What's New
Recently added to the Minnesota Historical Society manuscript collections is a mechanically-reproduced flyer received in 1932 by Matt Jacobs of Bird Island, Minnesota, purportedly from the Ku Klux Klan, addressed to him and demanding that he drop out of the race for a seat on the local school board and threatening him with "plenty of cause for regret" should he fail to do so.
This ultimatum is accompanied by a clipping from the Bird Island Union newspaper featuring a reproduction of the flyer and Jacobs' lengthy rebuttal to it, setting forth his reasons for refusing to withdraw from the race, as well as a reproduction of a similar flyer addressed to one Cora Haggett, who apparently was also running for school board.
The issue with Jacobs' candidacy appears to be that he was a Roman Catholic. The writer of the ultimatum states that he and his cohorts "are organized for Justice and the welfare of our Public Schools [and] we don't propose to stand idly by and see tools of the pope try to tear down that which God's chosen people have built up."
The Ku Klux Klan is known to have been active in rural Minnesota towns, especially in the 1920s and 1930s, fueled by anxieties about the arrival of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and of southern whites and African Americans in the state after World War I.
New and Updated Finding Aids - November 2015
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr01072 |
Civil (1885-1949) and criminal (1886-1954) case files. The civil case files appear to be a continuous set even though the numbering system changed twice, once in the mid-1930s, and again, in the mid-1940s. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01075 |
Minutes of administrative and management committee meetings and of staff conferences. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Population Records | gr01076 |
Daily (1900-1954) and monthly (1940-1972) population reports, giving summary statistics on population changes, and names of patients who were admitted, discharged, transferred, died, or who were away from the facility for other reasons. Also includes list of institutional deaths (1928-1959) and permits for burial or removal (1937-1954). | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Record of Operations | gr01078 |
Information given includes patient name, sex, race, operation date, diagnosis, type of operation, and names of operating physician and assistants. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01077 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies. Information included: date, invoice number, number and/or measure of commodity involved, explanation, price, and cost. | |
Anoka State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01079 |
Admission lists, population statistics, files of miscellaneous financial matters, appraisal reports of hospital property (1970s), a report of a staffing standards committee (1969), and aerial photographs (undated). | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Counties | gr00154 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of counties by the State Auditor. The reports contain comments and recommendations regarding fiscal procedures; summaries of financial conditions, in general and with respect to fund transactions, investments, bonded indebtedness, and federal revenue sharing; balance sheets and supporting statements; classifications of receipts and disbursements; notes to financial statements; summaries of fixed assets, taxable valuations, and tax levies and returns; and names of officials and verifications of official bonds. In some cases, the State Auditor prepared a management and compliance letter in lieu of a full audit report. Some reports for 1970-1972 were done by the State Auditor’s predecessor, the Public Examiner. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of County Hospitals and Nursing Homes | gr00155 |
Annual or other periodic reports on the examination of the financial affairs of county hospitals and nursing homes by the state auditor. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports, Miscellaneous | gr00153 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of miscellaneous units of goverment mostly from counties in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, or general reports on local finance and spending. | |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01085 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the State Auditor's Office. The records cover all aspects of the department's duties and activities, particularly timber laws and sales; peat; state parks and monuments; public lands, including school, lake front, and mineral lands; iron ore and mineral reservations; energy assistance programs; taxes and tax levies; state accounting standards; public pension funds; and county finances. | |
Cambridge State Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its General Correspondence/Subject Files | gr00721 |
Correspondence and subject files relating to all aspects of the institution's management, including general administration, personnel, patients/residents, medical service, research, library service, and relations with other hospitals, the legislature, and various supervisory agencies. | |
Cartwheel Company Postcard Collection: An Inventory of Its Postcards | sv000206 |
Postcards published by the Cartwheel Company of St. Paul. Views of towns and scenic views throughout Minnesota, mainly Minneapolis, St. Paul, and northern Minnesota. Also includes humorous postcards and postcards made for advertising and promotional use. | |
Charles A. Lindbergh and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | P1675 |
Correspondence (1871-1979); genealogical records (1808-1905); legal and financial papers (1836-1927); reminiscences, interviews, family histories, and speeches (1911-1981); newspaper clippings (1861-1987); diaries (1913-1921); and other papers documenting the career of progressive Minnesota politician, Charles August Lindbergh and other members of the Lindbergh family of Little Falls, Minnesota. The papers of Charles Augustus Lindbergh document his high school, university, and aeronautical education; his early career in aviation (1925-1927); the 1927 transatlantic solo flight; his advocacy of neutrality in the years preceding United States' entry into World War II; his recollections (1969) of his childhood; and remarks (1968-1969) about his biographies. | |
Clarence Johnston: An Inventory of Architectural Photographs | sv000204 |
Photographs and architectural renderings of buildings and residences designed by architect Clarence Johnston. Views include, in St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Club, Amherst H. Wilder Charity Building, YWCA, Miller Hospital, Golden Rule Dept. Store, Gordon & Ferguson Building, Salvation Army Rescue Home for Fallen Women, A.C. Jefferson House, J.R. Mitchell House, C.E. Riggs House, Samuel Dittendorfer House, Oliver Crosby House, Robert E. Olds House, Edward Brooks House, Joseph Levy House, and William Kueffner House. Also includes Cattle Pavilion at the Minnesota State Fair, University of Minnesota buildings, state institution buildings at Owatonna, Anoka, and Faribault, St. Mary's Hospital at Rochester, and the Hannah Rutledge Home, Chippewa Falls, Wis. | |
Erickson Post Cards & Souvenirs: An Inventory of Its Postcard Collection | sv000209 |
Postcards published by Erickson Post Cards & Souvenirs, Duluth and photographed by various photographers, their names are noted on verso of the postcards. Views of towns and scenic areas in northern Minnesota, including Duluth and Lake Superior. Also views of Minneapolis, Rochester, and scenes in Wisconsin near Bayfield and Ashland. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01090 |
Biennial reports for multiple institutions, including the Fergus Falls State Hospital (1888-1938, incomplete) and biennial (1890-1892, 1910, 1920-1952, 1956) and annual (1969, 1974-2001) reports for only the Fergus Falls State Hospital (and its successor, the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center). | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Annual Inventories | gr01091 |
Detailed annual itemized inventories of hospital property and its value, including provisions and groceries, equipment and furniture, clothing, fuel, drugs and medicines, library, educational supplies, livestock, farm produce, carriages and vehicles, dairy, agricultural machinery, building fixtures and material, real estate, and miscellany. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Commitment Papers | gr01092 |
Commitment papers for individuals admitted to Fergus Falls State Hospital. They may include warrant of commitment, report of examination, absence agreement, judicial order, voluntary application to state hospital, transcript of judicial proceedings, state hospital proceedings report, and related probate court and state hospital papers, as the individual case required. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Dietary Table Records | gr01093 |
Detailed record of daily food menus served to patients and staff. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr01094 |
Records documenting various financial transactions, including a classified statement of supplies, particularly food, medical, household, and building, received at the hospital, as well as, the cost/expense incurred in acquiring them (1889-1901), voucher and order register (1900-1901), daily record of groceries and provisions received and issued (1890-1897), data on wages and employee training (1891-1927), coal record (1898-1901), daily journal and ledger (1901-1905), quarterly estimates of salaries and expenses (1901-1916), payroll estimates (1908-1916), payroll records (1901-1955), service agreements (1919-1920), and patient's store record (1951-1982). | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01095 |
Photographs of hospital staff and residents and various aspects of the hospital facility, including aerial views of the campus; exterior shots of various buildings and the grounds; major remodeling of the wards in 1958, 1960, and 1961; and interior shots of the boilers and heating plant, kitchen, patient rooms, dayrooms, dining areas, physical education and physical/occupational therapy facilities, school rooms, recreation areas, library, canteen, vocational training center, and speech and audiology equipment. Also photographs of the first motorized bus, laundry and kitchen staff, a volunteer services banquet (circa 1958), occupational therapy activities (1953, 1967), and Boy Scout Troop 310 (circa 1990); and two pen and ink sketches of the campus (1990). Photographs dated after 1984 were created under the hospital's successor, the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01096 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Fergus Falls State Hospital. The records cover all aspects of the hospital's programs, activities, and history, including its newsletter, The Weekly Pulse/The Pulse/Between Us (1933-2001), hospital histories (1966-2006), news clippings and releases (1944-1989), brochures (circa 1898), and various publications, many written by hospital staff, covering such topics as nursing schools, Native American patients, personnel, student live-in program, procedures and policies, accreditation, chemical dependency treatment, in-patient psychiatric care, and parental involvement. Materials dated after 1984 were created under the hospital's successor, the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Staff Records | gr01097 |
Staff member lists (1891-1893), daily time records (1901-1952), and minutes of the monthly (1941-1947) and weekly (1949-1950, 1962-1965) staff meetings. The early minutes (1941-1950) mainly deal with the parole or diagnoses of individual patients. The latter minutes (1962-1965) detail the medical treatments and policies of the hospital, professional activities of the medical staff, individual case studies from among the patients, and other administrative aspects of the hospital's operation. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Statistical Records | gr01098 |
Records (1890-1967) containing such information as admission date, patient's name and residence, length of time in state, gender, age, marital status, nativity, parents' nativity, occupation, habits, number of attacks, alleged cause, duration before admission, number of admissions, previous hospital residence, form of sanity (numerical code), discharge date, condition on discharge, and remarks. Also a set of 1980-1992 census statistics containing information about admissions, discharges, and deaths in the hospital's chemical dependency, mental illness, and mental retardation programs. Records dated after 1984 were created under the hospital's successor, the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01099 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01100 |
Files relating to all aspects of the institution's management, including general administration, personnel, patients, and medical service. Topics covered include accreditation; building and construction; 1990 centennial; improvements; nursing school; patient activities, particularly holiday programs and concerts and gymnasium class; and various diseases and treatments, including psychopathic personality, lobotomy, staphylococcus infections, tranquilizers, phenothiazines, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever. | |
Fergus Falls State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Correspondence | gr01101 |
Correspondence of superintendents Dr. G. O. Welch (1893-1926) and Dr. William L. Patterson (1926-1968). | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Admission Registers | gr01086 |
Admission information for children treated at the Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children and its predecessor, the State Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children, located first in the City and County Hospital of St. Paul (1897-1913) and later in the new hospital building near Phalen (1913-1977). Information recorded includes patient name, register or case file number, age, birth date, address of family or closest relative, diagnosis, treatment, results, length of hospital stay, admission and discharge dates, and progress notes written by the hospital staff regarding each patient. The early volumes may also record nationality and physician. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr01087 |
Admission and discharge forms, parents' affidavit forms (giving family and financial information), correspondence concerning admission, and occasionally summary patient medical data. Many files are missing. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr01088 |
Store ledgers and general journal from the hospital. The store ledgers (1911-1925) contain accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, dry goods, and other supplies, and includes date, voucher number, number and/or measure of commodity involved, explanation, price, and cost. | |
Gillette Hospital: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Correspondence | gr01089 |
Correspondence, primarily 1920-1924, of the superintendent, Elizabeth McGregor, relating to administration of the hospital, particularly to requirements, procedures, and forms for admission; employment and employees; nurses' training; gifts and donations, especially Christmas presents; health testing (Wasserman tests, throat cultures, tuberculosis tests); building management; and supplies and equipment. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Administrative Files | gr01108 |
Subject files concerning all aspects of hospital administration; correspondence with the Department of Public Welfare; accreditation surveys; Psychology Department and Research Section reports; and minutes of about 50 different committees (departmental, professional, institutional, and special project). | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Casebooks | gr01109 |
Case histories containing four pages per case consisting of personal and medical history, mental characteristics, and physical characteristics. | |
Hastings State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Card Index | gr01110 |
Information for each patient includes name, file number, address, date committed, birthplace, date of birth, marital status, religion, occupation, diagnosis, and remarks. | |
Margaret Horn Postcard Collection: An Inventory of Her Postcards | sv000207 |
Postcards of Minnesota collected by Margaret Horn. Views of towns, resorts, state parks, schools and colleges, bridges, mining, the North Shore. | |
Minnesota Nurses Association. Fourth District: An Inventory of Its Records | 01231 |
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David L. How: An Inventory of His Business Records | P1543 |
Financial records and related papers kept by David L. How, of Shakopee, Minnesota. The material relates to a Shakopee drugstore operated by How in the 1860s, and to two farms he owned in Renville and Scott counties, Minnesota. | |
Monroe P. Killy: An Inventory of His Camera Club Photographs | sv000200 |
Landscape and other outdoor views taken by Minneapolis Photographic Society member Monroe P. Killy. Some, or possibly all the views in this collection, were camera club exhibition photographs. | |
Moose Lake State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Newsletters | gr01102 |
Copies of patient and staff newsletters including the Lakeside News, a weekly written by and for the patients (1939-1971), Friend-O-Gram, a monthly compiled by the staff for all interested citizenry (1975-1979), Hospital Hotline, a bi-weekly for hospital employees (1978-1995, scattered), the bi-monthly Moose Lake State Hospital Newsletter (1981-1990, scattered), and the Weekly Pulse, for employees (1993-1995). Also several issues of the Moose Lake Alumni Association Newsletter (1987, 1989). | |
Orville L. Freeman: An Inventory of His Papers | 00372 |
Correspondence and other papers of a Minneapolis attorney who served as a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Governor of Minnesota (1955-1961) and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1961-1969), worked for a research and counseling company specializing in economic, social, and political issues (1970-1984), and was a member of a Washington, D.C. law firm specializing in international law (1985-1995). | |
Public Examiner: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of Cities and Villages | gr00670 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of cities and villages. Some cover a single fiscal or calendar year, others multiple years. For most municipalities, there are only single or sporadic reports. More complete sets are present for many major cities. | |
Public Examiner: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports of School Districts | gr00703 |
Reports on the examination of the financial affairs of school districts. Some cover a single year; others multiple years. | |
Racing Commission: An Inventory of Its Applications to Construct Racetracks | gr01084 |
Applications, with presentation materials, from organizations that proposed to construct, own, and operate a horse racing track in the Twin Cities area (1983-1984) and one in outstate Minnesota (1987). | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: City Planning Board: An Inventory of Its Maps and Drawings | gr00034 |
City zoning maps (1922, with amendments through 1975); drawings by architect C. H. Johnston of the Minnesota State Centre and War Memorial and the Veterans Memorial Building (undated); Cass Gilbert plan adapted to Capital grounds only (undated); a drawing of the St. Paul city business district, showing location of buildings (with notes on age and height), parking lots, and open spaces (1947); land value maps of the downtown business district for every ten years from 1874 to 1934 (1952); and maps and drawings of city street layout and proposed freeway construction (1958-1972). | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Planning Commission: An Inventory of Its Meeting Files | gr00749 |
Meeting files of the St. Paul Planning Commission (September 1973-1989), and its predecessor, the St. Paul Planning Board (1951-1954, 1962-August 1973), advisory bodies to the mayor and city council on matters pertaining to municipal planning. Also includes Saint Paul Board of Zoning meeting files (1951-1954). | |
Reid H. Ray Film Industries: An Inventory of Its Photograph Albums | sv000203 |
Collection includes two albums with views relating to iron mining films produced by Reid H. Ray Film Industries for the Erie Mining Company, includes construction of the company's taconite facilities in northeastern Minnesota. A third album illustrates the use of animation in film and the remaining albums contain miscellaneous views of Reid H. Ray Film Industries (St. Paul, Minn.) film projects, Minnesota scenes, fashion photography, and views of Gordon Ray's family. Bulk of the collection photographed by Gordon R. Ray. | |
Sandstone State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Correspondence of the Business Manager and Superintendent | gr01107 |
Primarily correspondence of the business manager, George Schaekel, relating to purchase of supplies and equipment, building maintenance and repair, insurance, consultants' services, nursing services and other personnel matters, and the institution library. | |
St. Peter State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Commitment Papers | gr01103 |
Commitment papers for individuals admitted to St. Peter State Hospital. They include warrant of commitment, report of examination, absence agreement, judicial order, voluntary application to state hospital, transcript of judicial proceedings (occasionally), state hospital proceedings report, and related probate court and state hospital papers, as the individual case required. | |
St. Peter State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Daily Movement of Population Records | gr01104 |
Daily records of the number of patients in residence at the hospital. Information recorded may include the following: total numbers of male and female patients; names of patients admitted, discharged, or deceased; numbers of patients in various houses, working in various occupations, in restraint, and ill; and short reports of any accidents or emergencies in the wards. Lists of patients taking medicine daily and patients discharged "by the State Commissioners" during August and November 1877 are included in the March 1876-June 1878 volume. | |
St. Peter State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Prescription Records | gr01106 |
Prescription records (1890-1895), maintained in separate series for male and female patients and entered chronologically by date of first prescription for each individual. Also prescription records (1891-1893) for the south side (women's wards), arranged by prescription number. | |
St. Peter State Hospital: An Inventory of Its Store Records | gr01105 |
Ledger accounts for receipts and disbursements of food, clothing, and other supplies. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Beaver, Linka. Linka and Edmund Beaver Letters, 1933-1947. |
Letters written by Edmund Beaver (1933-1947) while a Lutheran pastor serving in Littlefork and Blackduck, Minnesota detail his work, life, and family. The letters were intended for extended family, seminary colleagues, and friends. Letters written by Edmund's wife, Linka to family and friends (1940-1946) detail her experiences, family news, and volunteer work in Littlefork, Blackduck, and other areas of north Central Minnesota. Linka's letters were addressed to family and were forwarded from family member to family member. Both sets of letters include descriptions of the family's Kabekona Lake property in Hubbard County, Minnesota. |
Gillis, James R. Logging and forestry diaries, 1919-1937. |
Nine small diaries reflecting the logging and forestry work of James R. Gillis. Diaries beginning in 1919 reflect Gillis' forestry management work in the Philippines, which continued throughout the 1920s with the Basilan Lumber Company. Diaries for the years 1934-1937 reflect his life in Brainerd, Minnesota, where he found work as a technical inspector for the Emergency Conservation Program, later known as the Civilian Conservation Corps. Topics covered in the diaries include commentary on individuals managed by Gillis, types and amounts of timber cut and transported, and related working activities. |
Health Department. Hearing Instrument Dispenser Advisory Council meeting files, 2004-2006. |
Minutes and agenda packets of a council established to advise the commissioner regarding hearing instrument dispenser certification standards; provide for distribution of information regarding hearing instrument dispenser certification standards; and review investigation summaries of competency violations and make recommendations to the commissioner as to whether the allegations of incompetency are substantiated. |
Hollister (Family : Minn.). Ye gueste booke, 1926-1955. |
A guest book containing visitors' names, dates, and comments while visiting or vacationing at Holliwood, a lake house presumably owned by the Hollister family near Bowstring, Itasca County, Minnesota. Many of the guests were repeat visitors from Minneapolis and from various other places in Minnesota, from Milwaukee, and from Chicago. |
Jacobs, Matt. Flyer received from the Ku Klux Klan and related newspaper article, 1932. |
Mechanically-reproduced flyer addressed to Matt Jacobs of Bird Island, Minnesota by the Ku Klux Klan, warning him to rescind his filing for the Bird Island school board due to his Roman Catholic affiliation. Includes a three-page photocopy of a news account from the Bird Island Union (July 28, 1932) reproducing the flyer and a similar flyer addressed to Cora Haggett, who apparently was also running for school board. The news account includes a rebuttal written by Jacobs. |
Kildall Company (Minneapolis, Minn.). Kildall Company records, 1909-2012. |
Advertising samples (undated), correspondence and miscellaneous papers (1913-1960), correspondence regarding pickles (1921-1939), price lists (1915, 1933-1935), and an historical sketch (circa 2012) of the Kildall Company, a Minneapolis-based importer, manufacturer, and distributor of lutefisk and related Scandinavian foods estabilshed in 1897 by Joseph Kildall. |
Kjelvik, Jorgen. Jorgen Kjelvik letter to Peter Kjelvik and related papers, 1944. |
Jorgen Kjelvik letter to Peter Kjelvik and related papers. This letter, in Norwegian, was written during the occupation of Norway by German forces during World War II and includes a rough translation in English made by an unknown person. |
Kline, Douglas. Holidazzle Parade Ambassador Program files, 1993-2000. |
Schedules, float descriptions, scripts, volunteer job descriptions, and parade officials' information collected by Douglas ("Doug") Kline as an Ambassador Program volunteer for Minneapolis' Holidazzle Parade. |
Meindl, Edward P., 1894-1980. Edward P. Meindl World War I Papers, 1918-1919, 1975. |
Letter, permissions for leave, discharge papers and a photograph of Edward P. Meindl, Saint Paul native and soldier in Company M, 351st Infantry during World War I. |
Merritt, A. A. Merritt letter to W. D. Barnes, 1856 March 13. |
Letter from A. Merritt (Saint Anthony, Minnesota Territory) to W. D. Barnes (Middle Hope, Orange County, New York) describing the social, business, and agricultural environments of Saint Anthony, and mentioning the construction of the Winslow House hotel. In a postscript the author signs as "Gus." The four-page letter is on an illustrated letterhead depicting the first suspension bridge constructed over the Mississippi River between Saint Anthony and Minneapolis. The author has not been positively identified but may be Ira A. Merritt, who appears in the household of Wilton (Weston) and Sarah Merritt in the 1857 census of Saint Anthony. |
Moose Lake State Hospital. Superintendent's correspondence. |
Correspondence concerning hospital administration and facilities, patients, medical matters, relations with other hospitals and with various supervisory agencies, and the superintendent's professional affiliations. |
Savage, M. W. M. W. Savage Letters, 1906-1910. |
Three letters from M. W. Savage, president, to Harris Bros. (Williamstown, New York) promoting the sale of Dan Patch manure spreaders manufactured in Minnesota on the letterhead of M.W. Savage Factories (Minneapolis, Minn.); a letter fragment (1906) on the letterhead of International Stock Food Company detailing food offers; and an undated flyer promoting sale of stock of the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester and Dubuque Electric Traction Company, popularly known as the Dan Patch Electric Railroad. |
Scheffer, Albert. Villard excursion autograph book and accompanying newspaper article, 1883, 1971. |
Autograph book of Albert Scheffer of Saint Paul containing autographs of guests accompanying the Villard Excursion, a train carrying dignitaries celebrating the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad transcontinental line from Minnesota to the West Coast in 1883. |
Sidewinders Racing Club. Sidewinders Racing Club records, 1957-1966. |
Biographical information (1957-1962) about club members, rules and regulations, awards, meeting minutes (1961-1966), snapshot photographs of cars (1960-1963), and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings (1965) created by the Sidewinders Racing Club, a drag racing team based in Saint Paul during the late 1950s and 1960s. The clippings in the scrapbook focus on the the Midwest Rod-Custom-Drag-Cycle Spectacular show sponsored by the Sidewinders at the Saint Paul Auditorium (October 8-10, 1965). |
Spencer, Stephen Waldo. Stephen Waldo Spencer papers, 1900-1943. |
Photographs (undated, 1900-1940), pocket journals of thoughts and observations (1904-1939), miscellaneous writings (1924-1930), and a clippings scrapbook (1934-1943) detailing the life and career of Twin Cities streetcar conductor "Skipper" Spencer, who for many years served on the intercampus streetcar line that operated between the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis and Saint Paul campuses. |