A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | What's New
Name/Abstract | File no. |
E.J. Longyear Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00360 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Richard M. Eames: An Inventory of His Papers | 01178 |
Correspondence, notebooks, deeds, plats, and miscellany of this Minnesota geologist and miner who operated around Lake Vermilion, along the north shore of Lake Superior, and as a surveyor for the Northern Pacific Railroad in western Minnesota and Dakota Territory. There is information in particular about iron, silver, and gold mining in Minnesota and about cultural activities in Duluth. | |
East Central Regional Development Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01976 |
Annual reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the East Central Regional Development Commission, particularly as relating to citizen involvement, the Mille Lacs Lake watershed, planning and management, comprehensive growth, and capitol improvements. | |
East Side Neighborhood Services, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minn.) | P0003 |
Records (1889-1961) of a Minneapolis settlement house organized in 1914 in an area heavily populated by Slavic immigrants, and of its predecessors, Immanuel Sunday School Mission and Drummond Hall. The collection also includes six reminiscences (2002-2003) by participants in a program for older community residents conducted by East Side Neighborhood Services, the successor to the settlement house. | |
Eastern Railway Company of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 01549 |
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Jason Clark Easton: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01195 |
The business and personal papers of this banker who owned or held stock in banks at Chatfield, Lanesboro, Preston, and other towns in southern Minnesota. They are concentrated especially in the 1870s-1890s. | |
Elizabeth Adams Ebbott: An Inventory of Her Research Files | 00541 |
Materials for the research and publication of the first four editions of | |
Adolph Olson Eberhart: An Inventory of His Papers | P2205 |
Biological and family information (1831-1913), correspondence and miscellaneous papers (1910-1914), and autobiographical reminiscences (undated and 1943) describing Eberhart's immigration to the United States from Sweden (1882), his life in St. Peter and Mankato, Minnesota, and in Nebraska (1883-1893), and his subsequent political career in the Minnesota State Senate (1902-1914), as lieutenant governor (1905-1909), as governor (1909-1914), and as a member of the Speakers Bureau for the Federal Housing Authority (1934-ca. 1938). | |
Gary Eberspacher: An Inventory of His Photographs and Moving Images of Minnesota Golf Tournaments | sv000238 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ebony Fashion Fair Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh175 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ecolab Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 00309 |
Records of a multinational developer and manufacturer of industrial and household cleaning and sanitizing products, systems, and services. Includes unpublished annual reports, employee newsletters and magazines, brochures and company publications, photographs, product formulas, news clippings, press releases, and scattered letters and memoranda. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Accountant's Correspondence and Subject Files | gr02664 |
Correspondence, budgets, reports, and other material concerning the department's advertising program, personnel, purchasing, expenses, consultants' contracts, and related matters. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr03077 |
Includes annual and biennial reports of the economic development department, business research and development, and other reports. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Chronological File (Reading File) | gr03254 |
Copies of letters sent by department staff to business leaders, government officials, retail merchants, the general public, and others concerning trade law violations, information requested by the public and the staff, industrial development in Minnesota, government programs, and related subjects. There is much more correspondence for 1960 than for 1961, and the 1956 files include a few letters from 1947 to 1955. Also included is one folder of interoffice memoranda, 1948-1955. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Governors' Conference Files | gr03078 |
Correspondence, press releases, newspaper clippings, attendance lists, and similar material relating to the planning of two governors' conferences that were held in Minneapolis, the Midwest Governors' Conference in 1964 and the National Governors' Conference in 1965. The Economic Development Department, in conjunction with the governor's office, arranged the conferences. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Ledgers | gr03129 |
Ledgers of various funds controlled by the department (funds for business research and development, community planning, distressed areas relief and administration, and dairy industry). | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Publicity Files And Related Materials | gr03255 |
Newspaper clippings, press releases, research bulletins, newsletters, reports, and numerous department publications documenting the department's activities; newspaper clippings and magazine articles detailing Minnesota economic development; and Minnesota Minnetours news releases. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr03256 |
Reports, newsletters, brochures, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Economic Development Department. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Minnesota's Participation in the New York World's Fair | gr03290 |
Correspondence, memoranda, planning and status reports, committee minutes and reports, newspaper clippings, news releases, budgets, audit records, and similar material relating to fund-raising, expenditures, architectural plans, exhibit planning and construction, public reaction to the exhibits, and other topics concerning Minnesota's pavilion at the 1964-1965 World's Fair in New York. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Training for Industry (TFI) Project Files | gr01855 |
Correspondence (1975), Governor's Manpower Office records (1974-1977), area vocational technical institute files (1974-1976), and subject files (1974-1976). The latter include budget materials, proposals, surveys, and reports and cover such topics as area vocational technical institute training, Rural Minnesota CEP, hiring, and requirements. | |
Economic Development Department: Area Redevelopment Administration: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01856 |
Reading file of outgoing letters of ARA staff members; community development corporations grant files, including grant applications, annual reports, plans, correspondence, and financial records; subject and correspondence files; technical assistance project files; and background files on counties, municipalities, and Indian reservations. | |
Economic Security Department: An Inventory of Its News Releases | ecosec04 |
News releases and media advisories covering
activities of the department and its various divisions and offices. |
Economic Security Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01993 |
Reports, newsletters, brochures, and miscellaneous
print and near-print items of or about the Economic Security Department. |
Economic Security Department: Financial Services Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of John G. Burns | gr01964 |
Subject files of John G. Burns, director of the Financial Services Division, detailing various aspects of the division's operation and administration. | |
Economic Security Department: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: An Inventory of Its Workers' Compensation Unit Records | ecosec03 |
Correspondence, reports, recommendations, memos, statistics, and related materials documenting the activities of the Workers' Compensation Unit. | |
William C. Edgar and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01216 |
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The Edina Sun: An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection | sv000150c |
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Education Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01966 |
Annual and biennial reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (1860-1914), biennial reports (1913- ) of the Department of Education, and summaries of annual reports of the department's administrative units (1966-1978). | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports of County Superintendents of Schools | gr02292 |
The reports contain summary data on enrollment (totals and by grade), attendance (aggregate and average daily), numbers of teachers and annual wages (men/women), teacher qualifications, and finances for all school districts in each country. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Desegregation/Integration Files | educ027 |
Mainly documenting the education department's efforts to implement federal and state desegregation/integration legislation from the 1960s into the 1990s, the records contain materials detailing various court cases brought against state districts, particularly Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth; files covering various federal and state grant programs which provided money for desegregation and civil rights purposes; computer generated enrollment statistics detailing both racial and gender ratios; and subject files documenting not only general information on desegregation/integration but also selected sets on the State Board of Education, Minnesota Department of Education/Department of Children, Families and Learning, Duluth Public Schools, Minneapolis Public Schools, and St. Paul Public Schools. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Laws Relating to the Minnesota Public School System | gr01967 |
Published under varying titles. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | educ021 |
Miscellaneous records including various publications, particularly manuals, self-survey forms, and rules and regulations; compilations of education laws; studies and surveys; department organization charts and correspondence. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00435 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Education Department. The records cover all aspects of the department's duties and activities, including curriculum, rules and regulations, standards, administration, school finance, development, Indian education, instruction, foreign languages, pupil personnel services, libraries, management, planning, equal educational opportunity, professions development, school facilities and transportation, special education, statistics, teacher certification and placement, vocational rehabilitation, and vocational-technical education. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its Reorganization Proposals | gr02885 |
Files relating to the reorganization and consolidation of the state’s school districts. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its School District Surveys | gr02884 |
Bound mimeograph copies of survey reports on Minnesota public school districts for the years 1921-1927 and 1951-1969. | |
Education Department: An Inventory of Its State Board Examinations | gr00694 |
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Education Department: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02886 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, legislation,
financial records, and related materials documenting all aspects of the department's administration and activities. |
Education Department: Board of Education: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr02887 |
Master set of minutes for 1919 (May) through 1960; and agenda packets, containing minutes and the memos, reports, and other documents acted upon at each meeting, for 1950-1979 and 1981-1991. | |
Education Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | educ023 |
Three sets of correspondence covering the terms of
commissioners Howard Casmey (1980-1981), John Feda (1981-1983), Ruth E. Randall (1983-ca. 1989), Tom Nelson (ca. 1989-1991), and Gene Mammenga (1991-1993). |
Education Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Ruth E. Randall Files | educ026 |
Articles and speeches (1984-1985), committee appointments (1985-1986), and correspondence (1983-1988) of commissioner Ruth E. Randall. | |
Education Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02336 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, newsletters,
and similar materials relating to most areas of departmental activity, including general administration, personnel, finances, legislation, and other subjects of interest to the department. |
Education Department: Council On Quality Education: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00120 |
Records of the Council on Quality Education (CQE), established to recommend, for final funding by the State Board of Education, innovative and cost-effective projects in elementary and secondary education. The materials document the various activities of the council, particularly its role in distribution of project money, evaluation of funded projects, development and implementation of the Early Childhood and Family Education (ECFE) and Improved Learning programs, and work on alternative delivery systems for small rural school and grants for community education, especially services for handicapped adults. | |
Education Department: Development and Partnership Division: An Inventory of Its Records of Assistant Commissioner Nan Skelton | gr02226 |
Records include AIDS prevention files, legislation files, secondary vocational education restructuring files, Whole Child Initiative program files, and selected subject files. | |
Education Department: Governor’s State Quarter Dollar Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | educ041 |
Records documenting the commission to select design concepts and recommend a final design for Minnesota’s submission to the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the 50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act. | |
Education Department: Minnesota Board of Teaching: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Meeting Files | gr01267 |
Board meeting minutes, agendas, and other files from the Education Department's Board of Teaching. The board met monthly until 1981, after which they met approximately every other month. | |
Education Department: Minnesota Board of Teaching: An Inventory of Its Rule Making Files | gr01303 |
Proposed rules relating to teacher licensure, board manuals, and board retreat files. | |
Education Department: Nonpublic Education Council: An Inventory of Its Records | educ040 |
Records of this council (prior to 1987, the Nonpublic
School Study Committee) established by the Commissioner of Education to form a better communication system between the Commissioner’s Office and the state’s nonpublic schools. |
Education Department: School Buildings Division: An Inventory of Its Photographs of School Buildings | educ031 |
Collection of photographs of school building
exteriors and interiors, aerial views (1970s), students, and activities. |
Education Department: School Buildings Division: An Inventory of Its School Building Plans | gr01970 |
Blueprints, plans, and specifications for school buildings now remodeled or no longer in use, originally submitted for approval to the state Department of Education per Minn. Stat. 120.15. | |
Education Department: Special and Compensatory Education Division: An Inventory of Its Assistant Commissioner's Files | gr01969 |
Records of Dr. Wilfred D. Antell, assistant commissioner for the Division of Special and Compensatory Education. | |
Education Department: Special Services Division: An Inventory of Its Planning, Evaluation and Reporting (PER) Reports | educ030 |
Planning, evaluation and reporting (PER) reports annually made available to each school district's citizens, through media releases or other means of communication. | |
Education Department: State Advisory Commission on School Reorganization: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02983 |
Files of the State Advisory Commission on School Reorganization including agenda packets and minutes, reports to the Legislature, subject files, and publications. | |
Education Department: State Advisory Commission on School Reorganization: An Inventory of Its Reports of County School Survey Committees | gr02813 |
Tentative and final reports (1948) of surveys of county school districts and recommendations for reorganization, per Laws 1947 chapter 421. Sixty-three counties conducted surveys. Some counties also submitted follow-up reports or other subsequent information. | |
Education Department: State Board of Vocational-Technical Education: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Meeting Materials | gr03177 |
Minutes and meeting materials documenting the activities of this board that governed the state’s area vocational technical schools/institutes [AVTI]. | |
Education Department: State Board of Vocational-Technical Education: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00433 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the State Board of Vocational-Technical Education. | |
Education Department: Superintendent of Public Instruction: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr03007 |
Letterpress copies of the outgoing correspondence of Superintendents of Public Instruction J. H. Lewis, J. W. Olsen, and C. G. Schulz. | |
Education Department: Vocational-Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its Area Vocational-Technical Institute Files | gr01968 |
Files of Robert P. Van Tries, assistant state director for vocational education, and assistant commissioner, Vocational-Technical Education Division. The records document the relationship of Van Tries' office and the state's area vocational technical institutes (AVTIs). | |
Education Department: Vocational-Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its FFA Records | gr00380 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Education Department: Vocational-Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its FFA Foundation Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00379 |
Records documenting all aspects of the foundation's organization and operation. | |
Education Department: Vocational-Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its Home Economics Program Reports | educ018 |
Reports submitted by school districts, summary reports prepared by the Department of Education, and annual agreements by local boards of education for approved programs for adult home economics education. | |
Education Department: Vocational-Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | educ022 |
Miscellaneous records documenting vocational coordinators' conference, community canning centers, governor's conferences, and grant proposals from individual school districts. | |
Education Department: Vocational Technical Education Division: An Inventory of Its Van Tries (Assistant Commissioner Robert P.) Subject Files | gr00186 |
Correspondence, financial materials, background reports, memos, agendas, resolutions, photographs, news clippings, and related materials documenting the duties and activities of the assistant commissioner's office. | |
Education and Housing Equity Project (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00857 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Elijah Evan Edwards: An Inventory of His Civil War Journals | 00803 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Daniel J. Elazar: An Inventory of His Papers | 00025 |
Articles, family memoirs, and miscellaneous materials authored by a Minneapolis-born professor of political science. | |
Electricity Board: An Inventory of Its Board Records | gr00554 |
Records of this board endowed with the statutory authority to adopt the electrical code, including any amendments; adopt rules that regulated the licensure or registration of the electrical industry; and issue final interpretation of the electrical code. | |
Elim Covenant Church (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00938 |
Administrative records, member records, operating records, records of organizations within the congregation, subject files, and records of the treasurer and financial secretary of a St. Paul church begun by Swedish-Americans. Some of the material is in Swedish. | |
Harvey Ellis: An Inventory of His Papers | 00484 |
Architectural and fine art sketches (undated, 1869-1898) by American architect Harvey Ellis, supplemented by a few textual items relating to his life and career. | |
Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary: An Inventory of Its Records | 00384 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Edmund Franklin Ely: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 00974 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Henry Sisson Ely: An Inventory of His Papers | p2312 |
Translations of reputed Ojibwe legends from the Duluth area, and other miscellaneous writings by Ely on Ojibwe customs, religion, child rearing, games, and other cultural aspects. They are supplemented with some biographical and genealogical information, largely from published sources. | |
Emergency Relief Administration: An Inventory of Its Langland (Harold S.) Files | gr02118 |
Correspondence, memoranda, statistics, reports, administrative bulletins and circulars, and miscellany created or kept by Harold S. Langland, Personnel Director and coordinator of statistical and research projects. | |
Emergency Relief Administration: An Inventory of Its State Relief Agency Reports and Publications | gr02117 |
Statistical and financial data on programs and budgets of the State Relief Agency, including some predecessor reports of the state Emergency Relief Administration; and project status reports, both narrative and statistical, some containing photographs. | |
Rhoda J. Emery: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00026 |
Family histories and genealogies, including charts (1598-1963); family correspondence and school papers (1842-1951); diaries (1889-1905); and photographs documenting the interrelated George and Emery families of Oronoco and Rochester (Minn.) and the Wood family of Douglas (Minn.). | |
Employee Relations Department: An Inventory of Its Abolished Class Files | gr02281 |
Files on abolished position titles and classifications for state employees (1976-1982), consisting of audit sheets, job opening announcements, examinations and scoring keys, and job rating criteria. No position descriptions are included. Many files contain items predating the year of abolition. Also includes an examination file on the state's Cooperative College Placement Program (1974). | |
Employee Relations Department: An Inventory of Its Agreements with Union/Bargaining Units | gr02280 |
Agreements made between the State of Minnesota (on behalf of the Public Welfare Department and its institutions) and various unions and bargaining units. | |
Employee Relations Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr02278 |
Reports, newsletters, guidebooks, handbooks, annual commissioner's plans, and various print and near-print materials documenting the department's activities. | |
Employee Relations Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02279 |
Reports, manuals, correspondence, and related materials documenting a wide variety of the department's activities. | |
Employment and Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01308 |
Photographs, assorted sizes, mostly black and white,
documenting a wide range of topics related to employment and economic development. |
Employment and Economic Development Department: State Services for the Blind: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00540 |
Records documenting the duties and administration of the state's agency to help people who are blind, visually impaired, or DeafBlind to live and work as independently as possible. | |
Employment Security Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | esd01 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Employment Security Department. | |
Energy Agency: An Inventory of Its Certificate of Need Decision Files | energ002 |
Records relating to the agency's review of applications made by energy suppliers for certficates of need prior to construction of new facilities. | |
Energy Agency: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | energ005 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Energy Agency. | |
Energy Agency: Conservation Division: An Inventory of Its Energy Design Competition Entries | gr02035 |
Designs for construction of energy efficient dwellings suitable for Minnesota's climate, including site plans, floor plans, exterior views, cross-sections, cost figures, and design project narratives. | |
Energy Agency: Conservation Division: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02036 |
Includes work plans, program review minutes, conservation program reviews, minutes of the Energy Code Project, material relating to the Energy Conservation Program Act and Energy Policy and Conservation Act, and miscellaneous subject files. | |
Energy Agency: Director: An Inventory of Its Records | energ004 |
Includes correspondence and memos of directors, director's speech and visit files; newspaper clippings, files on agency organization and policy; records relating to the Governor's Task Force on Waste and Mismanagement, the Solar Energy Research Institute, and the Legislative Energy Commission; and the director's responses to letters referred to the agency by the governor's office. | |
Energy, Planning, and Development Department: An Inventory of Its Records | epdd01 |
Records documenting the duties and activities of the department. | |
J. J. (John Johnson) Enmegahbowh: An Inventory of His Letters | 01135 |
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Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Committee Minutes | gr02360 |
Minutes and agenda materials of several committees
that were created to advise the board on technical and public-interest aspects of environmental quality review, particularly power plant siting, high-voltage transmission lines, and groundwater protection. |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Environmental Review Program Correspondence | gr00912 |
Nonproject correspondence (called early warnings file) containing letters, memos, blueprints, telephone logs, and similar materials relating to projected development projects that the board may have wished to monitor in the future. | |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Hearing Records Concerning Northern States Power Company’s Prairie Island Plant | gr02357 |
Hearing records concerning Northern States Power
Company's application to increase the storage capacity for spent fuel at its Prairie Island nuclear generating plant. |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr02358 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Environmental Quality Board. | |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Regional Copper Nickel Study Files | gr02359 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Rules and Regulations Hearing Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00444 |
Hearing transcripts, testimony, correspondence, and related papers pertaining to hearings on rules and regulations for power plant siting, submission of environmental impact statements, and environmental review in general. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Duluth: An Inventory of Its Convocation Record Book | P2320 |
Record of delegates at the Indian Convocation held annually by the Diocese of Duluth at the Cass Lake Mission. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Diocesan Subject Files | P1035h |
An assortment of files on diocesan oversight and educational organizations, properties, and history. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Bishop Coadjutor Mahlon N. Gilbert Records | P1035d |
Diaries and visitation book of the bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota from 1886 to 1900. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Bishop Henry B. Whipple Records | P1035j |
Baptismal registers, diaries, accounts, and other diocesan records created by Henry B. Whipple, the first bishop of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Executive and Administrative Records | P1035c |
Minutes, financial and property records, correspondence, and other records of the executive and administrative offices of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Related Records | P1035a |
Letters of diocesan officials, clergy, laymen, and church historians, as well as related printed materials, sermons, reports, and financial documents. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Diocese of Duluth Records | P1035b |
Records of the Diocese of Duluth from its inception in 1895 through its 1944 merger with the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Diocesan Records | P1035e |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Parish Record Books | P1035f |
Parish registers, minutes, account books and other financial records, photographs, some architectural drawings, microfilm, and other records, primarily of closed parishes but also of some active parishes in the Diocese of Minnesota. Some of the material is in Swedish. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | P1035 |
The records of the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Minnesota, cover the period from the arrival of the first Episcopal missionaries into the area in the 1820s through the bishopric of Robert M. Anderson, which ended in 1993. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Sermons and Lectures | P1035g |
Sermons, addresses, and lectures delivered by early Minnesota Episcopal clergymen. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Archdeacon Frederick F. Kramer Files | P1035n |
Correspondence, subject files, and other records documenting Kramer's service as Archdeacon in charge of Indian work and dean of the Cass Lake and Northwest deaneries in the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Bishop Hamilton Hyde Kellogg Files | P1035m |
Files documenting Kellogg's service as bishop coadjutor and bishop of the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Bishop Philip F. Mcnairy Files | P1035o |
Correspondence, subject, Christian Social Relations Department, and other files created by Philip F. McNairy during his service as suffragan bishop, bishop coadjutor, and bishop of the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Bishop Robert M. Anderson Files | P1035k |
Subject files of the seventh Episcopal Bishop of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Bishop Stephen E. Keeler Files | P1035l |
Personal papers and diocesan records created by Stephen E. Keeler during his service as bishop coadjutor and bishop of the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Churchwomen: Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00027 |
Minutes and related papers (1882-1984); financial records (1901-1985); reports (1961-1979); yearbooks, handbooks, and directories (1959-1990); annual meeting files (1985-1992); and historical information, constitutions, and bylaws (1882-1955) created by an organization founded in 1882 as a cooperative effort by Episcopal women to raise funds for missionaries and their families, later expanding its work to encompass all types of social action on behalf of diverse groups. | |
Arlen Inglof Erdahl: An Inventory of His Papers | 00137 |
Congressional files and related papers of Arlen Erdahl (Republican), who represented Minnesota's first district from 1979 to 1983. | |
Erickson Post Cards & Souvenirs: An Inventory of Its Postcard Collection | sv000209 |
Postcards published by Erickson Post Cards & Souvenirs, Duluth and photographed by various photographers, their names are noted on verso of the postcards. Views of towns and scenic areas in northern Minnesota, including Duluth and Lake Superior. Also views of Minneapolis, Rochester, and scenes in Wisconsin near Bayfield and Ashland. | |
Ethical Practices Board: An Inventory of Its Socialist Workers Party Files | gr02598 |
Files dealing with the Socialist Workers Party partial exemption from the campaign finance disclosure statements required under Minnesota law [Laws 1974 c470 sec20]. Citing a subdivision which exempted any association or any of its member or contributors from the requirement if disclosure would expose any or all of them to economic reprisals, loss of employment, or threat of physical coercion, the SWP was allowed to list all individual contributors or lenders and endorsers by a number instead of a name on records filed with the state. | |
Evangelical Free Church of America: An Inventory of Its Records | P2536 |
Conference materials, reports, circulars, and other miscellaneous records of the Evangelical Free Church of America and the Central District Conference of the denomination. | |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: An Inventory of Selected Congregational Records of the American Lutheran Church in Minnesota | 01009 |
Selected congregational records from individual congregations belonging to the American Lutheran Church with a strong emphasis on Norwegian churches in Minnesota. | |
Sara M. Evans: An Inventory of Her Wage Justice Research Files | 00167 |
Audio tapes of, and notes about, interviews with politicians, legislators, and union representatives; conference materials; questionnaires; academic papers and articles; and other materials relating to a study of comparable worth for Minnesota state government employees. | |
William R. Everett: An Inventory of His Film Collection | sv000015 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hansen Evesmith: An Inventory of His Papers | P2209 |
Papers prepared by Hansen Evesmith, a Duluth (Minn.) mining engineer who was an active participant in many of the companies engaged in the discovery and development of the Mesabi Iron Range. | |
Excelsior Fruit Growers Association: An Inventory of Its Records | P0932 |
Correspondence, minute books, annual and financial reports, grower and customer lists, tax returns, legal documents, stock certificates, ledgers, journals, and records of fruit receipts and sales, primarily 1934-1969, of a fruit-marketing cooperative in Excelsior and Hopkins, Minnesota. | |
Executive Committee, Appointed to Distribute Funds for Relief of Sufferers by the Cyclone in Minnesota, April 14th 1886: An Inventory of Its St. Cloud Cyclone Relief Minute Book and Account Book | gr01045 |
Minutes of the executive committee and financial accounts of the local building committee formed to distribute funds for the relief of those who suffered losses in a tornado that devastated St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Drought Relief Applications | gr01806 |
Applications for livestock feed and/or fuel and other farm needs, as a result of crop losses in the drought of 1933. They were submitted to the Executive Council's Drought Relief Committee. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Hailstorm Relief Applications | gr01807 |
Applications for livestock feed and/or funds for building repair or other farm needs as a result of damage from hailstorms that struck a number of Minnesota counties in the summers of 1930 and 1932-1934. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Lease Files | gr01804 |
Files on mining and miscellaneous leases of state lands that were handled by or through the Executive Council. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Maps and Blueprints | gr02712 |
Planting plans for the State Capitol grounds and the
State Office Building; a plan for stack storage additions to the Minnesota Historical Society; maps of several river and lake flowage and restoration projects; and maps of the Lac Qui Parle flood control project. |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Materials | gr01288 |
Bound volumes of official minutes (1925-1955), with a few miscellaneous agenda items; and files of official minutes and agenda materials (1959-2015). The 1999-2002 files were added from Governor Jesse Ventura's files; they are incomplete. The 2011-2015 files were added from Governor Mark Dayton's files. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Relief Correspondence and Records | gr01808 |
Correspondence and related materials regarding disaster relief aid provided to Minnesota citizens by or through the Executive Council, particularly for damages caused by drought, storm, and forest fires. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01805 |
Subject files relating to various administrative and program matters that fall under the purview of the Executive Council. They include materials on such topics as disaster relief and reconstruction especially by the Military Affairs Department, economic development, emergency services, migrant affairs, state lands and care facilities, use of the herbicide 2-4-D, community and rural development, and state bonds and delinquent accounts. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its WPA and Relief Project Files | gr02711 |
Files on a variety of work relief, disaster relief, and conservation projects financed by the Executive Council, many with Works Progress Administration funds. |