What's New -- August 2021
Dray line, embalmer, cooper, enamel burner, brain buyer, steeplejack, liveryman. Do you know what these are? These are some of the professions that soldiers from the National Guard had prior to WWI. You can see all of these occupations and more in the Adjutant General Military Service Record Cards microfilm collection in addition to the service record cards of soldiers in other wars. We are continuously adding digitized reels to the collection, so keep checking in to see what new reels and records are being put online.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
New and Updated Finding Aids - August 2021
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Maeve Butler Beck: An Inventory of Her Papers | 01431 |
Personal papers of poet and teacher Maeve Butler Beck. Includes drafts of poems by Beck, correspondence to and from Beck, manuscripts of prose writing and lectures, a sampling of published poems in small press journals, and a folder of family history materials. | |
Carver County: Chanhassen: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01493 |
Meeting minutes (1965-2019) of the City Council, Housing Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Authority, Environmental Protection Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Senior Commission; and City Council resolutions (1969-2016). Also included are scrapbooks (1969-2019). | |
Chiropractic Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02057 |
Annual (1919-1958) and biennial (1968) reports; correspondence regarding licensing, publicity, and related matters (1922-1958); news releases (1940-1945); license letters (notifications of licenses granted and examination results) (1928-1953); a file on a license dispute (1926); administrative rule proceedings files (1970-2015); and meeting minutes (1919-2019). | |
Bernhard and Gracia Christensen: An Inventory of Their Family Papers | 00876 |
Letters of Bernard Christensen, former president of Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn.), and his wife Gracia Christensen (formerly Lily Gunderson), who taught English at Augsburg. Some topics of the letters discuss their personal relationship, family matters, friends, travel, professional matters, religion and faith, theology, literature, current events, and Augsburg College. | |
Citizens' Council on Voyageurs National Park: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02037 |
Records of this citizens' advisory council formed to aid in the establishment and operation of Voyageurs National Park. | |
Phillip S. Duff and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01430 |
Correspondence, subject files, editorials, speech outlines, genealogical materials, and miscellany of Phillip S. Duff, Jr., editor and publisher, then columnist, of the Red Wing Republican Eagle and co-founder of the Minnesota News Council. | |
Energy Agency: Conservation Division: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02036 |
Includes work plans, program review minutes, conservation program reviews, minutes of the Energy Code Project, material relating to the Energy Conservation Program Act and Energy Policy and Conservation Act, and miscellaneous subject files. | |
GFWC-West Suburban Women's Club: An Inventory of Its Club Records | 00866 |
Constitution, bylaws, directories, minutes, handbooks, reports, newsletters and scrapbooks of a women's club organized in 1957 to pursue home and family study and to aid in philanthropic work in western Hennepin County, Minnesota. | |
Honeywell Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Society | 00051 |
Business records, patent files,
company-produced newsletters and periodicals,
photographs, and sound and visual recordings of a
Minneapolis-based multinational company widely known as
a manufacturer of thermostats for residential and
commercial heating systems, aeronautical devices and
controls for military and commercial aircraft, and as a
manufacturer of mainframe computers. Includes records of
predecessor and subsidiary companies. Includes digital content. |
Human Services Department: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division: An Inventory of Its Regional Advisory Committees Meeting Minutes | gr02058 |
Meeting minutes, dated 1996-2019, of the
regional advisory committees. Includes digital content. |
Isanti County. Independent School District No. 314, Braham: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00013 |
Records documenting the administration and activities of this school district. | |
Legislative Research Committee: An Inventory of Its Expense Abstracts | gr02060 |
Relating to the Research Committee and to the Interim Committee on State Civil Service Program (1953-1955); Tax Study Committee (1953-1955); Forestry Study Commission (1953-1957); Interim Commission on Juvenile Delinquency, Adult Crime and Corrections (1955-1961); Efficiency in Government Commission (1949-1951); and the Highway Study Commission (1953-1954). | |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its License Application Records | gr02054 |
Records of applications by graduates of American medical colleges for licenses to practice medicine in Minnesota. Photograph portraits are affixed to most applications after June, 1906. | |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Registers of Medical Practitioners | gr02055 |
Registers of physicians, midwives, and physical therapists. They give license number, name, age, residence, diploma school and date, and Minnesota registration date. Also included are medical doctor rosters. | |
Medical Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02056 |
Transcripts of hearings, sometimes with related correspondence, on matters brought before the board; statistics on registration and licenses, medical schools, and foreign physicians; miscellaneous lists of physicians; correspondence with or regarding women physicians; historical data on the board and on medical licensure; and background information on various matters of interest to the board. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Audio-Visual Materials | gr00259 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Migrant Affairs Office: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01980 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
John M. Nash: An Inventory of His Research Papers | 01434 |
Research papers regarding the wholesale grocer and food distributor Nash Finch Company, which were compiled by John M. Nash, a descendant of the original founding Nash family. The records include multiple histories (1885-2014) compiled and written by Nash, which cover the company's origins, the evolution of the company and its subsidiaries, and its expansion in the United States and Canada. | |
Nursing Home Administrators Examiners Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr01972 |
Includes meeting minutes (2000-2012) and administrative rule proceedings files (1971-2016). | |
Physical Therapy Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02053 |
Administrative rules proceedings files and continuing competency task force minutes. | |
Podiatric Medicine Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02052 |
Administrative rules proceedings files and subject files concerning the history of the board and obsolete rules. | |
Public Welfare Department: Medical Services Division: An Inventory of Its Volunteer Services Files | gr01981 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Renville County: Bird Island Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02038 |
Birth (1876-1946) and death (1877-1953) records. Entries for the 1919-1953 births and 1920-1953 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Boon Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02039 |
Birth (1876-1948) and death (1876-1908, 1915-1952) records. Entries for the 1914-1935 births and 1915-1935 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Brookfield Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02040 |
Birth (1881-1952) and death (1881-1908, 1913-1940, 1942-1952) records. Entries for the 1931-1941 births and 1932-1940 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Buffalo Lake: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02041 |
Birth (1908-1948, 1952) and death (1908-1955) records. Two delayed birth certificates for 1902 and 1904 are housed in the last folder. Entries for the 1915-1941 births and 1915-1940 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Cairo Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02042 |
Birth (1873-1944) and death (1873-1952) records, and burial permits (1937-1944). Entries for the 1873-1899, 1915-1941 births and 1873-1900, 1915-1941 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Crooks Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02043 |
Birth (1884-1951) and death (1886-1907, 1909-1952) records. Entries for the 1915-1951 births and 1915-1952 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Hector Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02044 |
Birth (1880-1907, 1914-1950) and death (1880-1907, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1914-1950 births and 1914-1953 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Kingman Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02045 |
Birth (1878-1952) and death (1881-1952) records. Entries for the 1913-1936 births and 1914-1962 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Olivia: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02046 |
Birth (1900-1908, 1913-1953) and death (1900-1908, 1915-1953) records. Entries for 1915-1940 are indexed. | |
Renville County: Osceola Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02047 |
Birth (1891-1899, 1901-1948) and death (1882-1899, 1901-1912, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1913-1939 births and 1914-1939 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Palmyra Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02048 |
Birth (1880-1905, 1914-1947) and death (1880-1905, 1914-1953) records. Entries for the 1914-1947 births and 1914-1950 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Sacred Heart Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02049 |
Birth (1871-1947, 1950) and death (1871-1953) records. Entries for the 1871-1900, 1913-1947 births and 1871-1900, 1913-1949 deaths are indexed. | |
Renville County: Wang Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02050 |
Birth (1876-1946) and death (1876-1908, 1914-1951) records. Entries for the 1876-1899, 1914-1946 births and 1876-1899, 1914-1951 deaths are indexed. | |
Scott County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02051 |
Minute books; road papers; resolution regarding courthouse construction bonds; and agenda packets include agendas, minutes of previous meeting, resolutions, requests to the board, commissioners' record of disbursements, county financial statements, contracts, bulletins, proposals, correspondence, and various other materials presented for board consideration. | |
Twin City Rapid Transit Company: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 00207 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02059 |
Minutes of the Winona County District Court. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Hoag, Charles. Charles Hoag papers, 1826-1899. |
Papers of early Minneapolis education and city leader Charles Hoag. The papers include: correspondence and miscellaneous papers regarding family matters, agriculture, land agreements, and Hoag's appointment as Hennepin County Superintendent of Schools (undated, 1826-1899); Minnesota Odd Fellows Mutual Benefit Society papers (1876-1887); financial records regarding livestock, butter, and personal finances (1836-1879); a Northwestern Wool Growers Association record book (1864-1866); and a teachers examination record (1870). |
Kelly, Martin P. Martin P. Kelly Papers, 1917-1925 (bulk 1917-1918). |
Correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous papers of an aviator who served in the United States Army Air Service during World War I. Includes a flight record log, and class notes for automatic and machine gun, cross country flying, and engine classes. Brief diary entries note Kelly's movements and activities while in military service. |
Minnesota Women in Psychology (Organization). Minnesota Women in Psychology records, 1977-2013. |
Newsletters, membership directories, program flyers, twentieth anniversary materials, and miscellaneous papers of a Minnesota-based organization for women in the mental health professions. |
Simmons, Peter A. Letters and manuscript from Meridel Le Sueur to Peter Simmons, 1972 June-August. |
Two letters from Le Sueur, written from New Mexico, to Simmons while he was incarcerated for anti-war activities in the federal youth correctional facility in Englewood, Colorado. One letter from Le Sueur to Simmons' mother, asks her to forward the second letter and an eleven-page manuscript entitled "Dance at Cochiti New Mexico". The letters and manuscript discuss Native American ceremonies and philosophy in New Mexico and Le Sueur's recommendations for writing in prison. The manuscript cover is illustrated by an unidentified woman in New Mexico. Envelopes accompany both letters. |
Van Hyfte, Henry Bernard. Henry Bernard Van Hyfte World War II papers, 1942-1949. |
Letter of Henry B. Van Hyfte of Taunton, Minnesota, ("V" mail) from France (July 18, 1944); telegram to his mother (August 8, 1944) notifying her of his death, and documents (1942-1949) relating to his life insurance policies and burial records. |