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Hubert H. Humphrey Digitization Project
This August, as Minnesota
memorialized the life and legacy of Hubert H. Humphrey by
unveiling a life-size statue of Humphrey in mid-sentence on the
Capitol grounds, the Minnesota Historical Society began a
12-month project to scan all of his speech texts for public
Memorialized "The Happy Warrior," Humphrey is remembered today as one of the most powerful orators of the 20th century. Humphrey began his political career when he was elected mayor of Minneapolis in 1945. Three years later, at the Democratic National Convention, he gained national attention when he delivered a stirring speech in favor of a strong civil rights plank in the party's platform.
There are those who say to you -- we are rushing this issue of Civil Rights -- I say, we are 172 years late --
There are those who say -- this issue of Civil Rights is an infringement on States Rights -- The time has arrived for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadow of States Rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of Human Rights --
People -- Human beings, this is the issue of the 20th century
Humphrey's speech texts comprise an estimated 32,000 pages of notes, drafts, talking poiints, speaking texts, printed copies, and transcripts for nearly every public speech dating from 1941 until his death in 1978. The project also aims to digitize the sound recordings of at least 50 particularly important speeches.
When complete, this project will document the path of Humphrey's career, his evolving political thinking, and the maturation and high-water mark of the liberal tradition in 20th century American politics and government. Humphrey, more than most leaders of the age, articulated his political values and pressed forward his agenda. Because of this, his extensive body of speeches illuminate American political and social history from the end of World War II through the end of the Vietnam War.
Here is one of
Humphrey's earliest speech files. This war-time address,
entitled "Information: The Strength of Democracy," was given to
the Minnesota Library Association at their annual conference on
October 1, 1942. This file also includes a letter Humphrey wrote
to his father asking him to read the speech when he had time. In
the letter, Humphrey comments that he had delivered the address
extemporaneously and had only dictated it to his secretary
afterward because the Association asked to publish it. He
suggests his father not be too critical and closes the letter by
saying, "Remember it was written for librarians -- they are a
timid lot." On this closing comment, we think that he
would happily and humbly agree this project proves him
Hubert H. Humphrey making his acceptance speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Atlantic City.
This project was awarded the support of a $46,000 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) administered by the National Archives.
Learn more about how the NHPRC helps preserve records of enduring national historical value and promotes their public access and interpretation through archival and documentary programs.
New and Updated Finding Aids - July 2012
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Correspondence of Walter Mondale's Office at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00601 |
Correspondence and memos of the attorney general's office staff mainly concerning activities of state agencies and problems or issues of interest to the office. Many appear to have been those of chief clerk Roberta Schneider. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Scheduling Correspondence of Walter Mondale's Office at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00602 |
Scheduling correspondence, consisting of letters of invitation to Mondale with his replies. Only materials relating to events he attended were retained. | |
Cass County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00616 |
Assorted records that were either generated by or accumulated by the county auditor. The main body of records documents school district organizations, consolidations, dissolutions, reorganizations, and bonds. There are also files dealing with school enrollment, county roads, county superintendent of schools appointment, and nomination of Floyd A. Tweder for county attorney. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Patient Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00624 |
Miscellaneous records containing information on individual patients. | |
Finance Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Chronological Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00609 |
Commissioners' and assistant commissioners' correspondence and memoranda, primarily outgoing, regarding all aspects of the administration of the Finance Department. They also include files for the state economist, state budget director, banking director, and director of tax and credit analysis. | |
Finance Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00610 |
Files documenting the operation and administration of the Commissioner's Office. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Agency and Board Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00597 |
Files documenting the interaction of the Governor's Office and the state's executive departments, major boards and commissions, and other permanent agencies. They focus on departmental operations, policies, major administrative initiatives, and special programs. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Appointments and Retirements at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00575 |
Retirements, resignations, and appointment files of Governor Wendell Anderson's administration. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Briefing Materials at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00596 |
Briefing (informational) materials relating to national issues, Minnesota issues, education, human services, local issues, and the 1976 governor's fishing opener. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Case Letters at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00577 |
Letters from individuals, including state hospital patients, requesting the governor's assistance. They cover a wide breadth of topics, issues, and concerns. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Correspondence at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00595 |
Constituent issue mail and requests, congratulations and thank-you letters, correspondence with officials and legislators, as well as letters to the editor, and other miscellaneous correspondence documenting the administration activities of the Governor's Office. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Governor's Residence Events Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00576 |
Files containing correspondence, guest lists, invitations, menu cards, bills and invoices, and events sheets; the latter documenting details of set-up, catering, flowers, entertainment, menu, contractor (usually the state or the Democratic Party), and other pertinent information. The majority of the events were breakfasts, lunches, dinners and receptions of a political or charitable nature and cover both locally and nationally important occasions. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Numerical Files and Indices at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00065 |
The numerical files (1971-1976) are the main file series documenting the administration of Governor Anderson's office. They contain correspondence, memoranda and reports, print, and near-print materials. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Press and Media Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00590 |
Daily clippings files, campaign materials, and press releases documenting Governor Anderson's terms in office. Mainly campaign related materials, which include copies of articles by and about Governor Anderson, campaign literature, election schedules, correspondence, and miscellaneous materials produced by the Citizens for Anderson for Governor. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Schedules at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00574 |
The governor's daily schedule, which lists meetings, appearances, conferences, and other events; as well as, informational materials and correspondence pertaining to his activities. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Speeches at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00594 |
Texts of the governor's speeches, statements, messages, and talks. Some are as written for him, some are as delivered (annotated or transcript), and some are in draft form. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Staff Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00568 |
Members of the governor's staff maintained files apart from the numerical series. Like the numerical files, these contain correspondence, memoranda and reports, and print and near-print materials. Often they contain the staff person's collection of background subject material. | |
Governor. Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Subject Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00587 |
Correspondence, reports, legislation, print and near-print items, and other materials covering a wide variety of topics relating to public policy issues, Governor's Office administration, state agencies, legislation, and budget. Specific topics covered include taxes, crime and prison reform, education, and agriculture. | |
Governor: Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Campaign and Transition Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00604 |
The records contain campaign materials (1970), including speeches, proposals, position papers, press releases, and Citizens for Anderson for Governor flyers and directives. | |
Governor: Anderson, Wendell: An Inventory of His Photographs at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00605 |
Photographs of Governor Anderson and/or Lieutenant Governor Rudy Perpich at bill signings, proclamation ceremonies, dinners, and other events. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00607 |
Registers of actions for civil (1883-1952) and criminal (1883-1951) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files and Index at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00606 |
Files numbered 1-290; tri-folded. | |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00608 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Great Northern Railway Company Papers. Part 1, 1862-1922: A Pamphlet Guide to Selected Microfilmed Records | M501 |
Microfilm copies of volumes and files selected from various record series in several administrative departments of the Great Northern Railway Company archives. They were filmed in three series: Series A: Board of Directors Minutes and Corporate Histories (4 reels); Series B: Labor (16 reels); and Series C: Settlement and Development (5 reels), each with its own sequence of reel numbers. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Hiller (Assistant Commissioner Robert) Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00622 |
Records kept by Assistant Commissioner Robert Hiller, documenting his interests and activities in the department. | |
Health Department: Community Services Bureau: Office of Community Health Services Development: An Inventory of Its Community Health Service Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00623 |
Records documenting implementation of the Community Health Services Act of 1976. | |
Highway Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Bridge Photographs and Negatives at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00599 |
Photographs and negatives of 4,624 structures (e.g., vehicle bridges, railroad bridges, pedestrian bridges, culverts). It is important to note that these sets do not represent the state's entire bridge population and that some are no longer extant. | |
Lideres Latinos Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral History Interviews at the Minnesota Historical Society | oh135 |
The Minnesota Historical Society and the Chicano Latino Affairs Council formed a partnership to create a major project of oral history interviews with Latino community leaders statewide. The project is intended to help chronicle the history, successes, challenges, and contributions of this diverse and highly important group of Minnesotans. The Latino community is one of the largest and most important in the state, and is particularly noteworthy because its growth has not been confined to the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Interviewed by Lorena Duarte and Ruth Trevino. | |
Lyon County: Lincoln, Lyon & Murray Human Services Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00615 |
Minutes of the Lincoln, Lyon & Murray Human Services Board and its predecessors, the Lyon County Welfare Board (1937-1974) and Region VIII North Welfare Board (1975-1998). They cover administrative, policy, and financial decisions; personal matters; and miscellaneous administration matters or information of general interest to the board. | |
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities: Fire/EMS Information, Research, and Education Center: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00614 |
Records documenting the organization and administration of the state's Fire/EMS Information, Research, and Education Center, a publicly accessible library dedicated to fire and safety related research and information. | |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Political Papers and Campaign Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00697_Political |
Political papers and campaign files (1934-2004) include materials from Mondale's 1962 Attorney General campaign, 1962 and 1966 Senate campaigns, the 1976 and 1980 Presidential campaigns where Mondale ran as Jimmy Carter's Vice President, and extensive files from the 1984 Presidential campaign in which Mondale ran for President against Ronald Reagan. | |
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00621 |
Budget documents, executive director reports and related publications, and print and near-print materials documenting the facilities and services provided by or proposed to be provided by the county, covering such diverse topics as corrections, economic development, land use, election canvassing, personnel, social services, county nursing home, mental health care, emergency planning, road repair and reconstruction, financial planning, courts, parks and recreational facilities, taxation, landfills and waste management, light rail transit, schools, housing and real estate, and information services. | |
Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District: An Inventory of Its Watershed District Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00249 |
Watershed district records, including the official record set of the district's Board of Managers' meetings. The minutes, which include the district's bylaws and financial and project data, document all aspects of the watershed's organization and administration. Also present are subject files, publications, and Basic Water Management project files. | |
Swift County: Independent School District No. 782, Murdock: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00613 |
Records documenting the administration of this Swift County school district. | |
Swift County: Independent School District No. 783, Kerkhoven: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00612 |
Records documenting the administration of this Swift County school district. | |
Tax Court: An Inventory of Its Closed [Completed] Decision Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00473 |
Case files for appeals from orders of the Commissioner of Revenue regarding tax disputes, or from property valuations or classifications, that resulted in a Tax Court decision. The court's decisions interpret the law and have precedent value. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00618 |
Registers of actions for civil (1874-1955) and criminal (1898-1930) cases and an index to criminal cases (circa 1892-1899). Each entry may include the names of the parties in the case, the attorneys representing each party, when the case was opened, the case file number, and a record of each document that was filed by the contesting parties or by the court in the case. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00619 |
Indictments filed with the district court containing a summary of the alleged crime. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00620 |
Personal name index, 1874-1945; declarations of intention (first papers), 1868-1948; final papers, 1874-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1907-1945; lists of applications for admission to citizenship, 1908-1928; lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, 1930-1946; applications to take oath of allegiance (naturalization by repatriation), 1942-1945; and loose naturalization papers, 1867-1882. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00617 |
Plaintiff's and defendant's indexes; entries may include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Transportation Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Bridge Research Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00600 |
Research files compiled by Department of Transportation employee, Martin Herbers. | |
Transportation Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Subject Files at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00598 |
Records documenting numerous aspects of the construction and maintenance of Minnesota's bridges. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Name/Abstract |
Busdicker, Edna Mae, 1893-1974, compiler. John Simpson biographical data, 1959. |
Biographical data compiled by Edna Mae Busdicker on Revolutionary War soldier John Simpson (1748-1825) of New Hampshire, whose tombstone was found in a garage in Winona County, Minnesota. |
Cross, Osborne, 1803-1876. [Letter] 1828 August 5, Fort Snelling [to] Brevet Brigadier General George Gibson. " |
Letter from Osborne Cross, Lieutenant 1st Infantry, Fort Snelling, to Brevet Brigadier General George Gibson, that accompanied an order appointing Cross Acting Assistant Commissary of Subsistence. |
Grant County. District Court. Land registration docket No. 1 |
Docket of actions in applications to register title. |
Johnson, Charles, 1927-. Charles R. and Ava Dale Johnson Papers, 1981-2012. |
Papers relating to the refusal of a St. Paul couple to pay a portion of their federal income tax as a protest against war, contributing that portion instead to various non-violent defense organizations. |
Lewis, Abner, recipient. Letters received from Alexander Ramsey and Henry A. Swift, 1863. |
Letters received by Winona, Minnesota attorney Abner Lewis from Alexander Ramsey and Henry A. Swift in response to Lewis' inquiry regarding appointments of commissioners to oversee absentee votes of soldiers. |
Pinney, Charles Noble, 1831-1911. Charles Noble Pinney letters, 1857-1945 (bulk 1857-1865). |
Letters of Le Sueur County farmer Charles Noble Pinney, who participated in the U.S.-Dakota War (1862), and was a member of the Minnesota legislature (1878). |
Todd County: District Court. Miscellaneous record book, 1888-1959. |
Contains mainly petitions and judgments regarding adoption proceedings and restorations to citizenship after parole, pardon, or service of sentence. |