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Name/Abstract File no.
C. Thomas Super Markets: An Inventory of the Album sv000354
C. Thomas Super Markets, 1929-1942Interior and exterior views of grocery stores operated by C. Thomas Stores in Albert Lea and Anoka and in Minneapolis on 43rd Street and Nicollet Avenue and Penn Avenue and Lowry Avenue. Includes opening day celebrations.

Includes digital content.
Cable Communications Board: An Inventory of Its Contested Cases Files cable02
Records regarding the application for and awarding of the cable television franchises in St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Cable Communications Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr01785
Correspondence, clippings, reports, and related materials covering such topics as access, board membership and orientation, cross-ownership, discrimination, federal cable legislation, franchise development, interconnection and municipal cable systems, regional channels, and sales tax.
Calamity J. Contracting: An Inventory of Its Records 00727
Calamity J. Contracting was a Minneapolis construction company founded by a women's cooperative in 1976 and in operation 1977-1981. Records include articles of incorporation, bylaws, amendments, and minutes of meetings; financial records; time sheets; newsletters and business communications; and receipts and other information relating to individual contracting jobs.
Merlyn R. Cadwell: An Inventory of His Papers 01346
Seniority rosters and position bulletins for telegraphers of the Great Northern Railway's Willmar Division and the Burlington Northern Railroad's Northern District collected by employee Merlyn R. Cadwell of Clara City and Marshall, Minnesota. Includes an historical file on the Clara City depot.
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports gr01061
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials gr00180
Photographs, films, and architectural drawings documenting activities of the residents and staff and various buildings and areas of the hospital facility.
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Budget Requests gr01062
The biennial requests include directives, correspondence, copies of the State Board of Control's appropriation recommendations for the Department of Public Institutions (1930-1939), and estimates and information for the biennial budget (1940-1953). The latter were submitted to the Department of Administration by the Division of Public Institutions. The quarterly requests were submitted to the Budget Commissioner.
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Committee Files gr01063
Minutes, accompanied by correspondence, memos, reports, and background materials, of administrative, employee, professional specialty, and special-purpose committees, particularly the executive committee, administrative staff, and review board.
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01064
Vouchers covering the purchase of land and building construction (1923-1924); a night report log noting patients' noisiness, restlessness, illness, or violent behavior, and treatment or drugs given (1927-1929); a daily record of activities and events in an unspecified cottage for female residents (September 1928-July 1929); and correspondence of the assistant administrator, physical plant (1984-1987).
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Policy and Procedures Manuals gr01065
Includes information manuals for hospital volunteers and friends and family, rules and procedures handbooks for employees and the officer of the day, and a nursing policy manual.
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr01066
Contains weekly typewritten compilations of hospital news (1928-1943), superintendent's Memoranda and Bulletin, both directives to the staff (1956-1960), Cambridge State News, the hospital newsletter (1971-1974), weekly administrative bulletins (1947-1990), a pamphlet, Cambridge State School and Hospital (1963), and visitor's information booklet (1977).
Cambridge State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Research Files gr01067
Correspondence, reports, statistics, and related materials documenting several studies done using hospital patients, including use of buttermilk and ketogenic (high fat content) diets in treatment of mental illness and epilepsy, research into the levels of magnesium and potassium in epileptics' blood, observation of the hospital's child patients, and charting of epileptic patients' seizures. Also a record of influenza inoculations given on January 2, 1941.
Cambridge State Hospital: Business Manager: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr01068
The files cover such topics as affirmative action and sexual harassment cases brought against the hospital; recycling; committee activities, including the Boy Scouts and camping committees; disciplinary action involving personnel; relations with the Lake Owasso Children's Home; planning activities; the annual campus carnival; consultants; building maintenance; the summer program; and reorganization.
Cambridge State Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Correspondence With Other State Institutions gr01069
Correspondence with Anoka, Fergus Falls, Hastings, Moose Lake, Rochester, St. Peter, Sandstone, and Willmar State hospitals; Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children; state schools for the blind and deaf; the Home School for Girls and Training School for Boys; and the state sanitorium, prison, and reformatories for men and women.
Cambridge State Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its General Correspondence/Subject Files gr00721
Correspondence and subject files relating to all aspects of the institution's management, including general administration, personnel, patients/residents, medical service, research, library service, and relations with other hospitals, the legislature, and various supervisory agencies.
Camden Area Community Concerns Council: An Inventory of Its Records 00549
Records of an organization founded in 1975 to promote positive activities in Camden Community (located in north Minneapolis) and to address community concerns.
Cameo Social Club: An Inventory of Its Records 01143
Minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, and other memorabilia of an African American social club formed in 1925. Much of the material documents parties and other special events held by the club, especially the Cotillion Ball, where the Club presented debutantes during the 1950s and 1960s.
Cameron Booth: An Inventory of His Papers 01102
Scrapbooks, sketchbooks, photos, newspaper clippings, printed material, personal income tax returns, and some correspondence relating to Minnesota artist Cameron Booth.
Camp Lake Hubert Photograph Album Collection: An Inventory of the Photographs sv000309
Camp Lake Hubert prep for girls, 1952Photograph albums document Camp Lake Hubert, a girls' camp near Brainerd. Images include group shots of campers; camp directors Dr. William Rogers and Grace Rogers; and camp activities including archery, sailing, canoeing, swimming, pageants and parade float boats.

Includes digital content.
Campaign 90S (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Organizational Records 00415
Miscellaneous records of Campaign 90s and its predecessor groups, Campaign 90 and Yes For Human Rights, which campaigned for a human rights ordinance protecting gay rights in the city of St. Paul.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports gr01491
Annual reports (1998-2011) and biennial reports (2012-2017). Also includes reports of its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997).
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Constitutional Ballot Question cfpdb006
Reports of receipts and expenditures of political funds (category 21) and by political
committees (category 22) in support of or opposition to proposed amendments to the state
constitution that were voted on in state general elections.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Political Committees and Funds gr00127
Reports of receipts of political committees and funds, and of their contributions (transfers)to candidates, to committees and funds supporting candidates, and to committees and funds organized to promote or defeat a ballot question.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Political Party Units (Category 2) cfpdb002
Summaries of receipts and expenditures by political party committees and funds other than
the principal campaign committees of individual candidates.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Principal Campaign Committees (Category 1) gr00126
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by the campaign committee for each candidate for a state office (constitutional officers, legislators, statewide and district courts), accompanied by a statement of organization for the committee.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Complaint Files cfpdb007
Records concerning the investigation of alleged violations of the state’s ethical practices
law, including board findings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, legal documents, and related papers. The majority cover cases involving fair campaign practice regulations.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Conciliation Agreements and Findings gr00130
Materials documenting conciliation agreements to campaign finance clients who make excess expenditures or have made or received excess contributions.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Economic Interest Statements gr00125
Annual personal financial statements filed by candidates for state executive and legislative offices and by appointees to boards and commissions.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Legal Files gr00129
Legal files and advisory opinions of the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board and its predecessors.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets gr00128
Minutes and agenda packets detailing the organization and administration of the board and its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997).
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr02167
The records contain summary and other data on campaign finance activity and the board's
oversight of it.
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records. gr01492
Published issuances of the Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board and its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997), relating to regulations and disclosures under the Ethics in Government Act.
Campbell-Mithun, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records 01320
Subject files, newsletters, introductory brochures, financial data, plans, manuals, reports and studies, photographs, slides, and corporate miscellany documenting the operations, personnel, advertising philosophy, public and client relations, and other aspects of the history of this Minneapolis advertising firm. The majority of the collection contains advertising porfolios containing copies of newspaper advertisements, brochures, posters, and flyers created by the firm for it clients.
Cantine Family: An Inventory of Their Papers P863
Includes copies of the Cantine family weekly newsletter entitled, "Cantine Corn Consuming Corporation Chronicle," transcripts of World War II letters (Oct. 28, 1944-Nov. 4, 1945), photographs, and photocopied genealogical materials.
Mick Caouette: An Inventory of His Interviews From The Heart of Bassett Place Moving Image Collection sv000256
Video iconCollection includes interviews used to create the film The Heart of Bassett Place: W. Gertrude Brown and the Wheatley House. Interviews are with former employees and visitors to the house: W. Harry Davis, Jack Hyatt, Marian Majors McElroy, Lawrence Brown, and Dorothy Hall McFarland talking about their experiences at the Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House; memories of Mrs. Brown; and impressions of growing up as African Americans in Minnesota in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.

Includes digital content.
Mick Caouette: An Inventory of His Production Materials 01081
Includes a set of video interviews with individuals who personally knew Hubert Humphrey (2000-2001), an incomplete set of corresponding transcripts (circa 2003), and related pre- and post-production miscellany (2000-2004).
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Capitol Building Annex Design Competition Records caapb02
Records documenting a 1976-1977 competition to design an annex to the state capitol building to house a public hearing room, auditorium, visitor’s center, parking, and the Minnesota Historical Society.
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes caapb01
Incomplete set of minutes documenting the activities and duties of this board, particularly
its role in various building design competitions in the area and in zoning regulations.
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports caapb04
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the board
(and its predecessor, the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Commission).
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files caapb03
Files documenting the activities and duties of the CAAPB, particularly zoning regulations,
parking ramp (1970) and landscape (1986) competitions, a contested board seat (1974), and the Veterans Memorial Rose Garden (1955-1969).
Capitol Area Library Consortium: An Inventory of Its Records 01539
CALCO LogoRecords of a network of Minnesota state agency and other libraries founded in 1973 that work cooperatively to promote and enhance library services in state government and to the public.
Capitol Gears, Inc. (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 00109
Records of a machine shop in St. Paul's Midway District that manufactured marine engines, transmissions, gears, and related products. They include minute and stock certificate books, financial statements, photographs, and advertising samples.
Frank A. Carle: An Inventory of His Papers P2261
The collection documents Carle's career as a journalist in Indianapolis, St. Paul, Portland (Ore.), and Minneapolis; his acquaintances with many prominent politicians, journalists, and artists; his attendance at national political conventions beginning in 1876; his European and other foreign travels (1911-1913); his philosophy of life; and his reactions to the many events of his lifetime.
Grace Carlson: An Inventory of Her Papers 00215
Biographical information, correspondence, newspaper clippings, speech transcripts, lecture notes, photographs, and miscellaneous materials relating largely to Carlson's activities in the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) (1939-1949) and as a professor of psychology at St. Mary's Junior College, Minneapolis (1954-1986). Carlson resigned from the party in the early 1950s, and retired from St. Mary's in 1979, but remained on its faculty as a volunteer.
Carlton County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00104
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Carlton County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Carlton County: Automba Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr03060
Township (1914-1937) and clerk's (1937-1978) record books, treasurer's record books, miscellaneous minutes and financial statements, election registers (1970, 1972) and summary statements of votes (1970-1984), burial permits (1925-1934), fox and wolf bounty records (1936-1944), and weed inspection reports (1929-1955).
Carlton County: Barnum: An Inventory of Its Records gr02580
Clerk's books (1902-1971), treasurer's registers (1919-1979) and annual statements (1891-1922, 1942-1982), audit board report (1917), ordinances (1889-1960), election registers (1968-1970), city plan (1970), centennial celebration program (1989), and municipal liquor store license (1940).
Carlton County: Black Hoof Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr03061
Clerk's books (1905-1975), treasurer's books (1906-1973), road records (1905-1969), poll lists (1951-1982), and election register (1951).
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02470
Files numbered 1-12,591.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr02471
Files numbered A1-A84, and 1-1,246.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Case Files gr02472
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records gr02473
Indictment record books containing names of parties; transcription of the indictment, describing the alleged crime; and name of grand jury foreman and date.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Title Records gr02474
Land title registration dockets and decree records.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr00377
Variety of records documenting the activities administered by the court.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Indexes gr00378
Indexes, declarations of intention, interrogatories and depositions, orders, and final papers.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr02475
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Register and Record of Coroner's Inquests gr02476
Volumes include testimony, jury verdicts, and coroner's certificates.
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions gr02477
Register of actions covering civil and criminal case file numbers 1-887 (1871-1898) and criminal case file numbers 168-1340 (1907-1949).
Carlton County: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Records gr02478
Civil and criminal docket books and marriage records.
Carlton County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Records gr02479
Probate register, final decrees of distribution, and will records.
Carlton County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01819
Clerk's (1895-1896, 1949, 1951) and county superintendent's (1891-1897) annual reports, lists of rural teachers (1933-1967) and school officers (1935-1967), school officers minutes (1959-1966), tax levy rates (1952-1953, 1955-1958, 1962), teachers' institutes (1935-1937) and term reports (1892-1896), and a history file containing a chronological record of school organization and district history notes (approximately 1890-1955).
Carlton County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Census gr01817
Contains both countywide census (1931-1970) and census of just District No. 22 (1910-1930, scattered).
Carlton County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School District Consolidation and Reorganization Files gr01820
School survey committee minutes, correspondence, and report (1947-1952, 1960-1966), set-off order (1954), and reorganization/consolidation files (1918-1967). The latter include correspondence (1923-1963), a scrapbook/general information file (1948-1952), Pine County data (1948-1950), proposed district materials (1948-1952), reorganization (1949-1951) and school board (1949-1951) election results, and proposed plats (1918-1931). Included are lists of District No. 21 school board members (1902-1943) and Unorganized District No. 15, Wrenshall, attendance registers (1938-1940).
Carlton County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Reports to County Superintendent gr01818
Reports of school superintendents or principals. They provide attendance information and some teachers' annual reports.
Carlton County: Twin Lakes Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01193
Clerk's and treasurer's books, birth and death register (1941-1953), town meeting minutes (1960-1963), and election registers (1972).
Carlton County: Wrenshall Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01194
Clerk's books, board of supervisors' meeting minutes (1902-1913), road record books (1903-1940), birth and death records (1903-1951), financial records, poll lists (1936, 1940, 1956), summary statements of votes (1930-1936, 1976-1979), justice court dockets (1903-1919), wolf bounties (1903-1945), and miscellany.
Carpenters and Joiners Brotherhood of America. Local No. 87 (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records P316
Minutes, membership and dues records, journals, daybooks, forms, circulars, and correspondence from a carpenters' union local in St. Paul, Minnesota.
William L. Carss: An Inventory of His Papers 00018
Correspondence, invitations, newsletters, printed materials, and related papers regarding Carss' activities as a (Farmer-Labor) U.S. representative from Minnesota's Eighth Congressional District (1919-1921, 1925-1929).
Theodore G. Carter and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers P1433
Correspondence, diaries, survey notebooks, legal documents, account books, and other personal and business papers of Carter, a St. Peter (Nicollet County, Minn.) banker, surveyor, land examiner, and insurance and real estate agent.
Cartwheel Company Postcard Collection: An Inventory of Its Postcards sv000206
Postcards published by the Cartwheel Company of St. Paul. Views of towns and scenic views throughout Minnesota, mainly Minneapolis, St. Paul, and northern Minnesota. Also includes humorous postcards and postcards made for advertising and promotional use.
Denzil A. Carty: An Inventory of His Papers P1725
Biographical information, correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, reports, and printed materials documenting activities of Black Episcopal priest Denzil Carty in the Protestant Episcopal Church and in many racial, interracial, and interdenominational organizations in St. Paul (Minn.). Carty, born in the British West Indies in 1904, was educated and ordained in New York City, served as a chaplain in World War II, and came to St. Paul in 1950 as rector of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, remaining there until his 1975 retirement.
Carver County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00123
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Carver County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Carver County. Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls gr00028
Computer printouts of assessments payable in 1900 listing total real and personal property valuation.
Carver County. Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records gr00027
Warrant registers, trial balances, and town and school officer's register.
Carver County: Chanhassen: An Inventory of Its Records gr01493
Meeting minutes (1965-2019) of the City Council, Housing Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Authority, Environmental Protection Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Senior Commission; and City Council resolutions (1969-2016). Also included are scrapbooks (1969-2019).
Carver County: Chaska Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01211
Birth (1871-1890, 1900-1907) and death (1871-1890, 1900-1906) registers, and birth (1908-1952) and death (1908-1942) certificate records.
Carver County: Chaska Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02690
Clerk's books (1858-1988) and meeting minutes (1989-2004); clerk's annual statement (1867), financial reports (1975-2004), and receipts and disbursements register (1980-2005); treasurer's register of orders, including poor relief record (1887-1916), record books (1916-1979), ledger/record (1867-1919), receipts and disbursements register (1970-2005), and annual statement (1869, 1900-1912); audit board (1901-1912, 1929) and board of supervisors (1876-1900) annual reports; annual town meeting minutes (1874, 1893-1913) and poll lists (1895-1911); road records (1877-1890); chattel mortgage record (1868-1911); election records (1867-1924, 1968-1970); lists of township residents (1999, 2002) and officers (1968-2004); and materials documenting the township's annexation to the City of Chaska (1998-2005).
Carver County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Records gr00233
Judgment books (1972-1981), Family Court Division registers of actions (1979-1983), and Municipal Court [Division] civil action registers and judgment book (1969-1980).
Carver County: Dahlgren Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01212
Birth and death registers (1871-1907), birth (1907-1945) and death (1908-1949) certificate records, and burial, removal, and transportation permits (1908-1932).
Carver County: Dahlgren Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02503
Clerk's (1864-1954, 1959-1964) and treasurer's (1864-1959) books, treasurer's annual statements (1954-1978, incomplete), justice of the peace docket (1856-1899), estray record book (1866-1889), township stationery (approximately 1920), and road records (1864-1949).
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files and Index gr02518
Case File No. 1189Civil and criminal cases, filed as a single integrated set; case file numbers 1-4378 (microfilm) and 4739-9457 (unfilmed originals). There is also an index for the 1860s-1890s records.

Includes digital content.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions gr00220
Registers of actions for civil (1861-1953) and criminal (1910-1971) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records gr02686
Coroner's inquest register (1887-1946), certificate register (1942-1981), and certificates (1981-1992). There is some overlap of file numbers and dates between the inquest and certificate registers but the information in each is unique.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr02687
Judgment books of the Carver County District Court.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Title Records gr00227
Land title registration dockets (1911-1991) and decree/torrens system records (1911-1983).
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr00234
Record of documents filed, proceedings held, and actions taken at each day's session of the court.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records gr02688
Index to naturalization records (incomplete), 1862-1929; declarations of intention (first papers), 1862-1941; final papers, 1862-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1907-1943; lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, 1929-1943; and loose naturalization papers, A-Z, 1856-1893.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes gr00228
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr00232
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent; includes names of owners, description of the property, year or years for which taxes are delinquent, total tax and penalty, costs, and total amount of judgment.
Carver County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr02682
Includes records for basic sciences certificates, ordinations and marriages, chiropractors, dentists, masseurs, physicians, and veterinarians.
Carver County: Hancock Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01850
Birth and death registers (1871-1907), birth (1915-1946) and death (1915-1949) records, birth (1951) and death (1950-1952) certificates, and burial permits (1921-1944).
Carver County: Hancock Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01849
Clerk's (1925-2012) and treasurer's (1902-1981) books, road records and papers (1907-1954), Belle Plaine Ambulance Advisory Board meeting minutes (1997-2004), flood damage photographs (2014), cigarette licenses (1973-1984), zoning ordinance (1961), audit board annual reports (1921-1939), poll lists (1916-1987) and election records (1934-1988).
Carver County: Independent School District No. 110, Waconia: An Inventory of Its Records isd110
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and planning activities of the district.
Carver County: Independent School District No. 111, Watertown: An Inventory of Its Records isd111
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and PTA of the district.
Carver County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decree Records gr02689
Final decree records of the Carver County Probate Court. Some volumes contain other miscellaneous probate orders.
Carver County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books gr00230
Orders, petitions, oaths and applications, and final decrees of distribution for cases handled by the court.
Carver County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files and Index SAM455
Case files: 937-938Case file numbers 1-7094 (microfilm) and index covering circa 1857-1891 (unfilmed original).

Includes digital content.
Carver County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Registers gr00229
Registers of each probate judge’s actions, particularly estates, guardianships, and marriages (1856-1893) and registers of probate case file numbers 501-7101A (1889-1951), with a few cases pre-dating 1889.
Carver County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr02502
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Carver County: School District No. 25 (Hancock Township): An Inventory of Its Records gr01851
Classification register (1932-1936), library record (1905-1943), and attendance registers (1952-1953).
Carver County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers gr00231
Registers of persons incarcerated in the county jail, giving a variety of identifying and personal information, and data on offense and sentence.
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Censuses gr02519
Censuses for 1957 and earlier are arranged according to the "old" [pre-statewide] number. Censuses from 1958 and later are arranged according to the "new" [statewide] district number.
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Consolidation Files gr02033
Consolidation files for individual school districts or groups of school districts in Carver County, documenting consolidations, dissolutions, annexations, and reorganizations. The files include petitions, vote tallies, and orders for consolidation or proposed consolidations.
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr02034
Includes materials relating to school buildings in several districts (1913-1918), high school area redistricting committee (1937-1938), school survey committee (1948-1959), Junior Red Cross gift boxes to Greece (1960), and termination of the superintendent's office (1971).
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Records gr02032
Teachers employed record (1899-1971) includes teacher's name, address, and salary, date school term began and school district number. Teacher's record (1900-1930) includes teacher's name and address, date of teaching certificate, teaching examination grades, and remarks.
Carver County: Watertown: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01213
Volumes include indexes.
Carver County: Watertown: An Inventory of Its Financial Records gr02466
Village finance books (1905 1923), clerk's financial statements (1924 1925), and registers of receipts and disbursements (1923-1984).
Carver County: Watertown: Watertown Community Hospital: An Inventory of Its Hospital Records gr02256
Minutes of the board of directors (1957-1979), executive committee (1959-1976), medical staff (1958-1978), medical records and tissue committee (1959-1976), and utilization review committee (1966-1976); hospital bylaws, articles of incorporation, rules and regulations (1957-1976), and financial records (1958-1978); medical staff rules, regulations, and bylaws (1973, 1976), and staff photograph (1979). Also minutes, constitution, bylaws, and membership lists of the hospital auxiliary (1957-1979).
Jonathan Carver: An Inventory of His Papers 01035
Jonathan Carver letter to Col. John Hawks, September 8, 1761Photostatic copies of a journal of Carver's expedition to the Mississippi River (1766-1767), a Survey journal, and a Dictionary of the Naudowessee language, and typed transcripts of these documents; copies of surveys and deeds to the Carver land grant of 1767, which encompassed some four million acres in present-day western Wisconsin; copies of letters about the French and Indian War (1759) and James Tute's gifts to the Indians (1768); copies of two petitions to the British government (1769-1770) asking that Carver be reimbursed for his expedition to the Mississippi; and a copy of a recommendation by the British government on this request.

Includes digital content.
Jonathan Carver Land Grant-Related Deeds and Papers: An Inventory of the Collection 01033
Indenture, made... between Elijah Middlebrook Haines, of the town of Hainesville, county of Lake, and State of Illinois..., and _____, undated Deeds and other legal papers relating to sales and purchases of tracts of land located in present-day western Wisconsin that were once part of some four million acres supposedly granted to Jonathan Carver by the Dakota chiefs Hawnopawjatin and Otohtongoomlisheaw on May 1, 1767.

Includes digital content.
Cascade State Park Fifth Period CCC Company 2702: An Inventory of the Album sv000361
Cascade State Park, fifth period, C.C.C. Company #2702, 1938Views of work projects, including road work, constructing Cascade Trail, bridges and a log building.

Includes digital content.
John H. Case And Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00732
Papers span two generations of the Case family and consist of personal correspondence (1857-1922), biographical information (1860-1933), photographs (1890, 1897, 1941), miscellaneous record books, and numerous articles, reminiscences, and sketches about pioneer settlers of the Nininger and Hastings, Dakota County, Minnesota, area.
Cass County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00073
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Cass County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Cass County: Audit Board: An Inventory of Its Audit Board Records gr03024
Includes minutes and record (1909), record A (1910-1941), minutes (1923-1965), and record (1945-1969).
Cass County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records gr00616
Assorted records that were either generated by or accumulated by the county auditor. The main body of records documents school district organizations, consolidations, dissolutions, reorganizations, and bonds. There are also files dealing with school enrollment, county roads, county superintendent of schools appointment, and nomination of Floyd A. Tweder for county attorney. Also includes registers of township and school officers, road records, and bounty records.
Cass County: Beulah Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr03025
Clerk's books, treasurer's records, board of audit minutes and annual reports, poll lists, and election registers.
Cass County: Byron Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01219
Clerk's books, treasurer's records, annual meeting minutes, birth and death records, poll lists/election registers, summary statements of elections, a township history, and a justice of the peace docket book.
Cass County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr03287
Files numbered 1 to 6384.
Cass County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr03288
Criminal case files numbered 1-1038.
Cass County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records SAM177
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Cass County: Independent School District Co. 116, Pillager: An Inventory of Its Records isd116
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and teachers of the district.
Cass County: Independent School District No. 118, Remer: An Inventory of Its Records isd118
Records documenting the administration, finances, PTA, and students of the district.
Cass County: May Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01220
Birth and death records; burial or removal permits; civil and criminal dockets; clerk's books; and miscellaneous documents including a Motley-Taft circuit region map, road records, town meeting minutes, and correspondence with the State Health Board.
Cass County: Rogers Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01224
Clerk's/town record books, treasurer's books, balance sheet, burial and removal permits, road record, and petition, and birth and death records.
Cass County: Wilkinson Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01429
Birth and death certificate records, 1917-1941Birth and death certificate records (1917-1941), birth certificates (1941-1951), and death certificates (1940-1952).
Cass County: Wilkinson Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01428
Clerk's Town Record Books, 1917-1928 (bulk 1917-1925)Clerk's (1917-1984) and treasurer's (1974-1980) books, treasurer's annual statements (1938-1956), board of audit minutes/annual reports (1939-1952, 1961-1983), and justice court docket (1922-1935).

Includes digital content.
Bernard A. Casserly: An Inventory of His Papers 00163
Correspondence, articles, speeches, subject files, trip files, a scrapbook, and miscellany of Bernard Casserly, Minnesota-based Roman Catholic journalist, editor and commentator.
Henry A. Castle: An Inventory of His Papers 01133
Henry A. CastleCorrespondence, speeches and articles, clippings, other printed materials, photographs, and miscellany documenting Castle's career as representative in the Minnesota legislature, 1873; Minnesota adjutant general, 1875-1876; editor of the St. Paul Dispatch, 1876-1885; state oil inspector, 1883-1886; postmaster of St. Paul, 1892-1896; an auditor of the United States post office department, 1897-1903; president of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, 1893-1894; director of the St. Paul Commercial Club, 1895-1897; secretary and treasurer (1876-1878, 1883) and chairman (1884-1886) of the Republican State Central Committee; trustee of the Minnesota Soldiers' Home, 1887-1899; treasurer of the Citizens' Executive Committee for Relief of Unemployment, St. Paul, 1893 and for several years thereafter; special correspondent for Minnesota in the interests of immigration; in numerous minor offices; and as author of books and articles, particularly on the Post Office and on the history of Minnesota and St. Paul.
Catholic Workman: An Inventory of Its Records 00645
Records documenting the insurance services, activities, and membership of the Catholic Workman (Katolick Delnk), a fraternal benefit society founded by Czech Americans in Minnesota in 1891. Includes articles of incorporation, minutes, membership registers, death claims, histories, and promotional material, as well as records acquired during mergers.
Cedar-Riverside Project Area Committee: An Inventory of its Records 00854
Bylaws, correspondence, minutes, reports, projects, financial statements and other records of the Cedar-Riverside Project Area Committee (PAC), which was created out of community need in 1971 and became the official citizen review organization authorized to approve all development activities taking place within the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis and send them to the Minneapolis City Council.
Census Records: An Inventory of Its Houston County Census Schedules gr02437
Census schedules (incomplete) formerly held by the Houston County District Court. They consist of population schedules for 1870, 1871, and 1875; and nonpopulation schedules (mortality, agriculture, products of industry, and social statistics) for 1870. The population censuses for 1870 and 1871 may overlap (i.e. the same households were counted each year) but they are not duplicative. Records do not indicate the reason for the two censuses.
Census Records: An Inventory of Its Steele County Population Schedules gr02327
Population schedules for the townships of Aurora, Berlin, Blooming Prairie, Havana, Lemond, Somerset, and Summit; and the city of Owatonna. The townships of Clinton Falls, Deerfield, Medford, Meriden and Merton are included in the 1880 and 1885 schedules; and the village of Blooming Prairie is found only in the 1875 schedule. The schedules were originally held by the Steele County District Court.
Center for the Documentation and Preservation of Places of Worship: An Inventory of Its Project Records 00590
Photocopies of historical data sheets and background and supporting information collected by local volunteers on more than 150 Protestant and Catholic congregations, church buildings, Sunday schools, "preaching places," and missions located in Cass County, Minnesota. Includes photocopies of historical data collected from the late 1930s to mid-1940s by Kustaa A. Lehto, perhaps as part of his work on a Work Projects Administration historical documentation project.
Central Minnesota Arts Council: An Inventory of Its Records gr01877
Minutes and agendas, annual reports, newsletters, press releases, grant files, a central Minnesota regional arts directory, and other materials relating to the council and its activities.
George Cerny: An Inventory of His Papers P1673
An oral history interview transcript, university term papers, printed articles and booklets, and other materials documenting George Cerny's lengthy career (1930s-1960s) in cooperatives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and the southern United States and his long-standing interest in cooperative activities.
Ransom Chadwick: An Inventory of His Andersonville Prison Diary 00882
Chadwick's diary, April 26-July 20, 1864Chadwick's 2-volume diary written mostly while in Andersonville Prison, Georgia, as a member of the Eighty-fifth New York Infantry; a typed transcription of the diary's narrative portion; and ephemera.

Includes digital content.
Clarke A. Chambers: An Inventory of His World War II Papers 00601
Correspondence and a few other papers documenting the WWII experiences of historian Clarke Chambers, who served as a weather observer (1943-1945) with the U.S. Army Air Forces in the Western Pacific.
Alvin Del Chamblee: An Inventory of His Papers 00420
Headphones iconScrapbooks and audio-taped recitals of an African-American singer, actor, playwright, and painter.

Includes digital content.
Charles Chamblis: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection sv000149
Male musical group, name unknown, circa 1980Chamblis was a professional photographer working in the Twin Cites metropolitan area. He photographed events in the African American community, families, the nightclub scene, musicians, fashion models, weddings, and landscape views, mainly in Minneapolis (including downtown views and parks).

Includes digital content.
Josiah B. Chaney and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers P1331
Papers of a St. Paul printer and Minnesota Historical Society librarian and his family.
George A. Chapin and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 01101
Correspondence, household and personal financial records, school exercises and class notes, genealogical data, and miscellaneous papers of several generations of the family of George A. Chapin, a hardware dealer who moved from Boston to Saint Paul in 1868. Included as well are correspondence, travel diaries, photographs, and other papers of Carolyn Chapin and her parents, William G. and Caroline E. Johnson.
S. Stephen Chapman: An Inventory of His Papers 00248
Personal files of a White Bear Lake (Minn.) biologist and environmental activist relating to his work with the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG) and to other environmental activities and issues in the Upper Midwest.
Solon K. Cheadle: An Inventory of His Family's Papers 00421
A soldier's diary (1864), letters, photographs, genealogical information, and other papers of a LeSueur County, Minnesota man who served in the Civil War with the Second Minnesota Infantry and later moved to Colorado, where he owned a lumber business and a general store, and worked as a guard in a silver mine.
Thomas J. Cheetham: An Inventory of His Family Papers 00950
Mary Cheetham letterWritten correspondence (1855-1886) and typed transcriptions of four letters (1862-1863) written principally between Minnesota homesteader and his wife regarding their move to Anoka and his service with the Minnesota Eighth Regiment, Company A during the U.S. Dakota War of 1862.

Includes digital content.
Mary Moulton Cheney: An Inventory of Her Papers P1973
Brochures, price lists, sample books, monograms, calligraphy bookplates, drawings, greeting cards, calendars, cover designs, stationery, photographs, letters (undated and 1892-1927), newspaper clippings (1897, 1927, 1929), and biographical data reflecting the life and work of a Minneapolis artist and teacher. The papers also include material related to Cheney's career as an art teacher and director of the Minneapolis School of Art (1897-1926) and a summer art school she owned and operated near Walker, Minnesota during the 1930s.
Cherokee Heights Bakery (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Sales Ledger 00417
Ledger of a West St. Paul bakery detailing each day's sales of bakery items.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records 00521
Chicago Burlington and Quincy's Aeolus, new stainless steel streamlined engine, 1937 Minutes, annual reports, accounting records, valuation schedules, and drawings, station plats, and maps of a railroad company incorporated in 1864 that operated a line in northern Illinois, and that in 1970 merged with several other railroads to form Burlington Northern Inc. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company (CB & Q) was jointly-owned by the Great Northern Railway Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company. These records are Great Northern's set of CB & Q records.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad: An Inventory of its Records 01004
Minutes (1901-1968), annual reports (1918, 1921-1929, 1931-1933), and accounting records documenting a railway line operating in northern Illinois.
Children's Cabinet: An Inventory of Its Records childcab
Records of two independent bodies, the Children's Cabinet (1992-1995) and the Action for Children Commission (1991-1995).
Children's Hospital Association (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 01122
Historical and background information; minutes of Board, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, membership, and other meetings; a memorial book; and scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photographs, copies of the Children's Hospital Bulletin, and other items of this fund raising and support arm of Children's Hospital of St. Paul. The Association was established in 1933 by members of the Junior League of St. Paul, a women's voluntary civic association.
Chimera Theatre Company (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 00269
Correspondence and financial files, box office and marketing files, production files, reviews and programs, staff and production photographs and videotapes, press releases, clippings, and scrapbooks documenting a community theater formed in 1969 and disbanded in 1987.
Chippewa County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00118
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Chippewa County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Chippewa County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01787
Miscellaneous records of the County Auditor of Chippewa County.
Chippewa County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Inquest Records gr01631
Coroner's inquest register (March 1890-January 1967) and corresponding certificate files nos. 2-536. Inquest files (1975-2015) are in several numerical sequences and in chronological order, as maintained by the district court.
Chippewa County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr03124
Each entry notes judgment debtor(s), judgment creditor(s), court (justice or district), date of judgment, date of docketing, amounts of damages and costs, register number, attorney for the creditor, and sometimes information on the satisfaction (settlement) of the judgment.
Chippewa County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index SAM051
Indexes to final papers and petition and record, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, citizenship petitions granted and denied, applications to take the oath of allegiance, and loose naturalization papers.
Chippewa County: Independent School District No. 128, Milan: An Inventory of Its Records gr01362
Records documenting the administration of this Chippewa County school district. Included are attendance registers, audit reports, class of 1956: 25 year reunion records, clerk's books, Future Farmer's of America chapter annual reports, graded school registers, list of graduates from Milan High School, pupil records, school board minutes, school censuses, and treasurer's records.
Chippewa County: Independent School District No. 129, Montevideo: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records isd129
Records documenting the administration, students, and finances of the district.
Chippewa County: Kragero Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02303
Town record books/clerk's books (1873-1922, 1938-1980); treasurer's receipt and disbursement register (1880-1941), books (1942-1947), and annual statements (1901-1978; incomplete); annual meeting proceedings (1917); audit board annual reports (1917-1918, 1939-1980); road order (1877) and road weight restriction placard (undated); and election records (undated, 1944-1980), including poll lists.
Chippewa County: School District No. 11/282, Big Bend Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01363
Includes clerk's books (1939-1965), treasurer's books (1946-1965), complete term register (1928-1938), pupil record (1933-1947), school census 1940-1959), and attendance registers (1948-1964).
Chippewa County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Records gr01632
Includes a record of school district officers, consolidation papers, school district formation and boundary records, records of teacher examinations and certifications, a record of eighth grade standings, and teacher record cards.
Chippewa Lumber and Boom Company (Chippewa Falls, Wis.): An Inventory of Its Records 01185
Accident reports (approximately 1895-1909), annual statements (1894-1929), minutes (1879-1929), field notes on Wisconsin land, printed reports (1910) of a board of audit for Medford Township in Taylor County, Wisconsin, land conveyances, abstracts, contracts, profit and loss statements, and other papers of a company which conducted a general lumbering business. Most of the papers deal with log driving, booms, and land matters. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate.
Chiropractic Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr02057
Annual (1919-1958) and biennial (1968) reports; correspondence regarding licensing, publicity, and related matters (1922-1958); news releases (1940-1945); license letters (notifications of licenses granted and examination results) (1928-1953); a file on a license dispute (1926); administrative rule proceedings files (1970-2015); and meeting minutes (1919-2019).
Chisago County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00091
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Chisago County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Chisago County. Auditor: An Inventory of Its Delinquent Tax Lists chis006
Delinquent tax lists for Chisago county (and portions of later counties that were in Chisago County during the territorial period) containing name of land or property holder, legal description of the land, valuation of the property and the amount of tax.
Chisago County: Branch Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01225
Birth and death records of Branch Township.
Chisago County: Chisago City: An Inventory of Its Records gr01788
Financial statements (1971-1976, 1983), council minutes (1949, 1951-1958, 1964-1989, 1993), correspondence of city clerk and council (1977-1989), planning commission minutes (1986-1991) and correspondence (1987-1991), and Lindstrom-Chisago City disposal plant receipts/disbursements (1977-1979, 1981).
Chisago County: Chisago Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01549
Records of Chisago Lake Township.
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files and Index gr00628
Case file index (1885-1980), civil and criminal case files, numbered in a single sequence (1858-1949), and miscellaneous unnumbered civil case files (1852-1906). The case files covered by the index but not in this list remain with the county clerk of court.
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroners Records gr00455
A register of coroners' inquests (1898-1961) and four inquest files (1863-1898, 1961).
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr00454
Copies of orders and judgments issued by the district court.
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Records gr00456
Registration docket Torrens system (1911-1973), land registration docket (1974-1984), and Torrens decree record (1911-1953).
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr00451
Minutes of court proceedings.
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr00453
Variety of records documenting the activities administered by the court.
Chisago County. District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records and Indexes gr00450
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr00452
Records or registers for purchasers and sellers of liquor, town and village officers, optometrists, basic sciences, and veterinarians.
Chisago County: Franconia Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02175
Clerk's record books and registers of orders (1858-1973); clerk's road record books (1870-1957); treasurer's account books (1897-1926); registers of births and deaths (1870-1953); chattel mortgage file book (1884-1896) and related records (1877-1919); and record of board of health proceedings (1894-1899).
Chisago County: Health and Human Services Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr00529
Minutes of the Child Welfare Board, 1918-July 1937; Welfare Board, August 1937-1995; and Health and Human Services Board, 1996-2005. Accompanied by a 1921 Child Welfare Board report, 1964 Welfare Department manual, and 1999-2006 Chisago County Citizen Review Panel minutes.
Chisago County: Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Records gr01911
Annual reports (1960-2008) and a typescript report on road work done and funds expended for the six months ending July 1, 1925.
Chisago County: Lent Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01226
Chisago County: Rush City: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01227
Birth and death register and reports, certificate record, and certificates.
Chisago County: School District No. 29, Nessel Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr01801
Records documenting the administration of this Chisago County school district. Included are attendance registers, complete combination records, daily schedules, records of the library, records of the county superintendent of schools, pupil record cards, school censuses, teacher's monthly reports, textbook and equiptment records, and treasurer's books.
Chisago County: Shafer Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01228
Chisago Lake Lutheran Church (Center City, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Parish Records m0637
Microfilmed minute books, parish registers, and ministerial record books of one of the earliest Swedish-American Lutheran congregations in Minnesota. Most of the material is in the Swedish language.
Connee L. Chivers: An Inventory of Research Files On Women at the Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House P2287
Material collected or created by a Minneapolis woman conducting research on African American women involved with the Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House in Minneapolis.
Includes digital content.
Curtis C. Chivers: An Inventory of His Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society 00991
Correspondence, biographical data, minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, scrapbook, and printed material of a Minneapolis businessman and civil rights leader.
Chong Family: An Inventory of Their Papers P2660
Immigration documents, photographs, correspondence, military enlistment and discharge papers, inventories, clippings, and other miscellany pertaining to Stanley V. and Marvel Hum Chong's lives, business activities, and involvement in the Chinese American community in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.
Pierre Chouteau and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00850
Joseph Rolette to Pierre ChouteauOriginal, photostatic copies, and typed transcripts of letters between Pierre Chouteau, Henry Chouteau, Ramsay Crooks, George Davenport, Hercules L. Dousman, Kenneth McKenzie, Henry M. Rice, Joseph Rolette, Henry H. Sibley, Joseph M. Street and others as well as contracts, accounts, and other related documents concerning the fur trade, fur companies, the Dakota, Sauk, and Fox Indians, and similar matters.

Includes digital content.
Christ Child Community Center: An Inventory of Its Photographs sv000226
Rose Marie Gresafe dressed as a goblin for the part at the Christ Child CenterViews of activities at the Christ Child Community Center in St. Paul, including children playing, costumes, nativity and Christmas scenes. The Christ Child Community Center opened in 1908 as the Christ Child Society as a community center and was re-built in 1961 as The Merrick Community Center.

Includes digital content.
Bernhard and Gracia Christensen: An Inventory of Their Family Papers 00876
Letters of Bernard Christensen, former president of Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn.), and his wife Gracia Christensen (formerly Lily Gunderson), who taught English at Augsburg. Some topics of the letters discuss their personal relationship, family matters, friends, travel, professional matters, religion and faith, theology, literature, current events, and Augsburg College.
Victor Christgau: An Inventory of His Papers 00175
Victor A. ChristgauCorrespondence, campaign materials, speeches, work diaries, and clippings documenting the personal and professional life (1920s-1960s) of a populist politician, legislator, and government administrator from Minnesota.
George C. Christian: An Inventory of His Papers 01121
Correspondence, notes, scrapbooks, memorandum books, and miscellany revealing Christian's interest in Shakespeare, aeronautics, genealogy of the Manville family, and education.
David B. Christie and Family: An Inventory of Their Correspondence P1283
Correspondence of the David B. Christie family who farmed in Rapidan Township, Blue Earth County, Minnesota (1868-1886), and raised sheep near Bozeman, Montana (1886-1920).
James C. Christie and family: An Inventory of Their Papers P1281
William G. Christie to his brother, January 19, 1862 Correspondence, diaries, writings, clippings, printed matter, and other papers documenting in rich detail several generations of the James Christie family of Dodge County, Wisconsin; Rapidan Township, Blue Earth County, Minnesota; and Stevens County, Washington.

Includes digital content.
Susan A. Christie: An Inventory of Her Papers 01206
Documenting Christie's artistic techniquesPapers of a Minnesota-born, New Mexico-based artist who painted in the Sumi-e style of Japan. Includes biographical information; a chronological file containing catalogs, information about art exhibitions, and copies of the journal Sumi-e: brush painting in the oriental manner; files relating to galleries in Minneapolis and in New Mexico; correspondence with artist and arts advocate Joan P. Chalmers; and an electronic file documenting Christie's artistic techniques.

Includes digital content.
Thomas and Carmelite Christie and family: An Inventory of Their Papers P1282
A genealogical chart tracing the Thomas D. Christie lineage from James Christie (1554-1651) of BalbenchlieCorrespondence, diaries, and other papers documenting the lives of a family of Protestant missionaries from Minnesota serving in the Turkish cities of Marash and Tarsus.

Includes digital content.
Chrysalis (Organization : Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 00285
Correspondence files, minutes, program planning files, committee and counseling reports, policy statements, job descriptions, financial information, newsletters, and ephemera documenting an organization (originally, 1973, a unit of the Minneapolis YWCA) which offered advocacy, shelter, counseling, and support services to women and children at risk.
Church of the Messiah (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 00435
A small collection of records of a St. Paul Episcopal church, including minutes, financial records, correspondence, and membership lists.
Church of St. John the Evangelist (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Parish Records 01433
Video iconRecords of an Episcopal Church parish established in 1881 and located in the Ramsey Hill neighborhood of Saint Paul. Includes historical information, vestry minutes, financial records, subject files, registers of church services, records of parish organizations, scrapbooks, and photographs.

Includes digital content.
Church of St. Michael: An Inventory of Its Photographs sv000222
Wedding ceremony, Church of St. Michael, Spring HillInterior photographs of the Church of St. Michael, Spring Hill in Melrose, Minnesota. Collection includes photographs of two wedding ceremonies in the church, as well as views of the pastor's office.

Includes digital content.
Church Women United In Greater Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Records 00021
Histories, membership directories (1935-1986), and scrapbooks (1945-1990) of an ecumenical organization of Protestant women and, later, Catholic and Jewish women, in the Twin Cities (Minn.). The organization was affiliated with the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches.
Church Women United In Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records 00472
Records of an ecumenical organization of Protestant women, and later, Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christian women in Minnesota.
Church Women United of the Saint Paul Area: An Inventory of its Organization Records 00841
Executive board files, directories, clippings, and events files of the St. Paul chapter of an ecumenical movement of Christian women organized for the purpose of witnessing to their unity and faith in Jesus Christ through worship, study, action, celebration and global relationships.
Richard Chute: An Inventory of His Papers 00105
St. Anthony Falls watercolor with narrativeCorrespondence and papers of a pioneer Minneapolis businessman and his family. Includes information about Chute's involvement in the fur trade and his association with the Ewing and Chouteau fur trade interests; real estate deals in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota; the construction of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad line; the promotion and development of Princeton, Minnesota with associate John S. Prince; the activities of the St. Anthony Falls Water Power Company, including the development of water power at Saint Anthony Falls; and the family's involvement in Twin Cities real estate through its Chute Brothers and Chute Brothers Company.

Includes digital content.
Cigar Makers' International Union of America. Local No. 98 (St. Paul, Minnesota): An Inventory of Its Records 00585
Minutes (1870-1921); account books showing loans to members and expenditures for sickness and strike benefits; records of membership and payment of dues; a list of union prices for cigars and labor; and a union label record. The minutes mention the payment of sickness and death benefits, the agitation committee's efforts to promote the use of the union label, the activities of other unions, and social events.
Circle of the Witch: An Inventory of Its Records P1406
Correspondence, financial records, grant proposals, subject files, historical information, and files pertaining to plays and workshops produced throughout the Midwest by this socialist feminist theater, which existed in Minneapolis/St. Paul from 1973 to 1978.
Citizens' Committee for the Taconite Amendment #1 (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 00270
Correspondence, executive committee minutes, subject files, and ephemera documenting the administration of a citizens' group organized to secure the passage of an amendment to the Minnesota constitution. The amendment sought to revitalize the taconite (low grade iron ore) industry by changing its tax structure.
Citizens' Council on Voyageurs National Park: An Inventory of Its Records gr02037
Records of this citizens' advisory council formed to aid in the establishment and operation of Voyageurs National Park.
Citizens for Community Action: An Inventory of its Records 00877
Records of a grassroots, St. Paul-based pro-life group established to protest the Planned Parenthood Highland Park neighborhood location, which offered abortions in addition to its other family planning services.
Citizens League: An Inventory of Its Records 00164
Minutes (1971-1981), correspondence, reports (1958-1984), subject files, notebooks, financial information, and printed materials relating to this nonpartisan citizens, public affairs research, and educational organization based in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The group is organized into committees that research current affairs issues affecting various aspects of community life.
Civil and Indian War History Commission: An Inventory of Its Records civwar02
Proceedings of this commission that arranged for publication of Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, accompanied by a report on its investigation of statements regarding the battle of Nashville, and related miscellany.
Civil Defense Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records civdef02
Correspondence and miscellaneous records of the Department of Civil Defense pertaining to natural disaster preparedness and civil defense under enemy attack.
Civil Defense Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports civdef03
Annual and biennial reports, newsletters, orders and circulars, handbooks, and
miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Civil Defense Department.
Civil Defense Department: Survival Plan Project Records civdef01
Plans for the civil defense procedures for counties and municipal areas, Mobile Support Areas, UNICOM Divisions, Duluth, and the state of Minnesota in general.
Civil Service Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports civser01
The annual and biennial reports of the Minnesota Civil Service Department document, in
some detail, the growth and structure of state government in Minnesota from 1939 through 1972.
Civil Service Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records civilser
Reports, rules and regulations, manuals, handbooks, surveys, planning materials, and various print and near-print materials documenting the department's activities.
Civil Service Department: An Inventory of Its Records civser02
Reports, correspondence, and related materials documenting a wide variety of the department's activities.
Civil Service Department: An Inventory of Its Salary Plans and Job Specifications civser03
Annual salary and classification schedules for the various job titles in the state civil service and explanation of job specifications for various appointments to positions on the state staff.
Civil War Memorial Commissions, Minnesota Monument Commission: An Inventory of Its Reports civwar03
Reports of the commission summarizing the activities of the commission, the memorial dedication ceremonies, and the battle or event being commemorated.
Civil War Memorial Commissions, Shiloh Monument Commission: An Inventory of Its Report civwar04
Report of the commission established to plan and erect a monument to commemorate the service of the First Battery, Minnesota Light Artillery during the Battle of Shiloh (or Pittsburgh Landing) Tennessee, on April 6-7, 1862.
Civil War Memorial Commissions, Vicksburg Monument Commission: An Inventory of Its Reports and Drawings civwar01
Reports of the two commissions appointed to plan a monument to Minnesota soldiers who participated in the Vicksburg campaigns during the Civil War, and blueprints and sketches of the monument and markers.
Civilian Conservation Corps Camp 712, Grand Marais: An Inventory of the Album sv000352
Civilian Conservation Corps Camp 712, Grand Marais, -1940Views of camp buildings, staff, activities, work projects, and scenic views of the area.

Includes digital content.
Civilian Defense Division: An Inventory of Its Information Office Circulars and Bulletins civdd02
Collection of circulars and bulletins distributed by or available from the information office.
Civilian Defense Division: An Inventory of Its State and Federal Bulletins, Orders, and Other Issuances. gr00439
Print and near-print materials documenting civil defense activities.
Edwin Clark: An Inventory of His Papers P0790
Correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the life of a Minnesota pioneer who published the Falls Evening News, the first daily newspaper in St. Anthony (1857); was a clerk in the U.S. House of Representatives (1863-1865); served as an Indian agent for the Ojibwe (Chippewa) Indians in Minnesota and Dakota (1865-1867); was instrumental in the establishment and early development of the town of Melrose (Minn.); and helped found the Territorial Pioneers associations of Minnesota and Hennepin County.
George Washington Clark: An Inventory of His Reminiscences P2232
Reminiscences of the first settler in Wabashaw Prairie (now Winona, Minnesota), with details on his journey from New York to Minnesota (1851) and information on various aspects of his experiences as a pioneer in Winona County. Included as well is correspondence, legal papers, photographs, a descendancy chart, and news clippings relating to members of the Clark family.
Homer Pierce Clark and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 01534
Homer Pierce ClarkPersonal and business correspondence, genealogical information, newspaper clippings, citations and awards, diaries and miscellaneous volumes, and deeds and legal papers relating to West Publishing Company president and chairman and St. Paul business leader Homer Pierce Clark.
William Clark: An Inventory of His Papers m0677
Microfilm reproduction of 28 volumes containing records (1807-1855) of William Clark and other superintendents of Indian affairs, Indian agents, and sub-agents of the Louisiana Territory and the Missouri, St. Louis, and Central superintendencies of the United States Office of Indian Affairs. The collection also includes two volumes of records (1812-1814, 1817) of the Missouri Fur Company, of which Clark was president of the board of directors.
Clay County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00109
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Clay County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Clay County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls gr00371
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Clay County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property.
Clay County: Attorney: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions gr03155
Registers of criminal actions of the Clay County Attorney.
Clay County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists gr00372
Tax lists for the civil divisions of Clay County, recording the taxes accessed and paid on real and personal property owned by the residents.
Clay County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Order and Judgment Books gr03142
Copies of orders and judgments rendered by the Clay County Court in civil cases, especially divorce matters and monetary judgment awards. The volumes are paginated at the bottom of the page, usually in pencil, but are not indexed. A number, followed by a "C" near the top left hand of the initial page in each order appears to be a case file number.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Adoption Case Files gr03143
Records contain an index.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records gr03144
Certificates numbered 1-351, and an index volume, both spanning the period 1911-1978.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files gr00762
Civil and criminal cases, filed as a single integrated set.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books gr03145
Default judgment books of the Clay County District Court.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records gr03146
Filled-in forms containing names of parties (State of Minnesota is the plaintiff); transcription of the indictment, describing the alleged crime; and name of grand jury foreman and date.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr01792
Copies of orders and judgments issued by the district court. The later volumes are entitled "order and judgment book."
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr03147
Judgment dockets of the Clay County District Court.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr03148
Minutes and records of the Clay County District Court.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records gr03132
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes gr01268
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files. Entries may include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr03149
Real estate tax judgment books of the Clay County District Court.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions gr01791
Registers of actions for both civil and criminal cases.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr03150
Optometrists', physicians', dentists', chiropractors', and ministers' certificate records; basic science registration record; massage license record; and record of sureties.
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Transcripts gr03151
Transcripts of several civil and criminal cases.
Clay County: Hagen Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01232
Birth and death records of Hagen Township in Clay County.
Clay County: Hawley: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01233
Birth (1886-1953) and death (1886-1953) records, and burial/removal permits (1927-1943). The 1914-1930 and 1941-1953 birth and death records include indexes.
Clay County: Hawley: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets gr02189
Civil and criminal justice dockets for justices of the peace: P. Anton Berg (1924-1935), C. W. Simison (1933-1942), Dr. George H. McDonald (1937-1940), P. W. Wentland (1941-1942), Albert Peterson (1942-1944), James S. Burrill (1944-1945), Frank Fritz (1946), Leon M. Burrill (1948-1951), George T. Cameron (1958-1967) and Edwin L. Olson (1967).
Clay County: Independent School District No. 151, Hitterdal: An Inventory of Its Records isd151
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and teachers of the district.
Clay County: Independent School District No. 152, Moorhead: An Inventory of Its Records gr00992
New Orleans Expo VolumeRecords documenting the administration of this Clay County school district.

Includes digital content.
Clay County: Independent School District No. 153, Ulen: An Inventory of Its Records isd153
Records documenting the administration, students, finances, and teachers, and PTA of the district.
Clay County: Kurtz Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr03263
Town record/clerk's books (1892-1972), treasurer's books (1903-1977), road record book (1906-1933), road papers (1900-1957), birth (1913-1951) and death (1915-1953) records, annual meeting proceedings (1901-1918), audit board annual reports (1901-1962), audit board minutes (1908-1962), poll lists (1917-1962), and treasurer's annual statements (1901-1957).
Clay County: Moorhead: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Records gr03140
Civil and criminal dockets. For 1940-1956 a subseries of dockets contains highway patrol cases.
Clay County: Moorhead: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Arrest Registers gr03141
Arrest registers of the Moorhead Police Department.
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees and Related Records gr03152
Final decrees, 1883-1918, and miscellaneous orders, 1872-1912, containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees.
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files gr03153
Case files regarding the settlement of estates.
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr03154
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Clay County: School District No. 9, Elmwood Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr00994
All complete record (1949-1956), all in one record (1933-1948), attendance registers (1914-1955), census (1927-1928), clerk's books (1913-1952), teacher's school diary (1951-1953), library record (1903-1911), pupil records (1927-1954), teachers' reports to county superintendent (1934-1946), and textbook record (1904-1933).
Clay County: School District No. 70, Georgetown Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr00993
All complete record (1950-1956), all in one record (1933-1950), attendance registers (1939-1956), census (1946, 1951-1952), clerk's (1944-1955) and treasurer's (1944-1953) books, pupil records (1928-1945), and teachers' reports to county superintendent (1933-1956).
Clay County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Subject Files gr00373
Clay County: Ulen Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02230
Town record/clerk's books (1882-1891, 1906-1979), treasurer's books (1926-1959, 1969-1978) and annual statements (1969-1983), annual meeting proceedings (1969-1982), audit board annual reports (1969-1981), road record book (1883-1977), and poll lists (1978-1989).
Most of the files relate to school district reorganization, dissolution, and consolidation (primarily 1940s-1950s).
Clearwater County: An Inventory of Telephone Directories at the Minnesota Historical Society lb00042
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Clearwater County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Clearwater County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records and Index SAM205
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
ClearWay Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records 01522
ClearWay Minnesota logoOrganizational records of ClearWay Minnesota, an independent nonprofit organization that improves the health of all Minnesotans by reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke. The organizational records include: administrative records, program files, reports, publications by ClearWay and related organizations, audiovisual materials, ephemera, and digital files.

Includes digital content.
Charlotte Van Cleve Good Citizens' Club: An Inventory of its Records 00879
Scrapbooks, programs, minutes, newsletters, correspondence, photographs, news clippings, and other records of a Twin Cities-based club organized in February 1938, whose members were high school girls who had won the Good Citizenship Award sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution, and whose purpose was to promote good citizenship in the home, the school, and in the community.
Cloquet and Moose Lake Fires: An Inventory of the Album sv000384
Cloquet and Moose Lake fires, approximately 1918Views of the damage and the victims of the fires at Cloquet and Moose Lake, Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
Larry Cloud-Morgan: An Inventory of His Prison Papers 00757
Papers of a Minnesota Native American peace and justice activist, artist and poet, and Roman Catholic/Anishinabe (Ojibwe) spiritual counselor and leader documenting his incarceration for participating in the Silo Pruning Hooks Plowshares disarmament action of November 12, 1984.
Mary Britton Clouse: An Inventory of Her Papers 01353
Personal papers of artist and animal rights activist Mary Britton Clouse. Includes documentation of her work promoting animal rights in various capacities. This includes records of her tenure as President of the Minnesota-based Animal Rights Coalition (ARC), her leadership with Legislative Efforts for Animal Protection (LEAP), and her founding of the Chicken Run Rescue (CRR). The collection also includes audiovisual recordings.
Club Montparnasse: An Inventory of Its Records 00455
Records of a St. Paul arts club organized in 1930.
Coalition For Education Reform and Accountability: An Inventory of Its Records cera01
Records covering all aspects of the coalition's study and review of the education system.
Thomas Cochran and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00469
Henry James to Emily Cochran, September 8, 1906Family correspondence, diaries, photographs, and a few business records largely documenting the family and personal lives of three generations of a wealthy family from St. Paul, Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
John Cassilis Cockburn: An Inventory of His Papers P0324
Physician's birth and death records (1880-1905), ledger (1875-1879), and daybook (1880-1882) of Cockburn, Minneapolis city physician and health commissioner (1882-1889) and professor of physiology at Hamline University, St. Paul. Includes List of Studies in Materia Medica (printed, undated) from Cockburn's student days at Harvard Medical College (graduated 1872), and two letters from a friend, J. P. Bancroft, who was visiting the British Isles (1875).
The Coffeehouse Collective: An Inventory of Its Records P1971
Records documenting the history of one of the first women's coffeehouses in the U.S. The coffeehouse was promoted as "a chemically-free meeting place for all women which supports and nurtures the social, cultural, and political life of the Twin Cities lesbian community."
Coffee House Press, Toothpaste Press, and Graywolf Press: An Inventory of Their Broadside and Miscellaneous Printed Material Collection lb00190
Includes broadsides, calendars, and other miscellaneous printed material from Coffee House Press, Toothpaste Press, and Graywolf Press. Some items printed at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. Some pieces lack dates and publisher information.
Warren I. Colehour: An Inventory of His Papers 01272
Waren I. Colehour Biographical information, service documents, photographs, correspondence, a journal and calendar, and other papers of a Minneapolis man who served in the United States Navy during the second world war aboard the destroyer U.S.S. Bailey. Includes a translation of an unidentified Japanese soldier's diary, materials documenting Warren's involvement in veterans organizations, and photographs and a service biography of Colehour's brother Richard, who served aboard the U.S.S. Zeilin.
Nicholas D. Coleman: An Inventory of His Papers 00445
Nicholas D. Coleman Legislative and political papers of Nicholas D. Coleman, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) party leader who represented Saint Paul's 65th Senatorial District in the Minnesota Legislature from 1962 to 1980. Materials include constituent files, correspondence, invitations, speeches, subject files, and data on Coleman's election campaigns, as well as fourteen volumes of scrapbooks with clippings on politics in Minnesota. Includes files related to Coleman's activities as a member of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board.
George H. Colgrave and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers P207
The collection contains correpondence and miscellaneous papers and documents relating to brothers George H. Colgrave, Jr. and Albert Colgrave and to the Colgrave family.
Gustave Collatz Photograph Album: An Inventory of the Album sv000463
Gustave Collatz photograph album, 1902-1903Views of Collatz's trip to Sturgeon Lake, Ontario to investigate gold discoveries. Includes views of campsite as well as Indigenous people and their dwellings.

Includes digital content.
Collection of Negro Minstrel Music and Songs: An Inventory of Sheet Music lb00014
This collection primarily contains sheet music involving black minstrelsy, an indigenous cultural form immensely popular in the United States from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth century. The 55 scores in this collection range from the 1840s to 1918 and contain a rich mixture of imagery and language depicting racial stereotypes and parody.
Collection of Songs and Music About Minnesota Places, Institutions, Businesses, and Themes: An Inventory of Sheet Music lb00008
The Minneapolis Journal waltzesThese 37 scores include a mix of waltzes, marches, rags, and songs for piano and voice. While some promote summer destinations such as Lake of the Woods, others celebrate the Aquatennial or promote the Minnesota Boat Club. Cover art and advertising enhance the rich, multi-dimensional aspect of the collection.

Includes digital content.
Collection of Songs and Music by Minnesota Composers: An Inventory of Sheet Music lb00009
Cavern echoesContains songs and music published in Minnesota or songs and music published elsewhere by composers residing in Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
Collection of Songs And Music By Minnesota Women Composers: An Inventory of Sheet Music lb00010
America, my native landContains songs and music written by women composers and published in Minnesota or songs published elsewhere by women composers residing in Minnesota.

Includes digital content.
Collection of World War I Sheet Music: An Inventory of Sheet Music lb00015
Yankee Doodle DooThis collection contains a wide variety of sheet music detailing popular culture's embrace of the United States' participation in World War I. Topics depicted in song and on cover art range from military recruitment and battle narratives to celebrations of the home front, focusing particularly on children and virtuous sweethearts. Other themes include American engagement with European cultural life, rallying support for European allies, and the necessity for maintaining loyalty to the U.S. across its ethnic divisions. Popular motifs include "Uncle Sam" or "Sammy," patriotic symbols, and caricatures of Kaiser Wilhelm II, while popular stars of the time like Al Jolson are often featured prominently on the cover. A number of these items were collected by Howard Woolsey of St. Paul and donated by his widow Elizabeth Bisbee Woolsey in 1970.

Includes digital content.
Commerce Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports of Public Utility Companies to the Stockholders gr00634
Reports to the stockholders of various utility companies operating in Minnesota.
Commerce Department: An Inventory of Its Minute Books gr01679
The minutes record actions taken on requests for brokers' licenses, issuance of stocks and securities by companies doing business in Minnesota, applications for bank and insurance company charters, and related matters.
Commerce Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports commrc18
Reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Commerce
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Bank Establishment Application Records gr01680
Records documenting the regulation of state banks in Minnesota, including charter application forms with accompanying correspondence, legal documents, maps, photographs, and hearing transcripts for financial institutions chartered by the State of Minnesota.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Called Reports of Banks gr01797
Annual reports of condition of banks in the state, giving summary data on capitalization, officers and directors, assets, liabilities, capital accounts, and various categories of financial transactions.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Closed Banks Miscellaneous Records gr02027
Registers and dockets of actions and miscellaneous correspondence and reports on various matters relating to bank closings.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Closed Credit Unions' Records gr01796
Minutes of annual and board of directors meetings, bylaws, monthly financial statements, and reports called by the Banking Division for closed or defunct credit unions.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Examiners’ Reports commrc09
Reports of twic annual inspections of the State's banks and other financial institutions.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Files of Acting Commissioner Michael C. O'Donnell gr02028
Records kept by O'Donnell while serving as Banking Division Acting Commissioner (February-August 1973). He also served as the Commerce Department Executive Secretary from June 1971 to October 1973; the records from 1971-1972 were most likely transferred or copied from those files.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Registers of Claims and Dividends for Closed and Liquidated Banks and Trust Companies gr00761
Registers documenting scheduled payments to the depositors and creditors of liquidated banks and trust companies, as authorized and established through the liquidation proceedings.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Small Loan Company Examination Files gr02029
Examination reports on the operations and finances of small loan companies, and correspondence regarding the reports. Many reports include lists of individual loans.
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Stockholder Lists gr02030
Annual lists of stockholders for each bank in the state, giving name, residence, number of shares, and their total value for each stockholder.
Commerce Department: Builders Advisory Council: An Inventory of Its Council Records gr00695
Records documenting the activities of the Builders Advisory Council (1993-2000) and its predecessor, the Builders State Advisory Council (1991-1992).
Commerce Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Cyrus E. Magnusson Files commrc12
Correspondence, reports, subject files, and related files kept by Cyrus E. Magnusson,
Commissioner of Commerce Department (1959-1966).
Commerce Department: Consumer Services Office: An Inventory of Its Records commrc01
Files of the office’s director and assistants and of its residential utility consumers unit, and sampled consumer complaints.
Commerce Department: Executive Secretary's Office: An Inventory of Its Files of Michael C. O'Donnell gr02031
Correspondence and subject files kept by O'Donnell during his tenure as Executive Secretary (June 1971-October 1973).
Commerce Department: Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports gr01795
Printed and typescript annual reports of the Insurance Division (after 1983, the Division of Policy Form Analysis), including statistics on insurance business done in Minnesota. Beginning in 1937, the statistics are present as printed, and eventually Xeroxed, supplements.
Commerce Department: Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Examination Reports of Domestic Insurance Companies gr00181
Examination (audit) reports done by the Commerce Department's Insurance Division. Also present are charter, financial, contract, and membership data for the Modern Life Insurance Company (Winona).
Commerce Department: Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Insurance Commissioner’s Rulings commrc17
Notices distributed to the state’s licensed insurers documenting changes to Minnesota
Administrative Rules relating to the insurance industry.
Commerce Department, Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Insurance Companies' Annual Financial Statements gr00182
Annual financial statements of insurance companies, township mutuals, mutual hail and cyclone companies, and assessment, life, fraternal, and casualty companies.
Commerce Department, Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records commrc16
Attorney general opinions, reports, and related materials documenting the Insurance Division's archives.
Commerce Department, Securities Division: An Inventory of Its Investors Syndicate Case File commrc11
Correspondence and subject files regarding the operation of and sale of securities by Investors Syndicate, later Investors Diversified Services [IDS].
Commission for the Relief of Fire Sufferers: An Inventory of Its Records gr01044
Records of a commission created to provide relief for victims of the Hinckley fire, and of fires near New York Mills and Milaca, and in Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Kanabec, and Todd counties. They include ledgers of accounts for the goods or other aid provided to individuals; relief registrations (application forms); vouchers, orders, order stubs, receipt stubs, and requisition stubs; register of vouchers and orders; correspondence, vouchers and receipts, and ledger of the commission's Duluth agent; treasurer's cashbook and correspondence; journal of supplies (donations) received; and minutes and cashbook of the General Relief Committee of St. Paul, which was formed by citizens of St. Paul to aid the fire victims. The St. Paul committee apparently turned over to the state commission most or all of its receipts of cash and goods.
Commission of Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans: An Inventory of Its Records gr00098
Lynette BoyerRecords of this governor appointed commission that advocates for equal opportunity for Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing.

Includes digital content.
Committee on Resettlement of Japanese Americans. Minneapolis Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records 01311
Background materials, 1943-1971Correspondence, applications, reports, and related papers of the Minneapolis chapter of a national volunteer organization to assist in finding employment for loyal Japanese-Americans (Nisei) evacuated from the Pacific Coast during World War II. The collection consists largely of chapter secretary Genevieve F. Steefel's correspondence with Nisei seeking work--as well as their employment applications--and with officials of the U.S. Employment Service and War Relocation Authority.

Includes digital content.
Common Cause/Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records 00223
Records of a local branch of Common Cause (U.S.) which lobbies for government accountability, ethics, and open records.
Communications Workers of America. District 7: An Inventory of Its Records 00639
Minutes, collective bargaining files, labor agreements, newsletters, subject files, grievance records (restricted), and other materials related to the Communications Workers of America and its District 7, a labor union representing employees of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company (Omaha, Neb.). There is also information about the national, district, and state-level (Minnesota) CWA organizations, and about some related and predecessor labor organizations.
Community College System: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr02786
Newsletters, news releases, reports, catalogs, and various print and near-print materials
documenting the activities of the community college system.
Community College System, Chancellor’s Office: An Inventory of Its Weekly Bulletin gr02787
Mainly administrative information covering such topics as legislation, meetings, rulings and directives, personnel, and finance.
Community Colleges Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets ccb01
Minutes (1963-1988) and agenda packets (1965-1983) of the Community College Board
and its predecessor, the Minnesota State Junior College Board (pre-1973).
Company B, 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment in Training: An Inventory of the Album sv000351
Co. B, 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment in training, 1898Views of soldiers in training, many identified as at Camp Meade, Pennsylvania.

Includes digital content.
COMPAS ArtsWork Program: An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection sv000009
Photographs created by apprentice artists from the COMPAS ArtsWork Program, focusing on residents living in the three communities around the St. Paul State Capitol: Mount Airy, Capitol Heights, and Frogtown.
Compensation Review Board: An Inventory of Its Governor's Commission on Compensation of Unclassified Personnel Records crbd01
Records relating to the commission's survey of major unclassified state government positions.
Compiled Materials Relating to Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies: An Inventory of Collections 00680
Some correspondence and other papers; print materials, including souvenir programs, promotional and advertising items, press manuals, sheet music, and a commemorative history; a few photographs; and microfilmed loose newspaper clippings and scrapbooks relating to the first professional traveling ice show, founded in Minnesota, which featured figure skating and ice dancing, acrobatic and comedic skating, music, costumes, lighting, and elaborate production numbers.
Conference of Gay/Lesbian Elected and Appointed Officials: An Inventory of Its Records P2399
Headphones iconRecords and audio-taped proceedings from a nonpartisan conference focusing on the mutual concerns and experiences of lesbian and gay elected and appointed officials, candidates, potential candidates, and campaign workers.

Includes digital content.
Conference on the Métis of North America: An Inventory of Its Conference Papers P1908
Photocopies of 18 papers that address a variety of topics related to Métis history and culture. The papers were presented at a conference on the Métis in North America at the Newberry Library Center for the History of the American Indian (Sept. 3-5, 1981).
Congregational Church of Excelsior: An Inventory of Its Records m0077
Original and microfilmed records of a church founded in July 1853 in Excelsior, Hennepin County by members of the Excelsior Pioneer Association, organized in New York City in November 1852 for the purpose of migrating as a body to Minnesota Territory to establish a settlement on the southern shore of Lake Minnetonka.
Dan Conlon: An Inventory of His Papers 00094
Military documents and miscellany, 1967Correspondence, photographs, and digital recordings relating to the Vietnam War service of Minneapolis medical doctor Dan Conlon, who was drafted into the Air Force in 1966 as part of the doctor draft. Much of the material relates to Conlon's interest in and work with the Montagnard people of Vietnam. Also includes scrapbooks of correspondence, medical reports, daily notes, and other materials documenting his wife Kay's battle with terminal cancer some years later.

Includes digital content.
Howard Conn: An Inventory of His Papers 01107
Howard ConnSermons, writings and addresses, booklets from annual fall lectures on theologians and religious movements, appreciation booklets, and a photograph of Howard J. Conn, DD, longtime senior minister at Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis.
William James Connell: An Inventory of His Papers 01076
Correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and other material compiled by William Connell, executive assistant to Hubert Humphrey (1959- 1972). The papers document Humphrey's political activities during the 1960s and early 1970s when he was a U.S. senator from Minnesota, vice president of the U.S., and Democratic candidate for president. The files are rich in memoranda, correspondence, and polls documenting campaign strategy and mechanics. They provide very substantive documentation on the evolution of Humphrey's political career.
Timothy M. Connelly: An Inventory of His Papers 00347
A Minnesota Vietnam War veteran's papers documenting his experience with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The papers include photocopies of a manuscript journal and the original and photocopy of its typescript copy (1988, 1993), artwork, miscellaneous military documents (1968-1972), a presidential certificate, and a letter presenting a bonus payment granted to Minnesota Vietnam War veterans.
Carol Connolly: An Inventory of Her Family Papers 00149
Carol ConnollyThe Carol Connolly papers include correspondence, minutes, memoranda, legal documents, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and other printed material documenting the activities of St. Paul poet, playwright, columnist, activist, and politician, Carol Connolly. Family papers include World War II correspondence and other materials from Connolly's cousins Clayton Kenneth Brubaker and Russell Edward Mund as well as a memorial resolution honoring Connolly's grandfather James A. Larson.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Biennial Reports gr01639
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Contour Lake Maps on Aperture Cards gr00238
Aperture cards containing contour maps of the state's lakes, drawn to provide basic information for scientific fish and wildlife management when used with biological, physical and chemical survey data.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records cons027
Assorted reports, correspondence, testimony transcripts, speeches, maps, circulars, indexes,
and related materials mainly documenting various aspects of departmental administration.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Photographs by Commissioner Chester S. Wilson gr02909
Photographs, largely taken by Wilson, of departmental projects in which he was interested as commissioner of conservation.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Photographs By Napoleon N. Nadeau gr02293
Index: Minnesota Department of Forestry Picture Prints, 1932-1937Photographs taken by Napoleon N. Nadeau as Conservation Department photographer from 1932 through 1937. The collection mainly documents the activities and buildings of the forestry division.

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Photographs Relating to Soil and Water Conservation gr02910
Indexes, undatedAssorted sized black and white photographs assembled by the Conservation Department mainly documenting the role in Minnesota of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service (SCS).

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs of State Parks, Monuments, Recreational Areas, and Staff gr01426
Alexander Ramsey State Park, undated and March 1942Assorted sized black and white photographs mainly documenting buildings, scenery, personnel, special events and developments, particularly pool and road construction, in the state parks and related recreational and historical areas.

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr00878
Reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Conservation Department.
Conservation Department: Commissioner's Office: General Correspondence gr00777
The files include correspondence and related materials of conservation commissioners H. C. Wenzel (1937-1938), William L. Strunk (1940-1942), Chester S. Wilson (1943-1954), George Selke (1955-1962) , Wayne H. Olson (1963-1966), and Jarle Leirfallom (1967-1970).
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files, Miscellaneous cons060
Files documenting the administration and activities of the Forestry Division.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Administrative Subject Files cons062
Subject files documenting the administrative aspects of the division's activities and duties.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Blackduck Office Files gr01837
Files of the Forestry Division's Blackduck office. They contain correspondence, memoranda, reports and plans, statistics, and related material documenting all aspects of forestry programs and forest land management in the area.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Silvicultural Investigation (Si) Files cons007
Subject files relating to forest acquisition and management, originating from or received by the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry division office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Forester (F) Files cons002
Subject files consisting of correspondence, memos, notes, reports, newspaper clippings, and other miscellaneous materials originating from or received by the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry division office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Land (L) Files cons003
Subject files consisting of correspondence, memos, reports, surveys, maps, and miscellaneous materials specifically involved with land matters, originating from or received by the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry division office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Miscellaneous (Z) Files cons004
Subject files consisting of correspondence, reports, memos, publications, statistics, and miscellaneous materials relating to the Association of State Foresters, Society of American Foresters, and other organizations; forestry and fire control programs; Canadian forestry; Christmas trees; timber prices and markets; sawmills and wood using industries; and publications, originating from or received by the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Operational (O) Files cons005
Subject files originating from, or received by, the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry division office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Central Subject Files: Planting (Sp) Files cons006
Subject files consisting of correspondence, memos, reports, circulars, brochures, and other miscellaneous materials relating to various tree planting matters, originating from or received by the state forester, commissioner, or director of forestry (title change) or other members of the forestry division office.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Financial Records cons053
Financial records covering such issues as forest management and planting cooperation, forest fire protection (Clarke-McNary), and planning.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Forestry Area and District Records gr02144
Daily reports, maps, photographs, fire plans, subject files, correspondence, and related records of various area and district regions including: Aitkin, Cloquet, Brainerd, Deer River, Little Fork, Cloquet Valley State Forest, Effie, and Duluth.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Hibbing District Office Maps and Plans gr01838
Maps, site plans, and building plans, mainly of Civilian Conservation Corps camps and projects.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Itasca Ranger Station Files gr01839
Administrative files of the Itasca Ranger Station (part of Forestry District 10, Arago, Hubbard County). They consist of scattered files of correspondence, memoranda, reports, statistics, and related materials documenting forestry and forest land management in north central Minnesota, as well as local participation in forestry-related activities.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Joseph Mockford Files gr01843
Daily diaries and study course papers/examinations kept by Mockford, a fire patrolman, assistant supervisor and ranger in northern Minnesota (Deer River, Littlefork, Big Falls, Tofte, Baudette, and Blackduck).
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Land Classification Records cons063
Land classification records relating to survey on the Cloquet Valley, Finland, Foot
Hills, George Washington, Grand Portage, Kabetogama, Savanna, Third River, and White Earth
state forests to be used to formulate an administration policy for forest areas.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Land Exchange Files (No. 337). cons069
Correspondence, memoranda, land and timber appraisals, valuations, lists of lands, and
related materials documenting exchanges, or proposed exchanges, of lands between the state of Minnesota and the federal government or private landholders.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Land Ownership Maps cons065
Maps coded to show state, federal, tax-forfeited, and private lands in Aitkin (2 copies),
Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Clearwater (2 copies), Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca,
Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pine, and St. Louis counties.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Man-Day and Job Accomplishment Reports gr01841
Reports on work accomplished and time spent for Civilian Conservation Corps projects carried out by the Conservation Department in northern Minnesota. The reports consist of time figures and brief narrative notes, and the projects include fire fighting and prevention, tree planting, building, road, and trail construction, water conservation, surveying, and recreational developments.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records and Reports gr00879
An assortment of correspondence, reports, statistical and survey data, and miscellany ; about half comprised of files of correspondence and related materials kept by or attributed to specific Forestry Division commissioners and other administrators, particularly E. V. Willard, G. M. Conzet, and Chester S. Wilson.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Photograph Set (Numerical) gr01669
Black and white snapshot photographs (and negatives) of items and events relating to all aspects of the division.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Photographs and Papers of Lawrence B. Ritter gr01924
Photograph albums (approximately 1926-1935), loose photographs and/or negatives (1926-1957, 1980), and blister rust control documents (approximately 1942-1986) kept by Lawrence B. Ritter, forestry employee (1929-1964) and white pine blister rust control expert.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Photographs, Negatives, and Lantern Slides gr00245
Men in front of Trading PostCollection of photographs, negatives, and lantern slides documents Forestry Division activities and facilities, as well as life in northern Minnesota as it relates to natural resources and disasters.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Photographs of Buildings cons039
Undated and unattributed black and white photographs of forestry buildings and towers.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Pine Island Settler Relocation and Development Project Records gr01640
Records of this resettlement and development project to purchase 25,000 acres of cut-over and virgin land on which a comprehensive development program would be carried out with a view to applying the most approved practices in forestry and wildlife.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Records of Leslie R. Beatty gr01614
Personnel and camp scenes, 1933-1940Files kept by Leslie R. Beatty, an employee of the Minnesota Forest Service (1911-1930) and Department of Conservation (1931-1942).

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Site and Improvement Records gr01842
Card files and record books documenting Forestry Division sites, buildings, and other facilities, and the public lease and permit uses of Conservation Department lands.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Timber Management and Sales Records gr00640
Files and record books regarding the appraisal of timber on state lands for quality and sale
value, the issuance or sale at auction of timber cutting permits, other aspects of the management of state timber lands, and timber trespass (unauthorized or illegal logging).
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Waskish Office Files gr01840
Files of the Forestry Division's Waskish office (District 11). They contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, statistics, and related material documenting all aspects of forestry programs and forest land management in the area.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its White Pine Blister Rust Control Files of Jake Licke gr02115
Records kept by Jacob Licke in his role as district (1929-1963) and state (1963-1965) leader in Minnesota's white pine blister rust control program.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Cooperative Forestry Section: An Inventory of Its Administrative Subject Files cons058
Files dealing with nurseries, forest development and management, soil conservation,
watersheds, tree seed research, forest protection, cooperative forestry programs, federally-funded programs for reforestation and conservation, public outreach and assistance, and other
organizations active in these endeavors.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: County and Private Forest Management Section: An Inventory of Its Tax-forfeiture Files cons057
Documents kept by the division relating to the classification, appraisal, and public sale of
land and timber on tax-forfeited lands both in and outside conservation areas.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Director’s Office: An Inventory of Its Bachmann [Elizabeth] Files cons061
Files of Elizabeth Bachmann, Secretary to the Forestry Division Director.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Director’s Office: An Inventory of Its Records cons052
Files documenting the administrative activities and duties of the division.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Forest Development and Recreation Section: An Inventory of Its Subject Files cons056
Subject files covering mainly land acquisition, sale of state land, release of state forest
land for sale, tax-forfeited land, forest statistics, and leases and permits.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Forest Fire Protection Section: An Inventory of Its Records gr00880
Records relating to fire protection and prevention activities of the division, including annual reports of federally-funded fire protection activities under the Weeks and Clarke-McNary laws (1911-1931), fire prevention and fire plan forms (1930s-1940s), annual reports on forest fire statistics (1956-1962), and fire plan maps for the state's northern counties (revised 1970).
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Forest Protection and Public Relations Section: An Inventory of Its Records cons054
Correspondence, reports, plans, statistical data, fire tower manning reports, and minutes
kept by departmental committees of Don Wilson and, later, Richard S. Story, section supervisors.
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: State Forests and Recreation Section: An Inventory of Its Reading Files cons055
Outgoing letters of Harold Ostergaard, Willard E. West, and R. W. Hosfield, assistant
section chief and staff foresters, documenting all aspects of the duties and activities of this
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: State Land Management Section: An Inventory of Its Records cons051
Documents relating to timber management and sale, forest resource development,
acquisition and sale of public land, state forest maintenance and use, and relations with other
forest resource groups.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Correspondence gr01879
Correspondence of the Game and Fish Division of the Conservation Department.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Reports cons012
Includes files of the director; files of the assistant supervisor of the fisheries section (Norman L. Moe, 1958-1959); youth conservation education files (ca. 1962); legislative files (1965); files of James A. Lee, technical assistant to the director (1958-1959); and, apparently, general files of the division as a whole.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Drainage Files gr01913
Files of David B. Vesall, assistant supervisor, Bureau of Wildlife Development, and Richard J. Dorer, supervisor, Bureau of Wildlife Development, concerning drainage and ditch improvement projects, mainly on proposed or active croplands, that affected wildlife (especially waterfowl) habitat and lake levels.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr00882
Mainly print and near-print materials produced by or for the Game and Fish Division, covering such topics as game policy, fishing, deer and general wildlife management, parasite study, public access to lakes and streams, and habitat improvement. Includes an incomplete of the division's newsletter, The Latest Word.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Pittman-Robertson Program Records cons050
Records relating to the Conservation Department's implementation of the Pittman- Robertson Act (Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act), approved by Congress in September 1937 and functional in July 1938.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Fisheries Section: An Inventory of Its Investigational Reports cons001
A numbered set (1-374) of research reports on various aspects of fish population, propagation, and management.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Fisheries Section: An Inventory of Its Rough Fish Removal Program Files gr01407
Contractors' lists, lake lists, correspondence, contracts, and related records of a program to contract with private fishermen to remove non-game and non-commercial nuisance fish from Minnesota lakes.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Fisheries Section: An Inventory of Its Subject Files gr01869
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, statistics, and background information pertaining to various aspects of fish, fishery, and fish habitat management in Minnesota. The files are largely those of Hjalmar O. Swenson, supervisor of the Section of Fisheries.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Game Section: An Inventory of Its Land Acquisition Files cons049
Files documenting the acquisition of private land by the Minnesota Department of
Conservation’s Game and Fish Division in order to establish game refuges throughout the state.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Research and Planning Section: An Inventory of Its Biological Services Unit Records gr00884
Correspondence and memos (largely carbon copies), reports, and survey data written by or routed to staff members of the Biological Services Unit.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Research and Planning Section: An Inventory of Its Reports gr00883
Biennial reports (1956-1966), summary reports on activities (1956-1966), and reports produced by the research section covering such topics as wildlife management and investigation, fish and wildlife restoration, and game bird migration.
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Warden Service Section: Firearm Safety Section: An Inventory of Its Records cons041
Subject and correspondence files of directors Lee Kuluvar (1955-1959) and J. P. Liemandt (1960), documenting the section’s activities.
Conservation Department: Lands and Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Land Use Classification Maps cons064
Maps coded to show land use classification (urban, agricultural, mining, recreation, lake
access, etc.); information includes recommended disposition and state or county jurisdiction.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Abstracts of Title and Land Patents cons070
Abstracts of title for Conservation Department land acquisition projects, particularly in
Kabetogama State Forest, St. Louis County; and original land patents from the St. Cloud office.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Director’s Reading File cons037
Carbon copies of outgoing letters and memos relating to all aspects of the management and disposition of state-owned lands and their mineral and timber resources.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Director's Subject Files cons011
Files of Frank A. Wildes (1935-1937) and Ray D. Nolan (1937-1966) as directors of the Lands and Minerals Division, reflecting all aspects of the management of non-forest state lands and their mineral and other resources.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Director's Subject Files cons013
Office files of Frank A. Wildes, reflecting the creation of the Division of Lands and Minerals within the newly established Conservation Department and the formulation of policies and procedures for managing state-owned lands and mineral resources.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Mine Inspection Reports cons067
Correspondence regarding mine lease provisions, mining companies' activities under
those leases, and measurement or calculation of royalties paid and ore tonnage mined.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records cons066
Miscellaneous materials documenting the wide variety of issues and topics involved in the management of non-forest state lands and their mineral and other resources.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Ore Royalty Shipments cons068
Ore royalty shipment reports and correspondence, showing tonnage or ore shipped by mine
and royalties paid.
Conservation Department: Lands and Minerals Division: An Inventory of Its Railway Mineral Lease Records gr01878
Correspondence, leases, easements, and blueprint maps containing information on the location, completion, and use of railroad spur tracks to various mines in northeastern Minnesota.
Conservation Department: Parks and Recreation Division: An Inventory of Its Photographs gr02911
Assorted sized black and white photographs, mainly documenting buildings, scenery, personnel, special events, and development in the state parks and related recreational and scenic areas.
Conservation Department: Parks and Recreation Division: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to the Charles A. Lindbergh House cons040
Records regarding the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of the Charles A.
Lindbergh House located in the Charles A. Lindbergh State Park in Little Falls, Minnesota.
Conservation Department: Parks and Recreation Division: An Inventory of Its State Park Atlases gr02912
Blueprint atlases showing detailed drawings of the state parks and state trails operated by the Department of Conservation. Four volumes (1957, 1965, 1967, 1971) cover the state park system as a whole. Two volumes (1963, 1969) show proposed new parks and additions to existing parks.
Conservation Department: Parks and Recreation Division: An Inventory of Its State Parks Project Files gr01513
Biography, Wesley G. Wells, undatedFiles kept by Wesley G. Wells, who worked for both the National Park Service and the Minnesota Conservation Department on state park survey and improvement projects.

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its County and Judicial Ditch Files gr01526
Records detailing the construction, improvement, and maintenance of county and judicial ditches, including the main ditches, and any branches and laterals.
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its County Drainage Systems Files cons047
Records gathered from the counties by the Conservation Department to prepare a
watershed map of each county.
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its Land Acquisition Records cons042
Land acquisition records for projects initially set up in the 1930s with the State Emergency Relief Program to bring about drought relief and to create employment.
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Ditch Records cons045
Miscellaneous ditch records of the Conservation Department’s Division of Drainage and Waters/Division of Waters, including materials created under its successor, the Natural Resources Department’s Waters Division (1971- 1979).
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its Divisional Records gr00638
Records of the Conservation Department’s Division of Drainage and Waters/Division of Waters, including materials created under its predecessors, the Drainage Commission of the State of Minnesota (1901- 1919) and Department of Drainage and Waters (1919-1931), and its
successor, the Natural Resources Department’s Waters Division (1971-1979).
Conservation Department: Waters Division: An Inventory of Its State Ditch Files cons048
Map of State Ditch No. 72 Divisional files documenting the establishment, improvement, and maintenance of state ditches.

Includes digital content.
Conservation Department, Waters Division: An Inventory of Its Watershed District Files gr00639
Files documenting both the division’s administration of the state’s watershed district
system, including its organization and maintenance and related drainage and legislative issues.
Construction of Minnesota State Fairgrounds Grandstand: An Inventory of the Album sv000381
Construction of Minnesota State Fairgrounds grandstand, 1909Views of the construction and completed grandstand; construction work done by George J. Grant Construction Company of St. Paul.

Includes digital content.
Joseph Le Conte: An Inventory of His Reminiscences P2258
The manuscript is a typeset copy of LeConte's reminiscences of a journey through the Old Northwest and down the Mississippi River. Introductory note with title: "Frontier vacation," edited by June Drenning Holmquist.
Control Board: An Inventory of the Correspondence of the Supervisor of Institution Libraries contrl03
Correspondence of the supervisors of the libraries at the various state institutions dministered by the Board of Control, primarily dealing with book ordering, but also concerning library administration in general.
Control Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr01431
Administrative minutes of the Board of Control, which usually met several times per month and often more than once a week. They are of a transactional nature and contain little narrative discussion of board conversations or decisions.
Control Board: An Inventory of Its Payrolls contrl06
Payrolls for officers and employees of state institutions: state hospitals, asylums, schools,
and correctional institutions.
Control Board: An Inventory of Its Proceedings of Quarterly Conferences of State Institutions gr01925
Proceedings of quarterly conferences of the Board of Control with the superintendents of the state institutions, containing copies of addresses and transcripts or minutes of discussion sessions covering topics relating to: administrative problems, such as recruitment and training of personnel and inventory control; medical treatment, education and training, or rehabilitation of institutionalized persons; construction and maintenance of institution buildings; and general trends in the social welfare field.
Control Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records gr01926
Published laws, directories, standards, manuals, reports, and miscellany.
Control Board: Children's Bureau: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Council on Adoptions Files gr00537
Records of this group, including the minutes which cover monthly meetings held between September and May, where membership visited facilities and heard speeches on various topics relating to the adoption of children.
Control Board, Soldier Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Guardianship Files contrl04
Primarily case files for veterans of World War I who were wards of the state during 1928-1931; with a few administrative files.
Conwed Corporation: An Inventory of Its Records 00477
Video iconRecords of a St. Paul-based manufacturer of commercial ceiling and interior products, building construction and remodeling products, insulation and padding materials, wooden office furniture, and other products. Includes records of predecessor Wood Conversion Company.

Includes digital content.
Cook County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Minute Book cook-cts04
A record of documents filed and actions taken with regard to each case brought before each day's session of the court for arraignment, hearing, trial, or other action.
Cook County: County Court: Family Division: An Inventory of Its Minute Record cook-cts08
Record of appearances, documents filed, and actions taken with regard to each case brought before each day's session of the court.
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case File Transcripts cook-cts12
Transcripts of various numbered and unnumbered civil case files. The majority relate to land ownership.
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Inquest Records cook-cts06
Coroner's inquest record books and inquest papers.
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case File Transcripts and Exhibits cook-cts13
Unnumbered criminal case files transcripts: State v. Fred Jackson (1915), Hughes Bros. Timber Company (1923), and Thomas A. Morrison (1971).
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records cook-cts05
Indictment records filed with the district court containing a summary of the alleged crime.
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index gr03131
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, and loose declarations of intention.
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books cook-cts11
Court Orders and Order Book No. 1.
Cook County: Extension Service: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports gr02597
Typescripts and mimeograph copies, for the years 1919 and 1923-1982. These reports document the work of the Cook County Extension Service and its agents in some detail.
Cook County: Grand Marais Public Library: An Inventory of Its Records gr01994
Library records including minutes and meeting files of the Library Board and the Library Friends Board, and selected subject files including annual statistics and reports.
Cook County: Human Services Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr01571
Annual budgets, minutes, and meeting files of the Cook County Human Services Board and it's predecessor. Also includes records of the Chemical Dependency Task Force and the Social Services Council, including Community Social Services Act Plans.
Cook County: Justice Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets cook-cts10
Civil and criminal docket sheets of justices of the peace.
Cook County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution cook-cts02
Final decrees, summary proceedings, and decrees for exempt estates.
Cook County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records cook-cts07
Two volumes containing commitment warrants and examiner's reports.
Cook County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Order Books cook-cts03
These volumes also contain final decrees of distribution and summary proceedings.
Cook County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books cook-cts01
Two volumes containing copies or transcription of the complete text of wills probated by the court.
John R. Corbid: An Inventory of His Legislative Papers 01254
Correspondence and subject files of a Democratic-Farmer-Labor legislator who represented Minnesota House of Representatives District 1B from 1975 to 1981. The subject files concentrate on issues relating to Marshall, Pennington, Polk and Red Lake counties, especially agriculture, education, and health.
Corrections Board: An Inventory of Its Records corrbd01
Publications and subject files documenting the duties and activities of this board responsible for the parole and supervised releases of the state's prisoners.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports gr01319
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Lockup and Facility Inspection Records gr01215
Inspection records for incarceration facilities throughout the state at all levels of governance (state, regional, county, and city) and types of facility, including jails, detention centers, hospital security wards, workhouses, work farms, juvenile group homes, and halfway houses.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Historical Materials corr008
Materials documenting the history of corrections and correctional institutions in
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr01320
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Corrections Department.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Quarterly Reports corr012
Detailed narrative and statistical reports submitted to the deputy commissioner's office
from the various facilities and units of the department.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Restitution Unit Records corr011
Records documenting an alternative to incarceration for selected property offenders through the opening of the Minnesota Restitution Center, a limited residential program with 22 beds in Minneapolis.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Statistical Reports gr01927
Mimeographed, Xeroxed, and near-print statistical data compiled by the Corrections Department relating to adult and juvenile correctional institutions.
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Willow River Camp Files corr003
Records documenting the Willow River Camp opened in 1951 as a minimum security prison for young men under the jurisdiction of the Youth Conservation Commission.
Corrections Department: Assistant Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Howard J. Costello corr013
American Indian services files and Minnesota State Prison investigation files kept by Howard J. Costello, Assistand and/or Deputy Commissioner.
Corrections Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of James H. Alexander gr01963
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and other material regarding personnel, expense accounts, prison and reformatory industries, budgets, construction and maintenance of correctional facilities, and other administrative matters.
Corrections Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of David Fogel gr01962
Files pertaining to all aspects of the administration of the Corrections Department and the state's correctional facilities; to organizations interested in or involved with corrections matters; and to related topics of interest to the commissioner.
Corrections Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Paul W. Keve gr01961
Files pertaining to the administration of the Corrections Department and the state's correctional facilities; and to organizations interested in or involved with corrections matters.
Corrections Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Commissioner Kenneth F. Schoen gr01955
Files relating to various aspects of the interests and administration of the Corrections Department, including departmental procedures and personnel, detention and security facilities, community corrections, special programs for various types of offenders, training programs and personal services for inmates, and the work of a number of advisory groups and task forces dealing with correctional programs and inmate services.
Corrections Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Will C. Turnbladh gr01928
Correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, newspaper clippings, and other material regarding revisions of the criminal code and other legislation, personnel matters, professional associations, and the administration of the state's correctional facilities.
Corrections Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Jack G. Young corr009
Subject files of Jack G. Young, Commissioner (1979-1983) documenting various aspects of the
department's administration.
Corrections Department: Community Services Division: An Inventory of the Community Corrections Program Agency Files corr006
Records documenting subsidy grants awarded to counties or groups of counties under the
Community Corrections Act of 1973 [Laws 1973 c622] for the provision of local correctional
Corrections Department: Community Services Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files corr007
Administrative records of the division documenting its various activities and
responsibilities, particularly in the implementation of the Community Corrections Act.
Corrections Department: Deputy Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Orville B. Pung corr014
Subject files kept by Orville B. Pung, Deputy Comissioner and Commissioner, mainly documenting Pung's oversight of the state's correctional institutions.
Corrections Department: Deputy Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of the Subject Files of Donald G. Tomsche corr010
Subject files of Donald G. Tomsche, associate warden, Minnesota State Prison (pre-1979),
Deputy Commissioner (1979-1982), and Coordinator of Industry, Safety and Workers
Compensation (1983-1995).
Corrections Department Select Advisory Committee: An Inventory of Its Senate Investigative Research Staff Files gr02654
Headphones iconIncludes committee minutes, correspondence, and background materials; subcommittee background materials; materials (including audio recordings) relating to the Minnesota Delphi Study of Correctional Institutions; and various informational reports, studies, and statistics relating to the correctional institutions studied.

Includes digital content.
Frederic G. Corser: An Inventory of the Frederic G. Corser Photograph Album sv000342
Frederic G. Corser photograph album, 1885-1916Views of buildings designed by the architect Frederic G. Corser including: St. Stephen's Catholic Church, Little Sisters of the Poor, North Branch Library, Judson L. Wicks home, Station A, Fire Dept. building, Thomas E. Lee home, First Unitarian Church remodeling, Kenneth-Israel Synagogue, Anthony Kelly family mausoleum, Sherlock M. Merrill home, all in Minneapolis; and the Histology Building, University of Minnesota and A.E. Boyd home, Aberdeen, S.D. Also includes portraits of Corser and his home, possibly at 615 James Ave. N., Minneapolis; and scenic views photographed by Corser: Loring Park, Glenwood Park, Minnehaha Falls, St. Anthony Falls and Mississippi River, Fort Snelling, Minnesota River and Mendota.

Includes digital content.
Cosmetology Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr01254
Financial reports that include annual summaries of board receipts and disbursements (1941-1957); a few exchanges of letters with the governor's office regarding board employees and finances (1927-1930); a survey of wages, hours, and working conditions in Minneapolis and St. Paul beauty shops (1937); and a rules and regulations sheet (circa 1950).
Cottonwood County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00085
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Cottonwood County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Cottonwood County: Attorney: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions gr02850
Registers of criminal actions of the Cottonwood County Attorney.
Cottonwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files gr03059
These files also include coroner's inquest files, numbered as civil case files.
Cottonwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions gr01660
Registers of civil (1873-1941) and criminal (approximately 1871-1928) actions. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks.
Cottonwood County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records SAM179
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Cottonwood County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiffs and Defendants Indexes gr01659
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed.
Cottonwood County: Independent School District No. 171, Bigham Lake: An Inventory of Its Records isd171
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and teachers of the district.
Cottonwood County: Independent School District No. 175, Westbrook: An Inventory of Its Records isd175
Records documenting the administration, students, finances, PTA, and teachers of the district.
Cottonwood County: Independent School District No. 177, Windom: An Inventory of Its Records isd177
Records documenting the administration, finances, students, and teachers of the district.
Cottonwood County: Mountain Lake: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01234
Birth and death registers (February 1915-December 1940) and certificates (January 1941-June 1953). Volumes containing February 1915-September 1921 and May 1926-September 1936 birth and February 1915-August 1921 and June 1926-April 1939 death records are indexed.
Cottonwood County: Mountain Lake: An Inventory of Its Records mtlake
A variety of records documenting the history and governance of the city of Mountain Lake in Cottonwood County.
Cottonwood County: Recorder: An Inventory of Its Birth, Death, and Marriage Records gr03212
Birth, death, and marriage records of the Cottonwood County Recorder. Retained as security copies.
Cottonwood County: Red Rock Ridge Vocational Cooperative Center: An Inventory of Its Records isd941
Records documenting the organization, administration, and finances of this vocational education center.
Cottonwood County: Shetek Vocational Cooperative Center: An Inventory of Its Records isd940
Records documenting the organization, administration, and finances of this vocational education center.
Cottonwood County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Pupil Records gr03211
Permanent pupil cards (1916-1960s); pupil census cards (1960s); cumulative pupil scholastic record sheets, similar to permanent pupil record cards (approximately 1923-1958); and a pupil examination record book (1904-1915).
Cottonwood County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Records gr02079
School district reorganization records, including school survey committee reports (1948), reorganization orders and proposals (1948-1964), and consolidation map and plats (circa 1948, 1964, 1966); lists of teachers and school officers ( 1884-1901, 1924-1957); a state aid record (1910-1916); miscellaneous teachers' term reports (1903-1904); and an annual report of the Mountain Lake-Delft Public Schools (1961).
Cottonwood County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Records gr02080
Teacher's examination and certificate records (1873-1912), reading circle record (1910-1914), retirement fund record (1919-1930), record cards (approximately 1916-approximately 1947), and salary data (1931-1947).
Cottonwood County: Windom: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01235
Birth and death registers (1889-1907) and certificate record books (1913-1953), and burial/removal permits (1930-1935).
Cottonwood County: Windom: An Inventory of Its Records gr03071
Chattel mortgage index (1892-1913); city charters (1920, 1949); minutes of the board of equalization and board of review (1928-1942); water quality reports (1930-1933); and a file on bond issuance and property purchase for the city water works (1920,1926).
Cottonwood County: Windom: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets gr00787
Civil (1903-1909, 1922-1957) and criminal (1928-1972) docket books of the justice courts of the village and city of Windom, particularly of justices W. W. Barlow, Ole O. Salum, Vernon S. Tegland, Donald A. Yager, Lyder Larson, Lloyd S. Johnson, L. C. Churchill, N. J. Bell, and Donald E. Wiese. Also includes a register of persons charged (arrest books, 1963).
Council on Asian-Pacific Americans: An Inventory of Its Records gr00236
Records of this council created in 1985 to ensure that Asians in Minnesota are more fully
incorporated into the governmental and policy-making process.
Council on Black Minnesotans: An Inventory of the Council on Black Minnesotans Moving Image Collection sv000306
Video iconRecordings of speech and discussions with Commissioner Barbara Burke-Tatum of Massachussetts and seven episodes of Focus On, a cable access show designed to be a public forum with an Afrocentric perspective and point of view. Speech and discussions were hosted by the Council on Black Minnesotans (now the Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage) in March 1985. Focus On (broadcast in 1987) was produced in the Twin Cities by Victor L. Propes, executive director of the Council on Black Minnesotans, in conjunction with Cable Access-St. Paul, Inc.; Continental Cablevision, Inc.; and Creative Focus.

Includes digital content.
Council on Black Minnesotans: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports gr03257
Reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Council on Black Minnesotans.
Council on Latino Affairs: An Inventory of Its Records gr02075
Subject files; files relating to community forums; publications; board minutes, meeting files, and subject files; and audio recordings of the Notas Latinas audio program created by the Council.

Includes digital content.
Counties Transit Improvement Board: An Inventory of Its Records gr01790
Meeting minutes, agenda packets, published reports and other records of the Counties Transit Improvement Board and its predecessors the Metro Transitways Development Board and the Metropolitan Light Rail Transit (LRT) Joint Powers Board.
Gratia A. Countryman: An Inventory of the Gratia A. Countryman and Family Papers 01305
Minneapolis, My Home Town NightCorrespondence, speeches, diaries, newspaper clippings, diplomas and appointments, and other papers of Gratia Countryman, head librarian (1904-1936) of the Minneapolis Public Library. Includes some materials relating to her parents, Levi and Alta Countryman, her brother Theophilus, and other family members.

Includes digital content.
Levi N. Countryman: An Inventory of the Levi N. Countryman and Family Papers P2591
Diaries, correspondence, genealogical correspondence, newspaper articles, and miscellaneous materials of Levi N. Countryman, a farmer who emigrated to Minnesota in 1855 and settled near Hastings.
County Attorneys Council: An Inventory of Its Records cattyc1
Records relating to a survey project to conduct an analysis of the county attorney's function in Minnesota.
Court of Appeals: An Inventory of the Davies (Judge Jack) Correspondence ctapp01
Correspondence of Judge Davies, appointed to the Court on July 1, 1990 by Governor Rudy
Franklin J. Covell: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection sv000028
Snapshots and copy prints of Split Rock Lighthouse, interiors, the Covell family, their friends, and the surrounding area.
Elizabeth Hermann Cowie: An Inventory of Her Papers 01148
Photo collage Correspondence, photograph collages, transcripts of letters, and related ephemera of Saint Paul college student Elizabeth (Betty) Herrmann while attending Smith College during World War II.
Includes digital content.
George Gray Cowie: An Inventory of His Family Papers 00640
Correspondence, legal records, printed matter, genealogical charts, and family photographs related to George Cowie, a Scottish immigrant, who moved to St. Paul in 1884. Cowie became chief clerk of the Minnesota State Board of Corrections and Charities a year later.
Marjorie Herrmann Cox: An Inventory of Her Papers 00646
Correspondence (bulk 1943-1945), scrapbooks, photographs, and other memorabilia pertaining to Marjorie Herrmann Cox's education, family life, performing arts activities, teaching career, and involvement in politics.
Brian J. Coyle: An Inventory of His Papers 00020
Video iconPersonal, political, and official papers documenting the life and career of a gay activist and Minneapolis (Minn.) city council member.

Includes digital content.
Earl D. Craig: An Inventory of His Papers 00165
Personal, political, business, and official papers documenting the life and career of an African American educator, politician, and consultant from Minneapolis (Minn.). The papers include correspondence, memoranda, notes, agendas, minutes, financial statements, tax returns (1972-1974), legal documents, questionnaires, reports, transcripts (1986-1987), speeches, syllabi (1970-1975), press releases (1970), flyers, brochures, posters, newsletters, newspaper and magazine clippings, audio tapes (1970), and a video tape (1970).
Robley D. Cramer: An Inventory of His Family Papers 00834
Genealogical and biographical data as well as correspondence and subject files, newspaper clippings, and other personal and family papers of Robley D. Cramer, editor of the "Minneapolis Labor Review" and a member of the Upholsterers' Union.
Robert S. Crandall: An Inventory of His Grand Rapids Area Logging Photograph Collection sv000269
Logging operations, Grand RapidsViews from the logging industry, including steam log haulers and logging camps, near Grand Rapids as photographed by R. S. Crandall.

Includes digital content.
Crane Island Association: An Inventory of Its Records P1611
Records of an organization of summer home owners on Crane Island in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Credjafawn Social Club: An Inventory of Its Club Records 01370
Credjafawn records, 1928-1946Constitution, officer and member lists, minutes, reports, financial records, correspondence, announcements, and other papers relating chiefly to the social activities of this black recreational club founded in 1928. Included also are some personal papers of John R. Lawrence, a club founder and president, and some financial records of the Club's Credjafawn Credit Union.

Includes digital content.
Charles A. Cressy: An Inventory of His Papers 00611
Diaries written by Cressy while serving in the 1st Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers (June-Aug. 1861, 1 v.) and the 4th Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers (Sept. 1861-1863, 2 v.) during the Civil War; materials relating to 4th Regiment reunions (1899-1904); a few warmly personal letters (1874)--almost "love letters"--written by Cressy to his wife, Lizzie, while he was traveling and preaching in various towns in New Hampshire and in Brooklyn (N.Y.); letters (1898-1899, 0.5 cu. ft.) written by Cressy while serving as chaplain for the 13th Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers, during the Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection; scrapbooks (3 v., 1898-1899) and other materials concerning the 13th Regiment and the Spanish American War; lectures and memorial addresses (1875-1914); sermons (1868-1916, 1.0 cu. ft.) written and delivered by Cressy while serving as a Methodist minister in New Hampshire and Minnesota; letters and obituaries relating to Lizzie Cressy's parents, Rev. Abel Allton and Mrs. Allton, and her sister, May Fisk Allton; several photographs, primarily of Cressy family members; and one issue of "The Crank Journal," an informal publication of essays and poems (duplicated from handwritten originals), edited by Cressy.
Crime Control Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Published Records ccpbpub
Printed or mimeographed reports and informational issuances prepared by or for the board, including analyses of programs and priorities, community corrections, Native Americans and the criminal justice system, automated fingerprint identification, rehabilitation programs for offenders, peace officer training, juvenile and women offenders, court procedure, sexual abuse of children, family violence, information systems, sentencing, and the Minnesota criminal justice system in general.
Crime Control Planning Board, Region D: An Inventory of Its Records ccpb02
Correspondence, minutes, subject files, and grant files of this criminal justice planning agency that covered central Minnesota.
Benjamin Franklin Crippen: An Inventory of His Fifteenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Portrait Albums sv000262
Fifteenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry soldier portraits album, 1898. Album 341.Cartes-de-visite portraits, mostly individuals, of the 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, compiled by Benjamin Franklin Crippen who volunteered for the Spanish-American War on July 2, 1898 as a Private in Company I. The regiment was sent to Camp McKenzie, Georgia and mustered out on March 27, 1899, having been there the entire time. Most images are identified.
Crippled Child Relief, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records 01251
Minutes, newsletters, directories, and other administrative files, and a receipts and disbursements register of a Minneapolis-based non-profit organization that gave grants to individuals for assistive devices and loans and scholarships to individuals pursuing careers in physical and occupational therapy.
John Crooks: An Inventory of His Letters 01159
Appointment order (1864) as scout to accompany Henry H. Sibley's expedition to the James River and documents (1868, 1883, 1885, 1889) signed by Governor Wm. R. Marshall, H.H. Sibley, Geo. A. Brackett, C.S. Uline, Wm. Crooks, William Pfaender, and Bishop H.B. Whipple attesting to Crooks' service to white settlers during the U.S.-Dakota War.
Crosby Company: An Inventory of Its Records 01256
Corporate records of the Crosby Company (formerly S.T. McKnight Company), which were holding companies for the assets of Sumner T. McKnight and Franklin M. Crosby family members and descendants. They include a company history, bylaws, minutes, a few Crosby Company annual reports, income tax returns, audit and other financial reports, stock and investment data, property management files, files on holdings of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, and records documenting the merger of the Crosby Company (Minnesota) with the Crosby Company (Delaware) and the sale of some of its assets to Crosby & Case.
Francis M. Crosby: An Inventory of His Family Papers 01125
Correspondence, legal papers, financial records, diaries, business advertisements, clippings, genealogies, and memorabilia, largely 1859-1910, of Crosby, a Wilmington, Vermont, lawyer who moved to Hastings, Dakota County (Minn.), in 1858, practiced law there, and served as a probate judge (1860-1861) and judge for the first judicial district (1872-1910). Included is Crosby's district court calendar for Goodhue County (1884, 1889) and Washington County (1888), which records the cases heard and his decisions.
William Crosfield: An Inventory of His Letters 00255
Letter 1. Saloon B.& N.A., R.M.S.P Persia, Thursday, July 28, 1859. Consists of thirty eight letters written by William Crosfield to his family in Liverpool, England, while on a tour of the U.S., which describe: the Atlantic Ocean voyage; New York City, Niagara Falls, and other points in New York state; Washington, D.C., New Orleans, Boston, and other cities in the East, South, and Midwest; the Falls of St. Anthony and St. Paul; a trip down the Mississippi River; and a brief visit to Cuba. The letters include comments on modes of travel, American life, slavery, the execution of John Brown, and Frederick E. Church's paintings.
William and Ada Cross: An Inventory of Their Diaries 00716
Diaries (1881-1915) kept by a farmer in Fairmont Township, Martin County, Minnesota, and continued (1915-1935) by his daughter Ada. Brief daily entries mention farming operations (until 1911), social life, the local chautauqua (1916), and weather. Includes both a letter (May 14, 1876) from his brother George reminiscing on a journey west (1845) and on mining and cattle raising in California, and transcripts of the diaries (1881-1894) provided by William Cross's great-great-great-granddaughter.
Crow Wing County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories lb00040
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Crow Wing County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city.
Crow Wing County: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records gr02762
Annual and monthly reports of the Public Health Nursing Service (1957-1965); annual reports and financial statements of the Highway Engineer (1917-1970); annual reports (1963-1983, incomplete) and mine visitation reports (1938-1965) of the Mine Inspector; audit reports of the Welfare Board, Nisswa Village, and Cedarbrook Manor Nursing Home; zoning ordinance [ca.1972]; historical data on the Crow Wing County Child Welfare Board [1936]; town and school officers record (1915-1932) and county extension committee minutes (1924-1997).
Crow Wing County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its School District Organization Files gr02764
School district organizational petitions for districts 70-98 and 106-108 (1901-1914), school district setting-off petitions (1964-1979), and school district dissolution/consolidation files (1960-1971, 1986, 1991). The latter are arranged by district number.
Crow Wing County: Brainerd: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records gr00736
City administrative files, including audit records, charters, ordinances, and other documents relating to city planning, building code, zoning, water, electricity, summer recreation, sewage, and the 1963 annexation of the Village of Rice Lake.
Crow Wing County: Brainerd: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records gr01236
Birth and death registers (1887, 1907) and certificate books (1908-1953), burial or removal permits (1907-1947), and burial transit/transportation of corpse certificates (1907-1947).
Crow Wing County: Crosby: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Registers gr01237
Crow Wing County: Crosby: An Inventory of Its Records gr01238
Clerk's finance record books (1926-1935); minutes (1974, 1976); clerk's correspondence (1933-1948); resolutions, bonds, and petitions relating primarily to street, sidewalk, and sewer improvements (1911-1932); treasurer's records (1927-1969); records, primarily specifications, relating to village water works (1917-1924); milk dealers' license applications (1930); billiard hall applications (1923-1932); pubic library statistical reports (1927, 1932); minutes of village elections (1920-1927); city officers' oaths and bonds (1927); village attorney annual reports (1923-1927); and dairy inspector reports (1927-1943); Lakewood Cemetery record of internments (1919-1931); payroll ledger (1939-1943); and miscellaneous account books (1916-1930s).
Crow Wing County: Crow Wing Township: An Inventory of Its Records gr02371
Clerk's and treasurer's record books, various financial records, road records, poll lists, summary statements of votes, and miscellany.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files gr02977
Case List for File Nos. 1-2934Case files numbered 1-22,606.

Includes digital content.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records gr03218
Coroner's records of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files gr00528
Case files numbers 66-3227. Location of files prior to 1884 is unknown.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Record gr03219
Indictment records of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books gr03220
Judgment books of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets gr03221
Judgment dockets of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr03222
Minutes of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index gr03223
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books gr03224
Real estate tax judgment books of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Record of Convictions in Justice Court gr03225
Record of convictions in justice court of the Crow Wing County District Court.
Crow Wing County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records gr03226
Registers or records for optometrists, physicians, dentists, osteopaths, chiropractors, chiropodists, veterinarians, masseurs, and ministers, and basic science certificates.
Crow Wing County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution gr03227
Final decrees, 1884-1964 (reels 1-8), and miscellaneous orders, 1904-1957 (reels 9-10), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. Two volumes also include orders for admission of dependent and neglected children to the State Public School at Owatonna, 1888-1896, 1900.
Crow Wing County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity and Committal Records gr03228
Certificates of examination in insanity and orders for admission of dependents to the State Public School, both with information on the cases; and related orders.
Crow Wing County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books gr03229
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files.
Crow Wing County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers gr02763
Volume 1 also contains a museum visitor register for the Crow Wing County Historical Society, 1937-1938.
Crow Wing County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes gr01504
The minutes document administrative, policy, casework, and financial decisions; personal matters; and miscellaneous administrative matters or information of general interest to the board.
Edward S. Crozier: An Inventory of His Papers 01293
Mud Lake National Wildlife Refuge (Agassiz), April 19-July 25, 1955 Includes the field diaries (1955-1981), resume (undated), awards and certificates (1965-2014), and retirement scrapbook (1994) of Minnesota-born environmental activist and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manager Edward Crozier.

Includes digital content.
Edward S. Crozier: An Inventory of Records related to the establishment of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge 01287
Informational brochuresThe collection consists of background information and administrative records of environmental non-profit organizations and governmental agencies that helped found the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge (MVNWR). This includes records of the Bloomington Natural Resource Commission (1970), the Burnsville Environmental Council (1973-1981), the Lower Minnesota River Valley Citizen's Committee (1973-1997), the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (1966-2011), and the Friends of the Minnesota Valley (1973-2003). The collection also includes materials of MVNWR cofounders, includiing Minnesota-born and U.S. Fish and longtime Wildlife Service Manager Edward Crozier and the Kansas-born Elaine Mellot.

Includes digital content.
William M. Cummings: An Inventory of His Diaries and Related Papers 00107
Diaries and miscellaneous papers documenting the life of a St. Paul, Minnesota native who also lived in California (1957-1980, 1987-1995) and Florida (1983-1986). The collection provides a day-to-day account of the lives of a 20th century working class man and his family.
John R. Cummins: An Inventory of His Papers 01170
Essay bookDiaries, account books, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers of a Minnesota farmer, scientist, and traveler who migrated from Pennsylvania to Eden Prairie in 1857.

Includes digital content.
Gold Tompkins Curtis and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 00305
Correspondence and related legal and financial papers (1842-1901), Washington County (Minn.) township plats (undated), diaries (1854-1859), daybook and ledgers (1843-1862), cash books (1853-1861), and other material (1853-1862) created by a pioneer lawyer, Gold T. Curtis, and his wife Mary Curtis of Stillwater, Minnesota.
Martha W. Cutkomp: An Inventory of Her Oral History oh120
Martha Cutkomp discusses her background, her interest in art, particularly ceramics, her career as a potter, and her time in Minnesota.
Ruth Cutler: An Inventory of Her Family Papers 00665
Correspondence and papers, diaries and journals, photographs, and other materials of a daughter of Saint Paul pharmaceutical wholesaler Edward Hutchins Cutler, who served in France with the American Red Cross at the end of World War I. Includes newspaper clippings about the 1912 presidential election, and some correspondence and papers of her parents and other relatives. Some of the material is in French.
Luther S. Cushing and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers 01238
Commission: Charles Cushing as Lieutenant in Col. William Heath's foot company, May 19, 1775Correspondence, certificates and commissions, financial papers, biographical and genealogical materials, and news clippings of the family of Luther Cushing, a Massachusetts lawyer, political figure, and writer. The material includes colonial and early state seals and documents that bear the signatures of Joseph Warren, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Charles Sumner, and others.

Includes digital content.
Cuyuna, Minnesota Area Photographs: An Inventory of Photographs sv000169
Two cars parked near a flooded road, Cuyuna Photographic views of flooding in the Cuyuna, Minnesota area in approximately the 1920s. Also included is an image of a woman and children riding a horse-drawn carriage and a group portrait of men outside a tent (possibly miners).

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