informational issuances prepared by or for the committee, including task force recommendations on programs and priorities, progress reports, information on law enforcement planning grants, and research or evaluation reports on such matters as police organization, local law enforcement, Native Americans and the criminal justice system, juvenile justice, jails, information systems, community corrections, rehabilitation programs for offenders, and the Minnesota criminal justice system in general. | |
Governor's Commission On The Economic Future of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | gov008 |
Records of this commission charged with helping to develop a comprehensive economic development strategy for Minnesota. | |
Governor's Commission On Employment of Handicapped Persons: An Inventory of Its Records | gcehp |
Administrative and committee files of the commission, which carried on a program to promote the employment of the physically, mentally, emotionally, and otherwise handicapped citizens of Minnesota by creating statewide interest in their rehabilitation, employment, and general welfare. | |
Governor's Commission on Promoting Minnesota's Health Care Resources: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00097 |
Records documenting the activities of this private-public sector cooperative commission, created by Governor Perpich in 1985 to oversee Minnesota's healthcare promotion efforts. | |
Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Agendas and Minutes | gr01222 |
Agendas, minutes (some ribbon copies, some
photocopies), and related documents of meetings of the Council and its predecessors, the Governor's Planning and Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities. |
Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Chronological File | gr00757 |
Incoming and outgoing letters and memoranda,
regarding all aspects of the daily administration of the Council. |
Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Committee Files | GovCDD03 |
Minutes (some ribbon copies, some photocopies),
reports, correspondence, and related documents of the Council committees. |
Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Grant Files | GovCDD02 |
Files on developmental disabilities grants
administered by the state's regional development commissions. |
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Olmstead Plan Records | gr02021 |
Include the Olmstead Planning Committee agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; the Governor's Olmstead Subcabinet meeting agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; executive orders, Olmstead Plan drafts and public comments, annual and quarterly reports, work plans, surveys, reports to the court, and related records. Arranged in chronological order. | |
Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00758 |
Publications either created or collected by the
Council pertaining to all aspects of its duties and responsibilities. |
Governor's Council On Executive Reorganization: An Inventory of Its Records | gcer01 |
Committee Reports and documents submitted to the
council by state departments, general correspondence, steering committee minutes and reports, task force reports, working memos, audio tapes of meetings, and final report and summary. |
Governor's Council on Youth: An Inventory of Its Records | gcy |
Minutes, reports, minutes, and subject files documenting the council’s promotion of youth programs, services, and employment opportunities. | |
Governor's Loaned Executives Action Program: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Douglas J. Dayton | gr02463 |
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and related materials regarding the administration and coordination of the program's activities, publicizing them within and without state government, and recruiting executives from various business firms to serve on program task forces. The files are those of Douglas J. Dayton, LEAP chairman. | |
Governor's Manpower Office: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gm01 |
Reports, newsletters, brochures, and print and near-print items of or about the Governor's Manpower Office. | |
Governor's Manpower Office, Economic Opportunity Division: An Inventory of Its Community Action Program Grant Files | oeo01 |
Files documenting grants to community action programs
throughout the state, mainly run by county, multi-county, and Native American reservation agencies. |
Governor’s Manpower Office, Economic Opportunity Division: An Inventory of Its Community Action Program Office Files | oeo05 |
Office files dealing with the types of grants,
programs, projects, and training involved in the community action programs run
throughout the state, mainly by county, multi-county, and Native American reservation agencies. |
Governor’s Manpower Office, Economic Opportunity Division: An Inventory of Its Director’s Office Records | oeo02 |
Files documenting the activities of the director’s office. | |
Governor's Manpower Office, Economic Opportunity Division: An Inventory of Its Head Start Files | oeo03 |
The files mainly document training and technical
assistance programs for Head Start workers and parents. |
Governor's Manpower Office, Economic Opportunity Division: An Inventory of Its Letters Sent (Daily File). | oeo04 |
Outgoing correspondence mainly addressed to Community Action Program/Office of Economic Opportunity personnel at various state and federal levels, covering all aspects of the office’s activities. | |
Governor's Residence Council: An Inventory of Its Governor's Residence Plans | gr00848 |
Plans, elevations, details, and ground plans for the Governor's Residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul. Originally owned by Horace Hills Irvine, the house was donated to the State of Minnesota in 1965 to be used as the governor's residence. Included are plans done by architect William Channing Whitney for the original construction in 1910-1911 and ground plans done by the Minnesota Nurserymen's Association and various landscape architectural firms in circa 1966 and 1988-1991. | |
Governor's Residence Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00629 |
Records of the Governor's Residence Council, and its predecessors, the House Development Committee (1979-1980) and State Ceremonial House Council (1980-1981). In order to fully carry out all aspects of the renovation and preservation of the Residence, the files also document the years it served as the private home of the Horace Irvine family (1910-1965) and the years when renovation and maintenance were under the direct supervision of each gubernatorial administration (1965-1979). | |
Governor's Rural Development Council: An Inventory of Its Records | govrdc01 |
Minutes, bylaws, annual reports, correspondence, memoranda, project and grant proposals and progress reports, and miscellaneous reports and publications. | |
Governor's Task Force On Lesbian And Gay Minnesotans: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00872 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor's Task Force On Mining And Minerals: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | govtfmm |
Subject files of the Governor's Task Froce on Mining and Minerals, charged with recommending actions that would sustain and enhance the long-term viability of mining in the state. | |
Governor's Task Force on Utility Shut-Offs: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01566 |
Reports, meeting minutes, and subject files of the Governor's Task Force on Utility Shut-Offs. | |
Graco Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 00559 |
Records of a Minneapolis-based manufacturer of fluid handling equipment and systems. Much of the material focuses on Graco's automotive lubrication product lines. | |
Graduates of the St. Paul High School: An Inventory of the Album | sv000450 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Grain Belt Breweries: An Inventory of Its Records | 00660 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Grain Terminal Association: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 00492 |
Correspondence, subject files, published items, audio tapes, and photographs related to the history of a Minnesota-based grain marketing cooperative which operated between 1938 and 1983. | |
Rod Grams: An Inventory of His Senatorial Files | 00670 |
Senatorial papers of Rod Grams, a businessman and broadcast journalist who served as a Republican United States senator from Minnesota (1995-2001) and prior to that as congressman from Minnesota's sixth congressional district (1993-1994). | |
Grand Army of the Republic: An Inventory of Its 30th National Encampment Citizens Committee Records | gr00501 |
Records of the local committee charged with organizing the 30th National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, held in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: An Inventory of Its Departmental Records | gr00502 |
Records generated or accumulated by the headquarters office of the Grand Army of the Republic [GAR], Department of Minnesota, relating to the general administration and finances of the office, interactions with GAR posts in the state, and relations with the national GAR. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: An Inventory of the Fortieth Encampment, August 13-18, 1906 Album | sv000350 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Grand Army of the Republic: An Inventory of Its Post Records | gr00503 |
Minute books, descriptive books (registers of members), dues ledgers, other financial records, and sometimes correspondence, printed items, or other miscellany of Minnesota GAR posts. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Letterpress Books | gr02187 |
Outgoing letters of Minnesota department commanders, assistant adjutant generals, and recorders. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Post Adjutants' and Quartermasters' Reports and Summaries | gr02188 |
Reports submitted regularly to departmental headquarters by the adjutants and quartermasters of each GAR post, accompanied by summary membership statistics and dues payment data. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Oregon Annual Encampment Collection: An Inventory of Their Publications | lb00187 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Washington and Alaska and Predecessor Organization Annual Encampment Collection: An Inventory of Their Publications | lb00186 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Lewis A. Grant: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01202 |
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Grant County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society | lb00078 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Grant County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Grant County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00462 |
Assessment rolls for the years 1876, 1880-1901, and the sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. There are also reassessments for 1991. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00607 |
Registers of actions for civil (1883-1952) and criminal (1883-1951) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case File Transcripts | gr02609 |
Includes unnumbered files and file nos. 943, 1114, 1263, and 1693. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr01880 |
Files numbered 1-5509. Also includes some case file exhibits (file nos. 6122-6123, 6527) primarily concerning land condemnation matters. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files and Index at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00606 |
Files numbered 1-290; tri-folded. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Records | gr02610 |
Volumes A-E. Volume A includes some entries from Douglas County. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02611 |
Includes volumes A-D, 1872-1976. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02612 |
Includes volumes A-D (1883-1978). | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02613 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00608 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02614 |
Includes volumes A-H (1875-1979). | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Register of Convictions in Justice Court | gr02615 |
Includes registers of criminal convictions (1903-1972) and registers of convictions (1907-1954). | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr01263 |
Records for physicians, veterinarians, dentists, and basic sciences. Also includes records of ordination registration. | |
Grant County: Elbow Lake: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets | gr02674 |
Civil and criminal dockets of the Elbow Lake Justice of the Peace. | |
Grant County: Independent School District No. 262, Barrett: An Inventory of Its Records | isd262 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and history of the district. | |
Grant County: Independent School District No. 263, Elbow Lake: An Inventory of Its Records | isd263 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, parent groups, and teachers of the district. | |
Grant County: Independent School District No. 265, Hoffman: An Inventory of Its Records | isd265 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and teachers of the district. | |
Grant County: Lawrence Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01282 |
Birth and death registers (1880-1908), birth and death certificate record books (1908-1953), and burial permits (1908-1934). | |
Grant County: North Ottawa Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01283 |
Birth and death register (1882-1900), birth and death certificate records (1908-1953), and burial permits (1910-1945). | |
Grant County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02616 |
Information on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Grant County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02617 |
Petitions in insanity and examiner's reports containing details on the cases, commitment warrants, and related facilitative orders. | |
Grant County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr01264 |
Registers of probate actions (1875-1985), registers of criminal actions (1960-1985), and registers of civil actions (1960-1982). Some volumes are labeled county or municipal court. All volumes are indexed. | |
Grant County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02618 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Grant County: Stony Brook Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01284 |
Includes permits for burial or removal. | |
Grant County: Stony Brook Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02890 |
Includes clerk's books, treasurer's books, treasurer's annual statements, annual meeting minutes, audit board annual reports, road records, poll lists, election returns, and chattel mortgage record (1877-1897). | |
Graphic Arts Industry, Inc. Interior Design Projects: An Inventory of the Album | sv000333 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
David L. Graven: An Inventory of His Papers | 00405 |
Personal and professional papers of David L. Graven, a Freeborn County assistant attorney (1957-1963), University of Minnesota law professor (1963-1974), and Minneapolis trial lawyer (1974-1991), documenting his speaking, civic, and political activities. | |
Stewart Horatio Graves and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01131 |
Correspondence, biographical information, photographs, newspaper clippings, some poems and essays, a diary, and other papers of members of a Benton County, Minnesota farm family, consisting primarily of correspondence between Stewart Horatio Graves and his future wife, Anne Paulson, while Graves was serving in France with the 16th Railway Engineers during World War II. | |
James Gray: An Inventory of His Papers | 01226 |
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Great Lakes Basin Commission: An Inventory of Its Publications and Reports | gr02220 |
Planning director's reports on agenda items and items of interest (1970, 1972); Great Lakes Basin Plan drafts and public meeting summaries (1977); a few issues of the commission's newsletter, the "Great Lakes Communicator" (1975, 1981); and miscellaneous publications. | |
Great Lakes Commission: An Inventory of Its Publications and Miscellaneous Issuances | gr02221 |
Issues of "Great Lakes Foreign Commerce," [1956?-1960]; compilations of reports on legislative actions and of news clippings on Great Lakes matters; "research checklists" (bibliographies, 1982-1984); proceedings of commission-sponsored symposia on Great Lakes port administration (1958) and the St. Lawrence Seaway (1964); anniversary pamphlets; audit reports; and miscellaneous issuances. | |
Great North American History Theatre: An Inventory of Its Production Files | 00005 |
Research and production files of Lance Belville, who founded the theater in 1978 as the St. Paul History Theatre and served as its artistic director and principal playwright, as well as some operational records of the theater from the premier season in 1979 until the time Belville left in 1995. The theater specialized in dramatizing the history of St. Paul and its neighborhoods, although many plays document other events and topics in Minnesota history. | |
Great Northern Railway Company: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 00901 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Advertising and Publicity Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00953 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Great Northern Railway Company: Agricultural Development Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00905 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Comptroller: An Inventory of Its Records | 00943 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Engineering Department: An Inventory of Its Record | 00648 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Industrial Development Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00945 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00946 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Law Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00949 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Mechanical Department.: An Inventory of Its Record | 00649 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Operating Department: An Inventory of Its Record | 00650 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Personnel Department: An Inventory of Its Record | 00651 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Records | 00944 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Nos. 1-7085) | 01063 |
The subject files are comprised of executive correspondence, reports, statistical data, maps, drawings, and printed matter compiled to keep top officials informed on important current and past activities. | |
Great Northern Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Nos. 7086-12,950) | 01064 |
The subject files are comprised of executive correspondence, reports, statistical data, maps, drawings, and printed matter compiled to keep top officials informed on important current and past activities. | |
Great Northern Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Nos. 12,951-18,363) | 01065 |
The subject files are comprised of executive correspondence, reports, statistical data, maps, drawings, and printed matter compiled to keep top officials informed on important current and past activities. | |
Great Northern Railway Company: Right-of-Way, Land and Tax Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00652 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Secretary: An Inventory of Its Records | 00941 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Traffic Department: An Inventory of Its Record | 00942 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | 00947 |
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Great Northern Railway Company: Valuation Division: An Inventory of Its Valuation Division Records | 00948 |
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Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway Companies: An Inventory of Their Annual Reports and Maps on Microfilm | 00958 |
Microfilmed annual reports to the stockholders of the Great Northern Railway Company (1890-1968), of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Company (1880-1899), and of the Northern Pacific Railway Company (1876-1968); and annual reports of the Northern Pacific to the United States Secretary of the Interior (1870-1877). They give information on directors, officers, and stockholders, on routes surveyed and selected for construction, and on the companies' operations and finances. Many include maps of the main and subsidiary lines (1876-1929). | |
Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway Companies: An Inventory of Their Steam Locomotive Drawings | 00975 |
Steam locomotive, erecting and parts drawings from the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway Companies. Almost all of the drawings are original inked tracings on starched linen paper, produced by the railroad for its master files. In general these files are complete (containing both erecting and parts drawings) only for those engines still in service at the end of World War II. A few erecting drawings for earlier engines were acquired, and several parts drawings date back to the 1880s. Most of the drawings are from the period 1900-1945. | |
Great Northern Railway Company Papers. Part 1, 1862-1922: A Pamphlet Guide to Selected Microfilmed Records | M501 |
Microfilm copies of volumes and files selected from various record series in several administrative departments of the Great Northern Railway Company archives. They were filmed in three series: Series A: Board of Directors’ Minutes and Corporate Histories (4 reels); Series B: Labor (16 reels); and Series C: Settlement and Development (5 reels), each with its own sequence of reel numbers. | |
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches: An Inventory of Its Records | 00416 |
Subject files, minutes, reports, membership and committee data, financial records, correspondence, newspaper clippings, subject files, and similar materials documenting the activities of a voluntary association of Protestant and Orthodox churches in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area organized to work together for the welfare of the community and to foster cooperation among the area's many Protestant churches. | |
Greater St. Paul United Fund & Council: An Inventory of Its Film Collection | sv000019 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Horace Greeley: An Inventory of His Papers | Res51 |
Letters (1866, 1868, 1870), a receipt (1838), and notes for a speech (1865) given at the Minnesota State Fair, most of which relate his views on the economic future of Minnesota and the western states. | |
Ethel Fredrickson Green: An Inventory of Her Grace Margaret Lealtad Collection | 01306 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Nettie Clark Green: An Inventory of Her Photographs | sv000107 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Richard R. Green: An Inventory of His Papers | 00114 |
Speech transcripts (1955-1989), correspondence (1980-1989), memorials, newspaper clippings and magazine articles, audio and video recordings (1976-1988), and scrapbooks (1987-1989) documenting the career of a superintendent of Minneapolis schools (1980-1988) and chancellor of the New York public school system (1988-1989). | |
Green Giant Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 01270 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Green Party of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 01094 |
Constitutions and bylaws; meeting and convention agendas, programs, minutes, and reports; newsletters; correspondence; party platforms and campaign literature; leaflets; articles; and other papers relating to the Green Party of Minnesota; its predecessor, the Minnesota Greens Confederation; Twin Cities Greens; and the Green Party of St. Paul. | |
Donald N. Gregg: An Inventory of His Flour Milling Research Files | 00519 |
Subject files, including photocopies, photographs, and printed items, related to flour mills and milling in Minnesota and other Midwestern states (ca.1850s-1980s). The files were compiled by Don Gregg up to the time of his death in 1987; they have since been supplemented by items donated by others. | |
Loris Sofia Gregory: An Inventory of Her Flour and Feed Bag Research Files | 00994 |
Background research files, correspondence, fabric pattern samples, surveys, and other material related to private and public feed, flour, and dress print bag collections; bag manufacturing and textile milling companies; as well as fabric and sewing pattern companies compiled for the published article: Connolly, Loris. "Recycling feed sacks and flour bags: thrifty housewives or marketing success story?" Dress, Volume 19 (1992): 17-36. | |
Aloysius F. Grengs: An Inventory of His Papers | m341 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James S. Griffin: An Inventory of His Papers | P1679 |
Newspaper clippings, articles, general correspondence, and subject files documenting the career of a member of the St. Paul police force, the city's first Black deputy police chief, and St. Paul School Board member. | |
George Grim: An Inventory of His Papers | 01239 |
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Sharon Grimes: An Inventory of the Dickey/Grimes family collection of wartime letters and family papers | 01464 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Andrew Grindeland: An Inventory of His Papers | 00539 |
Correspondence and letterpress books of a Warren, Minnesota, attorney, land dealer, and state district court judge, relating especially to his law practice (1882-), judgeship (1903-1930), and real estate business in the Red River Valley. Includes some personal and family correspondence, and letters concerned with Republican Party politics and Norwegian-American Lutheran church affairs. | |
Groundswell: An Inventory of Its Records | 00534 |
Minutes and agenda packets (1985-1989), correspondence (undated and 1985-1991), newsletters (1985-1989), brochures (undated and 1983-1988), a pamphlet (1985), and photocopied newspaper clippings (undated and 1984-1990) reflecting the activity of a nonpartisan organization of rural Minnesotans dedicated to ensuring the survival of the family farm. | |
Joan Growe: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00043 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Guild of Catholic Women (St. Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Their Records | 00755 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Guild of Taxi Drivers and Associated Workers: An Inventory of Its Records | 00571 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous records (1973-1978) providing information on the formation of the guild and the 1975-1976 Minneapolis cab drivers' strike. | |
Marguerite Guinotte: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00044 |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and related materials of a French woman who came to St. Paul (Minn.) in 1907 to teach French at the Miss Loomis School and was later assistant professor of French at the University of Minnesota. | |
Leslie Gustafson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00475 |
Papers describing the career and family history of a Minnesota educator. The family histories of his mother and wife are also documented. | |
F. T. (Frithiof T.) Gustavson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01083 |
Biographical data, correspondence, writings, clippings, and photographs of Gustavson, operator of the Home Trading Company in Pequot Lakes, Minnesota, amateur archaeologist, student of aboriginal peoples and history of the area, superintendent of the Chippewa Museum in Cass Lake, Minnesota, and lecturer, tourism promoter and author. | |
Gilbert William Gutknecht Jr.: An Inventory of His Congressional Papers | 01565 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Guttersen Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00780 |
Letters, dismantled scrapbooks, and photographs of Granville Guttersen, an aviation instructor during World War 1 in Texas who died of pneumonia in 1918, and his mother, Alma Guttersen, who lived to 100 years old (1865-1965) and was an active club woman in St. Paul for many years and matron for the Guttersen family. | |
Gordon Guy: An Inventory of His Negatives of Charles Lindbergh's Visit to Little Falls | sv000235 |
![]() Includes digital content. |