What's New
The Edward J. Vogt and family papers have a new finding aid. The collection includes three volumes of memoirs which detail family history, personal relationships and the impressions of Edward Vogt during the times in which he lived. Seventy-six years ago this Halloween he recorded a very visceral response to Orson Welles' The War of the Worlds radio broadcast:
"October 30th, 1938 was a pleasant late fall day... Our home at 4040 Colfax was well prepared for the first blasts of a Minnesota winter... weary with the day's activities, I settled down in the sun room and turned on the radio. The family were dispersed in their several activities and were not in evidence. I was alone."
"The sounds emanating from the radio were arresting, eerie, unbelievable and maddening.
Orson Welles, the diabolical roue, the debauched wretch, the boy-wonder fresh from the cess pools of Hollywood had concocted an evil thing... thruout the length and breadth of the land, helpless people groped with the reality of an invasion of hostile forces with vast infernal machines from Mars... Stunned and now highly agitated, I twisted the dial furiously... I listened feverishly for some slight tell-tale evidence of deception or hoax. There was none... this was actual and factual reporting of a world disaster."
"I advised Elaine of events being reported from New York, the invasion from Mars and the impending War of the Worlds. I think Elaine was not as gullible as I... we suffered the last quarter hour of the program together. Our world was restored to normalcy automatically with the succeeding regular program."
Footprints, Volume 1, pages
New and Updated Finding Aids - September 2014
Name/Abstract | File No. |
BEMIS COMPANY (MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00447 |
Ledgers, journals, letterpress book, miscellaneous account books, order books, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous memorandum books documenting a manufacturer of burlap bags and related products based in Minneapolis and with other offices and plants in Boston, Buffalo, St. Louis, and Vancouver (Wash.). | |
Brown County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr00850 |
Civil and criminal case files;
the civil records include unfiled case file numbers
1-483 (circa 1858-circa 1877) and case file numbers
1-13776 (1862-1949). They include criminal cases through
1909 and possibly part of 1910. The criminal records
include case file numbers 1-1462 (1910-1949). Includes digital content. |
Burlington Northern Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01057 |
Printed materials, bylaws, financial and annual reports, board meeting agendas, management and strategic planning related materials, line inspection tour briefing books, papers regarding the sale of office buildings, and retirement plan information of Burlington Northern, Inc. and some of its subsidiaries. | |
Edward Joseph Vogt: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01171 |
Genealogical data, correspondence, memoirs, a translation of a novel based on the history of the related Vaplon family, and other materials concerning the Vogt, Vaplon, Becker, and Meyer families in the United States, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Vogt's memoirs (3 volumes, 1932-1956) contain information on the families and on his early life in Glasgow Township, Wabasha County (Minn.); his banking career in North Dakota; World War I; and his career in real estate in Florida (1926) and Minneapolis (1929-1950s), where he was associated with Wilbur B. Foshay. | |
Emily Anne Staples Tuttle: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01048 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor's Residence Council: An Inventory of Its Governor's Residence Plans | gr00848 |
Plans, elevations, details, and ground plans for the Governor's Residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul. Originally owned by Horace Hills Irvine, the house was donated to the State of Minnesota in 1965 to be used as the governor's residence. Included are plans done by architect William Channing Whitney for the original construction in 1910-1911 and ground plans done by the Minnesota Nurserymen's Association and various landscape architectural firms in circa 1966 and 1988-1991. | |
Harrison Bruce Tordoff and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01168 |
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Jeri Rasmussen: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01169 |
Papers of an abortion rights and Minnesota Democratic party activist who in the 1990s was executive director of the Midwest Health Center for Women, a Minneapolis clinic where abortions were performed. | |
John R. Cummins: An Inventory of His Papers | 01170 |
Diaries, account books, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers of a Minnesota farmer, scientist, and traveler who migrated from Pennsylvania to Eden Prairie in 1857. | |
Legislative Auditor: Financial Audits Division: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports | gr00705 |
Audit reports conducted annually by the Financial Audit Division to assess the state's major financial operations and determine whether the state's financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles. | |
Legislative Auditor: Program Evaluation Division: An Inventory of Its Program Evaluation Reports | gr00239 |
Published reports that describe state programs or the operations of state agencies, analyze management problems, evaluate outcomes, and recommend alternative means of reaching program goals. | |
Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources: An Inventory of Its Project Files | gr00560 |
Files containing periodic and final reports (some published), budgets, work programs, correspondence and internal memos for projects funded by the LCMR. | |
Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr00559 |
Minutes and agenda packets of the Commission, its Executive Committee, and various other committees and task forces covering such topics as forestry, goals and objectives, legislative review, water, land and recreation, minerals, soil, and energy. Also documentation of commission tours to various areas of the state. | |
Legislature: Senate: An Inventory of Its Solon (Senator Yvonne Prettner) Files | gr00849 |
Files kept by State Senator Yvonne Prettner Solon, elected in a special election to fill the seat of her late husband, Sam Solon, who served the 7th Congressional District (St. Louis County) from 1973 until his death in December 2001. Prettner Solon, upon election, finished the 82nd Legislative Session and continued in the seat until 2010, after which she was elected Lieutenant Governor with Governor Mark Dayton. | |
LEO TREADWAY: An Inventory of His Dragon Festival Files | 00873 |
Working files of St. Paul community activist Leo Treadway documenting his involvement in an annual pan-Asian community event held each year in St. Paul, as well as some materials relating to other Asian-American events and organizations, including the Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival and Theater Mu. | |
Mississippi River Parkway Commission of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00847 |
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Richard L. Ferrell: An Inventory of His Flour Milling Industry History Collection | 00699 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
SOUL ASYLUM (Musical group): An Inventory of Its Band Records | 00567 |
Contracts, correspondence, financial records, newspaper and magazine clippings, posters, handbills, promotional materials, memorabilia, photographs, and ephemera generated by the Minneapolis-based rock group Soul Asylum and its tour company, Volume Transport. The collection includes correspondence and contracts from record labels Twin/Tone Records, A&M Records, Columbia Records, Inc., and Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. | |
TWIN CITIES ARCHIVES ROUND TABLE: An Inventory of Its Records | 00913 |
Minutes, correspondence, financial and membership records, meeting files, newsletters, and brochures of a regional archival association based in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minn.), but also with members elsewhere in Minnesota and in neighboring states. The collection documents the activities and concerns of the organization and its members and includes information on archival programs and resources in the region. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Alexander, McIndoe S. (McIndoe Stewart), 1923-1997. McIndoe S. Alexander Papers, 1944-1946. |
Letters and postcards principally from Alexander to his parents describing his training in the United States and service in England and Germany with the 95th Infantry Division during World War II. |
Christenson, Gerald W., 1930. Gerald W. Christenson papers, 1971-2005. |
Biographical information, subject files, reading files, and an autobiography and doctoral dissertation of Gerald W. (Jerry) Christenson, former chancellor of Minnesota’s state community college system, finance commissioner, state planning agency director, legislative auditor, and long time advisor to top state officials, mainly reflecting his work in retirement with other former public officials devising new education policies. |
Davis, E. Page. E. Page Davis Papers, undated and 1871-1872. |
Papers of a New York City-based land agent relating to promotion of and emigration to Minnesota and the Red River Valley. |
Isaac Finch diary, 1864-1870. |
A manuscript diary kept by a Fountain, Minnesota man during his service in the Civil War and, for a time, after his return. |
Graber, Albert, 1866-1959. Albert Graber papers, 1849-1955. |
Correspondence, biographical data, and personal memorabilia of Graber, a Minneapolis civil engineer, his wife Anna, their family, and Anna's parents, Alexander and Catherine Erb. |
Platou, Carl N. Carl N. Platou Papers, 1943-2012. |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, including World War II letters from his service with the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment in New Guinea and the Philippines, reports as an officer with Fairview Health Systems, and correspondence regarding fundraising for the University of Minnesota Medical School; and writings, photographs, and background research on his World War II service. EXCLUDE OH115 FROM WHAT'S NEW TEMPLATE, PER MONICA |
Saint Andrew's Society of the State of Minnesota. Society Record Book, 1859-1861. |
Constitution (1859) with signatures of members and minutes (1859-1861) of this Scottish benevolent association headquartered in Saint Paul. |
Shepard, S. Julia (Sarah Julia). S. Julia Shepard Papers, 1871-1974. |
Correspondence and papers of a Saint Paul nurse who served with United States military forces in the Spanish-American War and in World War I, and who in later civilian life worked at hospitals in Saint Paul and in other Minnesota communities. |
Stewart, Clarence Hockaday, 1877-1945. Clarence Hockaday Stewart papers, 1899-1947. |
Correspondence, reports, blueprints, specifications, and related papers largely concerning the construction, machinery, and operation of the Hibbing (Minn.) Power Plant, during Stewart's years as its resident and consulting engineer (1925-1929). |
United States. Indian Service. Report on Indians living at Flandreau, S.D., 1902 Dec. 10. |
A report submitted by the Indian School Service to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and characterized by its author, A. O. Wright, as a "Sociological Study of the Flandreau Indians" of South Dakota. |
Jane Williams diary, 1939 January 1-1941 December 31. |
A manuscript diary (January 1, 1939-December 31, 1941) kept by a young single woman from a wealthy St. Paul family. |
Zion Lutheran Men's Club (Pine City, Minn.). Minutes, 1955 October 7-1961 February 24 |
Minutes documenting the monthly meetings (October 7, 1955-February 24, 1961) of a Lutheran men's club in Pine City, Minnesota. |