What's New
Many will remember the Dayton's department store's holiday and flower shows. We're excited to announce the addition of the Dayton's Downtown Minneapolis Department Store Event Files, centering largely on shows that took place in the store's 8th Floor Auditorium.
This collection includes four video files and 340 image files, all accessible from the collection's online inventory.
Of special interest are photographs, posters, and files from such holiday shows as How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1977), the Velveteen Rabbit (1985), Polar Express (1988), Beauty and the Beast (1993), the Nutcracker (1997 and 2007), and Harry Potter (2000).
Flower shows represented include Gardens of Picasso's France (1980), Bourbon Street in Bloom (1982), English Country Garden (1985), Flowers and Fjords (1992), Alice in Wonderland (1999), Flower Fairies (2003), and Dream in Color (2009).
The collection also includes digital images and two videos from the Fash Bash and Glamorama: Store sponsored fashion shows featuring fashion models on the runway accompanied by rockin' sound tracks. Making brief appearances are a number of celebrities, including Jerry Hall, Ted Allen, Jennifer Lopez, Cyndi Lauper, and David Schwimmer.
The collection came to the Society from Macy's department stores, successor to Dayton's.
View one of the video files here:
Glamorama at the Chicago Theater, Chicago, Illinois, 2004
Nutcracker Holiday Show, 2007
Fash Bash at Minneapolis' State Theater
Polar Express Holiday Show, 1988
Bourbon Street Flower Show, 1982
New and Updated Finding Aids - June 2018
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Eugenie Moore Anderson: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00354 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mary Hawker Bakeman: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01273 |
Papers of a Roseville, Minnesota historian, writer, family research specialist, and publisher concerning projects she was involved with in suburban Ramsey County: the successful effort to preserve and dedicate to park use an 8-acre parcel in Roseville, where for many years the Lexington School stood, and the successful effort to preserve the Ramsey County Poor Farm Cemetery, located in nearby Maplewood. | |
Richard E. Bartz: An Inventory of His Papers | 00704 |
Business papers and personal papers of a Saint Paul businessman. Includes materials relating to several Minnesota savings and loan institutions and to the American Savings and Loan Institute; internal publications and newsletters of legal publisher West Group; directories, annual reports, and other papers relating to Elim Covenant Church (Saint Paul); some of Bartz' personal correspondence; diaries of relatives Harry Guy Burcalow and Vesta Burcalow; and a register of interments at Etna Cemetery, Fillmore County, Minnesota. | |
Art Brown: An Inventory of His Film Collection | sv000027 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Jonathan Carver Land Grant-Related Deeds and Papers: An Inventory of the Collection | 01033 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Benjamin Franklin Crippen: An Inventory of His Fifteenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Portrait Albums | sv000262 |
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Dakota County: Paideia Academy: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01463 |
School board minutes and agenda packets, annual and audit reports, by-laws, handbooks, guides, newsletters,
policies and procedures, subject files, photograph albums, scrapbooks, and other records of an Apple Valley charter school. Includes digital content. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01465 |
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Health Department: Vital Statistics Division: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01462 |
Various birth and death records collected by the division. Birth and death registers (1900-1903), supplemental birth listing (1900-1903), late birth returns (1887-1902), returns of delayed deaths (1887-1900), birth record cards (1832, 1873-1907), birth certificates (1907-2001), birth and death indexes (1936-1939), and death cards and certificates (1900-1955). | |
Frank P. Leslie: An Inventory of His Papers | 00061 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Macy's (Firm): An Inventory of Its Dayton's Downtown Minneapolis Department Store Event Files | 01269 |
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Minnesota Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students: An Inventory of Its Scrapbooks and Administrative Records | 01274 |
Historical scrapbooks and some administrative records of a volunteer advocacy organization established in Saint Paul in 1922 working on behalf of children and youth. The collection includes a state branch charter; minutes, financial statements and reports; historians' records; a variety of scrapbooks documenting the history and activities of the organization; a small book of memorial tributes to the late James M. McConnell, state commissioner of education; and scrapbooks of the North St. Paul Area Council of PTAs. | |
Ernest C. Oberholtzer: An Inventory of His Sound and Visual Collection | sv000035 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Public Welfare Department: Social Welfare Division: Public Assistance Unit: An Inventory of Its Displaced Persons Program Files | gr01466 |
Correspondence, memos, press and radio news releases, news clippings, and other records maintained by the Social Welfare Division as the administrative agency of the Minnesota Commission on Resettlement of Displaced Persons. | |
Ramsey County: Register of Deeds: An Inventory of Its Deed Record Books | gr01464 |
Handwritten transcripts of deeds to real estate in Ramsey County. | |
Ramsey County: Register of Deeds: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00533 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Rice County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00126 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Rice County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
John Runk: An Inventory of His Film Collection | sv000064 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Thomas Douglas Selkirk: An Inventory of His Lord Selkirk Papers | 01275 |
Microfilmed transcripts of correspondence, journals, business records, diaries, and other papers relating to Lord Selkirk and his colony on the Red River near the present site of Winnipeg, Canada. Among the letters is a group (1816-1817) written by several of Selkirk's men who wintered at fur trading posts in northern Minnesota, including many by Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun. Also present is a group of North West Company papers, dated as early as 1798, found by Selkirk when he captured the company's post at Fort William (Ontario) in August 1816. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: Hastings Veterans Home: An Inventory of Its Meeting Minutes | gr01322 |
Minutes of various committees and councils of the Hastings Veterans Home. | |
Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00056 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Minnesota History center construction transparencies collection, 1989-1992. |
Collection includes color positive images documenting the construction of the Minnesota History Center. Views were taken several weeks apart to illustrate progression over the three year period of construction between 1989 and the completion in 1992. The photographs are possibly attributed to HGA, the architect firm, or Borson Knutson, the construction manager. |
Ominsky, Alan, photographer. Slide views of National Farmers' Bank of Owatonna, 1986. |
Collection includes interior and exterior details of the National Farmers' Bank of Owatonna. The building was designed in 1908 by Louis Sullivan with decorative elements by George Elmslie. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and recognized as a National Historic Landmark for architectural significance. |
Sorenson, Forest J., photographer. Slide views of Minneapolis and St. Paul skyways and tunnels, 1986. |
Interior and street views of skyways and tunnels in downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul, including but not limited to, views of Renaissance Square, IDS Center, Government Center, Town Square, and Dayton's. |
Winer, Richard Allen, creator. St. Paul Thru the Years : a pictorial comparison of the old and new city of St. Paul from 1852 thru 1947. |
Album compares views of downtown St. Paul from 1947 to the second half of the 19th century (1852-1902). Streets and structures featured include but are not limited to Kellogg Boulevard (previously Third Street), Summit Avenue, Seventh Street, Wabasha Street Bridge, various churches, the Union Depot, and the Minnesota State Capitol. Views are identified by Richard Allen Winer and photograph credits are given to B.F. Upton, E.A. Bramley, William Illingsworth, and Buckbee-Mears. |