What's New -- July 2021
Archiving Film at the Minnesota Historical Society
We would like to share this behind-the-scenes showcase of the
Minnesota Historical Society's film digitization process, made collaboratively with
local production company Wheel•House. We believe in the importance of preserving
Minnesota's audiovisual legacy, and as stewards of the past who preserve these
stories, we wanted to give viewers an intimate look at this work.
Hubert H. Humphrey Papers
We are pleased to announce that the inventory
to the entire 1700-box Hubert H. Humphrey Papers collection has been converted to xml format and is now available
completely online, the conclusion of a months-long project.
The Humphrey Papers collection is made up of 61 series (subgroups) of papers documenting Humphrey's mayoral, senatorial, and vice presidential years, election campaign, and personal and family activities. There are series of photographs, speeches, and sound recordings. Some speeches and sound recordings have been digitized.
The Hubert Humphrey Papers is one of the largest manuscript collections at the Minnesota Historical Society, and receives heavy usage. The Society holds several other large political collections, including the papers of Walter Mondale (951 boxes), David Durenberger (435 boxes), and Rudy Boschwitz (132 boxes).
Humphrey began his political career as mayor of Minneapolis (1945-1948), and served as United States Senator (1949-1964 and 1971-1978) and as Vice President of the United States (1965- 1968). An unabashed liberal, he is perhaps best-known as a champion of civil rights. He helped found the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party.
The new inventory is now completely and easily searchable, and will make materials much easier for researchers to find.
New and Updated Finding Aids - July 2021
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Century Farm Applications | gr00094 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers and Related Records | gr02025 |
Registers record warrants issued by the auditor, authorizing payment for approved expenses, to be presented to the state treasurer for payment. | |
Harold Keith Bradford: An Inventory of His Papers | 01429 |
Biographical data, annual reports, prospectuses, correspondence, and miscellany of, or collected by, Harold Keith Bradford as Vice President of the Investors Syndicate (1940s-1960) and as President of IDS Mutual Funds (1960-1970). | |
Solon J. Buck: An Inventory of His Papers | 00794 |
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Building Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02026 |
Files documenting planning, site acquisition, specifications and bidding, and construction of the State Office Building. | |
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its School Consolidation Files | gr02033 |
Consolidation files for individual school districts or groups of school districts in Carver County, documenting consolidations, dissolutions, annexations, and reorganizations. The files include petitions, vote tallies, and orders for consolidation or proposed consolidations. | |
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02034 |
Includes materials relating to school buildings in several districts (1913-1918), high school area redistricting committee (1937-1938), school survey committee (1948-1959), Junior Red Cross gift boxes to Greece (1960), and termination of the superintendent's office (1971). | |
Carver County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher Records | gr02032 |
Teachers employed record (1899-1971) includes teacher's name, address, and salary, date school term began and school district number. Teacher's record (1900-1930) includes teacher's name and address, date of teaching certificate, teaching examination grades, and remarks. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Closed Banks Miscellaneous Records | gr02027 |
Registers and dockets of actions and miscellaneous correspondence and reports on various matters relating to bank closings. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Files of Acting Commissioner Michael C. O'Donnell | gr02028 |
Records kept by O'Donnell while serving as Banking Division Acting Commissioner (February-August 1973). He also served as the Commerce Department Executive Secretary from June 1971 to October 1973; the records from 1971-1972 were most likely transferred or copied from those files. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Small Loan Company Examination Files | gr02029 |
Examination reports on the operations and finances of small loan companies, and correspondence regarding the reports. Many reports include lists of individual loans. | |
Commerce Department: Banking Division: An Inventory of Its Stockholder Lists | gr02030 |
Annual lists of stockholders for each bank in the state, giving name, residence, number of shares, and their total value for each stockholder. | |
Commerce Department: Executive Secretary's Office: An Inventory of Its Files of Michael C. O'Donnell | gr02031 |
Correspondence and subject files kept by O'Donnell during his tenure as Executive Secretary (June 1971-October 1973). | |
Davidson Company: An Inventory of Its Records | 00654 |
Correspondence, land contracts and leases, property maps, financial and tax records, legal instruments, printed matter, and miscellaneous records documenting the existence of several interrelated companies headquartered in St. Paul, as well as the personal business careers of several members of the Davidson family of St. Paul, especially Watson Pogue Davidson, Sr., around whose activities the several groups of records revolve. | |
Janet M. Deming: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00825 |
Personal papers of social worker, community activist, and business owner/president of a Minneapolis-based employee-assistance firm DOR (Delivering Organizational Results) and Associates, Inc. The papers reflect her personal interest in and study of social services, feminism, and civil rights in the 1960s and 1970s, and business records of her firm. | |
Dietetics and Nutrition Practice Board: An Inventory of Its Administrative Rule Proceedings Files | gr02020 |
Arranged in chronological order. | |
Energy Agency: Conservation Division: An Inventory of Its Energy Design Competition Entries | gr02035 |
Designs for construction of energy efficient dwellings suitable for Minnesota's climate, including site plans, floor plans, exterior views, cross-sections, cost figures, and design project narratives. | |
Donald MacKay Fraser: An Inventory of His Papers | 00290 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Randy Furst: An Inventory of His Records Related to Radicalism and Militant Labor Movements | 001335 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Olmstead Plan Records | gr02021 |
Include the Olmstead Planning Committee agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; the Governor's Olmstead Subcabinet meeting agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; executive orders, Olmstead Plan drafts and public comments, annual and quarterly reports, work plans, surveys, reports to the court, and related records. Arranged in chronological order. | |
Louis W. (Louis Warren) Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00050 |
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Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Papers | 00720 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Legislative Auditor: Financial Audits Division: An Inventory of Its Audit Reports | gr00705 |
Audit reports conducted annually by the Financial Audit Division to assess the state's major financial operations and determine whether the state's financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles. | |
Legislative Auditor: Program Evaluation Division: An Inventory of Its Program Evaluation Reports | gr00239 |
Published reports that describe state programs or the
operations of state agencies, analyze management problems, evaluate outcomes, and recommend alternative means of reaching program goals. |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its House and Senate Bills (Legislative Set) | gr00675 |
Consists of the final signed copies of House files, Senate files, chapter files, and resolutions. | |
Clark MacGregor: An Inventory of His Papers | 00289 |
Congressional office files of a U.S. representative (Republican) from the Minnesota third district who served from 1961-1971, as well as a few files documenting his tenure (1971-1972) as Counsel to the President for Congressional Relations. | |
McLeod County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00741 |
Tax lists for the years 1861-1901, 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. | |
Laura Jane Musser An Inventory of Her Family Papers | 00355 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Roger P. Parkinson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00222 |
Papers documenting Parkinson's activities as publisher and president (1983-1992) of the Star Tribune newspaper and its predecessor, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune; as an officer and director of corporate parent Cowles Media Company; and as a member of foreign policy think tanks and Minnesota business associations. Most of the material relates to operations and special projects at the newspapers. | |
Public Safety Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00054 |
General correspondence with citizens and with local
civic and law enforcement officials regarding all aspects of the department's operations and public interactions. |
Public Safety Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02023 |
Includes subject files, reports, hearing transcripts, manuals, rules and regulation, administrative rulemaking files, minutes and meeting files, and legislative mandated reports. | |
Public Safety Department: Commissioner’s Office: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr00055 |
Subject files from the office of the commissioner consisting predominantly of interoffice memoranda and correspondence with public safety department divisions. | |
Albert H. Quie: An Inventory of His Congressional Papers | 00208 |
Congressional files of Albert H. Quie (Republican), who represented Minnesota's first district from 1958 through 1978 and went on to serve as governor of the state from 1979 to 1983. | |
Ramsey County: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00621 |
Budget documents, executive director reports and related publications, and print and near-print materials documenting the facilities and services provided by or proposed to be provided by the county, covering such diverse topics as corrections, economic development, land use, election canvassing, personnel, social services, county nursing home, mental health care, emergency planning, road repair and reconstruction, financial planning, courts, parks and recreational facilities, taxation, landfills and waste management, light rail transit, schools, housing and real estate, and information services. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02019 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of the St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department. Includes scrapbooks, subject files of Medical Director Dr. Neal R. Holtan, and photographs. Also included are published records and reports of the department's predecessors the St. Paul Community Services Department, Public Health Division, and the St. Paul Public Safety Department, Health Bureau. | |
Redwood County: Sundown Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02013 |
Birth (1873-1908) and death (1873-1907) registers, and birth (1907-1950) and death (1908-1953) certificates. | |
Redwood County: Vail Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02014 |
Birth (1879-1907) and death (1880-1907) registers and birth (1908-1949) and death (1914-1953) certificates. | |
Redwood County: Vesta: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02015 |
Birth (1911-1953) and death (1908-1953) certificates. | |
Redwood County: Vesta Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02016 |
Birth (1880-1911) and death (1880-1910) register and birth (1908-1952) and death (1911-1953) certificates. | |
Redwood County: Walnut Grove: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02017 |
Birth (1885-1909) and death (1887-1907) registers and birth (1915-1954) and death (1915-1953) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal. | |
Redwood County: Westline Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02018 |
Birth (1879-1919) and death (1881-1916) registers, and birth (1908-1945) and death (1908-1952) certificates. Also includes permits for burial or removal (1905-1932) including from Olmsted, Lyon, Stearns, and Anoka Counties. | |
Rice County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00823 |
Assessment rolls for the civil subdivisions of Rice County, recording the value of taxable real and personal property for the years 1858-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, and 1990-1991. The assessment rolls for 1858-1859 also include information on taxes levied and paid, and some volumes include delinquent tax data. The records for the 1860s are incomplete; and there are no records for the cities of Faribault and Northfield for 1920-1921. | |
Rice County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Tax Lists | gr00824 |
Tax lists for the civil subdivisions of Rice County, recording the taxes assessed and paid on real and personal property for the years 1860-1901 and subsequent sample years 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1980-1981, and 1990-1991. Real property tax data were recorded on a combined form with real property assessment data in even-numbered years, 1870-1950. | |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Session Laws at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00487 |
Acts of the Minnesota Legislature as passed in each year's legislative session. Laws of a permanent nature are subsequently incorporated in the Minnesota Statutes that are coded laws. The Laws of Minnesota also include uncoded laws, including appropriations, proposed constitutional amendments, local laws, and effective date sections. | |
Social Work Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02022 |
Includes minutes, reports to the legislature, administrative rule proceedings files, and related material. | |
Stearns County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02024 |
Includes crime register, warrant and prisoner record, jail registers, and sheriff's office record books. | |
Thorstensen Family: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | 01355 |
Records of the Thorstensen family of Red Wing, Minnesota, including the correspondence of Robert E. Thorstensen and Marion Duggan Thorstensen during Robert's naval service during World War II. The bulk of the collection consists of the war time letters exchanged between Robert and Marion, who wrote to each other nearly every day (August 1943 to December 1944). Many of the letters are romantic in nature, and include insights into naval and domestic life during World War II, as well as information about arts and cultural events in the Twin Cities during that time. Also included in the collection are some biographical materials about Robert, his parents Edwin and Mabel's memoirs, Edwin's career history in Red Wing, and letters exchanged between Robert and his parents during his education. | |
Thursday Club (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00408 |
Constitutions (1927/1928, 1939/1940 and 1957); minutes (1894-1917, 1930-1955, and 1993-2000); an early membership list (1895-1897); yearbooks containing the club's annual programs, membership rosters, and secretary's report (1895/1896-1999/2000); treasurer's books and reports (1924-1941, 2000-2001); scrapbooks (1908-1956); and miscellaneous papers ([1906]-1990)documenting the activities of a Saint Paul women's literary and intellectual society organized on May 14, 1894. | |
Unity Church (St. Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00896 |
Records of this Unitarian church, relating to its administration, membership, clubs, committees, affiliation with state and national Unitarian associations and buildings, as well as the correspondence and files of Arthur Foote, its minister from 1945 to 1970. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Austin, Horace, 1831-1905. Horace Austin and family papers, 1850-1958. |
Correspondence, photographs, reports, clippings, appointments, biographical information, and financial and legal papers concerning Austin, his daughters Helen, Mabel, and Leonora, and his son Herbert (1850-1958). There is also data on Austin's Minnesota governorship (1870-1874), his activities as third auditor in the U.S. Treasury Department (1870s), state and national politics, corruption in the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant, the Hayes-Tilden presidential election contest (1876), civil service reform, Austin's Minnesota real estate investments, women's suffrage, recollections (February-March, 1898) of Henry H. Sibley's 1863 expedition against the Dakota Indians, family activities, and Herbert's positions as purchasing agent for the city of St. Paul (1916, 1934) and for the state of Minnesota (1925, 1931). Included in the volume are early photographs of Austin and typed excerpts and summaries of four messages to the Minnesota Legislature (1871-1874). Correspondents include Jacob V. Brower, Edwin W. Dike, Ignatius Donnelly, Mark H. Dunnell, Loren Fletcher, Mark D. Flower, Charles M. Loring, William R. Marshall, Andrew R. McGill, Joseph K. Moore, John Sherman (Secretary of the Treasury), Horace B. Strait, and William Windom. A historical sketch written by Barbara Southard, the great granddaughter of Horace Austin, is also included. |
Brackett, Alfred B., 1826-1892. Alfred B. Brackett papers, 1861-1868. |
Reports, orders, newsletters, commissions, and other items primarily related to the service of Brackett's Battalion of Minnesota Cavalry during the Northwest Indian Expeditions (1864-1865) against the Dakota Indians in Dakota Territory, but also including a few items from the time that the battalion was part of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry fighting in the South (1861-1863). Three letters (1865) written by Brackett to Sergeant Eugene Marshall detail conditions within the Battalion, muse about its potential movements against the Indians in the West during 1865, and discuss personnel. One letter encloses a telegram from A. H. Mills informing Brackett that General Alfred Sully has ordered the Battalion on an expedition to the Black Hills. |
Dahl (Family : Dahl, Arthur). Arthur and Theodore Dahl papers, 1897-1994 (bulk 1917-1945). |
Papers encompassing the military careers of brothers Arthur and Theodore Dahl from Hutchinson, Minnesota. Arthur Dahl's papers include: his original WWI enlistment certificate (1917); appointment certificate to the rank of sergeant to the U.S. Army, 13th Field Artillery (February 22, 1918); military leave permission form while Dahl served in France (October 19, 1918); Treasury Department bond letters sent to Dahl (1936); Order to Report for Induction (1942); WWII discharge certificates (1944); WWII company examination documents and special orders (1942-1943); a copy of a Swedish language baptism certificate for Arthur (1897); a short history regarding the 181st Station Hospital (1944); five postcards from his stations in Europe (1917-1918); one small U.S. Army memo book (approximately 1942); and letters written to his parents and younger siblings during WWI and WWII (1918-1945). |
Franconia Cemetery Association (Minn.). Franconia Cemetery Association records, 1862-2015. |
Includes two ledger books containing the following: ordinances of the Village of Franconia (1887-1891); minutes of yearly meetings of the cemetery trustees (1896-1974); treasurer's reports of receipts and disbursements (1897 -1945); record of officers and trustees (1896-1987); record of burials (1862-1987); and record of sale of cemetery lots (1886-1987). Separate files include: cremation certificates (1989-2015); transportation of corpse permits (1921-1942); burial, removal, or transit permits (1915-2008); disposition permits (1931-2015); and death certificates (1945-2015). |
Glover, Tony. Tony Glover correspondence with Rolling Stone magazine, 1968-1976. |
The collection contains Tony Glover's correspondence with Rolling Stone magazine, which discusses reviews written by Glover. This includes correspondence between the magazine's founder Jann Wenner and Glover regarding his reviews on artists Jimi Hendrix, Robbie Robertson, and Country Joe (1968-1971). The correspondence also include a letter from Mick Killingbeck of Rolling Stone regarding Glover's review of the movie Rainbow Bridge (April 4, 1972), and pay stubs (1973-1976) documenting the income Glover received from Rolling Stone. |
Grabitske, David. Research files on Sarah Jane Sibley, 1996-2008. |
Research files compiled for Grabitske's book Six Miles from St. Paul: The Family and Society of Sarah Jane Sibley (2008), including a calendar of primary sources, biographical data, information about artifacts and images, letters (photocopies), published articles, and data on the Mount Vernon Ladies Association, Julia MacFarlane Johnson, and society friends of Sarah Jane Sibley. |
Hale, William Edward, 1845-1922. William Edward Hale and family papers, 1870-1922. |
Hale family genealogical data; two memorial biographies of Hale (1922); marriage certificates of William E. Hale and Ella C. Sutherland (1870) and of daughter Florence E. Hale and Daniel Agnew (1910); memorabilia from the Agnews' honeymoon trip; William E. Hale's will (1914); a small disassembled scrapbook (approximately 1898-approximately 1914) containing clippings on Hale and his family; Hale and Agnew family photographs; and miscellaneous memorabilia. |
Hunt, Shirley. Shirley Hunt environmental and natural resources papers, 1972-1982. |
Disassembled environmental issues notebooks (1981-1982) containing memoranda from Hunt to Senator David Durenberger and to others on his staff, statements by Durenberger, meeting arrangements, and miscellany, nearly all pertaining to environmental and natural resources issues. Metro Open Space Information Project photographs and reports (approximately 1972-1975) contain photographs of natural areas in the Twin Cities area, of people using them recreationally, and a few of industrial use, pollution, or erosion. Accompanied by two reports: A People's Agenda for Open Space (1974) and Town Meeting Report.... (Fall 1975). |
Narbo, Peter. Peter Narbo diaries, 1896-1900. |
Three diaries kept by sign painter Peter Narbo while living in Minneapolis (Minn.). Diaries detail his work as a sign painter as well as the physical and emotional struggles he faced while living and working in the city. |
Nemerov, Irving, 1920-1993. Irving Nemerov Papers, 1961-1968. |
Correspondence, memoranda, circular materials, campaign literature, clippings, and miscellany documenting a Minneapolis labor lawyer's involvement in Democratic-Farmer-Labor politics on behalf of Hennepin County and statewide candidates for elective office. |
Wilfert, Andrew, 1833-1916. Andrew Wilfert and family papers, 1863-1916, 2006. |
The papers of a German-born farmer in Le Sueur County, Minnesota, who served in the Civil War, as a Le Sueur County Commissioner (1886-1888), and was a founder of the first Lutheran church of Cleveland. Includes genealogical data; letters from Wilfert to his future bride, Margareth Weiss, during his service with the 7th Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers; a letter to Margareth from her father in Germany; letters relating to the Joh. Konrad Weiss estate; a certificate of citizenship; a certificate of election as a Le Sueur County Commissioner; member receipts from various societies; U.S. Bureau of Pension documents relating to Civil War disability pensions; a farm lease (1910) and tax receipts for Wilferts farm in Le Sueur County; an auction log (1904) in which is recorded the sale of farm implements, machinery and livestock; and a Civil War era diary (1865). |