What's New
The Minnesota Historical Society recently acquired a small collection related to local blues musician Lazy Bill Lucas. Born in Wynne, Arkansas in 1918 and raised in Missouri, Lucas received his first guitar at the age of 14, but yearned to play the piano, an instrument he finally received from his father in 1932. Lucas' first exposure to the blues didn't occur until he met musician Big Joe Williams in St. Louis in 1940 and started to play for black audiences. While Lucas played the guitar early on to earn a living, taking a gig as part of a trio in 1947 at The Second City in Chicago, he returned to the piano in the early 1960s. He continued to play in the Chicago area, though he struggled, partially due to a nervous condition he developed in childhood that had rendered him essentially blind. In 1964, at the urging of friend and fellow musician Mojo Buford, he moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. In Minneapolis Lazy Bill played at coffeehouses, bars, festivals and other venues in the area and hosted the popular radio program called the Lazy Bill Lucas Show on KFAI. He started his own music label, Lazy, in 1970 and later recorded under the Philo label. Lucas remained active in the local music scene until his death on December 11, 1982.
The Lazy Bill Film and Photograph Collection contains the documentary film Lazy Bill, produced by Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) film students Pamala Belding, Tyri Schiek, Susan Tiberghien (Lasley) and Roger Langaard between 1973 and 1974. The documentary, filmed at Lucas' house during a single session, features Lazy Bill singing and playing the piano while talking about his life and music. The collection contains an original 16 mm print of the documentary as well as a digital access copy. The photographs in this collection are comprised of portraits of Lazy Bill that were taken during a pre-filming meeting and the filming session.
New and Updated Finding Aids - May 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Arts Board: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr00569 |
Reports, correspondence and other records documenting the administration of the board and its predecessors, the state art commission and society. | |
Asa B. Hutchinson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01208 |
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Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files Concerning Voyageurs National Park | gr00944 |
Case files relating to the acquisition of state lands for the park's creation, jurisdiction over policy enforcement inside the park, and other matters relating to the park. Included are legal documents (memoranda, orders, summons, notices, affidavits, motions, petitions, findings, exhibits, briefs, objections, and transcripts), reports, a timeline of events, land deeds, maps, land valuations, correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, and press releases. | |
Faribault Regional Center: An Inventory of Its Day Program Department Records | gr00922 |
Records of this department, whose mission was to provide broad opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities to develop valued work and related adult roles which would maximize individual growth and interdependence within community environments. It served clients both in community employment settings and in various work and day habilitation sites on campus and in community environments. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Administrator: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00934 |
Includes American Association on Mental Deficiency [A.A.M.D.] correspondence; budget materials; minutes of cabinet meetings and unit directors' meetings; and files relating to various hospital units (Acute Hospital, Center, East Grove, Grandview, Greenacres, Northwood, Skinner, South Cliff, and Sunnyside), nursing service, personnel and training, programs (including education and training, psychology, and rehabilitation), volunteer services, and the chaplaincy. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission Records | gr00916 |
This series contains an index to applications and admissions (1879-1938), registers of applications and admissions (1879-1901, 1968-1994), a statistical record (1879-1938), applications for admission and etiological histories (1883-1916), auxiliary application records (1893-1920), record of admissions and examinations (1909-1915), and admission and discharge statistics (1882-1998). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr00917 |
Reports of the Faribault State School and Hospital, Minnesota School for the Feeble-Minded, and Colony for Epileptics (Cambridge, Minnesota). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual Inventories | gr00918 |
Room by room and classified inventories of equipment, furnishings, and supplies of all kinds. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Architectural Drawings | gr00919 |
Elevation drawings, floor plans, plot plans, and architectural details of buildings no longer extant at the Faribault State School and Hospital site, including the girls' cottage, working boys' building, working girls' building, superintendent's residence, women employees' dormitory, Skinner Hall Annex, girls' custodial cottage, slaughter house, Grandview Farm, and the Ivy, Chippewa, Lind, Glen, Daisy, Iris, Grandview, Riverview, and Poppy cottages. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials | gr00920 |
Audio-visual materials documenting the hospital's patients and staff. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Clothing Records | gr00921 |
Clothing list impression books (1888-1920) containing copies of forms on which were recorded inventories of clothing and other personal items received with (or issued to?) inmates at time of admission. Information recorded: admission (and sometimes application?) number, name, home address, height, weight, and list of clothing and personal items. Some pages of these books are barely legible due to water and mold damage. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Death and Burial Records | gr00923 |
Records relating to the death and burial of inmates who died while at the institution. The type of information found in these records includes name and admission number, vital data, date and cause of death, disposition of remains, attending physician, duration of illness, family history data, undertaker, and autopsy date, results, and physician. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Historical Data Files | gr00924 |
Essays and news articles documenting the institution's history (1917-1997), programs from various client activities and building dedications (1928-1991), a 1980s building layout drawing with index and an aerial view of the campus, and materials documenting the on-campus Engberg Museum (1989-1995) and the institution's employees (1963-1997). The latter include photocopied sheets containing a photograph and biographical information about individual employees (circa 1985), Annual Employee's Awards Ceremony programs (1963-1997, incomplete), and materials on the lives of two longtime employees, Arnold Madow and Peter K. Smith (1986, 1995). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Individual School Records | gr00925 |
Teachers' records of activities in each class, including detailed progress reports on each individual pupil. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Financial Records | gr00926 |
Miscellaneous financial records, including a cash receipts journal (1895-1904), payment ledger (1897-1898), and general ledger (1897-1901). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Medical Records | gr00927 |
Histories and evaluations of inmates (circa 1880-1900), clinical records (1891-1897), physician's diary (1894), hospital records (1895-1900), record of sterilization cases (1916-1937), physician's reports (1895-1901), and list of tuberculosis patients (1902-1949). The records generally contain the following information: name, application number; background data, such as age, date of admission, description of condition, and psychological evaluations; nature of illness; treatments given; and discharge and/or death date. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Publications | gr00929 |
Runs of five publications produced at the institution. The Coverall (1950-1971) was a monthly newsletter published by the institution's recreation department; The Round Table (1972-1997) was a newsletter containing information about activities at the institution; No Name News (1968-1970) was a staff newsletter; The Voice of the Men/The Voice of the Women and the Men (1969-1973) was a mimeographed magazine produced by the adult education class; and WOW (1986-1993) was a fitness newsletter for employees. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00930 |
Programmatic reports, announcements of educational courses offered at the hospital (1913-1916), patient index (1887-1917?), an evaluation of the nursing department (1966), tour guides' manuals (1975, [1977]), a historical chronology from 1879 to 1979, a task force plan for the Faribault Regional Center (1988), research articles by hospital staff, and miscellaneous issuances. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Reports and Miscellaneous Records | gr00931 |
The files include regular reports made by the superintendent to the State Board of Corrections and Charities, Board of Control, Division of Public Institutions, Bureau for Feeble-Minded, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Department of Health; sample forms of various kinds; circular letters or informational material for parents, county officers, and the public; events programs for Faribault and sometimes other institutions; leases and deeds; specifications, bids, and contracts for purchasing and building; accident, death, and autopsy reports; physicians' reports; and materials relating to research on "mongolism," epilepsy, and heredity done at Faribault and elsewhere. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks | gr00932 |
Mainly newspaper clippings covering such topics as activities at the school and hospital, staff members' careers, and legislation pertaining to the school and hospital. Some correspondence and programs are included. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr00933 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, and other supplies. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Vouchers, Receipts, and Reports | gr00928 |
Vouchers covering general expenses, inmate clothing, postage, traveling, and the building and clothing funds, and salary receipts. Includes records relating to the School for the Deaf, the School for the Blind, and the School for the Feeble-Minded. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Assistant Administrator: An Inventory of Its Madow (Arnold A.) Files | gr00935 |
Files of Arnold A. Madow, chief psychologist and assistant administrator. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Assistant Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00936 |
Includes correspondence with state departments, especially with staff of the Public Welfare Department and its several divisions; minutes of many institutional committee meetings and regular staff meetings; correspondence and/or other materials relating to organizations in the fields of medicine, mental health, mental retardation, and hospital administration; correspondence and/or other materials relating to nearly all Minnesota state institutions, and to institutions in other states (particularly Enid State School and Grafton State School); and files relating to institutional services, including chiropody, dietary, dental, laundry, nursing, pharmacy, medical, psychology, rehabilitation, research, training, farm and dairy, volunteer services, and chaplaincy. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Chief Executive Officer: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr00937 |
Primarily the administrative files of Charles V. Turnbull, chief executive officer (1975-) and Harold Gillespie, administrator (1969-1974). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Office of the Chaplain: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00938 |
The records contain general information on the teaching of religion in the institution and the materials used, including lesson books and a songbook, and records of services performed including a register of baptisms (1951-1983), confirmation and first communion requests (1964-1971), and obituary reports and memorial/funeral service bulletins (1984-1990). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Physical Plant Director: An Inventory of Its Gieneart (Les) Files | gr00939 |
Correspondence, memos, reports, survey, budget and financial materials, and blueprints pertaining to the maintenance and remodeling of the institution's various buildings. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00794 |
Correspondence relating to all aspects of the institution's management, including administration of the buildings, programs, students, patients, and staff. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Letters Sent (Letterpress) | gr00940 |
Copies of letters sent in the following categories: general, personal, association (American Association on Mental Deficiency [A.A.M.D.] and Journal of Psycho-Asthenics), statements of accounts with counties, etiology, foreign (out-of-state) orders, and business. | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00941 |
Includes correspondence with and directives from state departments, particularly the commissioner and director of medical services of the Public Welfare Department; correspondence and/or other materials relating to state and national organizations and associations in the fields of medicine, mental health, and mental retardation; minutes and other materials relating to staff meetings and institution advisory committees; minutes of superintendents' meetings; superintendent's monthly reports; interoffice memos (business office, staff physicians, general staff, and dental department); and correspondence and other materials relating to hospital programs and services, research projects, and legislation. | |
Governor's Residence Council: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00629 |
Records of the Governor's Residence Council, and its predecessors, the House Development Committee (1979-1980) and State Ceremonial House Council (1980-1981). In order to fully carry out all aspects of the renovation and preservation of the Residence, the files also document the years it served as the private home of the Horace Irvine family (1910-1965) and the years when renovation and maintenance were under the direct supervision of each gubernatorial administration (1965-1979). | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Cemetery Records | gr00945 |
Documents detailing administration of the hospital's cemetery, including an alphabetical index to burials for 1901-1964, a 1967 survey and plat, correspondence, drawings, interagency agreements, and newspaper clippings. A few post-1978 records document the cemetery's administration under the Minnesota Veterans Home (Hastings), following transfer from the Public Welfare Department to the Veterans Affairs Department. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Maps | gr00946 |
Primarily drawings, legal land description, maps, and related materials documenting boundary and property lines of the hospital campus, including streets and roads, building locations, and major geographic features. A few post-1978 records document the cemetery's administration under the Minnesota Veterans Home (Hastings), following its transfer from the Public Welfare Department to the Veterans Affairs Department. | |
Henry H. Sibley: An Inventory of His Papers | 00595 |
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Human Services Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Logged Letters | gr00519 |
Commissioner's office correspondence with citizens, legislators, public officials, welfare organizations, county law enforcement agencies, and federal and other state agencies, regarding all aspects of administration and client services of the Department of Human Services and its predecessor, the Department of Public Welfare. | |
Joan Mondale: An Inventory of Her Personal Papers | 00054 |
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John F. Raynolds, III: An Inventory of His Family Papers | 01207 |
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Nobles County: Lismore: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00943 |
Records documenting the activities of the city administration. | |
Robert Jacobson: An Inventory of His Photograph Collection | sv000175 |
Includes digital content. |
Susan A. Christie: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01206 |
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WALTER F. MONDALE: An Inventory of His Papers | 00697 |
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WALTER F. MONDALE: An Inventory of His Personal Papers | 00697_Personal |
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WALTER F. MONDALE: An Inventory of His Political Papers and Campaign Files | 00697_Political |
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New and Updated Catalog Records
Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County records, 1987-2004. |
Newsletters, letters, flyers, consultants' reports, studies, and management plans of a nonprofit corporation organized to promote public support for parks and trails in Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Also included are articles of incorporation, correspondence, minutes, and other records of its affiliate, Yellow Bike Coalition, Inc., an organization that made available for free use yellow-painted bicycles in Saint Paul. |
Governor's Commission on Fluoridation. Records, 1978-1979 |
Records of this three-member appointed commission to study the health effects of adding fluoride to municipal water supplies. Included are transcripts of public hearings held in St. Paul on October 26-27, 1978 and the commission's 1979 report to the Governor. |
Griggs, Cooper & Co. (Saint Paul, Minn.). Records, 1913-1926. |
Executive and Sales Committees minute book and stock certificate book of Griggs, Cooper & Co., a grocery distributor and manufacturer based in Saint Paul. |
Hoppe, Laurence W. (Laurence Wilbert), 1914-1992. World War II papers, 1941-1993 (bulk 1941-1946). |
A soldier's journal with photographs, letters and miscellaneous papers, memoranda books, photographs, picture post cards, and school notes from classes on navigation and communication of a Minnesota man serving in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. The journal encompasses the years 1941 to 1946, and is accompanied by a typed transcript (1993) made by Linda (Hoppe) Erickson. |
Grosscup, Jeffrey. Jeffrey Grosscup photograph collection, 1973-1993. |
Photographs by commercial photographer Jeffrey Grosscup. Images include view of Minnesota of industry and business, poverty and homelessness, and construction as well as prominent Minnesota people, the Sister Kenny Institute, and Holy Week observances at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. |
Lazy Bill film and photograph collection, 1973-1974 |
Documentary film Lazy Bill and production stills by Minneapolis College of Art and Design students focusing on William (Lazy Bill) Lucas, a Twin Cities blues musician. |
Axel Lindegard papers, 1861-1937. |
The microfilmed papers include a family reminiscence entitled "In By Gone Days and in Ours"; and a scrapbook, in English and Swedish, with data on Lindegard's relatives in Sweden, his trip to America, his residence in Hallock (Minn.) beginning in 1889, Indian life and handwork, New York City, World War I, Pierre Bottineau, Charles Cavileer, Samuel Clemens, John A. Johnson, Norman Kittson, John Lind, Stephen H. Long, William Moorhead, Knute Nelson, Alexander Ramsey, and Theodore Roosevelt. The papers include correspondence about politics and running for political office from Loren W. Collins (1904), O. B. Ekman (1904), and Halvor Steenerson (1902); with Alfred C. Garrioch about his books; and about Kittson County, old Pembina, Pembina trail, and Red River carts and traffic. Also included are letters collected as a result of Lindegards interest in autographs and include recommendations sent to the president of the United States for the appointment of Cyrus Aldrich as United States marshal in 1865 and of Gordon E. Cole as circuit judge in 1869; correspondence with Hans Eustrom after he became blind; and documents signed by five governors of Minnesota between 1875 and 1900. There is also a street commissioner's work record kept in Hallock (1890); a Swedish almanac (1850); photographs of Stockholm, Ojibwe Indians, and settlers; and other miscellaneous materials on Hallock and Pembina. Oversize material includes certificates of appointment as commissioner for the state of Minnesota for John F. Callan and Henry Phillips, Jr. (1875, 1888) and a writ of habeas corpus issued to the Sheriff of Winona County for the arrest of Thomas Z. Waldon of Wisconsin (1898). |
Mooers, C. Timothy, 1834-1911. C. Timothy Mooers papers, 1878-1882. |
Work orders for A.J. McIntosh and C.T. Mooers as agency carpenters at the White Earth Indian Agency; Mooers' account with C.A. Ruffee, U.S. Indian Agent; and miscellaneous papers, including a time book for work on the Bagley Dam and a notebook containing legal notes. The work orders instruct the carpenters to make coffins for American Indians and to repair equipment and structures for the agency and its residents. |