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Hubert H. Humphrey Digitization Project
This is the thirteenth installment of our NHPRC funded project to digitize Hubert H. Humphrey's speeches. Because Humphrey is known as one of the most powerful political orators of the twentieth century, we believed that digitizing his speeches would be the best way to let his voice reverberate through the ages. So, our project promised to digitize and provide public access to the audio for a selection of his notable speeches. This month we focus on the sound recordings series of the Hubert H. Humphrey collection, our digitization process, and some of the lessons we've learned. But first we'd like to extend a very special thank you to our MHS colleagues Jesse Heinzen and Dan Beck who helped with equipment, installation, and training.

Before we could even begin digitizing, we needed to verify what we had and make it easier for you to discover the collection's content. Over the course of the grant, we re-ordered approximately 100 boxes of sound materials consisting primarily of reel tapes and cassette tapes, but also containing sound discs. All the materials were checked against an existing inventory and were arranged and described, chronologically, in a new digital finding aid that will be available next month.
After consulting various professionals and resources, and considering our own realistic expectations, we purchased and installed sound equipment and software that enabled us to digitally transfer the recordings. We gained the ability to transfer reel-to-reel tapes and cassette tapes utilizing two TASCAM decks, used ProTools Express to create the digital files, and attached metadata using the BWF MetaEdit tool developed by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative.

Selection criteria were applied to the physical recordings to determine which speeches would be digitized. A mix of speeches historically important to Humphrey, culturally significant to the United States, and in good physical condition were chosen. Broadcast WAV files were created as our preservation masters and were recorded at 24 bit/48Khz. MP3 files were created from the WAV files using a Xilisoft conversion application and will be embedded in the finding aid for public access. The sound files were recorded exactly as they are. Aside from some minor variations with the input settings on the mixing board, no effort was made to make the files clearer or more audible since we lacked the professional sound engineering expertise to alter the files after they had been recorded, and we wanted to preserve the sound as we heard it on the tapes.
As is typical with any project, we hit a few setbacks and learned a few lessons. When attempting to digitize the media, some of our carefully selected speeches had to be discarded in favor of new selections. For instance, our reel-to-reel deck was only capable of transferring tapes at the higher quality 15 ips and 7.5 ips speeds, yet a number of our selections had been recorded at 3.75 ips. Other sound recordings had such poor sound quality that we couldn't make a worthy recording. Cassette tapes, despite being a newer format, were almost universally worse in terms of sound quality and base deterioration.
Next month we will debut the finding aid for the sound recordings and will include approximately 120 sound files that capture Humphrey's powerful words and exuberant spirit, but you can enjoy a sample now. Here's Humphrey's visit to the State Fair in 1954!
This month we are also pleased to announce the digitization of Hubert Humphrey's Vice Presidential speech research and miscellaneous files.
This project was awarded the support of a $46,000 grant from the National
Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) administered by the National
Learn more about how the NHPRC helps preserve records of enduring national historical value and promotes their public access and interpretation through archival and documentary programs.
Learn more about the Humphrey digitization project and our progress in our second interim interim report to the NHPRC.
New and Updated Finding Aids - August 2013
Name/Abstract | File No. |
American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00497 |
Organizational files, subject files, news media files, files relating to the MCLU's relationships with other organizations, investigation files, fund raising events, lobbying files, and case files documenting the 1952 formation and subsequent activities of the Minnesota state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. | |
American Home Missionary Society: An Inventory of Its Minnesota Papers | 01109 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Burlington Northern Clown Club and Band: An Inventory of Its Records | 00903 |
Correspondence, directories of members, performance materials and recordings of performances of the Burlington Northern Clown Club and Band. | |
Howard Conn: An Inventory of His Papers | 01107 |
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Crow Wing County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00040 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Crow Wing County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Records | gr00750 |
Records containing information on patients, many with data on individual patients. They include selected items documenting discharged patients (1890-ca. 1961), census books (1890-1971), cemetery (1890-1968) and burial (1918-1949) records, Detention Hospital census book (1914-1917, 1920-1927), patient clothing record (1893-1913), monthly ward reports/movement of population (1894-1902), patient cash journals (1894-1906), and patient personal property receipt and miscellaneous expense record book, mainly detailing escapee and parolee travel expenses (1902-1904, 1911-1915). | |
Goodhue County: Red Wing: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00756 |
Records documenting the activities of the city's administration. | |
Hennepin County: An Inventory of Its Marriage, Birth, and Death Records | gr00089 |
Marriage certificates (1853-1996) and index (1853-1989), birth certificates (1866-1902) and index (circa 1870-1931), and death certificates (1870-1886, 1888-1909) and index (1890-1931). | |
Human Services Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Logged Letters | gr00519 |
Commissioner's office correspondence with citizens, legislators, public officials, welfare organizations, county law enforcement agencies, and federal and other state agencies, regarding all aspects of administration and client services of the Department of Human Services and its predecessor, the Department of Public Welfare. | |
Human Services Department: State Operated Services: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00556 |
Records documenting the activities and organization of State Operated Services [SOS], the area of the Human Services Department that provides direct services to people with disabilities. | |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Speech Text Files | 00442 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Vice Presidential Speech Research and Miscellaneous Files | 00995 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Kandiyohi County: Willmar: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00755 |
Records documenting the activities of the city's administration. | |
Kittson County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00047 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Kittson County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Mower County: Austin: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00753 |
Records documenting the activities of the city's administration. | |
Norman County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Records | gr00754 |
Superintendent's records (1900-1955), with officer, teacher, and applicant lists; state aid record (1927); Teachers Reading Circle record (1912-1917); district (1950s) and teacher (1910s-1940s) record cards; state high school board examinations of student Olga Flom (1910-1912); teacher's annual (1949-1970) and term (1958-1959) reports; record of teacher's examinations (1882-1901) and eighth grade candidates (1909-1914); school census (1914-1970); and subject files (1913-1967). | |
Olmsted County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00752 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Olmsted County for the years 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1970-71, plus scattered volumes for the city of Rochester for 1892-1920. | |
Pond Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00717 |
Papers documenting the history of a Minnesota
pioneer family, particularly the ministry of two brothers who were early
missionaries among the Dakota Indians. Materials include photocopied and original correspondence, some with transcripts, photocopied and original diaries, photocopied and original sermons, addresses, real property records, poems, lexicons, a Dakota grammar, genealogies, an autograph album, reminiscences, account books, photocopied and microfilmed scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings. |
Public Welfare Department: Public Institutions Division: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers and Indexes | pw008 |
Patient or inmate registers for various public institutions; labeled "Statistical Record." | |
Ramsey County: Roseville: An Inventory of Its Municipal Records | gr00747 |
Records documenting the activities of the city administration and the municipal court. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center: An Inventory of Its Hospital and Medical Center Records | gr00017 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, and its predecessors, the City and County Hospital, Anker Hospital, and St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports of City Offices and Agencies | gr00748 |
Annual, financial, planning, and miscellaneous reports and other issuances of various city offices, agencies, committees, and task forces. | |
Ramsey County: Roseville: An Inventory of Its Municipal Records | gr00747 |
Records documenting the activities of the city administration and the municipal court. | |
Saint Paul Area YMCA: An Inventory of Its Records | 00847 |
Minutes, constitution and by-laws, annual meeting materials, financial and committee records, correspondence, transcripts of newspaper articles, subject files, branch files, camp files, photographs, and scrapbooks containing information on the St. Paul (Minn.) area YMCA's many programs and activities for youths and adults. | |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Electoral College Records | gr00149 |
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Seward Community Co-op: An Inventory of Its Records | 00570 |
Board of directors, annual membership, and collective meeting minutes; financial records; committee reports; daily work logs; correspondence; and flyers of a food cooperative in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. A small number of files pertain to the Seward Community Cafe, a cooperatively run cafe located across the street from Seward Community Co-op. Some materials address the "co-op wars" of 1975-1976, in which Seward was deeply entrenched. | |
Transportation Department: An Inventory of Its Drawings of Roadside Structures | gr00734 |
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Trinity Lutheran Church (Saint Paul, Minn. : 1855-): An Inventory of Its Records | 01106 |
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Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its Casualties Buried Outside Minnesota | gr00746 |
Reports of burials of Minnesota soldiers who died in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, and World War II, and were buried outside Minnesota. Each report may list name of veteran, war and units served in, date and place of induction, date and place of birth, date and cause of death, address at time of death, attending physician, funeral director, name and address of next of kin, place of burial. The information on many of the forms is incomplete. These reports are also not comprehensive. | |
Wabasha County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00751 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Wabasha County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1859-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, and 1970-1971. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de, 1685-1749. Pierre La Vérendrye papers, 1735-1748. |
Photocopies and typed transcripts of miscellaneous
papers of an early French fur trader and explorer in the area that later
became Minnesota. Includes one original document. Includes digital content. |
Leino, Jeannette B. (Jeannette Bertha), 1913-1972. Photograph albums, 1942-1944. |
Two photograph albums of Minneapolis native Jeannette B. Leino compiled while she worked as a cook in an Alcan Highway construction camp near Tok, Alaska, in the early 1940s. The photographs include scenes in Fairbanks and Tanacross. |