What's New -- May 2023
This month we completed processing and cataloging records of the Land Stewardship Project, a Minnesota-based grassroots organization that works with farmers to promote an ethic of stewardship of the land (care of farmland, with a long-term view) and organizing for more sustainable farms and rural communities, especially in southern and western Minnesota.
Based largely on the principles of the new movement known as Regenerative Agriculture, the organization works to promote soil health and to keep rivers and watersheds free from farm waste. It advocates for the humane treatment of farm animals, works to help new farmers get started in the business, and advocates for the preservation of the Family Farm in the face of corporate agriculture and large- scale Factory Farms.
The collection sheds light on issues and problems facing traditional, small-scale farmers in an often-difficult economy, soil health, water pollution, the threat of urban sprawl, and farm and rural sustainability.
The records arrived at the Minnesota Historical Society warehouse in early 2022 in some 120 boxes, plastic tubs, and other containers of varying sizes. A team of Historical Society staff members re-boxed the files into standard archives boxes, which were then transported to the History Center, where a seasoned archivist spent the next several months processing them: re-foldering, separating duplicate and extraneous materials, organizing the file sets, and creating a catalog record. Original file folders were often retained, because they feature important information written on them by project staff.
The archivist then created an electronic inventory, a box-by-box folder listing with narrative description, which was then uploaded to the web and linked to an online catalog record.
As completed, the collection consists of 92 boxes of archival materials, and 20 boxes of unwanted items to be offered back to the donor. The original eight file groupings created by Land Stewardship Project staff were preserved.
We are excited to add these records to our manuscript holdings. They add a new and important perspective to our existing farm-related collections, which already include records of agribusiness, cooperatives, grange lodges, diaries and personal papers of farmers and farm families, agriculture-related files in the papers of our United States senators, and various series in the Minnesota State Archives.
New and Updated Finding Aids - May 2023
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Accountancy Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02480 |
The minutes record the names of applicants for the certified public accountant examination or re-examination and whether they passed or failed, financial statements, the board's recommendations on legislation, and its actions on cancellation and revocation of certificates, complaints made to the board, and revisions of rules and regulations. A copy of the law establishing the board is found at the beginning of the first volume. | |
Adjutant General: An Inventory of Its World War I Bonus Files and Index | gr00401 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Agricultural Society: An Inventory of Its Century Farm Applications | gr00094 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Beltrami County: An Inventory of Its Community Health Services Records | gr00350 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02470 |
Files numbered 1-12,591. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02471 |
Files numbered A1-A84, and 1-1,246. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indexes to Case Files | gr02472 |
Plaintiffs and defendants indexes to District Court civil and criminal case files. Entries include case file number, parties to the case, type of action, date court term commenced, and citation to the register of action volume and page number indexed. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records | gr02473 |
Indictment record books (1885-1921, 1926-1989) containing names of parties (State of Minnesota is the plaintiff); transcription of the indictment, describing the alleged crime; and name of grand jury foreman and date. An incomplete index is included. Also an unindexed criminal indictment on information volume (1925-1926; Nos. 575-645). | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Land Title Records | gr02474 |
Land title registration dockets (1910-1981) and decree records (1911-1975). The volumes are indexed. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02475 |
Record of real estate found to be tax delinquent; includes names of owners, description of the property, year or years for which taxes are delinquent, total tax and penalty, costs, and total amount of judgment. The dates listed are for the years found delinquent; payments to settle the accounts often took years to complete. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Register and Record of Coroner's Inquests | gr02476 |
Volumes A and B (1887-1955) include testimony, jury verdicts, and coroner's certificates; Volume E (1961-1968) contains scattered photographs, descriptions, and notes pertaining to suicides and murder cases. The volumes are indexed. | |
Carlton County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr02477 |
Register of actions covering civil and criminal case file numbers 1-887 (1871-1898) and criminal case file numbers 168-1340 (1907-1949). The volumes are indexed. | |
Carlton County: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02478 |
Civil and criminal docket books (1914-1970) and marriage records (1920, 1930-1964). | |
Carlton County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02479 |
Probate register documenting actions taken in individual probate, guardianship, and insanity cases (1871-1900), final decrees of distribution containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees (1876-1982), and will records containing copies or transcriptions of the complete text of wills probated by the court (1880-1982). | |
Carver County: Watertown: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr02466 |
Village finance books (1905 1923), clerk's financial statements (1924 1925), and registers of receipts and disbursements (1923-1984). | |
Dakota County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Bond and Oath Records | gr02446 |
Bonds and oaths mainly for county officials. | |
Dakota County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records | gr02448 |
Business name registers (2 volumes, undated but covering the period 1911-1978); and business name certificates numbers 1322-1706 (1974-1978). Each register entry includes owner's name, business name, and certificate number. | |
Dakota County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr02444 |
Files numbered 1-24969. | |
Dakota County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr02445 |
Cover case numbers 586 through 39926. | |
Dakota County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02447 |
Certification records covering physicians (1883-1974), dentists (1888-1939), optometrists (1901-[1976]), veterinarians (1927-1962), chiropractors (1919-1983), basic sciences (1927-1974), massage (1927), and osteopaths (1917-1955). Also physician suspension notices for 1940-1944. | |
Dakota County: Lilydale: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02449 |
City council meeting materials (1976-1979), financial records (1965-1988, incomplete), resolutions (1964-1972, incomplete), comprehensive plan (1980), and city newsletter (1992-2000). | |
Dakota County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files Regarding the LeDuc Family | gr02450 |
Probate case files, eight estate and one guardianship, relating to various members of the William Gates LeDuc family. | |
Dakota County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02451 |
A record of actions taken with regard to each case brought before each day's session of the court; and handwritten copies of various probate orders and judgments. | |
Dakota County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02452 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Environmental Quality Board: An Inventory of Its Regional Copper Nickel Study Files | gr02359 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Geographic Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02465 |
Administrative records of the board and files on the board-sponsored Minnesota gazetteer project of the Work Projects Administration. | |
Governor's Loaned Executives Action Program: An Inventory of Its Subject Files of Douglas J. Dayton | gr02463 |
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and related materials regarding the administration and coordination of the program's activities, publicizing them within and without state government, and recruiting executives from various business firms to serve on program task forces. The files are those of Douglas J. Dayton, LEAP chairman. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Annual and Biennial Reports | gr02443 |
Includes a five-year report for 1972-1976. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr02442 |
Letters sent and received by the executive director and various program officers, largely concerning proposals for grant funded projects. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Files | gr02439 |
Applications for grant funding, accompanied by related correspondence, financial reports, project reports, and miscellaneous materials concerning grant projects. These files are for approved grants only. | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Information | gr02440 |
Grant application guidelines, project directors' manuals, grant logs and summaries, some preliminary applications and grants correspondence (1973-1979), grant evaluations and analyses, and National Endowment for the Humanities proposals and reports (1978-1979, 1985-1987). | |
Humanities Commission: An Inventory of Its Grant Reports | gr02441 |
Final reports, summaries, and miscellaneous productions that resulted from completed grant projects; apparently never filed with the main set of grant files. | |
Ruth Juhl: An Inventory of Her Ruth Juhl and Family Collection of Missionary Documents | 01499 |
Thirty-four letters and other documents related to Minnesota Presbyterian missionaries, Dakota bands and communities, and to the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, spanning a pivotal period of time in Dakota and American relations. Most of the material consists of correspondence between Robert Hopkins and Gideon Pond. There are also letters to associates, many of whom were important figures in early Minnesota, and letters to family members. Several census-style lists (1846) contain names of members of Dakota Indian bands in the Minnesota and Mississippi river valleys of Southeastern Minnesota. | |
Land Stewardship Project: An Inventory of Its Organizational Records | 01468 |
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Legislature: An Inventory of Its Published Records and Reports (Miscellaneous) | gr02464 |
Assorted printed, near-print, and photocopied reports and other documents generated by the legislature and its various committees and subcommittees, or produced by other entities for submission to the legislature. | |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its Reports of Interim and Special Committees and Commissions | gr02484 |
Primarily reports of short-term interim and/or special-purpose committees and commissions. Also included are some other records of these bodies, and some recurring reports of committees or commissions whose lives extended over several session interims. The reports are printed unless otherwise noted. | |
Legislature: An Inventory of Its Voyageurs National Park Files | gr02485 |
Files on the establishment and early operations of Voyageurs National Park in northeastern Minnesota. They include general correspondence; subject files on various development and usage issues; a fact book (1971); files on state house and senate committee hearings (1971); and general and meeting files, including minutes, of the Citizens Committee on Voyageurs National Park. | |
Legislature: House of Representatives: An Inventory of Its House Journals (Printed) | gr02481 |
Published record of proceedings of each day's meeting of the House. | |
Legislature: House of Representatives: House Research Department: An Inventory of Its Research Reports | gr02483 |
Reports prepared by legislative analysts on topics of substantial interest to legislators. Topics substantially represented in the reports include education, labor/management relations, local and urban affairs, the environment, land use, taxation, and public welfare. | |
Legislature: Senate: An Inventory of Its Senate Journals (Printed) | gr02482 |
Published record of proceedings of each day's meeting of the Senate. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records | gr02458 |
Index to business names (1911-1978, 1 volume) and loose business name certificates (1911-1978). | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02455 |
Files numbered A1-A690, B194-B1171, and 1172-6699. Files for the 1860s may include a few criminal cases. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02456 |
Registers of inquests (1887-1984) and inquest files (1878-1984). | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02457 |
File nos. 1A-42A and 1-903. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr02468 |
Judgment records of the Mille Lacs County District Court. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02467 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Mille Lacs County District Court. | |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02469 |
Records or registers for chiropractors, dentists, masseurs, ministers, physicians, veterinarians, optometrists, and basic science certificates. | |
Mille Lacs County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02459 |
Court register (1919-1948) and record (1919-1949) and minute books (1959-1985). | |
Mille Lacs County: Page Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02453 |
Clerk's books (1901-1978); treasurer's books (1901-1980) and annual statements (1919-1983, incomplete); road records (1903-1935), including survey plat and reports; tax records (1901, 1912); audit board reports (1902-1903); annual town meeting minutes (1901-1903); election records (1902-1903, 1956-1986); real property assessment roll (1910); and miscellaneous records, including the purchase of a district school house to be used as the town hall (1966). | |
Mille Lacs County: Princeton Township: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02454 |
Birth (1887-1942) and death (1887-1941) records. Also includes death certificate for Winent Myer Radeke (1915). | |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Records | gr02460 |
Petitions in insanity, reports of jury or board of examiners, and related orders and commitment documents. | |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02461 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Minnesota Queer Student Conference: An Inventory of Its Records | P2393 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02462 |
Judgment books of the Nicollet County District Court. | |
Physical Therapy Board: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02053 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ramsey County: Welfare Department: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr00857 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Joel Sisson: An Inventory of His Green Chair Project Records | 01498 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Paul S. Swensson: An Inventory of His Papers | 00042 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Trade and Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Star City Program Files | gr02070 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
University Club of Saint Paul: An Inventory of Its Records | 01511 |
Minutes (1911-1985), correspondence (1904-1983), financial records (1911-1985), membership and subject files, F. Scott Fitzgerald Follies production files, and photographs (1973-1983) documenting a men's social club. | |
War Records Commission: An Inventory of Its World War I Military Service Records | gr00980 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940. Letter to Dawson Lobuston, 1919 September 30. |
The handwritten letter to Dawson Lobuston, presumably an employee at the St. Paul (Minn.) Public Library, briefly notes his published writings to date, which at the time consisted largely of a few magazine stories and poems. |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940. Letter to Robert D. Clark, 1921 February 9. |
Refuses to cater to or seek the respect of business, political, and social leaders, whom he considers his mental inferiors. Comments on Sinclair Lewis' Main Street and his own The Beautiful and Damned." |
Minnesota. Independent School District No. 506 (Lafayette). Records, 1928-1950, 1999. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1928-1950 (1 folder, years 1941 and 1943 not included); and Grand Finale program, June 3, 1999 (1 folder). The program is for an event celebrating 100 years of education and the final year of classes of the school district. |
Nicollet County (Minn.). School District No. 26 (New Sweden : Township). School censuses, 1947-1948, 1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1947-1948, 1950. |
Nicollet County (Minn.). School District No. 64 (Bernadette : Township). School censuses, 1948-1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Nicollet County school district. Includes school censuses, 1948-1950. |
Sibley County (Minn.). School District No. 50 (Cornish : Township). School censuses, 1944-1950. |
Records documenting the administration of this Sibley County school district. Includes school censuses, 1944-1945, 1947, 1949-1950. |
Archives - New Finding Aids
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