What's New -- April 2023
The Minnesota Historical Society received a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library & Information Resources in April 2022 that supports the preservation of rare and unique audiovisual media of high scholarly value through digital reformatting. This $12,495 grant was provided for the Intermedia Arts of Minnesota Video Collection, and the material has now been digitized and preserved, with much of it available to be viewed through its online finding aid.
First known as University Community Video, Intermedia Arts was a nonprofit corporation under the University of Minnesota that provided equipment, training, and broadcasting opportunities for students interested in telecommunications and documentary video production. It later separated from the University and shifted its emphasis to support interdisciplinary and experimental video arts. It later changed its name to Intermedia Arts Minnesota in 1987.
The Intermedia Arts collection highlights early documentary/guerilla television in the 1970s and 80s. Its plethora of topics include community involvement, race and racism, urban and rural issues, Minneapolis neighborhood issues, agriculture, musical and dance performances, poetry, women's issues, sports, disabled persons, politics and government, education, energy, drug use and education, labor, housing, civil rights, and journalism.
Included in the collection is "Changing Channels," a weekly documentary series produced by UCV for public television with content from statewide organizations. This provided Twin Cities and statewide audiences with access to view community interests and stories outside mainstream broadcast channels. Additionally, this content showcases Native Americans in Minnesota and the Dakotas, with themes such as maintaining indigenous cultural identity, celebrating traditional art forms, and the struggles experienced by Native Americans in urban environments.
Donated to the Minnesota Historical Society from the organization in 1996, the early component of the collection contains 127 1/2-inch open tape video reels and 86 U-Matic videocassettes. This type of magnetic media is in high danger of degradation, and previous back-ups existed solely on also-unreliable VHS. Reel-to-reel video players are now quite difficult to come by, putting in-house digitization at the History Center out of the question, so the Recordings at Risk grant was used to ship this material to The MediaPreserve in Pennsylvania for digitization. Creators of the content were also located and contacted for permission to make their work available online. Material that was unable to receive permission can still be accessed upon request for use in the Gale Family Library reading room at the Minnesota History Center.
New and Updated Finding Aids - April 2023
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Adjutant General: Tuition Department: An Inventory of Its Administrative Records | gr02402 |
Circular and form letters distributed by the department to the various schools (1919-1924), reports, brochures, and related papers (1919-1924), monthly balance sheets (June-July, October 1920 - September 1924), and a receipt and disbursement register (October 1919 - June 1922, May 1923 - September 1924). The latter covers all departmental administrative costs, including salaries, and tuition payments. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium (Minnesota State Sanatorium): An Inventory of Its Patient Index Cards | gr02410 |
Patient information cards (5" x 8") giving name, address, sex, date of birth, admission and discharge dates, discharge condition, and other information. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium (Minnesota State Sanatorium): An Inventory of Its Patient Registers | gr02409 |
Patient registers (1907-1961), include patient number, admission data, examined by, name and address, county, sex, age, marital status, religion, occupation and place of business, maintained by (county or USIS), dependent, family physician, date of discharge, payment, and data on relatives or friends. The volume for August 1921 - July 1925 is missing. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium (Minnesota State Sanatorium): An Inventory of Its Steward's Files | gr02407 |
Correspondence and related materials kept by the steward, documenting all aspects of the daily operation of the sanatorium, including administration, housekeeping, laundry, greenhouse, dietary, farm operation and produce sales, maintenance and repairs, grounds, medical and occupational therapy, personnel and salaries/wages, store, equipment, engineering, budget, school, and library. | |
Ah-Gwah-Ching Sanatorium (Minnesota State Sanatorium): An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Files | gr02408 |
Correspondence and related materials concerning all aspects of the operation of the sanatorium, including financial affairs, building construction and building and grounds improvement and upkeep, inspection reports, operation of the institution farm, wage schedules, and activities of the Advisory Commission of the State Sanatorium. Prior to 1922, the superintendent also served as steward, and there is considerable correspondence reflecting that activity. | |
Animal Health Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00637 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Lance S. Belville: An Inventory of His Papers | 01495 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Census Records: An Inventory of Its Houston County Census Schedules | gr02437 |
Census schedules (incomplete) formerly held by the Houston County District Court. They consist of population schedules for 1870, 1871, and 1875; and nonpopulation schedules (mortality, agriculture, products of industry, and social statistics) for 1870. The population censuses for 1870 and 1871 may overlap (i.e. the same households were counted each year) but they are not duplicative. Records do not indicate the reason for the two censuses. | |
Conwed Corporation: An Inventory of Its Records | 00477 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Agendas and Minutes | gr01222 |
Agendas, minutes (some ribbon copies, some photocopies), and related documents of meetings of the Council (1995-2015) and its predecessors, the Governor's Planning and Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities (1971-1976) and the Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities (1976-1995). | |
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Olmstead Plan Records | gr02021 |
Include the Olmstead Planning Committee agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; the Governor's Olmstead Subcabinet meeting agendas, meeting minutes and meeting files; executive orders, Olmstead Plan drafts and public comments, annual and quarterly reports, work plans, surveys, reports to the court, and related records. Arranged in chronological order. | |
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports | gr00758 |
Publications either created or collected by the Council pertaining to all aspects of its duties and responsibilities. Included are incomplete runs of the council's news letter, news briefs, and futurity; annual, quarterly, and program performance reports; annual work plans; monthly activity reports; three-year and five-year state plans; the council's May 1976 philosophy and mission statement; and a variety of related manuals, instructor's guides, guidelines, analysis, and reports. The latter cover such diverse topics as facilitated communication, medical assistance, legislation, positive learning, school integration, Welsch v Noot, state hospitals, community involvement, early intervention, the state schools for the blind and deaf, quality indicators, individual plans, education and training opportunities, and technology. | |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Files of Jerome W. Brower | gr02434 |
Correspondence and assorted subject files of Jerome W. Brower, chief of the section of departmental administration of the Minnesota Department of Health from 1949 through 1960. | |
Health Department: Environmental Health Division: An Inventory of Its Director's Miscellaneous Files | gr02435 |
The director's divisional files contain correspondence, memoranda, and reports from the section chiefs of the analytical services, environmental field services, health risk assessment, occupational health, radiation control, and water supply and general engineering sections. | |
Health Department: Public Health Education Section: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02436 |
The records contain quarterly and annual reports of the director of public health education (1937-1944); department personnel biographies, including biographical sketches and newspaper clippings (approximately 1950-1970); and mimeographed news releases, circular memos and letters, reports, public service announcements, "Public Health Pulse" informational bulletins, and other items regarding public health education topics (1946-1976). The mimeograph materials are in numerical order by mimeograph stencil number; some items are missing. | |
Hennepin County: Medical Examiner: An Inventory of Its Coroner Record Books/Medical Examiner Reports | gr02297 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Circulars | gr02429 |
Circular letters issued by the Highway Department office for distribution to departmental staff, out-state maintenance areas, engineering project personnel, and local government officials. They consist of memoranda and instructions on the operation and policies of the Highway Department, and forms and specifications to be used in carrying out construction and maintenance projects. | |
Highway Department: An Inventory of Its County Maps | gr02430 |
Maps of Minnesota counties, prepared by the State Emergency Relief Administration and printed by the state Department of Highways. Blueline copies, several sheets per county. For counties Isanti-Yellow Medicine only; within this sequence, a few counties or individual maps are missing, also. | |
Highway Department: Finance Division: An Inventory of Its Trunk Highway Construction Expenditure Records | gr02431 |
A variety of summaries and reports of expenditures for the construction of trunk highways and state aid roads. Expenditure categories include engineering, grading, surfacing, structures (e.g., bridges, culverts, guard rails), land acquisition, roadside development, and construction bonds. | |
Highway Department: Maintenance Division: An Inventory of Its Highway Maintenance Files | gr02432 |
Memoranda, minutes, correspondence, reports, and miscellany, particularly concerning road and bridge maintenance, road construction, ice and snow removal, and maintenance policies, budgets, and administration. | |
Highway Department: Planning and Programming Division: An Inventory of Its Highway and Railway Planning Maps | gr02433 |
Maps showing proposed or conceptual development plans for interstate highways and major arterial roads in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area (1935-1961); topographic and contour maps drawn in 1945 and used in the location studies for interstate highways 94 and 35E in the city of St. Paul; and maps of proposed changes to the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway route in Hennepin County due to proposed highways, adjacent parks, and industrial locations (1958). Some of these developments were implemented as shown; some were not. The project files to which these maps once related are believed to no longer be extant. | |
Jerome Hill: An Inventory of His Papers | 00565 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02438 |
Miscellaneous files relating to the administration, activities, and interests of the Humanities Commission, including articles of incorporation and bylaws, memoranda to commission and executive committee members, financial records (1978-1979), newsletters, publicity materials, committee and commission member files, and subject files. | |
Intermedia Arts Minnesota: An Inventory of Its Video Collection | sv000292 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Itasca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02397 |
Files numbered 1-16239. Boxes 149-161 contain transcripts, exhibits, and large case files that were too large to be interfiled with the main set of files. | |
Itasca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case File Transcripts and Exhibits | gr02399 |
Typed transcripts of various numbered and unnumbered criminal case files, and a few exhibits (photos, correspondence, a Pokegama Hotel register, and miscellany). | |
Itasca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02398 |
Files numbered 1-2335. | |
Koochiching County: International Falls: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02395 |
Civil (1907-1947, 1962-1971) and criminal (1907-1957, 1980-1984) dockets, minutes (1910-1932), judgment books (1907-1959) and dockets (1910-1972), and conciliation court docket (1924-1927). The civil and criminal dockets appear to be incomplete. | |
Metropolitan Airports Commission: An Inventory of Its Historical Materials | gr02396 |
A variety of materials documenting both the history of the Metropolitan Airports Commission [MAC] and Minnesota aviation in general. | |
Nicollet County: Lafayette Charter School: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02411 |
Meeting minutes, scrapbooks, handbooks and manuals, subject files, photographs and related records of this Minnesota charter school. | |
Pope County: Western Pope County Hospital District: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00025 |
Records of the Western Pope County Hospital District formed October 2, 1973 by eleven townships and three cities in western Pope County to construct a hospital and maintain hospital services for the area. Also known as the Minnewaska Hospital District or Minnewaska Regional Health System, in 1977, the district opened the Minnewaska District Hospital in Starbuck (replacing the existing Minnewaska Hospital). The district's files (1973-2006) include correspondence, board minutes, a history of the district hospital, legal records, subject files and related records. | |
Rainbow Club: An Inventory of Its Records | P2288 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ramsey County: Board of Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Files of Commissioner Robert J. Orth | gr02424 |
Agenda materials and subject files relating to the joint Ramsey and Washington County waste to energy power plant proposed for construction near Lake Elmo; and a few miscellaneous correspondence and subject files regarding assorted public policy matters of interest to the commissioner. | |
Ramsey County: Board of Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Hunt [Commissioner Ruby] Files | gr02423 |
Correspondence (1968-1980), press releases and speeches (1972-1977), and subject files (1953-1992) kept by Commissioner Hunt. Topics covered include activities of a reorganization committee and the St. Paul City Charter Commission, abortion, and indigent guardianships and conservatorships. | |
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Committee Files | gr02420 |
Largely minutes and agenda packets, but also includes correspondence, reports, and miscellany. Issues covered include community human services, adult detention and juvenile service centers, the Battle Creek project, community corrections, government study, office automation, policy and planning, public health and environment, public safety and justice, county wide 911 planning, and county health plan membership. | |
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr02421 |
Office correspondence of commissioners Duane W. McCarty (1986), Don Salverda (1976-1989), Diane Ahrens (1984-1990), Ruby Hunt (1984-1989), Warren Schaber (1978-1989), and Hal Norgard (1981-1986). It mainly documents each office's relation with other county officers and the commissioner's constituency, including municipal officers, associations/organizations, and individuals; legislation; and speaking engagements. Several also include press releases and newspaper columns. | |
Ramsey County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Files of Commissioner John T. Finley | gr02422 |
Copies of board minutes and resolutions, miscellaneous correspondence and subject files, and committee files kept by commissioner John T. Finley. | |
Ramsey County: Charter Commission: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02425 |
Minutes (1987-1994); correspondence (1987-1994); charter drafts, (1988-1994), including drafts of the individual chapters and subject files (1970, 1986-1994). | |
Ramsey County: Coroner: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02412 |
Inquest record (1878-1884), coroner's record of autopsies (1901-1908), autopsy reports (1905-1911, October 1912-1916) and miscellaneous documents (1901-1920), index book (1910-1962) and cards (1916) to coroner's record books, coroner's record books (1920-1955), and photograph album of unclaimed and/or unidentified bodies and train and automobile accident scenes (approximately 1914-1930s). The additional autopsy documents may include coroner's bills and lists of supplies, mileage fees, receipts, photographs, legal documents and testimony, and correspondence. | |
Ramsey County: Criminal Justice Planning Department: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02416 |
Minutes and agenda packets, subject files, and reports and publications of the Ramsey County Criminal Justice Planning Department. | |
Ramsey County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02428 |
File nos. 13476-18047. An itemized file list for rolls 1-21 is in the accession file. | |
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission Records | gr02417 |
Minutes, correspondence, and financial and legal documents kept by this commission appointed to oversee construction of a new joint Ramsey County court house and St. Paul city hall building. | |
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Court House Construction Records | gr02418 |
Ledgers and journal (1884-1889) recording construction costs for the court house/city hall building and other expenses of the court house and city hall special commissioners; correspondence of David Day, superintendent of furniture and grounds (1888-1889), regarding various aspects of the finishing work on the building, such as furniture purchases, wiring, installation of the tower clock, and grading of the grounds; floor plan, elevation, and sectional drawings (circa 1884); correspondence and contracts regarding lighting, heating, and repairs (1897, 1930-1938); a file of the Ramsey County Court House and City Hall Special Commission (1864-1937), relating largely to courthouse land acquisition and construction; and reports and records documenting a 1985-1993 renovation project done by the Wold Association. | |
Ramsey County: Joint Court House and City Hall Committee: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02419 |
Minutes for 1882 - [approximately February 1889] document the construction of the county court house/city hall building, including advertising for and receiving bids, issuance of construction bonds, receipt and approval of estimates for construction costs, the progress of building construction, finishing and furnishing the building, and related matters. They include newspaper articles and advertisements, and copies of some relevant resolutions and contracts. | |
Ramsey County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Construction Records | gr02426 |
Correspondence, contracts, specifications, blueprints, and extracts from minutes of the board of county commissioners regarding site acquisition, construction (1902-1903), upkeep, and remodeling (1925-1929) of the former Ramsey County jail in St. Paul (later razed). | |
Ramsey County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr02427 |
Jail registers of the Ramsey County Sheriff. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers for Surgical Operations | gr02413 |
Patient registers of Ancker Hospital, also named the City and County Hospital, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital, and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers [General?] | gr02415 |
Patient registers of Ancker Hospital, also named the City and County Hospital, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital, and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center. There are no records for 1892-1895. | |
Ramsey County: St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center: An Inventory of Its Patient Registers of the Contagious Department | gr02414 |
Patient registers of the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center and it's predecessors the Ancker Hospital, City and County Hospital, and St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital. | |
Ramsey County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00857 |
Scrapbooks (1929-1968); burial certificate stubs (1940-1966); Ramsey County Alms House inmate registers (1913-1944; with some admission information back to 1883) and burial records (1895-1923); and Ramsey County Home/Nursing Home records (1920s-2008). | |
Joel Sisson: An Inventory of His Green Chair Project Records | 01498 |
Manuals, press clippings, brochures and flyers, photographs, audiocassettes, and videocassettes relating to a Minneapolis-based nonprofit community project, founded by artist Joel Sisson and others, that worked with inner-city youth in the Twin Cities to construct and sell green Adirondack chairs. Project organizers sought to give young people a positive experience, centered in the arts, and to teach them manufacturing and entrepreneurial skills. | |
Soldiers' Bonus Board: An Inventory of Its World War I Service and Financial Record | gr02400 |
Data recorded includes serial (bonus application) number, name, address, service dates, length of service, aggregate months, cash bonus, tuition paid, cash bonus paid, total paid, and remarks. | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Photographs of Inmates (Negatives) | gr02392 |
Both a side and front view of each inmate are included on each negative. Each negative shows a case file number on a "menu board" below the inmate. Early negatives show only the case file number; later negatives are labeled with "Minnesota State Prison" and the inmate's last name, case file number, height, weight, date of birth, and assumed date of incarceration. The inmates are in prison uniforms and/or street clothes. Some inmates have one or more negatives from multiple incarcerations. | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Photographs of Inmates (Positives) | gr02393 |
Both a front and side view of each inmate are included on each photograph. The back of each photograph includes the inmate's name and number, aliases, description, county, crime, and F.B.I. number. The series is incomplete and does not include a photograph for every inmate. | |
Stillwater State Prison: Prison Industries: Farm Machinery Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr02394 |
Includes a department journal (1910-1916); minutes of a meeting with the Minnesota Implement Dealers (March 1918); a department review report (1952); graphic layouts for application of decals and screen painting schemes (undated, 1964-1971), parts drawings (1952), and photographs (circa 1960s-1970s) of "Minnesota Line" farm machinery; repair sales and settlements records (1913-1934); and machinery conference/department minutes (1910-1920). The latter detail farm machinery sales, expenses, and contracts. | |
Treasurer's Office: An Inventory of Its World War I Bonus Fund Warrant Record | gr02401 |
Information provided: warrant number, date, amount, when paid, who issued to, application number. | |
Gerald Vizenor: An Inventory of His Papers | 00706 |
Papers documenting the career of a Minnesota Chippewa
educator, author, poet, and activist. Includes digital content. |
Winona County: County Court: Family Division: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02404 |
Family Division adoption record (1973-1982) and juvenile records (March 1974-April 1983). All of the volumes are indexed. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02406 |
Order books of the Winona County District Court. | |
Winona County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions | gr02405 |
Each entry usually includes the case file number; names of plaintiffs, defendants, and their attorneys; and a chronological list of each document filed or other action taken in the case, with the date and associated fees. The 1857-1886 volume includes scattered justice court certificates of convictions. All of the volumes are indexed. | |
Winona County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Probate Actions and Indexes | gr02403 |
Registers (1866-1983) of documents filed and actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases. Includes title of case, case number, list of documents filed, and citations to volume and page where selected documents are recorded (transcribed). Each volume is indexed. There is also a separate index which covers the entire series (circa 1856 - 1983). The latter records name, residence, case file number and nature, and probate register volume and page number. The last two registers, volumes R and S, were created under the Winona County, County Court's Family Division. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Minnesota. Independent School District No. 506 (Lafayette). Records, 1928-1950, 1999. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1928-1950 (1 folder, years 1941 and 1943 not included); and Grand Finale program, June 3, 1999 (1 folder). The program is for an event celebrating 100 years of education and the final year of classes of the school district. |
Nicollet County (Minn.). School District No. 26 (New Sweden : Township). School censuses, 1947-1948, 1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1947-1948, 1950. |
Nicollet County (Minn.). School District No. 64 (Bernadette : Township). School censuses, 1948-1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1948-1950. |
Sibley County (Minn.). School District No. 50 (Cornish : Township). School censuses, 1944-1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Sibley County school district. Includes school censuses, 1944-1945, 1947, 1949-1950. |
Archives - New Finding Aids
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