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New and Updated Finding Aids - April/May 2014
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Boeckmann family: An Inventory of Its Papers | 01145 |
Correspondence and papers, photographs, and other materials of members of the Boeckmann and Ffolliott families, including Saint Paul physician Eduard Boeckmann and his son, Dr. Egil Boeckmann; correspondence and other papers of Rachel Hill Boeckmann, a daughter of James J. Hill who married Egil Boeckmann; Mary Boeckmann; and Gertrude Boeckmann Ffolliott. The collection includes photograph collections of members of the Boeckmann, Ffolliott, Gavin, and related families; records of family securities and trusts, land companies, the Jekyll Island Club, and the James J. Hill Reference Library; some papers of James J. and Mary T. Hill, Michael and Gertrude Hill Gavin, and Clara Hill Lindley; medical writings in Norwegian of Eduard Boeckmann; and information about the James J. Hill estate and the United Securities Corporation. | |
James C. Christie and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P1281 |
Correspondence, diaries, writings, clippings, printed matter, and other papers documenting in rich detail several generations of the James Christie family of Dodge County, Wisconsin; Rapidan Township, Blue Earth County, Minnesota; and Stevens County, Washington. Includes digital content. |
Elizabeth Hermann Cowie: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01148 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
General Federation of Women's Clubs of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00454 |
Records of a state association organized in 1895 as an affiliation of local women"s clubs throughout Minnesota. | |
Gospel Choirs United (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01152 |
History, programs and flyers (1981-2012), scrapbooks of photographs and news clippings (1977-1990), an LP record (1980), an audiocassette (1999), and other records of a Minneapolis-based, primarily African-American gospel choir. | |
Health Department: Disease Prevention and Control Division: An Inventory of Its Communicable Disease Histories | hlth001 |
Documenting the occurrence of over eighty diseases, these files cover outbreaks, investigations, prevention programs, and vaccine and other medication distributions and studies. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Reports and Miscellaneous Records | hlth027 |
Records and reports documenting the activities and duties of the department. The records include field investigation and inspection reports concerning communicable diseases (particularly smallpox), water supply and sewage systems, and slaughterhouses; delinquent birth and death reports; mortality and morbidity statistics; various weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports of divisions; University of Minnesota housing (1916) survey; reports to legislative committees (1923, 1944); correspondence and other papers of Charles N. Hewitt, Henry M. Bracken, and A. J. Chesley; minutes of and other records relating to the Minnesota State Sanitary Conference (re-established in 1947 as the Minnesota Public Health Conference); materials relating to the Conference of State and Provincial Health Authorities, American Medical Association, American Heart Association, Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, and International Health Board; budgets; quarantine posters; circulars and reporting forms; and commendations and awards. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Bridge Survey Reports | gr00821 |
Information includes bridge number and location; map showing name and course of the waterway crossed, location of existing and proposed roads, and recommended change of channel; and cross section drawings of the waterway on the center line of the proposed bridge, the present and proposed grades of roadways, and related details. | |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records of the Legislature | gr00478 |
A variety of bills, notes, petitions, messages, and other documents created by or submitted to the legislature. Most are from the 1850s and 1860s, and many pertain to the first state legislature of 1858. They have not been correlated with bill files or other more structured records. | |
Legislature: Senate: An Inventory of Its Senate Record of House Bills | gr00802 |
Register books recording the progress of house bills transmitted to the senate. Information recorded: file number, title, date received, date of first reading, committee reference, date reported back, date of second reading, date considered by committee of the whole, date of third reading, date of passage, date returned to house, and remarks. Record books for 1956-1966 are missing. | |
Legislature: Senate: An Inventory of Its Senate Record of Senate Bills | gr00803 |
Register books recording the progress of senate bills from introduction to final disposition. Information recorded: file number, title, when introduced, date of first reading, committee reference, date reported back, date of second reading, date considered by committee of the whole, date of third reading, date of passage, date sent to house, date returned from house, date to enrolling clerk, date approved by governor (or returned not approved). Record books for 1956-1966 are missing. | |
Legislature: Senate: Judiciary Committee: An Inventory of Its Committee Books | gr00804 |
The Senate"s master set of minutes of meetings and record of bills acted upon by the Judiciary Committee. | |
Legislature: Senate: Secretary of the Senate: An Inventory of Its Flahaven (Patrick) Files | gr00801 |
Correspondence of Flahaven (1973-1975) and his predecessor, George Goodwin (1970-1975). Also subject files covering such topics as computers, media services, gubernatorial vetoes, senatorial and gubernatorial elections, legislative reforms, live media coverage, and flexible sessions. | |
Marshall County: County Attorney: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr00805 |
Records include articles of incorporation, by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, and related materials documenting various municipalities and private organizations active in the county. | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00188 |
Records include ordination credentials and officials" bonds (1898-1921), justice"s criminal convictions index and register (1903-1952), land registration docket (1918-1981), grand jury reports (1886-1910, 1932), and prisoners in jail reports (1934-1935). | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr00185 |
Civil case file nos. 1-13048 (1881-1955) and criminal case files, unnumbered (1883-1887) and nos. 25-830, 1012 (1886-1943, 1961). | |
Marshall County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff"s and Defendant"s Indexes | gr00806 |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Wold-Chamberlain Field Files | gr00822 |
Subject files documenting all aspects of the operation and administration of Wold-Chamberlain Field. | |
Minneapolis Retired Teachers Incorporated (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01151 |
Articles of incorporation and bylaws (1949-1990), minutes (1925-2009), directories (1941-1991), newsletters (1951-2005), committee and officer reports (1934-2010), scrapbooks (1951-1987), some photographs, and other programmatic and miscellaneous records. | |
Public Safety Department: Commissioner"s Office An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00054 |
General correspondence with citizens and with local civic and law enforcement officials regarding all aspects of the department"s operations and public interactions, including traffic and motor vehicle laws, reports of observed traffic violations, citizens" objections to citations for traffic violations and complaints about treatment by state patrol officers, vehicle ownership and title matters, vehicle licensing and insurance requirements, changes in road signage, requests for additional state patrol coverage, requests for information, law enforcement educational activities by the department, and miscellaneous highway safety matters. | |
Public Safety Department: Commissioner"s Office An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00055 |
Subject files from the office of the commissioner consisting predominantly of interoffice memoranda and correspondence with public safety department divisions. Files also contain correspondence with private interest groups, such as the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the Minnesota Public Safety Council, and the Minnesota Motor Transport Association as well as the general public. | |
Rochester State Hospital. Surgical Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00816 |
Includes policy and program manuals, minutes of various committee meetings, complimentary letters, treatment registers, and other materials relating to the surgery department and operating room. | |
Sibley County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00460 |
Various records documenting the duties and activities of the auditor. | |
Sibley County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM201 |
Personal name index, 1858-1944; declarations of intention (first papers), 1858-1944; final papers (second papers), 1865-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1908-1943; lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, 1929-1945; application to take oath of allegiance (naturalization by repatriation), 1942; loose naturalization papers, A-Z, 1855-circa 1902; and depositions, 1931-1940. | |
Steven J. Keillor: An Inventory of His Research Files | 01153 |
Research notes, photocopied source documents, and other material complied by Minnesota historian Steven J. Keillor in the course of researching and writing several books on Minnesota history, including works relating to the state"s political history, its participation in the Civil War, to the University of Minnesota, to rural cooperatives, and to the history of certain local communities. The books were published between 1995 and 2008. | |
Tax Court: An Inventory of Its Closed [Completed] Decision Files | gr00473 |
Case files for appeals from orders of the Commissioner of Revenue regarding tax disputes, or from property valuations or classifications, that resulted in a Tax Court decision. The court"s decisions interpret the law and have precedent value. | |
Bonnie Watkins and Nina Rothchild: An Inventory of Their Research Files | 01150 |
![]() Includes index to sound recordings. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Bean, C. F. (Charles Frederick). C. F. Bean & Co. records, 1876-1880. |
Camp and personal journals; C.F. Bean's account book with Hersey & Bean (Snake River Farm); account book of the Knife River log drive and C.F. Bean's account with Danforth Bros. & Bean; and C.F. Bean's account book with Hersey & Bean documenting Charles Frederick Bean's logging activities along the Snake and Knife rivers in Kanabec and southern Pine counties. |
Gedosch, Donald W., 1919-1979. Donald W. and Blanche E. Gedosch Correspondence |
Correspondence between a Waseca, Minnesota couple while he was serving with the United States Army Air Corps Reserve (1942-1944) and while crop dusting in North Dakota (1944). |
Long Meadow Gun Club (Bloomington, Minn.). Club Records, 1894-2001. |
Constitutions, correspondence and miscellaneous papers, and registers giving dates of hunting parties, names and addresses of hunters, and numbers and kinds of birds shot at this club located near Minneapolis. |
Schulz, Charles M. Correspondence with Walt Kelly, 1954. |
Two personal letters written by cartoonist and Saint Paul native Charles M. Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, to fellow cartoonist Walt Kelly, creator of the Pogo comic strip, and a response from Kelly, discussing Kelly's Pogo books. Includes digital content. |
United States. Army. Field Artillery Brigade, 163rd. Officers' record cards, 1918-1919. |
Officers’ record cards created during training exercises at Fort Snelling and including name, date of birth, rank, attendance at schools of instruction, organizational assignments, protracted absences, education, military training, foreign language proficiency, occupations in civilian life, and remarks about training. Includes index. |
United States. Work Projects Administration. Index to reference cards for Work Projects Administration project files, 1935-1937. |
Arranged by state, thereunder by county, and thereunder by municipality. The index cards include agency that sponsored the project, a brief description of the project, and the O.P. (official project) number. The O.P. number is located in the upper right hand corner of each card. Frequently, the WPA would cancel a project and continue the work under the auspices of another project. The cards often include the O.P. number of the new project in the large descriptive block. |
United States. Work Projects Administration. Index to reference cards for Work Projects Administration project files, 1938. |
United States. Work Projects Administration. Index to reference cards for Work Projects Administration project files, 1939-1942. |