What's New -- January 2022
New and Updated Finding Aids - January 2022
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr02158 |
Studies, reports, project proposals, planning documents and similar materials pertaining to economic development in general in northeastern Minnesota, and in particular to such subjects as water quality management, housing, health and human services programs, economic diversification on the Iron Range, employment, transportation, and land use. | |
Burlington Northern Clown Club and Band: An Inventory of Its Records | 00903 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr01491 |
Annual reports (1998-2011) and biennial reports (2012-2017). Also includes reports of its predecessors, the Ethics Commission (1974-1975) and Ethical Practices Board (1975-1997). | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Political Committees and Funds | gr00127 |
Reports of receipts of political committees and
funds, and of their contributions (transfers) to candidates, to committees and funds supporting candidates, and to committees and funds organized to promote or defeat a ballot question. |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Principal Campaign Committees (Category 1) | gr00126 |
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by the campaign committee for each candidate for a state office (constitutional officers, legislators, statewide and district courts), accompanied by a statement of organization for the committee. | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Economic Interest Statements | gr00125 |
Annual personal financial statements filed by
candidates for state executive and legislative offices and by appointees to boards and commissions. |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02167 |
The records contain summary and other data on campaign finance activity and the board's oversight of it, including lists of major donors (1976-1978), materials relating to public financing (1980-1984), a 1981 survey of lobbyists regarding fund raising during the 1978-1981 legislative sessions, questionnaires sent to legislators and lobbyists concerning fund raising activities (1983), and lists of participants in the 1991 contribution refund program. | |
Dakota County: Hastings: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Dockets | gr02159 |
Docket books for city of Hastings justices of the peace, and for the city police justice, who seems to have functioned in the same capacity as the justice of the peace. | |
Fillmore County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr02155 |
Includes compilations of student poetry and prose, records relating to the Fillmore County School Survey Committee records relating to school district history, lists of teachers and school district officers, an eighth grade promotion list (1950), a student newsletter "Scotland messenger" (1954, possibly from School District No. 46), and assorted miscellany. | |
Fillmore County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teachers' Examination Records | gr02156 |
Information recorded: name and address of person examined, grade certificate, exam grades, district teaching in, and date certificate granted and expired. | |
Fillmore County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teachers' Reports | gr02157 |
Various reports submitted annually or periodically throughout the year by teachers and principals. Includes teachers' or principals' annual reports, six weeks (periodic) reports, final term reports, and curriculum reports. Six weeks and annual reports were retained only when a complete set of final term reports was not present. | |
Calvin F. Hawkinson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00349 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Historic American Buildings Survey: An Inventory of Its Records Relating to Minnesota Structures | 00251 |
Project files, including photographs, architectural drawings, project reports, microfiche, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers documenting historically significant districts, buildings, bridges, and other structures in Minnesota through the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) programs of the U.S. National Park Service. | |
Jobs and Training Department: Rehabilitation Services Division: An Inventory of Its Assistant Commissioner's Subject Files | gr02160 |
Files of assistant commissioner William Niederloh, which document not only the daily administration and operation of his office, but also such topics as client assistance and services, developmental disabilities, independent living, related legislation, long term sheltered employment, workers' compensation, and relationships with the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, Minnesota Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Minnesota State Council for the Handicapped, U. S. Rehabilitation Services Administration, and State Services for the Blind. | |
Clarence H. Johnston: An Inventory of His Papers | 01441 |
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Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02161 |
The files document the activities of this board, established to accept, review, investigate, and act on complaints from judges, other attorneys, or the general public concerning any Minnesota lawyer. Included are miscellaneous correspondence, complaints log, minutes of the Minnesota State Bar Association's Practice of Law Committee, copies of supreme court rules, executive director's files, case files relating to deceased attorneys, transcripts from supreme court cases regarding applications for the discipline or reinstatement of attorneys, the board's 1989 annual report, Lawyer Trust Account Board financial statements, and miscellaneous publications. | |
Le Sueur County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Licenses and Certificates | gr02163 |
For most years the marriage license and marriage certificate are on a combined form. For some years there are only marriage certificates. | |
Le Sueur County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr01937 |
Files numbered 1-20342. | |
Le Sueur County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr01938 |
Coroner's records of Le Sueur County District Court. | |
Le Sueur County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02164 |
Miscellaneous record book containing ministers' ordinations, court appointments, marriages, various professional certifications, terms of court, and miscellaneous court orders, oaths, bonds, and other acts necessary to the operation of the county (1882-1933, 1 volume); ordination papers of A. J. Rutan (1859, 1 folder); register of settlement and petition/disability cases (1913-1921, 1 volume); and bar memorial for Charles C. Kolars (1938, 1 folder). | |
Le Sueur County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr00475 |
Meridel Le Sueur: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00323 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its House and Senate Bills (Legislative Set) | gr00675 |
Consists of the final signed copies of House files, Senate files, chapter files, and resolutions. | |
Minnesota Food Cooperatives: An Inventory of Their Records | 00561 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Historic Property Record: An Inventory of Its Program Files | 00926 |
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Minnesota State Band: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00166 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mower County: An Inventory of Its Township Records | gr02166 |
Various township records from Adams, Austin, Clayton, Dexter, Frankford, Grand Meadow, Lansing, LeRoy, Lyle, Marshall, Nevada, Pleasant Valley, Racine, Sargeant, Waltham, and Windom. Bennington, Lodi, Red Rock, and Udolpho townships did not participate in the project and are not represented. Records may include annual meeting records, assessments, bylaws, bounties, chattel mortgages, financial records, justice dockets, liquor license records, minutes, poll lists and election records, oaths and bonds, railroad records, and road records. | |
Our Own Hardware Company (Minneapolis, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Company Records | 00440 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Planning Agency: Office of Local and Urban Affairs: An Inventory of Its Governor's Rural Development Conference Proceedings and Summary Report | gr02153 |
Summary report (February 1973), conference proceedings (audio recordings), and a twenty-seven minute highlight audio recording, of this one day conference convened December 13, 1972 at Moorhead State College, Moorhead, Minnesota, to highlight the potential of the Rural Development Act of 1972 (Pubic Law 92-419). Sponsored by senators Hubert H. Humphrey, Minnesota, and Herman Talmadge, Georgia, the act was signed into law in August 1972. Its primary purpose was to provide jobs and increase income in rural areas by encouraging rural industrialization and commercial activity. It also improved the amount and types of farm credit available from the Farmers Home Credit Administration, and dealt with rural environmental protection, housing, fire protection and rural development research and education. | |
Regional Transit Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00247 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Session Laws at the Minnesota Historical Society | gr00487 |
Acts of the Minnesota Legislature as passed in each year's legislative session. Laws of a permanent nature are subsequently incorporated in the Minnesota Statutes that are coded laws. The Laws of Minnesota also include uncoded laws, including appropriations, proposed constitutional amendments, local laws, and effective date sections. | |
Swift County: Camp Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Registers | gr02148 |
Birth and death register (1871-1907) and birth and death certificate register (1914-1938). | |
Swift County: Dublin Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02149 |
Birth and death register (1879-1942) and birth (1942-1945) and death (1943-1952) certificates. | |
Swift County: Edison Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02150 |
Birth and death register (1878-1907), birth certificates (1908-1920), and birth and death certificate register (1915-1944). | |
Swift County: Swenoda Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02151 |
Birth and death register (1873-1912); birth and death certificate register (1914-1941); birth (1941-1942, 1952) and death (1941-1943) certificates; burial/removal permits (approximately 1901-approximately 1955); and record of interments (1901-1948). | |
Todd County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Consolidation Files | gr02154 |
Correspondence, election results, consolidation plats, and petitions for transfer. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports | gr02162 |
Annual reports of the Department of Veterans' Affairs. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its World War II Bonus Beneficiary Files | SAM340 |
Approved files for beneficiaries of deceased World War II soldiers and related personnel who applied for bonus payments granted by the State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Laws 1949, chapter 642. | |
Washington County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Election Records | gr02152 |
Registers of electors (1922) and an incomplete set of poll lists (1922-1932, 1950-1962) for the county and its various political jurisidictions; abstracts of votes and sample ballots for primary, general, and special elections (1930-1968). | |
Washington County. Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02165 |
Records documenting the administration, finances, teachers, and students of the district. | |
Dorwatha Helen Woods: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00337 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Ravi D. Goel collection of Samuel James Renwick McMillan family papers, 1818-1956. |
Includes a collection related to Minnesotan lawyer, Chief Justice of Minnesota Supreme Court (1858-1875), and Republican U.S. Senator (1875-1887) Samuel James Renwick McMillan and his family. The collection includes: transcripts of two depositions of Samuel McMillan (grandfather of Samuel James Renwick McMillan) regarding his military service in the Revolutionary War and claims to veteran benefits (1818); Thomas L. McMillan letter to son Samuel James Renwick McMillan regarding Christianity and Biblical references (March 10, 1845); Samuel James Renwick McMillan portrait photograph, valentine card, and letters (1849-1894); Harriet E. Butler (wife) portrait photograph and letters (undated, approximately 1870, 1897); Albert Walter McMillan (son) portrait photograph, marksman certificate, military service records, and letter to father (1890-1891); Jesse McMillan Seely (daughter) photographs, letters, and notes (1876-1931); and Harriet McMillan Seely (granddaughter) photographs, travel ephemera, and letters (undated, 1931, 1950, 1956). |
Textbook collection of the Minnesota Historical Society. |
Historic textbooks (chiefly 19th century) by various authors and publishers covering a range of subjects including English, history, philosophy, Biblical studies, government, business, arithmetic, science, languages (French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Middle English-Anglo Saxon, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish), education, physical education, home economics, music, art education. |
Thomas H. Tipton papers, 1968-1995. |
Papers of gospel and jazz musician, businessman, and community organizer Thomas H. Tipton. Includes correspondence to and from Tipton, including letters from Walter Mondale and Hubert H. Humphrey (1970-1995); head shots of Tipton and photographs of Tipton with notable political figures (undated, approximately 1968); and biographical information, ephemera, press clippings, and miscellaneous notes by Tipton (undated, 1971-1987). |