What's New -- January 2020
New this month are records of Minneapolis-based rock band Trip Shakespeare, supplementing our holdings of musicians, rock bands, orchestras, and performing arts organizations. The collection includes audio recordings, some posters, performance contracts, some snapshot photographs, news stories from the alternative press, and fan club materials.
As sometimes happens, this collection included the Social Security numbers of band members. These numbers specifically appeared on performance contracts the band signed with various clubs and entertainment venues.
For privacy reasons Social Security numbers must always be redacted before researchers can see the materials.
Our low-tech process for accomplishing this involves the archivist identifying all documents with Social Security numbers and then blacking out the numbers with a marker. The archivist then photocopies the page, replacing the original with the photocopy. This is done because the number is often still visible through the marker on the original copy, but indeed cannot be seen on the photocopy.
In some collections this involves hundreds of documents and takes a considerable amount of time for staff to plow through. In this case there were relatively few and the redaction required less than a day's time.
In the case of larger or more complex collections (such as the First Avenue & 7th St. Entry Band Files or the Twin City Rapid Transit Company Corporate Records) that also contain Social Security numbers, cataloging staff are not always able to take the time to redact all of them in advance. In such cases the collections need to be reviewed and redacted by the library staff before researchers are able to use them.
Box Containing Contracts with Social Security Numbers
Performance Contract with Social Security Number Redacted
New and Updated Finding Aids - January 2020
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Merlyn R. Cadwell: An Inventory of His Papers | 01346 |
Seniority rosters and position bulletins for telegraphers of the Great Northern Railway's Willmar Division and the Burlington Northern Railroad's Northern District collected by employee Merlyn R. Cadwell of Clara City and Marshall, Minnesota. Includes an historical file on the Clara City depot. | |
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files and Index | gr00628 |
Case file index (1885-1980), civil and criminal case files, numbered in a single sequence (1858-1949), and miscellaneous unnumbered civil case files (1852-1906). The case files covered by the index but not included within the collection were retained by the court. | |
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroners Records | gr00455 |
A register of coroners' inquests (1898-1961); four inquest files (1863-1898, 1961); and coroner's certificate nos. 1-551 (1898-1961). | |
Chisago County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00453 |
Variety of records documenting the activities administered by the court. | |
Commerce Department: An Inventory of Its Minute Books | gr01679 |
The minutes record actions taken on requests for brokers' licenses, issuance of stocks and securities by companies doing business in Minnesota, applications for bank and insurance company charters, and related matters. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Bank Establishment Application Records | gr01680 |
Records documenting the regulation of state banks in Minnesota, including charter application forms with accompanying correspondence, legal documents, maps, photographs, and hearing transcripts for financial institutions chartered by the State of Minnesota. | |
Electricity Board: An Inventory of Its Board Records | gr00554 |
Records of this board endowed with the statutory authority to adopt the electrical code, including any amendments; adopt rules that regulated the licensure or registration of the electrical industry; and issue final interpretation of the electrical code. | |
Garelick Mfg. Co.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01348 |
Product catalogs, price sheets, advertising scrapbooks, and miscellaneous information about a St. Paul Park-based manufacturer of marine accoutrements, assistive medical devices, and household products under the EEz-In brand. | |
German American Fellowship Association of Minnesota, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records | 01347 |
Articles of incorporation, chronological files, minutes, newsletters and miscellany of a Minnesota-based cultural heritage organization. Includes some files related to the Germanic Society of Minnesota and to the German American National Congress. Some of the material is in German. | |
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys: An Inventory of Its Records | 01350 |
Historical materials, annual reports, and minutes of annual, board of directors, and committee meetings of the five Girl Scout councils that merged in 2007 to form the Girl Scout Council of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys. The records cover the Girl Scout councils of the southern half of Minnesota and part of Wisconsin and Iowa. Records of several predecessors to these five councils are also included. | |
Guild of Taxi Drivers and Associated Workers: An Inventory of Its Records | 00571 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous records providing information on the formation of the guild and the 1975-1976 Minneapolis cab drivers' strike. | |
T. W. Ingersoll: An Inventory of Birch Lodge, Dellwood Album | sv000462 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Arnold E. Kahnert: An Inventory of His Papers | 00867 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Legislative Reference Library: An Inventory of Its State Agency Minutes | gr01648 |
Primarily photocopies of minutes, with some related items, collected by the library. Many sets are incomplete. | |
Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01343 |
Records from the Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC), the local affiliate of the National Coalition Against Censorship, which focuses on protecting freedom of speech rights, and opposing censorship in libraries, schools, and art. The collection includes: minutes, annual reports, bylaws and financial records; conferences, membership, and policy files; censorship surveys regarding public schools and libraries; and the files of Matthew Stark, the director and secretary for MCAC. | |
Minnesota Council of Churches: An Inventory of Its Records | 00806 |
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, trustees' and directors' minutes and reports, financial records, and some photographs of a statewide ecumenical agency formed in 1948 bringing together mainline-Protestant denominations in Minnesota to manifest unity in the church, to build common good in the world, and to build relationships between denominations and also within the larger religious community and with other organizations, agencies, and institutions within the nonprofit and public sectors across the state. | |
Murray County: Fenton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01673 |
Birth and death registers (1886-1911) and certificate records (1907-1953), and burial/removal permits (1923, 1933-1946). | |
Murray County: Fulda: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01674 |
Birth and death registers (1886-1907, 1950-1953), and index to births (1886-1899). | |
Murray County: Holly Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01675 |
Birth and death registers (1880-1907) and birth and death records (1903-1949). | |
Murray County: Lake Sarah Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01676 |
Birth and death registers (1882-1914) and birth and death records (1915-1951). | |
Murray County: Lake Wilson Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01677 |
Birth and death register (1900-1907) and birth and death records (1900-1953). | |
Murray County: Lime Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01678 |
Birth and death certificate records (1908-1913) and birth and death records (1915-1962). | |
Richard M. Nolan: An Inventory of His Congressional Papers | 01321 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Northern Pacific Railway Company. Treasurer: An Inventory of Its Records | 01031 |
![]() |
Northwest Airlines, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 00110 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
James Boyd Reay: An Inventory of His Papers | 01336 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Saint Louis County, Minnesota : An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00065 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Saint Louis County, Minnesota. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. | |
Trip Shakespeare (Musical group): An Inventory of Its Records | 01349 |
Audio recordings, press, fan mail, management contracts, fan club miscellany, a few photographs, and related materials of an American rock band formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the 1980s. | |
Emily Anne Staples Tuttle: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01048 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Wisconsin: An Inventory of Telephone Directories | lb00037 |
A collection of telephone directories for cities in Wisconsin. Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. Each entry on the inventory lists the city name, year of coverage, and the shelf number of the printed volume or microfiche set which includes that city. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Chisago County. Audit Board. Records, 1920-1966. |
Box 1. Reports 1920-1962. Box 2. Volume 2, 1945-1966. |
Dylan, Bob, 1941- . Bob Dylan sheet music with lyrics and original sketches, 1965. |
Originals and surrogate user copies of Bob Dylan sheet music featuring songs Girl of the North Country and Walls of Red Wing. The sheet music also includes original graphite sketches by Dylan. |
Minnesota. Banking Division. Banks under reorganization, 1933. |
Summary memos including information about individual banks' bonds, assets, liabilities and bank reorganization plans, if any. |