What's New -- March 2024
This month we are happy to announce that the Stillwater State Prison Photographs of Inmates (Glass Plate Negatives Collection is now completely digitized and online, a process that took decades and a few separate projects to complete!
Also, with the addition of a final three series inventories (microfilmed papers, political posters, and political cartoons) we have completed converting the Hubert H. Humphrey Papers Collection inventories from paper and pdf format to the modern xml archival standard format, accessible via our library catalog and on the web. This massive collection includes 2363 cubic feet of paper files, as well as 93 microfilm reels and 109 digital audio files. His speech files were also digitized by our staff in a grant project funded by the NHPRC. There are 100 series-level sub-inventories linked from the main collection inventory. This work also took many decades and many many staff to complete. Researcher access to the collection is now vastly improved, and the ability to locate specific files and materials relating to specific topics is greatly enhanced. The Humphrey papers document the late Minnesota senator's years as mayor of Minneapolis, as a U.S. senator, and as Vice President of the United States. It is one of the Minnesota Historical Society's premier manuscript collections, and the completion of this conversion project marks a major milestone!
Newly added accessions this month include the Hennepin County School District No. 14 (Bloomington Township) Bloomington Ferry School Old Timers Association minute book; the Homer Pierce Clark and Family papers; the Coffee House Press, and Graywolf Press broadside and miscellaneous printed materials collection; the Catherine Watson journals; and the William Woodbury music book for snare drum.
Other collections with additions or added digital content include several additions to the MNHS Institutional Archives; the Attorney General: Public Welfare Division: Litigation File: Welsch v Noot; the Honeywell Inc. records; the Linden Hills Dancing Club records; and the Water and Soil Resources Board minutes.
In addition there are many newly encoded finding aids that are now available online for the first time.
New and Updated Finding Aids
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Aitkin County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02849 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Aitkin County District Court. | |
Attorney General: Public Welfare Division: An Inventory of Its Litigation File: Welsch v Noot: | gr00797 |
Concerns the Welsch Consent Decree, a landmark court case (1972-1989) which led to major changes in the treatment of Minnesota's institutionalized mentally retarded citizens. | |
Homer Pierce Clark and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01534 |
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Coffee House Press, Toothpaste Press, and Graywolf Press: An Inventory of Their Broadside and Miscellaneous Printed Material Collection | lb00190 |
Includes broadsides, calendars, and other miscellaneous printed material from Coffee House Press, Toothpaste Press, and Graywolf Press. Some items printed at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. Some pieces lack dates and publisher information. | |
Cottonwood County: Attorney: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions | gr02850 |
Registers of criminal actions of the Cottonwood County Attorney. | |
Hennepin County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Files of Sheriff Donald J. Omodt | gr02828 |
Selected subject files relating to Omodt's participation in the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Council, the Minnesota State Sheriff's Association, the Urban Coalition of Minneapolis, and other Hennepin County law enforcement agencies and activities. Omodt served as Hennepin County sheriff from January 1967 through January 1995. | |
Honeywell Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Society | 00051 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Hubert H. Humphrey: An Inventory of His Papers | 00720 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Itasca County: Grand Rapids: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr02829 |
Registers of receipts and disbursements (1910-1958), fire department treasurer's record (1895-1927), and financial report (1968). | |
Mathias Koll: An Inventory of His Papers | 00113 |
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Lake of the Woods County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Inquest Records | gr02855 |
Coroner's inquest register 1, listing documents filed with the court in each coroner's inquest case (1923-1957), and inquest certificate files (1922-1947, 1971-1987). Although the latter include a number of case's proceedings transcripts, the majority are the certificates only. | |
Lake of the Woods County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02856 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Linden Hills Dancing Club: An Inventory of Its Club Records | 00872 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mille Lacs County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02857 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Mille Lacs County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02847 |
Final decrees, 1884, 1895-1982 (reels 1-8), miscellaneous orders, 1875-1979 (reels 9-10), and petitions, 1879-1906 (reel 10), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. Some volumes include documents for Ojibwe Indians living on or near the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: An Inventory of Its Institutional Records | 00513 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Case Files | gr02861 |
Civil and criminal case file nos. 1-12072. After approximately 1919 criminal case files are color coded. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr02862 |
Judgment dockets of the Nicollet County District Court. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr02863 |
Minutes of the Nicollet County District Court. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | gr02864 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02865 |
Order books from the Nicollet County District Court. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02866 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Nicollet County District Court. | |
Nicollet County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02867 |
Records for veterinarians, physicians, dentists, chiropractors, massage license certificates, and basic science certificates. | |
Nicollet County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02868 |
Final decrees, 1880-1976 (reels 1-9) and miscellaneous orders and minutes, 1856-1976 (reels 9-14), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Olmsted County: Rochester: An Inventory of Its Justice and Municipal Court Dockets | gr02859 |
Civil and criminal docket books and related records of the justices of the peace and the municipal court of the city of Rochester. | |
Pennington County: Thief River Falls: Municipal Court: An Inventory of Its Civil and Criminal Dockets | gr02858 |
Dockets of the Thief River Falls Municipal Court in Pennington County. | |
Railroad and Warehouse Commission: An Inventory of Its Valuation Records | gr02878 |
Reports on land, engineering facilities, and general fiscal standing of Minnesota railroads and, to a lesser extent, telegraph companies, terminals, and other regulated enterprises. | |
Rice County: An Inventory of Its Publications of Rice County Agencies | gr02851 |
Various publication of several Rice County agencies including the Auditor, County Administrator, Engineer, Family Violence Program, Health Education Department, Office of Civil Defense, Faribault, and Northfield. | |
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02854 |
Boxes numbered 22-126. (Boxes 1-21 are criminal case files, separately cataloged). | |
Rice County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02853 |
Personal name index, 1858-1906; declarations of intention (first papers), 1856-1952; final papers, 1858-1906; petition and record (final papers), 1907-1954; lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, 1929-1957; applications to take oath of allegiance (naturalization by repatriation), 1938-1953; and loose naturalization papers, 1856, 1872. | |
Rice County: Highway Department: An Inventory of Its Annual Reports of the Highway Engineer | gr02852 |
Printed annual reports of the county highway engineer/highway department, including narrative and, increasingly, extensive statistical compilations of the annual activities of the department. The majority include reports for specific highway improvement projects done during the year. | |
Rock County: Rose Dell Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02860 |
Chattel mortgage records (1878-1913), annual town meeting minutes (1904-1935), treasurer's annual statements (1904-1935), audit board records (1904-1936), election records (1908-1934), board of supervisors (1904-1935) and overseers' (1904-1909) annual accounts, road records (1904-1944), wolf bounties (1922, 1930), and a personal property assessment roll (1899). | |
Stillwater State Prison: An Inventory of Its Photographs of Inmates (Glass Plate Negatives) | gr02077 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Coroner's Records | gr02869 |
Registers of inquests (1888-1976) and inquest files (1877-1968). | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02870 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Todd County District Court. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Records of Convictions in Justice Court | gr02871 |
Includes seven volumes of records of convictions in justice court. | |
Todd County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02872 |
Records or registers for clergy, physicians, dentists, osteopaths, veterinarians, optometrists, and basic science certificates. | |
Todd County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Record Books | gr02873 |
Minute books (1959-1976) and juvenile record (1919-1958). | |
Todd County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr02874 |
Probate case files numbered 1-12924. | |
Todd County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02875 |
Final decrees, 1883-1977 (reels 1-15), final decrees (summary proceedings), 1938-1971 (reels 15-16), and miscellaneous orders, 1869-1937 (reel 16), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Todd County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Record Books | gr02876 |
Insanity record books of the Todd County Probate Court. | |
Todd County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr02877 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. One volume also contains surety bonds, 1945-1953. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Waseca County: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr02833 |
Birth records (1870-1941), delayed birth records (1941-1983), and death records (1870-1940), with indexes (1870-1982). They cover the entire county. | |
Waseca County: An Inventory of Its Marriage Records | gr02834 |
Marriage records covering the entire county (1857-1920), with an index (1857-1982). Also present is a county census (1875). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Case File Transcripts and Exhibits | gr02836 |
Transcripts of testimony and exhibits that were too large or thick to be filed in docket packets with the case file papers to which they pertain. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr02837 |
File nos. 1-12982, and stray file 1227 (1910). | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr02838 |
File nos. 1-1000. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr02839 |
Default judgment books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment and Information Records | gr02840 |
Indictment and information records of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Books | gr02841 |
Judgment books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr02842 |
Judgment dockets of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr02835 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, applications to take oath of allegiance, and correspondence. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Order Books | gr02843 |
Order books of the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr02844 |
Real estate tax judgment books for the Waseca County District Court. | |
Waseca County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr02845 |
Records or registers for physicians, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, veterinarians, massage licenses, and basic science certificates. | |
Waseca County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Juvenile Court Records | gr02846 |
Petitions with information on the cases, findings and orders, and related documents in cases of juvenile delinquency, neglect, termination of parental rights, and dependency on county relief. | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr02830 |
Case files of the Waseca County Probate Court. | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr02831 |
Final decrees, 1858-1978 (reels 1-18), and miscellaneous orders, 1886, 1914-1977 (reels 19-20), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Waseca County: Recorder: An Inventory of Its Deed Records | gr02832 |
Grantee and grantor reception books and indexes; and deed record books containing transcripts of warranty and quit-claim deeds, patents, and related documents. | |
Water and Soil Resources Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr00038 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Catherine Watson: An Inventory of Her Journals | 01538 |
Journals of journalist, author, travel writer, and educator Catherine Watson. Includes personal and professional journals kept by Watson before, during, and after her time as founding editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune's travel section. | |
Wright County: Independent School District No. 882, Monticello: An Inventory of Its Records | gr02848 |
Clerk's books (1869-1904), minute books (1878-1902, 1911-1943), election records (1947-1957), financial records (1911-1945), annual teacher's and school reports (1939-1946), consolidation records and plats/maps (1952-1975), programs and commencement announcements (1889-1987), library club minutes (1953-1965), library reports, including Free Reading Room information (1901-1946), and an elementary faculty handbook (1991-1992). |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Hennepin County (Minn.). School District No. 14 (Bloomington : Township). Bloomington Ferry School Old Timers Association minute book, 1974-1991. |
Includes meeting minutes, lists of school pupils and teachers, and written reminiscences. |
Woodbury, William W. Music book for snare drum, early 1860s. |
Snare drum arrangement of several selections for a band at Fort Snelling (early 1860s). |
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