What's New
The Minnesota Historical Society recently acquired an addition of lantern slides to the Ernest C. Oberholtzer Sound and Visual Collection. Complementing the films and sound recordings already in the collection, these 110 black and white and hand-colored lantern slides document Oberholtzer's 2,000 mile, four-month canoe trip to Hudson Bay, Canada in 1912 with Billy Magee, his Ojibwe canoeing partner. The trek, which led them through the largely uncharted Canadian Barren Lands, made Oberholtzer a legendary figure among wilderness enthusiasts and the resulting images that he took along the way document the landscapes, wildlife, and indigenous people that he and Magee encountered along the way.
New and Updated Finding Aids - June 2016
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Century Farm Applications | gr00094 |
Application forms for residents who wished to have their farms declared century farms, signifying that the farm had been in the same family for 100 or more years. This was begun as a joint project between the State Fair and the Farmer magazine; later the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation became the co-sponsor. Beginning in 2009, sesquicentennial (150 years) farms forms are included. | |
Archives Commission: An Inventory of Its Records Disposition Files | gr01180 |
These files were compiled by the Minnesota Historical Society's State Archives Department in its capacity as secretary to the State Records Disposition Panel. They include approved records retention schedules, approved records disposal applications, and related correspondence, appraisal reports, memoranda, microfilm test reports, and local government agencies' notification of adoption of general schedules. | |
Carol Connolly: An Inventory of Her Family Papers | 00149 |
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Geological Society of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Records | 00089 |
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Sam Hanson: An Inventory of His Papers | 01241 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Max M. Kampelman: An Inventory of His Papers | 00772 |
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Mower County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr01181 |
Registers of persons incarcerated in the county jail, giving a variety of identifying and personal information, and data on offense and sentence. | |
Ernest C. Oberholtzer: An Inventory of His Sound and Visual Collection | sv000035 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Polk County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case File Transcripts and Related Papers | gr01182 |
Transcripts and related papers covering ten cases involving personal injury, breach of promise, delinquent taxes, divorce, land ownership, fraud, and formation of the Sand Hill River Drainage and Conservancy District. Parties involved include the Kiewel Brewery Company, First Trust Company, City of Crookston, and the Peterson Biddick Company. | |
Polk County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr01183 |
Files numbered 0-½ to 19542. | |
Polk County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files | gr00679 |
Case file nos. 1-38 and 181C, all related to the admission of dependent children to the State Public School in Owatonna or the Faribault State School and Hospital in Faribault. Includes unnumbered case files (1889-1933). There are also papers regarding the opening of the State Hospital Farm for Inebriates in Willmar. | |
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Public Works Department: Bridge Division: An Inventory of Its Drawings, Blueprints, and Plans | gr01188 |
Paper, linen, and blueprint drawings of all aspects of bridge construction and reconstruction, including proposals, cross sections, piers, masonry, elevations, abutments, spans, trusses, electrical, girders, railings, retaining walls, and bents. The materials document many of St. Paul's bridges, with particularly large runs for the Fort Snelling, Lafayette, Minnehaha Street, Sixth Street, and Wabasha Street bridges. | |
Soo Line Railroad Company: An Inventory of Its Company Records | 00343 |
Records of Minneapolis-based Soo Line Railroad Company, a grain and timber products carrier serving the upper Midwest and providing U.S. connections for the Canadian Pacific Railway. Included are records of predecessor companies Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad, Wisconsin Central Railroad, and Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad, as well as more than 80 other branch lines, predecessors, subsidiaries, and related companies. | |
Transportation Department: An Inventory of Its Audio Visual Materials | gr00100 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Twin Cities Musicians Union Local 30-73 Photograph Collection | sv000192 |
Views of union activities, including social events and Minnesota Opera strike in 1993. Bulk of the collection is views of musicians and musical groups, many are unidentified. Also includes one folder of promotional materials. | |
United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Dakota Superintendency: An Inventory of Its Records | 00298 |
Letters received and sent, accounts, and miscellany concerning all aspects of the administration of Indian affairs within the jurisdiction of the Dakota Superintendency, 1861-1870 and 1877-1878. They primarily concern the several Dakota groups but also including at various times bands from other tribes. | |
United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Superintendent of Indian Trade: An Inventory of Its Records | 00344 |
The superintendent of Indian trade was responsible for purchasing trade goods, shipping them to the frontier, and receiving and disposing of furs. The letters communicate with factors or supervisors, businessmen, purchasing agents, and American consuls in other countries regarding these activities. | |
United States. Office of Indian Affairs: An Inventory of Its List of Sioux Scouts & Soldiers | 00334 |
A list of members of the Sisseton, Wahpeton, Mdewakanton, and Wahpekute bands of Dakota Indians who served as scouts or soldiers of the U.S. Army during the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 and the Civil War, and of their heirs. It was compiled by special agent Samuel H. Elrod to determine their eligibility for annuity payments authorized by an 1891 act of Congress. | |
United States. Office of Indian Affairs: An Inventory of Its Records Concerning Traders' Claims Against the Chippewas and Winnebagos | 00097 |
Selected accounts, with related memoranda, of goods furnished on credit by various traders to Ojibwe and Winnebago Indians, submitted to document the traders' claims for reimbursement. Most of the accounts consist of ledger pages detailing the items sold to specific individuals. | |
Washington County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr01187 |
Washington County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr01186 |
Information that may be recorded: name, date, age, height, hair color, complexion, race, occupation, county of origin, literacy, marital status, by whom sent, what for, term, and why discharged. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr01185 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Yellow Medicine County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the sample years 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
Yellow Medicine County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr01184 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Yellow Medicine County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the sample years 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Cornelius Company (Anoka, Minn.). Cornelius Company records, 1935-2014 (bulk 1935-1970). |
Company histories, photographs, correspondence, prospectuses and notices of annual stockholders meetings, product information, company and employee newsletters, product catalogs, and related materials compiled by Harold Dufresne, project engineer for the Cornelius Company, an Anoka-based manufacturer of beverage-dispensing equipment. |
Grant, William Henry, 1829-1901. William Henry Grant papers, 1862-1900. |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers (undated, 1891-1900) of Saint Paul lawyer William Henry Grant, including petitions and resolutions about and minutes of reunion meetings of people involved in the Birch Coulee battle of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 and the erection of monuments in the Minnesota River Valley; correspondence (1893-1895) with Charles D. Gilfillan regarding the Battle of Birch Coulee; transcript of the dedication ceremony (September 3, 1894) for the Birch Coulee battlefield monument, research notes and copies of orders (1862); newspaper clippings (1892-1894); resolutions (undated), and lists of soldiers (undated). |
Hendrickson, Viena Johnson. Viena Rakel Pasanen Johnson Hendrickson and family papers, 1892-1980 |
Family and biographical data (1892-1980) including news clippings, a transcript of an interview with Viena Hendrickson, application for federal employment, composition books, notebooks (some in Finnish), and scrapbooks detailing the activities of Hendrickson and her parents, Henry A. and Ida Pasanen, and those of her husband, Paul Hiram Hendrickson. |
Yellow Medicine County (Minn.). Selective Service Board. Record of service cards, 1940s. |
A card for each person who served in the United States armed forces. Information includes name; race; registration address; date enlisted, inducted or commissioned; military branch; birth place; date of birth; and date separated. |