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Hubert H. Humphrey Digitization Project
In this third installment of our project to digitize Hubert H. Humphrey's speech texts, we focus on the beginning of the Eisenhower administration and remember George McGovern, another South Dakota born senator who died last month at the age of 90.
By 1953 Humphrey was preparing his campaign for a second term in the U.S. Senate and began to push legislation that would have a lasting impact on the coming decades.
Humphrey lobbied heavily for farmers by matching a need for food
in developing and occupied countries with wheat surpluses in the
Midwest. In this 1953
speech Humphrey demanded that American wheat be sent
to starving East Germans laboring under Communism. His efforts
helped start the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance
Act of 1954, commonly known as Public Law 480. President John F.
Kennedy renamed this act Food for Peace in 1961 and appointed
George McGovern as its first director in that year. Humphrey was
very proud of his role in this legislation and spoke often about
it throughout the Midwest and on the Senate floor. McGovern
would continue to focus on hunger and nutrition issues
throughout his career, being awarded the World Food Prize in
In 1953 Lyndon Johnson became the Senate Minority
Leader. As leader of the Northern Democratic liberal bloc,
Humphrey was a very useful go-between for Johnson. Working
together, the two often garnered enough votes to pass important
legislation. Accompanying these 1954 press releases of a
trip to a rally in Pipestone County, Humphrey shared a letter
written by Johnson that outlined five approved talking points
for the Democratic Party.
On some issues Humphrey was particularly well suited. During his time in the Senate Humphrey continued to address pharmaceutical sales groups, his occupation before becoming a politician.
In this 1955 speech to the Alpha Zeta Omega Pharmaceutical Association Humphrey described his unique position as a former druggist in dealing with administrative confusion concerning the testing and distribution of the new polio vaccine, first used to inoculate children in February 1954.
Disarmament was of particular importance to Humphrey.
In 1955 Humphrey suggested that disarmament should be
included in one of the Senate sub-committees. When it wasn't, he
created one. Harold Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, was
in attendance for the first hearings in 1956 as Eisenhower's
newly named Disarmament adviser. Humphrey's early work on this
issue ultimately resulted in the creation of the Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency during the Kennedy administration.
Still passionate about civil rights legislation, Humphrey's
perseverance finally began to pay off. In this 1956 radio interview Humphrey outlined what happened after the 1954
elections when the Democrats regained control of Congress. Civil
rights had become a much more immediate pressure as protests,
boycotts, bombings and public demand finally forced Congress to
enact the 1957 Civil Rights Act, despite a 24 hour filibuster by
Senator Strom Thurmond. The 1957 act was the first civil rights
bill passed since Reconstruction and helped pave the way for two
more acts passed during the 1960s that echoed the changing
climate of the country.
These speech texts, as well as all of Humphrey's speeches from 1941-1957 are linked to the inventory of his Speech Text Files. More of Humphrey's speeches will be made available each month throughout this project. Look for the years 1958-1960 in December!
This project was awarded the support of a $46,000 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) administered by the National Archives.
Learn more about how the NHPRC helps preserve records of enduring national historical value and promotes their public access and interpretation through archival and documentary programs.
New and Updated Finding Aids - October 2012
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Anoka County: Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00649 |
Treasurer's ledgers and payment records (1857-1907), trial balances (1907-1919), notice to taxpayers (1873), and records of (delinquent?) taxes paid (1857-1878). | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Correspondence, Miscellaneous | gr00657 |
Letters received by the Land Department from W. E. Culkin, attorney for the state, regarding swamp land contests; from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers relating to proposed construction of flowage reservoirs on the Mississippi River; and from private individuals concerning the survey, sale, and/or lease of pine, mineral and swamp lands. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Land Examiners Records | gr00663 |
Records documenting activities of land examiners employed to survey, scale, and appraise state lands and the timber thereon in various parts of northern Minnesota. Includes examiners' letters to the state auditor reporting on the progress of their work, as well as, the status of timber permits, harvesting, and trespass in the area (1905-1914); memorandum of timber to be cut during the 1912-1913 season; reports of scale, Duluth District (1912-1913), and correspondence and other materials relating to timber cutting, timber sales, log marks, cutting permits, and timber suits. Also a lists of names, some or all being Republican committee and party members from various counties and precincts (circa 1919). | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Public Lands Files, Miscellaneous | gr00660 |
Records documenting the wide variety of issues dealt with by the land department concerning state owned lands. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Squatter Records | gr00655 |
Records detailing leases on state-owned lands for such purposes as garden plots, temporary structures such as hunting sheds and lake cabins, removal of sand and gravel, and other uses of the land surface. | |
Auditor: Land Department: An Inventory of Its Timber Files, Miscellaneous | gr00651 |
Various records documenting the Land Department's duties and activities involving timber. | |
Beltrami County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00349 |
Records documenting a wide variety of the duties and activities of the auditor. | |
Jonathan Carver land grant-related deeds: An Inventory of the Collection | 01033 |
Deeds and other legal papers relating to sales and purchases of tracts of land located in present-day western Wisconsin that were once part of some four million acres supposedly granted to Jonathan Carver by the Dakota chiefs Hawnopawjatin and Otohtongoomlisheaw on May 1, 1767. | |
Genealogical Collection: An Inventory of a Genealogical Collection | 01073 |
A compilation of typewritten copies of family histories, transcripts of records, and miscellaneous genealogical materials compiled by Minnesota chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and other groups. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Forfeited Tax Records | gr00658 |
The forfeited tax deed records, one page forms containing the name of person to whom certificate of sale was issued; county of residence, legal description of land sold, and date, serve as an index and register to the forfeited tax title certificates. The certificates contain notices of expiration of redemption sent to the delinquent landowner, affidavits of publication of notices, certificates of absolute property sale by county auditor, noting the date of sale, new purchaser, and price, sheriff's returns, and other certifications. | |
Samuel Harrison: An Inventory of His Papers Relating to the Carver Land Grant | 01038 |
Letters and miscellaneous papers concerning claims relating to the Carver land grant of 1767, which included some 4 million acres in present-day west central Wisconsin. | |
Historic American Buildings Survey: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Minnesota Structures | 00251 |
Project files, including photographs, architectural drawings, project reports, microfiche, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers documenting historically significant districts, buildings, bridges, and other structures in Minnesota through the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) programs of the U.S. National Park Service. | |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Speech Text Files | 00442 |
Copies of Humphrey's speeches, in varying formats including notes, drafts, speaking texts, printed copies, and transcripts. Also present are excerpts, sample speeches, and incomplete indexes and checklists. | |
Human Services Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | dhspub |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Human Services Department. | |
Itasca County: District Court An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr00212 |
Registers of actions covering civil case files 1-17163. The entry for each case may include the case number; names of the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys; nature of the case; a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, and other actions by the court or disputing parties; and, when applicable, costs adjudged and remarks. | |
James Wm. (James William) Johnson: An Inventory of The James Wm. (James William) and Laura Ingersoll Johnson Papers | 01072 |
Business and personal files of a Minnesota businessman and investor who made his home in Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota and his wife, who were active in arts and environmental organizations, and were involved with environmental issues in the Lower St. Croix Valley. | |
League of Women Voters of Minneapolis: An Inventory of Its Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00216 |
Background materials, constitution and bylaws, minutes of directors, membership and financial records, public relations materials, extensive program and special project files, and other records documenting the activities of the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis to educate its membership and the public on public issues and to encourage participation in the political process through precinct caucuses and voting. | |
League of Women Voters of St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Records | 00217 |
Historical information, bylaws, minutes, correspondence files, annual reports, financial and membership records, league publications, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and program-related files of a local League of Women Voters chapter organized in November 1919. | |
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Forestry Employees Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01071 |
Organizational records, minutes, correspondence, and subject files of a volunteer association of employees in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, documenting the group's lobbying activities, information-collecting efforts in the field of forestry history, and social and professional activities. | |
Minnesota. State Auditor. Miscellaneous Records. | audit039 |
Variety of records dealing with school and railroad bonds; timber sales; university, school,internal improvement, and railroad lands; and numerous other topics handled by the auditor's office. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Appraisals of State Land | slo003 |
A record of appraisals made on state trust fund land prior to its being offered for sale. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Maps, Miscellaneous. | slo006 |
Miscellaneous maps filed with or collected by the State Land Office, including town and city plats, roads, waterways, state lands, and Indian reservations. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Miscellaneous trust fund land lists and correspondence. | slo010 |
Miscellaneous lists and correspondence relating to the selection, patenting, and sale of various types of state trust fund land. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Railroad Swamp Land Selection Lists. | slo012 |
Lists of state swamp lands selected by private companies as part of land grants from the state to aid in the construction of railroads or for other purposes. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Record of Land Examinations on Ojibwe Indian Reservations. | slo013 |
Land examination slips for swamp lands located on Minnesota's Ojibwe Indian reservations. | |
Minnesota. State Land Office. Record of payment on state land contracts. | slo014 |
Records of annual payments made by purchasers of state trust fund lands. | |
Northrup King Co.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01069 |
Advertising materials and public relations department files, printed newsletters and related materials, price lists, photographs, motion picture films, phonograph records, and audio tapes related to a Minneapolis-based company engaged in the wholesale seed and livestock feed business. | |
Ole O. Sageng: An Inventory of His Papers | p2645 |
Correspondence and miscellany, relating mainly to Sageng's Republican Party activities and his service in the Minnesota legislature as a state representative (1900-1901) and senator (1906-1922, 1950-1954) from Dalton, Otter Tail County. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Abstract of State Land | gr00659 |
Two cumulative administrative records sets of the status of each parcel of state trust fund land that was unsold, unpatented, or tax-delinquent, one as of 1940, the other as of 1978. Each contains annotations that record any subsequent changes in the status of a parcel. Parcels patented prior to 1978 were eliminated from the later set. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Abstracts of Consolidated Conservation Areas | gr00656 |
The volumes record date, acres forfeited, acres sold, repurchase, and tax-forfeited state ownership for lands in Aitkin, Mahnomen, Beltrami, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, and Roseau counties. Much of the land is designated wildlife conservation or swamp. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Abstracts of Sales | slo002 |
Abstracts of sales of the various categories of trust fund lands by the state of Minnesota to private parties. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Approved Lists | slo005 |
Approved lists for various categories of state trust fund lands selected by the state of Minnesota from the federal domain for specified public purposes under a number of Congressional grants. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Approved Lists for Congressional Railroad Land Grants | slo004 |
Lists of lands approved by the U.S. General Land Office for transfer to those railroad companies that had received grants of land from Congress to aid in construction of their lines. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Deeds for Conveyance of Tax-Forfeited Lands | gr00650 |
Copies of deeds to lands being resold after having been forfeited to the state for nonpayment of taxes. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Indemnity School Land Records | gr00654 |
Volumes detailing the state's school indemnity lands, including their location, selection, and eventual disposition. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Indexes to State Land Records | gr00662 |
Indexes to State Land Office record books for selections, approvals, and patents of state trust fund and railroad grant lands. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Patent Records for State Trust Fund Lands | slo011 |
The State Land Office's copies of the patents that constituted the original conveyance of title from the state of Minnesota to the purchasers of state trust fund lands. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Railroad Deed and Patent Records | slo009 |
Copies of patents transferring title to railroad grant lands from the federal government to the state of Minnesota; and copies of deeds issued by the state of Minnesota to railroad corporations for grant lands and rights of way. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Record of Sales of State Trust Fund Lands | slo015 |
Summary records of the sale of trust fund lands by the state of Minnesota to private parties. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Salt Springs Lands Records | gr00652 |
Records documenting the creation and administration of the state's salt springs lands, public lands granted in the state's February 26, 1857 enabling legislation. The lands themselves or the proceeds from their sale were to be used for salt spring development. Over time it became clear that no great quantity of salt would be found in the state and the lands eventually were placed under control of the University of Minnesota. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Special Certificate Record | slo017 |
Special certificates (Nos. 1-889) issued to new purchasers of forfeited state land that had originally been sold as school, swamp, internal improvement, or other trust fund land. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Swamp Land Records | slo019 |
Records documenting Minnesota's acquisition, management, and disposition of swamp lands. | |
Timber Commissioners Board: An Inventory of Its Land Examiners Reports | gr00665 |
Slips containing timber appraisers' field notes, one for each section of land surveyed, pasted into volumes. | |
Timber Commissioners Board: An Inventory of Its Reports of Estimates and Appraisals | gr00664 |
Data reported by state land examiners on timber located on state land, for use by the Timber Commissioners Board in determining whether the timber could be sold. | |
Robinson Tyndale: An Inventory of His Papers Related to the Carver Land Grant | 01039 |
Deeds, indentures, depositions, and other legal documents related to the Carver land grant, a territory that included hundreds of square miles in western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota supposedly given to explorer Jonathan Carver by two Dakota chiefs in 1767, and that was the basis for subsequent land claims and speculation in the first half of the nineteenth century. The collection was compiled by Robinson Tyndale, a Philadelphia-based merchant in the China trade and land speculator, and documents what has been called one of the most notorious western land ventures in American history. | |
U. S. General Land Office: An Inventory of Its Land Files, Miscellaneous | gr00661 |
Records documenting the variety of issues dealt with by the general land office in regard to the transfer of title to public land in Minnesota from the federal government to private individuals, corporations, and the state of Minnesota. | |
U. S. General Land Office: An Inventory of Its Original Entry Tract Books and Index | gr00666 |
Tract books kept by the Minnesota local offices of the General Land Office to provide a consolidated record of the initial transfer of title to federal land from the United States to private parties or to the state of Minnesota. | |
U. S. Selective Service System: Minnesota Headquarters: An Inventory of Its Circulars | gr00438 |
Mimeographed memoranda, bulletins, reports, and other circular issuances sent from the office of the director of the Minnesota headquarters of the United States Selective Service System. | |
U. S. Surveyor General of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Swamp Land Lists | gr00653 |
List of swamp and overflowed land compiled by the U. S. Surveyor General from the field notes of the deputy surveyors; all public land designated swamp and overflowed was granted to the state of Minnesota by congressional acts in 1850 and 1860. | |
United States. Red Wing Land District (Minn.). Red Wing Land District Records. | glo011 |
Correspondence; registers of homestead, agricultural college, military bounty land, Indian reservation land, Sioux half-breed scrip, and timber culture entries; patent records; land contest records; and related materials covering land transfers in southern Minnesota. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Name/Abstract |
Louis and Warren Leigh Core papers. |
A photograph, manuscript letters (undated and May 21, 1917-Oct. 10, 1918), military documents, and poems received by two Minneapolis brothers while serving as army truck drivers in Texas during World War I. |
Timber Commissioners Board. Minutes. |
Minutes of this board charged with the care, conservation, and sale of state timber. |
United States. Post Office (Saint Paul, Minn.). U.S. Post Office Papers. |
Miscellaneous records of and relating to the St. Paul post office, including a ledger (1865-1870) kept by assistant postmaster Jonathan Terry in which is recorded monies received for postage, registration fees, and box rentals; a record of money order receipts (1863-1870); a letterpress book (1875) kept by postmaster David Day; and a citation (circa 1934?) from the Historic American Buildings Survey stating that the post office building was worthy of preservation as an historic site. |