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Recently added to the manuscript collections are records of the Minneapolis-St. Paul chapter of The Links, Incorporated, an international, nonprofit volunteer service organization made up of professional women of color.
Materials include administrative, event, and president's files, sound recordings, program reports, treasurer's files, and certificates and awards. Much of the collection consists of photographs of young women and their escorts taken at the organization's annual debutante cotillion.
The Links was established in Philadelphia in 1946, and includes chapters in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and in the Bahamas. It seeks to sustain and ensure the culture and economic survival of African Americans. Programming focuses on services to youth, the arts, national trends and services, and health and human services.
The Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter was established in 1972 by Marion Jones Kennon and Phyllis Hannah Ellis. Its mission is to work cooperatively on youth and community matters by partnering with social and community service agencies, civic organizations, and corporations. The chapter's signature programs and activities include the Debutante Cotillion, the Young Women's Issues Forum, and youth scholarships.
Debutantes, circa 1993
New and Updated Finding Aids - September 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Boyd, Robert K.: An Inventory of His Papers | 01052 |
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Brian Dusbiber and Heidi M. Morrow: An Inventory of Their Collection of Minnnesota State Fair Photographs | sv000187 |
Includes digital content. |
Bush Foundation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00016 |
Grant files and other records of a St. Paul-based nonprofit foundation, incorporated in 1953 with an endowment from 3M executive Archibald G. Bush, that provides grants to charitable, scientific, literary, musical, educational, and arts organizations located primarily in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. The records provide a wealth of information about the grantee organizations' programs and finances. | |
Commission for the Relief of Fire Sufferers: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01044 |
Records of a commission created to provide relief for victims of the Hinckley fire, and of fires near New York Mills and Milaca, and in Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Kanabec, and Todd counties. They include ledgers of accounts for the goods or other aid provided to individuals; relief registrations (application forms); vouchers, orders, order stubs, receipt stubs, and requisition stubs; register of vouchers and orders; correspondence, vouchers and receipts, and ledger of the commission's Duluth agent; treasurer's cashbook and correspondence; journal of supplies (donations) received; and minutes and cashbook of the General Relief Committee of St. Paul, which was formed by citizens of St. Paul to aid the fire victims. The St. Paul committee apparently turned over to the state commission most or all of its receipts of cash and goods. | |
Conwed Corporation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00477 |
Records of a St. Paul-based manufacturer of commercial ceiling and interior products, building construction and remodeling products, insulation and padding materials, wooden office furniture, and other products. Includes records of predecessor Wood Conversion Company. | |
Erik A. Johnson: An Inventory of His Military Photographs | sv000189 |
Includes digital content. |
Executive Committee, Appointed to Distribute Funds for Relief of Sufferers by the Cyclone in Minnesota, April 14th 1886: An Inventory of Its St. Cloud Cyclone Relief Minute Book and Account Book | gr01045 |
Minutes of the executive committee and financial accounts of the local building committee formed to distribute funds for the relief of those who suffered losses in a tornado that devastated St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Chisholm Fire Relief Records | gr01041 |
Reports, correspondence, and financial records of a committee that coordinated relief to sufferers from a forest fire that destroyed the town of Chisholm on September 5, 1908. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Disaster Relief Files | gr01042 |
Accounts and reports of funds raised and disbursed to provide assistance to victims of a January 1873 snowstorm; for distribution of seed grain (1870s and 1890s); for a murder trial in Becker County (circa 1873-1875); to contribute to victims of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake; to assist the city of Fergus Falls following a 1919 tornado; and for miscellaneous relief activities. One volume also includes brief accounts for the 1893-1894 pine land investigation, and for governor's miscellaneous funds (1899). | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Forest Fire Relief Files | gr01043 |
Correspondence, financial records, a report by C. C. Andrews, and miscellany document forest fires in Lake of the Woods County, relief provided to fire victims, and subsequent construction of a firebreak at Baudette (1910-1911). Work of the Minnesota Forest Fires Relief Commission following October, 1918, fires north and west of Duluth is reflected in a report, maps, financial records, plans and specifications for standard replacement houses and barns, and related miscellany. | |
Governor: An Inventory of Its Seed Grain Distribution Records | gr01046 |
Record books that itemize seed grain distributions under state programs to aid destitute farmers in frontier areas of the state (1874) and to aid counties in which crops had been destroyed by hail (1887); and a list of seed grain loans (1920). | |
James Gray: An Inventory of His Papers | 01226 |
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Kalman, Charles Oscar: An Inventory of His Fitzgerald Correspondence and Memorabilia | 01227 |
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Karen Olson: An Inventory of Her Peanuts Character Statues Photographs | sv000190 |
Includes digital content. |
Lac Qui Parle County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01056 |
Registers of actions for civil (1878-1951) and criminal (1885-1904) cases. Each entry may include the names of the parties in the case, the attorneys representing each party, when the case was opened, the case file number, and a record of each document that was filed by the contesting parties or by the court in the case. Also includes a register of actions-transcripts (1886-1910). | |
Lac Qui Parle County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes | gr01057 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
League OF Women Voters Of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00191 |
Records of a non-partisan political organization formed to encourage informed and active participation in government and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. | |
Links, Inc. Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter: An Inventory of Its Records | 01225 |
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Nathaniel Pitt Langford and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00805 |
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National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00568 |
Constitution and bylaws, minutes, account books, annual historian's reports, historical data about Minnesota counties, and membership directories of a society formed in 1896 as the state branch of a national women's organization dedicated to fostering a legacy of America's colonial period. Includes microfilmed membership applications containing genealogical information about the families of individual applicants. | |
Ramsey County: Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00996 |
Minutes, agendas, resolutions, and background materials documenting the activities of this oversight authority for rail transit services. Also includes materials related to the Union Depot grand re-opening and funding. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Administration Department: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01031 |
Reports, correspondence, statistics, studies, and other materials regarding hospital budget, licensure, personnel, patient programs, hospital departments and services, professional affiliations, hospital library, hospital participation in community and state organizations, and various other activities. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission and Discharge Records | gr01010 |
Records in several different formats, generally giving the following information: name, case number, residence (or county), dates of admission and discharge, and condition or remarks. Also includes lists of persons recommended for discharge (1923-1942), and summary statistical reports on monthly admissions by county (1944-1959). | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01011 |
Annual reports (1876-1877, 1929-1940), biennial reports (1878-1954), and fiscal year statistics (1921-1959). Includes reports of its predecessor, the Minnesota Inebriate Asylum (1876-1893), and a number of joint reports with the St. Peter and Fergus Falls state hospitals. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Class Action Suit Records | gr01012 |
Copies of court documents, correspondence, departmental memos, clippings, and other records relating to court cases with which medical director Dr. Francis A. Tyce was concerned. They include cases in which he served as an expert witness or consultant; cases in which he and Rochester State Hospital were named as defendants; and cases whose outcome was likely to affect policy and practice at Minnesota's state hospitals for the mentally ill or institutions for care of the mentally retarded. Not all were actually class action suits. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Committee Files | gr01013 |
Minutes, accompanied by correspondence, memos, reports, and background materials, of administrative, employee, professional specialty, and special-purpose committees, particularly those relating to behavior modification and rehabilitation therapy. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Community Relation/Volunteer Services Records | gr01014 |
Contains a volunteer program scrapbook (1972-1975), departmental forms, news releases, newspaper clippings, and materials relating to Camp Sunshine, the centennial committee, and the hospital's policy on donated goods. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Employment Applications and Correspondence | gr01015 |
Primarily correspondence from applicants, but also includes letters of recommendation and introduction from past employers, and letters from other institutions requesting recommendations on past Rochester State Hospital employees, students, and interns. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Farm Records | gr01016 |
Livestock management records (primarily livestock inventories), farm activity reports, and various records of income (or credits) and expenses. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr01017 |
Includes journals, ledgers, and miscellaneous accounting records. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Hospital Closing Files | gr01018 |
Correspondence, studies and reports, background materials, budget records, clippings, and miscellany relating to the closing of Rochester State Hospital and transfer of its staff and patients, and to efforts by hospital personnel and the public to resist the closure. Includes files of the Governor's Task Force on the Use and Disposition of the Rochester State Hospital Site. Some items predate the period in which the files were generated or compiled. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Industrial Departments Records | gr01019 |
Reports and financial records of the quarry and rock crushing plant, printing shop, mattress shop, farm, dairy, butcher shop, garden, cannery, sewing room and tailor shop, shoe repair and harness shop, upholstery shop, laundry and dry cleaning department, culinary department, and soap making production. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Inventories | gr01020 |
Detailed annual itemized inventories of hospital property, including real estate, provisions, household supplies, clothing, fuel, medical supplies, office supplies, recreational equipment, library books, scientific apparatus, material for manufactures, farm supplies, livestock, machinery and tools, building materials, and miscellany. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Medical Records and Reports | gr01021 |
Includes prescription records, casualty reports, dental reports, tuberculosis reports, monthly death reports, electroconvulsive therapy statistics, physicians' daily reports, and miscellaneous clinical reports. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Movement of Population Records | gr01022 |
Statistics and lists for various components of patient admissions, discharges or other releases, deaths, and population totals. Incomplete. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Case Books | gr01024 |
Personal and medical histories of each patient admitted to the hospital. A one-page form gives personal and family data, physical description (sometimes with photograph), data on history of insanity, results of physical and mental health examination upon admission, and date and cause of admission and discharge from hospital. Additional pages contain daily comments on the patients' health, activities, behavior, attitudes, and occasionally medical treatment. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Payroll Records | gr01025 |
Employee record book (1878-1901), payrolls (1901-1909, 1919-1921), a daily time record retained in the absence of payrolls (1907-1913), and quarterly (1913-1919) and semi-annual (1929-1951) lists of employees and salaries. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Policy and Procedures Manuals | gr01026 |
Includes pharmacy formulary and handbook, nursing procedures manual, central supply manual, medical records manual, orientation manual, dietary department manual, and dental service policies, as well as general policies and procedures. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Publications | gr01027 |
Includes Pouch A Gazette (1939-1940), a monthly publication of the Rochester State Hospital Nursing School; the Bulletin (1963-1982), a bi-monthly publication for employees; a volunteer handbook (1965); and two publications by and for patients, The Elm Leaf (1950-1961) and R.U.S.H.: The Magazine for U at Rochester State Hospital (1971-1974). | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01028 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, and other supplies. | |
Rochester State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Supply Records | gr01030 |
Records relating to supplies purchased and issued (primarily in ledger format). | |
Rochester State Hospital: Chaplaincy Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01032 |
Clergy correspondence and contact records; materials relating to department meetings, religious education, and chaplaincy to the mentally ill; religious writings of a long-term patient; and records of the religious activity center. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Chemical Dependency Unit: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01033 |
Staff meeting minutes, program and lecture schedules, admission treatment guidelines, minutes of case review meetings, goals and objectives statement, reports of or to the Joint Committee on Accreditation of Hospitals, and related materials. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Dietary Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01034 |
Food service and food production meeting minutes, manuals, menus, State Dietary Committee correspondence, and materials relating to internships and traineeships. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Nursing Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01035 |
Historical data on the nurses' training program (undated), achievement test scores (1958-1960), quarter summaries (1955-1970) correspondence and agreements with other nurse training institutions (1945-1970), nurses' training record book (1898-1912), and student records (1896-1968). | |
Rochester State Hospital: Social Service Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01036 |
Staff meeting minutes, policy manual, and closing and placement records. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Superintendent's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr01029 |
Correspondence concerning hospital administration and facilities, patients, medical matters, relations with other hospitals and with various supervisory agencies, nurses training, deaths and discharges, supplies and equipment, personnel, and the superintendent's professional affiliations. | |
Rochester State Hospital: Surgical Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00816 |
Records of the hospital's surgical department. Included are outpatient clinic records, School of Anesthesia administration and student records, surgery logs, surgical procedures reports, surgical program statistics, operating room records, and subject files. The latter contain policy and program manuals, minutes of various committee meetings, complimentary letters, and treatment registers. | |
Sherburne County: Welfare Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01037 |
The minutes document administrative, policy, casework, and financial decisions; personal matters; and miscellaneous administrative matters or information of general interest to the board. Also included are minutes of meeting concerning the county manual (1951-1960). | |
Souvenir, Co. D, 1st Reg't., N.G.S.M. An Inventory of a Photograph Album | sv000188 |
Includes digital content. |
Tyler Relief Commission: An Inventory of Its Tyler Tornado Relief Records | gr01047 |
Correspondence, minutes, financial records, lists of claimants, and miscellany of the Tyler Relief Commission, appointed by Governor J. A. A. Burnquist to aid victims of a tornado that had devastated the Lincoln County (Minn.) town of Tyler in August, 1918. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroners Records | gr01050 |
Coroner's inquest files (1873, 1886-1979), transcripts (1937-1955), and register (1887-1955). Also an index to coroner's certificates (1955-circa 1990). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes | gr01049 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. The numbers in the indexes are not case file numbers; they correspond to those used in the Waseca County District Court Minutes, also housed in the Minnesota Historical Society. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Civil Actions | gr01048 |
Registers of actions covering civil case files 1-12149. The entry for each case may include the case number; names of the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys; nature of the case; a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, and other actions by the court or disputing parties; and, when applicable, costs adjudged and remarks. | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr01051 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Includes Volumes A, B, B, C, D, E, F, and G (Volumes A, B, B, and C are also available on microfilm). | |
Waseca County: Waseca: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01052 |
Dockets (1897-1899, 1953-1974) and transcripts (1936-1953). | |
Washington County: Marine Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01055 |
Clerk's record book, including some minutes of Marine Mills; treasurer's registers and reports; road records; justice docket; election records, including poll lists; Board of Auditors reports; and resolutions. | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00030 |
Registers of action for criminal (1884-1896) and civil (1884-1949) cases. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Wilkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes | gr01039 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files. Entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Wilkin County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr01040 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). Each volume is indexed. | |
Yellow Medicine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01054 |
Registers of civil (1872-1947) and criminal (1884-1961) actions. It is presumed that the pre-1884 registers cover both civil and criminal actions. | |
Yellow Medicine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Plaintiff's and Defendant's Indexes | gr01053 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes; entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date and amount of judgment, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Boxell, Robert A. J.W. Boxell Civil War letters and related papers, 1846-1996 (bulk 1861-1862). |
Civil War letters (November 1861 - September 1862; holographs, each accompanied by a typed transcript) from Afton, Minnesota farmer J. W. (John William) Boxell to his family, while serving in Kentucky and Tennessee as a member of Company B, Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment; and other photocopied materials relating to Boxell and to the Boxell and Lanpher families. |
Brum & Anderson Public Relations (Minneapolis, Minn.). Brum & Anderson Public Relations records, 1978-2014 (bulk 1978-1986). |
Five disassembled, indexed scrapbooks (1978-1980, 1983-1986) containing press releases, news clippings, awards, photographs, marketing, and related materials that reflect the work of Minneapolis-based Brum & Anderson Public Relations, Incorporated. |
Buck, Daniel, 1829-1905. Daniel and Louisa Buck letters, 1857-1862. |
Three letters (1857, 1859, 1861) from Democratic lawyer Daniel Buck of South Bend, Minnesota, to his brother Alfred in New York describing economic conditions, land claims, politics and the Civil War and two letters (1862) from Daniel's wife Louisa to Mary Buck, Alfred's wife, discussing family, gardening, and the aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War. |
Fladager, Mons, 1829-1905. Mons Fladager general store journal, 1875-1877. |
Journal of Mons Fladager's general store, located at Spring Grove, Minnesota, listing customers and their purchases with costs of each. Many of the entries are in Norwegian. |
Genealogical compilations and correspondence of the Smith and Woolston families, 1866-1903 and 1950s-2009. |
Typed transcriptions of correspondence (1880-1882) of Eva Rosetta Smith and Jay Irick Woolston while she was in Little Valley, Minnesota and he was in Dakota Territory, near what is now Deadwood, South Dakota; a genealogy of John Woolston, Jr. of New Jersey with information on Jay I. Woolston, his marriage to Eva Smith and their children; and compiled information on George and Permelia Townsend Smith who farmed in Little Valley, Minnesota, and of their daughter Eva and her marriages to Jay I. Woolston and Samuel P. Taylor. |
Gorlin, Marilyn, 1925-2011. Marilyn Gorlin papers, 1960-2005 (bulk 1960-1968). |
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, political memorabilia, and miscellany of Marilyn (Mrs. Robert) Gorlin, who held the post of First Vice Chairwoman in Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party (1961-1968) and is credited with helping shape the party from behind the scenes during the 1960s and 1970s. |
Governor. Argyle hailstorm relief records, 1886-1887. |
Two ledgers of accounts for individuals who were furnished food, feed, and other supplies; and a list of hail sufferers from the vicinity of Argyle in Marshall County. |
International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons. Saint Paul Circle. Toy loan program scrapbook, 1938-1960. |
Scrapbook containing clippings, photographs, correspondence and printed material about the Toy Loan Program, a lending library of toys conducted by an international interdenominational Christian service organization. The scrapbook was compiled by Bessie Long of Saint Paul, who was long active in the program. |
Lac Qui Parle County. County Attorney. Register of criminal actions, 1939-1952. |
Register of all criminal actions in the county in justice, municipal, or district court; also used to prepare periodic reports to the state attorney general. |
Murray, Lou, 1898-1962. Lou Murray theater papers, 1915-1931. |
Autograph book, 1927-1930; Lou Murray photographs, circa 1915-1930; photographs of plays and group acts, undated, 1920s-circa 1930; studio portraits of female performers, circa 1920s-1930, circa 1945; studio portraits of male performers, circa 1920s-1930s; theater programs, undated, 1924-1931; and Carrie Finnell Show photographs, circa 1920s. |
Nelson, Ole, 1841-1869. Ole and John Nelson soldiers' letters, 1863-1864. |
Two letters (March, May 1863) by Ole Nelson and two letters (December 1863, January 1864) by John Nelson, both of Company F, Sixth Minnesota Regiment. Ole's are written from Fort Snelling and describe life at the fort, the departure of American Indian captives, the arrival of African Americans, and his anticipation of being sent westward. John's letters are written from Preston Lakes camp in western Minnesota and describe construction activities at the camp, camp life in winter, and interactions with officers and fellow soldiers. All four letters are written to "Friend Jacob," who was presumably living at Red Wing, Minnesota. |
Perin, Glover, 1823-1890. Glover Perin papers, 1851-1918. |
Letters, certificates, reports, and other papers relating primarily to Perin's career as a military surgeon and assistant surgeon general of the U.S. Army (1884-1887). In 1851, Perin was stationed at Fort McIntosh in Laredo, Texas, and several letters (1851, 1874) deal with his use of an extract from the plant Agave americana (the maguey plant) to treat victims of scurvy in Texas. Additional correspondence relates to military promotions and Perin's activities in the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Also included are a few personal letters (1882). |
Ramsey County. Surveyor. Land re-survey field notes and plats, circa 1890-1905. |
Notes and plats of resurveys done on land originally surveyed by federal government surveyors. They cover Mounds View Township (Township 30, Range 23), New Canada Township (Township 29, Range 22), Rose Township (Township 29, Range 23), and White Bear Township (Township 30, Range 22). The plats are hand drawn with ink and pencil and contain handwritten notes. |
St. Paul Abstract Co. Abstract of title to land in Saint Paul, 1883-1900. |
Abstract of title for part of Lot 10, Block 12, Robert and Randall's Addition to the city of Saint Paul, compiled for Saint Paul attorneys Horn & Horn by the St. Paul Abstract Company in 1883, with official additions to 1900. This property was located at the corner of 9th and Cedar streets; its owners included Henry H. Sibley, Louis Robert, and Joel Whitney. The abstract entries begin in 1848. |
Waseca County. District Court. Docket book, 1858-1868. |
For each court session there are separately numbered entries, but the numbers do not appear to be civil case file numbers. |
Waseca County. District Court. Miscellaneous Records, circa 1857-1981. |
Index to marriage records, circa 1857-[?] and veterinary license record, 1937-1981. |
Waseca County. Selective Service Board. Selective service record, 1941-1947. |
Compiled data on men inducted into military service from Waseca County. Information recorded: local board registration number, order of call, name, address, occupation, birth date, race, induction date and place, branch of service, name and address of nearest relative or friend, and remarks (usually discharge date). |
Wilkin County. District Court. Court commissioner's record, 1927-1965. |
A record of actions filed and documents issued by the court commissioner. |
Wilkin County. Probate Court. Index to probate case files, 1878-1960. |
Volume A. Indexes cases 1-2889. Each entry gives name, nature of proceedings (estate/decedent, guardianship, insanity, etc.), file number, and register letter and page. |
Wright County. School District No. 100, Middlevale Township. Treasurer's books, 1893-1944. |
Yellow Medicine County. District Court. Land title records, 1909-1968. |
Land title registration dockets (1909-1968) and decree records (1910-1965). The volumes are indexed. |