What's New
Digital reproductions offer a valuable glimpse into the thousands of collections stored here at the Minnesota Historical Society. This month we focus on two collections with added digital content.
A filmmaker, artist and philanthropist, Jerome Hill pushed the boundaries of artistic expression and influenced both documentary and avant-garde cinematography. A selection of over 800 letters, photographs and one of Hill's earliest films offer a glimpse into the personal life and creative process of a financially independent man who maintained friendships and working relationships with a wide variety of artists and musicians. The selection also provides an intimate vantage point into the families of railroad magnates James J. Hill and Louis W. Hill, Jerome Hill's grandfather and father.
Winter, summer, fall or spring, Minnesota’s northern resorts have long offered a variety of outdoor recreational activities and experiences. Photographs, post cards, and scrapbooks from the Records of Ruttger Resorts provide a nostalgic look at a popular chain of resorts managed by the Ruttger family. The selection also includes the World War I letters, diary, and post cards of Edward Ruttger.
New and Updated Finding Aids - February 2014
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Brown County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00111 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Brown County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
COMMERCE DEPARTMENT: INSURANCE DIVISION: An Inventory of Its Insurance Companies' Annual Financial Statements | gr00182 |
Annual financial statements of insurance companies, township mutuals, mutual hail and cyclone companies, and assessment, life, fraternal, and casualty companies. | |
Cottonwood County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00085 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Cottonwood County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
David L. Johnson: An Inventory of His Vietnam War Papers | 01141 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
FORESTRY BOARD: An Inventory of Its Photographs and Negatives Compiled by C. C. Andrews | gr00241 |
The photographs and negatives document forests and timber stands, lakes, rivers, and logging and lumbering activities throughout Minnesota. | |
Jackson County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00117 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Jackson County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Jerome Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00565 |
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Jerome Hill: An Inventory of Selected Digitized Items from His Papers | 00565_pdf |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Martin County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00119 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Martin County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Northern Pine Manufacturer's Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01142 |
Minutes, correspondence, financial records, membership records, production reports (1939-1958), price lists (1935-1942), and miscellany documenting members' production, grading, inspection, and use of pine lumber, primarily in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Canada. | |
Planning Agency: Director's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00728 |
Subject files containing correspondence, memos, reports, background data, minutes, and related materials largely concerning the programs and activities of the State Planning Agency (1965-1991) and its successor, Minnesota Planning (1991-2009). | |
Paul David Wellstone: An Inventory of His Campaign Records | 01138 |
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RUTTGER'S BAY LAKE LODGE: An Inventory of Its Records of Ruttger Resorts | 00198 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Saint Paul (Minn.). Common Council: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | SPaul017 |
Reports, correspondence, and other documents generated by or submitted to the St. Paul Common Council (city council). | |
State University Board. Chancellor's Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00061 |
Correspondence, memos, minutes, reports, budgets, and other material, dealing with the construction of university buildings, legislation, professional associations, biennial budgets, personnel, grants, federal programs, and other matters pertaining to the administration of Minnesota's state universities. Correspondents include state university officials, legislators, and members of professional organizations. The bulk of the records date fron 1957 to 1975. | |
STOCKS AND BONDS: An Inventory of Stocks and Bonds | P1000 |
Sample stock certificates, bonds, and certificates for shares issued by companies and municipal entities primarily located in or with connections to Minnesota. | |
Watonwan County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00062 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Watonwan County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Jensen, Emily. Emily Jensen Diary |
Emily Jensen’s 1955 diary outlines daily life at Jensen’s Camp, the hunting and fishing lodge she ran with her husband Emil on Leech Lake near Brevik, Minnesota. Includes digital content. |
McLeod County (Minn). Annual financial statements. |
Includes 1939-1960, 1966-1967, 1969-1973, 1975, 1980-1985, 1991-1992. |
Public Safety Department: Criminal Apprehension Bureau. Fingerprint cards. |
Fingerprint cards removed from the Criminal Apprehension Bureau’s master set of fingerprint cards. Mug shots are attached to many of the cards. |