What's New
Flags are the theme for this month's highlighted collections. Our examples range from the creation of our first state flag to images of flags flown and drawn at various protests around the Twin Cities this last year.
Act Providing for the Adoption of the State Flag
The fourth of July brings out the star-spangled banner, both in lyric and textile forms.
This month one of our highlighted collection items focuses on the Minnesota state flag. This
1893 document appears to be a presentation or display copy of the act providing for the adoption
of a state flag, dated April 4, 1893 (1893 Session Laws, Chapter 16). The document is signed by
Governor Knute Nelson and Secretary of State Frederick P. Brown. The act actually appoints a
commission to adopt a design for a Minnesota State Flag. According to a Minnesota History article
(Spring 1992) by William B. Becker, there was a competition for the design of the flag.
Amelia Hyde Center designed the flag, and seamstresses Pauline and Thomane Fjelde embroidered the flag.
The state flag has subsequently been revised in 1957 and 1983. The original flag is preserved in the
Society's three dimensional objects collection.
Flags, particularly the Stars and Stripes, have been used as instruments of
protest and freedom of speech throughout American history. Two of our recently
cataloged collections illustrate this and much more in highlighting Minnesotan
participation in contemporary national protests. History is now--every day.
The Black Lives Matter protest photograph collection documents the Day
of Resistance in Minneapolis on December 13, 2014 as well as the protest site
at the Fourth Precinct in November of 2015 after the police shooting of Jamar
Clark. With similar concerns about discrimination in response to President Trump's
election last fall the the Anti-Trump protest photographs and moving image collection provides
views of the march held on November 10, 2016 in Minneapolis.
New and Updated Finding Aids - June 2017
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01321 |
These reports provide extensive information on military events involving Minnesotans from territorial days through 2017. Early reports include a statement from the Adjutant General and many pages of appendices containing rosters, muster rolls, supply and ordnance lists, casualty lists, general and special orders, and statistics concerning pensions, arrears in pay, and other claims. Later reports include overviews, mission statements, directory information, accomplishments, budget information, histories, objectives statements, and other reports. The Adjutant General is also the Commissioner of the Military Affairs Department, which was created in 1957 (Minnesota Statutes 190.09). Included in some of these reports are the functions and activities of the Military Affairs Department, as well as the Minnesota National Guard. | |
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01319 |
Corrections Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01320 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Corrections Department. The records cover all aspects of the department's duties and activities, including departmental organization, correctional facilities, rules, regulations, legislation, Community Corrections Act, vocational training, high security facilities, juvenile offenders, parole, women offenders, sexual offenders/sexual abuse, community work service, and arts in prison. | |
Gary Eberspacher: An Inventory of His Photographs and Moving Images of Minnesota Golf Tournaments | sv000238 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of its Diocesan Records | p1035 |
The records of the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Minnesota, cover the period from the arrival of the first Episcopal missionaries into the area in the 1820s through the bishopric of Robert M. Anderson, which ended in 1993. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota. An Inventory of Diocesan Subject Files | p1035h |
An assortment of files on diocesan oversight and educational organizations, properties, and history. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Diocese of Duluth Records | p1035b |
Records of the Diocese of Duluth from its inception in 1895 through its 1944 merger with the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Executive and Administrative Records | p1035c |
Minutes, financial and property records, correspondence, and other records of the executive and administrative offices of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Diocesan Records | P1035e |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Parish Record Books | p1035f |
Parish registers, minutes, account books and other financial records, photographs, some architectural drawings, microfilm, and other records, primarily of closed parishes but also of some active parishes in the Diocese of Minnesota. Some of the material is in Swedish. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Archdeacon Frederick F. Kramer Files | p1035n |
Correspondence, subject files, and other records documenting Kramer's service as Archdeacon in charge of Indian work and dean of the Cass Lake and Northwest deaneries in the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Minnesota: An Inventory of the Bishop Stephen E. Keeler Files | p1035l |
Personal papers and diocesan records created by Stephen E. Keeler during his service as bishop coadjutor and bishop of the Diocese of Minnesota. | |
Rebecca Wright Gillette: An Inventory of Her Black Lives Matter Protests Photographs | sv000243 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor's Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Minnesotans: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00872 |
Files of Geraldine Sell, chair
of the Governor's Task Force on Lesbian and Gay
Minnesotans, which was appointed by Governor Rudy
Perpich on March 30, 1990 to conduct hearings and gather
information about violence and discrimination against
Minnesota's lesbian and gay population. Includes digital content. |
Willard Nelson Handsaker: An Inventory of His Albums and Slides | sv000239 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force Records | gr01290 |
Annual reports, manuals, correspondence, meeting agenda packets, photographs, files concerning the Betty Hubbard Award, and other records of the task force. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | hlthpub |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the department. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01313 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Highway Department. | |
Highway Department: Road Design Section: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01314 |
Correspondence, maps, reports, newspaper articles, drawings, and articles of or about the Highway Department. | |
Itasca County: Cohasset: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01323 |
Birth (1903-1950) and death (1904-1908, 1913-1952) records. | |
Itasca County: Coleraine: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01324 |
Birth (1910-1948) and death (1910-1952) records and permits for burial or removal (1946-1949). | |
Itasca County: Deer River: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01325 |
Birth and death register (1906-1946) and birth and death certificate records (1941-1953). | |
Itasca County: Grand Rapids: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01326 |
Birth (1896-1946) and death (1896-1948) records of Grand Rapids township and village. | |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records of the Legislature | gr00478 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Manuscript Biographies Collections: An Inventory of the Collection | P939 |
An assortment of manuscript items or groups of related items whose value is largely biographical. They include biographical and autobiographical sketches and notes, wedding and baptismal certificates, appointments, letters, brief reminiscences, school records, clippings, memorial statements, and other personal memorabilia. | |
Minnesota Volunteers: An Inventory of Cartes-de-Visite | sv000241 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sigurd F. Olson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00316 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Lauren Peck: An Inventory of Her Anti-Trump Protest Photographs and Moving Images | sv000242 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sheldon Preston: An Inventory of His Preston Implement Company Films | sv000240 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sauk Centre Home School for Girls: An Inventory of Its Annual, Biennial, and Quarterly Reports | gr01316 |
Annual, biennial, and quarterly reports, detailing the administration of the school. | |
Sauk Centre Home School for Girls: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr01318 |
Reports and a survey dealing with the school's physical facilities, MHS Bulletin and The Sauk Times newsletters, informational pamphlet, a 1976 history, staff survey and self-evaluation, legislative budget request, National Register of Historic Places application, and juvenile sexual offender program evaluation. | |
Sauk Centre Home School for Girls: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01317 |
Correspondence, reports, and related materials covering a wide range of topics related to the school. | |
St. Clements Episcopal Church (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Their Records | 00768 |
Records of a St. Paul Episcopal parish founded in 1893 as Emanuel Mission. A church, designed by Minnesota architect Cass Gilbert, was consecrated as St. Clement's Memorial Church in 1895. | |
St. Paul's On-The-Hill Episcopal Church: An Inventory of Its Records | 00122 |
Church histories, publications, correspondence and miscellaneous papers, minutes of the vestry and congregation, financial records, photographs, audiocassettes, membership information, youth group records, and records of women's organizations of the third Protestant Episcopal church founded (1856) in Minnesota. | |
Statehood Centennial Commission: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials | mscc9 |
Three phonograph records, fifteen reel-to-reel tape
recordings, and one filmstrip documenting the Centennial. Includes digital content. |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Arrivals and Departures | gr00811 |
Monthly record (1882-1965, 1972-1980, 1997-1999) of the inmates who were received and released by the prison. Entries for inmates received usually list inmate's name and register (inmate) number, date, county where trial was held, crime, and sentence. Entries for inmates released usually list inmate name and register number, date, and method of release (parole, pardon, etc.). | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Employee Pay Records | gr00424 |
Information may include employee name, job history, pay rate, days and hours worked, reasons for absence, employee signature, and board allowance. | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Hospital and Clinic Records | gr00808 |
Record of inmates treated in the prison hospital or clinic. The hospital register (1905-1912) lists inmate's name, register (inmate) number and medical problem, and the treatment received. The clinic registers, log, and surgery record (1916-1924, 1942-1944, 1958-1964) list the inmate's name and register number, and give a short description of his problem and treatment. The operating room records (1929-1964, 1969) list inmate's name and register number, case number, surgeon and other attendants, type of anesthesia, diagnosis, complications, and surgical findings. | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Financial Records | gr00414 |
Records documenting a variety of financial transactions of the prison. | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01315 |
Black and white photographs mounted on linen and tied into two volumes, documenting the prison's construction (1910-1914) and numbered 1-151. The photograph albums cover all aspects of construction, both interior and exterior, and were taken by C.J. Hibbard & Co., commercial photographers from Minneapolis. Also includes black and white photographs of an unknown artist's rendering of an aerial view of the prison, grounds and interior shots, fires, and an open house. | |
George C. Tanner: An Inventory of His Papers | p1035i |
The papers of George Clinton Tanner, registrar of the diocese (diocesan historian) from 1878 to 1920, consist largely of notes, manuscripts, and transcripts of materials relating to 19th century diocesan and parish history. | |
Transportation Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01312 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Transportation Department. The records cover all aspects of the department's duties and activities, including road conditions and restrictions, planning, public transit, railroads, aviation, funding, speed monitoring, studies and reports of specific highway and railroad projects, environmental impacts, maintenance and repair, light rail, and trucking regulations. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: Hastings Veterans Home: An Inventory of Its Meeting Minutes | gr01322 |
Minutes of various committees and councils of the Hastings Veterans Home. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Department of Health. Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Advisory Committee meeting minutes, 2001-2011. |
The Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Advisory Committee was established in 1998 by statute. It was created to assist the Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, within the state Department of Health, with program planning, implementation, evaluation, and policy consultation for the Federal Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program. |
Department of Health. State Trauma Advisory Council meeting minutes and agenda packets, 2005-2012. |
The State Trauma Advisory Council was established by statute in 2005 to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Commissioner of Health on the development, maintenance, and improvement of a statewide trauma system. |
Searle, Rod. |
Topics discussed include the River Farm, early life, coming to Minnesota and entrance into politics, Omar Dahle, Minnesota politics in the 1960s and 1970s, opinions on Minnesota Governors, the Humphrey Institute, serving on the Minnesota State University Board, Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission, retirement, and family history. |
South Saint Paul (Minn.). Miscellaneous records, 1887-1941, 1967, circa 1970. |
Ordinance book, 1887-1927 (1 volume); bond record book, with index, 1889-1941 (1 volume); license register, primarily covering restaurants and liquor licenses, with index, 1889-1933 (1 volume); and Concord Street Urban Renewal project plan, circa 1970 (1 volume); Concord Street General Neighborhood Renewal Plan, March 1967 (1 volume). |
St. Peter State Hospital patient recollections. |
Recollections of a former patient at St. Peter State Hospital hospitalized January through March of 1952. Subjects discussed include the patient's mental health struggles in the early 1950s; triggering events; what led to being taken to St. Peter State Hospital; and recollections of the hospital, staff, and other patients. The recordings were made by the former patient, one on November 21, 2016 and two parts recorded on December 5, 2016 to retell his story after viewing his hospital file at the Minnesota Historical Society. |