What's New -- October 2020
We made it back from furlough. A little leaner, but no less passionate about our collections and our work! We'd like to thank Library, Archives and Collections staff who worked with us to improve so many of our inventories while we were working from home and even while most of us were on furlough. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to Colin Dunn, Danielle Fischer, Beth Heemeyer, Kate Hujda, Joyce Lopez, Karen Obermeyer-Kolb, April Rodriguez, Sue Sutliff, Rose Winter, and the incomparable Sonja Isaacson for keeping everything going while we were away. Every inventory you worked on made access to our collections so much better and we truly appreciate all of your work! See many of these newly accessible inventories below. More to come in the next months.
Reading Room Notebooks
New and Updated Finding Aids - October 2020
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Accident Records | gr01768 |
Mainly accident reports covering incidents involving small private aircraft. There are a few reports concerning larger aircraft. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Airport Master Plans | gr01774 |
Master plans for the construction or expansion of municipal airports in Minnesota. Plans were developed through the Airport Master Planning Grant administered by the state Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under the Planning Grant Program provided for in the Airport and Airway Act of 1970. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Closed Commercial Operations Files | gr01779 |
Files on commercial operations no longer in business; closed by operator request or failure to renew the license or meet licensing requirements. Activities falling under the aegis of commercial operations include: aerial spraying and dusting, charter flights, aerial photography, flight and ground schools, seaplane base, aircraft rental, air ambulance, aircraft repair, and aircraft sales. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Closed Private Landing Fields Files | gr01777 |
Files on private landing fields no longer in operation; closed by operator request or failure to renew the license or meet licensing requirements. The files are predominantly correspondence regarding license expiration, renewal, fees, and inspections. There are some inspection reports, airport blueprints, and schematic drawings. Other topics covered include conditions for granting a license and operation of restricted landing areas. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Flying Schools and Aviation Education Program Files | gr01773 |
Flight instruction standards, regulations, and curriculum (1941-1951, 1960) and files maintained on Minnesota flying and ground schools (1944-1974). The records contain inspection forms, curricula, fees, pilot, instructor, and school licenses, student flight logs, and correspondence. They include files documenting serious investigations due to infractions or fraud and files concerning fees and accreditation for flight instruction to veterans. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its General Files | gr01778 |
Files maintained by the Aeronautics Department concerning aviation publications and associations, particularly the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, Minnesota Airport Operators Association, Minnesota State Bar Association Committee on Aeronautical Law, National Aeronautics Association, and Transportation Association of America. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Metropolitan Airports Commission Files | gr01770 |
Aeronautics commissioner's correspondence with Metropolitan Airports Commission personnel (1943-1965); files (1944-1950) on the selection of the site for a new major Minneapolis-St. Paul air terminal (Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport at Wold-Chamberlain Field); notes on MAC meetings (1946-1948); and miscellany regarding airport zoning regulations (1964-1965). | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Municipal Airports Files | gr01776 |
These files contain inspection forms and reports and licensing and management information for Minnesota municipal airports. There is also information on municipal and state funding for construction or improvement of airport facilities, correspondence, blueprints, maps, and schematic drawings. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its National Association of State Aviation Officials Files | gr01775 |
Records relating to this national organization, retained by George A. Holey, the department's Aviation Safety Representative. They include convention materials, regional board meeting files, correspondence, state policy and legislation files, and special bulletins. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Newspaper Clippings | gr01780 |
News clippings on airports, other air facilities, and air service in Minnesota communities, on aviation topics of interest to the Aeronautics Department, and on the department's personnel and activities. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its Photographs | gr01769 |
Photographs and negatives recording Minnesota municipal airport sites, airplanes, buildings, landing strip construction, and dedications, conferences, and other events. | |
Aeronautics Department: An Inventory of Its WPA Airport Projects Files | gr01772 |
Records of a Works Progress Administration funded airport development project (1933-1934). The files include blueprints and schematic drawings for both proposed and partially constructed airports. There are also photographs of the sites and construction activities. Some files contain corresponding WPA paperwork and correspondence. | |
Aeronautics Department: Commissioner's Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr01771 |
Correspondence and related records of the Commisioner's Office of the Department of Aeronautics. | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: An Inventory of Its Pest Reports and Bulletins | gr00738 |
Bulletins and circulars on pests and diseases of crops, nursery stock, and forest trees, particularly focusing on their life cycles, current prevalence and dangers, and control measures. Items prior to 1957 were issued by the Office of the State Entomologist; following 1957, they were credited to the Plant Industry Division only. | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: An Inventory of Its Shade Tree Disease Control Program Records | gr01763 |
Reports, correspondence, statistical and financial data, research and background materials, and related documentation of a program, administered by the state Department of Agriculture, that focused on providing funds and technical assistance to local units of government to combat Dutch elm disease and oak wilt disease. The program was established in 1974 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 18.023, and was terminated effective June 30, 1982. | |
Agriculture Department: Plant Industry Division: State Entomologist: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01617 |
Correspondence, reports, circulars, and miscellany regarding the activities of the State Entomologist in nursery inspection and regulation, plant pest and disease control, grasshopper control, crop reports, and fruit culture. | |
Joyce M. Brady: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00130 |
Printed materials, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, programs, meeting announcements, form letters, and related files collected by Joyce M. Brady, a Minneapolis political and community activist, documenting her interests in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), the Farmer-Labor Association, the Minnesota Nuclear Freeze Campaign and other disarmament organizations, nuclear power opposition groups, and feminist organizations and activities. | |
Mary Moulton Cheney: An Inventory of Her Papers | P1973 |
Brochures, price lists, sample books, monograms, calligraphy bookplates, drawings, greeting cards, calendars, cover designs, stationery, photographs, letters (undated and 1892-1927), newspaper clippings (1897, 1927, 1929), and biographical data reflecting the life and work of a Minneapolis artist and teacher. The papers also include material related to Cheney's career as an art teacher and director of the Minneapolis School of Art (1897-1926) and a summer art school she owned and operated near Walker, Minnesota during the 1930s. | |
Larry Cloud-Morgan: An Inventory of His Prison Papers | 00757 |
Papers of a Minnesota Native American peace and justice activist, artist and poet, and Roman Catholic/Anishinabe (Ojibwe) spiritual counselor and leader, who also used the name Whitefeather, documenting his incarceration (1984-1987) for participating in the Silo Pruning Hooks Plowshares disarmament action in Missouri on November 12, 1984. | |
Mary Britton Clouse: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01353 |
Personal papers of artist and animal rights activist Mary Britton Clouse. Includes documentation of her work promoting animal rights in various capacities. This includes records of her tenure as President of the Minnesota-based Animal Rights Coalition (ARC), her leadership with Legislative Efforts for Animal Protection (LEAP), and her founding of the Chicken Run Rescue (CRR). The collection also includes audiovisual recordings. | |
Conference on the Métis of North America: An Inventory of Its Conference Papers | P1908 |
Photocopies of 18 papers that address a variety of topics related to Métis history and culture. The papers were presented at a conference on the Métis in North America at the Newberry Library Center for the History of the American Indian (Sept. 3-5, 1981). | |
Jason Clark Easton: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01195 |
The business and personal papers of this banker who owned or held stock in banks at Chatfield, Lanesboro, Preston, and other towns in southern Minnesota. They are concentrated especially in the 1870s-1890s. | |
Etta Furlow: An Inventory of Her Papers | P1978 |
Correspondence (1930, 1943-1988), miscellaneous printed matter, photographs, and certificates giving brief glimpses into the life and career of an African-American community and civil rights activist from St. Paul (Minn.). | |
Hennepin County: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Reports of County Agencies | gr00593 |
Minutes of the General Hospital Advisory Board, several mental health and corrections organizations, Center Hospital Board, Indian Child Welfare Council, Metropolitan Inter-County Association, Regional Railroad Authority, Personnel Board, and Tuberculosis Control Advisory Board; and reports, other issuances, and scattered minutes from a variety of other county departments, agencies, and programs. | |
Alice Gortner Johnson: An Inventory of Her Papers | P2054 |
A trip journal, maps, radio scripts, letters, a photograph, and miscellaneous material relating to Johnson's activities as a Camp Fire Girls (1928-1938) member and counselor. | |
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 328 (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | P1845 |
Newsletters (1960-1972), convention programs (1959-1967), correspondence, Blanco y Negro Dance records (1960-1968), and miscellaneous administrative materials of a cultural and social organization serving Hispanic American citizens of St. Paul (Minn.). Much of the material documents the national LULAC organization, as well. | |
Polly Mann: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01359 |
Papers of anti-war and social activist Polly Mann. The papers include: letters to editors and politicians; writings in response to the 1968 Democratic Convention and the Vietnam War; an unpublished novel manuscript; a self-published creative-nonfiction memoir; plays, essays, and columns written by Mann; select press clippings and photographs; subject files; Senate campaign information; and audiovisual recordings. | |
Minnesota Waterfowl Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 01334 |
Includes the records of the Minnesota Waterfowl Association, an organization dedicated to preservation, protection, and enhancement of Minnesota's wetlands and related waterfowl habitat . The records include: Habitat Project files (1967-2019); Board materials (1967-2002); published materials, including newsletters, brochures, and reports (1967-2016), and audio and visual records (undated, 1967, 2002). | |
Mississippi River Lumber Company (Clinton, Iowa): An Inventory of Its Company Records | 01188 |
Minute book, logbooks, stock certificate book, journals, ledgers, cashbooks, land records, annual statements, and correspondence of this general logging and lumbering firm that held cutover lands in north central Minnesota. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Ethel Ray Nance: An Inventory of Her Papers | P1852 |
Newspaper clippings, correspondence, a few writings, and miscellaneous printed matter created or collected by an African American woman from Minneapolis who worked as a secretary and police officer and who was active in African American cultural and civil rights organizations in Minnesota and on the West Coast (1940- ). | |
National Indian War Veterans (Chicago, Ill.): An Inventory of Its Records | P1875 |
Correspondence (1933-1947); volume of manuscript minutes, financial statements, and rosters; membership applications (1927-1942); typescript convention proceedings (1940 and 1942); legislation (1940-1941, 1944); and newspaper clippings related to St. Paul Camp No. 21 and its parent organization, the National Indian War Veterans (NIWV). | |
Eva Bell Neal: An Inventory of Her Papers | P1862 |
Photocopied newspaper clippings, correspondence, autobiographical sketches, and miscellaneous printed matter documenting the life and family of an African American resident of St. Paul (Minn.). | |
Ancher Nelsen: An Inventory of His Papers | 00890 |
Congressional Records of Ancher Nelsen (R-Minn.), a Minnesota farmer who served as a Minnesota State Senator (1935-1948), Minnesota Lieutenant Governor (1953-1955), and U.S. Congressman from Minnesota's second district (1959-1975). The papers reflect the wide range of Nelsen's congressional duties, with emphasis on agriculture, health care, foreign trade, and District of Columbia matters. There are also a number of records relating to flooding and flood control, as well as rural electrification. | |
North Wisconsin Lumber Company (Hayward, Wis.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01189 |
Correspondence (mainly 1903-1908), agreements, financial miscellany, land records, and a property map of this company organized for the general manufacture of lumber. | |
Northern Lumber Company (Cloquet, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01190 |
Minutes, stock records, accounting records, and other financial information documenting the logging, lumbering, waterpower, river improvement, railroading, general merchandising, and related operations of the Northern Lumber Co. (1896-1945) and several affiliated companies operating in northern Minnesota. All the companies were controlled by Weyerhaeuser corporate interests. | |
Sally Olsen: An Inventory of Her Legislative Files | P2001 |
Legislative subject files, which include minutes, correspondence, and research materials, of an Independent-Republican member of the Minnesota House of Representatives (1978-1992) from District 44A (St. Louis Park). She served on the Education, Commerce, Economic Development, Financial Institutions and Insurance, Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs, and Taxes committees. | |
Otter Tail County: Dora Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01720 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Otter Tail County: Inman Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01745 |
Birth (1878-1907) and death (1880-1898, 1900-1907) registers, birth (1908-1949) and death (1908-1951) certificate registers, and burial/removal permits (1907-1975). | |
Otter Tail County: Leaf Mountain Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01746 |
Otter Tail County: Maplewood Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01747 |
Early entries are recorded as being for the town of St. Agnes. Also includes burial and removal permits (1907-1938). | |
Otter Tail County: New York Mills: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01748 |
Birth and death registers (1900-1938), birth and death certificate registers (1938-1940), and birth (1941-1951) and death (1941-1953) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal (1916-1932). | |
Otter Tail County: Newton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01749 |
Birth and death register (1881-1908), birth (1908-1949) and death (1914-1949) certificate registers, and death certificate record books (1908-1914). Also includes burial permits (1919-1944). Pre-1900 entries also include the village of New York Mills. | |
Otter Tail County: Nidaros Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01750 |
Birth (1874-1912) and death (1875-1912) registers, and birth (1908-1951) and death (1913-1951) certificate registers. | |
Otter Tail County: Norwegian Grove Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01751 |
Birth and death registers (1880-1907), birth (1908-1940) and death (1913-1940) certificate registers, and birth (1942-1948) and death (1946-1953) certificates. | |
Otter Tail County: Oak Valley Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01752 |
Birth and death register (1889-1908), birth and death certificate registers (1915-1946), and birth (1947-1950) and death (1947-1953) certificates. | |
Otter Tail County: Orwell Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01753 |
Birth and death registers (1887-1907), birth and death certificate register (1914-1940), and birth (1941) and death (1941-1952) certificates. | |
Otter Tail County: Oscar Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01754 |
Birth and death registers (1879-1907), birth (1908-1947) and death (1908-1949, 1951-1953) certificate records, and burial and removal permits (1924-1948). | |
Otter Tail County: Otter Tail Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01755 |
Birth and death registers (1881-1914), and birth (1912-1944) and death (1912-1952) certificate registers. | |
Otter Tail County: Paddock Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01756 |
Birth and death registers (1882-1907), and birth (1908-1952) and death (1913-1952) certificate registers. | |
Otter Tail County: Parker's Prairie Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01757 |
Reports of births and deaths (approximately 1887-approximately 1907), birth and death certificate registers (1914-1953), and burial and removal permits (approximately 1912-approximately 1924). | |
Otter Tail County: Pelican Rapids: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01758 |
Birth and death register (1900-1915), birth and death certificate registers (1915-1940), and birth and death certificates (1941-1953). | |
Otter Tail County: Perham: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01759 |
Birth and death certificate registers (1927-1953). | |
Otter Tail County: Perham Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01760 |
Birth and death register (1878-1907), birth (1908-1941) and death (1914-1953) certificate registers. | |
Otter Tail County: Rush Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01761 |
Birth and death registers (1871-1907), and birth and death certificate registers (1908-1944). | |
Otter Tail County: Star Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01762 |
Birth (1881-1907) and death (1881-1906) registers, birth (1907-1941) and death (1908-1941) certificate registers, and birth (1941-1945) and death (1941-1953) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal (1913-1934). | |
Otter Tail County: Sverdrup Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01764 |
Birth and death registers (1878-1917), birth and death certificate registers (1908-1941), and birth and death certificates (1941-1953). | |
Otter Tail County: Tumuli Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01765 |
Birth and death certificate registers (1908-1953). Also includes permits for burial or removal (1908-1923). | |
Otter Tail County: Western Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01766 |
Birth and death registers (1890-1907) and birth and death certificate registers (1914-1950). | |
Otter Tail County: Woodside Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr01767 |
Birth and death registers (1877-1907), birth (1913-1942) and death (1907-1942) certificate registers, and birth (1942-1952) and death (1942-1953) certificates. | |
Political Equality Club of St. Paul (Minn.): An Inventory of Its Club Records | P2124 |
A minute book (1910-1917), a campaign committee record book (1914-1915), some correspondence and miscellany (1910-1916), and a historical sketch (1916) documenting a local women's organization devoted to the cause of female suffrage. | |
Protestant Orphan Asylum (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Asylum Records | P2183 |
A letterbook (1888-1889), two minute books (1883-1926), four cash and dues record books (1910-1923), a check register (1929-1931), and a folder of miscellaneous unbound materials documenting an institution organized in St. Paul in 1865 as a haven for destitute children awaiting adoption. | |
Regional Transit Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00247 |
Records of the Regional Transit Board (RTB), the body legislated to administer the transit needs of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The materials document the organization, administration, operation, and dissolution of the board, including its relationship to the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC), its role in trying to bring light rail transit to the area, and its various programs involving short-range transit planning, particularly those involving the handicapped and elderly. | |
Jo Lutz Rollins: An Inventory of Her Family Papers | P1740 |
Autobiographies, sketchbooks and diaries (1921-1985), subject files (1931-1987), photographs, art catalogs (1943-1986), newspaper clippings (1936-1986), and subject files of a painter from Minneapolis and Stillwater, Minnesota, as well as correspondence (1894-1907) of her father, a Methodist minister. | |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its 2008 United States Senate Election Recount Records | gr01176 |
Includes State Supreme Court documents, State Canvassing Board files, Minnesota Majority lawsuit files, correspondence, ballots, and press coverage files. | |
Superior Timber Company (Chippewa Falls, Wis.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01192 |
Minutes, correspondence, deeds, legal documents, annual reports, tax returns, stock certificates, and financial summaries and reports of a company in business (1901-1944) mainly selling cutover lands in Douglas County, Wisconsin. Includes earlier ownership and sale records (1885-1900) of company lands, especially holdings of the Musser-Sauntry Land, Logging and Manufacturing Company, Stillwater; and information on several Wisconsin land and development companies. This company was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Helen H. Tearse: An Inventory of Her Papers | P2057 |
The collection is composed of letters written by Helen H. Tearse, a Winona (Minn.) high school teacher, to her mother, Mrs. William P. Tearse, and other family members in Winona while she was on vacations and study trips (1910, 1912-1913, and 1917) and during her service (1918-1919) with the YMCA in France during World War I. Letters from her brother, William P. Tearse, Jr. (1918-1919) concern his service in the U.S. Army in France. Another group of letters to Helen are from servicemen she met at the YMCA while she was serving in France. | |
Transportation Department: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr01312 |
Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Transportation Department. | |
United Power Association: An Inventory of Its Records | 00533 |
Records of an Elk River, Minnesota-based rural electric cooperative that supplied wholesale electric power to twelve or more consumer-owned electric utilities located in central and northern Minnesota and portions of northwestern Wisconsin. Includes records of predecessor Rural Cooperative Power Association, and of the Northern Minnesota Power Association, which merged with United Power in 1972. | |
United States Office of Indian Affairs: An Inventory of Its Selected Records | P2669 |
Negative photocopies, a microfilm reproduction, and typed transcripts of manuscript letters, reports, circulars, Indian censuses, maps, drawings, and other documents concerning the Sioux (Dakota), Chippewa (Ojibwe) and Winnebago Indians under the jurisdiction of the Michigan and St. Louis superintendencies in present-day Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. | |
United States Olympic Festival (1990 : Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Olympic Festival Records | P1867 |
Records documenting the Twin Cities Festival Organizing Committee's work in planning and promoting the U.S. Olympic Festival (July 6-15, 1990) held in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minn.), and various aspects of managing the participants, volunteers, and media during the festival. | |
Gertrude Louise Janssen Cooke Willius: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01363 |
Papers created and collected by Gertrude Louise Janssen Cooke Willius, who worked as the Art Director for The Golden Rule Department Store in the 1930s. Includes fashion designs and drawings pre-publication; press clippings with advertisements from The Golden Rule and other retailers; and select drawings, writings, and cartoons completed during Willius's childhood and art school education. | |
Newton Horace Winchell: An Inventory of His Papers | 00893 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Boynton, George T. Letter discussing Ho-Chunk land, 1859 May 24. |
One letter written by George T. Boynton of Mankato (Minn.) to Oliver Sawyer in East Templeton (Mass.). In the letter, Boynton discusses the quality of the farmland and its ownership. The letter describes the effects of the Treaty of 1855, wherein the Ho-Chunk ceded their land in Minnesota, except for one small reservation in the southeastern corner of the Territory spanning "9 Townships of the best farming lands in the Country," according to Boynton. Boynton also reports that the Ho-Chunk are in the process of selling their remaining land in order to pay off debts from fur traders, and he speculates on the possibilities for farm and trade if the Native Americans were to be removed from this remaining land. The original transmittal envelope and a typed transcript are included. |
Cauvet, Charles Edward. Civil War letters, 1861-1864. |
Includes eighty original handwritten letters of Civil War officer Edward Charles Cauvet. Collection also includes a photograph of Cauvet and a typewritten transcript of the letters. Cauvet served as a 1st lieutenant in the 42nd New York Infantry Regiment, or Tammany Regiment. He was born in 1837 and enlisted in the Union Army in 1861. Over his four years of military service, Cauvet wrote a series of detailed letters to Emma, his later wife, back in New York. The letters describe Cauvet's presence at pivotal battles such as Ball's Bluff and Antietam, as well as his personal hopes, ambitions, and frustrations. Cauvet's letters are unique in that they illustrate that Cauvet's political beliefs were more aligned with the southern Democrats than with the northern Republican ideology for which he fought. Edward Charles and Emma M. Cauvet married and later settled in Minneapolis. Edward Charles Cauvet died in Minneapolis in 1896. |
Cornwell, F.A. Letter concerning homesteading in Minnesota, 1864 November 6. |
Handwritten letter written by F.A. Cornwell in Winnebago City (Minn.) to Colonel Bachman regarding homesteading in Minnesota. The letter is written two years after the Homestead Act of 1862. In the letter, Cornwell states "And [...] the season for actual settlers has about closed (only 500 per day claimed at this office) and it gives the soldiers, who should have it, the advantage for a few months and they will be wise if they improve it, for if not Copperheads will cease the whole [...] next spring. And as a citizen of the state, I greatly prefer any solider as a neighbor than such as I find in search of Homesteads. |
Minnesota Skeet Shooting Association. Minnesota Skeet Shooting Association records, 1965-2015. |
The Minnesota Skeet Shooting Association was founded approximately 1937. The organization seeks to encourage and regulate skeet shooting within the State of Minnesota and to oversee compliance with the official rules of skeet as set forth by the National Skeet Shooting Association. The organization sponsors several skeet shooting events in Minnesota each year, including an annual Minnesota State Championship competition held every August. |
Porter, Dennis, 1840-1864. Dennis Porter letters, 1862 August-November. |
Two letters written by Civil War soldier Dennis Porter. One letter was written from the Upper Sioux Agency ( Minn.) (August 1, 1862), while the other letter was written in Chicago (November 28, 1862). The letters provide details on Porter's service in the 5th Minnesota Volunteer Regiment in 1862, the relations with the Dakota people during the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, and Porter's regiment's relocation to the southern front at the end of the year. The letters are addressed to Porter's sister, Jane Porter of Elk River (Minn.), and "friend Ellen." Each letter consists of four pages with color woodcut vignette. Also included is a transmittal envelope addressed to Jane Porter bearing the postal mark of Fort Ripley. Transcriptions of the letters are included." |
Schultz, George Edward. George E. Schultz World War I journal and related papers, 1917-1969 (bulk 1919-1921). |
Journal and related materials of pharmacist George E. Schultz, who served in World War I. Collection includes one handwritten journal (December 1917-May 1919). The collection also includes a transcription of the journal completed by Schultz's niece, Marjorie Herrmann Cox (undated); biographical documents (1919, 1921, undated); and photographs of Schultz with his wife Alma Schultz (nee Siemering) and niece Marjorie (1919, 1969). |
Sucoff, Marjorie Fairman. Marjorie Fairman Sucoff papers, 1968-1970. |
Includes the papers of activist Marjorie Fairman Sucoff, which document Sucoff's efforts to increase representation of Black individuals in advertising and greeting cards. These efforts were undertaken under the Integrated Advertising Campaign of the North Suburban Council on Civil Rights in Saint Paul (Minn.). A bulk of the collection consists of letters (1968-1970) written by Sucoff to major retailers urging the company to use more Black models in their advertising. Along with letters written by Sucoff to companies, the collection also includes letters to Sucoff praising or criticizing her efforts (1968), project notes (undated, approximately 1968), statistics (1968-1969), and related press clippings and ephemera (undated, 1968-1969). |