What's New -- November 2024
Our colleague David B. Peterson who is retiring this month!
My Story: 38 Years In The Archives by David B. Peterson
In the Summer of 1985 I arrived as a student intern for department head Lydia Lucas as part of my master's degree program at the University of Wisconsin.
I refused to leave at the conclusion of my 4-week internship and stayed on as I completed my degree. I was a commuter. Two days each week I was in class at UW-Madison. On Fridays I was at MNHS. Initially Lydia paid me out of miscellaneous funds doing odd jobs in the department. Part of that time I was a volunteer. I also processed a beautiful series of Northern Pacific Railway Company Advertising and Publicity Department photographs (1880s-1967).
September 1, 1986 I joined the staff of what was then called the Processing Department of the Minnesota Historical Society. Lydia hired me to work on a two-year grant-funded project to process the papers of Minnesota lumberman Thomas Barlow Walker.
My favorite collections have been Governor Elmer L. Andersen's personal papers, Senator Dave Durenberger's papers, and a collection of Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Photographs documenting the construction of the Pig's Eye treatment plant in the 1930s (which led to a dramatic improvement of water quality in the Mississippi River) and include beautiful 8 x 10 photographs of the construction of the plant and the sewer system in St. Paul neighborhoods.
I converted the Hubert H. Humphrey Papers (2363 cubic feet) typescript inventories to modern xml electronic format.
I have done two off-site archiving projects: for The Andersen Corporation (manufacturers of the famous Andersen Windows), and for the Weyerhaeuser Family Office.
I enjoy creating order where there is none, so being a processing and cataloging archivist suits me. I like that daily I can "touch history." The materials we work with are so wonderful.
I especially enjoy creating modern online finding aids. When I arrived, staff used IBM Selectric typewriters to create finding aids. Some machines had a correction key--the ultimate in word processing--but mine did not. Lydia created the catalog records and entered them herself into the RLIN terminal.
This has been my dream job in my hometown. I have been very fortunate. I have worked with a tremendous group of colleagues, who have been like family. Lydia took a chance on me and this has become a 38-year career. I owe her a tremendous debt of gratitude.
New This Month
Newly added accessions this month include the Gilbert William Gutknecht Jr. Congressional Papers; the Hennepin County Maple Plain Records; and the United States Army Minnesota Cavalry Regiment Company H Record Books.
Collections with additions or added digital content include the C. C. (Christopher Columbus) Andrews and Family Papers; the Burlington Northern Clown Club and Band Records; the Education Department, State Board of Vocational-Technical Education Minutes; the Northern Pacific Railway Company Engineering Department Records; the Ramsey County, St. Paul, Independent School District No. 625 Records; the Ramsey County, St. Paul, Police Department Identification Photograph Cards; the Robert C. Bruce Productions Films; the State University Board Minutes; the Paul David Wellstone Campaign Records; and records from various Winona County School Districts.
In addition there are many newly encoded finding aids that are now available online for the first time.
New and Updated Finding Aids
Name/Abstract | File No. |
C. C. (Christopher Columbus) Andrews and Family: An Inventory of Their Papers | 01568 |
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Burlington Northern Clown Club and Band: An Inventory of Its Records | 00903 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Clay County: Attorney: An Inventory of Its Registers of Criminal Actions | gr03155 |
Registers of criminal actions of the Clay County Attorney. | |
Clay County: County Court: An Inventory of Its Order and Judgment Books | gr03142 |
Copies of orders and judgments rendered by the Clay County Court in civil cases, especially divorce matters and monetary judgment awards. The volumes are paginated at the bottom of the page, usually in pencil, but are not indexed. A number, followed by a "C" near the top left hand of the initial page in each order appears to be a case file number. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Adoption Case Files | gr03143 |
Records contain an index. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Business Name Records | gr03144 |
Certificates numbered 1-351, and an index volume, both spanning the period 1911-1978. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr03145 |
Default judgment books of the Clay County District Court. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Indictment Records | gr03146 |
Filled-in forms containing names of parties (State of Minnesota is the plaintiff); transcription of the indictment, describing the alleged crime; and name of grand jury foreman and date. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr03147 |
Judgment dockets of the Clay County District Court. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr03148 |
Minutes and records of the Clay County District Court. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr03149 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Clay County District Court. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr03150 |
Optometrists', physicians', dentists', chiropractors', and ministers' certificate records; basic science registration record; massage license record; and record of sureties. | |
Clay County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Transcripts | gr03151 |
Transcripts of several civil and criminal cases. | |
Clay County: Moorhead: Justice of the Peace: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03140 |
Civil and criminal dockets. For 1940-1956 a subseries of dockets contains highway patrol cases. | |
Clay County: Moorhead: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Arrest Registers | gr03141 |
Arrest registers of the Moorhead Police Department. | |
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees and Related Records | gr03152 |
Final decrees, 1883-1918, and miscellaneous orders, 1872-1912, containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Probate Case Files | gr03153 |
Case files regarding the settlement of estates. | |
Clay County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr03154 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Education Department: State Board of Vocational-Technical Education: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Meeting Materials | gr03177 |
Minutes and meeting materials documenting the activities of this board that governed the state’s area vocational technical schools/institutes [AVTI]. | |
Governor: Quie, Albert H.: An Inventory of His Audio-Visual Materials | gr03186 |
Videotapes, audio tapes, photo albums, cassette recordings, and loose photographs, negatives, and slides documenting Quie’s inauguration and various activities as governor. | |
Governor: Quie, Albert H.: An Inventory of His Staff Files: Bill Bond | gr03187 |
Gilbert William Gutknecht Jr.: An Inventory of His Congressional Papers | 01565 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Health Department: An Inventory of Its Water Analysis Reports | gr03174 |
Report forms that record data on the collection and laboratory testing of sources of drinking water throughout Minnesota (1879-1897), noting their physical setting, known disease associations, and test results. Supplemented by miscellaneous information on St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth water supplies (1895-1896). | |
Hennepin County: Maple Plain: An Inventory of Its Birth and Death Records | gr03176 |
Birth (1907, 1912-1939) and death (1912-1952) certificate records. | |
Hennepin County: Maple Plain: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03175 |
City/village council minute books; civil and criminal docket books; clerk's finance record; list of elected officials; ordinance record, no. 1; planning commission minute books; and village treasurer account books. | |
Lincoln County: Audit Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr03170 |
Quarterly and annual reports of examination of the county treasurer's records, and periodic minutes of board meetings on related fiscal matters. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr03156 |
Files numbered 1-6200. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr03157 |
Unnumbered files, and files numbered 1-385. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Default Judgment Books | gr03158 |
Default judgment books of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Dockets | gr03159 |
Judgment dockets of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Judgment Records | gr03160 |
Judgment records of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Minutes | gr03161 |
Minutes of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous Court Records | gr03162 |
Miscellaneous court records of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Naturalization Records and Index | gr03163 |
Personal name index, 1880-1905; declarations of intention (first papers), 1878-1951; final papers, 1880-1905; petition and record (final papers), 1907-1944; lists of citizenship petitions granted and denied, 1929-1945; applications to take oath of allegiance, 1939-1945; and loose naturalization papers, A-Z. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Real Estate Tax Judgment Books | gr03164 |
Real estate tax judgment books of the Lincoln County District Court. | |
Lincoln County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Registration and Certificate Records | gr03165 |
Records or registers of chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, physicians, veterinarians, and basic science certificates. | |
Lincoln County: Juvenile Court: An Inventory of Its Juvenile Court Records | gr03166 |
Covering the years 1921-1951 and 1961-1965. A narrative record of the proceedings and the judge's order in cases of child delinquency, dependency, or neglect. The records for 1961-9165 are more brief, noting documents filed, witnesses examined, and the court's findings and order. | |
Lincoln County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Final Decrees of Distribution | gr03167 |
Final decrees, 1890-1982 (reels 1-10), and miscellaneous orders, 1881-1983 (reels 10-12), containing data on decedents' estates and their distribution to heirs and/or legatees. | |
Lincoln County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Registers of Actions | gr03168 |
A record of documents filed and orders issued in each probate case. Their spine titles identify them as minute books, but they are actually more akin to registers. | |
Lincoln County: Probate Court: An Inventory of Its Will Books | gr03169 |
Copies or transcriptions of the complete texts of wills probated by the courts, accompanied by certifications of authenticity and of filing signed by witnesses and clerks of court. Original wills are found in the probate case files. | |
Lincoln County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Lists of School Teachers and School Board Officers | gr03173 |
Mimeographed lists of teachers and officers (undated and 1923-1933, 1940), a printed directory of officers (1962/1963), and officers' record cards (1919, 1939-1944). | |
Lincoln County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Pupil Record Cards | gr03171 |
Record cards for eighth grade graduates, [approximately 1916-1958]; elementary pupils, [approximately 1935-1965]; and pupils leaving school before graduation, [approximately 1928-1950]. | |
Lincoln County: Superintendent of Schools: An Inventory of Its Teacher's Certificate and Examination Records | gr03172 |
Records of school graduated from, dates of teaching certificate issuance and renewals, and examination results. | |
Northern Pacific Railway Company: Engineering Department: An Inventory of Its Records | 01016 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: Police Department: An Inventory of Its Identification Photograph Cards | gr01563 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Ramsey County: St. Paul: School Records: Independent School District No. 625: An Inventory of Its Miscellaneous School Materials | gr00531 |
Photographs, histories, dedication programs, design development proposals, correspondence, reports, newsletters, handbooks, scrapbooks, and other assorted materials documenting over 100 St. Paul elementary, junior high, high, and special schools. | |
Robert C. Bruce Productions: An Inventory of Its Films | sv000197 |
![]() Includes digital content. |
Sherburne County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Civil Case Files | gr03178 |
File nos. 1-20017 (incomplete); and two files relating to judicial ditches, 1904-1906. | |
Sherburne County: District Court: An Inventory of Its Criminal Case Files | gr03179 |
File nos. 1-641. | |
State University Board: An Inventory of Its Minutes and Agenda Packets | gr01060 |
Minutes and agenda packets of the State University Board and its predecessors, the State Normal School Board and State Teachers College Board. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its Veterans Graves Registration Reports | gr03136 |
Report forms for deceased veterans of the Civil and Indian wars, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korean War, and Vietnam War who are buried in Minnesota. They were compiled by the Veterans Affairs Department during the period 1930-1969. For the period 1970-1975, some counties (mainly Goodhue, Hennepin, Houston, Ramsey, and Swift) and the Fort Snelling cemetery continued to submit reports. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its World War II Bonus Beneficiary Files | gr03137 |
Approved files for beneficiaries of deceased World War II soldiers and related personnel who applied for bonus payments granted by the State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Laws 1949, chapter 642. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its World War II Bonus Index | gr03138 |
An alphabetical index to the department's World War II bonus records, World War II supplemental bonus files, and World War II denied bonus records. | |
Veterans Affairs Department: An Inventory of Its World War II Bonus Records | gr03139 |
Applications for military service bonus payments to Minnesota veterans of World War II. They include data on the applicant's military service, proof of residence, and proof of honorable discharge (usually a copy of the discharge certificate). | |
Paul David Wellstone: An Inventory of His Campaign Records | 01138 |
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Winona County: School District No. 4/2545, Wilson Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03180 |
Records documenting the administration of this Winona County school district. Included are school censuses (1967-1969), attendance register (1969-1970), and complete combination record books (1967-1970). | |
Winona County: School District No. 17/2558, Rollingstone Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03181 |
Records documenting the administration of this Winona County school district. Included are clerk's books, treasurer's books, a school census, attendance registers, and complete combination record books. | |
Winona County: School District No. 39/2573, Warren Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03182 |
Attendance registers (1869-1899, 1926-1949), class record (1923-1935), clerk's books (1958-1966), complete combination record books (1937-1949), pupil record cards (1920s-1930s), school censuses (1939-1948), textbook record (1919-1930), and treasurer's books (1942-1966). | |
Winona County: School District No. 65/2591, Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03183 |
Attendance registers (1917-1936), clerk's books (1927-1932, 1962-1963), complete combination record books (1936-1949), treasurer's book (1960-1963), school censuses (1920-1945, 1960-1962), and school district map (1932). | |
Winona County: School District No. 72/2596, New Hartford Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03184 |
Clerk's books (1894-1899, 1905-1910, 1958-1970), library accession book (undated), treasurer's books (1949-1970), school board minutes (1965-1967), teacher's annual reports (1957-1962), school censuses (1959-1967), complete combination record books (1958-1970), and attendance registers (1962-1970). | |
Winona County: School District No. 79/2603, Homer Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr03185 |
Attendance registers (1902-1970), class record (1916-1929), clerk's (1932-1970) and treasurer's (1931-1970) books, textbook record (1920-1935), complete combination records (1937-1939, 1958-1970), school censuses (1929-1969, incomplete), and set-off order (1929). | |
Winona County: School District No. 86/2609, Dresbach Township: An Inventory of Its Records | gr00555 |
Clerk's (1901-1972) and treasurer's (1954-1973) books, school board minutes (1967-1972), teacher's contracts (1972-1974), policies and procedures (1968-1969), school census (1912-1971), and complete combination record books (1940-1941). |
New and Updated Catalog Records
United States. Army. Minnesota Cavalry Regiment, 1st (1862-1863). Company H Record Books. |
Two record books of Company H of the First Minnesota Cavalry Regiment, which was a part of the Sibley Expedition (1863) against the Dakota Indians who had instigated hostilities in southwestern Minnesota in August 1862 sparking the U.S.-Dakota War. |
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