What's New
Recently added to the Minnesota Historical Society manuscript collections is a small set of papers (1938-1959) collected by the late Leo T. McCall pertaining to Charles ("Charlie") Ward, president of Saint Paul printing company Brown & Bigelow, printers and distributors of calendars, playing cards, and other advertising specialty products, and to one Richard ("Dick") Ricketts.
The collection includes correspondence and newspaper clippings, commendations and two dismissals from employment received by Ricketts from Brown & Bigelow, and photographic Christmas cards with Ward and members of his family dressed in Western outfits.
As a young man Charlie Ward (1886-1959) spent time in Leavenworth Prison, and was released in 1924 after serving a four-year sentence for drug possession. He moved to Saint Paul in 1925 to accept a position working for former prison mate Herbert Bigelow, the founding president of Brown & Bigelow, who was himself in Leavenworth for failure to pay federal income tax.
Ricketts was hired by Ward in the 1930s after Ward became president of the company following the accidental drowning of Bigelow while on a fishing trip. Ricketts also worked as Ward's personal chauffeur for a time, and while working in this capacity was accidentally shot by Ward while the two were on a hunting trip.
McCall, of Saint Paul, was the author of Business is Baloney (2000), Murder in the Arboretum (2001), and The old Como Gang Long Gone (2001), all of which are in the Minnesota Historical Society library. Early in his career he worked at Brown & Bigelow.
New and Updated Finding Aids - July 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Century Farm Applications | gr00094 |
Application forms for residents who wished to have their farms declared century farms, signifying that the farm had been in the same family for 100 or more years. This was begun as a joint project between the State Fair and the Farmer magazine; later the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation became the co-sponsor. Beginning in 2009, sesquicentennial (150 years) farms forms are included. | |
Marvin R. Anderson: An Inventory of Rondo Neighborhood Photographs | sv000181 |
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Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Counties | gr00161 |
Financial statements and reports (often in the form of newspaper sections) of counties and occasionally county highway departments (through 1982). These were created either by or for the county and submitted to the state auditor's office. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Hospital Districts | gr00162 |
Annual financial reports, independent audit reports, and/or balance sheets submitted to the State Auditor by hospitals, hospital districts, and nursing homes. Some reports cover more than one year. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities | gr00163 |
Financial statements, audit reports, balance sheets (often on U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department forms), or other annual financial reports of housing and redevelopment authorities in various Minnesota communities. A few county-level HRAs are included. Most reports cover the calendar year or quarter-year, but some are for other time periods. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Miscellaneous Governmental Units | gr00481 |
Financial statements, audit reports, balance sheets, and related documentation summarizing annual receipts and expenditures of area mental health programs, park and recreation boards, public libraries, cable communications boards, retirement associations, law enforcement, metropolitan councils, youth boards, resource recovery, the Minnesota State Hight School League, the Duluth-Auditorium Administration Board, the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission, the State Armory Building Commission, and other miscellaneous agencies. A few were created by the State Auditor or its predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Relief Associations | gr00483 |
Annual financial statements and reports, largely for police and firemen's relief associations. Very incomplete; many others are filed with the municipal financial statements. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Sanitary and Sewer Districts | gr00482 |
Financial reports of area or regional sanitary/sewerage districts, most notably the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Soil and Water Conservation Districts | gr00991 |
Mainly on State Auditor report forms. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Transportation and Port Authorities | gr00164 |
Financial and audit reports of airport commissions, port authorities, regional railroad authorities, and transit authorities. Some are reports by the State Auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Financial Reports of Watershed Districts and Water Management Organizations | gr00484 |
Financial reports and independent audit reports for watershed districts, conservation commissions (for lakes and waterways), flood control commissions, lake improvement districts, and other water management organizations. Annual operating reports are often included, also or instead. In a few instances, the audit reports are by the State Auditor. | |
Bach Society Of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00375 |
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Leroy Baumgarn: An Inventory of His Civilian Conservation Corps, Company 719, Camp S-51, Brimson, Minnesota Photographs | sv000180 |
Victor A. Bloomfield: An Inventory of His Artists Portraits | sv000179 |
Clay County: Independent School District No. 152, Moorhead: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00992 |
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Clay County: School District No. 9, Elmwood Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00994 |
All complete record (1949-1956), all in one record (1933-1948), attendance registers (1914-1955), census (1927-1928), clerk's books (1913-1952), teacher's school diary (1951-1953), library record (1903-1911), pupil records (1927-1954), teachers' reports to county superintendent (1934-1946), and textbook record (1904-1933). | |
Clay County: School District No. 70, Georgetown Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00993 |
All complete record (1950-1956), all in one record (1933-1950), attendance registers (1939-1956), census (1946, 1951-1952), clerk's (1944-1955) and treasurer's (1944-1953) books, pupil records (1928-1945), and teachers' reports to county superintendent (1933-1956). | |
Dakota County: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00997 |
Annual, financial, planning, and miscellaneous reports and other issuances of various county offices and agencies, and of some municipalities within the county. | |
William C. Edgar and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01216 |
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Human Services Department: State Operated Services: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr00556 |
Records documenting the activities and organization of State Operated Services [SOS], the area of the Human Services Department that provides direct services to people with disabilities. | |
Burton M. Joseph: An Inventory of His Papers | 01214 |
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Joseph McAllister Kellogg and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01211 |
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Martin N. Kellogg: An Inventory of His Papers | 01213 |
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Le Sueur County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Consolidation Records | gr00990 |
Commissioner's school district record, documenting formation of new districts (1895-1900); school district plat record (circa 1880s); Le Sueur County School Survey Committee minutes, reports, and related records (1948-1959); financial aid records (1960); and consolidation files (1919, 1929-1965). The latter include petitions, plats, applications, orders of consolidation, hearing notices, and correspondence documenting assorted consolidations involving school districts in Le Sueur and adjoining counties, particularly those located in Cleveland, New Prague, Le Center, Waterville, and Elysian. Also six pupil record cards from district numbers 8, 38, and 40 (1930-1934). | |
Minnesota Psychiatry in the Mid-to-Late Twentieth Century Oral History Project: An Inventory of Its Oral Histories | oh124 |
The project is a collection of
interviews of psychiatrists throughout Minnesota done in
the 1970s by Dr. Marvin Sukov, and by David Cline and
Deane Manolis in 2011. The interviews begin with
recollections of the 1940s and 1950s and trace the
progress of medicines, the perception of mental illness,
and practice of psychiatrists in rural and urban
Minnesota. Interviewed by Marvin Sukov, David Cline,
Deane Manolis and Donald Daggett. Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00412 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Board of Commissioners of Public Buildings: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00998 |
Minute book (1851-1854), deed for Territorial Capitol site (1851), order and receipt books (1851-1853), and accounting records (1851-1853), recording the board's actions, primarily concerning construction of the territorial capitol and prison. The accounting records include title abstracts and deeds, construction specifications, proposals (bids), and account statements. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00999 |
Attorney general's certificates (1854-1857), accounting records, including legislative accounts (1853-1858), warrants (1850-1858), journal, including post-1857 accounts of the state auditor (1850-1864), correspondence and claims against the territory, including William G. LeDuc's as New York World's Fair Commissioner (1850-1855), and 1857 territorial legislature salary and expense receipts, including Joseph Rolette's travel expenses. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Governor: Gorman, Willis A.: An Inventory of the Records of Territorial Governor Willis A. Gorman | terr06 |
Subject files, correspondence, appointments, pardon records, reports from territorial officers, requests for return of fugitives, and miscellany. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Governor: Medary, Samuel: An Inventory of the Records of Territorial Governor Samuel Medary | terr07 |
Subject files, correspondence, appointments, petitions, and requests for return of fugitives. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Governor: Ramsey, Alexander: An Inventory of the Records of the Territorial Governor Alexander Ramsey | terr05 |
Subject files, correspondence, appointments, petitions, proclamations, and reports from territorial officers. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: An Inventory of Its Enrolled Laws Memorials and Joint Resolutions | gr01004 |
Manuscript texts of enrolled laws, memorials and joint resolutions, signed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, the president of the Council, and the governor. Incomplete. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: An Inventory of Its Joint Committee Reports and Miscellaneous Records | gr01005 |
Reports of the joint committees on enrolled bills, judiciary, and selected individual bills (1849-1856) and a territorial road from Reeds Landing to the Minnesota River (1852), messages from the governor (1849-1857), territorial officers' reports (1850-1857), printed rules (1849-1856) and memorials (1856), memorial from the Nebraska Legislative Assembly (1857), blank forms (1855-1856), handwritten lists of House and Council bills (1857), and petitions (1849, 1851-1857). The latter deal mainly with internal improvements, such as roads, ferries, dams, and village sites, and with divorces, county division and/or organization, charters for private academies and schools, and territorial prohibition of liquor (1851, 1853). | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: Council: An Inventory of Its Bills and Miscellaneous Records | gr01000 |
Bills, memorials, and joint resolutions acted upon by Council (1849-1857), certificates of election (1851-1852, 1855-1856), resolutions (1849-1853, 1857), committee reports (1849-1857), messages from the House and governor (1849-1857), roll call tally slips (1851-1852), and register of bills (1849-1851). The bills, memorials, joint resolutions, and resolutions may contain either, or both, manuscript and printed versions. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: Council: An Inventory of Its Council Journals | gr01001 |
Manuscript journals and published record of Council proceedings. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its Bills and Miscellaneous Records | gr01002 |
Bills, memorials, and joint resolutions acted upon by the House (1849-1857), abstracts of votes (1854-1855), certificates of election (1852-1853, 1856-1857), messages from the Council (1856) and governor (1849-1856), committee reports (1852-1857), and resolutions and rules (1853-1857). The bills, memorials, joint resolutions, and resolutions and rules may contain either, or both, manuscript and printed versions. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its House Journals | gr01003 |
Manuscript and printed journals of House proceedings. Also drafts of proceedings for 1854-1856. The 1855 journal is missing from the manuscript set but is present in the draft set. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Legislative Assembly: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its Maps | gr00488 |
Two maps of the state of Minnesota compiled for the House of Representatives pursuant to a resolution adopted by the House in the 1857-1858 session. Labeled Draft of the State Legislature, 1857-1858, and Official, 1858, the maps were done by Holmes, Payte & Buechner, St. Paul, from U. S. surveys and other reliable sources. Although the maps essentially duplicate each other, each has unique annotations. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Secretary: An Inventory of Its Election Records | gr01006 |
Abstracts of votes (1849-1856), mainly for governor; Board of Canvassers' journal (1857); abstracts of votes for the constitutional convention and first state election (1857); and an unused poll book (1857). | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Secretary: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01007 |
Miscellaneous records of the territorial secretary, including bonds and oaths for notaries public, territorial officers, commissioners of deeds, and county officers (1849-1857); letters from the U.S. Treasury Department concerning the annual federal appropriation to Minnesota (1852-1857); documents relating to internal improvements and business growth in the territory (1850-1857); records concerning appointments (1849-1857) and finance, particularly expenditures of the legislative assembly (1850-1856), territorial prison (1854), and territorial librarian (1857); handwritten censuses of the territory (1849), Washington County (1853), Stillwater (1853), and Wabasha County, with tax assessment roll (1852); and the formal protest of the Dakota Chiefs repudiating the settlement of claims under the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux (photocopy; December 1852). A ledger also contains accounting records of the secretary of state's office (post-1857). | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Supreme Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01008 |
Docket (1851-1858), judgment book (1851-1863) and docket (1851-1858), and minute book (1850-1858). Includes list of chief and associate justices and clerks of court. | |
Minnesota Territorial Archives: Territorial Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01009 |
County tax bills (1851-1857), governor's orders (1855-1857), territorial bond (1857), historical society appropriation (1857) and general personnel (1853-1857) receipts, reimbursement certificates for constitutional convention expenses (1857), and report to the legislature (1853). | |
Northern Pacific Railway Company. Secretary: An Inventory of Its Records | 01029 |
Correspondence and subject files (1864-1968), minute books and related records (1864-1970), annual reports to stockholders (1870-1968), stock and bond records (1865-1968), and miscellaneous records created or compiled by the office of the Northern Pacific corporate secretary. | |
Oak Hill Cemetery Association (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | M700 |
Microfilmed records (1859-1969) of a non-profit, non-sectarian cemetery founded in 1859 by the Richfield Cemetery Association, including lot diagrams and platbooks, deed books and indexes, interment records and indexes, minutes of Association meetings, a receipt book, and invoices. | |
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00621 |
Budget documents, executive director reports and related publications, and print and near-print materials documenting the facilities and services provided by or proposed to be provided by the county, covering such diverse topics as corrections, economic development, land use, election canvassing, personnel, social services, county nursing home, mental health care, emergency planning, road repair and reconstruction, financial planning, courts, parks and recreational facilities, taxation, landfills and waste management, light rail transit, schools, housing and real estate, and information services. | |
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes, Agenda Packets, and Resolutions | gr00995 |
Formal record of board proceedings, including actions taken, communications received, resolutions passed, and expenditures authorized. The agenda packets may also include correspondence, warrants, reports, and other background materials. | |
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00385 |
Agendas, minutes, requests for board action, reports, memos, correspondence, manuals, proposals, photographs, and related materials documenting such topics as human services, emergency medical services, Midway Stadium appraisals, the Old Federal Courts Building, pollution control, Rice Creek Watershed District, Woodview Detention Home, taxes, Long Lake-Rush Lake Regional Park, Aldrich Arena, Ancker Hospital, county government reorganization, microfilming, civil defense, Lake Owasso Children's Home, and Mississippi River Parkway Commission. The photographs include aerial views of the city (undated), various city buildings, particularly the St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Court House (undated), county commissioners (1889, 1951-1954), and the county public works maintenance department (2000). | |
Ramsey County: Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr00996 |
Minutes, agendas, resolutions, and background materials documenting the activities of this oversight authority for rail transit services. | |
Irvin W. Rollins: An Inventory of His Papers | 01218 |
Diaries (1848, 1855-1895), two account books (1861-1893), and miscellaneous correspondence, probate papers, writings, and memorabilia of Rollins, a farmer near Elgin, Wabasha County (Minn.). His diaries comment on farm and social life, agricultural products, prices, meetings of local organizations, local and national elections, land claims, attitudes toward the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 and the Civil War, local government, and other aspects of Wabasha County life. | |
Henry H. Sibley: An Inventory of His Papers | 00595 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Bulletins, Circulars, and Newsletters | gr00972 |
Bulletins, circulars, and newsletters issued by the War Records Commission concerning the collection and preservation of Minnesota's war records. Also newsletters and circulars collected by the Commission from various state and local agencies and organizations. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Card Files | gr00976 |
Card files covering the following topics: World War I statewide enlistments and draft registrants, both by county and in a general alphabetical roster; Red Cross lists of severely wounded or killed in Minnesota, the Northern Division, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana; Ramsey County World War I historical data; U. S. Employment Service application cards, employer's orders, and referral cards; and Public Safety Commission speakers. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Collected Materials | gr00973 |
Papers of individuals, records of organizations, and printed materials relating to wartime activities, collected or compiled by the War Records Commission. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00974 |
Correspondence relating to the commission's establishment and the organization and operation of county war records committees. Also clippings from local newspapers relating to the commission's work; correspondence with other states' war history organizations; general correspondence relating primarily to the collection of records and the compilation of the commission's publications; and related reports. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Draft Registration Lists | gr00975 |
Photographic copies of the original draft lists at Washington, furnished by the War Department. The lists show names, addresses, and draft numbers of 540,000 Minnesota men registered under the draft during World War I. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Reports | gr00989 |
Annual and quarterly progress reports. The 1923/1924 biennial report includes descriptive summaries of the manuscripts material collected by the commission. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Spanish-American War History Files | gr00977 |
In 1923, the Minnesota War Records Commission published Minnesota in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection, by Franklin F. Holbrook. These files comprise the first and final drafts of the narrative portion of that history, supplemented by transcripts of reports and orders, regimental chronologies, other background notes, and correspondence and clippings regarding preparation and issuance of the history. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Induction Lists | gr00978 |
Copies of the original induction lists covering about 60 per cent of the 80,000 Minnesota men called into service under the draft during World War I. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Military Service Lists | gr00979 |
An assortment of compiled lists of Minnesota draft registrants, inductees, enlistments, and persons who saw active duty in the armed services during World War I. Some were compiled by the Adjutant General's Office; the source of many of the others is unknown. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Military Service Records | gr00980 |
Four-page questionnaires, filled out by Minnesota veterans of World War I with biographical data and details of their military service. They occasionally are accompanied by photographs, war letters, or other related material. They are supplemented by similar records for nurses and for Hennepin County personnel of service organizations. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of its YMCA and YWCA Records | wrc006 |
Documents the activities of the Young Mens' Christian Association [YMCA] and the Young Women's Christian Association [YWCA] during World War I, particularly the YMCA's recruitment of men to staff canteens on the French front and its raising of the money to provision those canteens, the organization of YWCA/YMCA units at Minnesota colleges, and participation in the United War Work Campaign. | |
War Records Commission: Boy Scouts of America: Ramsey Council No. 1: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00988 |
Minutes (1911-1914) and correspondence (1910-1918) relating to the establishment and continuing activity of the Ramsey Council No. 1 (St. Paul). | |
War Records Commission: Military Training Camps Association: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00981 |
Records documenting the activities of this organization, including correspondence, applications, and aviation files. | |
War Records Commission: Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Association: An Inventory of Its Records | wrc005 |
Correspondence and miscellany relating to the activities of the association in promoting World War I mobilization and homefront enterprises. | |
War Records Commission: Minnesota Federal Food Administration and State Food Conservation Committee: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00982 |
Files of Mildred Weigley, as home economics director of the Minnesota Federal Food Administration; and as chairman of the State Food Conservation Committee, a project of the Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense (and Public Safety Commission). | |
War Records Commission: Patriotic League of St. Paul: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00983 |
Records documenting this St. Paul organization, including its organization, membership, finances, meetings, services, and correspondence. | |
War Records Commission: Ramsey County War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00984 |
Minutes, agendas, prospectus for publication, correspondence, notes, and research files relating to the commission's work documenting war-related activities in Ramsey County or involving county residents. | |
War Records Commission: St. Paul Association of Public and Business Affairs: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00985 |
Material collected by Franklin F. Holbrook for the Ramsey County War Records Commission. Includes correspondence, subscription lists, financial records, and a war activities scrapbook, all relating to liberty and victory loans. | |
War Records Commission: U. S. Employment Service: Minnesota Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00986 |
Headquarters and Minnesota branch office files including applications for employment, occupational cards of men enrolled in the U. S. Public Service Reserve, employers' requisitions for labor, correspondence, daily reports from branch offices, reports of the state office to Washington, publicity material, clippings, and circulars. | |
War Records Commission: War Camp Community Service: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00987 |
Correspondence, reports, account books, bulletins, lists of patrons, clippings, and other records relating to the work of providing recreation and wholesome surroundings for soldiers stationed in or near the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). |
New and Updated Catalog Records
American Red Cross. Reports of dressing units, 1918. |
Reports on surgical dressings prepared by various church and community groups (Red Cross units?) in St. Paul, Minnesota; and reports of hospital supplies, refugee garments, knitted goods, and other items prepared by the Junior Department (gives names of St. Paul area schools). |
Bartlett, Lucille A. Lucille A. Bartlett papers, 1943-1968. |
Letters, snapshot photographs, newspaper clippings, and an FBI surveillance file on a Saint Paul housewife who with her husband Henry Edward Bartlett was for many years active in the local Communist Party and in several related organizations under surveillance by the FBI. |
Clay County. School District No. 23, Oakport Township. Records, 1952-1955. |
Census (undated, 1953-1955) and clerk's book (1952-1955). |
Clay County. School District No. 10, Georgetown Township. Clerk's book, 1952-1954. |
Clay County. School District No. 101, Kragnes Township. Records, 1950-1954. |
Clerk's (1953-1954) and treasurer's (1950-1953) books. |
Clay County. School District No. 71, Georgetown Township. Records, 1949-1953. |
Clerk's books (1951-1953) and census (1949-1951). |
Clay County. School District No. 78, Kragnes Township. Records, 1939-1953. |
Clerk's (1939-1953) and treasurer's (1945-1950) books. |
Clay County. School District No. 35, Sabin. Records, 1938-1955. |
Census (1946-1954), clerk's books (1938-1954), and treasurer's books (1944-1947, 1953-1955). |
Clay County. School District No. 79, Moorhead Township. Records, 1938-1956. |
Clerk's (1955) and treasurer's (1938-1940, 1953-1956) books. |
Clay County. School District No. 88, Moorhead Township. Records, 1937-1956. |
Census (1951-1955), clerk's books (1937-1956), teacher's annual report to county superintendent (1955), and treasurer's books (1951-1952, 1954-1956). |
Clay County. School District No. 73, Kurtz Township. Records, 1936-1953. |
Attendance registers (1947-1949), census (1936-1953), clerk's books (1937-1953), teacher's annual report to county superintendent (1949), and treasurer's books (1944-1953). |
Clay County. School District No. 64, Oakport Township. Records, 1931-1955. |
Attendance register (1947-1949), census (1931-1954, incomplete), clerk's books (1943-1952), and treasurer's books (1946-1949, 1952-1955). |
Clay County. School District No. 6, Moland Township. Registers, 1899-1903. |
Two registers, one labeled Grover School, one labeled Gunderson School. |
Clay County. School District No. 103, Elkton Township. Records, 1901-1955. |
Clerk's (1901-1955) and treasurer's (1901-1918, 1939-1955) books and textbook record (1909-1920). |
Crooks, Ramsay, 1787-1859. Ramsay Crooks letter to Chief Na-gwon-ay-bie and related papers, 1848-1903. |
A letter of recommendation written by fur trader Ramsay Crooks for Na-gwon-ay-bie, Chief of the Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa (October 4, 1848); a transcript made by Gus H. Beaulieu of the letter of recommendation (1903); a letter from Beaulieu to Chief Wah-we-yea-cumig (July 30, 1903); and a cloth backing liner separated from the letter of recommendation by Minnesota Historical Society conservators. |
Hennepin County War Records Committee. Records, 1920-1965. |
Minutes; summary of work accomplished (1921-1923); Program and Exercises for the Dedication of Memorial Trees on the Victory Memorial Driveway [Minneapolis] (June 11, 1921); a roll of Hennepin County gold star mothers; and correspondence and lists relating to the dissolution of the committee and the transfer to other agencies of its records and equipment. |
McCall, Leo T. Papers pertaining to Charles Ward and Richard Ricketts, 1938-1959. |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and other materials involving Charles ("Charlie") Ward, president of Saint Paul-based Brown & Bigelow, a printer and distributor of calendars, playing cards, and other advertising specialty products, and employee Richard ("Dick") Ricketts. |
Minnesota Historical Records Survey. Inventory of records of world war emergency activities, Minnesota, 1941, 1983. |
Inventory prepared by the Minnesota Historical Records Survey, briefly describing records of World War I public and civilian organizations that carried out or supported the war effort; with a supplement prepared in 1983 by the Minnesota Historical Society. |
War Records Commission. Minutes, 1918-1924. |
The minutes include copies of work plans, reports, budgets, and lists of expenditures. |