What's New
In preparation for the centennial of the United States' participation in World War I, the finding aids for the records of the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety are now all accessible online, the majority for the first time.
In response to the U. S. entry into the war, Minnesota established the Public Safety Commission in April 1917. It was given broad powers to ensure the protection of persons and property, the defense of the state and the nation, and the application of the state's resources to "successful prosecution" of the war.
The Commission viewed the suppression of disloyalty and preservation of public order as one of its primary responsibilities. Among its actions were hearings and investigations into claims of disloyalty or sedition, the February 1918 registration of aliens living in the state, and prohibitions against the employment of aliens as teachers and the use of foreign languages in schools.
It also compiled, in cooperation with the War Records Commission, the Gold Star Roll (forms giving biographical and military information about men and women who died in the war); established a home guard and motor corps; oversaw regulation of liquor traffic, dance halls, poolrooms, milk prices, and bread manufacture and distribution; conducted a farm crop and labor census and barberry eradication program; created an employment bureau and a Woman's
Committee; published a weekly bulletin; and assisted with relief efforts following the forest fires in northern Minnesota in 1918.
Following the end of the war, the commission's orders were rescinded in January and February 1919.
Edward F. Lundholm
Gold Star Roll, Edward F. Lundholm, Killed in France,
October 1918
New and Updated Finding Aids - June 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Compliance Reviews | gr00949 |
The Minnesota Attorney General regulates charitable organizations in the State of Minnesota. As most hospitals and health care organizations in the state operate as charitable institutions, the office when necessary conducts reviews of those organizations to ensure they operate in a manner compliant with their charitable, tax-exempt status, mission, and duties. Documenting compliance reviews of Health Partners, Inc., Fairview Health Services, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, these records include reports written by the Attorney General's office, accompanied by supporting records. Although the reviews were done between 2003 and 2002, the supporting material may date as far back as 1987. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Counties | gr00154 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of counties by the State Auditor. The reports contain comments and recommendations regarding fiscal procedures; summaries of financial conditions, in general and with respect to fund transactions, investments, bonded indebtedness, and federal revenue sharing; balance sheets and supporting statements; classifications of receipts and disbursements; notes to financial statements; summaries of fixed assets, taxable valuations, and tax levies and returns; and names of officials and verifications of official bonds. In some cases, the State Auditor prepared a management and compliance letter in lieu of a full audit report. Some reports for 1970-1972 were done by the State Auditor's predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of County Hospitals and Nursing Homes | gr00155 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of county hospitals and nursing homes by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Municipalities | gr00156 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of municipalities and municipal departments by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Regional Organizations | gr00157 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of regional development commissions and regional service organizations by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Relief Associations | gr00158 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of police and fire fighters' relief associations. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports, Miscellaneous | gr00153 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of miscellaneous units of goverment mostly from counties in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, or general reports on local finance and spending. | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Political Committees and Funds | gr00127 |
Reports of receipts of political committees and funds, and of their contributions (transfers) to candidates, to committees and funds supporting candidates, and to committees and funds organized to promote or defeat a ballot question. They consist primarily of such funds maintained by local police, fire, and municipal employees associations and by trade and labor associations. Includes files of its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and the Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997). | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Principal Campaign Committees (Category 1) | gr00126 |
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by the campaign committee for each candidate for a state office (constitutional officers, legislators, statewide and district courts), accompanied by a statement of organization for the committee. Includes files of its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and the Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997). | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Economic Interest Statements | gr00125 |
Annual personal financial statements filed by candidates for state executive and legislative offices and by appointees to boards and commissions. They state sources of compensation, corporations or entities in which the registrant held securities, and location of real property in which the registrant held ownership or other interest. Some statements are also present for candidates without campaign committees. Includes files of its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and the Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997). | |
Edward D. Mayo: An Inventory of His Photographs | sv000177 |
Includes digital content. |
Inter-Club Council OF Saint Paul: An Inventory of Its Records | 00232 |
Miscellaneous administrative records of a St. Paul (Minn.) community council organized in 1944 and including representatives from many civic, cultural, religious, and political groups. It provided a medium through which such organizations could work for civic improvement in St. Paul. | |
Mitchell Y. Jackson and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01209 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Natural Resources Department: Parks and Recreation Division: An Inventory of Its State Parks Files | gr00642 |
Correspondence, memoranda, contact and planning reports, opinion surveys, press releases and clippings, annual reports, photographs, and maps regarding development projects and usage provisions and regulations in state parks. | |
Planning Board: An Inventory of Its State Maps | gr00970 |
Representative sample of maps produced by the Planning Board, possibly in cooperation with the Works Progress Administration [WPA]. Topics covered include urban population, creameries, forest areas, state parks, horses and mules, farms, state institutions, railroads, bus lines, climate, electricity, soils, and percentage of American born population. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Main Files | gr00954 |
Subject files documenting the activities of this seven-member commission (governor, attorney general, and five persons appointed by the governor) given broad powers to ensure the protection of persons and property, the defense of the state and the nation, and the application of the state's resources to successful prosecution of the war. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Alien Registration and Declaration of Holdings Forms and Index | gr00947 |
Forms containing information on aliens residing in Minnesota in February 1918, who were ordered by the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety to register and make sworn declarations about themselves, other family members, and their property holdings. Also a personal name card index to the forms. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Alien Registration Correspondence and Other Records | gr00948 |
Correspondence between the state auditor and individuals and local officials regarding the registration and naturalization status of aliens residing in Minnesota in February 1918, who were ordered by the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety to register and make sworn declarations about themselves, other family members, and their property holdings. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Americanization Committee Records | gr00950 |
Records relating primarily to the establishment or appointment of county and local committees. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Casualty Lists and Related Materials | gr00951 |
Lists of names, addresses, and nearest relatives of Minnesota World War I casualties. Lists were prepared by county and local public safety committees as requested by the state commission. Includes correspondence relating to the compilation of the lists, and possibly several copies of draft and final lists. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Clippings Scrapbooks | gr00952 |
Clippings from Minnesota newspapers, and one volume of clippings from foreign language newspapers not necessarily published in Minnesota. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Farm Crop and Labor Reports | gr00953 |
Data collected during a statewide farm census conducted by the Public Safety Commission in order to determine the adequacy of Minnesota's food supply during World War I. There are report forms for individual farms, and for statistical summaries. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Marketing Committee Correspondence and Miscellaneous Records | gr00955 |
Correspondence with the publicity director, Charles Henke; correspondence of the marketing agent, P. A. Ragatz; canceled checks; and correspondence or other materials relating to hay shippers and receivers, forest fires, and the shipment of onions. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Mexican Border Service Bonus Correspondence and Vouchers | gr00956 |
Correspondence regarding, and vouchers for, arrears in pay for Minnesota National Guard troops for the 12-day period between their enrollment in the Guard and their mustering into United States service for the punitive pursuit of Pancho Villa into Mexico in 1916; authorized per Laws of Minnesota 1917, c261 s6. Also letters returned to sender, for servicemen who could not be located (May-December 1920), a folder of blank forms and related correspondence pertaining to Mexican service pay, and vouchers of the supply officer. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00957 |
The minutes record all actions of the commission, including full texts of orders issued and resolutions adopted, lists of bills allowed for payment, and lists of "communications" received and actions taken on them. A set of draft minutes may include communications not included in the official minutes. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00958 |
Includes materials relating to the organization of local public safety committees and associations. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Petitions and Transcripts of Testimony in Investigations | gr00959 |
Primarily testimony taken by the commission at investigation hearings relating to liquor traffic and saloons in Blooming Prairie, Ceylon, Welcome, Triumph, and Trosky; a commission petition for the removal of Thomas P. White as sheriff of Koochiching County; the Nonpartisan League; and charges of malfeasance against city officials of New Ulm. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Publicity Bureau Files | gr00960 |
Correspondence of the publicity director relating to activities of the commission and its special committees, distribution of pamphlets and news releases (with copies of the materials distributed); and copies of and correspondence relating to materials received. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Records of County Branches | gr00961 |
Articles of association, minutes, correspondence, circular letters, orders, resolutions, and pamphlets of public safety associations in the following counties: Anoka, Becker, Beltrami, Blue Earth, Clay, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Pennington, Polk, Ramsey, Renville, St. Louis, Todd, and Washington. | |
Public Safety Commission: An Inventory of Its Speakers Bureau Records | gr00962 |
Consists of speakers files (correspondence with speakers), and materials relating to county fairs speakers, speaking assignments, patriotic addresses, Loyalty Lyceum, and women speakers. | |
Public Safety Commission: Woman's Committee of Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Americanization Survey Cards | gr00967 |
Demographic data collected during a survey of families residing in St. Paul (including North St. Paul), conducted by the Public Safety Commission's Woman's Committee of Ramsey County in preparation for future Americanization work among the foreign-born. | |
Public Safety Commission: Woman's Committee of Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Miscellaneous Records | gr00968 |
Correspondence and tabulations relating to the child welfare survey; correspondence relating to conservation, liberty loans and war saving stamps, patriotic education, Red Cross, war relief, and women in industry; printed materials relating to work of the various women's wartime organizations; reports both of local committee work and of women's committees in other states; and volunteer enrollment cards and block census cards. | |
Public Safety Commission: Woman's Committee: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks | gr00965 |
Clippings, correspondence (small amount), and circulars relating to women's activities during the war. The Women's Division was more commonly known as the Woman's Committee. | |
Public Safety Commission: Woman's Committee: An Inventory of Its Women In Industry Survey Forms | gr00966 |
Forms containing data collected during a statewide survey of women employed outside the home. It was conducted by the Public Safety Commission's Committee on Women in Industry, in cooperation with the Bureau of Women and Children of the Department of Labor and Industries, in order to obtain information about women wage earners and their working conditions, especially those who had entered the work force due to World War I and/or who needed to support dependent family members. The Women's Division was more commonly known as the Woman's Committee. | |
Public Safety Commission: Women's Committee: An Inventory of Its Correspondence and Subject Files | gr00963 |
Correspondence, reports, minutes, form letters, publicity issuances, and other materials generated or received by the state Women's Division (more commonly known as the Woman's Committee) and its Minneapolis branch, relating primarily to such topics as Americanization, child welfare, liberty loans, food and clothing conservation, nurses and nursing, the Red Cross, social hygiene and social welfare, and women in industry. | |
Public Safety Commission: Women's Committee: An Inventory of Its Records of the Committee on Women in Industry | gr00964 |
Correspondence and reports relating to the survey of women in industry; committee minutes; general literature, orders, and circulars of the national committee (Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense); and various bulletins and other publications collected or received. The Women's Division was more commonly known as the Woman's Committee. | |
Secretary of State: Corporations Division: An Inventory of Its Record of Incorporations (Articles of Incorporation) | gr00969 |
Record of corporations created in the State of Minnesota. A corporation is legally created by filing its articles of incorporation with the Minnesota Secretary of State. | |
St. Paul Area and Wisconsin Views An Inventory of Its Photograph Collection | sv000178 |
Includes digital content. |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | SAM041 |
Personal name index, 1884-1906; declarations of intention (first papers), 1884-1943; final papers, 1884-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1907-1944; citizenship petitions granted, 1930-1945; and loose naturalization papers, A-Z. | |
William E. Frenzel: An Inventory of His Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society | 00036 |
Congressional Papers (1970-1992) and Brookings Institution Years (1990-2000). Congressional Papers include a few folders of material relating to Frenzel’s years in the Minnesota legislature. | |
Winona County: School District No. 86/2609, Dakota: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00555 |
Clerk's (1901-1972) and treasurer's (1954-1973) books, school board minutes (1967-1972), teacher's contracts (1972-1974), policies and procedures (1968-1969), and school census (1912-1971). | |
Johan Andreas Holvik: An Inventory of His Records | 01210 |
Correspondence, notes, articles, news clippings, publications, and related materials pertaining to the career of Holvik, a professor of Norse at St. Olaf College, Northfield (Minn.), and at Concordia College, Moorhead (Minn.). The primary areas of documentation are Norwegian-American culture, organizations, publications, and scholarship, and the controversy over the authenticity of the Kensington Rune Stone in Alexandria, Douglas County (Minn.), in which Holvik served as a language consultant for the Minnesota Historical Society. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Abraham, Alex. Alex Abraham Photograph Collection. |
Images associated with Alex Mostafa Abraham, a Lebanese-American peddler from Stephen, Minnesota who peddled clothing items in the fall and spring to small town stores and individuals. |
Brooks, Albert W. Albert W. Brooks Papers, 1894-2013. |
Albert W. Brooks' commencement invitation, valedictory address, and transcript of grades while at Breck School, then located at Wilder, Jackson County, Minnesota; photographs of his graduating class, of Brooks as a piano tuner, and as a young man; and a biographical sketch of Brooks and his wife, Goldie Lancaster, written by their niece, Susan B. Aller. |
Childs, Don. Don Childs Korean War Photograph Collection. |
Snapshots of Don Childs and others at basic training at Camp Rucker, Alabama and in Korea during the Korean War. Childs served in the 3rd Infantry Division and was at Hill 355 (Kowang-San), a tactically important location during the war. |
Dahl, Henry, 1865-1962. Henry Dahl military discharge certificates, 1892-1913. |
Military discharge certificates spanning the military career of Spanish-American War veteran and Army infantryman Henry Dahl, a native of Norway and resident of Minnesota. |
Erickson, Gordon A. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Bloomington Aerial Photograph Collection. |
Aerial views of urban and suburban areas in the Twin Cities and surrounding metropolitan area including views of Metropolitan Stadium, Fort Snelling, Minnesota State Fairgrounds, Mississippi River, and Lake Calhoun. |
William G. Ewing and George W. Ewing papers, 1847-1882. |
Photostatic and typewritten copies of letters from Madison Sweetser regarding payment of claims to fur traders in connection with the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux (1851); a photocopied record book of lots in Winona (Minnesota) owned by George W. Ewing; microfilmed letters from Richard Chute and David Olmsted concerning the removal of the Winnebago Indians to Minnesota and their annuity payments; and microfilmed deeds, accounts, inventories, and business memoranda. |
Franklin Transformer Manufacturing Company. |
Views of equipment and employees at the Franklin Transformer Manufacturing Company, an electrical equiment manufacturer that operated out of Minneapolis. Many of the images highlight female workers. |
Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes, 1805-1877. Louis M. Goldsborough letter to Alexander Murray, 1862 May 31. |
Holographic circular letter written by Louis M. Goldsborough, Flag Officer, Commanding North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, to Lieutenant Commander Alexander Murray and others directing that no officers under his command "hold intercourse, especially in writing, with the Rebel Generals" except in cases of emergency. This circular letter is written on the letterhead: U.S. Flag Ship "Minnesota," Norfolk, Va. |
Hedlund, N. J. (Nels John), 1887-1968. Reminiscences of life in Loman, Minnesota, undated, 1956. |
Three typed reminiscences of pioneer life in Loman, Minnesota during the early years of the twentieth century. Two of the autobiograpical narratives were written by N.J. Hedlund, and another by Mrs. Anna Ward. |
Kenny, John L., 1834-1917. John L. Kenny Civil War papers, 1863-1865, 1883 (bulk 1863-1865). |
Appointment, discharge, and other official documents, and a diary/memoranda book of John L. Kenny, who served as a wagoner, quartermaster sergeant, and first lieutenant quartermaster in the Second Minnesota Regiment during the Civil War. |
George B. McClellan papers, 1852-1855. |
A diary (microfilm copy and typed transcript) kept by McClellan, who led a party engaged in surveying a route for a railroad eastward from the Pacific Coast, mainly through the state of Washington (1853). The party met the expedition of Isaac I. Stevens, which was pushing westward from St. Paul for the same purpose. Included are photocopies of a few letters (August 1852-June 1856) by Stevens and others about the railroad surveys. |
Minnesota. Governor (1909-1915 : Eberhart). Eberhart letter to Alice Franklin, 1912 June 1. |
Letter and accompanying envelope from Minnesota governor Adolph O. Eberhart to Alice Franklin of Saint Paul announcing her appointment as a delegate to the Negro National Educational Congress, which took place in Saint Paul in July 1912. |
Petteys, Harriet W. Harriet W. Petteys letter to Lizzie West, circa 1865. |
Letter (circa 1865) written by Faribault farmer's wife Harriet Petteys (nee West). The letter, addressed to Harriet's sister Miss Lizzie West living in Taberg, Oneida County, New York, describes life on the Faribault farm; local social activities, including a dance in a granary and a picnic; as well as the types and quality of the recently harvested barley and garden offerings. Includes an envelope postmarked at Faribault, Minnesota, August 5. |
Walnut Grove (Minn.) Village council minute book, 1879-1897. |
Minute book (photocopies) containing village council meeting minutes (March 1879-February 1889, pages 1-99) and village ordinances nos. 1-17 (1879-1897, pages 100-128). |
Reiter, Erle. Erle Reiter figure skating collection |
Photographs of three-time United States Figure Skating Champion silver medalist and 1936 Winter Olympics United States Figure Skating team member, Erle Reiter. The collection also includes a DVD compilation containing a 2006 news interview with Reiter conducted by KARE-11 reporter Randy Shaver, extended interview footage, and a photograph sldieshow. |
Rosenberger, John V. (John Verian), 1894-1950. John V. Rosenberger papers, 1924-1938. |
Platform (undated) of the Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota; miscellaneous letters, charters, financial data, receipts, minutes, and membership cards of the Orono Township Farmer-Labor Club (1924-1925) and the Crystal Bay Farmer-Labor Club (1932-1936); and a membership card from the Minnesota Highway Employees Association (1938) of this resident of Orono Township, Hennepin County, Minnesota. |
Tischer, Erwin. Erwin Tischer Korean War Photograph Collection. |
Group and individual copy print portraits of Tischer and other military personnel during the Korean War. Also included are several copy prints of postcards depicting rice harvesting scenes and pagodas. |
Twin City Machine Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.). Twin City Machine Co. records, 1912-1932. |
Product catalog, patents, license contracts and agreements, photographs of equipment, and tax-related correspondence of a Minneapolis-based manufacturer of grain milling equipment. |
Winona County. School District No. 46/2577, Richmond Township. Records. |
Clerk's books (1941-1963, incomplete), treasurer's book (1963-1966), and school census (1953-1954). |
Winona County. School District No. 117/2628, Richmond Township. Records. |
Clerk's books (1943-1961) and treasurer's book (1958-1965). |