What's New
During the last four
months additions have been added to the Max M. Kampelman papers that have
nearly doubled the size of the collection. Kampelman died in 2013
and, though he worked and corresponded with many of the most notable
national and international political leaders of this century, he was
best known for his relationship with Hubert Humphrey.
The relationship that Kampelman and Humphrey had was one of mutual respect, admiration, and honesty. In his autobiography, Humphrey said this of Kampelman: "For almost thirty years, I have benefitted from Max Kampelman's friendship and advice... A man in public life needs people around him with a sense of outreach, someone who can bring others to implant new ideas, to challenge old ones -- simply to stretch one's mind. Max has done that for me better than anyone else during my public career. . . But in neither role -- staff or friend -- has he ever let loyalty keep him from arguing with me when he has thought me wrong" (Education of a Public Man, p. 349-350).
Fifty years ago this month Humphrey was just beginning his term as Vice President of the United States, a position he achieved in large part because of Kampelman's friendship, loyalty, and political finesse: "Our goal was not so much to win a competition with other people, but to elevate Humphrey beyond competition. Our purpose was not to make him first among equals, but without an equal and, thus, the only possible choice for Johnson" (Entering New Worlds: The Memoirs of a Private Man in Public Life (1991), p. 150).
New and Updated Finding Aids - February 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Civil War Pension Files of Pension Agent Charles J. Stees | gr00893 |
Includes such documents as correspondence, memoranda, proof of disability, widow's and soldier's applications, power of attorney, death certificates, and other related records. | |
Betty Moore: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01196 |
Scrapbooks, travel diaries, photographs, ephemera, and genealogical materials created by Betty Moore of Minneapolis and members of her family. | |
Big Stone County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr00889 |
Registers of actions covering civil case files 1-9396. The entry for each case may include the case number; names of the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys; nature of the case; a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, and other actions by the court or disputing parties; and, when applicable, costs adjudged and remarks. | |
Conservation Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00878 |
Reports and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Conservation Department. | |
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records and Reports | gr00879 |
An assortment of correspondence, reports, statistical and survey data, and miscellany ; about half comprised of files of correspondence and related materials kept by or attributed to specific Forestry Division commissioners and other administrators, particularly E. V. Willard, G. M. Conzet, and Chester S. Wilson. | |
Conservation Department: Forestry Division: Forest Fire Protection Section: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00880 |
Records relating to fire protection and prevention activities of the division, including annual reports of federally-funded fire protection activities under the Weeks and Clarke-McNary laws (1911-1931), fire prevention and fire plan forms (1930s-1940s), annual reports on forest fire statistics (1956-1962), and fire plan maps for the state's northern counties (revised 1970). | |
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00882 |
Mainly print and near-print materials produced by or for the Game and Fish Division, covering such topics as game policy, fishing, deer and general wildlife management, parasite study, public access to lakes and streams, and habitat improvement. Includes an incomplete of the division's newsletter, The Latest Word. | |
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Research and Planning Section: An Inventory of Its Biological Services Unit Records | gr00884 |
Correspondence and memos (largely carbon copies), reports, and survey data written by or routed to staff members of the Biological Services Unit. | |
Conservation Department: Game and Fish Division: Research and Planning Section: An Inventory of Its Reports | gr00883 |
Biennial reports (1956-1966), summary reports on activities (1956-1966), and reports produced by the research section covering such topics as wildlife management and investigation, fish and wildlife restoration, and game bird migration. | |
Eugenie M.(Eugenie Moore) Anderson: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00354 |
Correspondence, office files, speeches, reports, clippings, sound and visual materials, and miscellaneous papers document Eugenie Anderson's diplomatic career as ambassador to Denmark (1949-1953), minister to Bulgaria (1962-1964), lecturer in India (1961), and member of the United States delegation to the United Nations (1965-1968); her political activities, including Democratic national committee work in 1948, her campaign for DFL endorsement for the United States Senate in 1958, her support for Adlai Stevenson and Hubert Humphrey during their presidential campaigns of 1952 and 1968, and her fact-finding mission to Vietnam in 1967; and such related public affairs activities as her work for the Minnesota Centennial Commission in 1958 and her involvement in organizations promoting educational programs abroad. | |
Faribault County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00072 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Faribault County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Game and Fish Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00881 |
Production, distribution, and financial data for the state fisheries (1917-1921), sample contracts to catch fish for the Minnesota Public Safety Commission (1918-1919), petitions to establish game refuges (1915-1916), sample correspondence concerning fishing and hunting licenses (1923), sample license applications (1926), a sample fishing license, possibly the first one issued in the state (1927), miscellaneous correspondence, and a hatchery log book (1919-1931). | |
George Theron Slade and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01053 |
Diaries, correspondence, photographs, biographical information, and files of George T. Slade, a son-in-law of James J. Hill and general manager of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, his wife Charlotte, and other members of their extended family. | |
Governor's Residence Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00629 |
Records of the Governor's Residence Council, and its predecessors, the House Development Committee (1979-1980) and State Ceremonial House Council (1980-1981). In order to fully carry out all aspects of the renovation and preservation of the Residence, the files also document the years it served as the private home of the Horace Irvine family (1910-1965) and the years when renovation and maintenance were under the direct supervision of each gubernatorial administration (1965-1979). | |
Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.): Advertising and Publicity Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00953 |
Records created or compiled by the Great Northern administrative unit responsible for managing corporate advertising and public relations work. | |
Hennepin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr00885 |
Personal name index, 1853-1942; loose declarations of intention (first papers), 1853-1873; bound declarations of intention, 1867-1942; final papers (second papers), 1867-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1906-1938; depositions and related records, 1906-1930; and additional unfilmed records, relating particularly to World War I service members, 1918-1938. | |
Hennepin County: Human Services and Public Health Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00538 |
Records documenting the administration of this agency, whose mission is to strengthen individuals, families and communities by increasing safety and stability, promoting self-reliance and livable income, and improving the health of our communities by attaining the goals of protecting children and vulnerable adults, supporting communities and families in raising children who develop to their fullest potential, assuring that all people's basic needs are met, and building healthy communities and self-reliant individuals. | |
Hennepin County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00892 |
Annual reports, budget requests, and general publications covering such topics as juvenile delinquency and children's and senior's welfare. | |
Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources: An Inventory of Its Project Files | gr00560 |
Files containing periodic and final reports (some published), budgets, work programs, correspondence and internal memos for projects funded by the LCMR. | |
Legislature: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its House Bills | gr00119 |
The original house file of bills acted upon in the house; also includes bills for special sessions, resolutions, and concurrent resolutions. The bill files include any successive versions and engrossments. | |
Legislature: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its Lobbyist Registration Records | gr00886 |
Kept by Chief Clerk Edward Burdick, the records include registration cards, organized both by lobbyist name and by subject of lobbying effort, and monthly financial reports listing expenses incurred by lobbyists. | |
Legislature: House of Representatives: Chief Clerk: An Inventory of Its Burdick (Edward) Files | gr00887 |
Subject, correspondence, and legislative committees and commissions files kept by Burdick, Chief Clerk at the Minnesota House of Representatives from 1967 to 2004. Topics covered include iron ore mining, legislative procedure, taxation, and education. | |
Legislature: Senate: An Inventory of Its Senate Bills | gr00707 |
Senate bills and resolutions, including engrossments. The 1987-1988 bills are missing. | |
Max M. Kampelman: An Inventory of His Papers | 00772 |
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Minnesota Historical Society: History is Now! Celebrating Marriage Equality Project: An Inventory of Its Project Photographs | sv000160 |
Minnesota Korean War Veterans Association. Chapter 1 (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01198 |
Records of a Minnesota chapter of an organization of Korean War veterans and their families. | |
Reform and Efficiency Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00891 |
Records of this commission established in 1991 [Laws 1991 c345 art1 sec17 subd9] to identify immediate potential cost savings in state government and to recommend long-term actions for improving state government efficiency and effectiveness. | |
Robert J. Sheran: An Inventory of His Papers | 01199 |
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Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Land Resurvey Field Notes | gr00682 |
Field notes of resurveys done on lands originally surveyed by federal government surveyors as they laid out the exterior and subdivision lines of each Minnesota township from 1847 through the 1920s. | |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Land Survey Plats | gr00508 |
Plat drawings of Minnesota townships made by the U. S. surveyor general's office in St. Paul from the field notes of deputy surveyors. The records include a set of microfiche reproductions of the plats (1847-1984), including an index created in circa 1984; the official set of plats (1848-2002), which are ink on paper and linen and vary in size; and resurvey plats (2006-2013). | |
Stevens County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00890 |
Registers of actions for criminal (1882-1953) and civil (1884-1956) cases. Each entry may include the names of the parties in the case, the attorneys representing each party, when the case was opened, the case file number, and a record of each document that was filed by the contesting parties or by the court in the case. | |
Taxation of Iron Ore Commission: An Inventory of Its Agenda Files | gr00888 |
Documenting the work of this commission and its predecessor, the Legislative Interim Commission on Taxation of Iron Ore (1951-1954), the files include minutes, agendas, correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, and related materials. | |
Weyerhaueser Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P930 |
Business and personal correspondence, financial records, diaries, and personal papers of Minnesota lumber magnate Frederick Weyerhaeuser (1834-1914) and his descendants. Includes information about family members' activities and business affairs, and annual reports and business records of more than sixty-five Weyerhaeuser companies. | |
William Rainey Marshall: An Inventory of His Papers | 01197 |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, a diary, muster rolls and certificates of appointment, and other papers of a Civil War general from Minnesota who also saw service in the U.S.-Dakota War and who later served as governor of Minnesota. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Breckenridge (Minn.). Records, 1907-1979, |
City charters (1907, 1955, 1972); city charter commission meeting files, including minutes, resolutions, correspondence, annual reports, draft charters, and legal documents (1939-1972); and minutes and related records of the Breckenridge Industrial Development Corporation (1958-1979). |
Haglin, Emma R. Emma R. Haglin Diaries, 1904-1936. |
Diaries of Emma Ruth (Smith) Haglin of Minneapolis, detailing her thoughts and activities as the spouse of Charles F. Haglin (1849-1921), noted Minneapolis builder. |
Henry Harrison Hodgkin papers, 1857-1899. |
This collection includes correspondence and related materials concerning the career of Henry H. Hodgkin in the U.S. Navy. |
Jefferson Jones papers, 1883-1934. |
"A collection of papers compiled by Jefferson Jones that include an article about Duluth published in the Seaboard, December 2, 1893; correspondence of George F. Whitcomb regarding the Indian attack on Forest City in 1862 and the native inhabitants of Ottertail and Douglas counties in the 1870s, December 20, 1933-March 27, 1934 (2 items); ""The Story of Old Fort Ripley,"" written by L. B. Kinder regarding the founding, commanders, and attack on the fort in 1857, undated; and an Oregon Railway and Navigation Company waybill, August 28, 1883. " |
William M. Kimball papers, 1858-1863. |
"Correspondence relative to the establishment of steamboat service to St. Anthony and Minneapolis (Minn.) in 1858-1859, and to the building of a telegraph line from Minneapolis to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1859; and letters by Kimball written in service with Henry H. Sibley's punitive expedition against the Dakota Indians in 1863. Oversize material consists of a military certificate appointing William M. Kimball quartermaster of the Sibley expedition to Fort Abercrombie (September 10, 1862). " |
Daniel I. King papers, 1832-1891. |
"Deeds for land in Ramsey and Anoka counties, Minnesota, issued primarily to Samuel King (1853-1864); contracts with F. P. Benjamin for carrying the mail in Dakota Territory (1881-1883); letters about mail routes from the U.S. Post Office Department and mail contractors; receipts for currency shipped by the American Express Company; and a waybill (1883) for D. I. King's Stage Line in Dakota Territory. Oversize material consists of a land grant to Aaron Cummings, assigned to Neil D. Shaw, March 1, 1854. " |
Mann, Polly. Women's Political Alliance records, 1984-1999 (bulk 1991-1999). |
Newsletters, notes, a few letters, and related materials created by an organization of Twin Cities women who met monthly to discuss and act on issues they deemed important and that particularly affected women. The Alliance worked for peace, women's rights, universal health care, an economic bill of rights, reproductive choice, and similar causes, and supported women candidates for elective office who held feminist values. |
Nicollet County (Minn.). Assessor. Assessment roll: Lake Prairie Township, 1868. |
Each entry lists property holder’s name, land description, section or lot, town or block, range, acreage, value of land and structures, and total value. |
Scott County (Minn.). County Auditor. Tax list: City of New Prague, 1901. |
Gives individual assessed valuations and taxes paid. |
Steele County (Minn.). County Auditor. Tax lists, 1862-1863. |
For Meridien Township (1862) and Berlin Township and Village of Berlin (1863); lists individual assessed valuations and taxes paid. |
Stevens County (Minn.). District Court. Plaintiff's and defendant's indexes, circa 1905-1981. |
Plaintiff’s (Volume B, circa 1905-1956) and defendant’s (Volume B, circa 1905-1981) indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. The defendant’s index contains some entries (1957-1981) for civil registers still retained by the court. |