What's New -- March 2022
New and Updated Finding Aids - March 2022
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Alpha Delta Kappa: Minnesota Alpha Chapter: An Inventory of Its Chapter Records | 01445 |
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Clay County: Hawley: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets | gr02189 |
Civil and criminal justice dockets for justices of the peace: P. Anton Berg (1924-1935), C. W. Simison (1933-1942), Dr. George H. McDonald (1937-1940), P. W. Wentland (1941-1942), Albert Peterson (1942-1944), James S. Burrill (1944-1945), Frank Fritz (1946), Leon M. Burrill (1948-1951), George T. Cameron (1958-1967) and Edwin L. Olson (1967). | |
W. H. C. Folsom and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 00868 |
Business and personal correspondence, diaries, financial papers, scrapbooks, clippings, photographs, and other papers of Taylors Falls, Minnesota lumberman William H. C. Folsom; the family of his wife, Mary Jane Folsom; their sons, Wyman X. and Frank W. Folsom; and of the related Paine, Wyman, and Smith families. | |
Freemasons. Capital City Lodge No. 217 (Saint Paul, Minn.): An Inventory of Its Records | 00643 |
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Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Letterpress Books | gr02187 |
Outgoing letters of Minnesota department commanders, assistant adjutant generals, and recorders. | |
Grand Army of the Republic: Department of Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Post Adjutants' and Quartermasters' Reports and Summaries | gr02188 |
Reports submitted regularly to departmental headquarters by the adjutants and quartermasters of each GAR post, accompanied by summary membership statistics and dues payment data. | |
Great Lakes Basin Commission: An Inventory of Its Publications and Reports | gr02220 |
Planning director's reports on agenda items and items of interest (1970, 1972); Great Lakes Basin Plan drafts and public meeting summaries (1977); a few issues of the commission's newsletter, the "Great Lakes Communicator" (1975, 1981); and miscellaneous publications. | |
Great Lakes Commission: An Inventory of Its Publications and Miscellaneous Issuances | gr02221 |
Issues of "Great Lakes Foreign Commerce," [1956?-1960]; compilations of reports on legislative actions and of news clippings on Great Lakes matters; "research checklists" (bibliographies, 1982-1984); proceedings of commission-sponsored symposia on Great Lakes port administration (1958) and the St. Lawrence Seaway (1964); anniversary pamphlets; audit reports; and miscellaneous issuances. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Business Department Records | gr02217 |
Includes issuances - memoranda, reports, questionnaires, and related papers - distributed in multiple copies throughout the school district (1916-1943), equipment catalogs, with indexes (1938), business department reports (1925-1928), land acquisition cost estimates (1930), physical plant data (1931-1933) and floor plans (1924-1951) for each of the district's schools, and various reports and plans covering such topics as the repair and improvement fund, land requirements, equipment at Central High School in 1938, fire insurance, and building programs. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Minnehaha Parent Teacher Association Records | gr02218 |
Records of this parent teacher organization which formed in 1912. In 1977, it disaffiliated with the National PTA and affiliated with the National Parent Teacher Organization. Included are minute books (1912-1924, 1936-1948, 1971-1978); receipts and disbursements record (1912-1925); committee reports (1963-1965); and school year (1947-1977), PTA newsletter (1962-1963), and committee (1941-1967) scrapbooks. The latter cover such subjects as community-school relations, adult education, health, safety, human relations, and membership. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis: Minneapolis Public Schools: An Inventory of Its Statistical Records | gr02219 |
Statistics covering enrollment, attendance, withdrawal, schools, students, promotion, and school census. | |
Hennepin County: Minneapolis Public Schools: Cedar Riverside Community School: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02195 |
Board minutes, annual reports, financial reports, and subject files of this Minneapolis charter school. | |
Hennepin County: Wayzata: An Inventory of Its Cemetery Records | gr02181 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Johan Andreas Holvik: An Inventory of His Records | 01210 |
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Lottery: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr02191 |
Miscellaneous publications documenting various aspects of the lottery, including legislation, lottery funding of the Minnesota environmental and natural resources trust fund project, news and ideas for lottery retailers, a history and organizational structure, legislative and press kits, a winners' handbook, and an incomplete set of scratch game tickets and related brochures. | |
Joan Mondale: An Inventory of Her Personal Papers | 00054 |
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Pine County: An Inventory of Its Death Records Indexes | gr02216 |
The index entries give name of deceased, date of death, and citation to book, page, and line of the death record books. Those for 1894 include the many people who died in the Hinckley fire. | |
Pine County: An Inventory of Its Minutes of Various Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces | gr02203 |
Minutes of the Agriculture Council, Adjustments Board, the Chisago/Kanabec/Pine Community Health Services Advisory Committee, the Comprehensive Water Plan Task Force, the East Central Regional Library (ECRL) Board, the East Central Solid Waste Commission, the Extension Committee, the Five County Mental Health Center Board of Directors, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), the Joint Powers Board, the Kettle River Environmental Education Center, the Mini-bus Board and Board of Aging, the Nursing Services Advisory Committee, the Onanegozie Resource Conservation and Development Area Council, the Planning Commission, the Profession Advisory Committee, the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and the Tax-Forfeited Land Advisory Committee. | |
Pine County: Assessor: An Inventory of Its Assessment Rolls | gr00709 |
Assessment rolls for the years 1874-1901 (early years incomplete), 1910-1911, 1920-1921, 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1960-1961, 1970-1971, 1981, and 1990. | |
Pine County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02198 |
Road record books (1874-1933); plats (undated) including town sites, subdivisions, and villages; and subject files (1944-1993). | |
Pine County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Trial Balances | gr02196 |
Trial balances of the auditor of Pine County. | |
Pine County: Auditor: An Inventory of Its Warrant Registers | gr02197 |
Register of orders (1873-1893) and warrant registers (1906-1972) of Pine County. | |
Pine County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02200 |
Minute books: Volumes A (1871-1890) and B (1891-1901); meeting minute transcripts (1871-1936); resolutions (1930-1943); and agendas (1987-1996). | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02210 |
Files numbered 250 and 346 to 8000. Files prior to 1895 may include criminal cases. | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Inquest Records | gr02209 |
Registers of coroner's inquests (1894-1965) and coroner's certificates (1902-1959). The latter are arranged numerically, with unnumbered certificates interfiled chronologically. | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02211 |
Files 1-846. Files prior to 1895 may be included with the civil case files. | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Case Files | gr02213 |
Indexes to civil and criminal case files. Each entry in the early volumes gives case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, type of action, term commenced, date and amount of judgment, and citation to register of actions volume and page. Later volumes provide only plaintiff, defendant, and case number. | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02204 |
Real estate tax judgment records from the Pine County District Court. | |
Pine County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr02214 |
The entry for each case gives the parties' names and a chronological list of documents filed, orders issued, costs or penalties adjudged, and other actions by the court or the disputing parties. The civil registers for 1871-1895 include criminal case entries, as well. The criminal registers often include a transcript of the judgment (sentence), when applicable. | |
Pine County: Independent School District No. 567, Brook Park: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02206 |
School board minutes (1931-1953), clerk's books (1912, 1953-1970) and registers of receipts and disbursements (1923-1936), treasurer's books (1953-1963, incomplete), textbook and equipment records (1915-1950, scattered), school surveys (1930-1932), class (1913-1914) and student (1913-1915) record books, teacher reports (1945-1969), all-in-one/all complete record (1951-1969), census (1911-1933, 1944-1968), attendance registers (1911-1951), election ballots and poll lists (1969), and dissolution papers (1969). | |
Pine County: Independent School District No. 573, Hinckley: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02207 |
School board minutes (1909-1960), school census (1909-1972), superintendent's (1941-1952) and teacher's (1952-1953) reports, financial statements (1916, 1922, 1957-1958), audit reports (1924-1970), Teacher Training Department annual reports (1919-1943), student handbooks (1949-1960), high school student records (1913-1920; OPEN), Hinckley High School Alumni Association records (1907-1939), high school commencement program (1967), clerk's (1924-1938) and treasurer's (1915-1925) registers of receipts and disbursements, and parent-teacher association records (1942-1974). | |
Pine County: Independent School District No. 578, Pine City: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02208 |
Clerk's disbursement registers (1915-1933), clerk's summary of receipts and orders issued (1934-1952), extra curricular activities disbursement register (1958-1965), board meeting minutes (1925-1954) and notes (1950-1964), school censuses (1913-1962), audit reports (1933, 1941, 1958-1968), teacher training department records (1911-1936), valuations of district buildings and equipment (1952-1962), high school commencement programs (scattered) superintendent's or principal's permanent record (1898-1911), athletic department records (1919-1940), and miscellaneous brochures and issuances. | |
Pine County: Pokegama Sanatorium: An Inventory of Its Maps and Plans | gr02212 |
Architectural drawings of sanatorium buildings, two maps of the Pine County vicinity, and a promotional blotter. | |
Pine County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions | gr02215 |
Registers of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. | |
Pine County: Sandstone: Pine County Memorial Hospital: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02201 |
Board minutes (1953-1960), correspondence and related records (1953-1960), financial statements (1956-1958), monthly reports (1956-1960), Pine County Memorial Hospital (Sandstone) planning and construction correspondence and related records (1948, 1954), and Lakeside Memorial Hospital (Pine City) correspondence (1955-1958). | |
Pine County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Classification Reports | gr01497 |
Reports submitted annually by teachers. Information includes pupil's name, age, sex, grade, total days attendance, course grades, and grade promoted to. | |
Pine County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Consolidation Files | gr01498 |
Consolidation and reorganization files for Pine County school districts, plus joint school districts in Kanabec and Aitkin counties. | |
Pine County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02202 |
Miscellaneous records documenting the duties and activities of this county official. | |
Pine County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Files | gr02205 |
Emergency conservation work job applications, enrollment applications, corresponcence, bulletins, reports of junior enrollment and related materials. | |
Ramsey County: Mounds View: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Docket Sheets | gr02192 |
Two chronological series (1952-1973 and 1962-1974). Apparently the city appointed two justices to preside from 1962 to 1974. | |
Ramsey County: Mounds View Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02193 |
Abstract of real estate assessment roll (1868, 1870, 1 volume); chattel mortgage record (1878-1899, 1 volume); estray record book (1866-1909, 1 volume); register of dog licenses (1882, 1 volume); return of taxable personal property (1873, 1 volume); supervisor's records (1858-1937, 9 volumes); and treasurer's books (1863-1893, 1927-1933, 4 volumes). | |
Red Lake County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02222 |
Judgment records for Red Lake County District Court. | |
Rice County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Reports on Rural School Houses | gr02199 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its 2008 United States Senate Election Recount Records | gr01176 |
Includes State Supreme Court documents, State Canvassing Board files, Minnesota Majority lawsuit files, correspondence, ballots, and press coverage files. | |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Land Survey Field Notes | gr00507 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Secretary of State: An Inventory of Its Ritchie (Mark) Records | gr02194 |
Correspondence and photocopies of news clippings documenting the activities of Mark Ritchie as Minnesota Secretary of State (2007-2015). News clippings primarily concern the 2008-2009 U.S. Senate election recount concerning Al Franken and Norm Coleman, but also regarding primary and general elections, voter registration, filing for elected offices, voting, and related state and local government topics. | |
St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company: An Inventory of Its Corporate Records | 01446 |
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Leo Treadway: An Inventory of His Papers | 00338 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Washington County: Afton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02182 |
Birth (1870-1951) and death (1870-1953) records, and burial or removal permits (1904-1932). Birth and death entries for 1915-1940 are indexed. | |
Washington County: Afton Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02183 |
Clerk's (1860-1971) and treasurer's (1860-1971) books, chattel mortgage index (1874-1913), road overseer's poll/land tax passbooks (1887-1918, incomplete), and petition regarding the removal of a fence (1927). | |
Washington County: County Court: Family Division: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02184 |
Primarily divorce decrees. Also include child support decrees, and a few name changes, paternity judgments, and miscellaneous money judgments. | |
Washington County: Forest Lake Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02185 |
Birth and death registers and certificates records, and burial permits (1917-1918). | |
Washington County: Lincoln Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02190 |
Clerk's (1923-1928) and treasurer's (1926-1950) books, clerk's register of receipts and disbursements (1950-1967), town board minutes (1961-1972), annual financial statements (1921, 1929-1971), audit reports (1920-1948), ordinances (1955-1970), election records (1920-1972), and miscellaneous records, including register of warrants issued (1922-1931), gopher bounty records (1962-1970), annexation records (1961-1972), and planning commission records (1969-1971). | |
Washington County: Stillwater Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02186 |
Birth (1886-1901, 1907-1915, 1930-1940, 1942) and death (1888-1899, 1928-1952) registers and record books, and a few burial or removal permits (1916, 1942). |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Belden (Minn. : Township). Treasurer's book, 1929-1949. |
Belden Township dissolved in the late 1930s. |
Griffin, D. B. (David Brainard), 1831-1863. Civil War Letters, 1861-1863. |
Photocopied letters written by David Brainard Griffin to his family in Fillmore County, Minnesota, while serving in Company F of the Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. |
North-western Athletic Club secretary's record book, 1890-1997 (bulk 1890-1899). |
Early secretary's record book (1890-1899) of a Minneapolis-based athletic club that eventually became part of Life Time Fitness Inc. Volume includes handwritten versions of the organization's constitution and bylaws, a list of members, and minutes of meetings. Some of the minutes are in Norwegian. There is also a folder of information about the club's history (1997). |
Pine County (Minn.). County Auditor. Record of town and school officers, 1921-1953. |
Volume C, 1921-1935, and Volume D, 1936-1953. Volume E, 1953-1995. |
Pine County (Minn.). Highway Department. Annual reports, 1960, 1965-1983. |
Annual reports of the county highway department, including narrative and statistical compilations of the annual activities of the department. Reports are present for 1960, 1965-1983. |
Pine County (Minn.) marriage licenses and certificates, 1890-1920, 1948. |
Marriage records from the Pine County District Court. |
Pine County (Minn.). Motor vehicle index, 1919 - 1920. |
Lists application number, filing date, owner's name, from whom purchased, motor number, make, model, and occasional remarks (usually regarding ownership assignment). |
Pine County (Minn.). School District No. 21 (Willow River). Records, 1914-1925. |
Willow River School. Established July 4, 1890; dissolved prior to 1957. |
Pine County (Minn.). School District No. 54 (Bruno : Township). Receipts and disbursements, 1928-1932. |
Bruno School. Established August 16, 1902. Consolidated with School district No. 57 May 1, 1925. |
Pine County (Minn.). School District No. 88 (Kerrick : Township). Treasurer's receipts and disbursements, 1921-1931. |
Kerrick School. Established December 6, 1909. Consolidated with another school district prior to 1957. |
Pine County (Minn.). School District No. 110 (Belden : Township). Treasurer's book, 1922-1932. |
Belden School. Established May 29, 1916. Consolidated with another school district prior to 1957. |
Pine County (Minn.). School District No. 121 (Wilma : Township). Treasurer's books, 1923-1933. |
Grace school. Established September 25, 1923. Consolidated with another school district prior to 1957. |
Pine County (Minn.). Unorganized School District. Clerk's book of records, 1931-1949. |
Clerk's record book for various school districts of Pine County. |
Prince. Hello, my love, approximately 1977-1979. |
Original and surrogate user copy of the lyrics to "Hello, My Love," an unreleased track by Prince. The song was written by Prince for Nancy Altman, a receptionist at the Ad Company, an advertising company owned by Prince's first manager Owen Husney. Includes a typewritten copy of the lyrics and accompanying note handwritten by Prince, addressed to Owen Husney, Prince's first manager. |