What's New -- November 2020
Did you miss Minnesota's outdoor festivities during the past summer
of isolation? We thought this would be an ideal opportunity to revisit
some of them through the vintage John Runk film collection!
Runk may have been a renowned photographer of the Stillwater area, but was also an avid
amateur filmmaker. His 16mm works have now been digitally transferred
in high-definition and capture staples such as state and Washington
County fairs and a drive along the North Shore, plus snapshots of the
1950s like the Minnesota Centennial celebration and the great flood of
1952. You can even prepare yourself for winter with footage of the 1953
Winter Carnival parade!
See more images of and by John Runk in Collections Online and in his Postal Souvenirs Collection.
New and Updated Finding Aids - November 2020
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Anoka County: Columbia Heights: City Council: An Inventory of Its Agenda Packets | gr01793 |
Agendas for city council meetings, previous meeting minutes, minutes of meetings of the Traffic Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission, ordinances, resolutions, reports of the city manager and city attorney, background information on matters being dealt with at the council meetings, and information on budget matters and payment of bills. | |
Anoka County: Columbia Heights: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01794 |
Civil and criminal justice dockets with indexes (1920-1969), a judgment book (1927-1929), and a police arrest register (1926-1950). | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Hennepin County Special Investigation Files | gr01782 |
During the period 1975-1976, the Attorney General's office and the State Auditor's office conducted an extensive investigation and audit of alleged improprieties and misuse of government funds in the construction of the Hennepin County Government Center and the Hennepin County Medical Center, and into the legality of travel and expense reimbursements obtained by various Hennepin County officials. This file (AG file 75-194-160) includes correspondence, chronologies of events, Hennepin County grand jury reports, newspaper clippings, subject files, testimony transcripts, and depositions gathered during the investigation and audit; the case was not taken to court. | |
Attorney General: An Inventory of Its Case Files Concerning Natural Gas Rates | gr01783 |
Correspondence, reports, circular notices and orders, petitions, testimony, exhibits, pleadings, statements, and other materials documenting a number of related hearings before the Federal Power Commission on prices charged by natural gas supply companies throughout the country, including the Northern Natural Gas Company. | |
Cable Communications Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01785 |
Correspondence, clippings, reports, and related materials covering such topics as access, board membership and orientation, cross-ownership, discrimination, federal cable legislation, franchise development, interconnection and municipal cable systems, regional channels, and sales tax. | |
Chippewa County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr01787 |
Miscellaneous records of the County Auditor of Chippewa County. | |
Chisago County: Chisago City: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01788 |
Financial statements (1971-1976, 1983), council minutes (1949, 1951-1958, 1964-1989, 1993), correspondence of city clerk and council (1977-1989), planning commission minutes (1986-1991) and correspondence (1987-1991), and Lindstrom-Chisago City disposal plant receipts/disbursements (1977-1979, 1981). | |
Chisago County: School District No. 29, Nessel Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01801 |
Records documenting the administration of this Chisago County school district. Included are attendance registers, complete combination records, daily schedules, records of the library, records of the county superintendent of schools, pupil record cards, school censuses, teacher's monthly reports, textbook and equipment records, and treasurer's books. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr01792 |
Copies of orders and judgments issued by the district court. The later volumes are entitled "order and judgment book." | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr01791 |
Registers of actions for both civil and criminal cases. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Called Reports of Banks | gr01797 |
Annual reports of condition of banks in the state, giving summary data on capitalization, officers and directors, assets, liabilities, capital accounts, and various categories of financial transactions. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Closed Credit Unions' Records | gr01796 |
Minutes of annual and board of directors meetings, bylaws, monthly financial statements, and reports called by the Banking Division for closed or defunct credit unions. | |
Commerce Department: Insurance Division: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports | gr01795 |
Printed and typescript annual reports of the Insurance Division (after 1983, the Division of Policy Form Analysis), including statistics on insurance business done in Minnesota. Beginning in 1937, the statistics are present as printed, and eventually Xeroxed, supplements. | |
Counties Transit Improvement Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01790 |
Meeting minutes, agenda packets, published reports and other records of the Counties Transit Improvement Board and its predecessors the Metro Transitways Development Board and the Metropolitan Light Rail Transit (LRT) Joint Powers Board. | |
Marjorie Herrmann Cox: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00646 |
Correspondence (bulk 1943-1945), scrapbooks, photographs, and other memorabilia pertaining to Marjorie Herrmann Cox's education, family life, performing arts activities, teaching career, and involvement in politics. | |
Dakota County: Eagan Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01800 |
Town meeting minutes (1860-1929) and voter lists; financial records; road tax lists, orders, overseers' reports, and related files; a few real estate and personal property assessment rolls; chattel mortgage record (1860-1895); wolf bounties (1889-1918); and scattered election returns (1860-1910). | |
Dentistry Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01124 |
Records of this board to regulate the practice of dentistry in the state. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Drought Relief Applications | gr01806 |
Applications for livestock feed and/or fuel and other farm needs, as a result of crop losses in the drought of 1933. They were submitted to the Executive Council's Drought Relief Committee. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Hailstorm Relief Applications | gr01807 |
Applications for livestock feed and/or funds for building repair or other farm needs as a result of damage from hailstorms that struck a number of Minnesota counties in the summers of 1930 and 1932-1934. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Lease Files | gr01804 |
Files on mining and miscellaneous leases of state lands that were handled by or through the Executive Council. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Relief Correspondence and Records | gr01808 |
Correspondence and related materials regarding disaster relief aid provided to Minnesota citizens by or through the Executive Council, particularly for damages caused by drought, storm, and forest fires. | |
Executive Council: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr01805 |
Subject files relating to various administrative and program matters that fall under the purview of the Executive Council. They include materials on such topics as disaster relief and reconstruction especially by the Military Affairs Department, economic development, emergency services, migrant affairs, state lands and care facilities, use of the herbicide 2-4-D, community and rural development, and state bonds and delinquent accounts. | |
Judith Lehman Farmer: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01364 |
Personal papers of community organizer, educator, and Minneapolis School Board Member Judith Farmer. The bulk of the collection pertains to Farmer's service on the Minneapolis Public School Board. The collection includes substantial documentation of Farmer's planning and implementation of the Southeast Alternative School (SEA) program, federally supported choice program within the Minneapolis Public Schools, including her involvement with the establishment of Marcy Open School, a component of SEA. Records also document desegregation efforts within Minneapolis Public Schools, as well as school budgets, facilities, referendums, and reports on students, personnel, diversity, and school finances. A smaller set of materials pertain to Farmer's work on political campaigns and other community action work. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Civil Rights Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01809 |
Minutes (1970-1978), committee minutes and correspondence (primarily 1965-1969), publicity materials, complaint summaries, logs, and statistics (1968-1969, 1976-1980), subject matter files (1946-1979), and other miscellaneous records of the department and of the Minneapolis Commission/Mayor's Commission on Human Relations. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Fair Employment Practice Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01810 |
Annual reports (1956-1967), executive director's correspondence (1948-1966), miscellaneous reports and brochures, subject matter files, and files on companies and unions (circa 1949-1957). Includes materials relating to the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations, with which the commission merged in 1957. | |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Sound Recordings | 01098 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Isanti County: Cambridge Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01786 |
Records of Cambridge Township in Isanti County. | |
Kanabec County: Brunswick Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01784 |
Records of Brunswick Township in Kanabec County. | |
Walter F. Mondale: An Inventory of His Political Papers and Campaign Files | 00697_Political |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Northland Pine Company (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01191 |
Articles of incorporation, minutes, ledgers, journals, log and land books, annual statements, and financial reports of this firm organized to deal in pinelands and lumber, drive logs, improve and dam streams, and build and operate logging railroads. It was consolidated in 1925 with the Mississippi Lumber Company. This firm was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. | |
Polk County: Columbia Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01789 |
Records of Columbia Township in Polk County. | |
Ramsey County: Saint Paul: Mayor: An Inventory of Its Files of Mayor Christopher B. Coleman | gr01802 |
Files documenting Chris Coleman's tenure as mayor of St. Paul. Arranged first by year, then alphabetically by topic. The collection is largely made up of outgoing correspondence but also may include constituent correspondence, press releases, proclamations, and other related records. | |
John Runk: An Inventory of His Film Collection | sv000064 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
St. Louis County: Fredenberg Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01799 |
Clerk's books (1914-1980), clerk's and treasurer's receipts and disbursements registers (1980-2002), treasurer's books (1914-1976), and various other meeting minutes and records of Fredenberg Township. | |
State Land Office: An Inventory of Its Township Survey Plats | gr01798 |
Plat books of township surveys. | |
Washington County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr01803 |
Judgment record books (1858-1980), judgment dockets (1883-1893, 1934-1971), and default judgment records (1877-1981). | |
Weyerhaeuser and Rutledge Company (Chippewa Falls, Wis.): An Inventory of Its Records | 01193 |
Minute book (1906-1938), articles of association (1906), stock certificate book (1906-1931), tax records, journals and ledger (1882-1918), and other financial records of this general lumbering firm with lands in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Frederick Weyerhaeuser (senior) and Edward Rutledge were among its incorporators. This company was a Weyerhaeuser affiliate. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Johnson, Paul A. American Barley Company materials, 1914-1933, 1991. |
Stock certificate, envelope with logo, and correspondence (1914, 1916) of the American Barley Company and historical data compiled by Paul A. Johnson of Chisago City, Minnesota in 1991. The original materials once belonged to Mathilda Faust of Chisago City, Minnesota. Much of the historical information was supplied by the Carver County Historical Society, Waconia, Minnesota. |
Messer, Sylvester B., 1855-1889. Sylvester B. Messer letters home, 1881-1884. |
Twenty-one letters (1881-1884) written by native-New Hampshire resident, Sylvester B. Messer to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Messer in Georges Mills, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, recording his time as a teacher, organist, and school principal in Long Prairie and Morris, Minnesota from May 1881 to July 1884. Dispatches record his daily life, school experiences, and a brief bout with the measles. |
Olson, Alice M. Alice M. Olson Red Cross papers, 1940-1945. |
Letters, photographs, clippings, and memorabilia (1940-approximately 1945) pertaining to Alice Olson's service in Red Cross hospitals in Europe and North Africa during World War II. The papers include four letters to family members discussing her Harvard assignment (1940), the voyage to England (clipping, 1941), and activities in Italy (approximately 1944) and the Sahara region (undated); a letter and signed photograph from Mary Beard, director of the Red Cross Nursing Service; photos of Olson and the hospital staff and grounds in Salisbury; and clippings about the torpedoing of another ship carrying a contingent of nurses. |
Pereira, Joseph, Jr. Joseph Pereira Jr. World War II papers, 1938-1945. |
20 black-and-white snapshots (1938-1945); reminiscences (undated); and honorary discharge, commendations, awards, orders, and related military documents (1942-1945) documenting Joseph Pereira, Jr.'s time in the United States Army during World War II. Photographs show the ceremony wherein Pereira was awarded a Bronze Star, and also include images of Pereira and other men in his unit. |
Roefer, Florence. Florence Roefer papers, 1961-1989. |
Papers of Florence Roefer, the first interpreter at the Jeffers Petroglyphs historic site in Comfrey (Minn.). The collection includes correspondence files consisting of letters, clippings, snapshots, notes, posters, and brochures collected by Roefer during her tenure as site manager and after. The materials document Roefer's particular interest in the prairie grasses and flowers in the area, including Roefer's efforts to re-seed the prairie and establish an herbarium at the site, as well as her own ecological research. |
Schelerko, Ivan. Ivan Schelerko papers, 1946-1983. |
Documents relating to the identity and travels of Ivan Schelerko (also known as Iwan Schelerko, Iwan Shellerko, Johann Schelerko, and Iwan Szalerko), a World War II displaced person who emigrated to the United States in 1950 under the auspices of Church World Service, Inc., and letters (1975-1983) received by him. |
Shumway, Robert Alan. Robert Shumway World War II letters, 1943 March 28-August 8. |
Approximately 73 letters received by Private Shumway while stationed with Company A, 76th battalion, 16th regiment, 4th platoon of the United States Army at Camp J.T. Robinson near Little Rock (Ark.). Most are from his parents, Claude Bryan Shumway (1896-1983) and Luella Grace (Buck) Shumway (1895-1973); several are from his future wife June Elizabeth Kummerwold (1924-2013). The letters detail the family's life in Duluth (Minn.), including social activities, news of other service men and women, home front economic activities, and parental advice. |
Sweeney Detective Bureau (St. Paul, Minn.). Sweeney Detective Bureau daybook, 1936-1941. |
Daybook of a Saint Paul agency that provided guard services for transportation of monies and valuables and worked primarily out of the First National Bank. The volume includes the names of those who provided the services, where they went, and occasionally charges. |
Tatham, Mary Louise. Mary Louise Tatham school papers, 1947-1951. |
School memories book (1950-1951), report cards (1947-1951) and diploma of Mary Louise Tatham (later Altier) while a student at Villa Maria Academy, a Roman Catholic school located at Frontenac, Minnesota. The memory book includes details of activities at the school, photographs, and memories of students and staff of this private academy operated by the Ursuline Nuns. |
Thomson, Hamilton R. Hamilton R. Thomson Civil War diary, 1864-1891 (bulk 1864-1865). |
Diary (April 24-November 7, 1864 and January 1-17, 1865) kept by Thomson as a member of Company E, 4th Minnesota Regiment. Additional information and financial data exists (1864, 1865 and 1891). Diary entries discuss weather, sicknesses, war news from other units, and particularly his time as a patient and guard at the Cumberland Hospital in Tennessee. Accompanying the diary is an undated photograph of a plaque dedicated to the Army of the Potomac in front of its headquarters in Taneytown, Maryland. |
Williams, Billy (William F.) Billy Williams papers, 1919-1978. |
Personal letters (1919-1930, 1957) to Helmer Engstrom of Minneapolis from Billy Williams concerning family and friends and clippings (1953-1963, 1978) about Williams, an African American who served as an executive political assistant to Minnesota governors from 1904 to 1957. |
Wonder Workers 4-H Club (Spring Valley, Minn.). Wonder Workers 4-H Club records,1929-1958 (bulk 1929-1951). |
Minutes (1949-1950); correspondence and miscellaneous papers (undated, 1929-1951, 1958) mainly with the Agricultural Extension Agent of Fillmore County; and member projects (1942-1951) mainly of the McFarland family for a 4-H club operating in Fillmore County, Minnesota. |