What's New
From the shooting range and the dumpster, two new items added to our collections this month highlight the strange journeys that archival materials can sometimes take.
Fort Snelling Regimental Order Book
New to the collections this month is an original Fort Snelling regimental order book (February 1826-August 1827) of the United States Army 5th Infantry Regiment.
The 5th Regiment constructed and garrisoned Fort Snelling in the early 1820s. Digital copies have been made of both this order book and of another that precedes it
(March 19-June 1824) already in the Society's collections. Containing regimental orders issued by Colonel Josiah Snelling, the order books give fascinating clues to
life at the fort in those early years. The newly-acquired order book displays evidence of having been used for target practice, containing what appear to be holes made by buckshot.
State Capitol Photograph Album
This photograph album has been added to the other records of the State Capitol Commissioners Board in the State Archives. The board was an organization that formed in 1893 to manage the construction of a new capitol building.
The album begins with photographs of the chosen site and includes the entire construction process. At one point the album was rescued from a garbage dump, and also spent several years
in an attic before it made its way to the Minnesota Historical Society. Due to its poor condition, the album required extensive conservation work.
Thank you to Jenna Bluhm and Sherelyn Ogden in Conservation for their work on these items. Thank you also to Eric Mortenson and FunFun Cheng for digitizing these great pieces of history!
Please see the finding aids for more information on the United States Army 5th Infantry Regiment and the State Capitol Commissioner Board collections.
New and Updated Finding Aids - December 2016
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Cosmetology Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01254 |
Financial reports that include annual summaries of board receipts and disbursements (1941-1957); a few exchanges of letters with the governor's office regarding board employees and finances (1927-1930); a survey of wages, hours, and working conditions in Minneapolis and St. Paul beauty shops (1937); and a rules and regulations sheet (circa 1950). | |
Governor: Andersen, Elmer L.: An Inventory of His General Files | gr01179 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor: Andersen, Elmer L.: An Inventory of His Records | gr01253 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Grant County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr01263 |
Records for physicians, veterinarians, dentists, and basic sciences. Also includes records of ordination registration. | |
Grant County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr01264 |
Registers of probate actions (1875-1985), registers of criminal actions (1960-1985), and registers of civil actions (1960-1982). Some volumes are labeled county or municipal court. All volumes are indexed. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Reports and Miscellaneous Records | gr01251 |
Records and reports documenting the activities and duties of the department. The records include field investigation and inspection reports concerning communicable diseases (particularly smallpox), water supply and sewage systems, and slaughterhouses; delinquent birth and death reports; mortality and morbidity statistics; various weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports of divisions; University of Minnesota housing (1916) survey; reports to legislative committees (1923, 1944); correspondence and other papers of Charles N. Hewitt, Henry M. Bracken, and A. J. Chesley; minutes of and other records relating to the Minnesota State Sanitary Conference (re-established in 1947 as the Minnesota Public Health Conference); materials relating to the Conference of State and Provincial Health Authorities, American Medical Association, American Heart Association, Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, and International Health Board; budgets; quarantine posters; circulars and reporting forms; organizational charts; and commendations and awards. | |
Pope County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr01258 |
Registers of civil (1878-1937) and criminal (1886-1948) actions. Each entry may include the calendar (case file) number, names of the parties in the case, papers filed, names of persons subpoenaed, date files, fees, and remarks. | |
Pope County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr01259 |
Pope County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr01260 |
Pope County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr01261 |
Certificate registers for physicians, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, osteopaths, opticians, veterinarians, ministers, and the basic sciences. Three volumes also contain records of appointment of county officials. | |
Pope County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr01262 |
A record of documents filed and other actions taken in each probate case. All volumes are indexed. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Central High School: An Inventory of Its Central High School Records | gr00134 |
Records including historical data; programs, invitations, and handbooks; pupil lists; class of 1928 records; subject files; scrapbooks; and photographs, documenting a wide variety of school activities and events. Also includes correspondence and newspaper clippings about former pupil Amelia Earhart. | |
State Capitol Commissioners Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01252 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Stevens County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Registers of Actions | gr00890 |
Registers of actions for criminal (1882-1953) and civil (1884-1956) cases. Each entry may include the names of the parties in the case, the attorneys representing each party, when the case was opened, the case file number, and a record of each document that was filed by the contesting parties or by the court in the case. | |
Stevens County: Morris: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions | gr01257 |
Each entry usually includes the case file number; names of defendants, the charge, and a chronological list of each document filed or other action taken in the case, with the date and associated fees. All of the volumes are indexed. | |
Stevens County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr01256 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). Each volume is indexed. | |
Lori Sturdevant: An Inventory of Her Journalism Papers | 00500 |
Personalities files; subject files, especially relating to the University of Minnesota; and election files of a Minneapolis Star Tribune journalist and editorial writer who produced editorials and a weekly column about state government and politics. The collection includes interview notes, campaign literature, and background materials, including notes taken as a member of the newspaper's endorsing committee. | |
Twin Cities Metropolitan Planning Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01255 |
Records of the commission, its executive and other committees, several task forces and special study groups, and individual commission members. | |
United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 5th (1815- ): An Inventory of Its Order Books | 00480 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Capital City Furniture Company (Saint Paul, Minn.). Capital City Furniture Company records, 1871-1955. |
Advertising blotters and tags, correspondence and miscellaneous papers, workers' compensation file, and short horn cattle file of this downtown Saint Paul maker of church, home and office furniture and of its owners, Bengt Charles Johnson (generally known as Charles) and Henry Johnson. |
Elston, Wilbur E. Wilbur E. Elston papers, 1934-1974 (bulk 1955-1963). |
Correspondence and papers of a Minnesota newspaper reporter, editor, and editorial page writer. |
Minnesota. District Court (Pope County). Indictment and information records, 1879-1967. |
Box 1. Record A, 1879-1906 (1 volume). Box 2. Record B, 1908-1934 (1 volume) -- Information record No. 1, 1913-1967 (1 volume.) |
Minnesota. District Court (Pope County). Records of court orders, 1925-1931, 1960-1972. |
Box 1. Volume 1, 1925-1931. Box 2. Volume 2, 1960-1972. |
Minnesota. District Court (Pope County). Plaintiff's and defendant's indexes, circa 1878-1933. |
Pope County (Minn.). County Attorney. Register of criminal actions, 1885. |
Redwood County (Minn.) Poor Farm. Poor farm register, 1909-1958. |
Information includes date admitted, applicant's name and nationality, marital status, age and birthplace, length of residency in state and county, occupation, cause of application, whether sick or well, discharge information, date of death, and burial information. |