What's New -- October 2024
Ghost in the Archives graphic from https://www.bambooridge.org/article/ghosts-in-the-archives/
Happy Halloween!!
Newly added accessions this month include the Richard S. Davis Papers; the Henry M. Lyman Letter Describing Election Interference (October 19, 1857); the Rasselas S. Mowry Papers; and the Natural Resources Department, Trails and Waterways Division, Off Highway Vehicle Management Program Files.
Collections with additions or added digital content include Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board Records; the Faribault State School and Hospital, Superintendent Correspondence and Minutes of the Board of Trustees/Directors; the Great Northern Railway Company Advertising and Publicity Department Records; the Clara Jorgenson Papers; the Mike Lynch Papers; the MNHS Institutional Archives, State Historic Preservation Office Records; the Walter James Murray Papers; the Northern Pacific Railway Company Mechanical Department Records and President's Records; and the Frank Trnka Records.
In addition there are many newly encoded finding aids that are now available online for the first time.
New and Updated Finding Aids
Name/Abstract | File No. |
Anoka County: Anoka: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Records | gr03121 |
Assessment roll abstract (1878), city charters (1929, 1954, 1966, 1972), employee handbook (approximately 1985), poor fund reports (1931-1935), road papers (1871-1874), ordinances concerning building code (1947) and subdivision (1962), strike contingency plan (1980), water analysis report (1901), financial statement (1972), and order book (1878-1911). | |
Anoka County: Board of County Commissioners: An Inventory of Its Capital Improvement Plans | gr03122 |
Plans for capital improvements through year 2013. | |
Blue Earth County: Sheriff: An Inventory of Its Jail Registers | gr03123 |
Registers of persons incarcerated in the county jail, giving a variety of identifying and personal information, and data on offense and sentence. | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Political Committees and Funds | gr00127 |
Reports of receipts of political committees and funds, and of their contributions (transfers)to candidates, to committees and funds supporting candidates, and to committees and funds organized to promote or defeat a ballot question. | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Campaign Finance Files, Principal Campaign Committees (Category 1) | gr00126 |
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by the campaign committee for each candidate for a state office (constitutional officers, legislators, statewide and district courts), accompanied by a statement of organization for the committee. | |
Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board: An Inventory of Its Economic Interest Statements | gr00125 |
Annual personal financial statements filed by candidates for state executive and legislative offices and by appointees to boards and commissions. | |
Chippewa County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr03124 |
Each entry notes judgment debtor(s), judgment creditor(s), court (justice or district), date of judgment, date of docketing, amounts of damages and costs, register number, attorney for the creditor, and sometimes information on the satisfaction (settlement) of the judgment. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of its Naturalization Records | gr03132 |
Declarations of intention, final papers, petitions, and related records. | |
Cook County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03131 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, and loose declarations of intention. | |
Dairy and Food Department: An Inventory of Its Biennial and Related Reports of the State Dairy and Food Commissioner | gr03126 |
Printed biennial reports, accompanied by typescript copies of some of them and of supplemental reports. Included in the biennial reports are reports of the commissioner, assistant commissioners, clerks, chemists, and field inspectors. They are complete except for the eighth report (August 1898-July 1900). | |
Dairy and Food Department: An Inventory of Its Dairy and Food Commission Scrapbooks | gr03127 |
Clippings from Minnesota newspapers relating to activities and policies of the Dairy and Food Commission and Department, and to related agricultural concerns and issues; and a scrapbook of Commission rulings and bulletins. | |
Dairy and Food Department: An Inventory of Its Financial Records | gr03128 |
Voucher and receipts registers, and a voucher register for the Albert Lea State Creamery. Contain staffing data and programmatic evidence not duplicated in the annual and audit reports. | |
Richard S. Davis: An Inventory of His Papers | 01562 |
Papers of art curator Richard S. Davis. Includes personal and professional correspondence and documents, military service documents, photographs, and various print materials. Materials are associated with his time serving in the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section Unit, otherwise known as the "Monuments Men," as well as his employment with the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA), and his post-MIA consultant work with private collectors and work as a visiting expert and lecturer. | |
Economic Development Department: An Inventory of Its Ledgers | gr03129 |
Ledgers of various funds controlled by the department (funds for business research and development, community planning, distressed areas relief and administration, and dairy industry). | |
Faribault State School and Hospital: An Inventory of Its Minutes of the Board of Trustees/Directors | gr03114 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Faribault State School and Hospital: Superintendent: An Inventory of Its Correspondence | gr00794 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Goodhue County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03130 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted, applications to take oath of allegiance, loose naturalization papers, monthly reports, and notices of application for admission to citizenship. | |
Great Northern Railway Company: Advertising and Publicity Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 00953 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Clara Jorgensen: An Inventory of Her Papers | 00762 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Mike Lynch: An Inventory of His Papers | 01366 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Records | 01564 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff. Includes project and grant information, correspondence, publications, awards, reports and related records. Also includes the National Historic Landmark: Thomas Veblen farmstead files; survey slides; and statewide archaeological survey records. | |
Minnesota Historical Society: State Historic Preservation Office: An Inventory of Its Review and Compliance Files | 00557 |
Files created by Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office staff in the course of reviewing construction, rehabilitation, and demolition projects to ensure that sites and properties of historic significance were not adversely affected. | |
Rasselas S. Mowry: An Inventory of His Papers | 01563 |
![]() |
Walter James Murray: An Inventory of His Papers | 00506 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Natural Resources Department: Trails and Waterways Division: An Inventory of Its Off Highway Vehicle Management Program Files | gr03120 |
Records concerning the regulation and use of all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and other off highway vehicles (OHV) on state forest lands and other public lands. Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports and white papers, planning and development documents, position papers, newspaper clippings (photocopies), maps, and legal documents (copies). | |
Nobles County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Insanity Record Books | gr03118 |
Reports of examiners with information on the cases, orders for committal, and related orders. | |
Nobles County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr03119 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Northern Pacific Railway Company: Mechanical Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 01023 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Northern Pacific Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Records | 01027 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Northern Pacific Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Nos. 1-728) | 01040 |
Subject files, the principal series of correspondence
and related records, of the Northern Pacific president's office. Includes digital content. |
Northern Pacific Railway Company: President: An Inventory of Its Subject Files (Nos. 729-2981) | 01162 |
Subject files, the principal series of correspondence
and related records, of the Northern Pacific president's office. Includes digital content. |
Oak Terrace Nursing Home: An Inventory of Its Closure Files | gr03115 |
Files documenting the nursing home's 1991 closure. | |
Oak Terrace Nursing Home: An Inventory of Its Governing Board Records | gr03116 |
Bylaws (1980-1988), minutes (1976-1991), reference manual (1988-1991), and agenda packets (1980-1985) of the Oak Terrace Nursing Home's (OTNH) governing board. | |
Oak Terrace Nursing Home: An Inventory of Its Quality Assistance Program Records | gr03117 |
Minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, surveys, working papers, checklists, clippings, and sample forms of this nursing home program that specified the approaches to be used by the staff to create a therapeutic and supportive ambience for the residents and to place the focus on quality care along the entire health/illness continuum. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Population Reports | gr03106 |
Monthly reports of school population and inmate
movements of various types; on Board of Control reporting forms. |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Published Records | gr03107 |
Manuals and handbooks, newsletters, building fund and capital improvement requests, studies, reports, guides, theses, and various print and near-print materials documenting the institution's programs, activities, and history. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its State Agent Records | gr03108 |
Records kept by the state agent who supervised parolees, and through careful home examination, provided homes for those who did not have them or for those who had no suitable home. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its State Board of Control Minutes at State Training School | gr03109 |
The minutes cover a variety of oversight and parole
activities, focusing on the supervision of individual inmates and parolees. |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Steward/Store Records | gr03110 |
Records documenting the daily receipt and use of food and supplies at the school. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Subject Files | gr03111 |
Correspondence, reports, and related materials covering a variety of topics and issues related to the school's operation. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Superintendent's Monthly/Quarterly Reports | gr03112 |
Submitted to the Youth Conservation Commission; includes memos, correspondence, committee and department reports, and statistics. | |
Red Wing State Training School: An Inventory of Its Youth Vocational Center Files | gr03113 |
Case files of and informational cards on youths transferred to the Youth Vocational Center. | |
Statehood Centennial Commission: An Inventory of Its Parade of the Century Files | gr03125 |
Files documenting planning and implementation of the parade that was one of the major events of Statehood Week. | |
Traverse County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr03134 |
Minutes of the Traverse County District Court. | |
Traverse County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03133 |
Personal name index, declarations of intention, final papers, petition and record, lists of citizenship petitions granted, loose naturalization papers, and miscellaneous correspondence. | |
Frank Trnka: An Inventory of His Records | 01466 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its Registers of Educational and Other Assistance Programs | gr03135 |
Registers of individuals enrolled in various veterans’ rehabilitation and education assistance programs, particularly World War I, World War II, and Korean War veterans and war orphans. | |
Waseca County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Case Files | gr02830 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
New and Updated Catalog Records
Henry M. Lyman letter describing election interference, October 19, 1857. |
A letter from Henry M. Lyman in Chanhassen, Minnesota Territory to his brother, Ansel B. Lyman and other family members in Easthampton, Massachusetts describing election interference in the first gubernatorial race in Minnesota. |
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